Search Results | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Searching for Subject: Theresienstadt ghetto

- Search image thumbnails (31 or more images found)
- RG-01.10.01, Marta Mitdank Diary, October 1946
- RG-04.01.01, Willy Rosen Testimony about incarceration in German-Nazi camps
- RG-04.02.01, Moritz Mueller, Theresienstadt, Urological Ward , pencil on paper, a signed fragment, 20 October 1943
- RG-04.02.02, Moritz Mueller, Urological Ward, 26 August 1943
- RG-04.02.03, Moritz Mueller, Urological Ward, 18 August 1943
- RG-04.02.05, Moritz Mueller, Urological Ward with four patients, signed
- RG-04.02.06, Moritz Mueller, a male patient in bed, a fragment, 21 March 1944
- RG-04.02.07, Moritz Mueller, a male patient is being examined by Dr. Kurt Weiner, Theresienstadt, 28 February 1944
- RG-04.02.08, Moritz Mueller, a male patient in bed, a fragment, 21 March 1944
- RG-04.02.09, Moritz Mueller, a male patient is examined by Dr. Kurt Weiner, a fragment, 28 February 1944
- RG-04.02.11, Moritz Mueller, a back side with inscription, 21 March 1944
- RG-06.01.12, Theresienstadt Ghetto Paper Currency
- RG-14.02.02, A Cheap Cake for Birthday
- RG-14.02.03, A Child's Dream
- RG-14.02.04, A Cleaned Ghetto for the Gentlemen from the Red Cross
- RG-14.02.05, A Dream, A Home for Weary Halutsim
- RG-14.02.06, A Farewell, See You again in the Mass Grave
- RG-14.02.07, A Good Czech Gendarme
- RG-14.02.08, A Halutz in the Ghetto and his three points
- RG-14.02.09, A Night with Her Alone at the Bar Palanda
- RG-14.02.10, A wool-vest for a half of bread
- RG-14.02.11, Arrival of the Jews from Denmark to Terezin
- RG-14.02.12, Bonke, Rumors from the Front-lines
- RG-14.02.13, Building a railroad to the Ghetto
- RG-14.02.14, Coffin Factory
- RG-14.02.15, Cook and cleaning crew is a good catch in the Ghetto
- RG-14.02.16, Death Rate-150 Daily
- RG-14.02.17, Do not Build in the Diaspora
- RG-14.02.18, Doctors too are hungry
- RG-14.02.19, Encounter of the Carriages- Aryan and Jewish Carriages
- RG-14.02.20, Everyone's dream-Privacy in his own Kumbal (closet)
- RG-14.02.21, Father is Stealing. Son is Stealing
- RG-14.02.22, Ghettoized
- RG-14.02.23, Grandma's Hand luggage for the Journey to the East
- RG-14.02.24, Hambo, the Singer
- RG-14.02.25, Head Count
- RG-14.02.26, Her business with soup
- RG-14.02.27, In Beth Chaluzoth, Hamburg Barracks, Room No. 305
- RG-14.02.28, Jewish Order Police from Westerbork Camp's Transport Arrived
- RG-14.02.29, Leisure Activity
- RG-14.02.30, Let me smoke a bit, a cigarette from mouth to mouth
- RG-14.02.31, Lunch time in Beth Chalutzot
- RG-14.02.32, Mission of the Economy Department
- RG-14.02.33, Night Quietness in the Hanover Barracks
- RG-14.02.34, Not enough water-too many Ghetto inmates
- RG-14.02.35, Only for hard workers - added small rations
- RG-14.02.36, Permit Stamp for 10 kg Packages from Friends and Relatives...but only a few got packages
- RG-14.02.37, Planks for the Kumbal (for a private closet)
- RG-14.02.38, Polenschutz-Polish Security or Protection from Deportation to Poland is not a Privilege
- RG-14.02.39, Prague is free of Jews
- RG-14.02.40, Prisoner's Disease, the man lost weight because of malnutrition, the woman's face is bloated because of diseased glands
- RG-14.02.41, Return after Disinfection
- RG-14.02.42, Risky Apple Stealing
- RG-14.02.43, Rumors from Latrine BIV, sign next to the door
- RG-14.02.44, Senior inmates are often mean thieves
- RG-14.02.45, Shared Joy is Double Joy
- RG-14.02.46, Smuggling flowers into the Ghetto
- RG-14.02.47, Stealing and Schleussing (Organizing)
- RG-14.02.48, Sylvester 1942, New Years' Eve Prophecy
- RG-14.02.49, Terezinka-a Ghetto Disease
- RG-14.02.50, The Light Control
- RG-14.02.51, The Morning Salute of the Ghetto Guard
