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Searching for Subject: Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe, Gerhard Wallbach

- RG-75.03.08, Central Bureau for the Settlement of German Jews, letter on behalf of Gerhard Wallbach, December 1, 1938
- RG-75.03.09, Gerhard Wallbach, certification of no financial obligation and no obstacles for issuance of passport. Berlin, 1939
- RG-75.03.10, Certificate issued to Gerhard Wallbach with regard to his no financial obligation to Germany, Berlin. February 22, 1939
- RG-75.03.11, Gerhard Wallbach, Certificate of his application of taking from his account 1500 RM before emigration, 1939
- RG-75.03.12, Gerhard Wallbach, Jewish Agency for Palestine, European Offices. February 24, 1939
- RG-75.03.13, Letter on behalf of Gerhard Wallbach, issued by the Jewish Community of Berlin
- RG-75.03.14, Letter for Gerhard Wallbach with regard to German-Jewish refugees expelled to Poland. Berlin, July 3, 1939
- RG-75.03.15, Letter informing Gerhard Wallbach about the issuance of three financial clearances. March 22, 1939
- RG-75.03.16, Kennkarte, German identification card, issued to Gerhard Wallbach. April 1, 1939
- RG-75.03.17, Gerhard Wallbach, Immigration to Palestine, letter from the British Passport Control Office. April 15, 1939
- RG-75.03.21, Gerhard Wallbach, identification card issued to him by the Palestinian government. April 27, 1939
- RG-75.03.22, Road Pass according to the Defence Regulations in Palestine, issued to Gerhard Wallbach. May 1, 1939
- RG-75.03.23, The Jewish Agency for Palestine, Central Bureau for the Settlement of German Jews. August 28, 1939
- RG-75.03.24, Hitachduth, Identification issued to Gerhard Wallbach in relation to German-Jewish immigration to Palestine, 1940
- RG-75.03.25, Identification issued to Gerhard Wallbach by Passive Defence Services, Tel Aviv Municipal A.R.P. Services, 1941
- RG-75.03.26, Jewish-Palestinian identification document issued to Gerhard Wallbach in 1942
- RG-75.03.27, Palestinian Citizenship Certiifcate issued to Gerhard Wallbach, September 24, 1942
- RG-75.03.28, Palestinian identification document issued to Gerhard Wallbach, March 3, 1942.
- RG-75.03.29, British Palestinian Passport, issued to Gerhard Wallbach. Palestine, 1944
- RG-75.03.30, Health Card issued to Else Wallbach by Jewish Agency for Palestine. June 21, 1933
- RG-75.03.31, Palestine Immigrant Certificate issued to Else Wallbach in Berlin. June, 1933
- RG-75.03.32, Palestinian Citizenship Certificate issued to Else Wallbach. Palestine, May 27, 1940
- RG-75.03.33, British Palestinian Passport issued to Else Wallbach, Palestine. September 13, 1945
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