Ukrainian Interwar Periodicals in Poland and Czechoslovakia, 1914 -- 1941, 1918-- 1941
| Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

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Dilo (The Deed) was an oldest Ukrainian publication founded as an organ of Ukrainian national-democratic movement in Eastern Galicia (the Austro-Hungary) in 1880.
This daily became the official publication of the Ukrainian National Democratic Allieance in 1925 (Poland). Dilo championed a Ukrainian national independence from a centrist democratic position. With regard to Jewish-Ukrainian relations in Eastern Galicia, Dilo maintained a Ukrainian national perspective of the united front of non-Polish people against the Polish statehood in Eastern Galicia.
Rozbudova Natsii (the Nation-Building) was an émigré monthly published in Prague. The content of the publication dealt with the theory, tasks and practical isssues of the eventual creation of the united and independent Ukrainian State in its ethnic borders.
The publisher was Mykola Stsiborskii and the editor-in-chief was Volodymyr Martynets.
Dolia (The Fate) was a non-partisan periodical of the Ukraianian community in the Przemysl region (Poland). It was published in Przemysl.
Natsiia v Pochodi (the Nation on the March) reflected the geopolitical task and realities of the beginning of the Second World War. It demonstrated the Ukrainian aspiration of building an independent and united Ukrainain state in its ethnic borders in alliance with Germany. It was published in Berlin.
Ilustrovani Visti (the Illustrating News) was a social-cultural and literary periodical published in Cracow at that time under German occupation.
Ukraiinskyj Beskyd (The Ukrainian Beskyd) was a catholic periodical of the Beskyd mountain region of Western Galicia (Poland). The periodical was of monarchiv-hetmanists orientation. Largely, it presented a socio-cultural content. It was published in Przemysl.
ABV Informatynvi Visti (ABV Informing News) was an analytical periodical of nationalistic and Ukrainian state-building orientation published in the form of manuscript in Cracow.
Trudova Ukraiina (the Working Ukraine) was a periodical of the Ukrainian Socialist-Revolutionists party published in Prague. It propagated a radical socialist doctrine of unacceptence of captialism, nationalism and Soviet communism, although it supported a Ukrainian national idea of independence under the angle of radical socialism.
Churtujmosja (Get Together) was military and political periodical of analytical character propagating a national conception of state-building of united Ukraine.
Author: Staff
Cracow (Poland)
Germany (1933 -- 1939)
Germany (1939--1941)
Lviv (Ukraine)
Lwow (Poland)
Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN)
Poland (1918--1939)
Poland (1939 -- 1941)
Poland, history
Prague (Czechoslovakia)
Przemysl (Poland)
Ukraine (1939-1945)
Ukraine, history
Ukrainian -- Soviet Relations, 1922 -- 1941
Ukrainian - German Relations, 1939 -- 1941
Ukrainian - Jewish relations, 1918 --1939
Ukrainian - Polish Relations, 1918 --1941
Ukrainian aspirations for an independent state, 1918 --1941
Ukrainian cultural and religious periodicals, 1918 --1941
Ukrainian literary periodicals, 1918 --1941
Ukrainian military and nationalistic periodicals, 1918 --1941
Ukrainian military formations in the Second World War, 1939 -- 1945
Ukrainian Military Organization (Ukrainska Organizacja Vojskova, UVO)
Ukrainian modern literature
Ukrainian nationalism
Ukrainian periodicals published in Czechoslovakia, 1918 --1939
Ukrainian periodicals published in Germany, 1939 --1941
Ukrainian periodicals published in Poland, 1918 --1939
Ukrainian periodicals published outside Ukraine
Ukrainian politicians of interwar time, 1918 --1939)
Ukrainian social and political periodicals, 1918 --1941
Ukrainian socialist publications, 1918 --1939
Ukrainian state-building, 1918 --1941
Ukrainian writers of interwar time, 1918 --1939

Copyrighted materials, credits to and references to the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust are required
Digital copies might be available upon request
These periodicals represents at least two political camps in the Ukrainian national movement in interwar Europe, 1918 -- 1939.
Dilo (the Deed) was an oldest Ukrainian periodical in Eastern Galicia, it also was the most continuous publication. It first issue appeared on 14 January 1880 and the publication ended with the German invasion of Poland on 6 September 1939. Dilo was first the official party organ of Ukrainian National Democratic Party and since 1925 and until September 1939, it was an official publication of the Ukrainian National Democratic Alliance in Eastern Galicia. Over the time of publishing this edition changed several titles, such as Hromads'ka Dumka (Public Thought), Ukraiins'ka Dumka (Ukrainian Thought), Ukraiins'kyj Vistnyk (Ukrainian Herald), Hromads'kyj Vistnyk (Public Herald) and Svoboda (Freedo
Rozbudova Nacii (Nation Building) was an official organ of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists. This monthly periodicals was published in Prague in 1929 -- 1932. It was a far-right nationalistic periodical banned in Poland. The Organization of the Ukrainian Nationalists regarded the Polish administration over Eastern Galicia illegitimate. The character of publication was more of theoretical content with a portion of informative reportages.
Dolia (The Fate) was a non-partisan periodical published in Przemysl. It reflected social-political affairs of the Przemysl region. The Archive has only editions of 1918.
Natsiia v Pochodi (The Nation on March) was a nationalistic and state-building periodical published in Berlin in 1939 --1941. Its appeal was to buil an independent Ukrainian state under the auspices of Germany. The publisher was V. Kuzhim.
Ilustrovani Visti (the Illustrative News) was a Ukrainian social-cultural and literary monthly periodical published in Cracow. The Archive has publcations of 1940.
Ukraiinskyj Beskyd (the Ukrainian Beskyd) was a catholic weekly of monarchic-hetmatist orientation published in Przemysl in 1933 –1939. It was financially supported by the Biship J. Kotsylovskyj. The publisher was D. Hreholysnskyj. The Archive has publications of 1936.
ABV Informatyvni Visty (ABV, Informing News) a publication in the form of manuscript. It theorized the strategy of Ukrainian state-building in geopolitical and historical perspective. The Archive has publications of 1940 – 1941.
Trudova Ukraiina (the Working Ukraine) was a periodical published by the Ukrainian Party of Socialist-Revolutionists in Prague. This periodical conceptualized a critical approach to capitalism, nationalism and Soviet communism. It supported Ukrainian national independence under the angle of radical socialism. The Archive has publications from 1933 through 1938.Churtujmosjia (Get Together) was military and political periodical of analytical character published in Prague. Its political affiliation was nationalistic and its conception was a state-building of independent Ukraine.
Churtujmosjia (Get Together) was military and political periodical of analytical character published in Prague. Its political affiliation was nationalistic and its conception was a state-building of independent Ukraine.

