Bernd Stevens (Steinitz) Collection, 1920-1960
| Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

This Record Group contains collections and documents related to Bernd Stevens (originally Bernd Karl Steinitz) life-story. It begins in Weimar Republic and continues through the Nazi period, followed by emigration to the United States. A special chapter of Mr. Stevens biography belongs to his service in the US Army, specifically with the period of his secret missions entrusted him by the OSS (US intelligence service). Owing to his German-Jewish origin, the OSS parachuted him with a special group behind the enemy lines in Austria in 1945. He successfully completed his mission.
His postwar period is related to life in Hollywood, CA with the respective entertainment-related activities. Mr. Stevens authored several memoir publications related to his life-story.
Some of the documents and artifacts from this Record Group are on display in the museum exhibition.

Immigration from Nazi Germany
integration in to American society
Jewish religious literature and texts
Jewish religious objects
Postwar adaptation, United States
Second World War, 1939 -- 1945
Secret military missions, 1939 -- 1945
Soldiers, US
Steinitz family history
US Military intelligence
Weimar Republic, 1918 -- 193

No restrictions
Copyrighted materials, credits to and references to the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust are required
Digital copies might be available upon request

Documents and Files:
RG-42.01.01, Bernd Steinitz with brothers and sister, Germany
RG-42.01.02, Bernd Steinitz, two children, Germany
RG-42.01.03, Bernd Steinitz, a nurse
RG-42.01.04, Bernd Steinitz, Vorturner ernannt, certificate of achievement
RG-42.01.05, Bernd Steinitz, a room
RG-42.01.06, Bernd Steinitz, three kids, Germany
RG-42.01.07, Bernd Steinitz, Munich, early 1930s
RG-42.01.08, Steinitz family, Bavaria, 1920s (Stevens)
RG-42.01.09, Young Bernd Steinitz with siblings, Germany, 1920s (Stevens)
RG-42.01.10, Bernd Karl Steinitz, Birth Certificate, 1920
RG-42.01.11, Bernd Steinitz Deutsches Reich Reisepass
RG-42.01.12, Bernd Steinitz Deutsches Reich Kennkarte
RG-42.01.13, Bernd Steinitz, family eating a meal at the table
RG-42.01.14, Bernd Steinitz, formal portrait circa 1937, possibly father
RG-42.01.15, Bernd Steinitz, three children and one woman in front of trees
RG-42.02.01, Bernd Steinitz address book, first page
RG-42.02.02, Bernd Stevens (Steinitz) with another soldier in Italy 1944
RG-42.02.03, Bernd Stevens (Steinitz), intelligence mission, a letter of support
RG-42.02.04, Bernd Steinitz, Two American soldiers
RG-42.02.05, Bernd Steinitz, United States wartime ration book
RG-42.02.06, Bernd Steinitz (Stevens) in US military uniform
RG-42.02.07, Bernd Stevens (Steinitz) in Hollywood
RG-42.02.08, Bernd Steinitz, enlisted man's temporary pass, 1944
RG-42.02.09, Bernd Steinitz, photograph in US military uniform
RG-42.02.10, Bernd Steinitz in military uniform
RG-42.02.11, Bernd Steinitz in uniform with another military serviceman
RG-42.02.12, Bernd Steinitz in Los Angeles
RG-42.02.13, Bernd Steinitz, American military personnel with Hollywood actress
RG-42.02.14, Bernd Steinitz, An American soldier with Hollywood actress
RG-42.02.15, Article about Bernd Steinitz as tire inspector, Chattanooga Free Press, undated
RG-42.02.16, Bernd Steinitz, Certificate of Registrar for rations, May 1942
RG-42.02.17, Bernd Steinitz, American soldiers with Hollywood actresses
RG-42.02.18, Bernd Steinitz, Inspection slip form
RG-42.02.19, Los Angeles Examiner, 3 May 1945, Death of Hitler
RG-42.02.20, Magazine clipping, a local map of a mountain region of Carinthia, Austria
