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Antisemitic materials, Europe and America,  19th - 20th Centuries


Scope and Contents

Biographical Note

Detailed Description

RG-72.13.01, Antisemitic postcard, British, 'Jews like to cheat people'

RG-72.13.02, Antisemitic postcard, Austria, 'Jews waiting before the collonade in Karlsbad'

RG-72.13.03, Antisemitic postcard, Austria, 'Different people on the way to water spring in Marienbad', 05.13.1913 to Vienna

RG-72.13.04, Antisemitic postcard, 'Caricature of Jewish banker', 10.17.1900 to Vienna

RG-72.13.05,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jew in Karlsbad', 09.23.1898

RG-72.13.06,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jewish father and his sons', Empty postcard

RG-72.13.07,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jewish father together with wife and daughter', Empty postcard

RG-72.13.08,  Antisemitic postcard, Karlovy Vary, Czechoslovakia

RG-72.13.09,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Caricature of Jewish Landlord', Empty postcard

RG-72.13.10,  Antisemitic postcard, 'The small Cohne', Germany, Berlin, 3.8.1920

RG-72.13.11,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Skinny jew', Boehmisch Krut 02.12.1900

RG-72.13.12,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews drinking water from Marienbad spring', Austria

RG-72.13.13,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews talking in Carlsbad', Austria

RG-72.13.14,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews talking in Carlsbad', Karlovy Vary, September 8, 1896

RG-72.13.15,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews are adulterous', America,  1910

RG-72.13.16,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews talk with hands', Germany, 1914

RG-72.13.17,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews here and now', Empty postcard

RG-72.13.18,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Such a besiness', America,  1911

RG-72.13.19,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews are thieves'

RG-72.13.20, Antisemitic postcard, British

RG-72.13.21,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews threatened by dogs', Poland,  1913

RG-72.13.22, Antisemitic postcard printed in Casablanca, in French

RG-72.13.23,  Antisemitic postcard, 'The Eternal Jew', Vienna, 18 August 1938, as the placard for the Exhibition,

RG-72.13.24, Postal stamp, 'The Eternal Jew', Vienna

RG-72.13.25, Antisemitic postcard, 'Moneylenders', British

RG-72.13.26, Antisemitic postcard, 'Jewish beauty', Germany, 1929

RG-72.13.27, Antisemitic postcard, 'Crowds on the way to the mineral water springs', Germany

RG-72.13.28, 'Antisemitic money', Ludwigsburg, 1923

RG-72.13.29, Postcard from Prague

RG-72.13.30, Antisemitic postcard, 'Jewish patent for an automobile', Germany, 1898

RG-72.13.31, Antisemitic postcard, 'A Jew is admired by females', Germany

RG-72.13.32, Antisemitic postcard, 'Postcard from Chicago to Newcastle, UK, 1907

RG-72.13.33, Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews are having a fine dinner', America,  May  19, 1898

RG-72.13.34, Antisemitic postcard, 'A Jew and the child', Germany, undated

RG-72.13.35, Antisemitic postcard, 'The five Frankfurters', Frankurt on the Main, undated

RG-72.13.36, Antisemitic postcard, 'Solomon makes himself happy and two Christian girls', Thomas Rowlandson, undated

RG-72.13.37, Antisemitic postcard, 'Jenom Klid Obcane', undated

RG-72.13.38, Antisemitic postcard, 'Nathan Hirschl, the dean of the Jewish community in Prague', copper engraving by Elias Back,  unreadable, undated

RG-72.13.39, Antisemitic postcard, 'A Jewish trader with Christian flesh', undated

RG-72.13.40, Antisemitic postcard, 'Social democracy - the mirror of the truth', undated

RG-72.13.41, Imitation Jewish money, Germany, 1920

RG-72.13.42, Sunday Empire News, 24 October 1954

RG-72.13.43, Imitation Jewish money featuring images of host desecration, 1920s Germany

RG-72.13.44, Antisemitic postcard, 'I'll take Opportunity', America

RG-72.13.45, Antisemitic postcard, 'Where was Moses when the light went out', Great Britain

RG-72.13.46, Antisemitic postcard, 'Everybody welcome at the Ratskeller', Germany

