Michael Resin Papers, 1944-1945
| Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

Aerial Photograph
Aerial Warfare, Second World War
Aftermath of the liberation, Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, photo-documents, May 1945
Aftermath of the liberation on Nazi-German concentration camps, Bergen Belsen, May 1945
Allied attack on German-occupied Europe, 1944-45
Allied Military Photographers, 1939-1945
Allied nations: USA, UK, France, the USSR, 1941 -- 1945
Armed Forces, Allied
Armed Forces, British
Bavaria (Germany)
Belgium (Europe)
Bergen (Germany)
Bergen-Belsen (Germany: Concentration Camp)
British air offensive against Germany
British armed forces, 1939 -- 1939
Caen (France)
Canada's role among the allies
Canada, 1939--1945
Correspondence between family members and friends, postwar
Courtrai, or Kortrijk (Belgium)
Coutances (France)
Dora Lawadzka, female Polish prisoner liberated from Bergen-Belsen
Emigration from Europe to Palestine, 1945 -- 1948
English-Canadian relations, 1939--1945
Falaise (France)
Family correspondence, postwar
France (Europe)
German-occupied Belgium
German-occupied France
Germany (Europe)
Ghent (Belgium)
International correspondence, 1939 -- 1950
Interwar Europe, historic photographs, 1933 -- 1939
Interwar Germany (1919 -- 1939)
Le Mans (France)
Mass graves at the liberated Nazi-German concentration camps, photo-documents
Michael M. Resin, Canadian military photographer, World War II
Military photographers, 1939 -- 1945
military photographs, 1920 -- 1945
Montreal (Canada)
Netherlands (1940 -- 1945)
New York (New York, United States)
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Poland (Europe)
Polish female prisoners, Bergen-Belsen
postwar correspondence
Prisoners, Polish
Rehovot (Palestine)
Royal Air Force
Sabos Fischer, female Polish prisoner liberated from Bergen-Belsen
Scholarly works in the Holocaust Studies
Soesterberg (Netherlands)
Steffa Goldstein, female Polish prisoner liberated from Bergen-Belsen
Tel-Aviv (Palestine, 1939-1945)
This is Michael M. Resin's personal collection of documents that are divided into three sub-collections.
The three sub-collections are divided as such:
RG-97.01 -- Photographs taken by Michael M. Resin during the British liberation of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in April 1945. Besides taking photographs, Resin is seen in some of the photographs speaking with female Polish Jews. Resin collected the addresses of these women's family members, to notify the family that they have been liberated from Bergen-Belsen. (April 1945)
RG-97.02 -- Written correspondence to and from Michael M. Resin from aforementioned family members of liberated prisoners from Bergen-Belsen camp. At the conclusion of World War II, Resin received letters from family members of liberated prisoners, as well as letters from liberated prisoners themselves, thanking Mr. Resin for his effort in contacting family members of liberated prisoners. Additional letters of gratitude come from Holocaust memorial centers, thanking Mr. Resin for loaning his collection. (September 1945 -- May 1984)
RG-97.03 -- This sub-collection includes a selection of aerial military photographs taken during the British Royal Air Force strategic bombing of Nazi German military strongholds established throughout France, Belgium, and the Netherlands. British RAF photographs of strategic bombings of railyards, communication hubs, and military bunkers occupied by the Nazis throughout Nazi-occupied Europe. Pre- and post-Allied invasion of France, (March 1944 -- July 1944)

Documents and Files:
RG-97.01.01, Three female Polish Jews behind barbed wire during Bergen-Belsen liberation. April 1945
RG-97.01.02, Female Polish Jews given chocolate from Allied liberators, Bergen-Belsen. April 1945
RG-97.01.03, Female Jews from Lodz behind barbed wire fence, liberation of Bergen-Belsen. April 1945
RG-97.01.04, Three female Polish Jews smile during Bergen-Belsen liberation. April 1945
RG-97.01.05, Three female Polish Jews, liberation of Bergen-Belsen. April 1945
RG-97.01.06, Group of female Polish Jews ask for food, liberation of Bergen-Belsen. April 1945
RG-97.01.07, Canadian Michael Resin writes to relatives of prisoners, Bergen-Belsen. April 1945
RG-97.01.08, Michael Resin communicates with prisoners, liberation of Bergen-Belsen. April 1945
RG-97.01.09, Military truck leaving entrance of Bergen-Belsen camp. April 1945
