Search Results | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Searching for Subject: Czechoslovakia (Europe)

- RG-12.05.04, Czechoslovakia prepares to repell German agression, 1938, film
- RG-13.125, Wallenberg inquiries
- RG-16.13.04, A permit for unrestrictive movement, 11 August 1945
- RG-23.06.01, An honor guard forms in the Prague Castle awaiting Hitler visit, March 1939
- RG-23.06.02, Czechs watch German troops entering Prague, March 15, 1939, copyrighted
- RG-23.06.03, Eduard Benes, second president of Czecho-Slovakia, photograph
- RG-23.06.04, German troops enter Prague, March 15, 1939
- RG-23.06.05, Hitler reviews the honor guard inside the Prague Castle, March 1939, US National Archive
- RG-23.06.07, Official announcement in German and Czech, Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia, November 1939
- RG- Introductory Placard
- RG-27.01.41, Schoenberg to the City Council of Munich (English)
- RG-46.02.10, German High military command of the Czech lands, July 1941
- RG-, Arpad Foldes, Czech Army sergeant, top right, 1939
- RG-, Arpad Foldes, soccer team, 6th from left, Nitra, Czechoslovakia
- RG-, Embroidered coin purse by Sarlota Foldes Kulka, circa 1920
- RG-, Elena and Martin Binder, before 1935
- RG-, Elena Binderova estate and Martin Binder near Senec Slovak Republic, before 1935
- RG-, Elena Binderova Kulka with Karol Blanar, around 1943
- RG-, Ernest Foldes, oldest brother of Arpad Foldes, pre-war
- RG-, Francisca Kulka Spiegel with Gabriella Karin, 1930 or 1931
- RG-, Markus Foldes, before 1935
- RG-, Miki Kulka, pre-war
- RG-, Paula Foldes Silbering, pre-war
- RG-52.02.01, Eva Kemenyova from Prostejov, entry notebook
- RG-52.02.02, Eva Kemenyova, entry notebook
- RG-52.02.03, Label Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia
- RG-52.02.04, Certificate of no criminal record for emigration, Eva Kemenyova, August 1939
- RG-52.02.05, Custom certificate, confirmation to not export, July 1939
- RG-52.02.06, Certificate of vaccination for emigration, 1939
- RG-52.02.07, Impfzeugnis vaccination certificate, 1939
- RG-52.02.08, List of allowed items for emigration, August 1939
- RG-52.02.12, Elen Ozanova, envelope of letter to Gabriella Karin
- RG-52.02.13, Impfkarte vaccination cold chain card issued in Theresienstadt
- RG-52.02.15, Form from doctor in Theresienstadt, visit by Zoltan Foldes
- RG-52.02.16, Form from doctor in Theresienstadt, Zoltan Foldes, indicates workplace and occupation
- RG-52.02.17, Custom certificate
- RG-72.10.104, Postal Document from Malmö, Sweden to Theresienstadt, sent from Henrik Pollak to Nelly Pollak, 14 September 1944
- RG-72.10.44, Postcard from Olois Klimt in Moravia to Ferdinand Vejnarek in Prague, 26 March 1943
- RG-72.10.50, Envelope sent from Evolo Leksa in Osterode, the Dora-Mittelbau labor camp to Slavek Prihonskj in Prague, 21 June 1942
- RG-72.10.51, Envelope sent from Evolo Leksa in Osterode to Slavek Prihonsky in Protektorat Bohmen, 24 August 1942
- RG-72.13.37, Antisemitic postcard, 'Jenom Klid Obcane', undated
- RG-72.18.23, Postcard to Pal Hajdu in Garany, Hungary (Hran, Slovakia) from Topolya (Backa Topola, Serbia), 30 November 1942.
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