RG-25.07.03, New Year’s Greetings to Wladyslaw Wojcik from Tel Aviv, 1964 | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
RG-25.07.03, New Year's Greetings to Wladyslaw Wojcik from Tel Aviv, 1964.pdf (PDF Document, 2.39 MB)
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RG-25.07.03, New Year’s Greetings to Wladyslaw Wojcik from Tel Aviv, 1964
1 January 1964
Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Found in:
Warsaw Ghetto and Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, 1939-1978 Sub-Collection 7: RG-25.07, Warsaw Ghetto, Wladyslaw Wójcik Collection Document/Artifact of Item-Level 3: RG-25.07.03, New Year's Greetings to Wladyslaw Wojcik from Tel Aviv, 1964, 1 January 1964
Acknowledgement of non-Jewish assistance of Jews during the Holocaust, postwar
Correspondence between Wladyslaw Wojcik and Jewish Organizations in the United States and Israel
Jewish society and organizations, Israel, postwar
New Year's card
New Year's greetings to Wladyslaw Wojcik from Jewish organizations
Non-Jewish assistance of Jews
Recognition by the Holocaust Remembrance Institutions
United States (1950 -- 1978)
Wladyslaw Wojcik, construction technician who discovered the Ringelblum Archive, 1950
Correspondence between Wladyslaw Wojcik and Jewish Organizations in the United States and Israel
Jewish society and organizations, Israel, postwar
New Year's card
New Year's greetings to Wladyslaw Wojcik from Jewish organizations
Non-Jewish assistance of Jews
Recognition by the Holocaust Remembrance Institutions
United States (1950 -- 1978)
Wladyslaw Wojcik, construction technician who discovered the Ringelblum Archive, 1950