Search Results | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Searching for Subject: Poland (Europe)

- Family Histories
- Family Histories, 1916-2009
- Family Histories, 1916-2009
- Jeffrey Mausner Papers of postwar collaboration trials
- Michael Resin Papers
- Michael Resin Papers, 1944-1945
- Michael Resin Papers, 1944-1945
- Henry Schwab, Correspondences and related documents of the wartime and postwar and modern periods, Poland

- Search image thumbnails (1 or more images found)
- RG-, Nika Fleissig, narrative
- RG-, Nika Fleissig, personal documents
- RG-, Index of the “Alicia Magall Collection – Photographs”
- RG-, Duplicate of Polish birth certificate, issued to Bronislawa Felicja Kohn, 1982
- RG-, Nika Fleissig, photographs, her husband
- RG-, Nika Fleissig, photographs, prewar Poland
- RG-01.04.09, Esther Przeworski Pratt testimony of the annihilation of Jewish Intelligentsia in Czestochowa, Polish
- RG-01.04.12, Esther Przeworski-Pratt Speech at the Conference of the Council of Jewish Post-War Organizations, 1970
- RG-01.04.14, Esther (Anna) Przeworski-Pratt, photographs
- RG-07.02.01, Biuletyn Glownej Komisji Badania Zbrodni Hitlerowskich W Polsce
- RG-07.02.02, Dokumenty Materialy Getto Lodzkie
- RG-07.02.03, Janowska Camp, Uniwersytet Zbirow by Michal M. Borwicz
- RG-07.03.04, German atrocities and annihilation of the Jews of Warsaw
- RG-07.03.05, Destruction and Rising. The Epic of the Jews in Warsaw, a book
- RG-07.03.08, Pages of a Ghetto-Diary
- RG-07.03.10, Paragraf 1 Zbrodnia (Paragraph 1, Crime) by Wiktor Lemiesz
- RG-07.03.13, Śpiew Za Drutami Poezjie (Singing behind Barbed Wires) by Jakόb Apenszlak
- RG-07.03.14, Polska Droga The Poles Will Not Accept Defeat 1939-1946
- RG-07.03.21,Literatura W Obozie by Michał M. Borwicz.
- RG-07.03.24, Zbrodnie Wehrmachtu na jencach by Szymon Datner
- RG-07.03.27, Biuletyn Zydiwskiego Instytutu Historycznego by Various Authors-Tatiana Berenstein
- RG-08.01.02, David Kubaschka, Polish Passport
- RG-110.01, Envelope from Hermes business association in Warsaw, April 28, 1941
- RG-110.02, Envelope to Irene Shwartzberg in Boston (USA) from Roza Kranenwald in Warsaw, October 24 1940
- RG-110.03, Postal receipt for Gitle Goldin in Warsaw, to unknown in Lisbon, June 10 1941
- RG-110.04, Postal receipt from A. Buksztajn in Lowicz, to Josek Buksztajn in Warsaw, July 12, 1941
- RG-110.06, Postal receipt from Eli Kogau in Warsaw, to Teichtahall in Krakow, 29 November 1940
- RG-110.07, Postal receipt from H. Landan in Chelm, to Ch. Klaper in Warsaw, July 12, 1941
- RG-110.08, Postal receipt from J Handelski in Patkow, to G Dajtszman in Warsaw, May 12 1941
- RG-110.09, Postal receipt from Laslonak in Rzeszow to R. Rauss in Warsaw, May 30, 1941
- RG-110.10, Postal receipt from M. Fucheweller, to M. Szere in Warsaw
- RG-110.11, Postal receipt form M. Herszman in Lublin, to F. Graff in Warsaw, May 27, 1941
- RG-110.12, Postal receipt from P. Flancman in Sandomierz, to I. Kurebart in Warsaw
- RG-110.13, Postal receipt from R. Mesenberg in Ostrowiec, to S. Kronenberg in Warsaw, May 15 1941
- RG-110.14, Postal receipt from M Rubinsztajn in Debica, to M Lachman in Warsaw. May 1941
- RG-110.21, Postcard from Committee for Polish jews, to Jewish Labor Committee in New York, January 31, 1946
- RG-110.24, Postcard from Dr. H Tepper in Berlin, to Sadu Grodzkiego in Trzemeszno, February 23, 1939
- RG-110.27, Postcard from Feliks Weinucki in Zamosc, to Michalski in Warsaw, February 1940
- RG-110.29, Postcard from Fryduyk Tugeutel in Warsaw, to Emil Zollmann in Slatina Romania, March 6 1942
- RG-110.30, Postcard from Guthan in Warsaw, to Lowenthal in Brussels, November 20 1941
- RG-110.31, Postcard from Helena Lipinski in Warsaw, to S.D. Shaffitt in Bronx NY, 29 May 1941
