Jewish newspapers in the ghettos (1940 -- 1945) | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Name: Jewish newspapers in the ghettos (1940 -- 1945)
Historical Note: Jewish periodicals published by the Jewish Councils in the ghettos, controlled by the German occupation authorities
Digital Content Created by Jewish newspapers in the ghettos
Other Files: RG-17.01.01- Gazeta Zydowska, 1940-1941, Krakow
RG-17.01.02- Gazeta Zydowska, January, 1941, Krakow
RG-23.20.01, Search advertisement for a Jewish female under a false identity
RG-23.20.02, German soldiers entering Lwow (Lviv) Ukraine, passing by Zamartynow Street
RG-23.20.03, Official announcement on the establishment of a ghetto in Lviv, November 1941