Search Results | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Searching for Subject: Polish political and social periodicals, 1918 -- 1939

- RG-111.01.02, Slowo Polskie, September 26, 1921, No. 429, Targi Wschodnie
- RG-111.01.06, Slowo Polskie, September 28, 1921, No. 432, In the aftermath of the Attempt on the Chief of State
- RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1931, No. 6
- RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1933 No. 1
- RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1933, No. 4
- RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1934, No. 1
- RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1934, No. 2 - 3
- RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1936, No. 1 - 2
- RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1936, No. 6
- RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1937, No. 1 - 2
- RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1937, No. 3
- RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1937, No. 4 - 5
- RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1938, No. 6, Part 1
- RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1938, No. 6, Part 2
- RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1939, No. 1 - 2, Part 1
- RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1939, No. 1 - 2, Part 2
- RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1939, No. 1 - 2, Part 3
- RG-, Droga (The Way) , No. 1, 1929
- RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 2, 1931
- RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 4, 1932
- RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 4, 1933
- RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 5, 1929
- RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 5, 1932
- RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 5, 1933
- RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 1 January 1922, No. 1
- RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 3 November 1922, No. 248
- RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 4 November 1922, No. 249
- RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 5 November 1922, No. 250
- RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 6 November 1922, No. 251
- RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 8 November 1922, No. 252
- RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 9 November 1922, No. 253
- RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 9 November 1922, No. 255
- RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 10 November 1922, No. 254
- RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 12 November 1922, No. 256
- RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 15 November 1922, No. 258
- RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 17 November 1922, No. 260
- RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 18 September 1921, No. 220
- RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 19 November 1922, No. 262
- RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 23 September 1921, No. 224
- RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 25 September 1921, No. 226
- RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 17 June 1925, No.138
- RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 18 June 1925, No.139
- RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 19 June 1925, No.140
- RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 20 June 1925, No.14, Ukrainians
- RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 21 June 1925, No.142, Ukrainian
- RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 22 June 1925, No.143
- RG-, Kurjer Lwowski(the Lviv Herald), 23 June 1925, No.144
- RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herlad), 24 June 1925, No.145
- RG-, Kurjer Lwowski, (the Lviv Herald), 26 June 1925, No.147
- RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 27 June 1925, No.148
- RG-, Kurjer Lwowski, (the Lviv Herald), 28 June 1925, No.149
- RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herlad),October 16, 1925, No.251, Steiger trial
- RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herlad),October 15, 1925, No.250, Steiger, photographs of the defense
- RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herlad),October 14, 1925, No.249
- RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish Word), 2 November 1922, No. 248
- RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), 9 September 1922, No. 204
- RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), 11 September 1922, No. 206
- RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), 14 September 1922, No. 208
- RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), 16 September 1922, No. 210
- RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), 18 September 1922, No. 212
- RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), 20 October 1922, No. 240
- RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), 21 September 1922, No. 214
- RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), 26 October 1922, No. 246
- RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), August 22, 1925, No. 228
- RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), September 29, 1925, No. 266
- RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), October 21, 1925, No. 288, interview with Sobinski, 6, Steiger 9
- RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), October 22, 1925, No. 289, Steiger p. 8
- RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), October 23, 1925, No. 290
- RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), October 24, 1925, No. 291
- RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), October 25, 1925, No. 292, Steiger 8
- RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), October 26, 1925, No. 293, Steiger 9
- RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), October 27, 1925, No. 294
- RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), October 28, 1925, No. 295, Steiger, pp. 8, 9
- RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), October 29, 1925, No. 296, Steiger, pp. 8, 9
- RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), October 30, 1925, No. 297, Steiger, 7
- RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), October 31, 1925, No. 298, Steiger 9
- RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), November 1, 1925, No. 299, Steiger 9
- RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), November 2, 1925, No. 300
- RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny (the Illustrative Daily Herald), all-Polish political, social and cultural edition, November 9, 1918, No. 216
- RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny (the Illustrative Daily Herald), all-Polish political, social and cultural daily, November 10, 1918, No. 217
- RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 11 (the Illustrative Daily Herald), all-Polish political, social and cultural daily, 1918, No. 218
- RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny (the Illustrative Daily Herald), all-Polish political, social and cultural daily, November 12, 1918, No. 219
- RG-, ABC, daily news newspaper of nationalistic ideology, Poland, September 25, 1926, No. 2
- RG-,, ABC, September 26, 1926, No. 3
- RG-,, ABC, September 27, 1926, No. 4
- RG-, ABC, August 29, 1930, No. 240
- RG-, ABC, August 31, 1930, No. 243
- RG-,ABC, December 1, 1926, No. 68
- RG-, ABC, December 5, 1926, No. 72
- RG-, ABC, December 9, 1926, No. 76
