By staff
Collection Overview
Title: Rise of National Socialism, Nazi Propaganda and the Nazi Party, 1933-1945

Predominant Dates:1920s -- 1942
ID: RG-05/RG-05
Primary Creator: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
Other Creators: Bettger, Lyle S., Nazi Party
Extent: 0.0
The arrangement scheme for the record group was imposed during processing in the absence of an original order. Materials are arranged by subject/creator, then by identifier, as assigned by the processor.
Record group is comprised of seven collections: 1. Collection of Nazi propaganda books and essays; 2. Collection of prewar official documents; 3. Collection of communications; 4. Collection of Nazi artifacts; 5. Collection of Nazi and U.S. propaganda films; 6. Collection of Nazi photographs and postcards; 7. Lyle S. Bettger collection.
Subjects: Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President, Anti-Jewish atrocities in Nazi Germany, 1933 -- 1939, Anti-Jewish atrocities in Nazi Germany, 1933 -- 1939, photographs, Antisemitic caricatures, German, Antisemitic publications, German, Antisemitism in Germany, Antisemitism in Germany, photo-documents, 1920s-- 1945, Correspondence between Nazi-German agencies, Documents in German language, Germany (1933 -- 1939), Interwar Germany (1919 -- 1939), Leadership of the NSDAP, Narratives in German language, National Socialism, theory and regime, National Socialist German Workers' Party, National Socialist movement, Germany and Austria, National Socialist Propaganda, Nazi anti-Jewish measures and legislations, Nazi anti-Jewish propaganda, Nazi German security agencies, SA, 1938, Nazi Germany, army, individual identification documents, 1933 -- 1945, Nazi Germany, public and sports organizations, 1933 -- 1945, Nazi Germany, public and sports organizations, artifacts, 1933 -- 1945, NSDAP (Nazi Party) symbols and decorations, Photo-documents, Nazi Germany, 1933 -- 1945, Photo-documents, Weimar Republic, 1919 -- 1939, Wannsee Conference, Weimar Republic, 1919 -- 1933, Weimar Republic, German police, Weimir Republic, police forces
Languages: German, English
Largely, the documents and artifacts of this record groups reflect the rise of National Socialism in Germany before and after 1933. Collectively these collections relate to the National Socialism as extreme nationalism and provide historical context for unerstanding the nature of Nazi Germany in post-Weimar period.
Scope and Contents of the Materials
This record group contains prewar and wartime Nazi propaganda materials. These records illustrate the various facets of Nazi propaganda over the period when the Nazi movement was rising to power and at a period when the National Socialist Party had become the only ruling and leading force in Germany. Nazi propagandistic materials differ by content and form. For example, there are documents and artifacts of extremely nationalistic and pro-German character. The other group of documents comprises of anti-Semitic and anti-Allied materials related to the wartime period.
The record group and its collections comprise of leaflets, booklets, postcards, Nazi Part publications, and other Nazi ideological materials. The postcards and publications are authentic, and the photographs are prints from the originals. Materials are digitized.
Collection Historical Note
The materials comprised in these collections introduce the theory and mundane experience of National Socialism as it was seen by its ideologist and by ordinary Germans
Subject/Index Terms
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
Anti-Jewish atrocities in Nazi Germany, 1933 -- 1939
Anti-Jewish atrocities in Nazi Germany, 1933 -- 1939, photographs
Antisemitic caricatures, German
Antisemitic publications, German
Antisemitism in Germany
Antisemitism in Germany, photo-documents, 1920s-- 1945
Correspondence between Nazi-German agencies
Documents in German language
Germany (1933 -- 1939)
Interwar Germany (1919 -- 1939)
Leadership of the NSDAP
Narratives in German language
National Socialism, theory and regime
National Socialist German Workers' Party
National Socialist movement, Germany and Austria
National Socialist Propaganda
Nazi anti-Jewish measures and legislations
Nazi anti-Jewish propaganda
Nazi German security agencies, SA, 1938
Nazi Germany, army, individual identification documents, 1933 -- 1945
Nazi Germany, public and sports organizations, 1933 -- 1945
Nazi Germany, public and sports organizations, artifacts, 1933 -- 1945
NSDAP (Nazi Party) symbols and decorations
Photo-documents, Nazi Germany, 1933 -- 1945
Photo-documents, Weimar Republic, 1919 -- 1939
Wannsee Conference
Weimar Republic, 1919 -- 1933
Weimar Republic, German police
Weimir Republic, police forces
Administrative Information
Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Access Restrictions:
No restrictions
Use Restrictions:
Copyrighted materials, credits to and references to the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust are required
Digital copies might be available upon request
Preferred Citation:
RG-05, Nazi Propaganda and the Nazi Party. Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust Archive.
Processing Information:
Materials are primarily described using the local descriptive standards of the LA Museum of the Holocaust.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Sub-Collection:
Sub-Collection 1: RG-05.01, Publications, Albums and Essays, 1922 -- 1945],
Sub-Collection 2: RG-05.02, National Socialism, official Documents, 1920s -- 1945],
Sub-Collection 3: RG-05.03, Communications between Nazi Party's agencies, 1920s -- 1945],
Sub-Collection 4: RG-05.04, Nazi Artifacts, 1933 -- 1945],
Sub-Collection 5: RG-05.05, Documentary films about National Socialism from the USHMM Archive, 1933 -- 1945],
Sub-Collection 6: RG-05.06, Postcards and photographs, the period of National Socialist regime, 1933 --1945],
Sub-Collection 7: RG-05.07, Lyle S. Bettger Collection, posters, 1934],
- Sub-Collection 1: RG-05.01, Publications, Albums and Essays, 1922 -- 1945

- This Collection includes the works of Nazi theorists with regard to the ideology of German National Socialism
- Subject/Index Terms:
National Socialist Ideology
National Socialist Propaganda
Theory of National Socialism
German Armed Forces, Wehrmacht
German invasion of the USSR, 22 June 1941
Goebbels, Josef
Nazi party rallies, Nuernberg, 1933
Nazi anti-Jewish propaganda
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
Photo-documents, Nazi Germany, 1933 -- 1945
Germany (1933 -- 1945)
Narratives in German language
Documents in German language
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
Nazi Party, agencies (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 1: RG-05.01.01, Hitler glorification booklets, 1933-1945

Collection of five booklets glorifying Hitler as a military and political leader. Each cover has a picture of Hitler with the title "Der Fuerher" and a short phrase below the picture. The text is in German.
1) “The Fuehrer’s Battle in the East” propaganda book (1.5’’x 2”). Pictures and descriptions of the first two weeks of September 1939
2) “The Fuehrer and his Home” propaganda book (1.5” x 2”). Pictures of when Hitler arrived in Austria in 1938
3) “The Fuehrer and the Youth” propaganda book (1.5” x 2”). Pictures of Hitler and children throughout Germany
4) “The Fuehrer and Mussolini” propaganda book (1.5” x 2”). Pictures of Hitler and Mussolini in both Germany and Italy, praising their cooperation
5) “The Fuehrer’s Battle in France” propaganda book. Pictures and text about Germany’s invasion of France from June 5th-25th, 1940
- Subject/Index Terms:
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
National Socialist Propaganda
German Armed Forces, Wehrmacht
National Socialist Ideology
Theory of National Socialism
NSDAP and Nazi Germany, party and government officials
Glorification booklets of Hitler
Hitler in Homeland, a booklet
Campaign in the East, Booklet, Hitler
French Campaign, a booklet, Hitler
Hitler and Mussolini, a booklet
Hitler with young people, a booklet
The fuehrer, a booklet, Hitler
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Nazi Party, agencies (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 2: RG-05.01.02, Adolf Hitler Photo Book, 1936

- An Adolf Hitler photo book titled Bilder Aus Dem Leben Des Furhers. The book includes many photographs of Hitler in several aspects of his life, especially conducting his duties as the head of Germany. There is also a fair amount of text explaining the photographs. The text is in German. The book was published in 1936.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
National Socialist Propaganda
German Armed Forces, Wehrmacht
Album of the Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler, Hamburgh, 1936
Nazi Anti-Semitic Propaganda
Nazi anti-Jewish propaganda
Adolf Hitler, photodocuments, photobook, 1935
Nazi party agenda, album of the fuehrer, 1935
Adolf Hitler, national socialist propaganda, 1935
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Nazi Party, agencies (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 1: RG-, Adolf Hitler photo-book captions translation sheet