RG-42.02.21, Bernd Steinitz, Red Cross life-saving and water safety completion, dated 21 June 1943
RG-42.02.22, Hollywood actress quilting an American flag
RG-42.02.23, Certificate of Book Holder for War Ration Book
RG-42.02.24, Bernd Steinitz walking down the street with another young man
RG-42.02.25, Young Bernd Steinitz doing a split
RG-42.02.26, Young Bernd Steinitz doing a split on the beach
RG-42.02.27, Postcards to Carl Levy in LA, sent in 1939 from Munich
RG-42.02.28, Head of Gestapo, Salzburg HQ stationery
RG-42.02.29, Bernd Steinitz, French poetry
RG-42.02.30, Bernd Steinitz, US War Department Officer's Identification Card
RG-42.02.31, Bernd Steinitz, Identification card for Corporal Steinitz
RG-42.02.32, Bernd Steinitz, Ration coupons spare
RG-42.02.33, Bernd Steinitz, two daggers
RG-42.02.34, Bernd Steinitz, single dagger
RG-42.02.35, Bernd Steinitz, US Air Force memorabilia
RG-42.02.36, Bernd Steinitz, eagle pin
RG-42.02.37, Bernd Steinitz, expert rifleman pin
RG-42.02.38, Bernd Steinitz, parachute badge
RG-42.02.39, Bernd Steinitz, silver bracelet with parachute and wings
RG-42.02.40, Bernd Steinitz, silver bracelet with parachute and wings, reverse side, with inscription reading 'Bernd I Love You Rose'
RG-42.03.01, Bernd Steinitz, Siddur, closed
RG-42.03.02, Bernd Steinitz, Siddur, open
RG-42.03.03, Bernd Steinitz, Torah scroll
RG-42.03.04, Bernd Steinitz, wooden box with medals, closed
RG-42.03.05, Bernd Steinitz, wooden box containing dagger, Siddur, Torah scroll, necklace, and insignia, open
RG-42.03.06, Bernd Steinitz, gold necklace with three pendants
RG-42.03.07, Bernd Steinitz, gold necklace, close-up of star
RG-42.03.08, Bernd Steinitz, gold necklace, close-up of rectangular pendant with Hebrew letter
RG-42.03.09, Bernd Steinitz, gold necklace, close-up of sterling silver pendant with star and Torah scroll
RG-42.03.10, Bernd Steinitz, gold necklace, close-up of pendant with Hebrew letters and tablets
RG-42.04.01, Bernd Steinitz aerial view of city postwar
RG-42.04.02, Bernd Steinitz, Memorandum for Americans, commemorative narrative, postwar, undated
RG-42.04.03, Bernd Steinitz (Bernd Stevens), Los Angeles
RG-42.04.04, Bernd Steinitz (Bernd Stevens), US, 1960s
RG-42.04.05, Bernd Steinitz, group photograph, postwar, LA
RG-42.04.06, Bernd Steinitz postwar photograph
RG-42.04.07, Bernd Steinitz affidavit of citizenship, 1981, US
RG-42.04.08, Bernd Steinitz self-portrait with camera, postwar
RG-42.04.09, Bernd Steinitz, magazine clipping, lit building postwar
RG-42.04.10, Bernd Steinitz looking out of car postwar
RG-42.04.11, Bernd Steinitz self-portrait with camera
RG-42.04.12, Bernd Steinitz with girls at the beach postwar
RG-42.04.13, Bernd Steinitz with two little daughters and the girl who took care of them after he left, postwar
RG-42.04.14, Bernd Steinitz on lawn chair with child
RG-42.04.15, Bernd Steinitz with two girls at the beach postwar
RG-42.04.16, Bernd Steinitz girl in toy car
RG-42.04.17, Bernd Steinitz girl Anna Maria and Maria Inez left to right
RG-42.04.18, Gus Mandelbaum photograph
RG-42.04.19, Gus Mandelbaum postcard
RG-42.04.20, Bernd Steinitz home in California postwar
RG-42.04.21, Bernd Steinitz mother and daughter postwar
RG-42.04.22, Bernd Steinitz, letter of appreciation from Colonel Livermore, the OSS, August 1945
RG-42.04.23, Bernd Steinitz, SAGE article about Gus Manders, March 2000
Sub-Collection 1: RG-42.01, Bernd Steinitz, personal and family history, 1920 -- 1940
Sub-Collection 2: RG-42.02, Bernd Steinitz, war period, 1942 -- 1945
Sub-Collection 3: RG-42.03, Bernd Steinitz, Judaica and US military awards and decorations, 1860 -- 1945
Sub-Collection 4: RG-42.04, Bernd Steinitz, postwar period, 1945 -- 1960