- RG-, ABC, December 15, 1926, No. 82
- RG-, ABC, December 19, 1926, No. 86
- RG-, ABC, December 27, 1926, No. 92
- RG-, ABC, December 31, 1926, No. 96
- RG-, ABC, July 2, 1933, No. 187
- RG-, ABC, July 5, 1933, No. 190
- RG-, ABC, July 10, 1930, No. 189
- RG-, ABC, July 13, 1930, No. 192
- RG-, ABC, July 15, 1933, No. 200
- RG-, ABC, July 17, 1930, No. 196
- RG-, ABC, July 19, 1930, No. 198
- RG-, ABC, July 20, 1933, No. 206
- RG-, ABC, July 30, 1933, No. 218
- RG-, ABC, November 3, 1926, No. 40
- RG-, ABC, November 9, 1926, No. 44
- RG-, ABC, November 11, 1926, No. 48
- RG-, ABC, November 15, 1926, No. 52
- RG-, ABC, November 19, 1926, No. 56
- RG-, ABC, November 23, 1926, No. 60
- RG-, ABC, November 27, 1926, No. 64
- RG-, ABC, October 1, 1926, No. 8
- RG-, ABC, October 3, 1926, No. 10
- RG-, ABC, October 7, 1926, No. 14
- RG-, ABC, October 11, 1926, No. 18
- RG-, ABC, October 15, 1926, No. 22
- RG-, ABC, October 19, 1926, No. 26
- RG-, ABC, October 25, 1926, No. 32
- RG-, ABC, October 29, 1926, No. 36
- RG-, ABC, September 1, 1930, No. 244
- RG-, ABC, September 3, 1930, No. 246
- RG-, ABC, September 28, 1926, No. 5
- RG-, ABC, September 29, 1926, No. 6
- RG-, ABC, July 5, 1933, No. 190
- RG-, ABC, July 15, 1933, No. 200
- RG-, ABC, July 20, 1933, No. 206
- RG-, ABC, July 30, 1933, No. 218
- RG-, ABC, September 1, 1930, No. 244
- RG-, ABC, September 3, 1930, No. 246
- RG-, ABC, August 13, 1933, No. 233
- RG-, ABC, August 26, 1933, No. 246
- RG-, ABC, July 2, 1933, No. 187
- RG-, ABC, August 28, 1933, No. 248
- RG-, ABC, September 1, 1933, No. 252
- RG-, ABC, September 2, 1933, No. 254
- RG-, ABC, September 18, 1933, No. 270
- RG-, ABC, September 22, 1933, No. 274
- RG-, ABC, January 2, 1934, No. 2
- RG-, ABC, January 6, 1934, No. 6
- RG-, ABC, January 11, 1934, No. 10
- RG- , ABC, January 17, 1934, No. 16
- RG- , ABC, January 17, 1934, No. 22
- RG- , ABC, January 29, 1934, No. 28
- RG- , ABC, February 6, 1934, No. 36
- RG- , ABC, February 16, 1934, No. 46
- RG- , ABC, February 26, 1934, No. 56
- RG- , ABC, March 8, 1934, No. 66
- RG- , ABC, March 18, 1934, No. 76
- RG- , ABC, March 28, 1934, No. 86
- RG- , ABC, April 12, 1934, No. 98
- RG- , ABC, April 20, 1934, No. 106
- RG- , ABC, April 30, 1934, No. 116
- RG- , ABC, May 12, 1934, No. 128
- RG- , ABC, May 20, 1934, No. 136
- RG-, Chwila, February 21, 1919, No. 39
- RG-, Chwila, February 26, 1919, No. 44
- RG-46.03.01, Chwila, Political Process in Lwow against a Youth Communist Organization of Western Ukraine, 1926
- RG-46.03.02, Chwila, Jewish parliamentary circle in Polish Sejam, political discourse, 27 January 1926
- RG-46.03.03, Chwila, January 1, 1928, Budget of the Jewish community in Lviv
- RG-46.03.04, Chwila, January 7, 1928, Jewish community of Lviv, protest against govermental control
- RG-46.03.05, Chwila, January 8, 1928, for the autonomic status of Jewish communities in Poland
- RG-46.03.06, Chwila, January 14, 1928, BUND in Eastern Galicia
- RG-46.03.07, Chwila, January 20, 1928, Juliusz Wurzel, Jewish national ideology
- RG-46.03.08, Chwila, January 21, 1928, Ukrainian National Democratic Alliance, UNDO
- RG-46.03.09, Chwila, January 23, 1928, Jewish community in Lviv
- RG-46.03.10, Chwila, January 25, 1928, Assassanation of Stanislaw Sobinski by Ukrainian nationalists
- RG-46.03.11, Chwila, January 26, 1928, Ukrainian electoral politics in Eastern Galicia, interwar Poland
- RG-46.03.12, Chwila, January 27, 1928, Ukrainian political trial in the Sabinski murder, 1928
- RG-46.03.13, Chwila, January 29, 1928, National-Jewish electoral block No. 17, Eastern Galicia, 1928
- RG-46.03.14, Chwila, February 1, 1928, International news reported by Chwila, interwar Poland
