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Steiger Affair, reflected in Jewish, Polish and Ukrainian periodicals, 1924, 1925



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Biographical Note

Detailed Description

RG-105.01, Chwila, October 20, 1925. No. 2367

RG-105.02, Chwila, October 21, 1925. No. 2368

RG-105.03, Chwila, October 22, 1925. No. 2369

RG-105.04, Chwila, October 23, 1925. No. 2370

RG-105.05, Chwila, October 24, 1925. No. 2371

RG-105.06, Chwila, October 25, 1925. No. 2372

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Steiger Affair, reflected in Jewish, Polish and Ukrainian periodicals, 1924, 1925, 1924-1928 | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

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Collection Overview

Title: Steiger Affair, reflected in Jewish, Polish and Ukrainian periodicals, 1924, 1925, 1924-1928Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Predominant Dates:1924 -- 1925

ID: RG-105/RG-105

Primary Creator: Natan Loewenstein, Jewish jurist, lawyer, deputy to the Constituent Sejm in 1919 -1921 (1859 -- 1929)

Other Creators: Chwila (the Moment), editorial board and contributors (1919 -- 1939), Dilo, editorial board and contributors (1914 -- 1918), Nasz Przeglad (Our Review), editorial board and contributors (1923 -- 1939), Novyi Chas (The New Time), Ukrainian National Democratic Alliance (1925 -- 1939), Nowy Dziennik, Jewish daily in Polish language, editorial board and contributors (1918 --1939), Pawel Korzec, Polish historian (1919 -- 2012)

Extent: 1.0 Boxes

Subjects: Assassination attempt on the life of Stanislaw Wojcechowski, President of Poland, September 1924, Benzion Lichtenstein, witness in the Steiger Trial, court session October - December 1925, Chwila, Cafe de la Paix, Lwow (Lviv) in regard to observation point, testimonies of witnesses, 1924m 1925, Criminal investigation is based on two principal witnesses, Maria Paternal and Wiktoria Loedl, 1924, Cross-examination of witnesses, prosecution and defense, the Steiger Trial, court in session, Dr. Grek, attorney at law, defense lawyer in Steiger Trial, 1924, 1925, Dr. Landau, attorney at law, defense lawyer in Steiger trial, 1924, 1925, Dr. Ringel, attorney at law, defense lawyer in Steiger Trial, 1924, 1925, Chwila, 1924, 1925, Failed assassination attempt on President of Poland, Wojcechowski in Lwow (Lviv), 5 September 1924, Formal legal premises for summary tribunal in Eastern Galicia, 1920s, Interpellation in Prussian Parliament (Germany) in regard to the Steiger Affair, Chwila October 1925, Investigation in the Steiger case is renewed, September 1924 -- October 1925, Janina Onyszkiewicz, witness in the Steiger Trial, court in session, October - December 1925, Jewish political and public figures intervention on behalf of Stanislaw Steiger, 1924 -- 1925, Jewish political spectrum in interwar Eastern Galicia, Only one judge of the Steiger trial summary tribunal voted against his guilt, September 1924, Polish political spectrum, 1918 --1939, Pre-trial police investigation on Stanislaw Steiger, Lwow (Lviv) criminal police, September 1924, Reflections and discourse of Steiger Trial, Lwow (Lviv), 1924 -- 1925, by Dilo, Reflections and discourse of Steiger Trial by Chwila, 1924 -- 1925, Reflections and discourse of Steiger Trial by Ilustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, Cracow, 1924 - 1925, Reflections and discourse of Steiger Trial by Nasz Przeglad, 1924 -- 1925, Warsaw, Reflections and discourse of Steiger Trial by Novyi Chas, 1924 -- 1925, Lviv (Lwow), Reflections and discourse of the Steiger Trial, 1924 -- 1925 by Slowo Polskie, Lwow (Lviv), Reflections and discourse of the Steiger Trial in Nowy Dziennik, Cracow, 1924 -- 1925, Stanislaw (Szlomo) Steiger, biography, Stanislaw Wojcechowski, Polish politician, Minister of Interior, 1919-1920, President, 1922 --1926, Stanislaw Wojcechowski, President of Poland, 1922 -- 1926, Stanislaw Wojcechowski, President of Poland, visit to Lwow (Lviv), beginning of September 1924, Statement of the Ukrainian Military Organization (UVO) sent to Jewish daily Chwila, September 8 1924, Statements and narratives of Ukrainian Military Organization (UVO) in regard to Steiger Trial, 1924, Steiger Affair, Lviv, 1924 -- 1925, Steiger Affair and Trial, 1924 -- 1925, Steiger is regarded a warranted suspect in a failed assassination of President Wojcechowski, 1924, Steiger trial, court in session, October -- December 1925, testimonies of witnesses, Chwila, 1925, Steiger Trial, examination of witnesses, prosecution, court in session, 1924, 1925, Steiger Trial, examination of witnesses by defense, court in session, 1924, 1925, Steiger Trial, Police examination with excessive force, Lwow (Lviv) criminal police, 1924, Steiger Trial, police investigation, Commissar Kajdan exercising of excessive force, 1924, Steiger Trial, police investigation, Inspector Lukomski, exercising of excessive force, 1924, Steiger Trial, Summary Tribunal refers the case to the court of jury, September 15 -17, 1924, Summary tribunal in the Steiger case consisted of counselor (judges) Dukiet, Huth, Mayer and Socha, Summary Tribunal in the Steiger Trial, Lwow (Lviv), September 15, 1924, Teofil Olshanskii, Ukrainian militant, implementer of the failed attempt on President Wojcechowski, Teofil Olshanskij, member of the Ukrainian Military Organization, a militant, The course of assassination attempt on President Stanislaw Wojcochowski, September 5, 1924, Lwow, Ukrainian political spectrum in Eastern Galicia, 1918 -- 1939, Verdicts of summary tribunal are to be passed unanimously, otherwise case goes to regular proceeding, Witnesses in the Steiger Trial, Lwow (Lviv), 1924 -- 1925, Witnesses in the Steiger trial, Z. Ecktein, bystander, sessions on 1925, Wojcech Bill, policeman, witness in the Steiger Trial, court in sesssion October - December 1925