- The English translations of the captions in the Adolf Hitler Photo Book.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
National Socialist Propaganda
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Nazi Party, agencies (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 2: RG-, Adolf Hitler Photo Book, 1936

This is an additional copy of the Adolf Hitler Photo book, in better condition.
An Adolf Hitler photo book titled Bilder Aus Dem Leben Des Furhers. The book includes many photographs of Hitler in several aspects of his life, especially conducting his duties as the head of Germany. There is also a fair amount of text explaining the photographs. The text is in German. The book was published in 1936.
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 3: RG-05.01.03, Jews in the USA, with translated captions, 1941

- A German publication titled Die Juden in USA. The publication includes over 100 deceiving antisemitic photographs with captions in German. It was written by Hans Diebow and published by Zentralverlag der NSDAP (Central Publishing of the NSDAP in Berlin, 1941. This book presents pictures of various prominent Americans of Jewish ancestry, often in embarrassing or unfavorable poses. Accompanying the pictures are captions which clearly display an anti-semitic bias. The author alludes frequently to Jewish stereotypes prominent in Germany at the time of publishing, such as gluttony, excessive wealth, and a fondness of non-Jewish women. A frequent target of the disparaging captions is New York Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia, who is often shown eating or talking with other prominent US politicians, including President Roosevelt. These pictures, along with several comments made at the end of the book, are intended to suggest the existence of a Jewish, Bolshevik conspiracy whose goal is to appropriate all positions of power in the US.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi anti-Jewish propaganda
National Socialist Propaganda
Jews in the USA, Dr. Hans Diebow, compiler, 1941
Anti Jewish American propaganda, Jews in the USA publication, 1941
Propaganda against Jewish Americans, 1941
Anti Jewish American propaganda
Anti-Jewish propaganda, German
Nazi Anti-Semitic Propaganda
The mayor of NYC, photodocument, Jews in the USA, 1941
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Nazi Party, agencies (1933 -- 1945)
Dr. Hans Diebow
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 4: RG-05.01.04, Josef Goebbels, The Attack, Essays from the Time of Struggle, 31 July 1936

- A book titled The Attack: Essays from the Time of Struggle written by Josef Goebbels in German and published by Zentralverlag der NSDAP (The Central Publisher of the NSDAP) in 1936. The book is essentially a history of the Nazi Party serving to justify the foundation and purpose of the Nazi Regime. There are many stories of Nazi party members overcoming some type of adversity to found a government to glorify the German people. At the end of the book, there are case study examples of good citizens as well as detailed reasons for making the Jewish community an enemy of the state. Goebbels also founded a newspaper by the same name, Der Angriff, which published Nazi propaganda.
- Subject/Index Terms:
National Socialist Propaganda
National Socialist Ideology
Theory of National Socialism
Goebbels, Josef
Nazi antisemitic propaganda
- Creators:
Josef Goebbels
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Nazi Party, agencies (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 5: RG-05.01.05, 30 Articles of War Josef Goebbels, 1943

- A typed and translated copy of the 30 Articles of War written by Josef Goebbels in 1943 when winning the war did not look so promising for Germany. The Articles are a reminder to the German people of their duty to serve Germany and win the war. It was thought that the outcome of the war depended upon the entire German people. There is extreme contept for anyone who consorts with the enemy or hesitates to sacrifice his life for his country.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Goebbels, Josef
National Socialist Propaganda
Theory of National Socialism
National Socialist Ideology
- Creators:
Josef Goebbels
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Nazi Party, agencies (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 6: RG-05.01.06, German Soldiers Reflect on the USSR, 1941

A publication called German Soldiers Reflect on the USSR published by Wilhelm Limpert publishing house, Berlin 1941. The first page contains a quote by Dr. Goebbels: “If the foreign propaganda accuses us of giving the German population a wrong or imperfect impression of the fights in the East, the best way to confute this is by showing the letters of our soldiers.”
German soldiers as king’s evidence against Bolshevism
In a “Paradise of Workers”
In the apartments and on the streets
Jews and ‘Big shots’ economy
Bolshevik atrocities
Soldiers’ recipes for complainers
Former communists judge
Germany – most beautiful home
Soldier’s thanks to the Fuehrer
- Subject/Index Terms:
National Socialist Propaganda
German invasion of the USSR, 22 June 1941
German Armed Forces, Wehrmacht
Berlin (Germany)
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Nazi Party, agencies (1933 -- 1945)
Wilhelm Limpert publishing house, Berlin
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 7: RG-05.01.07, Der Parteitag des Sieges (The Congress of Winners), 1933, 1933

- Der Parteitag des Sieges (The Congress of Winners), a picture book of the 1933 party convention in Nuremberg, containing approximately 100 black and white images. It was published by Zeitgeschichte publishing house, Berlin. Baldur von Schirach (Youth leader of the German empire) wrote the introduction and captions. Photographer Heinrich Hoffmann took the pictures (photographer of the NSDAP leadership). 64 pages.
- Subject/Index Terms:
National Socialist Propaganda
Congress of Winners, 1933
NSDAP and Nazi Germany, party and government officials
Nuremberg, Germany, publication, 1933
photodocuments, Hitler, 1933
Photodocument, Hitler at Nazi Rallies, 1933
Nazi Rallies, photodocuments
Nazi Anti-Semitic Propaganda
Nazi antisemitic propaganda
Nazi Propaganda
Nuremberg (Germany)
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Nazi Party, agencies (1933 -- 1945)
Baldur von Schirach (Youth leader of the German empire)
Heinrich Hoffmann (photographer of the NSDAP leadership)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 8: RG-05.01.08, Dr. Goebbels, 30 Articles of War for the German People, 1943

- The 30 Articles of War (Dreissig Kriegsartikel fuer das Deutsche Volk<span style="display: none;"> </span>)<span style="display: none;"> </span> written by Josef Goebbels in 1943 when winning the war did not look so promising for Germany. The Articles are a reminder to the German people of their duty to serve Germany and win the war. It was thought that the outcome of the war depended on the entire German people. There is extreme contept for anyone who consorts with the enemy or hesitates to sacrifice his life for his country. The text is in German.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Goebbels, Josef
National Socialist Propaganda
National Socialist Ideology
Theory of National Socialism
- Creators:
Josef Goebbels
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Nazi Party, agencies (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 9: RG-05.01.09, Nazi Propaganda Booklet " Schulungsbrief", 1944

- A Nazi propaganda booklet sent to Werner Lohoff in 1944. The booklet contains anti semitic content. Bad Sachsa, Germany, 1944.
- Subject/Index Terms:
National Socialist Propaganda
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Nazi Party, agencies (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 10: RG-05.01.10, Deutschland Erwacht (Germany Awakened) Photo book, 1933

- Deutschland Erwacht (Germany Awakened) published for the NSDAP in Germany by Cigaretten Bildendienst of Altona-Bahrenfeld November 1933, as a tribute to the Nazi Party.
- Arrangement: Item-level Book
Extent: One Book
Language: German
- Subject/Index Terms:
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
Adolf Hitler, national socialist propaganda, 1935
Nazi party
National Socialist Propaganda
National socialist propaganda documents, 1930s
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Nazi Party
Nazi Party, agencies (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 11: RG-05.01.11, Nazi Propaganda, Anti-semitism, 1933-1939

- Nazi antisemitic propaganda. 37 photographs of plates from a German language book titled Picture Volume for the Education of the Hitler Youth. Ca. 1933-1939
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi antisemitic propaganda
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Nazi Party, agencies (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 13: RG-05.01.13, Nazi Propaganda, Souvenir booklet in German entitled "The Fuerher's Battle in France", 1940

