- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 1: RG-28.05.01, German armaments production, Werk Dachau in Dachau. (Cover), c. 1942

This document is a German publication showing the grounds of Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werk Dachau (DAW), or German Armaments Works, in the German town of Dachau.
Dachau camp prisoners were the workers of the work factory, which included a bakery, butchery, lumberyard and carpentry.
The main function of the works factory was to produce construction materials and equipment for the SS.
- Subject/Index Terms:
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW, German Equipment Works), 1939 -- 1943
workshops in concentration camps
Work in concentration camps
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 2: RG-28.05.02, Chief of department in his office with secretary, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This particular page shows an image of the director and secretary of the DAW works in the town of Dachau.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
Germany (Europe)
workshops in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
Work in concentration camps
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Documents in German language
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Photographs, concentration camps
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 3: RG-28.05.03, Deputy chief of factory, with secretary and special assistant, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page shows the deputy director along with secretary and personal assistant.
- Subject/Index Terms:
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
workshops in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
Work in concentration camps
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Documents in German language
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Photographs, concentration camps
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 4: RG-28.05.04, Administrative offices, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page shows the administrative offices of DAW factory. Pictured is the head of supplies and registrar.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
Germany (Europe)
workshops in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
Work in concentration camps
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Documents in German language
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Photographs, concentration camps
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 5: RG-28.05.05, Accounting, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This page shows the accounting team and register of DAW workshop and factory.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
Germany (Europe)
workshops in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
Work in concentration camps
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Documents in German language
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Photographs, concentration camps
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 6: RG-28.05.06, Accounting office and accountants, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes photographs of the accounting office with accountants.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
workshops in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
Work in concentration camps
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Documents in German language
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Photographs, concentration camps
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 7: RG-28.05.07, Butchershop and Grocery store, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page highlights the butchers shop and grocery store, presumably with forced laborers/Dachau prisoners.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
workshops in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
Work in concentration camps
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 8: RG-28.05.08, Bakery products workshop, 1, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page highlights the bakery workshop, along with a worker (presumably a Dachau prisoner).
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
workshops in concentration camps
Work in concentration camps
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Documents in German language
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Photographs, concentration camps
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 9: RG-28.05.09, Bakery products workshop. 2, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page shows images of camp prisoners/forced laborers working in the bakery products workshop. c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
Germany (Europe)
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
workshops in concentration camps
Work in concentration camps
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Documents in German language
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Photographs, concentration camps
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 10: RG-28.05.10, Flour storage room, and bread storage room, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page documents the flour and bread storage rooms of DAW industries in the town of Dachau.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
Germany (Europe)
workshops in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
Work in concentration camps
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 11: RG-28.05.11, Rest area with lockers, and machinery for production of dried bread, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page highlights the rest area with a forced laborer 'resting', and additional images of machinery for the production of bread. Dachau, c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
Germany (Europe)
workshops in concentration camps
Work in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Documents in German language
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Photographs, concentration camps
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 12: RG-28.05.12, Meat processing area. 1, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page depicts the butchery room and meat processing area.
Dachau, c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
Germany (Europe)
workshops in concentration camps
Work in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Documents in German language
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Photographs, concentration camps
- Creators:
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 13: RG-28.05.13, Meat processing area. 2

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page depicts images from the butchery and meat processing area of the DAW works in the town of Dachau.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Germany (Europe)
workshops in concentration camps
Work in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Documents in German language
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Photographs, concentration camps
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 14: RG-28.05.14, General view of the factory, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page shows the view from the outside of the DAW industries work facility.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
workshops in concentration camps
Work in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Documents in German language
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Photographs, concentration camps
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 15: RG-28.05.15, Administration of the factory, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page shows the administration room, auftragseingang, or "where assignments come in". Pictured in the admin room are the factory manager and calculator.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
workshops in concentration camps
Work in concentration camps
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Documents in German language
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 16: RG-28.05.16, Prisoners as office workers, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
In camp prisoner garb, forced laborers/camp prisoners are pictured in what is known as the 'inmates office'.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
workshops in concentration camps
Work in concentration camps
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Documents in German language
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 17: RG-28.05.17, Technological process, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page shows various work rooms, including the toolroom, goods stock, and drawing room for inmates.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
workshops in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
Work in concentration camps
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Documents in German language
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Photographs, concentration camps
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 18: RG-28.05.18, Storage area for lumber. 1, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page the outdoor storage area for lumber.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
workshops in concentration camps
Work in concentration camps
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Documents in German language
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Photographs, concentration camps
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 19: RG-28.05.19, Stacks of Lumber, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page shows images from the lumber yard, and forced laborers/prisoners from Dachau camp working to stack the lumber.