RG-72.13.47, Antisemitic postcard, 'Moses in the Bulrushes', Great Britain, 09.21.1921

RG-72.13.48, Antisemitic postcard, 'Christians Awake!', Great Britain, 12.24.1910

RG-72.13.49, Antisemitic postcard, 'There's a Divinity that shapes our ends', British or American

RG-72.13.50, Antisemitic postcard, 'Types Algeriens', France

RG-72.13.51, Antisemitic postcard, 'When Reuben Comes to Town', Great Britain

RG-72.13.52, Imitation Jewish money, 1920s Germany

RG-72.13.53, Imitation Jewish money, 1920s Germany

RG-72.13.54, Imitation Jewish money, 1920s Germany

RG-72.13.55, La Ligue Francaise est un Mouvement Nouveau dirige par Un Homme Nouveau

RG-72.13.56, Tostede, local emergency money, anti-Jewish propaganda, Germany, 1921

RG-72.13.57, Emergency money issued in Germany, 1921, anti-Jewish propaganda

RG-72.13.58, Antisemitic clippings, all in German

RG-72.13.59, Antisemitic postcard, 'One of his victims', Russia

RG-72.13.60, Antisemitic postcard, 'They found a victim', Russia

RG-72.13.61, Antisemitic postcard, 'A nice apartment for a Czech official', Russia

RG-72.13.62, Antisemitic postcard, 'Going to the synagogue on Shabbes', Russia

RG-72.13.63, Antisemitic postcard,  'A village meeting under supervision', Hungary

RG-72.13.64, Antisemitic postcard, 'Give the children a good religious education so they can get acquainted', Slovakia

RG-72.13.65, Antisemitic postcard, 'The only Polish export - Jews to France', Russia

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Antisemitic materials, Europe and America,  19th - 20th Centuries | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

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Collection Overview

Title: Antisemitic materials, Europe and America,  19th - 20th CenturiesAdd to your cart.

ID: RG-72.13/RG-72.13

Primary Creator: Victor, Ed (1960s -- 1990s)

Extent: 0.0

Scope and Contents of the Materials

This collection comprises postcards published in Europe and America by the end of the 19th century and in the beginning of the 20th century. The collection contains 78 postal cards. They feature a theme correlated with "ugliness" of Jews by showing an exaggeratedly nasty facial and posture features. Thematic representation shows a mundane encounter of non-Jews with Jews and the Jews conducting business, the Jews at leisure, the Jews in groups, all in all in a grotesque and offensive for the Jews manner. The authors of these postal cards overall emphasize the Jewish otherness by showing them as indecent, ugly and self-centered people. De-facto it is a marginalization of the Jews by presenting them as uncultured, tasteless, lacking good manners and uncivilized people. The elements of grotesque and satire arguably by the thoughts of the authors perhaps should make the picture funny, however it is highly arguably.  Admittedly these series of the pictures constitute a pure anti-Jewish and antisemitic presentation of the Jews disseminating a message of them  the people who do not belong to the mainstream society in Europe and America.

Collection Historical Note

Overall these postal cards, being blank of sent as correspondences reflect a certain societal trend with regard to the Jews. The Jews are largely marginalized by the means of the presentation. It is a certain, perhaps an officially established narrative to show the Jews as unattractive, if not ugly, doing their business no matter what. Largely their conduct would be in contradiction with the established norms of the Christian society or overall with the non-Jewish society.

We shall distinguish between the level of the grotesque, satire, humor to determine the border when a relatively harmless and simply humorous images are no longer that innocent and would become a severe anti-Jewish and de-facto antisemitic and offensive images. Overall, the content, would it be a narrative, an illustrative images, or the caption is equally a parody and by all means is antisemitic. A typically stereotyped by perception the Jewish anti-societal customs are reactively overemphasized in terms of the generalization, making all Jews guilty of the  of money lending, lies, false representation, egoism, primitive talks and deliberately unattractive in their Jewish attire. These postal cards were published in Britain, United States, France, Poland, Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary.

