Search Results | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Searching for Subject: official correspondence

- Liselotte Melhorn Papers
- Liselotte Melhorn Papers, 1936-1970
- Liselotte Melhorn Papers, 1936-1970
- Marion E. Kenworthy Papers (duplicates)
- Anton Karl Papers
- Anton Karl Papers, 1933-1944
- Anton Karl Papers, 1933-1944
- Jeffrey Mausner Papers of postwar collaboration trials

- RG- 80.08.01, Anatoly Hrusitsky renounce citizenship.Mausner
- RG-, Nika Fleissig, personal documents
- RG-, Letter from Nika Fleissig in White Plains, NY, to the German place for reparations payments
- RG-, Letter from the American Embassy in Warsaw to Nika Fleissig, on July 21, 1982
- RG-, Copy of letter from Nika Fleissig to Yad Vashem, Department for the Righteous, 1979
- RG-, Letter from Yad Vashem to Nika Fleissig, June 26, 1979
- RG-, Letter from German lawyers and notaries to Alfred Fleissig in White Plains, NY
- RG-, Letter from German lawyers and notaries to Alfred Fleissig, regarding reparations
- RG-, German and English letter from Alfred Fleissig to the lawyers in Germany, September 1965
- RG-, Letter for Nika Fleissig, from Nathaniel H. Schwartz, MD, on April 21, 1952
- RG-03.02.06, Restitution papers, 1
- RG-03.02.07, Restitution papers, 2
- RG-05.03.02, Collection of Congratulating telegrams sent to Dr. Hellmuth
- RG-07.01.42, Photograph, Letter concerning the removal of gold teeth
- RG-11.01.02, From Lodz ghetto Judenrat to Prague re Kamila Lavecky [she arrived from Prague transport healthy
- RG-11.01.10, To Lodz ghetto Judenrat re application of Noech Waksberg
- RG-11.01.11, To Rumkowski re deposit of August Frey, Lodz ghetto_11 July 1941
- RG-13.102, Memorandum to Mr. Meyer, 1942
- RG-13.103, from the Palestinian office in Geneve, in Hebrew, 1941
- RG-13.104, from the Palestinian office in Geneve, in Hebrew, 1941
- RG-13.106, letter from Marie Ginsberg fto Count Raczynski, Polish ambassador to UK
- RG-13.109, from Soviet Intourist office in Berlin to Kuehl, April 1941
- RG-13.115, the Jewish agency for Paletine in Istambul in the case of Charas-Kuehl
- RG-13.118, about a Paraguay visa
- RG-13.119, Report for Jewish community in Brussels, November 1944
- RG-13.120, French service of evacuation, Paris, 1944
- RG-13.121, French service of evacuation, report, Paris, 1944
- RG-13.122, French service of evacuation, letters, Paris, 1944
- RG-13.123, to Kuehl, resided in Florida, 1982, movie business
- RG-13.124, from World Jewish Congress regarding Wallenberg, 1979
- RG-13.125, Wallenberg inquiries
- RG-13.126, Inquiries on Swedish wartime rescue activities
- RG-13.127, about Wallenberg and Bernadotte
- RG-13.129, from Wiesethal center to Kuehl in Florida, 1982
- RG-13.130, Report on visiting France and Belgium in 1944
- RG-13.131, draft on report of German crimes in Poland
- RG-13.136, Dr. Hans Klee
- RG-13.142, from Police and Sanitary authorities of Bern to Kuehl, 1940
- RG-13.144, to Minister of Religions and Education of Poland in London from the association of Polish students in Switzerland, 1941
- RG-13.145, to the Committee of Prisoners of War from the Red Cross in Switzerland, 1941
- RG-13.146, from Apostolic legation, a note, in French
- RG-13.147, from the Consulate of Nikaragua, letter, 1943
- RG-13.148, Report on the caps for prisoners of war in Germany and USSR, 1940, in French
- RG-13.150, from Minister Lados, budget for June 1942
- RG-13.151, to Kuehl from Apostolic nuncio, 1941, in French
- RG-13.152, Letters from Kuehl to various officials, 1942, in German
- RG-13.154, Collection of German orders and regulation for the Jews in Generalgouvernement, 1939, 1940
- RG-13.156, German regulations for the Jews in Wartheland and Posen, 1939
- RG-13.16, Letter to the Polish Consulate in Bern, Switzerland regarding its dimplmat Dr. Kuehl
- RG-13.166c, Correspondence to Kuehl in the question of Jewish refugees, 1944, 1945