- RG-110.32, Postcard from Jewish Self-Help Society in Warsaw, to HICEM in Lisbon, May 26, 1941
- RG-110.33, Postcard from Jewish Self-Help Society in Warsaw, to HICEM in Lisbon, September 23, 1941
- RG-110.34, Postcard from Joachim Lollmann in Solec-Zdroj, to Emil Lollmann in Slatina Romania, July 13 1942
- RG-110.37, POstcard from M. Cytter in Lodz, to C. Cytter in Warsaw, March 13 1941
- RG-110.38, Postcard from M. Lielonka in Kielce, to Wyszyniski in Warsaw, 1942
- RG-110.42, Postcard from Maria Chmura in Warsaw, to Wladyslow Chmura in Schrottersburg prison, Plock Poland, September 11 1943
- RG-110.43, Postcard from SL Weinig in Brooklyn, to Rita Weinik in Warsaw, March 27
- RG-110.44, Postcard from Tadeusz Gryzewski in Warsaw, to WP Janeczkowa in Warsaw, March 25 1941
- RG-110.45, Postcard from Teresa Pajwsinska in Pawiak Warsaw, to Halina Pajwsinska in Ciepielow, November 7 1944
- RG-110.46, Postcard from unknown in Dolina, to unknown, June 24, 1943
- RG-110.47, Postcard from unknown in Warsaw, to Feliksa Kicinska in Warsaw, 1943
- RG-12.01.20, Poland, unknown location, at the advertisement board
- RG-12.01.57, Dana Schwartz' parents, Lusia and Ignacy Szapira, in street
- RG-12.01.58, Dana Schwartz' parents, Lusia and Ignacy Szapira, 1930
- RG-12.01.59, Dana Schwartz on left with two Polish girls she pretended to befriend to prove she was Polish
- RG-12.05.01, Jewish Life in prewar Kovno, Riga, and Lvov, film
- RG-12.07.03, Exhumation of Jews, killed in the Holocaust in Kozienice, Poland, 17 april 1949
- RG-13.230, Certificate issued to Kuehl by Studio Radio Bern, March 1940
- RG-17.04.01, LIFE Magazine April 29, 1940, Vol. 8, No. 18
- RG-17.04.02, LIFE Magazine, June 3, 1940, German Conquest
- RG-, Warszawski Dziennik Narodowy, No. 244, 4 September 1939
- RG-, Maly Rocznik Statystyczny
- RG-, Maly Rocznik Statystyczny, 1936
- RG-, Maly Rocznik Statystyczny, 1937
- RG-, Maly Rocznik Statystyczny, 1939
- RG-, Rocznik Statystyki miast Polski ( Urban Statistics), R. 2, 1930
- RG-, Maly Rocznik Statystyczny, 1938
- RG-, Drugi powszechny spis ludnosci, 1931, Miasto Wilno Second general census
- RG-, Pierwszy powszechny spis ludnosci, 1921, Wojewodztwo Lwowskie
- RG-, Pierwszy powszechny spis ludnosci, 1921, Wojewodztwo Poznanskie
- RG-, Pierwszy powszechny spis ludnosci, 1921, Wojewodztwo Tarnopolskie
- RG-, Droga (The Way) , No. 1, 1929
- RG-, Droga (The Way) , No. 1, 1929
- RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 1, 1931
- RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 1, 1932
- RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 2, 1931
- RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 2, 1931
- RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 2, 1932
- RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 2, 1933
- RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 3, 1931
- RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 3, 1932
- RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 4, 1929
- RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 4, 1931
- RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 4, 1932
- RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 4, 1933
- RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 5, 1929
- RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 5, 1932
- RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 5, 1933
- RG-, Dilo, December 5, 1914, No. 204
- RG-, Dilo, February 20, 1915, No. 215
- RG-, Dilo, November 28, 1924, No. 265
- RG-, Dilo, November 29, 1924, No. 260
- RG-, Dilo, November 28, 1924, No. 265
- RG-, Dilo, November 30, 1924, No. 267
- RG-23.24.01, Jews are rounded-up for deportation, Poland, ca 1939.
