Erich Lichtblau Papers, 1940-1984
| Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

The arrangement scheme for the record group was imposed during processing in the absence of an original order. Materials are arranged by format, then by identifier, as assigned by the processor.
Record group is comprised of three collections: 1. Materials related to They Shall Be Counted catalogue; 2. Collection of articles, catalogues, and illustrations on and about Eli Leskly; 3. Eli Leskly artwork.

Art in ghettos
Clandestine art in the Theresienstadt ghetto, 1942 -- 1945
Collaboration in ghettos
Collaboration in the Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1942 --1945
Corruption in the ghetto
Corruption in the Theresienstadt ghetto, 1942 -- 1945
Czechoslovakia (1939 -- 1945)
Czechoslovakia (1945--1991)
Day-to-day life in the Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1942 -- 1945
Deportation from the Teresienstadt Ghetto, 1942 -- 1945
Documents in Czech language
Documents in German language
Elsa (Else) Lichtblau
Erich Lichtblau-Leskly
Erich Lichtblau-Leskly, incarcerated in the Theresienstadt Ghetto, artist
Germany (1939--1945)
ghetto identification document
Ghetto life through the day-to-day caricatures of Erich Lichtblau, Theresienstadt ghetto
Givat Chayim (Israel)
Hiding incriminating documents in the Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1942 -- 1945
Hierarchy of the Theresienstadt Ghetto
Hrusov (Czechoslovakia)
Humor and satire in the Holocaust
Identification documents of the Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1942 -- 1945
Ilan Leskly, philanthropist, postwar
Immunity from deportations from the Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1942 -1945
Israel (1948 --1967)
Jewish Council of the Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1942 -- 1945
Jewish Order Police in ghettos
Jewish Order Police in the Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1942 -- 1945
Liberation of the Theresienstadt Ghetto, May 1945
Los Angeles (California, United States)
Paul R. Greenberg, philanthropist, postwar
Phenomenal status of the Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1942 -- 1945
Philanthropic activity, postwar
Pisek (Czechosloavkia)
Prisoners of the Theresienstadt ghetto, 1942 -- 1945
Relations between the inhabitants of the Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1942 -- 1945
Structure of the Theresienstadt Ghetto through the caricatures of Erich Lichtblau, 1942 -- 1945
Tel Aviv (Israel)
The system of protection in the Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1942 -- 1945
Wulkow (Germany)

This record group contains the original watercolors and sketches created by Eli Leskly, also known as Erich Lichtblau, while in the Theresienstadt Ghetto, as well as in the postwar period in Czechoslovakia. The over 150 artworks held by the LA Museum of the Holocaust include watercolors and sketches from Leskly's period in the ghetto; small watercolors from the postwar period; and replicas of Theresienstadt pictorial diary from his period in Israel in the 1960s.
The materials in this record group are digitized.