- RG-14.02.52, The New Order Service, No Pushing Please
- RG-14.02.53, The Operetta in three acts, The Ghetto Girl
- RG-14.02.54, The Red Cross is Coming - A Happy Ghetto
- RG-14.02.55, The Red Cross is Coming - Beautified, Decorated and Phony
- RG-14.02.56, The Red Cross is Coming - Dining Room
- RG-14.02.57, Three Kings of the Ghetto-Cook, Baker, and Pastry Baker
- RG-14.02.58, Transport Leader Mandler Ghettoized
- RG-14.02.59, Transport Sorrows
- RG-14.02.60, View through the Window
- RG-14.02.61, Exclusion from the Transport
- RG-14.03.01, Moritz Mueller, Urological Ward, Theresienstadt, October 1943_b
- RG-14.03.02, Morits Mueller, a fragment with signature
- RG-14.03.03, Moritz Mueller, a fragment with date
- RG-14.03.04, Moritz Mueller, A hospital room, two patients, Nov 1943
- RG-14.03.05, Moritz Mueller, Dr, Weiner examines patient, 28 February 1944
- RG-14.03.06, Moritz Mueller, A Male Patient in Bed 21 March 1944
- RG-14.03.07, Moritz Mueller, A Male Patient in Bed, backside, 21 March 1944
- RG-14.03.08, Moritz Mueller, August 1943
- RG-23.29.01, Theresienstadt ghetto, musical performance. Czechoslovakia, 1941-1945
- RG-23.29.02, Theresienstadt ghetto, courtyard in the small fortress, 1941-1945
- RG-23.29.04, Entrance to the Theresienstadt Ghetto with a sign "Arbeit Macht Frei," Czechoslovakia, 1941-1945.
- RG-, Theresienstadt Bastions
- RG-, Theresienstadt Stamp
- RG- Brief Leskly bio by Jörn Wendland, Email
- RG- A Cheap Cake for Birthday
- RG- A Farewell, See You Again in the Mass Grave
- RG- A Good Czech Gendarme
- RG- A Halutz in the Ghetto and his Three Points
- RG- A Night with Her Alone at the Bar Palanda
- RG- A Wool Vest for a Half of Bread
- RG- Baptized Jews are Coming
- RG- Competitors for Potatoes
- RG- Death Rate 150 Daily
- RG- Do Not Built in the Goles (Diaspora)
- RG- Good Morning Herr Doktor
- RG- Hambo, the Singer
- RG- Head Count
- RG- Leisure Activity
- RG- Light Control
- RG- Mission of the Economic Department
- RG- Permit Stamp
- RG- Planks for a Kumbal
- RG- Polenschutz or Protection from Deportation to Poland is not a Privilege
- RG- Prague is Free of Jews
- RG- Prisoner's Disease
- RG- Return after Disinfection
- RG- Rumors (Bonke) by Latrine B IV
- RG- Running Low
- RG- Schleusst und Stiehlt
- RG- Senior Inmates often were Thieves
- RG- Six Companions
- RG- Smuggling Flowers into the Ghetto
- RG- Sylvester 1942, New Year Eve Prophecy
- RG- Terezinka - a Ghetto Disease
- RG- The Camp Commander Ridicules
- RG- The New Order Service, No Pushing Please
- RG- The Operetta in Three Acts, The Ghetto Girl
- RG- The Red Cross is Coming, Beautified Decorated and Phony
- RG- The Red Cross is Coming, A Happy Ghetto
- RG- The Red Cross is Coming, the Dining Room
- RG- Three Kings in the Ghetto, Cook, Baker, and Pastry Baker
- RG- Transport Leader Mandler Ghettoized
- RG- Transport Sorrows
- RG- Consolidated file-Leskly Photos with captions
- RG- A Cheap Cake for a Birthday
- RG- A Wool Vest for a Half of Bread
- RG- Rumors from the Front Lines
- RG- Building the Railroad to the Ghetto
- RG- Encephalitis in the Ghetto
- RG- Encounter of the Carriages
- RG- Introductory Placard
- RG- Exhibition of Lichtblau-Leskly
- RG- Hambo, the Singer
- RG- Her Business with Soup
- RG- In Beth Chalutzoth
- RG- Title Cards with Translations
- RG- Title Cards, 2
- RG- Exhibit sizing and source information
- RG- Advertisement, Portraiture of Ghetto Life
- RG- Exhibit Title Page, 2
- RG- Prospective exhibition, Prague is Free of Jews
- RG- Ten prospective exhibits
- RG- Permit Stamp for 10 kilo Packages
- RG- Shared Joy is Double Joy
- RG- Night Quietness in Beth Chalutz (Hannover Barracks)
- RG- One Can Look into the Stomach. The Brought in Food Reserves are Running Low
- RG- Planks [Šlojs in Czech] for a Kumbal [a private closet or compartment).