Workers wear camp prisoner uniforms.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Germany (Europe)
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
workshops in concentration camps
Work in concentration camps
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Documents in German language
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
- Creators:
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 20: RG-28.05.20, Drying chamber for lumber, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes images from the lumber drying chamber. Pictured are forced laborers/prisoners dressed in camp prisoner garb, working to move stacks of lumber into the drying chambers.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
workshops in concentration camps
Work in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Documents in German language
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 21: RG-28.05.21, Preperation of lumber and processing, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes photographs of the indoor lumber yard, where plywood is stored, stacked, and cut, by forced laborers/prisoners from the nearby Dachau camp.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Documents in German language
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
- Creators:
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 22: RG-28.05.22, Circular saw, cutting area, and circular saw, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes photographs of forced laborers/prisoners from nearby Dachau camp, working in woodcutting with a circular saw.
Laborers wear prisoner garb typical to concentration camps in this period.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Documents in German language
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 23: RG-28.05.23, At the fraise machine, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes images from the wood shop. Forced laborers/prisoners from nearby Dachau camp are pictured working the drill machine.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Documents in German language
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 24: RG-28.05.24, Processing of lumber, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes photographs of forced laborers/prisoners working in the wood shop cutting lumber.
Laborers wear prisoner garb typical of prisoner uniforms used within concentration camp grounds.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 25: RG-28.05.25, Preparing instruments for processing lumber, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes photographs of forced laborers/prisoners from nearby Dachau camp working with tools in the wood shop.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Photographs, concentration camps post-liberation
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 26: RG-28.05.26, Workers and prisoners at three different machines in production process, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes photographs of forced laborers/prisoners from nearby Dachau camp working in the wood shop.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 27: RG-28.05.27, Storage area and frame for lounge chair, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
Pictured is the lumber storage area and a forced laborer/prisoners constructing the wooden frame of a lounge chair.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
- Creators:
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 28: RG-28.05.28, Word sculptors, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes photographs of forced laborers/prisoners sculpting/carving designs in wood.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Documents in German language
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 29: RG-28.05.29, Working on veneer, and polishing, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes photographs of forced laborers/prisoners from nearby Dachau camp, polishing and veneering wood produced by the work factory.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Documents in German language
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 30: RG-28.05.30, Preparation for production at two different machineries, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes photographs of forced laborers/prisoners from nearby Dachau concentration camp, working with tools.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
Documents in German language
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 31: RG-28.05.31, Engraving and hammering, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes photographs of forced laborers/prisoners from nearby Dachau concentration camp, engraving and hammering a piece of material.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Documents in German language
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 32: RG-28.05.32, Welder preparing a wheel, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes photographs of forced laborers/prisoners welding metals and fitting tires.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
Documents in German language
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 33: RG-28.05.33, Instruments for the production process, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes forced laborers/prisoners from nearby Dachau concentration camp working with woodcutting.
town of Dachau, c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
workshops in concentration camps
Work in concentration camps
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Documents in German language
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Forced labor, photo-documents
Forced labor in factories
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 34: RG-28.05.34, Final products, and a ski lodge for the Red Cross, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page shows the 'final products' of forced labor; a wooden ski lodge for the Red Cross.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Documents in German language
Forced labor, photo-documents
Forced labor in factories
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 35: RG-28.05.35, Entrance to Ski Lodge, and living room, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific image includes the 'final products' of forced labor at DAW works, a ski lodge and living room inside the ski lodge.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Dachau (Germany)
Germany (Europe)
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
Forced labor, photo-documents
Forced labor in factories
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
Documents in German language
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 36: RG-28.05.36, Living room, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page shows the living room of a Red Cross ski lodge, constructed by forced laborers at DAW works in the town of Dachau.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
Forced labor in factories
Forced labor, photo-documents
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 37: RG-28.05.37, Hook by the window, and bedroom, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes the inner rooms of a Red Cross ski lodge, constructed by forced laborers at DAW industries in the town of Dachau.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Forced labor, photo-documents
Forced labor in factories
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
Documents in German language
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 38: RG-28.05.38, Border Guard House, and work space in Border Guard House, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes the final result of forced labor, a border guard house.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
Forced labor, photo-documents
Forced labor in factories
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 39: RG-28.05.39, Bedroom, living room, and bathroom, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes photographs of the final products of forced labor. The pictures show the inside of a bedroom, a living room, and bathroom, constructed by forced laborers from nearby Dachau concentration camp.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Forced labor in factories
Forced labor, photo-documents
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Documents in German language
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 40: RG-28.05.40, Oaktable, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes photographs of custom made in-house furniture, constructed by forced laborers/prisoners from nearby Dachau concentration camp.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
Documents in German language
Forced labor, photo-documents
Forced labor in factories
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 41: RG-28.05.41, Frame for chair, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes photographs of the frame of a chair, constructed by forced laborers from nearby Dachau concentration camp.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Forced labor, photo-documents
Forced labor in factories
Documents in German language
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 42: RG-28.05.42, Rustic Furniture, 1, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes photographs of custom made rustic furniture pieces, constructed by forced laborers/prisoners from nearby Dachau concentration camp.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Germany (Europe)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Photographs, concentration camps
Forced labor in factories
Forced labor, photo-documents
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
Documents in German language
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Periodicals, photo-documents, Albert Speer, Nazi Minister of Armaments and War Production
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 43: RG-28.05.43, Rustic furniture, 2, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes photographs of custom made rustic furniture constructed by forced laborers/prisoners from nearby Dachau concentration camp.