Documents and Files:
RG-, Short biography Eli Leskly (Erich Lichtblau) by Jorn VM
RG-, Erich Lichtblau, Illness in the ghetto
RG-, New fragment, inmate reading a book
RG-, Fata Morgana from Jorn
RG-, November 1942 arrival by Jorn
RG-, Letter to Paul R. Greenberg, 1984
RG-, Photograph, The Leskleys at home
RG-, Photograph, Erich and Elsa, 1983, Givataim, Israel
RG-, Photograph, Erich Leskly, Givataim, Israel
RG-, Leskly letter 1
RG-, Leskly letter 2
RG-, Leskly Letter Translation
RG-, Photograph, Erich and Elsa in Pisek
RG- Letter to Erich Leskly from his nephew, Ilan
RG- sketch
RG-, Erich Lichtblau autobiography, in a letter to Shalmi Barmore
RG-, Leskly letter 1
RG-, Leskly letter 2
RG-, A 7406, list 30, tr.sezn.Cd 2, Transport List
RG-, Cropped transport list, Lichtblaus at center
RG-, Erich Lichtblau, Wartime ID, used in postwar period
RG-, Else Lichtblauvova, Wartime ID, used in postwar period
RG-, Lichtblau notebook
RG-, Theresienstadt Bastions
RG-, Theresienstadt Stamp
RG-, לסקלי Interview by Dr. Ostrower
RG-, Chaja Ostrower absract
RG- Abstract by Jörn Wendland
RG- Erich Lichtblau-Leskly introductory article
RG- Alphabetized Catalogue of Artworks
RG- The Ghetto Diary in the Picture-Stories, Newsletter
RG- Erich Lichtblau, Portraiture of a Ghetto Life
RG- Brief Leskly bio by Jörn Wendland, Email
RG- A Cheap Cake for Birthday
RG- A Dream, Home for Weary Halutzim
RG- A Farewell, See You Again in the Mass Grave
RG- A Good Czech Gendarme
RG- A Halutz in the Ghetto and his Three Points
RG- A Night with Her Alone at the Bar Palanda
RG- A Wool Vest for a Half of Bread
RG- Baptized Jews are Coming
RG- Competitors for Potatoes
RG- Death Rate 150 Daily
RG- Do Not Built in the Goles (Diaspora)
RG- Doctors are Hungry Too
RG- Encephalitis in the Ghetto
RG- Encounter of the Carriages
RG- Everyone's Dream, Privacy in his own Closet
RG- Good Morning Herr Doktor
RG- Hambo, the Singer
RG- Head Count
RG- Impetigo in the Ghetto
RG- In Beth Halutzoth, in the Hamburg Barracks
RG- Jewish Anti-Semite in the Ghetto
RG- Jewish Order Police from the Westerbork Camp
RG- Leisure Activity
RG- Light Control
RG- Mission of the Economic Department
RG- Permit Stamp
RG- Planks for a Kumbal
RG- Polenschutz or Protection from Deportation to Poland is not a Privilege
RG- Prague is Free of Jews
RG- Prisoner's Disease
RG- Return after Disinfection
RG- Rumors (Bonke) by Latrine B IV
RG- Running Low
RG- Schleusst und Stiehlt
RG- Senior Inmates often were Thieves
RG- Six Companions
RG- Smuggling Flowers into the Ghetto
RG- Sylvester 1942, New Year Eve Prophecy
RG- Terezinka - a Ghetto Disease
RG- The Camp Commander Ridicules
RG- The New Order Service, No Pushing Please
RG- The Operetta in Three Acts, The Ghetto Girl
RG- The Red Cross is Coming, Beautified Decorated and Phony
RG- The Red Cross is Coming, A Happy Ghetto
RG- The Red Cross is Coming, the Dining Room
RG- Three Kings in the Ghetto, Cook, Baker, and Pastry Baker
RG- Transport Leader Mandler Ghettoized
RG- Transport Sorrows
RG- Consolidated file-Leskly Photos with captions
RG- A Cheap Cake for a Birthday
RG- A Wool Vest for a Half of Bread
RG- Rumors from the Front Lines
RG- Building the Railroad to the Ghetto
RG- Encephalitis in the Ghetto
RG- Encounter of the Carriages
RG- Introductory Placard
RG- Photograph, Erich and Elsa
RG- Exhibition of Lichtblau-Leskly
RG- Hambo, the Singer
RG- Her Business with Soup
RG- In Beth Chalutzoth
RG- Title Cards with Translations
RG- Title Cards, 2
RG- Exhibit sizing and source information
RG- Advertisement, Portraiture of Ghetto Life
RG- Exhibit Title Page, 2
RG- Prospective exhibition, Prague is Free of Jews
RG- Ten prospective exhibits
RG- Permit Stamp for 10 kilo Packages
RG- Shared Joy is Double Joy
RG- Smuggling Flowers into the Ghetto
RG- New Year’s Eve Prophecy
RG- Terezinka, A Ghetto Disease
RG- The Chaluz
RG- The Red Cross is Coming, A Happy Ghetto
RG- A Transport Aid
RG- Arrival of the Jews from Denmark in [Terezin Spa].