Sold at the popular European resorts Marienbad and Karlsbad, these postcard had become a part of the milieu and often were used for regular correspondences and by these means disseminating antisemitism. With a slogan "Gruss aus Karlsbad," or "Gruss aus of Marienbad," that is Greetings from Karlsbad and Marienbad, both the European famous health care resorts in Austria-Hungary (nowadays Czech Republic). Thus a series of these antisemitic, pretentiously satiric postal cards became a popular well-recognized images. It was a false representation of the Jews and at the same time a signature of those famous resorts. 

Some postcards like printed in German language were of rather political inclination, disclaiming, as they pretended, a false Jewish patriotism. The other demonstrated the Jewish exploitation over non-Jews, for example showing the car with a Jewish family and the three ordinary non-Jewish people being used inside the car instead of the engine.

Another facet of anti-Jewish satire of a cartoon style was a demonstration of a Jewish anti-societal position, regardless to the country of residence. It was equally presented on American, British, German, Austrian, French, Czech, Hungarian and Polish series.

Some satirical, if not mocking Jewish religious practices, were a series of postcards deriding Jewish holidays and religious customs.

It is should be noted that the overall antisemitic postcard published in America and Britain had been used in mundane correspondences, that is the second or the rare pages of them were usually used for a short narratives, while the antisemitic postcard published in Europe, for the rare exceptions, were not filled with any narrative and remained blank on the rare side.

Biographical Note

Mr. Victor started his collection guided primarily by philatelic interest. He collected letters, envelopes, postcards and other documents bearing a postal stamp or institutional stamps of the respective authorities and agencies. At a certain point, he realizes that the fate of the people, reflected in the short narratives, is of eternal historic value and shall not be measured only in a philatelic dimension. The content of various wartime correspondences reveals a historic enormity of victimization, dehumanization and personal tragedies on one side and a cold blood calmness of perpetrators on the other.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Document/Artifact of Item-Level:

