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Searching for Subject: Majdanek, German concentration camp
Records and Manuscripts
Ed Victor Papers
Ed Victor Papers, 1933-1972
Correspondence from and to concentration camps
Correspondence from and to concentration camps, 1933-1945
Digital Images and Records
RG-09.03.01, Photographs, Majdanek, mass grave
RG-09.03.02, Photograph, Majdanek, hanging of the collaborators
RG-09.03.03, Photograph, Majdanek, four emaciated female survivors
RG-09.03.04, Photograph, Majdanek after liberation, a pile of corpses
RG-09.03.05, Photograph, Majdanek after liberation, Soviet soldiers examine dead prisoners
RG-09.03.06, Photograph, Majdanek, a dead prisoner on the barbed wire
RG-09.03.07, Photograph, Majdanek after liberation, an emaciated female prisoner
RG-09.03.08, Photograph, Majdanek after liberation, emaciated male survivors, depicted naked
RG-45.02.64, Majdanek after liberation, a pile of corpses
RG-45.02.65, Majdanek after liberation, an emaciated female prisoner
RG-45.02.66, Majdanek after liberation, emaciated male survivors, camera depicts them naked
RG-45.02.67, Majdanek after liberation, Soviet soldiers examine the dead prisoners
RG-45.02.68, Majdanek, a dead prisoner on barbed wire
RG-46.04.11, Crematory furnaces in Majdanek concentration camp at the time of liberation
RG-69.12, Majdanek, Poland, A pile of victims clothes, 1944.
RG-, Notification of postal reception from Eugenia Szarzynska to Janus Zsarzynski, 2 February 1944, Majdanek
RG-, Postcard from Wiktor Turiemski in Majdanek to his wife Adela Turiemska, postmarked 17 December 1943
RG-, Postcard from Miecryslaw Wesolowski in Majdanek to Jozefa Wesolowska in Opole-Lubelskie, postmarked 4 March 1944
RG-, Parcel card from Pulawy to Majdanek, postmarked 31 January 1944
RG-, Parcel receipt from District 2 Lublin to an SS officer in the camp, postmarked 10 January 1944
RG-, Package receipt from Zamosc to Majdanek, postmarked 13 January 1944
RG-, Postcard from Gejrel Kimacryriski in Majdanek to Josefa Kotron in Szczebrzenyn, postmarked 20 January 1944
RG-, Postcard from Josef Besman in Majdanek to Josef Magilnicki in Wolkowysk, postmarked 3 January 1944
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