Polish, Ukrainian, and Jewish Periodicals Published in Interwar Poland, 1914-1939
| Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

The arrangement scheme for the record group was imposed during processing in the absence of an original order. Materials are arranged by publication, then by identifier, as assigned by the processor.
Record group is comprised of three collections: 1. Polish interwar periodicals, collection; 2. Ukrainian interwar periodicals in Poland, collection; 3. Jewish interwar periodicals in Poland, collection.

A combined record group comprising three sub-groups of the interwar publications in Polish and Ukrainian language. The Archive has thousands of copies produced from the microfilms. There is no repository, to our knowledge, in the United States that owns original hard copies. The original periodicals are located in Poland and Ukraine, namely in Warsaw, Cracow, and Lviv. Only a limited number of repositories in the United States and Canada are in possession of microfilms. Building this Collection, we followed the example of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in collecting the unique publications and archival materials from the institutions that hold the originals or the microfilms of the originals.
This Record Group is divided in to three sub-groups with regard to the language of publication and a political affiliation. Often the periodicals affiliated with the political right, political left and with the national minorities present diametrically opposite political views. Materials collected in this Record Group serve as a valuable historic source in the interwar European History
Author: staff
Demographic statistics of Polish population, 1921 -- 1939
Dilo (the Deed), Ukrainian daily, 1880 --1939
Droga (The Way), a publication of the Sanation (Sanacja) camp
Eastern Galicia (Poland: Region)
Eastern Galician Statistics 1939
Gazeta Polska (The Polish Gazette), newspaper, Polish
General Zionists of Eastern Galicia
Ideology of Ukrainian Nationalism
Jewish -- Polish relations in interwar Poland
Jewish -- Ukrainian relation in interwar Poland
Jewish Life in Interwar Poland and Ukraine
Jewish national minority in interwar Poland
Jewish parliamentary representation in the Sejm (Polish Parliament), 1918 -- 1939
Jewish politics in interwar Poland
Jewish societal life in interwar Poland
Kurjer Lwowski, periodical Polish, 1918 -- 1926
Literary Satire, Polish
Lviv (Ukraine)
Lwow (Lviv), culture
Lwow (Poland)
Minority Affairs in interwar Poland
Mucha (A Fly), illustrative and satirical magazine
National Relations in interwar Poland
Nowy Dziennik (The New Daily), newspaper, Polish
Periodicals, Jewish
Poland in interwar period, 1918 -- 1939
Polish Demographic Statistics 1918-1939
Polish official statistics of interwar time
Polish Parliamentary Elections, 1919 -- 1939
Polish political and economical tasks, 1926 --1939
Polish politics in the ethnic Ukrainian territories of Poland in the interwar period
Polish writers of the interwar period, 1918 -- 1939
Political affairs in interwar Poland, 1918 --1939
Political and social affairs in interwar Poland
Political Satire, Polish
Reflection on social and cultural affairs in interwar Poland
Reflections of Jewish political and social life in interwar Poland, 1918 -- 1919
Relations between Jewish parliamentary representation and Polish state
School, Jewish, interwar Poland
Slowo Polskie (The Polish Word), periodical Polish
Steiger, Stanislaw
Steiger Affair and Trial, 1924 -- 1925
Students, Jewish, interwar Poland
Theory of the Ukrainian independent and unified state, interwar period
Theory of Ukrainian Nationalism
Ugoda (the Agreement), Jewish -- Polish Agreement, July 1925
Ukraine, geopolitical situation in interwar period
Ukrainian - Polish ethno - national and political relations, 1939 -- 1945
Ukrainian aspirations for an independent state, 1918 --1941
Ukrainian aspirations of independence
Ukrainian cultural and religious periodicals, 1918 --1941
Ukrainian literary periodicals, 1918 --1941
Ukrainian literature in the light of Nationalism
Ukrainian military and nationalistic periodicals, 1918 --1941
Ukrainian national minority in Poland
Ukrainian parliamentary representation in the Sejm (Polish Parliament), 1928 -- 1939
Ukrainian periodicals published in Czechoslovakia, 1918 --1939
Ukrainian periodicals published in Germany, 1939 --1941
Ukrainian periodicals published in Poland, 1918 --1939
Ukrainian periodicals published outside Ukraine
Ukrainian political activity in emigration, interwar period
Ukrainian political spectrum in interwar Poland
Ukrainian social and political periodicals, 1918 --1941
Ukrainian socialist publications, 1918 --1939
Ukrainian – Polish War in Galicia, 1918 – 1919
Warszawski Dziennik Narodowy (Warsaw National Daily), newspaper, Poland
Wlodek, Stanislaw, editor of Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 1921 -- 1925
Zamorski, Jan, contributor to Mysl Narodowa

This record group is comprised of four collections of interwar publications, published in Polish and Ukrainian. It contains three groups of publications, namely Sprawy Narodowsciowe (National Minority Affairs in Polish); Dilo (A Deed in Ukrainian); and Chwila (Moment in Polish). There are also a limited number of other Polish interwar publications, namely Wiadomosci Literacki (Literary Herald), Robotnik (A Worker), and Sygnaly (the Signals).
The Polish and Eastern Galician publications in this record group constitute a valuable historic resource, which reflect the multifaceted geo-political developments of these regions.
Materials in this record group include periodicals, all of which are digitized.