Search Results | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Searching for Subject: Nazi Soldiers

- RG-16.12.101, A German general has chow
- RG-23.24.09, German soldiers march through Warsaw, 5 October 1939, Public domain
- RG-23.24.11, Jews from villages in rural Poland are forced to move to a ghetto, Poland, 1939-1945
- RG-45.02.39, Hitler and a child in SA uniform, 1942
- RG-45.02.58, Lodz ghetto, allegedly a deportation scene
- RG-45.02.73, Nazi Germany, a German woman is publicly humiliated for intimate relations with Jews
- RG-45.02.74, Nuremberg, Nazi rally
- RG-45.03.21, Jews, staying before the sign, Jews are not allowed
- RG-45.03.42, Nazis humiliate Jews
- RG-46.04.26, Himmler (right) and Von Ribbentrop (left) chat during a Nazi rally
- RG-46.04.27, Hitler in the car, accompanied by the high-ranking SS officials
- RG-46.04.31, Jews hiding in a bunker in the Warsaw Ghetto are being captured by the Germans, May 1943
- RG-46.04.40, Major General Juergen Stroop, supression of the Warsaw ghetto uprising, April, 1943
- RG-46.04.43, The Jews from the Hungarian-annexed territories are on the Auschwitz-Birkenau platform, 1944
- RG-46.04.55, Survivors of the Warsaw ghetto convoyed by the Germans to deportation, May, 1943
- RG-46.04.57, Two members of the Jewish Fighters Organization are captured in Warsaw, May, 1943
- RG-46.06.17, A Jewish boy caught by the German guard while smuggling bread int the ghetto
- RG-46.10.04, (upper) June 1940 Nazi troops marching to Champs-Elysees; (lower) Hitler, Keitel, and Speidel on Montmarte
- RG-46.11.01, An African-American soldier with the 12th infantry div of the 7th US Army stands guard over a group of German soldiers, April 1945
- RG-66.131, Greece, German soldiers raising the Nazi flag near Acropolis, 1941
- RG-79.01.94, Nemzetor, A Militiaman, Hungarian periodical, January 9, 1945. No 7
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