RG-90.04.14, Sprawy Narodowosciowe. July - August 1927. No 4 Part 14 | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
RG-90.04.14, Sprawy Narodowosciowe. July - August 1927. No 4 Part 14
RG - 90.04.14
Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Found in:
National Minorities Affairs (Sprawy Narodowosciowe), scholarly quarterly, interwar Poland, 1927-1939
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 49: RG-90.04.14, Sprawy Narodowosciowe. July - August 1927. No 4 Part 14

Distribution of Polish population in Volhynian and other regions of Soviet Ukraine, 1920s, SN, 1929
Documents in Polish language
Geopolitical situation in Soviet Ukraine in 1920s, strengthening of the central Soviet authorities
Ideological tensions in the Ukrainian communist party, Soviet Ukraine, SN, 1929
Intolerance to Ukrainization in Soviet Ukraine from the central communist party apparatus, SN, 1929
Lithuanian national minority in Germany, discourse, interwar
Lithuanian national minority in Germany, violation of civil rights, interwar, Sprawy Narodowosciowe
Lithuanians in East Prussia, Germany, Weimar Republic, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1929
Narratives in Polish language
National minorities in interwar Europe
National minorities in Poland, 1919 -- 1939
Oleksandr Shumsky, Ukrainian national communist, in opposition to the bolshevik Soviet party line
Polish national minority if Soviet Ukraine, 1920s, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1929
Polish scholarly journals, interwar time
Reflections on national minorities outside Poland, interwar
Documents in Polish language
Geopolitical situation in Soviet Ukraine in 1920s, strengthening of the central Soviet authorities
Ideological tensions in the Ukrainian communist party, Soviet Ukraine, SN, 1929
Intolerance to Ukrainization in Soviet Ukraine from the central communist party apparatus, SN, 1929
Lithuanian national minority in Germany, discourse, interwar
Lithuanian national minority in Germany, violation of civil rights, interwar, Sprawy Narodowosciowe
Lithuanians in East Prussia, Germany, Weimar Republic, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1929
Narratives in Polish language
National minorities in interwar Europe
National minorities in Poland, 1919 -- 1939
Oleksandr Shumsky, Ukrainian national communist, in opposition to the bolshevik Soviet party line
Polish national minority if Soviet Ukraine, 1920s, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1929
Polish scholarly journals, interwar time
Reflections on national minorities outside Poland, interwar