- RG-23.24.04, Czeladz, Poland, 1941
- RG-23.24.06, Poland First to Fight, propaganda poster, 1939
- RG-23.24.09, German soldiers march through Warsaw, 5 October 1939, Public domain
- RG-23.24.11, Jews from villages in rural Poland are forced to move to a ghetto, Poland, 1939-1945
- RG-25.06.24, Warsaw, photograph of a bearded man in forced labor detail
- RG-33.03.01, Soviet-Jewish partisans, former Eastern Poland
- RG-45.02.100, The Warsaw Diary of Adam Czerniakow, excerpt
- RG-45.02.101, Warsaw ghetto negative
- RG-45.02.102, Warsaw ghetto wall, Jews climbing over the ghetto wall
- RG-45.02.103, Warsaw ghetto, a beggar on the street
- RG-45.02.104, Warsaw ghetto, a ghetto checkpoint
- RG-45.02.105, Warsaw ghetto, a ghetto entrance
- RG-45.02.106, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, a Jewish boy, 1943
- RG-45.02.107, Warsaw ghetto, at the cemetery
- RG-45.02.108, Warsaw ghetto, books are being sold and exchanged on the street
- RG-45.02.109, Warsaw ghetto, dragging the dead
- RG-45.02.110, Warsaw ghetto, hungry and exhausted kids in the yard
- RG-45.02.111, Warsaw ghetto, inside a ghetto dwelling
- RG-45.02.112, Warsaw ghetto, Jewish kids in the classroom
- RG-45.02.113, Warsaw ghetto, Jewish policeman regulates traffic
- RG-45.02.114, Warsaw ghetto, man on the street
- RG-45.02.115, Warsaw ghetto, medical examining in the ghetto
- RG-45.02.116, Warsaw ghetto, pedestrian bridge
- RG-45.02.117, Warsaw ghetto, prayer in the ghetto
- RG-45.02.118, Warsaw ghetto, ration card
- RG-45.02.119, Warsaw ghetto, barter and street sale
- RG-45.02.120, Warsaw ghetto, unidentified location, perhaps a transfer
- RG-45.02.121, Warsaw ghetto, view of the ghetto wall
- RG-45.02.122, Warsaw ghetto, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
- RG-45.02.124, Warsaw, first days of German occupation
- RG-45.02.125, Warsaw, interwar time
- RG-45.02.126, Warsaw, Jews are not allowed into the park
- RG-45.02.127, Zamosc, people observing a sports game, interwar time
- RG-45.02.36, Group portrait of members of the Lodz ghetto police
- RG-45.02.37, Hans Biebow in the Lodz ghetto
- RG-45.02.41, Janowska Camp, Lwow, Camp Orchestra
- RG-45.02.42, Jewish order police arresting two Jewish youths for smuggling in the Warsaw ghetto
- RG-45.02.43, Jewish order police in Lodz ghetto
- RG-45.02.44, Jewish order police on snow removal duty in Lodz
- RG-45.02.45, Jewish order police, Warsaw
- RG-45.02.46, Jewish police action in Warsaw ghetto
- RG-45.02.56, Lancut, Poland, Wooden Synagogue
- RG-45.02.57, Lodz ghetto, a boy feeds the small girl
- RG-45.02.58, Lodz ghetto, allegedly a deportation scene
- RG-45.02.59, Lodz ghetto, Chaim Mordechaj Rumkowski speaking at the Judenrat meeting
- RG-45.02.60, Lodz ghetto, theatrical performance
- RG-45.02.61, Lodz ghetto, three women at work
- RG-45.02.62, Lodz ghetto, women in a sewing workshop
- RG-45.02.63, Lwow ghetto, Search for a Jewish female under false identity
- RG-45.02.64, Majdanek after liberation, a pile of corpses
- RG-45.02.65, Majdanek after liberation, an emaciated female prisoner