RG-97.01.10, General view of mass grave, aftermath of liberation of Bergen-Belsen. April 1945
RG-97.01.11, General view of a mass grave, aftermath of liberation of Bergen-Belsen camp. April 1945
RG-97.01.12, S.S. soldier covers grave with dirt and lime, Bergen-Belsen liberation. April 1945
RG-97.01.13, General view of mass grave, aftermath of liberation of Bergen-Belsen. April 1945
RG-97.01.14, Allied soldier unloads corpse from military truck, Bergen-Belsen liberation. April 1945
RG-97.01.15, Close-up view of mass grave, Bergen-Belsen liberation. April 1945
RG-97.01.16, Allied soldiers carry corpse to mass grave, liberation of Bergen-Belsen. April 1945
RG-97.01.17, General view of mass graves from guard tower, liberation of Bergen-Belsen. April 1945
RG-97.01.18, View from guard tower of mass graves, liberation of Bergen-Belsen. April 1945
RG-97.01.19, St. Bartholomew's church alongside Konigssee river in the Bavarian Alps, prewar. ca 1935
RG-97.01.20, Street view in prewar Germany, ca 1935
RG-97.01.21, Large vessel docked, prewar Germany, ca 1935
RG-97.01.22, Tugboat moving along river, prewar Germany, ca 1935
RG-97.01.23, Home located in Bavarian Alps, prewar Germany. ca 1935
RG-97.01.24, Group of men aboard large vessel giving Nazi salute, prewar Germany. ca 1935
RG-97.01.25, Group of people gather on street near Bleckede, prewar Germany. ca 1935
RG-97.01.26, Far view of partially-dug mass grave, liberation of Bergen-Belsen. April 1945
RG-97.02.01, Written correspondence, inquiring about Mrs. Obodowska, from Major Hurst to Michael Resin. 24 September 1945
RG-97.02.02, Written correspondence inquiring about missing brother, from Isaac Jacobwitz in Recife, to Michael Resin. 12 October, 1945
RG-97.02.03, Written correspondence inquiring about missing niece, from Simon Arenstein in Tel-Aviv, to Michael Resin. 14 June, 1945
RG-97.02.04, Written correspondence inquiring about missing family member, from Ally Hirth in Tel-Aviv, to Michael Resin. 18 June, 1945
RG-97.02.05, Written correspondence inquiring about missing sister in Poland, from Dr. Reichert in Rehovot, to Michael Resin. 1 July, 1945
RG-97.02.06, Written correspondence inquiring about niece Lola, form Mr. Flakowicz in Tel-Aviv, to Michael Resin. 11 June, 1945
RG-97.02.07, Word of thanks from Bergen-Belsen survivor Dora Lawadzka in Tel-Aviv, to Michael Resin. 22 March, 1948
RG-97.02.08, Word of thanks from Krisha Starker, Director of Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre, to Michael Resin. 5 March, 1984
RG-97.02.09, Word of thanks from Stuart S. Elenko, Director of Holocaust Studies Center in Bronx, New York, to Michael Resin. 16 May, 1984
RG-97.03.01, Aerial warfare photograph, Allies attack German weapons bunker in L'Hey (France). 20 July 1944
RG-97.03.02, Aerial warfare photograph, Allied bombing of Soesterberg (Netherlands) air base. 15 August, 1944
RG-97.03.03, Aerial warfare photograph, Allies attack railway yards at Le Mans (France). 13-14 March 1944
RG-97.03.04, Aerial warfare photograph, Allied raid railway yards in Ghent (Belgium). 10-11 May 1944
RG-97.03.05, Aerial warfare photograph, Allies drop bomb on German stronghold in Falaise (France). 14 August 1944
RG-97.03.06, Aerial wartime photograph, Allied bombing on German stronghold in Falaise (France). 14 August 1944
RG-97.03.07, Aerial warfare photograph, Allies successfully bomb railway yards at Courtrai (Belgium). 26-27 March 1944
RG-97.03.08, Aerial warfare photograph, Allies bomb German communication lines in Coutances (France). 6-7 June 1944
RG-97.03.09, Aerial warfare photograph, Allied bombing of German munitions bunker in Bamieres (France). 24-25 June 1944
RG-97.03.10, Aerial warfare photograph, Allied bombing of railway yards in Lens (France). 20-21 April 1944
RG-97.03.11, Aerial warfare photograph, Allied bombing of Caen (France) post-Allied invasion. 18 July 1944
RG-97.03.12, Aerial warfare photograph, Craters from Allied bombing of German bunker in Siracourt (France). 6 July 1944
RG-97.03.13, Aerial warfare photograph, Allied bombing of rail yards in Laon (France). 24 March 1944
Collection of Folder-Level 1: RG-97.01, Aftermath of the Liberation of Bergen-Belsen by Allied Forces, photo-documents, April 1945, April 1945
Collection of Folder-Level 2: RG-97.02, Written Correspondence to Michael Resin, postwar, 1945 -- 1984
Collection of Folder-Level 3: RG-97.03, Aerial Warfare photographs, Military Reconnaissance, March-August 1944, March -- August, 1944