Languages: Polish, Ukrainian, German


This Collection contains materials, largely in the form of reportages and articles from the newspapers published in 1924, 1925 and later in regard to the Steiger Trial. There are also personal accounts and interviews. The Stanislaw Steiger Trial in Lviv (Lwow), commonly referred as a Steiger Affair was boradly reflected by Jewish, Polish and Ukrainian periodicals as well as by foereing press.

Assassination attempt on the life of Poish President Stanislaw Wojcechowski took place on September 5, 1924, when President visited the city for the opening ofTargi Wschodni (Eastern Trade Fair). It was a bomb thrown at his open carriage. President had not been hurt and nombody sustained any personal injuiries. The bomb did not go off as deivised. It was accidently crashed by a cortege officers' horse.

Stanislaw Steiger who happened to be among spectators behaived nevrously and began to run into safety. He was arrested by the police becaue several bystanders pointed on his suspicious behavior. Some even testified that they saw hem throwing out a package that could have been a bomb.

Stanislaw Steiger, by no means was a culprit, altoough the summary tribunal commenced. This tribunal did not reach a unanimous decision and the case had been passed for further investigation and for trial by juries.

Here the "Steigeriada" how it was often named had began. It lasted until the end of 1925.

Scope and Contents of the Materials

The process or the Steiger Trial unfolds via reportages and reports continuously published in Jewish, Polish and Ukrainian periodicals. The court of Juries is presented by an array of conspiracy versions, from a Communist to Zionist to Ukrainian nationalists, not excluding just an anti-Polish plot, perhaps not related to a given ethnonational group. Often it seems that investigation is lost in supporting controversial version, only based on dubious testimonies of a few unreliable witnesses. The criminal police in Lviv (Lwow) often demonstrates inability to filter improbable evidences and to concentrate on conceivable evidence-supported discourse related to the conspiracy masterminded by the Ukrainian Military Organization. It took intervention of the Warsaw political police and its Lviv counterpart to adhere to the Ukrainian-related course of investigation. With a publication in Ukrainian press together with actual confession of Teofil Olshanskii, a militant from the UVO, who escaped to Germany, the court reluctantly accepted a Ukrainian, not Jewish and not a Communist trace in this case. Even with obvious evidences presented by the Ukrainian members of the UVO and confession of the actual culprit, the Steiger defense is of utmost significance. It takes a Jewish lawyer, Natan Lowenstein whose reputation of Polish patriot and unbiased jurist is of no doubts to persuade the Jury (not all members) of Steiger's innocence.

From a broader perspective it was not only a Steiger trial, it was a trial of Polish - Jewish and Ukrainian - Jewish mutual perception presented as ethno-political narrative and standing as a common national minorities discourse of interwar Eastern Galicia.

Collection Historical Note

On September 5, 1924, Polish President Stanisław Wojcechowski visited Lviv for the opening of the Targi Wschodnie (regional Eastern Trade Fair). When the presidential cortege was passing through the intersection of Legionów and Kopernika streets, a bomb was thrown at his open carriage. Having rebounded from the carriage, it fell down on the ground. At that same moment, it was crashed  by the horse of a cavalry officer.  It had not detonated under the horse hoofs, nobody was hurt.