- RG-45.02.66, Majdanek after liberation, emaciated male survivors, camera depicts them naked
- RG-45.02.67, Majdanek after liberation, Soviet soldiers examine the dead prisoners
- RG-45.02.68, Majdanek, a dead prisoner on barbed wire
- RG-45.02.78, Piotrkow Trybunalski, a Jewish Quarter, pre-war Poland
- RG-45.02.79, Poland, a ghetto memorial
- RG-45.02.80, Poles at the advertisement board, beginning of the Second World War
- RG-45.02.82, Przedborz, Poland, Wooden Synagogue
- RG-45.02.85, Romek Kaliski, member of the Jewish order police in the Lodz ghetto
- RG-45.02.94, Tarnow, a Jewish cultural society
- RG-45.02.95, Tarnow, Jewish soccer team
- RG-45.03.01, A kitchen for children in the ghetto
- RG-45.03.02, A soup kitchen in the ghetto
- RG-45.03.03, A street violinist in the ghetto
- RG-45.03.04, A woman with armband
- RG-45.03.05, A workshop in the ghetto
- RG-45.03.06, Abandoned and deprived in the ghetto
- RG-45.03.07, An elegant Warsaw lady with an armband
- RG-45.03.08, Before the deportation
- RG-45.03.09, Children in the ghetto
- RG-45.03.10, Deportation from a town
- RG-45.03.11, Deportation from the ghetto
- RG-45.03.12, Frank in Lublin
- RG-45.03.13, Freight cars near the Treblinka extermination camp former site
- RG-45.03.14, From the Auschwtiz Album, deportation from Carpathian-Ruthenia
- RG-45.03.15, Germans convoying the Jews
- RG-45.03.16, Going to Umschlagplatz
- RG-45.03.17, In the Warsaw ghetto
- RG-45.03.18, Janusz Korczak, 1939
- RG-45.03.19, Jewish family, Lublin ghetto
- RG-45.03.20, Jews in Lublin ghetto
- RG-45.03.22, Jurgen Stroop, General of Combat SS and Police
- RG-45.03.23, Lublin ghetto, a line to a food shop
- RG-45.03.24, Lublin ghetto, deportees
- RG-45.03.25, Lublin ghetto, in the streets
- RG-45.03.26, Lublin ghetto, Krakowskie Przedmiescie
- RG-45.03.27, Lublin ghetto, Odkazalnia
- RG-45.03.28, Lublin ghetto, people, waiting for announcement
- RG-45.03.29, Lublin ghetto, two type of Jews
- RG-45.03.30, Lublin, 1940
- RG-45.03.31, Lublin, after the German bombardment
- RG-45.03.32, Lublin, after the German invasion, 1939
- RG-45.03.33, Lublin, entrance to the ghetto
- RG-45.03.34, Lublin, ghetto, deportation
- RG-45.03.35, Lublin, Lubartowska
- RG-45.03.36, Lublin, market square
- RG-45.03.37, Lublin, middle town gate
- RG-45.03.38, Lublin, the Castle, 1943
- RG-45.03.39, Lublin, ulica Lubartowska
- RG-45.03.40, Maharszal Synagogue in Lublin before the Germans detonaited explosion and destroyed it, 1942
- RG-45.03.41, Market in Lublin, wartime
- RG-45.03.44, Photograph of a young Jewish girl
- RG-45.03.45, Radom ghetto
- RG-45.03.46, Sabbath in the ghetto
- RG-45.03.47, Smuggling food in to the ghetto
- RG-45.03.48, Starvation and depravaiton in the ghettos
- RG-45.03.49, The last road to Belzec for the Jews of Lublin, 1942
- RG-45.03.50, The sign of Treblinka rail-road station, postwar
- RG-45.03.51, Treblinka in 1945
- RG-45.03.52, Warsaw ghetto, starvation and depravation
- RG-45.03.53, Warsaw, Karmelicka street
- RG-45.03.54, Winter in the ghetto
