RG-72.08.37, Picture postcard sent from a civilian work camp in Harzgerode, Germany to Fran Hynstova in Protektorate Bohemia and Moravia, 27 September 1944 | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

RG-72.08.37, Picture postcard sent from a civilian work camp in Harzgerode, Germany to Fran Hynstova in Protektorate Bohemia and Moravia, 27 September 1944.pdf (PDF Document, 392.65 KB)
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RG-72.08.37, Picture postcard sent from a civilian work camp in Harzgerode, Germany to Fran Hynstova in Protektorate Bohemia and Moravia, 27 September 1944
27 September 1944
Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Found in:
Ed Victor Papers, 1933-1972
Sub-Collection 8: RG-72.08, Correspondences from and to German labor service, 1940 --1945
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 37: RG-72.08.37, Picture postcard of Harzgerode,Harz-Allee to Fran Hynstova in Protektorat-Mahren, 27 September 1944, 27 September 1944

Foreign workers in German labor service (!939 -- 1945)
Workers in German labor service (1939 -- 1945)
Workers in German labor service (1939 -- 1945)