- RG- Schleusst und Stiehlt is not the same
- RG- Terezinka, a Ghetto Disease
- RG- The Light Control
- RG- The Operetta in Three Acts, the Ghetto Girl
- RG- Three Kings in the Ghetto. Cook, Baker, and Pastry Baker
- RG- A Baptized Jew is a Jew
- RG- A Cheap Cake for Birthday
- RG- A Child's Dream
- RG- A Clean Ghetto for the Gentlemen from the Red Cross
- RG- A Dream, A Home for Weary Halutsim
- RG- A Farewell, See You again in the Mass Grave
- RG- A Good Czech Gendarme
- RG- A Halutz in the Ghetto and his three points
- RG- A Night with Her Alone at the Bar Palanda
- RG- A wool-vest for a half of bread
- RG- Arrival of the Jews from Denmark to Terezin
- RG- Bonke, Rumors from the Front-lines
- RG- Building a Railroad to the Ghetto
- RG- Coffin Factory
- RG- Cook and cleaning crew is a good catch in the Ghetto
- RG- Death Rate, 150 Daily
- RG- Do not Build in the Diaspora
- RG- Doctors are Hungary Too
- RG- Encounter of the Carriages- Aryan and Jewish Carriages
- RG- Everyone's dream-Privacy in his own Kumbal (closet)
- RG- Exclusion from the Transport
- RG- Father is Stealing, Son is Stealing
- RG- Ghettoized
- RG- Grandma's Hand Luggage for the Journey to the East
- RG- Hambo, the Singer
- RG- Head Count
- RG- Her Business with the Soup
- RG- In Beth Chaluzoth, Hamburg Barracks, Room No. 305
- RG- Jewish Order Police from Westerbork Camp's Trasport Arrivied
- RG- Leisure Activity
- RG- Let me smoke a bit, a cigarette from mouth to mouth
- RG- Lunch time in Beth Chalutzot
- RG- Mission of the Economy Department
- RG- Night Quietness in the Hanover Barracks
- RG- Not enough water, too many Ghetto inmates
- RG- Only for hard workers - added small rations
- RG- Permit Stamp for 10 kg Packages from Friends and Relatives...but only a few got
- RG- Planks for the Kumbal (for a private closet)
- RG- Prague is free of Jews
- RG- Protection from Deportation to Poland is not a Privilege
- RG- Rumors from Latrine BIV
- RG- Return after Disinfection
- RG- Risky Apple Stealing
- RG- Senior Inmates are Often Mean Thieves
- RG- Shared Joy is Double Joy
- RG- Smuggling Flowers into the Ghetto
- RG- Stealing and Schleussing (Organizing)
- RG- Sylvester 1942, New Years' Eve Prophecy
- RG- Terezinka, a Ghetto Disease
- RG- The Light Control
- RG- The Morning Salute of the Ghetto Guard
- RG- The New Order Service, No Pushing Please
- RG- The Operetta in Three Acts, The Ghetto Girl
- RG- The Red Cross is Coming, a Happy Ghetto
- RG- The Red Cross is Coming, Beautified, Decorated, and Phony
- RG- The Red Cross is Coming, Dining room
- RG- Three Kings of the Ghetto-Cook, Baker, and Pastry Baker
- RG- Transport Leader Mandler Ghettoized
- RG- Transport Sorrows
- RG- View through the Window
- RG-45.01.22, Theresienstadt Ghetto gate with Arbeit macht frei sign
- RG-46.04.52, Identification cards issued to the Jews in Theresienstadt
- RG-46.08.01, Aerial photo, Small Fortress, Theresienstadt Ghetto, not dated
- RG-46.08.02, Arrival of bread rations, Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1942
- RG-46.08.03, Arrival of Dutch transport, Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1943
- RG-46.08.04, At work in the gardens, Theresienstadt Ghetto, (still cut from Nazi propaganda film smuggled out)
- RG-46.08.05, At work in the gardens, Theresienstadt, August 1944
- RG-46.08.06, Bookbinding workshop Theresienstadt, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City', 1944
- RG-46.08.08, Crematorium interior, Theresienstadt Ghetto, Sept 1942
- RG-46.08.09, Crematorium, Theresienstadt Ghetto, not dated.