- RG-46.03.15, Chwila, February 2, 1928, Ukrainian political extremism, the Trial of Sabinski murder
- RG-46.03.16, Chwila, February 4, 1928, Jewish candidate to Sejm and Senate from Bloc No. 17
- RG-46.03.17, Chwila, February 5, 1928, Electral appeal of National-Jewish block No. 17, Eastern Galicia
- RG-46.03.18, Chwila, February 5, 1928, Ukrainian political processes relfected by Chwila, Sobinski, Lviv
- RG-46.03.19, Chwila, February 7, 1928, Electoral campaign to Sejm and Senate of 1928, Jewish candidates
- RG-46.03.20, Chwila, February 9, 1928, Political trial of the Sabinksi murder, Lviv, 1928
- RG-46.03.21, Chwila, February 10, 1928, Political trial of the Sabinksi murder, Lviv, 1928
- RG-46.03.22, Chwila, February 11, 1928, Electoral debates, National-Jewish block, No. 17, 1928
- RG-46.03.23, Chwila, February 12, 1928, Electoral debates, National-Jewish block, No. 17, 1928
- RG-46.03.24, Chwila, February 13, 1928, Leon Reich, chairman of the National-Jewish block No. 17, Lviv
- RG-46.03.25, Chwila, February 15, 1928, Electoral campaign, National-Jewish block No. 17, Eastern Galicia
- RG-46.03.26, Chwila, February 16, 1928, Political trial of the Sabinski murder, Lviv, 1928
- RG-46.03.27, Chwila, February 17, 1928, Electoral campaign in support of National-Jewish bloc in Eastern Galicia, 1928
- RG-46.03.28, Chwila, February 18, 1928, Jewish national self-identification with regard to the election of 1928
- RG-46.03.29, Chwila, February 19, 1928, Political trial of Sabinski murder, Lviv 1928
- RG-46.03.30, Chwila, February 20, 1928, Jewish parliamentary representation to Polish Sejm and Sentate
- RG-46.03.31, Chwila, February 22, 1928, Electoral campaign to Sejm and Senate in Zloczow (Zolochiv), 1928
- RG-46.03.32, Chwila, February 24, 1928, Support to National-Jewish block No. 17 in Galician towns, 1928
- RG-46.03.33, Chwila, February 25, 1928, Support to National-Jewish block No. 17 in Galician towns, 1928
- RG-46.03.34, Chwila, February 26, 1928, Leon Reich, member of Polish Sejm, 1922 -- 1928
- RG-46.03.35, Chwila, February 27, 1928, Henryk Rosmarin, Jewish-Polish politician, member of Sejm, 1922 -- 1935
- RG-46.03.36, Chwila, February 28, 1928, National-Jewish bloc No 17, electoral debate, February 1928
- RG-46.03.37, Chwila, March 1, 1928, Emil Sommerstein, Jewish-Polish politician, member of the I, III, IV and V Polish Sejm
- RG-46.03.38, Chwila, March 2, 1928, Henryk Hescheles, Jewish-Polish journalist, editor of Chwila
- RG-46.03.39, Chwila, March 2, 1928, Leon Reich, Mojzesh Richter, Szymon (Simon) Federbusch
- RG-46.03.40, Chwila, March 3, 1928, Cwi Heller, Jewish Polish politician, Zionist, scholar
- RG-46.03.41, Chwila, March 4, 1928, Leon Reich
- RG-46.03.42, Chwila, March 5, 1928, Election to the Sejm and Senate of Poland, Second Cadence, Leon Reich
- RG-46.03.43, Chwila, March 6, 1928, Results of the election to Sejm and Senate in Eastern Glalicia, 1928
- RG-46.03.44, Chwila, March 7, 1928, Results of the election to Sejm and Senate in Eastern Glalicia, 1928
- RG-46.03.45, Chwila, March 7, 1928, Maksymiljan Leser, Henryk Rosmarin
- RG-46.03.46, Chwila, March 7, 1928, Results of the election to the Sejm, 1928
- RG-46.03.47, Chwila, March 8, 1928, Post-election, anti-Jewish disturbances in Lviv (Lwow), 1928
- RG-46.03.48, Chwila, March 9, 1928, Electoral campaing to Senate, trial of the Sabinski murder, 1928
- RG-46.03.49, Chwila, March 10, 1928, Anti-Jewish disturbances in Lviv (Lwow), March 1928
- RG-46.03.50, Chwila, March 11, 1928, Electoral campaign to Senate, Lviv (Lwow), 1928
- RG-46.03.51, Chwila, March 12, 1928, Jewish parliamentarian in the First and Second Sejm, interwar Poland
- RG-46.03.52, Chwila, March 13, 1928, Results of the elections to Senate of the second cadence, 1928