- RG-13.17, Letter from Political department of Swiss Police to Polish Consulate in Bern, Switzerland regarding its diplomat Dr. Kuehl, 1944
- RG-13.18, Letter from Justice Department, Police division, Switzerland to Polish Consulate in Bern regarding the diplomat Dr. Kuehl, 1943
- RG-13.204, a letter to Kuehl from a travel agency in Berlin, April 1941
- RG-13.216, Telegram to Kuehl from Polish primeminister in exhile Mikolajczhyk, 1946
- RG-13.217, a note from Polish minister Lados to Kuehl, undated
- RG-13.225 form Agudath Israel world organization, memo, in Yiddish
- RG-13.226, from Apostolick Nuncio in Bern to Kuehl, September 1945
- RG-13.24, Correspondence from Polish Consulate in Bern, in French
- RG-13.25, From Polish Consulate in Bern to Jewish Agency in Jerusalem
- RG-13.26, From Polish Consulate in Bern in the case of Julius Kuel mother
- RG-13.28, from Bern Polish consulate to the Paraguay consulate in Begium
- RG-13.29, from Jewish Agency to Polish conulate in Bern in the case of Kuehl's mother
- RG-13.31, from Philippe Bernardini, Papal Nuncio to Julius Kuehl
- RG-13.32, VAAD Hatzala
- RG-13.34, Hatzala, 1944
- RG-13.37, from Hanz Schwarz in Koeniz to the Press, 1942
- RG-13.41, Julius Kuehl, report on his business trip to France and Belgium, 1944
- RG-13.43, publication in La Resistance about the Rawa Ruska camp, in French
- RG-13.45, Letter to Dr. Kuehl from the Palestinian office in German, 1941
- RG-13.49. Letter to Dr. Leo Rosenthal
- RG-13.56, Letter to Polish consul Ignacy Schwarzbart in London, in French by Perelman
- RG-13.57, Letter to Professor Perelman from consul Schwarzbart, 1944
- RG-13.60, reference about three Polish refugees, in Polish
- RG-13.61, Invitation for Kuehl from Polish Academic Association in Bern, in Polish, 1942
- RG-13.62, a note from Dr. Scheps to Dr. Kuehl, 1941
- RG-13.65, Invitation to Kuehl from Polish Academic Association
- RG-13.66, Jewish Agency in Istanbul regarding Kuehl's mother
- RG-13.68, Jewish Agecny on Kuehl's mother, 1942
- RG-13.70, To the Poles in Switzerland, appeal, 1941
- RG-13.71, Report of a Krakow Jewish support organization, 1944
- RG-13.72, letter to Polish consul in Bern
- RG-13.73, letter to the Polish ambassador in Brussels
- RG-13.75, letter to the Jewish community in Geneve, 1940
- RG-13.77, from World Jewish Congress, Swiss branch, 1940
- RG-13.79. letter from Kuehl. 1942
- RG-13.80, Letter from Apostolic Nunciature in Bern to Kuehl
- RG-13.81, Letter from Bern Polish consulate to Lemberg, October 1941
- RG-13.85, Letter to Ignacy Schwarzbart, Polish consul in London from Perelman in Bern
- RG-13.87, Letter from Ignacy Schwarzbart, member of the National Council of Poland, to Prof. Perelman
- RG-13.90, letter to Kuehl, 1942
- RG-13.91, letter to Kuehl from a Jewish organization in Basel, 1941
- RG-13.92, letter from Polish ambassodor to Kuehl, Bern, 1940
- RG-13.93, Letter to Kuehl from Pozner, Geneve, 1941
- RG-13.94, Letter from a Jewish organization in Basel to Kuehl, 1941
- RG-13.97, letter from Jewish Agency for Palestine in Geneve to Kuehl
- RG-13.98, Telegram from Madrid to Kuehl in the question of Spanish visa
- RG- Document certifying the release from military service after the First World War; 25 November 1918
- RG- Naturalization (Romania) for Osie Itic Feuerstein and his family; 4 June 1938
- RG- Confirmation about a temporary school certificate; the original will be handed out as soon as printed; 2 July 1938
- RG- Letter to Erich Flagg about a purchase agreement that has to be approved by the German consulate; 8 March 1999
- RG- Letter to Eric Flagg about the use of remaining property in Odenheim, Germany. 13 January 1999
- RG- Contract concerning the cigar factory in Heidelberg-Kirchheim; issued 19 December 1933
- RG-16.12.01, Military registration, 1942 - 1943
- RG-16.12.02, Order to report for induction, 18 December 1942