Documents and Files:
RG-, Dilo, October 24, 1914, No. 198
RG-, Dilo, December 5, 1914, No. 204
RG-, Dilo, February 20, 1915, No. 215
RG-, Dilo, November 28, 1924, No. 265
RG-, Dilo, November 29, 1924, No. 260
RG-, Dilo, November 28, 1924, No. 265
RG-, Dilo, November 30, 1924, No. 267
RG-, Dilo, November 29,1924
RG-, Dilo, January 25, 1925, No. 16
RG-, Dilo, January 30, 1925, No. 21
RG-, Dilo, 1924, No. 271
RG-, Dilo, January 4, 1925, No. 4
RG-, Dilo, November 11, 1924, No. 251
RG-, Dilo, February 5, 1925, No. 26
RG-, Dilo, February 5, 1925, No. 26
RG-, Dilo, March 8, 1925, No. 52
RG-, Dilo, April 7, 1925, No. 77
RG-, Dilo, April 7, 1925, No. 77
RG-, Dilo, April 16, 1925
RG-, Dilo, June 5, 1925, No. 122
RG-, Dilo, June 6, 1925, No. 123
RG-, Dilo, June 6, 1925, No. 123
RG-, Dilo, September 27, 1922, No. 21
RG-, Dilo, 1922, No. 27
RG-, Dilo, October 19, 1922, No. 39
RG-, Dilo, October 21, 1922, No. 41
RG-, Dilo, October 22, 1922, No. 42
RG-, Dilo, October 24, 1922, No. 43
RG-, Dilo, October 25, 1922, No. 44
RG-, Dilo, May 1, 1923, No. 21
RG-, Dilo, June 3, 1923, No. 47
RG-, Dilo, June 13, 1923, No. 55
RG-, June 16, 1923, No. 58
RG-, Dilo, September 14, 1923, No. 132
RG-, Dilo, January 2, 1924, No. 2
RG-, Dilo, January 3, 1924, No. 3
RG-, Dilo, January 4, 1924, No. 4
RG-, Dilo, January 4 1924, No. 4
RG-, Dilo, January 11, 1924, No. 7
RG-, Dilo, January 12, 1924, No. 8
RG-, Dilo, January 13, 1924, No. 9
RG-, Dilo, January 17, 1924, No. 11
RG-, Dilo, January 18, 1924, No. 12
RG-, Dilo, January 19, 1924, No. 13
RG-, Dilo, January 22, 1924, No. 14
RG-, Dilo, January 25, 1924, No. 17
RG-, Dilo, January 26, 1924, No. 18
RG-, Dilo, January 27, 1924, No. 19
RG-, Dilo, January 29, 1924, No. 20
RG-, Dilo, January 30, 1924, No. 21
RG-, Dilo, January 31, 1924, No. 22
RG-, Dilo, February 2, 1924, No. 24
RG-, Dilo, February 3, 1924, No. 25
RG-, Dilo, February 5, 1924, No. 26
RG-, Dilo, February 6, 1924, No. 27
RG-, Dilo, February 7, 1924, No. 28
RG-, Dilo, February 8, 1924, No. 29
RG-, Dilo, February 9, 1924, No. 30
RG-, Dilo, February 10, 1924, No. 31
RG-, Dilo, February 13, 1924, No. 32
RG-, Dilo, February 14, 1924, No. 33
RG-, Rozbudova Nacii (Nation-Building), 1929, No. 1 -2, part 1
Sub-Collection 1: RG-18.02.01, Dilo (The Deed), 1914 -- 1939. A Ukrainian daily of the Ukrainian National Democratic Alliance published in Lviv (Lwow)., 1914 -- 1939
Sub-Collection 2: RG-18.02.02, Rozbudova Nacii (The Nation-Building), 1929 -- 1932, published in Prague, the publication of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, 1929 -- 1932
Sub-Collection 3: RG-18.02.04, Iliustrovani Visti (Illustrative News), Cracow, 1940
Sub-Collection 4: RG-18.02.05, Natsiia v Pochodi (the Nation on March), 1939 -- 1941