- RG-46.08.10, Deportation to the East, Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1943
- RG-46.08.12, Egon Ledec, a letter
- RG-46.08.13, Egon Ledec, portrait by Petr Kien
- RG-46.08.14, Emil Ulitz attending a lecture, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City' August 1944
- RG-46.08.15, Entrance gate with a slogan 'work sets you free', Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1943
- RG-46.08.16, Fourth courtyard where prisoners were executed, Theresienstadt Ghetto
- Rg-46.08.17, Interior of barracks, Theresienstadt, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City', 1944
- RG-46.08.18, Leaving the bathhouse, Theresienstadt Ghetto, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City', 1944
- RG-46.08.19, Leo Baeck (left) and Otto Zucker (right) at the meeting of the Council of Elders, Theresienstadt Ghetto
- RG-46.08.20, Liberation by the Soviet Red Army, Theresienstadt Ghetto, May 1945
- RG-46.08.21, Library circulation desk, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City', August 1944
- RG-46.08.22, Library, Theresienstadt Ghetto, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City', August 1944
- RG-46.08.23, Medical care for the survivors of Theresienstadt, May 1945
- RG-46.08.24, On the way to work, Theresienstadt Ghetto, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City', 1944
- RG-46.08.25, Orchestra, Theresienstadt Ghetto, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City', 1944
- RG-46.08.26, Prisoners entering the main gate, Theresienstadt, 1942
- RG-46.08.27, Prisoners entering the main gate, Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1943-1944
- RG-46.08.28, Street scene, Theresienstadt Ghetto, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City', 1944
- RG-46.08.29, Street scene, Theresienstadt Ghetto, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City', 1944
- RG-46.08.30, Survivors after liberation, Theresienstadt, May 1945
- RG-46.08.31, Tailoring workshop, Theresienstadt Ghetto, from the Nazi propaganda film 'The Fuehrer Gives the Jews a City', 1944
- RG-46.08.32, Theresienstadt, interior of the barracks
- RG-46.08.33, Theresienstadt, May 2005, a memorial site, Bundesarchiv
- RG-46.08.34, From Swiss newspaper Die Nation, Theresienstadt, a propaganda trick, May 1945, translation
- RG-46.08.35, Clandestine magazine Vedem appeared in Theresienstadt, translation
- RG-52.02.13, Impfkarte vaccination cold chain card issued in Theresienstadt
- RG-52.02.15, Form from doctor in Theresienstadt, visit by Zoltan Foldes
- RG-52.02.16, Form from doctor in Theresienstadt, Zoltan Foldes, indicates workplace and occupation
- RG-72.04.14, Central registry card issued to Armin Friedmann, Theresienstadt, 14. March 1945
- RG-72.04.15, Central registry card issued to Juraj Friedman, 14 March 1945
- RG-72.05.09, Inquiry from Palestine to Nuremberg, Germany, 7 April 1942
- RG-, Postcard to Helena Klein in Praha from Ernestine Kraus in Litzmannstadt Getto, dated 15 May 1942
- RG-72.10.104, Postal Document from Malmö, Sweden to Theresienstadt, sent from Henrik Pollak to Nelly Pollak, 14 September 1944
- RG-72.11.03, From Franz Beran in Koeniggraetz, Prague, to Ervin Ledec in Theresienstadt ghetto, 22 August 1944
- RG-72.11.04, From Iva Ledec to Franz Beran in Koeniggraetz, Prague, Theresienstadt ghetto postcard_6 August 1944