- RG-16.12.104, Report of separation from armed forces, 4 January 1954
- RG-16.12.106, Letter from president Harry Truman
- RG-16.12.107, Joseph Rapaport, Album I
- RG-16.12.109, Joseph Rapaport, Album III
- RG-16.12.22, Engineer Combat Battalion memorandum, good conduct medal, camp McCoy in Wisconsin, 11 October 1944
- RG-17.20.25, Presidential statement on employment of aliens in national war industries, 11 July 1942 (2)
- RG-17.20.26, Letter from War Manpower Commission to Herbert Lothar Aron, 2 July 1942
- RG-17.20.27, Letter from Civil Aeronautics Administration to Herbert Lothar Aron, 9 July 1942
- RG-17.20.28, Permit for voluntary evacuation from the United States Attorney, to Herbert Lothar Aron, 14 May 1942
- RG-17.20.29, Letter from War Production Board, to Herbert Lothar Aron, 12 August 1942
- RG-17.20.41, Order to report, preinduction physical examination, selective service system, 17 April 1944
- RG-17.20.42, Certificate of Fitness, selective service system, 15 May 1944
- RG-17.20.43, Letter from war department, statutes which govern the employment of aliens on government contracts, 15 January 1942 (2)
- RG-17.20.44, Memorandum, aliens-employment of on navy national defense contracts, 18 November 1941
- RG-17.20.45, Memorandum, employment of aliens on war department contracts, 24 October 1941
- RG-, Letter to Paul R. Greenberg, 1984
- RG- Letter to Erich Leskly from his nephew, Ilan
- RG-32.02.02, Florence Klee, Affidavit and a note, February 1939
- RG-34.02.12, US Consulate in Frankfurt to Werner Schleyer, official communication
- RG-34.02.13, Official communication from Swiss Consulate in Frankfurt to Ms. Susanna Schleyer in Wiesbaden
- RG-34.02.14, Werner Schleyer telegram to US Embassy
- RG-34.02.16, Information on Material claim on the part of Werner Schleyer to Wiesbaden, 1967
- RG-34.02.17, Letter from the Council of Service for Foreign Born to Werner Schleyer
- RG-34.02.19, Official communication to American Consulate General in Stuttgart from Werner Schleyer, 23 May 1939
- RG-34.02.20, Florence Klee, Affidvit of Support or Wrner Shleyer in Frankfurt, 28 November 1938
- RG-34.02.21, Official communication from American Consulate General in Frankfurt dated by 22 July 1939
- RG-34.02.23, Official communication, American Consulate General in London to Werner Schleyer on submitting a proof of his relative US pension
- RG-34.02.25, Letter from Werner Schleyer in London to the American Consulate General in London with verification of Florence Klee's pension
- RG-34.02.26, Letter from the American Consulate in Stuttgart to Werner Schleyer in Frankfurt am Main dated 4 November 1938
- RG-34.02.29, Travel and transportation arrangements for Werner Schleyer on his voyage to the US, by Peltours Ltd., dated by 30 January 1940
- RG-34.02.39, US Army document showing that Werner Schleyer ws drafted and ordered to arrive at Fort Bowie, Texas, 14 January 1941
- RG-34.02.40, US Army document showing that Werner Schleyer was honorably discharged due to his physical disability, 12 July 1941
- RG-34.02.41, US Department of Justice, official notification issued to Werner Schleyer with regard to his petition for citizenship
- RG-34.02.42, US Department of Justice, Werner Schleyer submits information about his dates of service in the US Army, 14 August 1944
- RG-34.02.43, US Armed Forces, Certificate of honorable discharge issued to Werner Schleyer who was on active duty from 14 January to 12 July 1941
- RG-34.02.44, Werner Schleyer, presently George W. Schuyler, a donation notice, dated by 24 August 1978
- RG-34.02.45, German Jewish Aid Committee, March 28, 1939
- RG-34.02.47, Werner Schleyer telegram to Klee requesting to expedite submission of documents to the emigration authorities
- RG-37.01.13, Anna Reiss (Grete Sinai), Australia, Department of Immigration, Official Correspondence