The Police made arrest right at the site. They arrested Stanisław Steiger, a Jew, who happened to be at the spot. Two witnesses immediately  testified against him. The authorities held him responsible, relying solely on their testimonies. They stated: he first raised his arm, and then started running away. After a short police investigation, Steiger was put before the summary tribunal.  The had begun on September 15, 1924, ten days after the assassination attempt. The Tribunal consisted of counselor (judges) Dukiet, Huth, Mayer, and Socha.  In the case of  death sentence, their  unanimous decision was required.  Steiger’s defense held Dr. Grek and Dr. Bromberg.

Stanislaw (Szlomo) Steiger was born on 14 December 1900 in Lviv. His family fled Galicia for Vienna at the beginning of the First World War. At the end of the war he was drafted in an Austrian army non-combat unit. Upon return to Lviv, Steiger entered the Jan Kazimierz University to study law. He also had a job at the commercial firm S.A. Koloniale.[i] Being sympathetic to Zionism, he participated  in social activities  of the local [i]Makabea, Karen Kayemet, and Keren Hayesod Funds.[ii]  Having no real affiliation with the Communist movement, Steiger was familiar with its theoretical conceptions.

Communist movement, Steiger was familiar with its theoretical conceptions.

In 1924, summary courts still existed in Poland, especially in eastern Galicia—the home to Ukrainian dissent. By and large the summary courts dealt with political and criminal cases, which fall under the category of capital punishment. The Austrian law from  the 23rd  of May 1873 on such criminal proceedings had been still in force, providing legitimacy for summary trials, although Polish Legislature was debating its  abolition. Summary proceedings constituted a curtailed version of the normal court proceeding.  Resting on the principles of openness, retaining judicial indictment and the right on defense, the summary courts had no jury and there was no right to appeal the sentence.

            The criminal police built its investigation on the testimonies of two primary witnesses—Maria Pasternak and Wiktoria Loedl. The investigators completely disregarded a good number of other key witnesses who testified differently. All the testimonies, which did not support the police version, had not been taken into account or deliberately misinterpreted. The prosecutor, adherent to the police version, charged Steiger with the planned assassination attempt on the President, also linking him to a communist conspiracy. Defense lawyers Grek and Bromberg had been constantly drawing court’s attention to the drastically controversial circumstances of the case. They emphasized the blatant contradictions in the testimonies, pointing out onto the principal disagreement between the key witnesses.

         On 8 September 1924, three days after the attempt, [i]Ukrains’ka Viiskova Organizatsija or UVO (Ukrainian Military Organization), an underground paramilitary structure committed to the cause of Ukrainian independence issued a statement, claiming responsibility for the attempt on Wojcechowski’s life. The statement delivered to Lviv Jewish daily Chwila (A Moment) revealed the following:

Dear Mr. Editor, assassination attempt, executed around 3 P.M on the 5th of September in Lviv at Kopernika street, has been organized within a row of other actions by the Ukrainian Military Organization and designed by its members, Ukrainians. Having thrown the bomb, the UVO’s member realized its ineffectiveness. He intended to resolve the task with  a revolver, remaining for a while at the place. Although not being able to accomplish that, he involuntarily saved himself. Whereas he was remaining on the site, the other, not connected to the action, began to flee. At that moment absolutely innocent Steiger was arrested by the Polish police … We regret that the UVO’s action unintentionally brought serious harm to a completely innocent person of Jewish nationality and caused the new attacks on the Zionist party and the Jewish community.[ii]

[i] Ibid., 33.

Dr. Leon Reich, head of the Eastern Galicia Zionist Organization and Member of Parliament together with Henryk Hescheles, editor in chief of Chwila, immediately intervened, notifying all relevant authorities about the obvious clarification in the Steiger case, although to no avail.  The court dismissed these new evidences on the ground of the prosecution’s objection to its authenticity. The summary court was anything, but not interested in any circumstances that could shed light on the case and provide for an alternative interpretation. The court’s primary goal was to determine whether or not Stanisław Steiger had to be indicted.

On behalf of Polish Republic, the District Criminal Court in Lviv, acting as Summary Court, after having concluded two days of  deliberation, in the view of not reached unanimity,  has referred  the case to the regular proceeding. The Court also rules to hold Steiger incarcerated in the pre-trial  jail. [i]

Three judges admitted Steiger guilty, voting for conviction, while the only one judge voted against it, thus saving his life. If not him, the only remaining hope for life would be a presidential pardon. The new phase of the Steiger Affair began. A day earlier, Steiger’s father, his fiancée Józefa, and his friend Fichtman were released from incarceration. Stanisław Steiger would spend another 15 months in jail until after the new ten-weeks trial, on the 17th of December 1925, the jury delivered the final verdict.