- A Nazi Propaganda souvenir booklet in German entitled "The Fuerher's Battle in France." Photo documentation by Henrich Hoffman. Issued by the Nazi "Winter Aid" campaign. 34 pages, 16 photographs, one map of France, June 1940. <span style="display: none;"> </span>
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi war propaganda for the military and German people
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Nazi Party, agencies (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 14: RG-05.01.14, Nazi Propaganda, Opening two pages of an article in German entitled "Bastards along the Rhine River", 1940

- The opening two pages of an article in German entitled "Bastards along the Rhine River." There is one photograph of French African troops in the Rhineland and one of two children whose fathers were French African soldiers. Ca. 1940.
- Subject/Index Terms:
National Socialist Propaganda
Nazi racial theory
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Nazi Party, agencies (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 15: RG-05.01.15, Anti-semitic Propaganda and Currency, 1943

- A one dollar bill with the following text in French: This dollar bill is valid only if signed by Morgenthau. The Minister of Treasury of the United States is the Jew Morgenthau Jr., allied with the big sharks of international finance. All of the attributes of Jews appear on this dollar: the eagle of Israel, the triangle, the eye of Jehovah, thirteen letters of the currency, thirteen morning stars, thirteen arrows, thirteen olive branches, thirteen unfinished steps to the Pyramid. This Dollar has financed the Jewish war. Oran, Algeria, 1943, dropped by plane.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi Anti-Semitic Propaganda
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Nazi Party, agencies (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 16: RG-05.01.16, Nazi Propaganda, Leaflet Aimed at US Soldiers, 1944

- Recto: "Who started World War II? You have been told that Germany declared WWII on 9 December 1941. You are wrong. As far back as spring 1941 the English dropped pamphlets on Germany showing American factories in full spring." A newspaper clipping: A hand holding a magnifying glass over the Boston Herald of 21 August 1944 enlarges a letter to the editor, the latter argues that Roosevelt's Lend-Lease policy signaled the true entry of the US into the war. End of 1944.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi war propaganda, US military
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Nazi Party, agencies (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 17: RG-05.01.17, Nazi War Propaganda, Leaflet aimed at US soldiers, 1944

- A Nazi propaganda Leaflet aimed at US soldiers. The cover creates the impression that it is a pamphlet issued by the US War department with this text: "If you should be captured you will be safe." War Department 16 May 1944. "We Germans are doing the same. Do not let anybody tell you we are not! Germany strictly adheres to the Geneva Convention! Captivity means you will be safe!" End of 1944.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi war propaganda, US military
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Nazi Party, agencies (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 18: RG-05.01.18, Nazi Propaganda Booklet, Roosevelt Verraet Amerika (Roosevelt Commits Treason Against America), 1942

- A Nazi propaganda booklet titled "Roosevelt Commits Treason Against America." The booklet portrays Roosevelt as a willing puppet of an international Jewish conspiracy. Printed in Berlin, 1942.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi war propaganda, US military
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Nazi Party, agencies (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 19: RG-05.01.19, Nazi War Propaganda, 5 postcards, 1941

- Five postcards from a series entitled Symbols of Honor, Day of the Armed Forces. It includes symbols for the anti-aircrafit, artillery, infantry, submarines, tank, and naval destroyers. 1941.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi war propaganda
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Nazi Party, agencies (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 20: RG-05.01.20, Nazi Propaganda, Three Small Advertisements in German for a photograph book, 1938

- Three small advertisements in German for a photograph book entitled Adolf Hitler and His Path to a Germany that includes Austria. Austria after the Anschluss with Nazi Germany.
- Subject/Index Terms:
National Socialist Propaganda
Anschluss, German annexation of Austria
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 21: RG-05.01.21, Nazi Propaganda, Nazi postcard, "Potsdam 21 March 1933", 1933

- A Nazi propaganda postcard of "Potsdam 21 March 1933" depicts Hitler and Hindenburg shaking hands in the Potsdam, Germany, 1933.
- Subject/Index Terms:
National Socialist Propaganda
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 22: RG-05.01.22, Nazi Propaganda, Sponsored by the War Winter Aid Campaign, 1939-1944

- The Police on Duty at the Front depicts two SS officers holding large guns in the snow with tanks in the background. 1939-1944.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi war propaganda for the military and German people
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 23: RG-05.01.23, Nazi Propaganda Postcard, 1939-1945

- A postcard with Bismarck and the following quote of him in German: "Cowardly (foreign) policy has always brought misfortunes."
- Subject/Index Terms:
National Socialist Propaganda
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 24: RG-05.01.24, Nazi Propaganda Postcard, German Soldiers in Sicily, 1943

- A Nazi propaganda postcard of German soldiers relaxing on a hillside, and one soldier is playing an accordion. They are in Sicily, and there is a Greek temple in the background. 1943
- Subject/Index Terms:
National Socialist Propaganda
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 25: RG-05.01.25, Nazi Propagands, Three Postcards, 1943

- Three Nazi Propaganda postcards. Two have the same image: a 1814 print of a Bavarian cavalier on a rearing horse with the inscription: "Through toughness and sacrifice to victory!" The third is a pastel of a young German girl holding an umbrella and a bag with flowers and a bottle, 1943
- Subject/Index Terms:
National Socialist Propaganda
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 26: RG-05.01.26, Nazi Propaganda postcard, Painting of a blond Hitler Youth boy, 1933-1939

- A postcard of a painting of a blond Hitler Youth boy playing a drum in front of a row of Nazi flags, landmark towers of Nuremburg in the background.
- Subject/Index Terms:
National Socialist Propaganda
Hitler Jugend
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 27: RG-05.01.27, Nazi Propaganda Postcard of SS in uniform, 1933 -- 1939

- A postcard of SS in uniform and helmet standing between a swastika banner in the foreground of the Nuremburg castle in the background.
- Subject/Index Terms:
National Socialist Propaganda
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 28: RG-05.01.28, Nazi Propaganda Postcard of Hitler with raised arm, 1933 -- 1939

- A postcard of Hitler with a raised arm. At the bottom is written "Our Fuerher."
- Subject/Index Terms:
National Socialist Propaganda
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 29: RG-05.01.29, Nazi Propaganda postcard of Hitler and Goering saluting to a crowd, 1933 -- 1939

- A postcard of Hitler and Goering saluting to a crowd from the balcony of the Reich Chancellery.
- Subject/Index Terms:
National Socialist Propaganda
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
Goebbels, Josef
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 30: RG-05.01.30, Nazi Propaganda, SA members at Bamberger and Hertz store, 1933-1938

- SA members at Bamberger and Hertz store. They appear to be about to paint something on the store window. The crowd looks on approvingingly, 1933-1938.
- Subject/Index Terms:
National Socialist Propaganda
Nazi anti-Jewish measures, actions and legislations
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 31: RG-05.01.31, Nazi Propaganda, Souvenir booklet in German entitled " The Fuehrer and Youth", 1935 -- 1937

- A souvenir booklet in German entitled "The Fuehrer and Youth." Photo documentation by Henrich Hoffman. Issued by the Nazi "Winter Aid" campaign. 22 different photographs of Hitler with youth followed by four pages of commentary by Youth Leader Baldur von Shirach. Table of contents provides year and often the location of each photograph.
- Subject/Index Terms:
National Socialist Propaganda
Hitler Jugend
Nazi Youth Movement
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Heinrich Hoffmann (photographer of the NSDAP leadership)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 32: RG-05.01.32, Nazi Propaganda, Sourvenir booklet in German entitled: "The Fuehrer and Mussolini", 1935 -- 1939

- A souvenir booklet in German entitled: "The Fuehrer and Mussolini." Photo documentation by Henrich Hoffman. Issued by the Nazi "Winter Aid" campaign. 28 photographs in Italy and Germany, 1935-1939.
- Subject/Index Terms:
National Socialist Propaganda
Hitler and Mussolini 1935-1939
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Heinrich Hoffmann (photographer of the NSDAP leadership)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 33: RG-05.01.33, Nazi Propaganda, Souvenir booklet in German entitled: "The Fuehrer and his Homeland", 1938

- A souvenir booklet in German entitled “The Fuhrer and his Homeland." Photo documentation by Henrich Hoffman. Issued by the Nazi "Winter Aid" campaign. 28 photographs of Hitler in Austria, 1938
- Subject/Index Terms:
National Socialist Propaganda
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Heinrich Hoffmann (photographer of the NSDAP leadership)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 34: RG-05.01.34, Nazi Propaganda Postcard, Members of the League of German Girls marching, 1933 -- 1939