RG- Dining Room. It was shown to the gentlemen of the Red Cross
RG- Do not Build in the Goles (Goluth – Diaspora)
RG- Doctors are Hungry too.
RG- Good Morning Herr Doktor
RG- Halutz in the Ghetto
RG- Head Count
RG- Jewish Antisemite in the Ghetto
RG- Night Quietness in Beth Chalutz (Hannover Barracks)
RG- One Can Look into the Stomach. The Brought in Food Reserves are Running Low
RG- Planks [Šlojs in Czech] for a Kumbal [a private closet or compartment).
RG- Schleusst und Stiehlt is not the same
RG- Terezinka, a Ghetto Disease
RG- The Light Control
RG- The Operetta in Three Acts, the Ghetto Girl
RG- Three Kings in the Ghetto. Cook, Baker, and Pastry Baker
RG- A Baptized Jew is a Jew
RG- A Cheap Cake for Birthday
RG- A Child's Dream
RG- A Clean Ghetto for the Gentlemen from the Red Cross
RG- A Dream, A Home for Weary Halutsim
RG- A Farewell, See You again in the Mass Grave
RG- A Good Czech Gendarme
RG- A Halutz in the Ghetto and his three points
RG- A Night with Her Alone at the Bar Palanda
RG- A wool-vest for a half of bread
RG- Arrival of the Jews from Denmark to Terezin
RG- Bonke, Rumors from the Front-lines
RG- Building a Railroad to the Ghetto
RG- Coffin Factory
RG- Cook and cleaning crew is a good catch in the Ghetto
RG- Death Rate, 150 Daily
RG- Do not Build in the Diaspora
RG- Doctors are Hungary Too
RG- Encounter of the Carriages- Aryan and Jewish Carriages
RG- Everyone's dream-Privacy in his own Kumbal (closet)
RG- Exclusion from the Transport
RG- Father is Stealing, Son is Stealing
RG- Ghettoized
RG- Grandma's Hand Luggage for the Journey to the East
RG- Hambo, the Singer
RG- Head Count
RG- Her Business with the Soup
RG- In Beth Chaluzoth, Hamburg Barracks, Room No. 305
RG- Jewish Order Police from Westerbork Camp's Trasport Arrivied
RG- Leisure Activity
RG- Let me smoke a bit, a cigarette from mouth to mouth
RG- Lunch time in Beth Chalutzot
RG- Mission of the Economy Department
RG- Night Quietness in the Hanover Barracks
RG- Not enough water, too many Ghetto inmates
RG- Only for hard workers - added small rations
RG- Permit Stamp for 10 kg Packages from Friends and Relatives...but only a few got
RG- Planks for the Kumbal (for a private closet)
RG- Prague is free of Jews
RG- Protection from Deportation to Poland is not a Privilege
RG- Rumors from Latrine BIV
RG- Return after Disinfection
RG- Risky Apple Stealing
RG- Senior Inmates are Often Mean Thieves
RG- Shared Joy is Double Joy
RG- Smuggling Flowers into the Ghetto
RG- Stealing and Schleussing (Organizing)
RG- Sylvester 1942, New Years' Eve Prophecy
RG- Terezinka, a Ghetto Disease
RG- The Light Control
RG- The Morning Salute of the Ghetto Guard
RG- The New Order Service, No Pushing Please
RG- The Operetta in Three Acts, The Ghetto Girl
RG- The Red Cross is Coming, a Happy Ghetto
RG- The Red Cross is Coming, Beautified, Decorated, and Phony
RG- The Red Cross is Coming, Dining room
RG- Three Kings of the Ghetto-Cook, Baker, and Pastry Baker
RG- Transport Leader Mandler Ghettoized
RG- Transport Sorrows
RG- View through the Window