[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 1: RG-72.13.01, Antisemitic postcard, British, 'Jews like to cheat people', circa early 1900s],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 2: RG-72.13.02, Antisemitic postcard, Austria, 'Jews waiting before the collonade in Karlsbad', circa 1898],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 3: RG-72.13.03, Antisemitic postcard, Austria, 'Different people on the way to water spring in Marienbad', 05.13.1913 to Vienna, circa May, 1913],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 4: RG-72.13.04, Antisemitic postcard, 'Caricature of Jewish banker', 10.17.1900 to Vienna, circa October, 1900],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 5: RG-72.13.05,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jew in Karlsbad', 09.23.1898, August 1898],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 6: RG-72.13.06,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jewish father and his sons', Empty postcard, circa early 1900s],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 7: RG-72.13.07,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jewish father together with wife and daughter', Empty postcard, circa early 1900],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 8: RG-72.13.08,  Antisemitic postcard, Karlovy Vary, Czechoslovakia, circa early 1900],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 9: RG-72.13.09,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Caricature of Jewish Landlord', Empty postcard, circa early 1900s],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 10: RG-72.13.10,  Antisemitic postcard, 'The small Cohne', Germany, Berlin, 3.8.1920, March 1920],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 11: RG-72.13.11,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Skinny jew', Boehmisch Krut 02.12.1900, February 1900],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 12: RG-72.13.12,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews drinking water from Marienbad spring', Austria, circa 1905],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 13: RG-72.13.13,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews talking in Carlsbad', Austria, circa 1901],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 14: RG-72.13.14,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews talking in Carlsbad', Karlovy Vary, September 8, 1896, September 8, 1896],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 15: RG-72.13.15,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews are adulterous', America,  1910, circa 1910],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 16: RG-72.13.16,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews talk with hands', Germany, 1914, 1914],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 17: RG-72.13.17,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews here and now', Empty postcard, circa early 1900s],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 18: RG-72.13.18,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Such a besiness', America,  1911, 1911],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 19: RG-72.13.19,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews are thieves', cirdca early 1900s],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 20: RG-72.13.20, Antisemitic postcard, British, circa early 1900s],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 21: RG-72.13.21,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews threatened by dogs', Poland,  1913, 1913],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 22: RG-72.13.22, Antisemitic postcard printed in Casablanca, in French, circa late 19th century],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 23: RG-72.13.23,  Antisemitic postcard, 'The Eternal Jew', Vienna, 18 August 1938, as the placard for the Exhibition,, August 18, 1938],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 24: RG-72.13.24, Postal stamp, 'The Eternal Jew', Vienna, circa 1933--1945],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 25: RG-72.13.25, Antisemitic postcard, 'Moneylenders', British, circa early 1900s],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 26: RG-72.13.26, Antisemitic postcard, 'Jewish beauty', Germany, 1929, 1929],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 27: RG-72.13.27, Antisemitic postcard, 'Crowds on the way to the mineral water springs', Germany, circa  1905],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 28: RG-72.13.28, 'Antisemitic money', Ludwigsburg, 1923, circa 1923],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 29: RG-72.13.29, Postcard from Prague, circa early 1900s],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 30: RG-72.13.30, Antisemitic postcard, 'Jewish patent for an automobile', Germany, 1898, 1898],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 31: RG-72.13.31, Antisemitic postcard, 'A Jew is admired by females', Germany, circa early 1900s],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 32: RG-72.13.32, Antisemitic postcard, 'Postcard from Chicago to Newcastle, UK, 1907, 1907],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 33: RG-72.13.33, Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews are having a fine dinner', America,  May  19, 1898, May 19, 1898],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 34: RG-72.13.34, Antisemitic postcard, 'A Jew and the child', Germany, undated, circa 1933--1945],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 35: RG-72.13.35, Antisemitic postcard, 'The five Frankfurters', Frankurt on the Main, undated],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 36: RG-72.13.36, Antisemitic postcard, 'Solomon makes himself happy and two Christian girls', Thomas Rowlandson, undated, circa late 19th century],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 37: RG-72.13.37, Antisemitic postcard, 'Jenom Klid Obcane', undated],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 38: RG-72.13.38, Antisemitic postcard, 'Nathan Hirschl, the dean of the Jewish community in Prague', copper engraving by Elias Back,  unreadable, undated, circa 1714],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 39: RG-72.13.39, Antisemitic postcard, 'A Jewish trader with Christian flesh', undated],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 40: RG-72.13.40, Antisemitic postcard, 'Social democracy - the mirror of the truth', undated],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 41: RG-72.13.41, Imitation Jewish money, Germany, 1920, 1920],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 42: RG-72.13.42, Sunday Empire News, 24 October 1954, October 24, 1954],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 43: RG-72.13.43, Imitation Jewish money featuring images of host desecration, 1920s Germany, 1920s],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 44: RG-72.13.44, Antisemitic postcard, 'I'll take Opportunity', America, 1905],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 45: RG-72.13.45, Antisemitic postcard, 'Where was Moses when the light went out', Great Britain, circa ealy 1900s],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 46: RG-72.13.46, Antisemitic postcard, 'Everybody welcome at the Ratskeller', Germany],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 47: RG-72.13.47, Antisemitic postcard, 'Moses in the Bulrushes', Great Britain, 09.21.1921, September 21, 1921],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 48: RG-72.13.48, Antisemitic postcard, 'Christians Awake!', Great Britain, 12.24.1910, December 24, 1910],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 49: RG-72.13.49, Antisemitic postcard, 'There's a Divinity that shapes our ends', British or American],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 50: RG-72.13.50, Antisemitic postcard, 'Types Algeriens', France],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 51: RG-72.13.51, Antisemitic postcard, 'When Reuben Comes to Town', Great Britain, circa 1907],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 52: RG-72.13.52, Imitation Jewish money, 1920s Germany, 1920s],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 53: RG-72.13.53, Imitation Jewish money, 1920s Germany, 1920s],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 54: RG-72.13.54, Imitation Jewish money, 1920s Germany, 1920s],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 55: RG-72.13.55, La Ligue Francaise est un Mouvement Nouveau dirige par Un Homme Nouveau, circa 1910--1940],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 56: RG-72.13.56, Tostede, local emergency money, anti-Jewish propaganda, Germany, 1921, 1921],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 57: RG-72.13.57, Emergency money issued in Germany, 1921, anti-Jewish propaganda, 1921],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 58: RG-72.13.58, Antisemitic clippings, all in German, circa 1933--1945],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 59: RG-72.13.59, Antisemitic postcard, 'One of his victims', Russia, circa 1900],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 60: RG-72.13.60, Antisemitic postcard, 'They found a victim', Russia, 1921],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 61: RG-72.13.61, Antisemitic postcard, 'A nice apartment for a Czech official', Russia, circa 1900],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 62: RG-72.13.62, Antisemitic postcard, 'Going to the synagogue on Shabbes', Russia, undated],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 63: RG-72.13.63, Antisemitic postcard,  'A village meeting under supervision', Hungary, undated],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 64: RG-72.13.64, Antisemitic postcard, 'Give the children a good religious education so they can get acquainted', Slovakia, undated],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 65: RG-72.13.65, Antisemitic postcard, 'The only Polish export - Jews to France', Russia, undated],