- RG-46.02.33, Goebbels state visit to Poland, from left to right Hans von Moltke, Jozef Pilsudski, Joseph Goebbels, Josef Beck
- RG-46.06.12, Deportation from Olkusz, Poland
- RG-, Letter to Fritz from Else. 23 September 1917
- RG-, Letter to Fritz, 21 May 1919
- RG-, Postcard to Fritz from Lotte, 1914
- RG-53.01.02, Family document book, Michel Kaufman
- RG-53.01.03, Certificate of military position, Machel Kaufman
- RG-62.06.01, Masha Loen collection, photographs
- RG-63.03.17, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-63.03.20, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
- RG-67.100, USHMM, Corpses of prisoners lie in the snow outside a barracks in Auschwitz-Birkenau after the liberation
- RG-67.102, USHMM, View of machine used in the Janowska camp to grind bones of victims after their bodies were burned
- RG-67.103, USHMM, Postwar sketch of the layout of the Belzec death camp by Belzec survivor Rudolf Reder
- RG-67.105, USHMM, A transport of Jews from Subcarpathian Rus is assembled on the ramp at Auschwitz-Birkenau
- RG-67.106, USHMM, Jewish men from Subcarpathian Rus await selection on the ramp at Auschwitz-Birkenau
- RG-67.107, USHMM, Elderly Jewish men from Subcarpathian Rus sit next to a railcar in Auschwitz-Birkenau prior to being sent to the gas chambers
- RG-67.108, USHMM, Jewish men from Subcarpathian Rus await selection on the ramp at Auschwitz-Birkenau
- RG-67.109, USHMM, Jewish women and children from Subcarpathian Rus, selected for death at Auschwitz-Birkenau, walk toward the gas chambers
- RG-67.110, USHMM, Jewish men from Subcarpathian Rus having undergone selection are about to be gassed at Auschwitz-Birkenau
- RG-67.111, USHMM, Jewish men from Subcarpathian Rus selected for death at Auschwitz-Birkenau wait to be taken to the gas chambers
- RG-67.112, USHMM, Jewish women and children selected for death from Subcarpathian Rus walk toward Auschwitz-Birkenau gas chambers
- RG-67.114, USHMM, Prisoners in the Aufraumungskommando unload confiscate property at a warehouse in Auschwitz-Birkenau
- RG-67.115, USHMM, Auschwitz women inmates sort huge pile of shoes from transport of Hungarian Jews
- RG-67.118, USHMM, A young Jewish women writes her last letter before boarding the deportation train to Chelmno
- RG-67.119, USHMM, Female Aufraumungskommando sort the confiscated property of Jews at warehouse in Auschwitz-Birkenau
- RG-67.120, USHMM, A naked prisoner is led to an execution site in the Stutthof concentration camp
- RG-67.126, USHMM, Crematoria at Majdanek
- RG-67.127, USHMM, Sobibor sign
- RG-67.23, Camps, Chelmno, USHMM, Men on the ground with their hands on their heads in the Chelmno killing center
- RG-67.24, Camps, Chelmno, USHMM, Belongings of the Jews gassed cover the floor of a synagogue in nearby Kolo
- RG-67.36, Camps, Majdanek, USHMM, Prisoners at forced labor
- RG-67.37, Camps, Majdanek, USHMM, A section of the prisoners' barracks in Majdanek
- RG-67.45, Camps, Sachsenhausen Gross-Rosen, USHMM, Biesinitzer Grund (Goerlitz) camp after liberation
- RG-67.46, Camps, Treblinka, USHMM, Families disembark train