The new investigation coincided with a number of crucial for Jewish society political developments. Firstly, the Polish-Jewish relations on the governmental level had reached a culminating point: whether or not Jewish political representation would carry on an anti-Polish policy of the Bloc of National Minorities or it will be prone to conform with the Polish Government and make itself independent  from the Bloc of National Minorities. After tormenting for the Jews negotiations the Jewish Parliamentary Representation, headed by Dr. Leon Reich, signed the Agreement with the Polish in July 1925 (widely known as Ugoda).

[i] Chwila (Lviv), September 18, 1924, 1.

Biographical Note

<b style="color: rgb(37, 37, 37); font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 22.4px;">Natan Loewenstein, Jewish public and political figure, supporter of acculturation and emancipation of Jews with Polish culture and Polish statehood. </b>

<b style="color: rgb(37, 37, 37); font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 22.4px;">He played a prominent role in the defense of falsely accused Stanislaw Steiger. In 1926, he published a monograph About the Steiger Case, a reflection on his defense discourse and the win of the case in October -December 1925. </b>

Subject/Index Terms

Assassination attempt on the life of Stanislaw Wojcechowski, President of Poland, September 1924
Benzion Lichtenstein, witness in the Steiger Trial, court session October - December 1925, Chwila
Cafe de la Paix, Lwow (Lviv) in regard to observation point, testimonies of witnesses, 1924m 1925
Criminal investigation is based on two principal witnesses, Maria Paternal and Wiktoria Loedl, 1924
Cross-examination of witnesses, prosecution and defense, the Steiger Trial, court in session
Dr. Grek, attorney at law, defense lawyer in Steiger Trial, 1924, 1925
Dr. Landau, attorney at law, defense lawyer in Steiger trial, 1924, 1925
Dr. Ringel, attorney at law, defense lawyer in Steiger Trial, 1924, 1925, Chwila, 1924, 1925
Failed assassination attempt on President of Poland, Wojcechowski in Lwow (Lviv), 5 September 1924
Formal legal premises for summary tribunal in Eastern Galicia, 1920s
Interpellation in Prussian Parliament (Germany) in regard to the Steiger Affair, Chwila October 1925
Investigation in the Steiger case is renewed, September 1924 -- October 1925
Janina Onyszkiewicz, witness in the Steiger Trial, court in session, October - December 1925
Jewish political and public figures intervention on behalf of Stanislaw Steiger, 1924 -- 1925
Jewish political spectrum in interwar Eastern Galicia
Only one judge of the Steiger trial summary tribunal voted against his guilt, September 1924
Polish political spectrum, 1918 --1939
Pre-trial police investigation on Stanislaw Steiger, Lwow (Lviv) criminal police, September 1924
Reflections and discourse of Steiger Trial, Lwow (Lviv), 1924 -- 1925, by Dilo
Reflections and discourse of Steiger Trial by Chwila, 1924 -- 1925
Reflections and discourse of Steiger Trial by Ilustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, Cracow, 1924 - 1925
Reflections and discourse of Steiger Trial by Nasz Przeglad, 1924 -- 1925, Warsaw
Reflections and discourse of Steiger Trial by Novyi Chas, 1924 -- 1925, Lviv (Lwow)
Reflections and discourse of the Steiger Trial, 1924 -- 1925 by Slowo Polskie, Lwow (Lviv)
Reflections and discourse of the Steiger Trial in Nowy Dziennik, Cracow, 1924 -- 1925
Stanislaw (Szlomo) Steiger, biography
Stanislaw Wojcechowski, Polish politician, Minister of Interior, 1919-1920, President, 1922 --1926
Stanislaw Wojcechowski, President of Poland, 1922 -- 1926
Stanislaw Wojcechowski, President of Poland, visit to Lwow (Lviv), beginning of September 1924
Statement of the Ukrainian Military Organization (UVO) sent to Jewish daily Chwila, September 8 1924
Statements and narratives of Ukrainian Military Organization (UVO) in regard to Steiger Trial, 1924
Steiger Affair, Lviv, 1924 -- 1925
Steiger Affair and Trial, 1924 -- 1925
Steiger is regarded a warranted suspect in a failed assassination of President Wojcechowski, 1924
Steiger trial, court in session, October -- December 1925, testimonies of witnesses, Chwila, 1925
Steiger Trial, examination of witnesses, prosecution, court in session, 1924, 1925
Steiger Trial, examination of witnesses by defense, court in session, 1924, 1925
Steiger Trial, Police examination with excessive force, Lwow (Lviv) criminal police, 1924
Steiger Trial, police investigation, Commissar Kajdan exercising of excessive force, 1924
Steiger Trial, police investigation, Inspector Lukomski, exercising of excessive force, 1924
Steiger Trial, Summary Tribunal refers the case to the court of jury, September 15 -17, 1924
Summary tribunal in the Steiger case consisted of counselor (judges) Dukiet, Huth, Mayer and Socha
Summary Tribunal in the Steiger Trial, Lwow (Lviv), September 15, 1924
Teofil Olshanskii, Ukrainian militant, implementer of the failed attempt on President Wojcechowski
Teofil Olshanskij, member of the Ukrainian Military Organization, a militant
The course of assassination attempt on President Stanislaw Wojcochowski, September 5, 1924, Lwow
Ukrainian political spectrum in Eastern Galicia, 1918 -- 1939
Verdicts of summary tribunal are to be passed unanimously, otherwise case goes to regular proceeding
Witnesses in the Steiger Trial, Lwow (Lviv), 1924 -- 1925
Witnesses in the Steiger trial, Z. Ecktein, bystander, sessions on 1925
Wojcech Bill, policeman, witness in the Steiger Trial, court in sesssion October - December 1925