- RG-46.03.53, Chwila, March 14, 1928, Results of the elections to Senate of the second cadence, 1928
- RG-46.03.54, Chwila, March 15, 1928, Govermental regulations of implementing religious status of Jewish communities, 1928
- RG-46.03.55, Chwila, March 19, 1928, National-Jewish block about the success in parliamentary election, 1928
- RG-46.03.56, Chwila, March 23, 1928, Electoral defeat of Jewish workers' parties in Eastern Galicia, 1928
- RG-46.03.57, Chwila, March 29, 1928, Second Polish Sejm and Senate, 1928 -- 1930, opening ceremony
- RG-46.03.58, Chwila, March 31, 1928, Ukrainian parliamentary reprsentation in Sejm and Senate, 1928 -- 1930, Poland
- RG-46.03.59, Chwila, April 1, 1928, International news, relfected by Chwila
- RG-46.03.60, Chwila, April 4, 1928, Jewish parliamentary circle in the Second Sejm, the question of the state budget
- RG-46.03.61, Chwila, April 6, 1928, Attach on the residience of Director of Ukrainian Gymnasium in Lviv, by UWO
- RG-46.03.62, Chwila, April 7, 1928, Ukrainian parliamentary representation in the Second Sejm, 1928 -- 1930
- RG-46.03.63, Chwila, April 11, 1928, Jewish national problems in Polish parliamentary perspective, Second Sejm
- RG-46.03.64, Chwila, April 12, 1928, Member of Sejm, Dr. Reich visits Czortkow
- RG-46.03.65, Chwila, April 13, 1928, Associations of Jewish craftsmen in Eastern Galicia, interwar Poland
- RG-46.03.66, Chwila, April 18, 1928, Jewish parliamentatry representation in the Second Sejm, 1928 -- 1930, Poland
- RG-46.03.67, Chwila, April 23, 1928, Jewish parliamentatry representation in the Second Sejm, 1928 -- 1930, Poland
- RG-46.03.68, Chwila, April 29, 1928, Domestic and international news reflected by Chwila, 1918 -- 1939
- RG-46.03.69, Chwila, May 1, 1928, Polish Zionist organization unite in one association, 1928
- RG-46.03.70, Chwila, May 4, 1928, International Labor Day, May 1, in Lviv (Lwow), 1928
- RG-46.03.71, Chwila, May 10, 1928, Governmental ordinances regulating Jewish communities in Poland, 1928
- RG-46.03.72, Chwila, May 14, 1928, Criminal trials in Lviv reflected by Chwila, 1928
- RG-46.03.73, Chwila, May 27, 1928, Local affairs in Lviv (Lwow) reflected by Chwila
- RG-46.03.74, Chwila, June 3, 1928, Leon Reich
- RG-46.03.75, Chwila, June 4, 1928, Leon Reich
- RG-46.03.76, Chwila, June 27, 1928, Leon Reich, Karol Eisentsein, Maximilian Leser, Hernryk Rosmarin, Dawid Schreiber
- RG-90.01.09, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, January - February 1927. No 1, part 9
- RG-90.01.10, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, January - February 1927. No 1, part 10
- RG-90.02.12, Sprawy Narodowosciowe. March - April 1927. No 2, part 12
- RG-90.03.01, Sprawy Narodowosciowe. May - June 1927. No 3, part 1
- RG-90.03.04, Sprawy Narodowosciowe. May - June 1927. No 3, part 4
- RG-90.03.05, Sprawy Narodowosciowe. May - June 1927. No 3, part 5
- RG-90.03.06, Sprawy Narodowosciowe. May - June 1927. No 3, part 6
- RG-90.03.08, Sprawy Narodowosciowe. May - June 1927
- RG-90.03.12, Sprawy Narodowosciowe. May - June 1927. No 3, part 12
- RG-90.04.01, Sprawy Narodowosciowe. July - August 1927. No 4 Part 1
- RG-90.04.02, Sprawy Narodowosciowe. July - August 1927. No 4 Part 2
- RG-90.04.03, Sprawy Narodowosciowe. July - August 1927. No 4 Part 3
- RG-90.04.04, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, July - August 1927. No 4 Part 4
- RG-90.04.05, Sprawy Narodowosciowe. July - August 1927. No 4 Part 5
- RG-90.04.06, Sprawy Narodowosciowe. July - August 1927. No 4 Part 6
- RG-90.04.07, Sprawy Narodowosciowe. July - August 1927. No 4 part 7
- RG-90.04.08, Sprawy Narodowosciowe. July - August 1927. No 4 Part 8
- RG-90.04.09, Sprawy Narodowosciowe. July - August 1927. No 4 Part 9
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