Search Results | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Searching for Subject: Chaim Rumkowski, chairman of the Judenrat in the Lodz ghetto
- Lodz Ghetto
- Łódź Ghetto, 1940-1949
- Łódź Ghetto, 1940-1949
- Photo Archive of the Holocaust
- Photo Archive of the Holocaust, 1939-1945
- Photo Archive of the Holocaust, 1939-1945
- German Crimes in Poland
- German Crimes in Poland, 1939-1945
- German Crimes in Poland, 1939-1945
- Wiener Library Photo-Documents
- Wiener Library photo documents, 1938-1940
- Wiener Library photo documents, 1938-1940
- RG-01.11.04, David Gertler, Estera Epstein, statement for the Jewish Court of Honor, translation
- RG-01.11.06, David Gertler, p. 22, translation
- RG-01.11.08, Dawid Gertler papers p. 34, translation
- RG-01.11.15, Dawid Gertler papers, pp. 17,18, translation
- RG-01.11.17 Dawid Gertler, defense August 1949, translation
- RG-01.11.18, Dawid Gertler Papers, 10,11,14,15,19,20, 23,25,-27, 29,32,33,37-41, the entire document, Yiddish
- RG-01.11.19, Dawid Gertler Papers, p. 27, 30, translation
- RG-01.11.20, Dawid Gertler, defense notes, Yiddish, August 1949
- RG-01.11.23, Dawid Gertler Papers p. 39, witnesses, , translation
- RG-01.11.25, Dawid Gertler Papers, Notes in Yiddish, recollections, 1-9
- RG-01.11.26, Dawid Gertler Papers, Notes in Yiddish, p. 17
- RG-01.11.27, Dawid Gertler Papers, witnesses, Yiddish, p. 42,
- RG-01.11.28, Dawid Gertler Papers, witnesses, English and Yiddish, p. 43,
- RG-01.11.29, Dawid Gertler Papers, Investigative materials , translations
- RG-07.03.23, Pamietnik z getta Lodzkiego by Jakub Poznański
- RG-11.01.04, From M. Rozenblam [Shanghai] to Chaim Rumkowski inquiring about B. Klainer, Lodz ghetto_28 October 1941
- RG-11.01.05, From R Lipszyc to D. Lipszyc in New York, Lodz Ghetto_18 September 1940
- RG-11.03.03, Chaim Rumkowski speaks at the Judenrat meeting
- RG-11.03.05 Mordechaj Chaim Rumkowski speaking in a Jewish Council meeting, Tomaszewski Archive, LAMOTH
- RG-11.03.08, Chaim Rumkowski and Hans Biebow, chief of Nazi administration in Lodz Ghetto
- RG-11.03.09, Chaim Rumkowski speaks at a public event
- RG-11.03.10, Szlama Rochwerger identification
- RG-11.03.11- Chaim Rumkowski in Lodz Ghetto theater with Judenrat officials
- RG-11.03.12, Chaim Rumkowski with his fellow Judenrat employees
- RG-11.03.13, Chaim Rumkowski speaks to a Jewish gathering in the Lodz Ghetto
- RG-11.03.14, Jewish children in Jewish ghetto militia uniforms
- RG-11.04.05, Dawid Gertler Papers 5, pages 1 -15, testimonies of witnesses, 1942, Yiddish, 1949
- RG-11.04.08, Testimonies of witnesses of the Dawid Gertler trial, 1949, 1949
- RG-11.04.14, Dawid Gertler Papers 14, one page in Yiddish
- RG-11.04.17 Dawid Gertler Papers 17, pages 1-18, notes in Yiddish
- RG-11.04.18, Dawid Gertler Papers 18, pages 1-28, notes in Yiddish
- RG-11.04.22, Dawid Gertler Papers 22, Ammendments to the protocol on fourteen pages in Yiddish
- RG-11.05.01, Lodz Ghetto, Arthur Garfunkel Collection of photographs, 1941-1944
- RG-11.05.04, Chaim Rumkowski and other Judenrat members
- RG-11.05.05, Chaim Rumkowski and Lodz Ghetto symbols
- RG-11.05.06, Chaim Rumkowski meets young people, close up
- RG-11.05.07, Chaim Rumkowski and other Judenrat officials
- RG-11.05.09, An opening ceremony, depicting Chaim Rumkowski
- RG-11.05.10, Chaim Rumkowski at a public gathering
- RG-11.05.11, Chaim Rumkowski meets young people
- RG-11.06.01, Lodz Ghetto, Jerzy Tomaszewski Collection of photographs