- RG-72.11.16, Work permit for Hilde Goldmann(nurse), Theresienstadt_ca. 1944
- RG-72.11.17, Postal confirmation from Vlasta Ledec in Reichenau to Marie Ledec in Theresienstadt, 15 January 1945
- RG-72.11.18, Postal confirmation from Else Wesse in Theresienstadt to Richard Wesse in Prague, 8 March 1944
- RG-72.11.19, Postal confirmation of a package reception from Anna Fuchs in Theresienstadt to Karl Fuchs in Dubova, 27 October 1943
- RG-72.11.20, Official permit of sending one package to Theresienstadt stamp attached from Arnold Rubin to Dr. Benisch Otto
- RG-72.11.21, Postal confirmation of a package received from Doris in Theresienstadt to Neubauer in Wein, 28 July 1944
- RG-72.11.22, Postal confirmation of a package received from Rudolf Fuchs in Theresienstadt, 29 September 1944
- RG-72.11.26, Correspondence card from Theresienstadt to Clemens Muller in Dresden
- RG-72.11.28, Postcard sent from Anny Riegler in Theresienstadt to Liesl Welt in Wien, 19 September 1944
- RG-72.11.30, Postcard sent from Herbert F in Theresienstadt to Liesl Welt in Wien, 20 May, 1944
- RG-72.11.31, Postcard sent from Jenny Stahl in Theresienstadt to Dr. Sandberg in Zurich, 19 December 1942
- RG-72.11.32, Postcard sent from Olga Bloedi in Theresienstadt to Liesl Welt in Wien, 29 February 1944
- RG-72.11.33, Postcard sent from Heinrich in Reinsprechtsdorferstranetz to Otto Pollak in Theresienstadt, 19 June 1944
- RG-72.11.34, Postcard sent from Anna Rohn in Theresienstadt to Ida Bodnar in Wien, 20 February 1943
- RG-72.11.35, Postcard sent from Ludmila Beran in Koniggratz to Marie Ledec in a transport to Theresienstadt, 20 June 1944
- RG-72.11.37, Communications from the Jewish Self-administration, 27 July 1944
- RG-72.11.38, Currency from Theresienstadt, one krone, 1 January 1943
- RG-72.11.39, Currency from Theresienstadt in the amount of two kronen, 1 January 1943
- RG-72.11.41, Currency from Theresienstadt in the amount of ten kronen, 1 Januar 1943
- RG-72.11.42, Currency from Theresienstadt in the amount of 20 kronen, 1 January 1943
- RG-72.11.43, Currency from Theresienstadt in the amount of 50 kronen, 1 January 1943
- RG-72.11.44, Currency from Theresienstadt in the amount of 100 kronen, 1 January 1943
- RG-72.11.45, Work identification document issued to Kurt Mayer, 4 March 1944
- RG-72.11.46, Postal confirmation from Theresienstadt, 29 June 1944
- RG-72.11.47, Letter to Marta Fink in Thersienstadt from G. Fink in Wien, 14 August 1944
- RG-72.11.48, Postal form permission to send a package to Theresienstadt issued by the Jewish Council of Elders in Prague, 20 July 1944
- RG-72.11.49, Medical record for Hilde Goldmann
- RG-72.11.51, Theresienstadt certificate issued to Ervin Friedmann, 12 April 1945
- RG-72.11.52, Access authority for a certain building issued to Kaethe Rychnovsky by the Jewish administration
- RG-72.11.53, Identification card issued to Awrum Glogower, 1943
- RG-72.11.54, Medical Record for Arwin Glowgower, 1941
- RG-72.11.56, Work identification card for Lea Glogower
- RG-72.11.60, Postcard from Nazi concentration camp to Weinstein in Theresienstadt, 11 May 1944
- RG-72.11.61, Postcard sent from Theresienstadt to Clemens Muller in Dresden, 30 June 1878
- RG-72.11.64, Ration coupon for coal