- RG-67.47, Camps, Treblinka, USHMM, Treblinka building
- RG-67.48, Camps, Treblinka, USHMM, Jews expelled from plock are resettled in Chmielnik
- RG-67.49, Camps, Treblinka, USHMM, Soldier entering into building
- RG-67.58, USHMM, Oskar Schindler with his horse on the grounds of the Emalia enamelworks in Krakow-Zablocie
- RG-67.60, USHMM, An aerial photograph of the Treblinka area
- RG-67.61, USHMM, A view of the Auschwitz II camp showing the barracks of the camp
- RG-67.62, USHMM, A view of the Majdanek concentration camp after liberation
- RG-67.64, USHMM, Ruins of the Warsaw ghetto
- RG-67.66, USHMM, Jewish Prisoner mug shots in Auschwitz
- RG-67.67, USHMM, A view of the fences that enclose Majdanek
- RG-67.69, USHMM, The first prisoners at Stutthof eat during a break in the construction of the camp
- RG-67.85, USHMM, View of the crematoria ovens at Majdanek with piles of bones in front of them
- RG-67.89, USHMM, SS officers, a woman and a dog on grounds of Gross-Rosen camp, Anton Thumann (third from the right)
- RG-67.94, A warehouse filled with containers of Zyklon B (poison gas pellets) at the Majdanek death camp
- RG-67.95, USHMM, A Polish POW stands at attention in the roll call area (Appellplatz) at the Stutthof concentration camp
- RG-67.96, USHMM, Group portrait of Jewish forced laborers at the Belzec camp
- RG-67.97, USHMM, Three members of SS staff in Gross-Rosen pose holding six piglets, Kuno Schramm (left)
- RG-67.98, USHMM, The commandant of Gross-Rosen, Arthur Roedl
- RG-67.99, USHMM, Bodies of prisoners who perished during the evacuation of Auschwitz-Birkenau lie covered in snow
- RG-72.10.101, Postcard from Przemyśl, Poland to Milan, Italy, written to M. Fornorini, 7 October 1942
- RG-72.10.103, Postcard from the Judenrat in Krakow to Genova, Italy, written to Gustavo Kreh, 23 October 1941
- RG-72.10.105, Postcard from Poland to Italy, written to Leo, 18 December 1941
- RG-72.10.106, Postcard from Płońsk, Poland to Puiseaux, France, written from Gitla-Faja Ajzenberg to Buki Fraukleich, 8 January 1942
- RG-72.10.23, Postcard from M. Herschthal Kieke to Willi Herschthal, 2 January 1942
- RG-72.10.24, Postcard from F. Lewin in Lodz to Paul Kinsberg in New York, 20 February 1940
- RG-72.10.25, Postcard to Alfredo Schick in Lisbon from Modliborzyce, Lublin province, Poland, 23 May 1941
- RG-72.10.26, Envelope from Wojciech Gawlik in Poland to Jan Gawlik in America, May 1940
- RG-72.10.29, Postcard from Dr. Juljan Landowski in Warschau to Mildred Luber in New York, 2 February 1940
- RG-72.10.30, Postcard from Poland to Walter Schwarz in New Orleans, 15 November 1940
- RG-72.10.32, Postcard from Rosa Laffe in Rzeszow to Silverman in New York, 2 October 1940
- RG-72.10.33, Envelope from Mavczak Henvyk in Warszawa to Ernst Blau in New York, 7 April 1941
- RG-72.10.34, Envelope from Warsaw to R. Rosen in New York, 23 April 1941
- RG-72.10.35, Envelope from Warschau to Sophie Balli in Sao Paulo, 16 September 1940
- RG-72.10.36, Postcard from Warschau to Mrs. Maxmilian Kleiman in New York, 19 August 1940