- A postcard of members of the League of German Girls marching in formation down a German street. A swastika banner hangs from one of the building on the street.
- Subject/Index Terms:
League of German Girls and Women
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 35: RG-05.01.35, Nazi Propaganda Postcard of impassioned speaker, 1933 -- 1939

- A postcard of an impassioned speaker addressing a crowd. The podium is draped with a huge swastika.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi Gathering
National Socialist Propaganda
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 36: RG-05.01.36, Nazi Propaganda Postcard of a parade down a German street, 1933 -- 1939

- A postcard of a parade down a German street. Swastika banners hang from windows; children raise their arms in the Hitler greeting to men walking by in Nazi uniforms.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazis parade through streets
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 37: RG-05.01.37, Nazi Propaganda, An illustrated book titled Fight for the Third Reich, 1933

- An illustrated book titled Fight for the Third Reich, Compiled by Henrich Hoffman, contains 92 pages, 273 images. The book was published shortly after the NSDAP came to power in 1933. The Nazi version of German history and their movement is presented.
- Subject/Index Terms:
National Socialist Propaganda
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Heinrich Hoffmann (photographer of the NSDAP leadership)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 38: RG-05.01.38, Nazi anti-Jewish politics and measures, Copy of the invitation to the Wannsee Conference from Heydrich to the high-ranking Nazi officials and police chiefs, 1941

- Copy of the invitation to the Wannsee Conference from Heydrich to the high-ranking Nazi officials and police chiefs. Among the addressees were Buehler, Stckart, Schlegelberger, Gutterer, Neumann, Meyer, Krueger, Leibbrandt, Luther,Hoffmann, Greifelt, Klopfer, and Kritzinger, 1941-1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Wannsee Conference
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Reinhard Heydrich (1941)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 39: RG-05.01.39, Nazi propaganda and ideology, Book, Fight for Berlin (Kampf um Berlin), 1932

- A book entitled Fight for Berlin (Kampf um Berlin). Authored by Josef Goebbels, published by Eher Publishing house, Munich, 1932. This book is the first part of two volumes on this topic. The given one deals with the period between 1923-1927. Goebbel's involvement is emphasized, 287p.
- Arrangement: Item-level book
Extent: Cover, end page, title page, portrait, page 286
Language of Material: German
- Subject/Index Terms:
National Socialist Propaganda
National Socialist Ideology
- Creators:
Josef Goebbels
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 40: RG-05.01.40, Nazi propaganda and ideology, Picture-book of the 1933 Nazi Party convention in Nuremberg, 1933

- A picture-book of the 1933 Nazi Party convention in Nuremberg. It contains aproximately 100 images. Published by Heinrich Hoffmann, photographer of the NSDAP leadership and Baldur von Schirach, Yough leader of Germany, the latter contributed the introduction and captions. The book is entitled: The Party Convention of Victory in Nurembgerg, 1933 (Der Parteitag des Sieges) Published in Berlin, 64 pages
- Subject/Index Terms:
National Socialist Ideology
National Socialist Propaganda
Nazi Party Convention, Nuremberg, 1933
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Heinrich Hoffmann (photographer of the NSDAP leadership)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 41: RG-05.01.41, Nazi propaganda and ideology: A Pathfinder and Advance Fighter for the New Germany

- A Pathfinder and Advance Fighter for the New Germany (Wegbereiter und Vorkaempfer fuer das neue Deutschland). Distinguished Nazi leaders in Government, public life, military, literature and art are presented in this book. There are 168 images, mainly portraits of the given personalities, 1933. The book was published by Wilhelm Freiherr von Mueffling in May 1933 in Munich, 64 pages.
- Subject/Index Terms:
National Socialist Propaganda
National Socialist Ideology
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 42: RG-05.01.42, Nazi propaganda, cult of Hitler: A Photo-Album entitled Hitler as Nobody Knows Him, 1931 -- 1932

- A Photo-Album: Hitler as Nobody Knows Him 100 images of the Fuehrer's life (Hitler wie in keiner kennt: 100 Bilddokumente aus dem Leben des Fuehrer). Nazi propaganda. Hitler cult. Published by Heinrich Hoffman in Berlin, ca 1931-1932.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
National Socialist Propaganda
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Heinrich Hoffmann (photographer of the NSDAP leadership)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 43: RG-05.01.43, Nazi propaganda and education, Songbook for the Hitler Youth., 1935 -- 1937

- Songbook for the Hitler Youth. A collection of the songs (lyrics and melodies), 63 pages. Published in October 1935, 1935-1937. Nazi propaganda and education Published by the Youth Authority department. Introduction by the music consultant Wolfgang Stumme.
- Subject/Index Terms:
National Socialist Propaganda
Nazi Youth Movement
Hitler Jugend
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 44: RG-05.01.44, Nazi propaganda and history, Book entitled Germany Between Night and Day, 1934

- A book entitled Germany between Night and Day (Deutschland zwischen Nacht und Tag). The book claimed that the post-World War I economic and political hardships were attributed to the sanctions and restrictions imposed on Germany by the Versailles System. To break out of misery and indignity meant to follow the National Socialist. Authored by Freidrich Seiss. Published in Berlin, 1934 279 pp.
- Subject/Index Terms:
National Socialist Propaganda
Nazi version of history
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Friedrich Seiss (1934)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 45: RG-05.01.45, Nazi propaganda, An illustrated newspaper entitled German Economic propaganda in Images and Print, 1934

- An illustrated newspaper entitled German Economic propaganda in Images and Print (Deutsche Wirtschaftspropaganda in Bild und Schrift). The issue about German china industry is covered. March 1934.
- Subject/Index Terms:
National Socialist Propaganda
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 46: RG-05.01.46, Nazi general publications, Planner Calendar, 1942 -- 1943

- A planner Calendar (Der Merker). A calendar-type publication, 1942-1943
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi party artifacts
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 47: RG-05.01.47, Nazi propaganda, A song-book for an SA Commander, early 1930s

- A song-book for an SA Commander (SA Sturmlieder, 87 Lieder, zum Teil mit Noten). 87 songs, 69 pages, published in the early 1930s
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi party artifacts
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 48: RG-05.01.48, German general and military publications, Blow toward the West , 1939 -- 1940

- Blow Toward the West (Schlag nach ueber den Westen). Wehrmacht (Army)-published reference book on Western Europe of historical, geographical, political, and administrative content. Designated for internal use in the Germany military. Date of publication: 1939/1940
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
German Military Publications (1939-1940)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 49: RG-05.01.49, SA members engaged in anti-semitic and anti-Jewish activity, 1933

- Two photographs depicting SA members engaged in boycotting activity near the Jewish department store Bamberger and Hertz, Munich, ca. 1933
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi anti-Jewish measures, actions and legislations
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 50: RG-, Adolf Hitler Photo-Book, R Part.1

- Publication of National Socialist propaganda about Adolf Hitler
- Subject/Index Terms:
Album of the Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler, Hamburgh, 1936
Hitler with German military officials, photographs, 1930s
Hitler at the common grave of soldiers fallen in the battle during WWI, Franconia ,1930s
Hitler travels through Germany, 1930s, photodocuments
National Socialist Propaganda
National socialist propaganda documents, 1930s
Hitler meets with German people, national socialist propaganda, photodocuments, 1930s
Hitler gives speeches, national socialist propaganda, photodocuments, 1930s
Hitler in the mountains, national socialist propaganda, photodocuments, 1930s
Hitler at the diplomatic reception, national socialist propaganda, 1930s
Documents in German language
Narratives in German language
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
Nazi Party, agencies (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 51: RG-, Adolf Hitler Photo-Book, R Part.2

