Jim and Jessica Watson,collection of the postwar trials transcipts, Nuerenberg, 1948 | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Name: Jim and Jessica Watson,collection of the postwar trials transcipts, Nuerenberg, 1948
Historical Note:
<p style="margin-left:.75in;"> - Court session transcripts (in German language) from February 11-18 and April-June, 1948.
These records, in German language, represent the court proceedings in the number of sound cases [International Military Tribunal] such as United States of America vs. Otto Ohlendorf et.al; United States of America vs. Ernst von Weizsaecker, et. al; and Final Brief of the Criminal Responsibility of Weizsaecker, Steengracht, Woerman Under Count V of the Indictment (Murder of the Jews of Europe,. Part I, Part I1, Nurenberg, 15 November 1948”