- RG-45.02.59, Lodz ghetto, Chaim Mordechaj Rumkowski speaking at the Judenrat meeting
- RG-63.02.16, Rumkowski performs wedding ceremony after abolition of the rabbinate, ca 1943
- RG-63.02.17, Rumkowski, appeal to to submit to deportation voluntarely , August 1944, Translation
- RG-63.02.21, Rumkowski in the carriage, riding around the ghetto
- RG-63.02.23, Rumkowski General Curfew Announcement, September 5, 1942, deportations began
- RG-63.02.34, Chaim Rumkowski before his deportation to Auchwitz
- RG-63.02.35, Chaim Rumkowski oil painting
- RG-63.02.49, Rumkowski, front row, D. Warszawaki, D.Fuchs, A. Jakubowicz, D. Gertler, S.Erlich, K. Sienicki, L.Rozenblat, H.Kaufmann, BL, Israel
- RG-63.02.50, Lodz ghetto, The only way is to work
- RG-63.02.53, Documents regarding the establishment of the Jewish Council in Lodz, 1939--1940
- RG-63.02.58, Empowerment and restriction of Chaim Rumkowski in his function as head of the Judenrat (Jewish Council) in Lodz, 1940
- RG-63.02.59, Report about the restructuring of the Jewish community and Jewish organizations by Chaim Rumkowski, Lodz, 1940
- RG-63.02.61, Supervision, gateway regulations and restrictions in the ghetto of Lodz, 1940
- RG-63.02.63, Administrative agreements between Nazi authorities of the Lodz ghetto, 1940 -- 1941
- RG-63.02.64, Ordinance about the handling of the confiscated goods and the role of Chaim Rumkowski in the aforementioned
- RG-63.02.66, Financial documents regarding statements of financial position of the ghetto administration
- RG-63.02.67, Listing of confiscated goods and goods handed over to Chaim Rumkowski, Lodz, 1941 -- 1942
- RG-63.02.71, File memo of day to day matters in the ghetto of Lodz, 1941
- RG-63.02.73, Correspondence between the German authorities of Lodz and Wartheland regarding the transfer of Jews into the Lodz ghetto, 1941
- RG-68.13, Morderchai Chaim Rumkowski in a group, middle row, third
- RG-72.02.09, Inquiry from Otto Tuchmayer in Nancy, France to the Jewish Council of Lodz, 13 October 1941
- RG-72.02.20, A request for mainting a telephone line by the Jewish Council of Lodz and trasferring it to a ghetto pharmacy, 3 May 1940
- RG-, Inquiry from Jewish community in Muehlental, Germany to Ch. Rumkowski, 27 September 1941
- RG-, From M. Rozenblum [Shanghai] to Chaim Rumkowski inquiring about B. Klainer, Lodz ghetto 28 October 1941
- RG-, From Salomon Yoles in Urbisaglia, Italy to the Jewish elder in Lodz, 27 March
- RG-, Postcard from Opoczno to the Jewish elders at Lodz, 12 August 1941
- RG-, Postcard sent from Michat Moszkowicz in Rawa Mazoweicka to the Jewish council at Lodz, 17 November 1941
- RG-, Postcard sent from Hochwalit in Rochalyn to the Jewish elders at Lodz, 20 September 1941
- RG-, Postcard sent from Bentshen to Rumkowski in Lodz, 29 September 1941
- RG-, Postcard sent from M. Nisenbaum in Paris to Ch Rumkowski the Jewish elder at Lodz, 18 March 1942
- RG-, Postcard from Lille, France to Lodz, written to CH. Runkowski from A. Grundman, 11 March 1942
- RG-, Inquiry from a person in German labor service to Judenrat in Vienna, 29 September 1942
- RG-, Postcard sent to the Jewish council Lodz from the Judenrat at Czestochowa, inquiry, 11 February 1941
- RG-, Postcard from Berlin to the Judenrat of Lodz Ghetto, 11 December 1941
- RG-, Letter to Lodz from Paris, written to Ch. Rumkovski from H. Fromanger, 12 March 1942
- RG-, Postcard from Chmielnik, Poland to the Judenrat of Lodz, inquiry written by J. Plozycki, 15 July 1941