- RG-37.02.08, Grete Sinai, job verification and reference
- RG-40.01.02, Kurt Wittler, editorial, military and civil affairs
- RG-40.03.01, Kurt Wittler, army intelligence correspondence
- RG-40.03.02, Kurt Wittler, army intelligence materials
- RG-40.03.03, Kurt Wittler, intelligence discourse
- RG-40.03.04, Kurt Wittler, service communications
- RG-43.02.80, Letter from the Director of the State Theatres, Saarbrucken, dated 19 May 1923
- RG-43.02.86, Note addressed to Alfred Glass, opera singer, 18 January 1921
- RG-43.02.88, Telegram to Alfred Glass
- RG-45.01.13, Letter from Polish Marshall Rola-Zymienski Recognizing Help from Jewish Partisans
- RG-45.01.18, Police Officer Hoffmann Report to Gestapo concerning the Jewish Question, 1943
- RG-48.02.09, Georg Anker, service record
- RG-, letter confirming Fritz passed his exams and will leave SG 30 June 1903
- RG-, letter confirming Fritz passed his exams and will leave SG 30 June 1903
- RG-59.03.14, Anton Karl, letter from military informing Margarete Karl of Anton Karl's death
- RG-59.03.15, Anton Karl and Margarete Karl Wedding Announcement
- RG-59.03.16, Anton Karl, anti-Semitic message to Franz from Kreis II district (copy)
- RG-59.03.17, Anton Karl, anti-Semitic message to Franz from Kreis II district
- RG-59.04.02, Anton Karl, letter from Margarete Karl dated 12 March 1944
- RG-59.04.03, Anton Karl, official letter notifying Margarete Karl of husband's death
- RG-59.04.04, Anton Karl, Death Notice to wife Margarete Karl
- RG-72.10.54,Envelope sent from the Refugee Children's Movement in London to the Comite de Proteccion a los Immigrantes Israelitas in Santiago, 9 October 1944
- RG-72.21.20, Envelope from Kasa Stefczyka (a bank) in Kunow to the District Authority in Opatow, Poland, 11 June 1942
- RG-72.21.38, Telegram sent to Karadeniz Eregli, Turkey, postmarked 9 September 1939
- RG-72.21.50, Envelope from Leopold Luftig in Oswego, New York to the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee in New York, NY, postmarked 4 October 1945
- RG-72.21.64, Envelope from Interniertenlager, Switzerland to Issartel Raymond, Interniertenlager, Switzerland, postmarked 15 August 1940
- RG-72.22.07, Postcard from Paris to Zurich, written from Elsa Ibraham to the Isreaelite Welfare Society in Zurich, 7 April 1942
- RG-72.22.16, Envelope to Deutsche Dienstpostamt (German post office services) in Liepāja, Latvia from the Security Police, Sipo, in Libau, 7 October 1942
- RG-72.22.32, Letter from Dr. Coper, consultant only for Jews in Berlin to Ms. Ernestine Thoma in Vienna, with a negative response for her claim October 1941
- RG-80.01.01, Otto Ambros OSI Letter
- RG-80.04.05, German Request for Assistance
- RG-80.07.04, SWC Excerpts of Record.2
- RG-80.07.05, SWC Excerpts of Record.3
- RG-, SWC Excerpts of Record, 3 Part 1
- RG-, SWC Excerpts of Record, 3 Part 2
- RG-80.07.06, Court of Appeals Decision Affirming Dismissal
- RG-80.09.01, Kalejs Interview 1.Mausner
- RG-80.09.09, Order to Show Cause
- RG-80.09.24, Govt Motion to Stay Release on Bond
- RG-80.09.25, Order Staying Release on Bond
- RG-80.11.01, Georg Leibbrandt.Mausner
- RG-80.12.01, Linnas Wartime Documents
- RG-80.12.08, Correspondence and articles re not deporting Linnas to USSR
- RG-80.12.13, LA Times Feb 12, 1987 and Mausner response
- RG-80.12.14, Proposed Mausner Op-Ed for L.A. Times re Maikovskis and Linnas cases
- RG-80.12.15, Wiesenthal Center Press Release and News Conference re Linnas
- RG-80.12.17, Deportation of Karl Linnas to USSR.Mausner
- RG-80.12.18, Mausner Letter to Panama re Linnas
- RG-80.13.38, Letter from Oberstaatsanwalt to Mausner
- RG-80.13.40, Certified Translation from German to English re Mausner testimony
- RG-80.13.43, LA Times
- RG-80.13.44, Proposed Mausner Op-Ed for L.A. Times re Maikovskis and Linnas cases
- RG-80.14.02, Mausner OSI Awards
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