c. 1942
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 44: RG-28.05.44, Bench for special occassions, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes a photograph of custom made furniture made by forced laborers/prisoners from nearby Dachau concentration camp.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Forced labor, photo-documents
Forced labor in factories
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
Documents in German language
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 45: RG-28.05.45, Work spaces, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes photographs of custom made furniture made by forced laborers/prisoners from nearby Dachau concentration camp.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Forced labor, photo-documents
Forced labor in factories
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 46: RG-28.05.46, Cradle, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes a photograph of a custom made baby cradle, constructed by forced laborers/prisoners from nearby Dachau concentration camp.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
Forced labor, photo-documents
Forced labor in factories
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Documents in German language
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 47: RG-28.05.47, Standard Wentrobes, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes photographs of custom made furniture made by forced laborers/prisoners from nearby Dachau concentration camp.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Forced labor, photo-documents
Forced labor in factories
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 48: RG-28.05.48, Tables for barracks, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes photographs of custom made furniture made by forced laborers/prisoners from nearby Dachau concentration camp.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Forced labor, photo-documents
Forced labor in factories
Documents in German language
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 49: RG-28.05.49, Military bench and shoe horn for boots, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes photographs of custom made furniture made by forced laborers/prisoners from nearby Dachau concentration camp.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Forced labor, photo-documents
Forced labor in factories
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 50: RG-28.05.50, Folding cot, and beechwood, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes photographs of a custom made beechwood bunk bed, made by forced laborers/prisoners from nearby Dachau concentration camp.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Forced labor, photo-documents
Forced labor in factories
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Documents in German language
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 51: RG-28.05.51, Cabinet for pistols, open and closed, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes photographs of a custom made beechwood gun safe, made by forced laborers/prisoners from nearby Dachau concentration camp.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Forced labor, photo-documents
Forced labor in factories
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Documents in German language
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 52: RG-28.05.52, Ceiling chandelier, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes photographs of a custom made ceiling chandelier, constructed by forced laborers/prisoners from nearby Dachau concentration camp.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
Documents in German language
Forced labor in factories
Forced labor, photo-documents
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 53: RG-28.05.53, Metal fittings for furniture doors, and stand for tools, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes photographs of custom made metal door hinges and tool rack, made by forced laborers/prisoners from nearby Dachau concentration camp.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
Documents in German language
Forced labor, photo-documents
Forced labor in factories
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 54: RG-28.05.54, Racks for tools. 1, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes photographs of tool racks constructed by forced laborers/prisoners from nearby Dachau concentration camp.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Forced labor, photo-documents
Forced labor in factories
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 55: RG-28.05.55, Racks for tools. 2, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes photographs of tool racks constructed by forced laborers/prisoners from nearby Dachau concentration camp.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Documents in German language
Forced labor, photo-documents
Forced labor in factories
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 56: RG-28.05.56, Racks for tools. 3, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes photographs of tool racks made by forced laborers/prisoners from nearby Dachau concentration camp.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Documents in German language
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Forced labor in factories
Forced labor, photo-documents
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Photographs, concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
workshops in concentration camps
Work in concentration camps
Germany (Europe)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Dachau (Germany)
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 57: RG-28.05.57, Racks for tools, 4, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page includes photographs of tool racks constructed by forced laborers/prisoners from nearby Dachau concentration camp.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Forced labor, photo-documents
Forced labor in factories
Documents in German language
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industry in Dachau, Germany, 1939 -- 1943
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 58: RG-28.05.58, German armaments production, Werk Dachau in Dachau. Back, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page is the back cover of the DAW industries book.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
Work in concentration camps
workshops in concentration camps
Albert Speer, Nazi minister of Armaments and War Production 1942 -- 1945
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Forced labor, photo-documents
Forced labor in factories
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
DAW industries, photo-documents, German managerial staff
DAW industries, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
DAW industries, photo-documents, technological processes
DAW industries in Europe, utilizing prisoners of German labor camps, 1939 -- 1943
Bakery production at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documetns
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, located in Dachau, Germany
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, German menagerial staff
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, prisoner workforce
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents, technological processes
Woodworking processes at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Production of decorative furniture at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
processing of timber, Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Nazi system of concentration camps in Germany
SS functionaries in Nazi-German concentration camps
Documents in German language
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 59: RG-28.05.59, German armaments production, Werk Dachau in Dachau, c. 1942

This document is a page from a publication distributed throughout Nazi Germany regarding the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke Werke (DAW), or German Equipment Works, works factory established in the town of Dachau. DAW was established by the SS authorities throughout Nazi Germany, which utilized and/or exploited prisoner slave labor from nearby Dachau concentration camp and other camps.
This specific page shows the back cover of the DAW industries photo book.
c. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dachau (Germany)
Dachau (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Germany (Europe)
DAW industries, photo-documents, 1939 -- 1943
- Creators:
Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW; literally the German Equipment Works (1939 -- 1943)
Administration of concentration camps (1933 -- 1945)