- Publication of National Socialist propaganda about Adolf Hitler
- Subject/Index Terms:
Album of the Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler, Hamburgh, 1936
Documents in German language
Narratives in German language
National Socialist Propaganda
National socialist propaganda documents, 1930s
Meeting of Japanese political and military establishment, 1934
Parade in Nuremburg, 1935, foreign military attaches present, photodocument
Hitler with head of European leaders, ca 1935
Hitler with the German cabinet, 1935
Hitler with Polish foreign minister Beck, ca 1935
Hitler and diplomatic activities, ca 1935
Hitler attends international workers day, May 1 1934, Berlin
Hitler at the rally at Tempelhofer Field, May 1 1934, Berlin
Hitler at a cornerstone laying ceremony for an assembly hall in a newly founded settlement, ca 1935
Hitler and workers, photodocument, National socialist propaganda, ca 1935
Hitler visits automobile production plants, ca 1935
Hitler in the Berlin Philharmonic, ca 1935
Hitler visiting art establishments, ca 1930s
Hitlers personal art works, ca 1914
Hitlers innovation to new architectural style in Germany, ca 1935
Creation of autobahn, new speedy motorways, Germany, ca 1935
State funeral of President Hindenburg, Tannenberg Memorial, Germany, August 7 1934
Hitler at Nazi rallies, 1930s
Hitler at military exercises, Germany, 1935
Hitler meets young workers at Reich Chancellery, May 1 1934, Nazi propaganda
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
Nazi Party, agencies (1933 -- 1945)
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 52: RG-, Adolf Hitler Photo-Book, R Part.3

- Publication of National Socialist propaganda about Adolf Hitler
- Subject/Index Terms:
Narratives in German language
Documents in German language
National Socialist Propaganda
National socialist propaganda documents, 1930s
Hitler at military exercises, Germany, 1935
Hitler at Nazi rallies, 1930s
Hitler with young children, Nazi propaganda, ca 1932
Hitler with members of the Hitler Youth, ca 1934
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
Nazi Party, agencies (1933 -- 1945)
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Sub-Collection 2: RG-05.02, National Socialism, official Documents, 1920s -- 1945

- This collection contains theoretical and propaganda materials reflecting the ideology of German National Socialism.
- Subject/Index Terms:
National Socialist movement, Germany and Austria
National Socialism, theory and regime
National Socialist Ideology
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 1: RG-05.02.01, Notice informing Minna Fried that she's been fired for being Jewish, 1938

- A notice informing Minna Fried that she has been fired for being Jewish. This is a typed and translated version (with German and English), not the original document.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi anti-Jewish measures and legislations
Nazi antisemitic propaganda
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 2: RG-05.02.02, First page of addendum to Reich Citizenship Law of September 1935, 1935

- The first page of an addendum to the Riech Citizenship Law of September 1935, USHMM.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi anti-Jewish measures and legislations
Nazi anti-Jewish measures, actions and legislations
Nazi anti-Jewish propaganda
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Sub-Collection 3: RG-05.03, Communications between Nazi Party's agencies, 1920s -- 1945

- This collection contains documents of internal communications between Nazi Party agencies.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Gauleiter Dr. Wuerzburg, Helmuth
Gauleiter Dr. Hellmuth, Otto
Telegrams to Nazi officials
Wannsee Conference
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 1: RG-05.03.01, Wannsee Conference, Invitations to police chiefs and other Nazi officials, 1941

- Invitations to the Wannsee Conference from Heydrich to police chiefs and other Nazi officials. The addressee of this letter is Mr. Buehler, similar letters were also sent to Mr. Stuckart, Dr. Schlegelberger, Mr. Gutterer, Mr. Neumann, Dr. Meyer, Mr. Krueger, Dr. Leibbrandt, Mr. Luther, Mr. Hoffmann, Mr. Greifelt, Mr. Klopfer and Mr. Kritzinger. The aim of the Conference was the Final Solution of the Jewish Question in Europe (transportation to, and extermination of all European Jews in, Eastern Europe). The invitation is dated December 1, 1941.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Wannsee Conference
Berlin (Germany)
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 1: RG-, Invitation to Wannsee Conference, translation from German, 1941

- A typed translation from German to English of the invitations to the Wannsee Conference from Heydrich to police chiefs and other Nazi officials. The addressee of this letter is Mr. Buehler, similar letters were also sent to Mr. Stuckart, Dr. Schlegelberger, Mr. Gutterer, Mr. Neumann, Dr. Meyer, Mr. Krueger, Dr. Leibbrandt, Mr. Luther, Mr. Hoffmann, Mr. Greifelt, Mr. Klopfer and Mr. Kritzinger. The aim of the Conference was the Final Solution of the Jewish Question in Europe (transportation to, and extermination of all European Jews in, Eastern Europe). The invitation is dated December 1, 1941.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Wannsee Conference
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 2: RG-05.03.02, Collection of Congratulating telegrams sent to Dr. Hellmuth, 1938

- A collection of congratulating telegrams sent to Gauleiter Dr. Otto Hellmuth in Wurzburg, Germany from high ranking Nazi officials. Two of the telegrams are dated November 1938.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Telegrams to Nazi officials
official correspondence
Berlin (Germany)
Telegram for Dr. Otto Hellmuth, Berlin
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 1: RG-, Telegram to Dr. Hellmuth from Dr. Frick in Berlin, 1938

- A telegram to Gauleiter Dr. Otto Hellmuth from Dr. Frick in Berlin sent on November 15, 1938.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Telegrams to Nazi officials
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Sub-Collection 4: RG-05.04, Nazi Artifacts, 1933 -- 1945

- This collection includes Nazi party and other Nazi organizations' membership documents.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi Party, membership
Combat SS, soldier identification book
Nazi racial theory
Nazi antisemitic propaganda
Fritzsch, Karl
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Nazi Party, agencies (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 1: RG-05.04.01, Anti-Semitic quotation on perforated stickers, 1933 -- 1945

- Perforated stickers with anti-semitic quotations on them, German.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi antisemitic propaganda
Antisemitic quotes, stickers, Nazi Germany
Antisemitic slogans, Nazi Germany
Anti-semitic advertisement
Nazi Anti-Semitic Propaganda
Nazi anti-Jewish propaganda
Antisemitism in Germany
Nazi Germany antisemitism
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Nazi Party, agencies (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 2: RG-05.04.02, Nazi Propaganda Slides, 1933 -- 1945

- Nazi anti-Jewish propaganda slides with text and pictures. The text is in German.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi anti-Jewish propaganda
anti-Jewish publications
Nazi antisemitic propaganda
Nazi Anti-Semitic Propaganda
Hitler Youth training book, illustrations, Nazi Germany
Hitler-Jugend (HJ), Hitler Youth, German term
Hitler Youth, photo-document
Hitler Youth (Hitlerjugend) organization, a youth organization of the Nazi party, 1922 -- 1945
Jewish anti-semitism
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Nazi Party, agencies (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 1: RG-, Nazi Propaganda Slides translations, 1933 -- 1945

- English translation of Nazi anti-Jewish propaganda slides.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi anti-Jewish propaganda
anti-Jewish publications
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Nazi Party, agencies (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 3: RG-05.04.03, Nazi bullet case, 1933--1945

- A Nazi bullet case with the Nazi eagle crest and swastika.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi party artifacts
Nazi party
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 4: RG-05.04.04, NSDAP Party Membership Booklet, Karl Fritzsch, 1933--1945

- An NSDAP party membership booklet belonging to Karl Fritzsch. The booklet details the Nazi mission and the person's duty as a Nazi member. The booklet is to be filled out properly and in a timely manner or it will be assumed that the information is being misused. The text is in German.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi Party, membership
Fritzsch, Karl
Nazi party
Passport photograph
NSDAP and Nazi Germany, party and government officials
National Socialist German workers, party authorities (NSDAP)
National Socialist German Workers' Party
NSDAP membership booklet, Nazi Germany
Registration booklet, NSDAP member, Nazi Germany
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 1: RG-, NSDAP Party Membership Booklet translation, 1933--1945

- The English translation of an NSDAP party membership booklet belonging to Karl Fritzsch. The booklet details the Nazi mission and the person's duty as a Nazi member. The booklet is to be filled out properly in a timely manner or it will be assumed that the information is being misused. <span style="display: none;"> </span>
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi Party, membership
Nazi party artifacts
Fritzsch, Karl
Nazi party
Passport photograph
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 5: RG-05.04.05, Soldbuch SS ID Book, 1933 -- 1945

