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Searching for Subject: Lwow, Lemberg, Lvov, Lviv, variants of this city name in history, Poland, Ukraine, USSR, Austria
Records and Manuscripts
Documents related to the Holocaust in Lviv (Lwow) and Lviv (Lwow) Region, personal narratives, 1941 -- 1944
Documents related to the Holocaust in Lviv (Lwow) and Lviv (Lwow) Region, The Lviv Collection, personal narratives, 1941-1944
Digital Images and Records
RG-23.47.01, To the population of Lwow county September 1941, German,Ukrainian, Polish
RG-23.47.03, Ordinance by Governor of Eastern Galicia Dr. Lasch for the city of Lemberg, November 1941, Polish, German, Ukrainian
RG-23.47.05, Order for the Jewish population in Lwow in German, Ukrainian, Polish, April 1942, German, Polish, Ukrainian
RG-23.47.06, Lemberg, Poland City Ordinance on the registration of alien residents, December 1941, Polish, German, Ukrainian
RG-46.01.18, Lviv (Lwow, Lemberg), District Galizien, 1943
RG-46.01.51, Lemberg (Lviv, Lwow), General-Gouvernement, 1943
RG-46.02.02, Announcement, all Soviet symbols to be destroyed, Lviv, August 1941
RG-46.02.15, Lwow, July 2, 1941, NKVD prison on Gorodocka street
RG-46.03.03, Chwila, January 1, 1928, Budget of the Jewish community in Lviv
RG-46.03.04, Chwila, January 7, 1928, Jewish community of Lviv, protest against govermental control
RG-46.03.05, Chwila, January 8, 1928, for the autonomic status of Jewish communities in Poland
RG-46.07.16, Jewish Pogrom in Lviv, June-July, 1941 (1)
RG-46.07.17, Jewish Pogrom in Lviv, June-July, 1941 (2)
RG-46.07.18, Jewish Pogrom in Lviv, June-July, 1941 (3)
RG-46.07.19, Jewish Pogrom in Lviv, June-July, 1941 (4)
RG-46.07.20, Jewish Pogrom in Lviv, June-July, 1941 (5)
RG-66.107, Lviv, order of the German City Administrator Kujath about the obligatory destruction of the Soviet symbols, August 1941
RG-66.108, Lviv, Brygidki, German army enters the city, June 30, 1941
RG-66.109, Lviv, Humiliation of Jews by the German soldiers
RG-66.110, Lviv Order to establish the Jewish district, the Ghetto, signed by the Governor of District Galicia, Dr. Lasch, November 1941
RG-66.31, Lviv under the Germann occupation, a square of the three streets
RG-66.32, Lviv under the German occupation, Cathedral of St. Nikolas
RG-72.04.16, Work Identification card issued to Helena Jarema , 26 January 1943, Lemberg (Lviv)
RG-72.04.27, Preliminary Identification card for Christine Motak, born 15 April 1929 from Lviv
RG-72.04.28, Volkspolitisches Referat ID, copy, of Ursel Marie, dated 31 December 1943, Lviv
RG-72.04.46, Form for first notice of medical profession, issued to Abraham Zollman by Health departement of the District of Galicia, Lemberg, dated 1 April 1942
RG-94.01, Chwila. Wednesday 31, August 1921. No. 939
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