Document/Artifact of Item-Level 31: RG-72.13.31, Antisemitic postcard, 'A Jew is admired by females', Germany, circa early 1900sAdd to your cart.
A Jewish man is admired by people around him for his weath. Roughly translated as, "...And how to pursue in Vienna and Berlin."
Subject/Index Terms:
postcards, anti-Jewish
anti-Jewish caricatures
Nazi antisemitic propaganda
German Postcard Co.
Austro-Hungarian postcards (late 19th century)

Browse by Document/Artifact of Item-Level:

[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 1: RG-72.13.01, Antisemitic postcard, British, 'Jews like to cheat people', circa early 1900s],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 2: RG-72.13.02, Antisemitic postcard, Austria, 'Jews waiting before the collonade in Karlsbad', circa 1898],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 3: RG-72.13.03, Antisemitic postcard, Austria, 'Different people on the way to water spring in Marienbad', 05.13.1913 to Vienna, circa May, 1913],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 4: RG-72.13.04, Antisemitic postcard, 'Caricature of Jewish banker', 10.17.1900 to Vienna, circa October, 1900],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 5: RG-72.13.05,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jew in Karlsbad', 09.23.1898, August 1898],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 6: RG-72.13.06,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jewish father and his sons', Empty postcard, circa early 1900s],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 7: RG-72.13.07,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jewish father together with wife and daughter', Empty postcard, circa early 1900],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 8: RG-72.13.08,  Antisemitic postcard, Karlovy Vary, Czechoslovakia, circa early 1900],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 9: RG-72.13.09,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Caricature of Jewish Landlord', Empty postcard, circa early 1900s],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 10: RG-72.13.10,  Antisemitic postcard, 'The small Cohne', Germany, Berlin, 3.8.1920, March 1920],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 11: RG-72.13.11,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Skinny jew', Boehmisch Krut 02.12.1900, February 1900],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 12: RG-72.13.12,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews drinking water from Marienbad spring', Austria, circa 1905],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 13: RG-72.13.13,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews talking in Carlsbad', Austria, circa 1901],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 14: RG-72.13.14,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews talking in Carlsbad', Karlovy Vary, September 8, 1896, September 8, 1896],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 15: RG-72.13.15,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews are adulterous', America,  1910, circa 1910],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 16: RG-72.13.16,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews talk with hands', Germany, 1914, 1914],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 17: RG-72.13.17,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews here and now', Empty postcard, circa early 1900s],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 18: RG-72.13.18,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Such a besiness', America,  1911, 1911],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 19: RG-72.13.19,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews are thieves', cirdca early 1900s],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 20: RG-72.13.20, Antisemitic postcard, British, circa early 1900s],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 21: RG-72.13.21,  Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews threatened by dogs', Poland,  1913, 1913],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 22: RG-72.13.22, Antisemitic postcard printed in Casablanca, in French, circa late 19th century],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 23: RG-72.13.23,  Antisemitic postcard, 'The Eternal Jew', Vienna, 18 August 1938, as the placard for the Exhibition,, August 18, 1938],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 24: RG-72.13.24, Postal stamp, 'The Eternal Jew', Vienna, circa 1933--1945],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 25: RG-72.13.25, Antisemitic postcard, 'Moneylenders', British, circa early 1900s],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 26: RG-72.13.26, Antisemitic postcard, 'Jewish beauty', Germany, 1929, 1929],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 27: RG-72.13.27, Antisemitic postcard, 'Crowds on the way to the mineral water springs', Germany, circa  1905],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 28: RG-72.13.28, 'Antisemitic money', Ludwigsburg, 1923, circa 1923],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 29: RG-72.13.29, Postcard from Prague, circa early 1900s],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 30: RG-72.13.30, Antisemitic postcard, 'Jewish