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Document/Artifact of Item-Level:

[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 1: RG-105.01, Chwila, October 20, 1925. No. 2367],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 2: RG-105.02, Chwila, October 21, 1925. No. 2368],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 3: RG-105.03, Chwila, October 22, 1925. No. 2369],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 4: RG-105.04, Chwila, October 23, 1925. No. 2370],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 5: RG-105.05, Chwila, October 24, 1925. No. 2371],
[Document/Artifact of Item-Level 6: RG-105.06, Chwila, October 25, 1925. No. 2372],

Document/Artifact of Item-Level 1: RG-105.01, Chwila, October 20, 1925. No. 2367Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

The Steiger Affair refers to the trial held in Lviv (Lwow) in September of 1924 and in October – December 1925 over a falsely accused Stanislaw Steiger, a Jew and a moderate supporter of the Zionist movement. He was caught on September 5, 1924, he was caught on the spot of assassination attempt to President of Poland, Stanislaw Wojcechowski on one of the central street in the city.

Jewish, Polish and Ukrainian public and political figures became associated with this trial and its discourse vividly illustrated almost irreconcilable controversies and prejudice between ethnonational communities and the Polish state itself.

Subject/Index Terms:
Reflections and discourse of Steiger Trial by Chwila, 1924 -- 1925
Chwila, continuous reportages and discourse on the Steiger Trial, October - December 1925
Stanislaw Steiger, development of affair, Chwila, 1924 -- 1925
A Ukrainian trace in regard to the assassination attempt of President Wojcechowski, 1924, 1925
Teofil Olshanskii, Ukrainian militant, implementer of the failed attempt on President Wojcechowski
Teofil Olshanskij, member of the Ukrainian Military Organization, a militant
Role of Teofil Olshanskij in implementation of the assassination attempt on President Wojcechowski
Ukrainian Military Organization in regard to publicity of Teofil Olshanskij role in failed attempt
German Government conveys to Poland the circumstances of Olshanskij's role in the failed attempt
Stanislaw Steiger, court session, Lviv (Lwow), October 19, 1925, Chwila, 1925
Stanislaw Steiger, court session, testimonies of witnesses, October 19, 1925, Chwila, 1925
Periodicals, Jewish, interwar Poland
Chwila, reflections on political trials, interwar Galicia, Lviv (Lwow)
Documents in Polish language
Narratives in Polish language
Chwila (the Moment), editorial board and contributors (1919 -- 1939)
Chwila Publishing Association, 1920 -- 1939
Reporters and correspondents of Chwila at the Steiger Trial, October - December 1925 (September 1924, October - December 1925)
Stenographic reports from the Steiger Trial, 1924, 1925 (September 1924, October - December 1925)
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 2: RG-105.02, Chwila, October 21, 1925. No. 2368Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

The Steiger Affair refers to the trial held in Lviv (Lwow) in September of 1924 and in October – December 1925 over a falsely accused Stanislaw Steiger, a Jew and a moderate supporter of the Zionist movement. He was caught on September 5, 1924, he was caught on the spot of assassination attempt to President of Poland, Stanislaw Wojcechowski on one of the central street in the city.

Jewish, Polish and Ukrainian public and political figures became associated with this trial and its discourse vividly illustrated almost irreconcilable controversies and prejudice between ethnonational communities and the Polish state itself.