- RG-72.10.37, Envelope from Warschau to Max and Ernst Blau in New York, 12 February 1941
- RG-72.10.38, Postcard from Elsa Mrozck to Dr. K. Huppert in New York, 3 February 1941
- RG-72.10.39, Envelope from Adam Ryzenberg in Warschau to Michael and Henry Lester in New York, 15 April 1941
- RG-72.10.40, Postcard from Aleksander Salamon in Wieliczka to Richard Salamon in New York, 17 September 1940
- RG-72.10.41, Postcard from Amalia Mauder in Warsaw to Mrs. Maxmilian Klejman, 1 September 1941
- RG-72.10.42, Postcard from Beilo Breil in Wieliczka, Poland to Alfredo Schick in Lisbon, 2 November 1941
- RG-72.10.62, Postcard sent from Mino Bucchev in Potok Zloty, Poland to Rosa Sans in Basel, 15 January 1942
- RG-72.10.69, Postcard sent from Janow-Lubelski, Poland to the Relief Committee in Geneva, Switzerland, 28 May 1942
- RG-72.10.70, Postcard sent from Hana Lovy in Jzbica, Poland to Zdenek Karny in Prague, 15 April 1942
- RG-72.10.90, Postcard, from Romania to Poland, 7 September 1940
- RG-72.10.94, Envelope to Kraków, Poland from Crikvenica, Croatia, written to Jüdische Soziale Selbsthilfe
- RG-72.10.95, Postcard from Chmielnik, Poland to Lisbon, Portugal, written from M. Pasamonik to Max Plocker, 30 May 1942
- RG-72.10.96, Postcard from Zduńska Wola, Poland to Lisbon, Portugal, written from J. Abramowicz to M. Plocker, 18 June 1942
- RG-72.10.97, Postcard from Poland to Lisbon, Portugal, written from Felicia Bernstein to M. Plocker, 16 June 1942
- RG-72.10.98, Postcard from Opatow, Kielecki, Poland to Lausanne, Switzerland, written from D. Zarnowiecka to Alfred Szwarcbaum, 21 May 1941
- RG-72.18.38, Postcard from Komarom, Hungary to Janina Kucharczykowa in Olszowaka, Poland, 18 January 1940, Polish.
- RG-72.28.08, Envelope from internment camp Miranda de Ebro, Spain to Dynów, Poland, written from Zbigniew Keller to Katarzyna Keller, 19 February 1943
- RG-75.01.217, Polish political leaflet, anti-Jewish, 1917
- RG-75.03.14, Letter for Gerhard Wallbach with regard to German-Jewish refugees expelled to Poland. Berlin, July 3, 1939
- RG-75.03.35, New Year's Card 1933-1934 published in Poland by the Young Pioneers of Kibbutz Achvah, Sygnivka, Lwow, Poland.
- RG-75.03.36, Cover page for the ID related of the Regional Zionist Organization in Lwow, Poland
- RG-75.03.37, Identification document issued to Herman Hochberg by the Regional Zionist Organization in Lwow, 1934
- RG-75.03.38, Jewish Agency for Palestine Immigration Department in Warsaw. Immigrant Certificate for Hirsch and Ciupy Hochberg
- RG-75.03.39, Boarding card of the ship the S.S. Polonia for the voyage to Palestine issued to Hirsch Hochberg. July 27, 1935
- RG-80.02.01, Mausner, Prosecuting Nazi War Criminals in the U.S, short version
- RG-80.02.02, Mausner, Prosecuting Nazi War Criminals in the US, full version
- RG-97.01.03, Female Jews from Lodz behind barbed wire fence, liberation of Bergen-Belsen. April 1945
- RG-97.02.05, Written correspondence inquiring about missing sister in Poland, from Dr. Reichert in Rehovot, to Michael Resin. 1 July, 1945
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