- RG-72.11.65, Allowance for one parcel to Theresienstadt for Ilse Wald
- RG-72.11.66, Theresienstadt identification issued to Dr. Gabriel Diamant, 14 March 1945
- RG-72.11.67, Theresienstadt identification document issued to Katharina Diamant, 14 March 1944
- RG-72.11.68, Postcard sent from Theresienstadt to Vienna, 4 May 1944
- RG-72.11.69, Postal receipt of mail sent from Portugal to Theresienstadt, 24 March 1944
- RG-72.11.70, Postcard to Theresienstadt from Amsterdam, Holland, written from Paul Mayer to his mother, Rosa Mayer, 15 February 1943
- RG-72.11.71, Official Permition for sending package to Theresienstadt, 29 March 1944
- RG-72.11.72, Official Permition for sending package to Theresienstadt, 29 March 1944
- RG-72.11.73, Postcard from Amsterdam to Theresienstadt, written to Ignatz Schindler, 7 September 1943
- RG-72.11.74, Postcard from Brno, Czech Republic to Theresienstadt, 26 October 1943
- RG-72.11.75, Postcard from Prague to Theresienstadt, written to Erwin Ledec, 11 December 1943
- RG-72.11.76, Certificate issued to Armin Friedmann, Theresienstadt, 12 April 1945
- RG-72.11.77, Proof of release, postwar, 3 July 1945
- RG-72.11.78, Postcard from Theresienstadt to Berlin, Germany, written from Margot Berta Rosenblatt to Ludwig Hauser, 12 June 1943
- RG-72.11.79, Postcard from Hradec Králové (Königgrätz) to Theresienstadt, written from Iva Ledec to Franz Beran, 19 March 1944
- RG-72.11.80, Postcard to Theresienstadt, written to Auca Limovo from J. Haftling, 12 January 1940
- RG-72.11.81, Official Permission for sending package to Theresienstadt, 23 November 1943
- RG-72.11.82, Envelope to Theresienstadt from Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, sent to Jakob Bassist from A. Marmorstein
- RG-72.11.83, Postcard from Ludmila Beran to Marie Ledec, postmarked 3 June 1944
- RG-72.11.84, Postcard from Marie Pergl in Theresienstadt to Juliana Behounek in Prague, postmarked 24 November 1944
- RG-72.11.85, Postcard from Gretl Papernitzki in Zurich to Hans Wessely in Theresienstadt, postmarked 30 July 1945
- RG-72.11.86, Postcard from Hans Wessely in Theresienstadt to Gretl Papernitzky in Zurich, postmarked 17 July 1944
- RG-72.11.87, Postcard from Hans Wessely in Theresienstadt to Gretl Papernitzky in Zurich, postmarked 21 June 1944
- RG-72.11.88, Postcard from Hans Wessely in Theresienstadt to Gretl Papernitzky in Zurich, written 14 October 1943
- RG-72.11.89, Transport document regarding Susanne Fall, written by Dr. Paul Israel Eppstein, dated 19 December 1943
- RG-72.11.90, Envelope from Jula Spitz in Theresienstadt to Oskar Maier in Mauritius, postmarked November 1943
- RG-72.11.91, Postcard from Betti Oettinger-Ettighausen in Theresienstadt to Saly Mayersent through Elder of Jews in Prague to Berlin, 15 September 1944
- RG-72.11.92, Postcard to Malvine Lenz, Theresienstadt from Walter Lenz, Hooghalen Oost, Netherlands, dated 7 December 1943
- RG-72.11.94, Postcard to Malvine Lenz, Theresienstadt from Walter Lenz, Hooghalen Oost, Netherlands, dated 7 December 1943
- RG-, Medical record for Lea Glogower
- RG-72.21.12, Wrapping paper from the parcel mailed to Jakob Bassist in Theresienstadt from A. Marmorstein in the Protectorate Moravia
- RG-72.26.26, Postcard from the Red Cross to the Theresienstadt ghetto
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