- An SS paybook that functions both as a paybook and an identification card.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi party artifacts
Combat SS, soldier identification book
Nazi Party, membership
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 6: RG-05.04.06, Urkunde Sports badge book, 1933 -- 1945

- A Nazi Urkunde (charter) sports badge book.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi party artifacts
Combat SS, soldier identification book
Nazi Party, membership
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 7: RG-05.04.07, NY Times Kristallnacht article, 11 November 1938

- A New York Times article from November 11, 1938 titled Nazis Smash, Loot and Burn Jewish Shops and Temples Until Goebbels Calls Halt. The article describes what happened during what would soon be called Kristallnacht.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Kristallnacht or November Pogrom, 9 -10, November 1938
November Pogroms
Newspaper Article
The New York Times
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
The New York Times
- Sub-Collection 5: RG-05.05, Documentary films about National Socialism from the USHMM Archive, 1933 -- 1945

- This collection includes National Socialist propaganda and atrocities filmed by the German and Allied filmmakers
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi party rallies, Nuernberg, 1933
National Socialism, theory and regime
Nazi atrocities
anti-Jewish measures and legislations
- Creators:
Steven Spielberg Film Video Archive at the USHMM (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 1: RG-05.05.01, Hitler Speech, english translation, 1945

An excerpt from the documentary Memory of the Camps. Hitler speaks to a German crowd and the crowd cheers and salutes. Hilter leaves the podium and drives through the streets-Hitler's motorcade.
Provenance: USHMM
Title: Memory of the Camps
Location: Germany
Language: German
Date: 1945
Duration: 00:02:42
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi atrocities
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
Nazi party rallies, Nuernberg, 1933
- Creators:
Trevor Howard (1945)
Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive at USHMM (1945)
Libraries and Museums, Public Domain
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 2: RG-05.05.02, Nazi Antisemitic Rallies, 1933, 1933

An excerpt of the documentary titled The Nazi Plan. The footage is of Goebbels addressing a crowd on April 1, 1933 for the "Opening of the Official Anti-semitic Campaign."
Provenance: USHMM
Title: The Nazi Plan
Location: Berlin, Germany
Language: German
Date: April 1st, 1933
Duration: 00:02:39
- Subject/Index Terms:
Goebbels, Josef
Nazi party rallies, Nuernberg, 1933
- Creators:
E.R. Kellogg (director)
Steven Spielberg Film Video Archive at the USHMM (1933 -- 1945)
Libraries and Museums, Public Domain
Transit Film (German State Archive)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 3: RG-05.05.03, US made revealing film about Nazi rise to power, narrated, 1945

A US propaganda film revealing the Nazis' rise to power. The excerpt includes the Weimar Republic in session, Hitler and other high ranking members of the Nazi party, Nazi riots, book burnings, rallies, and Hitler's installation as Chancellor. The film is narrated.
Provenance: USHMM
Title: Here is Germany
Location: Germany
Language: English
Date: 1945
Duration: 00:08:47
- Subject/Index Terms:
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
Nazi rise to power
- Creators:
Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive at USHMM (1945)
Libraries and Museums, Public Domain
Army Signal Corps, United States Army
Frank Capra and Anatole Litvak (directors)
- Sub-Collection 6: RG-05.06, Postcards and photographs, the period of National Socialist regime, 1933 --1945

- This collection includes postcards and photographs depicting the activities of the National Socialist regime in Germany.
- Folder 1: RG-05.06.01, Nazi Hierarchy Photos, 1933 -- 1945

- Photographs of a 1940 Nazi and Hungarian assembly in Budapest and photographs of a gathering of Hungarian and military and government officials.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi and Hungarian assembly, Budapest 1940
Allies of Nazi Germany, Hungary
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Hungarian Government
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 1: RG-, Nazi and Hungarian assembly in Budapest, 1940, 1940

- A photograph of a Nazi and Hungarian sitting in the front row at a Nazi and Hungarian assembly in Budapest, 1940
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi and Hungarian assembly, Budapest 1940
Allies of Nazi Germany, Hungary
- Creators:
Hungarian Government
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 2: RG-, Nazi and Hungarian assembly in Budapest, 1940, 1940

- A photograph of a Hungarian speaker at a podium in front of a large audience of Hungarians and Nazis at an assembly in Budapest, 1940. There are swastikas bordering one of the seating areas in the hall.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi and Hungarian assembly, Budapest 1940
Allies of Nazi Germany, Hungary
- Creators:
Hungarian Government
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 3: RG-, Nazi and Hungarian assembly in Budapest, 1940

- A photograph of a Hungarian speaking at a podium with swastikas in the background and on the podium at an assembly of Nazis and Hungarians in Budapest, 1940. There are musicians sitting behind him.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi and Hungarian assembly, Budapest 1940
Allies of Nazi Germany, Hungary
- Creators:
Hungarian Government
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 4: RG-, Gathering of Hungarian military and government officials, 1933--1945

- A photograph of a gathering of Hungarian military and government officials. There is a back view of a few rows of people facing the speaker. The speaker is smiling at the camera, and behind him musicians are seated.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Allies of Nazi Germany, Hungary
Hungary (Europe)
- Creators:
Hungarian Government
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 5: RG-, Gathering of Hungarian military and government officials, 1933--1945

- A photograph of a gathering of Hungarian military and government officials. There is a back view of a few rows of people facing the speaker.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Allies of Nazi Germany, Hungary
Hungary (Europe)
- Creators:
Hungarian Government
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 6: RG-, Gathering of Hungarian military and government officials, 1933--1945

- A photograph of a gathering of Hungarian military and government officials. There is a back view of a few rows of people facing the speaker.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Allies of Nazi Germany, Hungary
Hungary (Europe)
- Creators:
Hungarian Government
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 7: RG-, Gathering of Hungarian military and government officials, 1933--1945

- A photograph of a gathering of Hungarian military and government officials. There is a large crowd facing a speaker, and behind the speaker are seated musicians. They are in a fancy hall.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Allies of Nazi Germany, Hungary
Hungary (Europe)
- Creators:
Hungarian Government
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 8: RG-, Gathering of Hungarian military and government officials, 1933--1945

- A photograph of Hungarian officials and two women sitting in the front row at a gathering of Hungarian military and government officials.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Allies of Nazi Germany, Hungary
Hungary (Europe)
- Creators:
Hungarian Government
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 9: RG-, Rural Germany, 1930's

- A photograph of rural Germany. There is a house with many trees surounding it.
- Subject/Index Terms:
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 10: RG-, Gathering of Hungarian military and government officials, 1933--1945

- A photograph of a group of seated Hungarian military and government officials at a gathering.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Allies of Nazi Germany, Hungary
Hungary (Europe)
- Creators:
Hungarian Government
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 11: RG-, Gathering of Hungarian military and government officials, 1933--1945

- A photograph of Hungarian military and government officials and one woman holding flowers at a gathering of several Hungarian millitary and government officials.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Allies of Nazi Germany, Hungary
Hungary (Europe)
- Creators:
Hungarian Government
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 12: RG-, Hungarian and German officials, Reception, 1933 -- 1945

- A small group of Hungarian and German officials at a reception.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Allies of Nazi Germany, Hungary
Hungary (Europe)
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Hungarian Government
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 13: RG-, Gathering of Hungarian military and government officials, 1933--1945

- A photograph of a Hungarian, Japanese and Nazi official having a conversation at an assembly of officials.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Allies of Nazi Germany, Hungary
Hungary (Europe)
- Creators:
Hungarian Government
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 14: RG-, Gathering of Hungarian military and government officials, 1933--1945

- A photograph of Hungarian, Nazi, and Japanese officials sitting in the first row at an assembly of officials.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Allies of Nazi Germany, Hungary
Hungary (Europe)
- Creators:
Hungarian Government
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 15: RG-, Gathering of Hungarian military and government officials, 1933--1945

- A photograph of a gathering of Hungarian military and government officials.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Allies of Nazi Germany, Hungary
Hungary (Europe)
- Creators:
Hungarian Government
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 16: RG-, Gathering of Hungarian military and government officials, 1933--1945

