RG-46.04.38, Liberated inmates of the Buchenwald concentration camp | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

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RG-46.04.38, Liberated inmates of the Buchenwald concentration camp
circa 1945
Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Found in:
Integrated photo-documents and narratives, 1933-1945
Sub-Collection 4: RG-46.04, Holocaust Photographs Various topics, 1939 -- 1945
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 38: RG-46.04.38, Liberated inmates of the Buchenwald concentration camp, circa 1945

Military photographers of the Allied armed forces, 1945 (1945)
Military Photographers, 1939-1945 (1939-1945)
Post-liberation photographers (1944-1945)
Military Photographers, 1939-1945 (1939-1945)
Post-liberation photographers (1944-1945)
Aftermath of liberation
Aftermath of Nazi-German concentration camp liberation
Aftermath of Nazi-German concentration camp liberation, photographs
Aftermath of the Buchenwald concentration camp liberation, 1945
Aftermath of the Buchenwald concentration camp liberation, photographs, 1945
Buchenwald (Germany: concentration camp)
Buchenwald (Germany: Concentration Camp), post-liberation photographs
Buchenwald (Germany: Concentration camp)--Complex of concentration camps
Buchenwald, German-Nazi concentration camp
concentration camp photographs
Concentration camps, German
Documents in English language
English, language
Evidences of Nazi-German crimes against humanity, peace and warcrimes
Holocaust, Jewish (1939 -- 1945)
Holocaust in Europe, photo-documents
Holocaust in Germany
Jewish Liberation
Liberation from German concentration camps
Liberation of concentration camps
Liberation of Nazi-German concentration camps, Germany
liberation of Nazi concentration camps, Europe
Narratives in English language
Nazi-German atrocities
Nazi-German concentration camps after liberation, photographs
Nazi atrocities
Nazi Concentration camps' prisoners after liberation, photographs
Nazi crimes against humanity, peace, and war crimes
Photo-documents, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photo-documents and evidences of Nazi crimes against humanity and war crimes, 1939 -- 1945
Photo-documents of the Nazi-German concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camps post-liberation
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
preservation and circularity of the evidence of Nazi crimes against humanity
Prisoners in the camps
The Holocaust in Europe, 1939 -- 1945
The Holocaust in Germany
US soldiers, liberation of Nazi-German concentration camps, photo-documents
wartime photographs
Aftermath of Nazi-German concentration camp liberation
Aftermath of Nazi-German concentration camp liberation, photographs
Aftermath of the Buchenwald concentration camp liberation, 1945
Aftermath of the Buchenwald concentration camp liberation, photographs, 1945
Buchenwald (Germany: concentration camp)
Buchenwald (Germany: Concentration Camp), post-liberation photographs
Buchenwald (Germany: Concentration camp)--Complex of concentration camps
Buchenwald, German-Nazi concentration camp
concentration camp photographs
Concentration camps, German
Documents in English language
English, language
Evidences of Nazi-German crimes against humanity, peace and warcrimes
Holocaust, Jewish (1939 -- 1945)
Holocaust in Europe, photo-documents
Holocaust in Germany
Jewish Liberation
Liberation from German concentration camps
Liberation of concentration camps
Liberation of Nazi-German concentration camps, Germany
liberation of Nazi concentration camps, Europe
Narratives in English language
Nazi-German atrocities
Nazi-German concentration camps after liberation, photographs
Nazi atrocities
Nazi Concentration camps' prisoners after liberation, photographs
Nazi crimes against humanity, peace, and war crimes
Photo-documents, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photo-documents and evidences of Nazi crimes against humanity and war crimes, 1939 -- 1945
Photo-documents of the Nazi-German concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camp prisoners
Photographs, concentration camps
Photographs, concentration camps post-liberation
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
preservation and circularity of the evidence of Nazi crimes against humanity
Prisoners in the camps
The Holocaust in Europe, 1939 -- 1945
The Holocaust in Germany
US soldiers, liberation of Nazi-German concentration camps, photo-documents
wartime photographs