Subject/Index Terms:
Stanislaw Steiger, development of affair, Chwila, 1924 -- 1925
Steiger Affair and Trial, 1924 -- 1925
Reflections and discourse of Steiger Trial by Chwila, 1924 -- 1925
Steiger trial, court in session, October -- December 1925, testimonies of witnesses, Chwila, 1925
Steiger Trial, testimonies of witnesses, court in session, October 20, 1925, Chwila, 1925
Wojcech Bill, policeman, witness in the Steiger Trial, court in sesssion October - December 1925
Steiger Trial, policeman Wojcech Bill testifies, court in session, October 19, 1925, Chwila, 1925
Periodicals, Jewish, interwar Poland
Jewish periodicals in Polish language, interwar Poland
Periodicals Jewish in Polish language published in Lwow (Lviv), Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
Dr. Grek, attorney at law, defense lawyer in Steiger Trial, 1924, 1925
Dr. Landau, attorney at law, defense lawyer in Steiger trial, 1924, 1925
Defense lawyers in the Steiger Trial, Lwow (Lviv), 1924 -- 1925
Natan Loewenstein, attorney at law, defense lawyer in Steiger Trial, former parliamentarian
Dr. Ringel, attorney at law, defense lawyer in Steiger Trial, 1924, 1925, Chwila, 1924, 1925
Dr. Rosenkranz, attorney at law, defense lawyer in Steiger Trial, 1924, 1925
Stanislaw Steiger Trial, testimony of Wladyslaw Walczynski, Coourt in Session, October 19, 20, 1925
Chwila, reflections on political trials, interwar Galicia, Lviv (Lwow)
Documents in Polish language
Narratives in Polish language
Reporters and correspondents of Chwila at the Steiger Trial, October - December 1925 (September 1924, October - December 1925)
Chwila Publishing Association, 1920 -- 1939
Chwila (the Moment), editorial board and contributors (1919 -- 1939)
Stenographic reports from the Steiger Trial, 1924, 1925 (September 1924, October - December 1925)
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 3: RG-105.03, Chwila, October 22, 1925. No. 2369Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

The Steiger Affair refers to the trial held in Lviv (Lwow) in September of 1924 and in October – December 1925 over a falsely accused Stanislaw Steiger, a Jew and a moderate supporter of the Zionist movement. He was caught on September 5, 1924,  on the spot of assassination attempt to President of Poland, Stanislaw Wojcechowski on one of the central street in the city.

Jewish, Polish and Ukrainian public and political figures became associated with this trial and its discourse vividly illustrated almost irreconcilable controversies and prejudice between ethnonational communities and the Polish state itself.

Subject/Index Terms:
German authorities in regard to Steiger Trial, communication of the role of Olshanskij, October 20
Stanislaw Steiger, court session, testimonies of witnesses, October 19, 1925, Chwila, 1925
Stanislaw Steiger, development of affair, Chwila, 1924 -- 1925
Reflections and discourse of Steiger Trial by Chwila, 1924 -- 1925
Steiger Trial, testimonies of witnesses, court in session, October 20, 1925, Chwila, 1925
Dr. Natan Loewenstain, Steiger Trial, Declaration of the Defense team, October 20, 1925, Chwila 1925
Witness Walerijan Wiczynski, Commandant of a district State Police, Steiger Trial, court in session
Inspector Lukomski, investigation of the failed assassination, Steiger Affair, 1924
Stanislaw Steiger Trial, testimony of Stan Jarosz, court in session, October 20, 925, Chwila, 1925
Stanislaw Steiger Trial, testimony of Ruwen Reisz, court in session, October 1925, Chwila, 1925
Stanislaw Steiger Trial, testimony of Zdislaw Flach, court in session, October 1925, Chwila, 1925
Stenographic reports of the Steiger Trial in Chwila, October -- December 1925
Cross examination of witnesses in the Steiger Trial, October 1925, stenographic report, Chwila, 1925
Chwila, reflections on political trials, interwar Galicia, Lviv (Lwow)
Failed assassination attempt on President Wojcechowski in Lwow (Lviv), September 5, 924, landmarks
Periodicals, Jewish, interwar Poland
Jewish periodicals in Polish language, interwar Poland
Periodicals Jewish in Polish language published in Lwow (Lviv), Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
Documents in Polish language
Narratives in Polish language
Reporters and correspondents of Chwila at the Steiger Trial, October - December 1925 (September 1924, October - December 1925)
Chwila Publishing Association, 1920 -- 1939
Chwila (the Moment), editorial board and contributors (1919 -- 1939)
Stenographic reports from the Steiger Trial, 1924, 1925 (September 1924, October - December 1925)
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 4: RG-105.04, Chwila, October 23, 1925. No. 2370Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

The Steiger Affair refers to the trial held in Lviv (Lwow) in September of 1924 and in October – December 1925 over a falsely accused Stanislaw Steiger, a Jew and a moderate supporter of the Zionist movement. He was caught on September 5, 1924, on the spot of assassination attempt to President of Poland, Stanislaw Wojcechowski on one of the central street in the city.

Jewish, Polish and Ukrainian public and political figures became associated with this trial and its discourse vividly illustrated almost irreconcilable controversies and prejudice between ethnonational communities and the Polish state itself.