- A photograph of a speaker and an audience at a gathering of Hungarian military and government officials.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Allies of Nazi Germany, Hungary
Hungary (Europe)
- Creators:
Hungarian Government
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 17: RG-, Gathering of Hungarian military and government officials, 1933--1945

- A photograph of a Hungarian official exiting the assembly hall where Hungarian military and government officials were gathered.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Allies of Nazi Germany, Hungary
Hungary (Europe)
- Creators:
Hungarian Government
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 18: RG-, Gathering of Hungarian military and government officials, 1933--1945

- A group of Hungarian military and government officials sitting at a table in a restaurant.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Allies of Nazi Germany, Hungary
Hungary (Europe)
- Creators:
Hungarian Government
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 19: RG-, Photograph of a Nazi gathering, 1933 -- 1945

- A photograph of a Nazi gathering. A banner reading "Juden, kein Weltfrieden" has been put up behind the speaker.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi anti-Jewish propaganda
Nazi Gathering
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 20: RG-, Photograph of a German public meeting, 1930s, 1930's

- A photograph of an outdoor German public meeting ca 1930s.
- Subject/Index Terms:
German public meeting
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Folder 2: RG-05.06.02, Hitler Photos and Postcards, 1933 -- 1945

- Propaganda photographs and postcards of Hitler, Goering and Hindenburg. The postcards glorify Hitler and the Nazi party.
- Subject/Index Terms:
National Socialist Propaganda
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
Nazi Rally
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 1: RG-, Hitler and Goring on Balcony, 1933--1945

- A postcard of Hitler and Goring on the balcony of the Reich’s chancellery. Publishing house: Hans Andres, Berlin
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi Rally
Hermann Goering
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Hans Andres
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 2: RG-, Postcard of Adolf Hitler and von Hindenburg, 1933

- A postcard of Adolf Hitler and von Hindenburg on March 21, 1933 in Potsdam, Germany. The painting is by Carl Langhorst. Publishing house: Franz Hanfstaengl, Munich
- Subject/Index Terms:
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
Postcards, political images, German
- Creators:
Carl Langhorst
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 3: RG-, Hindenburg congratulates Hitler for being elected Chancellor, 1933

- A photograph of President von Hindenburg congratulating Hitler for being elected Chancellor.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Leadership of the NSDAP
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 4: RG-, Photograph, Hitler and a child in SA uniform, 1942, 1942

- A photograph of Hitler and a child in SA uniform in 1942.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Hitler Jugend
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 5: RG-, Postcard "Our Fuerher", 1933--1945

- A postcard of a picture of Hitler waving with the caption "Our Fuerher." Photographer and publishing house: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Nuernberger Fachphotographen.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
Postcards, political images, German
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 6: RG-, Hitler giving a speech, 1933--1945

- A close-up photograph of Hitler while giving a speech.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
Nazi Rally
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 7: RG-, Hitler in Nuremberg at a Nazi rally, 1930's

- A photograph of Hitler saluting at a Nazi rally in Nuremberg. There are soldiers marching in the street.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
Nazi party rallies, Nuernberg, 1933
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 8: RG-, Color postcard of Hitler, 1933--1945

- A color postcard of Hitler.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
Postcards, political images, German
NSDAP (Nazi Party) symbols and decorations
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 9: RG-, Portrait of Hitler, 1933--1945

- A black and white portrait of Hitler.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
Nazi Propaganda
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 10: RG-, Four color postcards of Hitler and Nazi symbols, 1933--1945

- RG-, Four color postcards of Hitler and Nazi symbols.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
Nazi party
Postcards, political images, German
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 14: RG-, Postcard of Autobahn with Hitler breaking ground, 1936, 1936

- A 1936 postcard commemorating the Autobahn federal motorway featuring an image of Adolf Hitler breaking ground on the project. The text reads “Sept. 23, 1933 - First Groundbreaking” and “Sept. 23, 1936 - One-thousand kilometers of highway completed.”
- Subject/Index Terms:
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
Postcards, political images, German
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 15: RG-, Postcard of Hitler greeting Hitler Youth (Hitlerjugend) girls, 1939, 1939

- A 1939 Postcard of Adolf Hitler greeting a crowd of girls from Hitler Youth (Hitlerjugend). The postcard has a swastika border and features postage stamps with portraits of Adolf Hitler.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
Postcards, political images, German
- Folder 3: RG-05.06.03, Nazi Postcards

- Nazi postcards of Hitler's residence, the Brown House, Nazi youth, Nazi gatherings, and Nazi stormtroopers.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi Rally
Nazi Gathering
Nazi Assemblies
League of German Girls and Women
Stormtroopers (SA), paramilitary wing of the Nazi party
Goebbels, Josef
Nazi State Symbols
Nazi Youth Movement
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Nazi Propaganda Office
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 1: RG-, Hitler's residence in Bavaria, 1933 -- 1945

- Two color postcards of Hitler's country house. The first is of the interior of the house and the second is of the house's exterior and the surrounding mountain landscape, Wachenfeld in Berchtesgaden.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
Nazi party
Postcards, political images, German
Nazi Propaganda
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 2: RG-, The Brown House, interior, 1933 -- 1945

- Two postcards of the interior of The Brown House, the national headquaters of the Nazi party in Munich. The name Brown House was chosen for the color of the party uniforms. The images are of both the work and reception room of the Fuehrer and of the Reich’s treasurer. Publishing house: Photo Hoffmann, Munich.
- Subject/Index Terms:
National Socialist German Workers' Party
Nazi party
The Brown House in Munich, Bavaria
Nazi Propaganda
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 3: RG-, The Brown House, exterior, 1933 -- 1945

- A postcard of the exterior of The Brown House, the national headquarters of the Nazi party in Munich. The name Brown House was chosen for the color of the party uniforms. Publishing house: Photo Hoffmann, Munich.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi party
The Brown House in Munich, Bavaria
The Brown House
Nazi Propaganda
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 4: RG-, Nazi State Symbols, 1933 -- 1945

- A color postcard of Nazi state symbols.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi party
National Socialist German Workers' Party
Nazi State Symbols
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 5: RG-, League of German Girls, marching in the street, 1933 -- 1945

- A postcard of girls from the Bund Deutscher Maedchen (League of German girls) marching down the street.
- Subject/Index Terms:
League of German Girls and Women
Nazi Rally
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 6: RG-, German soldiers in Greece, 1933 -- 1945

- Postcard of German soldiers in Greece taken from Der Adler - die grosse Luftwaffen Illustrierte (The eagle - the great air force illustrated).
- Subject/Index Terms:
German Soldiers, Greece
Nazi party
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 7: RG-, Josef Goebbels giving a speech, 1933 -- 1945

- A postcard of Josef Goebbels giving a speech. Publishing house: Photo van Bosch, Bensheim.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Goebbels, Josef
Nazi Gathering
Nazi Rally
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 8: RG-, Procession of German civilians, 1933 -- 1945

- A postcard of a procession of German civilians. Publishing house: Photo van Bosch, Bensheim.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Civilians, German
Nazi Rally
Nazi Gathering
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 9: RG-, Procession of SA members and Nazi sypmathizers, 1933 -- 1945

- A postcard of SA (Stormtroopers) members walking down the street with Nazi sympathizers on the side doing the Hitler salute. Publishing house: Photo van Bosch, Bensheim.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Stormtroopers (SA), paramilitary wing of the Nazi party
Nazi party
Nazi Rally
Nazi Gathering
Postcards, political images, German
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 10: RG-, Hitler with two high ranking officials, 1933 -- 1945

- A postcard of Hitler with two high ranking officials.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi party
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
Postcards, political images, German
Nazi Propaganda
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 11: RG-, Nazi Youth Gathering, 1933 -- 1945

- A postcard of a Nazi youth gathering. There are young boys doing the Hitler salute in the foreground.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi party
Nazi Gathering
Nazi Youth Movement
Nazi Rally
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 12: RG-, Youth Procession, 1933 -- 1945

- A postcard of a Nazi Youth procession. Young boys are marching in the street.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi Youth Movement
Nazi Rally
Nazi Gathering
Nazi Propaganda
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 13: RG-, Nazi Youth Drumming Procession, 1933 -- 1945

