Search Results | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Searching for Subject: German-Nazi crimes in occupied countries of Europe

- Postwar Publications and Scholarship on the Holocaust
- No Classification

- RG-11.02.01, Documents about German occupation of Poland, the ghetto Lodz
- RG-13.131, draft on report of German crimes in Poland
- RG-13.192, Persecutions of the Jews in Nazi Slovakia, three paages, 1942
- RG-13.198 to the question of German atrocities, in French, 1944
- RG-13.235 Pologne 1940 publication on the Jewish perdicament in the German-occupied territories
- RG-16.12.99, Nazi behind Malmedy slayings of 100 yanks found by 1st division, 19 August 1945
- RG-45.01.01, All That Remained Photo Montage
- RG-45.02.01, A concentration camp at liberation
- RG-45.02.02, A Jewish order policeman with his wife and son, Lodz ghetto
- RG-45.02.03, Adam Czerniakow at the roll call with the Jewish order police, Warsaw ghetto
- RG-45.02.83, Registration in the Ghetto
- RG-45.02.98, Vienna under the Nazi authorities
- RG-63.03.04, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-63.03.06, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-63.03.09, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-63.03.10, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-63.03.12, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-63.03.14, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-63.03.15, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-63.03.16, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-63.03.18, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-66.109, Lviv, Humiliation of Jews by the German soldiers
- RG-66.110, Lviv Order to establish the Jewish district, the Ghetto, signed by the Governor of District Galicia, Dr. Lasch, November 1941
- RG-66.74, Romanian Jews sorting out Soviet guns confiscated by Germans, 1941
- RG-66.75, Romanian Jews are rounded up, 1941
- RG-66.76, Romania, Jews being arrested, 1941
- RG-66.77, Romania, Jews are rounded up before the deportation, ca 1941
- RG-66.78, Romanian Jews are rounded up before the deportation, ca 1941
- RG-66.79, Romanian Jews are rounded up before the deoportation, 1941
- RG-70.01, Babi Yar, aftermath of the massacre, three German officers
- RG-70.02, Babi Yar, German soldiers and Ukrainian policemen cover the victims by soil and sand
- RG-70.03, Babi Yar, German soldiers looking through the multiple pieces of cloth left by the victims
- RG-70.04, Babi Yar, Two local women taking to a German soldier at the ravine
- RG-70.05, Babi Yar, Three German officers on the edge of the revine
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