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Searching for Subject: Nazi-German concentration camps after liberation, photographs
Records and Manuscripts
Photo Archive of the Holocaust
Photo Archive of the Holocaust, 1939-1945
Digital Images and Records
RG-45.01.01, All That Remained Photo Montage
RG-45.02.01, A concentration camp at liberation
RG-45.02.15, Auschwitz, children survivors of the camp and medical experiments
RG-45.02.66, Majdanek after liberation, emaciated male survivors, camera depicts them naked
RG-45.02.67, Majdanek after liberation, Soviet soldiers examine the dead prisoners
RG-45.02.68, Majdanek, a dead prisoner on barbed wire
RG-45.02.69, Mauthausen after liberation, a row of dead bodies
RG-46.04.07, Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp, May 29, 1945
RG-46.04.08, Bulldozer pushing corpses into a communal grave, Bergen-Belsen, April 14, 1945
RG-46.04.09, Corpses in mass grave, Bergen-Belsen concentration camp,
RG-46.04.10, Corpses of a mother and two children found by the Allies at Belsen Concentration Camp, April 18, 1945
RG-46.04.11, Crematory furnaces in Majdanek concentration camp at the time of liberation
RG-46.04.19, German civilians carry the bodies of the concentration camp prisoners to the grave
RG-46.04.20, A German woman expresses horror at the sight of the decomposing bodies
RG-46.04.38, Liberated inmates of the Buchenwald concentration camp
RG-46.04.39, Liberated prisoners from the Mauthausen Concentration Camp
RG-46.04.41, Mass grave in a Nazi Concentration Camp
RG-46.04.42, Mass grave in a Nazi Concentration Camp, and two Allied soldiers
RG-46.04.51, The SS female guards, captured by the Allied soldiers at Belsen Concentration Camp, April 18, 1945
RG-46.04.58, Undernourished Auschwitz inmate after liberation
RG-46.04.61, The former SS female concentration camp guards remove bodies from trucks into mass graves
RG-46.06.06, After Liberation from a Nazi concentration camp
RG-67.09, Camps, Bergen Belsen, USHMM, A mass grave in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp
RG-69.12, Majdanek, Poland, A pile of victims clothes, 1944.
RG-69.19, Trostenets, Belorussia, A pile of burnt bodies in a concentration camp
RG-69.20, Trostenets, Belorussia, Russian officers inspecting a crematorium in a concentration camp
RG-69.21, Trostenets, Belorussia, Russian officers inspecting a crematorium in a concentration camp.
RG-97.01.02, Female Polish Jews given chocolate from Allied liberators, Bergen-Belsen. April 1945
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Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
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