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Searching for Subject: Judenrat (Jewish council), Lodz ghetto

- German Crimes in Poland
- German Crimes in Poland, 1939-1945
- German Crimes in Poland, 1939-1945

- RG-11.01.01, From Fela Grynbaum to Lodz ghetto re Rozenbaum and Grynbaum, Lodz_23 July 1941
- RG-11.01.04, From M. Rozenblam [Shanghai] to Chaim Rumkowski inquiring about B. Klainer, Lodz ghetto_28 October 1941
- RG-11.01.05, From R Lipszyc to D. Lipszyc in New York, Lodz Ghetto_18 September 1940
- RG-11.01.06, From Stockholm to Lina Nieswiski, Lodz ghetto_23 February 1942
- RG-11.01.07, Jewish postal stamps, Lodz ghetto
- RG-11.01.08, Pharmacy labels 1 [internally, externally], Lodz ghetto
- RG-11.01.09, Pharmacy labels 2 [internally, externally], Lodz ghetto
- RG-11.01.10, To Lodz ghetto Judenrat re application of Noech Waksberg
- RG-11.01.11, To Rumkowski re deposit of August Frey, Lodz ghetto_11 July 1941
- RG-11.03.02, Lodz Ghetto paper money
- RG-11.03.15, A Judenraet member
- RG-11.04.01, Dawid Gertler Papers 1, pages 1-3, Yiddish in German script
- RG-11.04.02, Dawid Gertler Papers 2, pages 1-6, Yiddish in German script
- RG-11.05.02, Meeting of a Judenrat committe
- RG-11.05.03, A Lodz Judenrat member
- RG-11.05.04, Chaim Rumkowski and other Judenrat members
- RG-11.05.06, Chaim Rumkowski meets young people, close up
- RG-11.05.07, Chaim Rumkowski and other Judenrat officials
- RG-11.05.08, Lodz Ghetto Judenrat officials
- RG-11.05.09, An opening ceremony, depicting Chaim Rumkowski
- RG-11.05.10, Chaim Rumkowski at a public gathering
- RG-11.05.11, Chaim Rumkowski meets young people
- RG-11.06.01, Lodz Ghetto, Jerzy Tomaszewski Collection of photographs
- RG-45.02.59, Lodz ghetto, Chaim Mordechaj Rumkowski speaking at the Judenrat meeting
- RG-63.02.49, Rumkowski, front row, D. Warszawaki, D.Fuchs, A. Jakubowicz, D. Gertler, S.Erlich, K. Sienicki, L.Rozenblat, H.Kaufmann, BL, Israel
- RG-68.13, Morderchai Chaim Rumkowski in a group, middle row, third
- RG-72.02.19, Envelope from the Labor Department, Metal-working division of the Jewish Council of Lodz Ghetto
- RG-72.02.20, A request for mainting a telephone line by the Jewish Council of Lodz and trasferring it to a ghetto pharmacy, 3 May 1940
- RG-72.02.25, Postal stamps from Lodz (Litzmannstadt) ghetto featuring Chaim Mordechaj Rumkowski, Chairman of the Jewish Council
- RG-72.02.29, Postcard from Budapest to Matt Wozasek in Lodz Ghetto, 24 February 1942
- RG-, Postcard from Rachela Fraenkel to the Jewish Committee in Litzmannstadt, postmarked 5 July 1941
- RG-, Postcard from Celina Bauman in Minsk to the Jewish council in Litzmannstadt, date unknown
- RG-, Postcard from Nacha Bauda in Germany to the Jewish Committee in Litzmannstadt, postmarked 9 September 1941
- RG-, Postcard from the Judenrat in Drohobycz to the Judenrat in Litzmannstadt, postmarked 17 October 1941
- RG-, Postcard from the council of Jewish elders in Tschenstochau to the Jewish council, dated 11 February 1941
- RG-, Postcard from J. Rozenkrane in Opatow-Kielecki, Poland to the Judenrat Lodz, postmarked 7 July 1941
- RG-, Envelope sent to the Jewish Council of Lodz ghetto from Jewish cultural community in Bytom, Poland
- RG-, To Lodz ghetto Judenrat regarding application of Noech Waksberg from the major of Lodz, 16 July 1941
- RG-, From the mayor of Lodz to Rumkowski regarding deposit of August Frey, Lodz ghetto 11 July 1941
- RG-, Ghetto currency from Litzmannstadt- 20 RM, 1 RM, and 50 Pfennig
- RG-, Ghetto currency, 10 RM, Litzmannstadt, 1943
- RG-, Ghetto currency, 10 RM, Litzmannstadt, 1943
- RG-72.0703.66, Postcard sent to the Jewish Concil of Lodz from the Judenrat Czestochowa, about Szulim Kochanski, 11 February 1941
- RG-72.16.13, Postcard sent from the Judenrat in Pacanow to the Judenrat in Lodz, 29 September 1942
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