- A postcard of a Nazi youth drumming procession.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi Youth Movement
Nazi party
Postcards, political images, German
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 14: RG-, A unit of Nazi youth, 1933 -- 1945

- A postcard of a unit of Nazi youth.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi party
Nazi Youth Movement
Postcards, political images, German
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 15: RG-, Nazi Public Gathering, 1933 -- 1945

- A postcard of a Nazi officer giving a speech at a public gathering.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi party
Nazi Gathering
Nazi Rally
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 16: RG-, Postcard, Nazi Youth Carrying State Flags, 1933 -- 1945

- A postcard of Nazi youth carrying state flags in the street.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi Youth Movement
Nazi party
NSDAP (Nazi Party) symbols and decorations
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 17: RG-, A Nazi Ceremony, 1933 -- 1945

- A postcard of a Nazi ceremony. Nazis are assembled with flags.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi Assemblies
Nazi party
Postcards, political images, German
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 18: RG-, Procession of German Nazi Youth, 1933 -- 1945

- A postcard of a procession of German Nazi youth.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi Youth Movement
Nazi party
Nazi Gathering
Nazi Rally
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 19: RG-, A Historic Show, Germany, 1933 -- 1945

- A postcard of an historic show in Germany. There are soldiers in pre-Nazi uniform.
- Subject/Index Terms:
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 20: RG-, Public Speech at Nazi Gathering, 1933 -- 1945

- A postcard of a man giving a speech at a Nazi gathering.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi Gathering
Nazi party
Postcards, political images, German
Nazi Rally
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 21: RG-, Members of Stormtrooper Unit, 1933 -- 1945

- A postcard of members of a Stormtrooper (SA) unit.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Stormtroopers (SA), paramilitary wing of the Nazi party
Nazi party
Postcards, political images, German
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 22: RG-, A Column of Stormtroopers (SA), 1933 -- 1945

- A postcard of a column of Stormtroopers (SA) marching in the street.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Stormtroopers (SA), paramilitary wing of the Nazi party
Nazi party
Postcards, political images, German
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Folder 4: RG-05.06.04, Anti-Semitism Images

- Subject/Index Terms:
Book Burning, Germany, early 1930s
Public humilations
Nazi anti-Jewish measures, actions and legislations
Nazi antisemitic propaganda
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Folder 1: RG-, November Pogrom Images, 1933--1945

- This folder contains a collection of photographs from Kristallnacht. Kristallnacht was a series of planned attacks on Jewish synagogues that occurred between 1933--1945. Over one thousand synagogues were burned and many Jewish businesses and schools were destroyed.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Kristallnacht or November Pogrom, 9 -10, November 1938
Nazi Rally
Berlin (Germany)
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 1: RG-, Kristallnacht, a burning synagogue, 1933--1945

- A photograph of a burning synagogue. This was one of the many Kristallnacht attacks that took place between 1933--1945.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Kristallnacht or November Pogrom, 9 -10, November 1938
Nazi party
Destruction of synagogues, 1939 -- 1945
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 2: RG-, Kristallnacht, a synagogue in flame, 1933--1945

- A photograph of a synagogue on fire during Kristallnacht.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Kristallnacht or November Pogrom, 9 -10, November 1938
Nazi party
Destruction of synagogues, 1939 -- 1945
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 3: RG-, Kristallnacht, Berlin synagogue in flame, 1933--1945

- A photograph of a Berlin synagogue in flame. The photograph was taken during Kristallnacht.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Berlin (Germany)
Kristallnacht or November Pogrom, 9 -10, November 1938
Nazi party
Destruction of synagogues, 1939 -- 1945
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 4: RG-, Kristallnacht, night, a synagogue in flame, 1933--1945

- A photograph taken at night of a synagogue on fire. The photograph was taken during Kristallnacht.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Kristallnacht or November Pogrom, 9 -10, November 1938
Nazi party
Destruction of synagogues, 1939 -- 1945
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 1: RG-, Germany, Early 1930s, Book burning, early 1930's

- A photograph of a book buring of works deamed not of the Nazi ideology. Germany, late 1920s- early 1930s.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Book Burning, Germany, early 1930s
Nazi party
National Socialist Ideology
- Creators:
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 2: RG-, Jewish male and German female are publicly, 1930's

- A photograph of a Jewish male and German female being publicly humiliated. The male is wearing a sign that states “I always take German girls to my bedroom” and the female is wearing a sign stating “I am the filthiest wretch here and only have affairs with Jews.”
- Subject/Index Terms:
Public humilations
Nazi party
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 3: RG-, Nazi blockade of Jews entering the University of Vienna, 1933--1945

- A photograph of a Nazi blockade prohibiting Jews from entering the University of Vienna.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi anti-Jewish measures, actions and legislations
Vienna, Austria
Nazi party
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 4: RG-, Nazi anti-Jewish propaganda, 1933--1945

- A cartoon implying that Jews are responsible for the war.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi antisemitic propaganda
Nazi anti-Jewish propaganda
Nazi party
Nazi Propaganda
anti-Jewish publications
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Sub-Collection 7: RG-05.07, Lyle S. Bettger Collection, posters, 1934

- The poster in this collection was torn from a storefront window in Munich, Germany on August 19, 1934 by Lyle S. Bettger. The date of the incident is handwritten on the reverse side, “Torn off store window in Munich, Germany on August 19, 1934.” Bettger and his band mates stopped off in Germany while providing entertainment on an Atlantic cruise from the U.S. to Europe. After a run in with German police, Bettger tore down the poster “due to anger toward the police and general contempt for the regime.” He then smuggled it from Germany. In the 1950s Bettger returned to Munich while shooting the 1954 film, Carnival Story. He returned to the same police station where his band mates had spent a night in jail during their 1934 trip. The station still stood, although completely destroyed, rat infested, and abandoned. Lyle noted the scene in the early 1950s stood in stark contrast to the intimidating environment of the 1930s.
- Subject/Index Terms:
American tourists, Germany 1934
Hitler, Adolf, posters
- Creators:
Bettger, Lyle S (1934)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 1: RG-05.07.01, Adolf Hitler Poster, 1, 1934

- A poster of Hitler torn from a store window in Munich, Germany by Lyle Stathem Bettger on August 19, 1934. The poster is 22 x 31 inches.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
Hitler, Adolf, posters
NSDAP (Nazi Party) symbols and decorations
Leadership of the NSDAP
NSDAP and Nazi Germany, party and government officials
Nazi Propaganda
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 2: RG-05.07.02, Adolf Hitler Poster 2, 1934

- A close-up of a poster of Hitler torn from a store window in Munich, Germany by Lyle Stathem Bettger on August 19, 1934. The poster is 22 x 31 inches.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
Hitler, Adolf, posters
Nazi Propaganda
Leadership of the NSDAP
NSDAP and Nazi Germany, party and government officials
- Creators:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei
NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers' Party (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 3: RG-05.07.02, Lyle S. Bettger, 1950

- A photograph of Lyle S. Bettger c. 1950.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Lyle S. Bettger
- Creators:
Bettger, Lyle S.
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 4: RG-05.07.03, Lyle S. Bettger and son, 1995

- A photograph of Lyle S. Bettger and his son c. 1995.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Lyle S. Bettger and son (1995)
- Creators:
Bettger, Lyle S.
Browse by Sub-Collection:
Sub-Collection 1: RG-05.01, Publications, Albums and Essays, 1922 -- 1945],
Sub-Collection 2: RG-05.02, National Socialism, official Documents, 1920s -- 1945],
Sub-Collection 3: RG-05.03, Communications between Nazi Party's agencies, 1920s -- 1945],
Sub-Collection 4: RG-05.04, Nazi Artifacts, 1933 -- 1945],
Sub-Collection 5: RG-05.05, Documentary films about National Socialism from the USHMM Archive, 1933 -- 1945],
Sub-Collection 6: RG-05.06, Postcards and photographs, the period of National Socialist regime, 1933 --1945],
Sub-Collection 7: RG-05.07, Lyle S. Bettger Collection, posters, 1934],