RG-75.03.19, Herbert Liebenthal International Transport, advertising | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

RG-75.03.19, Herbert Liebenthal International Transport, adverstising, Berlin W8, Kronenstrasse 33.pdf (PDF Document, 2.52 MB)
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RG-75.03.19, Herbert Liebenthal International Transport, advertising
ca. 1939
Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Found in:
Herbert and Nancy Bernhard Papers, 1872-1970
Sub-Collection 3: RG-75.03, Interwar and Postwar Palestinian-Jewish materials, 1930s -- 1940s
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 19: RG-75.03.19, Herbert Liebenthal International Transport, advertising. Berlin, W8, Kronenstrasse 33, ca. 1939

Berlin (Germany)
business advertisement
Emigration attempts from Nazi Germany
Emigration from Europe to Argentina, 1918 -- 1945
Emigration from Europe to Australia, prewar
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Brazil
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Palestine, prewar
Emigration from Nazi Germany to the United States
Emigration to Latin American countries
Emigration to the United States
Germany (1933 -- 1939)
Haifa (Palestine)
Hannover (Germany)
Herbert Liebenthal International Transport, advertisement
Immigration to Australia
International luggage transport to Palestine, Germany, 1930s
International luggage transport to Palestine, Herbert Liebenthal, Germany
Jewish emigration from Nazi Germany
Jewish personal belongings
New York (New York, United States)
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (United States)
Prewar photographs
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, ca 1938
San Francisco (California, USA)
Sao Paulo (Brazil)
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
The second name Israel as mandatory for Jews in Nazi Germany
United States (1900 -- 1939)
Berlin (Germany)
business advertisement
Emigration attempts from Nazi Germany
Emigration from Europe to Argentina, 1918 -- 1945
Emigration from Europe to Australia, prewar
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Brazil
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Palestine, prewar
Emigration from Nazi Germany to the United States
Emigration to Latin American countries
Emigration to the United States
Germany (1933 -- 1939)
Haifa (Palestine)
Hannover (Germany)
Herbert Liebenthal International Transport, advertisement
Immigration to Australia
International luggage transport to Palestine, Germany, 1930s
International luggage transport to Palestine, Herbert Liebenthal, Germany
Jewish emigration from Nazi Germany
Jewish personal belongings
New York (New York, United States)
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (United States)
Prewar photographs
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, ca 1938
San Francisco (California, USA)
Sao Paulo (Brazil)
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
The second name Israel as mandatory for Jews in Nazi Germany
United States (1900 -- 1939)