- RG-, Postcard from Josef Goldsztajn in Piotrkow with regards to his daughter Anka Goldsztajn, 15 November 1941
- RG-, Postcard from Frysztak, Polland to Lodz, written from L. Libermone, 29 September 1941
- RG-, Postcard from Busko-Zdrój, Poland to the Judenrat Lodz, 13 April 1940
- RG-, Postcard from Urbisaglia, Italy to the Judenrat in Lodz, from Salomon Joles to Rumkovski, 14 March 1942
- RG-, Postcard, from Krakow to Lodz Ghetto, Inquiry about Blima Kruszel from Szulim Redlich, 23 January 1941
- RG-, Postcard, Inquiry to the Judenrat Lodz, from Bruno Guttmann, Vienna regarding Elsa Sara Einohrl, 5 December 1941
- RG-, Postcard, Inquiry from Łańcut, Poland to Judenrat Lodz, from B. Witenberg regarding A. Witenberg, 16 January 1941
- RG-, Postcard, Inquiry from Opatow, Kielecki, Poland to the Judenrat in Lodz, written from Rozenkranc, 7 June 1941
- RG-, Postcard from Lens, France to the Judenrat of Lodz, written from D. Rosenthal, 16 August 1941
- RG-, Postcard from Tuchmayer to Chaim Rumkowski, Lodz 13 October 1941
- RG-, Postcard from Manie Fajertuen in Unterschleissheim to the Jewish council of Lodz, 3 September 1942
- RG-, Postcard from Ruver Fiszel in Zdunska Wola to the Jewish council leader in Litzmannstadt, dated 10 June 1941
- RG-, Postcard from the Judenrat in Dzialoszyce to the Jewish council leader in Litzmannstadt, dated 18 February 1941.
- RG-, Postcard from the Judenrat in Staszow to the Jewish council leader in Litzmannstadt, dated 20 June 1941
- RG-, Postcard from the Judenrat in Hrubieszow to the Jewish council leader in Litzmannstadt, dated 19 June 1941
- RG-, Postcard from the council of Jewish elders in Tschenstochau to the Jewish council of Lodz, 11 July 1941
- RG-, Postcard from a Tarnowska in Konskie to the Jewish council leader in Litzmannstadt, postmarked 16 July 1941
- RG-, Postcard from Gusta Hochwald in Rochalyn to H. Rumkowski in Litzmannstadt, 20 September 1941
- RG-, Postcard from the Judenrat in Kalusch to Ch. Rumkowski in Litzmannstadt, postmarked 26 September 1941
- RG-, Postcard from Ch. Rumkowski in Litzmannstadt to Dawid Goralski in Sao Paulo, Brazil, postmarked 16 December 1940
- RG-, Postcard from Boruch Garfinkel in Kreis Skierniewice to the Jewish council leader in Litzmannstadt, undated
- RG-, Postcard from Josef Goldsztajn in Petrikau to the Jewish council in Lodz, 15 November 1941
- RG-, Postcard from the Jewish Relief Committee in Lentschuetz to the Jewish council Lodz, 12 August 1941
- RG-, Postcard from Jakob Grynszpan in Sternberg to the forced labor leader in Litzmannstadt, postmarked 28 July 1941
- RG-, Postcard from Lilly Rozenblum in Warsaw to Ch. Rumkowski in Litzmannstadt, postmarked 18 November 1941
- RG-, Envelope sent to the Jewish Council of Lodz ghetto from Jewish cultural community in Bytom, Poland
- RG-72.16.14, Postcard sent from Jewish Community in Muhlental (Kolo) to Rumkowski in Lodz, informing about the Jews in Kolo and the Jewish Hospital in Poznan (Posen), 27 September 1941
- RG-72.19.10, Ration card for bread issued by the Office of Chariman Rumkowski of the Lodz ghetto to the children
- RG-72.20.07, The Lodz Ghetto Quittung (receipts for paper money), note of 50 pfennig, 1 mark, and 20 mark, Jewish bank note, May 1940
- RG-72.20.08, The Lodz Ghetto Quittung (receipts for paper money), note of 2 mark, Jewish bank note, May 1940
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