Subject/Index Terms:
Stanislaw Steiger, development of affair, Chwila, 1924 -- 1925
Steiger Affair and Trial, 1924 -- 1925
Chwila, reflections on political trials, interwar Galicia, Lviv (Lwow)
Reflections and discourse of Steiger Trial by Chwila, 1924 -- 1925
German Government conveys to Poland the circumstances of Olshanskij's role in the failed attempt
Prussian Minister of Interior, update of Teofil Olshanskij in Germany, Steiger Trial, October 1925
Stanislaw Steiger Trial, court in session, testiomonies of witnesses, October 21, 1925, Chwila, 1925
Steiger Trial, testimonies of Wojcech Jadra, court in session, October 21, 1925, Chwila, 1925
Cross examination of witnesses in the Steiger Trial, October 1925, stenographic report, Chwila, 1925
Cross examination of witnesses, court in session, Steiger Trial, October 21, 1925, Chwila, 1925
Failed assassination attempt on President Wojcechowski in Lwow (Lviv), September 5, 924, landmarks
References to streets' landmarks in cross examination of witnesses, Steiger Trial, 1925, Chwila
Steiger Trial, court in session, testimony of Emilia Mrkowna, October 21, 1925, Chwila, 1925
The site of failed attempt on President Wojcechowski, landmarks, Kopernika Street, Lwow (Lviv), 1924
Site of failed attempt on President Wojcechowski, landmarks, Boulevard Legionow, Lwow (Lviv), 1924
Site of failed attempt on President Wojcechowski, landmarks, Marjacki Square, Lwow (Lviv), 1924
Interpellation of Dr. Natan Loewenstein in regard to the testimony of Marja Harnisch, Steiger Trial
Steiger Trial, Marja Harnish, testimony given to Dr. Loewenstein privately, October 1925, Chwila, 1
Cafe de la Paix, Lwow (Lviv) in regard to observation point, testimonies of witnesses, 1924m 1925
Site of failed attempt on President Wojcechowski, landmarks, Cafe de la Paix on Kopernika, Lwow 1924
Steiger Trial, court in session, testimony of Leon Tennenbaum, October 1925, Chwila, 1925
Steiger Trial, court in session, testimony of Emanuel Klaphoz, October 1925, Chwila, 1925
Witnesses in the Steiger Trial, Lwow (Lviv), 1924, 1925, Chwila, 1924, 1925
Site of failed attempt on President Wojcechowski, Bank Schultz and Chajes, Kopernika Street, Lwow
Steiger Trial, court in session, testimony of Jans Skowron, October 1925, Chwila, 1925
Site of failed attempt on President Wojcechowski, Bukda (Booth), Koperniak Street, Lwow, 1924
Site of failed attempt on President Wojcechowski, Latarnia (Lamp Poll), Kopernika and Legionow, Lwow
Site of failed attempt on President Wojcechowski landmarks Brama N.1 on Legionow (building entrance)
Steiger Trial, court in session, testimony of Samuel Katz, October 1925, Chwila, 1925
Site of failed attempt on President Wojcechowski, landmarks, Beyer Store on Legionow, Lwow (Lviv)
Interpellation of Dr. Landau in regard to ineffectiveness of court proceedings, Steiger Trial, 1925
Periodicals, Jewish, interwar Poland
Periodicals Jewish in Polish language published in Lwow (Lviv), Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
Jewish periodicals in Polish language, interwar Poland
Documents in Polish language
Narratives in Polish language
Reporters and correspondents of Chwila at the Steiger Trial, October - December 1925 (September 1924, October - December 1925)
Chwila Publishing Association, 1920 -- 1939
Chwila (the Moment), editorial board and contributors (1919 -- 1939)
Stenographic reports from the Steiger Trial, 1924, 1925 (September 1924, October - December 1925)
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 5: RG-105.05, Chwila, October 24, 1925. No. 2371Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

The Steiger Affair refers to the trial held in Lviv (Lwow) in September of 1924 and in October – December 1925 over a falsely accused Stanislaw Steiger, a Jew and a moderate supporter of the Zionist movement. He was caught on September 5, 1924, on the spot of assassination attempt to President of Poland, Stanislaw Wojcechowski on one of the central street in the city.

Jewish, Polish and Ukrainian public and political figures became associated with this trial and its discourse vividly illustrated almost irreconcilable controversies and prejudice between ethnonational communities and the Polish state itself.