patent for an automobile', Germany, 1898, 1898],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 31: RG-72.13.31, Antisemitic postcard, 'A Jew is admired by females', Germany, circa early 1900s],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 32: RG-72.13.32, Antisemitic postcard, 'Postcard from Chicago to Newcastle, UK, 1907, 1907],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 33: RG-72.13.33, Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews are having a fine dinner', America,  May  19, 1898, May 19, 1898],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 34: RG-72.13.34, Antisemitic postcard, 'A Jew and the child', Germany, undated, circa 1933--1945],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 35: RG-72.13.35, Antisemitic postcard, 'The five Frankfurters', Frankurt on the Main, undated],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 36: RG-72.13.36, Antisemitic postcard, 'Solomon makes himself happy and two Christian girls', Thomas Rowlandson, undated, circa late 19th century],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 37: RG-72.13.37, Antisemitic postcard, 'Jenom Klid Obcane', undated],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 38: RG-72.13.38, Antisemitic postcard, 'Nathan Hirschl, the dean of the Jewish community in Prague', copper engraving by Elias Back,  unreadable, undated, circa 1714],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 39: RG-72.13.39, Antisemitic postcard, 'A Jewish trader with Christian flesh', undated],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 40: RG-72.13.40, Antisemitic postcard, 'Social democracy - the mirror of the truth', undated],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 41: RG-72.13.41, Imitation Jewish money, Germany, 1920, 1920],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 42: RG-72.13.42, Sunday Empire News, 24 October 1954, October 24, 1954],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 43: RG-72.13.43, Imitation Jewish money featuring images of host desecration, 1920s Germany, 1920s],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 44: RG-72.13.44, Antisemitic postcard, 'I'll take Opportunity', America, 1905],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 45: RG-72.13.45, Antisemitic postcard, 'Where was Moses when the light went out', Great Britain, circa ealy 1900s],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 46: RG-72.13.46, Antisemitic postcard, 'Everybody welcome at the Ratskeller', Germany],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 47: RG-72.13.47, Antisemitic postcard, 'Moses in the Bulrushes', Great Britain, 09.21.1921, September 21, 1921],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 48: RG-72.13.48, Antisemitic postcard, 'Christians Awake!', Great Britain, 12.24.1910, December 24, 1910],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 49: RG-72.13.49, Antisemitic postcard, 'There's a Divinity that shapes our ends', British or American],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 50: RG-72.13.50, Antisemitic postcard, 'Types Algeriens', France],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 51: RG-72.13.51, Antisemitic postcard, 'When Reuben Comes to Town', Great Britain, circa 1907],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 52: RG-72.13.52, Imitation Jewish money, 1920s Germany, 1920s],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 53: RG-72.13.53, Imitation Jewish money, 1920s Germany, 1920s],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 54: RG-72.13.54, Imitation Jewish money, 1920s Germany, 1920s],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 55: RG-72.13.55, La Ligue Francaise est un Mouvement Nouveau dirige par Un Homme Nouveau, circa 1910--1940],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 56: RG-72.13.56, Tostede, local emergency money, anti-Jewish propaganda, Germany, 1921, 1921],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 57: RG-72.13.57, Emergency money issued in Germany, 1921, anti-Jewish propaganda, 1921],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 58: RG-72.13.58, Antisemitic clippings, all in German, circa 1933--1945],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 59: RG-72.13.59, Antisemitic postcard, 'One of his victims', Russia, circa 1900],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 60: RG-72.13.60, Antisemitic postcard, 'They found a victim', Russia, 1921],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 61: RG-72.13.61, Antisemitic postcard, 'A nice apartment for a Czech official', Russia, circa 1900],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 62: RG-72.13.62, Antisemitic postcard, 'Going to the synagogue on Shabbes', Russia, undated],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 63: RG-72.13.63, Antisemitic postcard,  'A village meeting under supervision', Hungary, undated],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 64: RG-72.13.64, Antisemitic postcard, 'Give the children a good religious education so they can get acquainted', Slovakia, undated],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 65: RG-72.13.65, Antisemitic postcard, 'The only Polish export - Jews to France', Russia, undated],

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