Subject/Index Terms:
Stanislaw Steiger, development of affair, Chwila, 1924 -- 1925
Reflections and discourse of Steiger Trial by Chwila, 1924 -- 1925
Role of Teofil Olshanskij in implementation of the assassination attempt on President Wojcechowski
German Government conveys to Poland the circumstances of Olshanskij's role in the failed attempt
Teofil Olshanskij German discourse in regard to the Steiger Trial in Lwow (Lviv), 1925, Chwila, 1925
Polish Ministry of Justice, conference in the Steiger discourse, 1925, Chwila, 1925
Cross-examination of witnesses, prosecution and defense, the Steiger Trial, court in session
Steiger Trial, reflections of experts in explosive materials, court in sessions, October 1925
Steiger Trial, court in session, testimony of Marjan Laniewicz, expert, October 1925
Steiger Trial, court in session, a street plan of the site of failed attempt, Lwow, Chwila, 1925
Steiger Trial, court in session, expertise of the explosive device, 1925, Chwila, 1925
Steiger Trial, court in session, cross interviews of experts in explosive devices, 1925
Periodicals, Jewish, interwar Poland
Jewish periodicals in Polish language, interwar Poland
Periodicals Jewish in Polish language published in Lwow (Lviv), Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
Documents in Polish language
Narratives in Polish language
Reporters and correspondents of Chwila at the Steiger Trial, October - December 1925 (September 1924, October - December 1925)
Chwila Publishing Association, 1920 -- 1939
Chwila (the Moment), editorial board and contributors (1919 -- 1939)
Stenographic reports from the Steiger Trial, 1924, 1925 (September 1924, October - December 1925)
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 6: RG-105.06, Chwila, October 25, 1925. No. 2372Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

The Steiger Affair refers to the trial held in Lviv (Lwow) in September of 1924 and in October – December 1925 over a falsely accused Stanislaw Steiger, a Jew and a moderate supporter of the Zionist movement. He was caught on September 5, 1924, on the spot of assassination attempt to President of Poland, Stanislaw Wojcechowski on one of the central street in the city.

Jewish, Polish and Ukrainian public and political figures became associated with this trial and its discourse vividly illustrated almost irreconcilable controversies and prejudice between ethnonational communities and the Polish state itself.

Subject/Index Terms:
Reflections and discourse of Steiger Trial by Chwila, 1924 -- 1925
Stenographic reports of the Steiger Trial in Chwila, October -- December 1925
Stanislaw Steiger, development of affair, Chwila, 1924 -- 1925
Role of Teofil Olshanskij in implementation of the assassination attempt on President Wojcechowski
Teofil Olshanskij, Polish discourse in the Steiger Trial, 1924, 1925, Chwila, 1925
Witnesses in the Steiger Trial, Lwow (Lviv), 1924, 1925, Chwila, 1924, 1925
Steiger Trial, testimony of Marjan Swolkien, Warsaw political police, Lwow, 1925, Chwila, 1925
Dr. Grek, defense attorney, Steiger Trial, examination of witnesses, 1925, Chwila, 1925
Dr. Landau, defense attorney, Steiger Trials, remarks at the court sessions, 1925, Chwila, 1925
Steiger Trial, Inspector Swolien in regard to political discourse of the act, analysis, 1925
Steiger Trial, Inspector Swolkien, political police in regard to Ukrainian political parties, 1925
Steiger Trial, Inspector Swolkien, political police in regard to Ukrainian communist party, 1925
Steiger Trial, Inspector Swolkien, political police in regard to Jewish political parties, 1925
Steiger Trial, Inspector Swolkien reflects on the discourse of Olshanskij, 1925, Chwila, 1925
The act of Fedak in 1921 and Ukrainian Military Organizaiton in regard to Steiger Trial, 1925
Dr. Grek, lawyer, remarks in regard to criminal and political police, Steiger Trial, 1925
Dr. Grek, lawyer, remarks in regard to Olshanskij, Steiger Trial, 1925
Dr. Landau, lawyer, remarks in regard to Olshanski and political discourse, Steiger Trial, 1925
Dr. Rosenkranz, lawyer, remarks in the Steirger Trial, political discourse, 1925
Stansiaw Steiger, responses to witnesses testimonies and questions, Steiger Trial, 1925
Steiger Trial, court in session, testiomony of Anetta Franzos, 1925, Chwila, 1925
Steiger Trial, police materials in regard to Olshanskij sent to the Lwow (Lviv) police, 1925
Periodicals, Jewish, interwar Poland
Jewish periodicals in Polish language, interwar Poland
Periodicals Jewish in Polish language published in Lwow (Lviv), Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
Documents in Polish language
Narratives in Polish language
Reporters and correspondents of Chwila at the Steiger Trial, October - December 1925 (September 1924, October - December 1925)
Chwila Publishing Association, 1920 -- 1939
Chwila (the Moment), editorial board and contributors (1919 -- 1939)
Stenographic reports from the Steiger Trial, 1924, 1925 (September 1924, October - December 1925)

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