By staff
Collection Overview
Title: Prewar and Wartime Periodicals, 1918-1945

Predominant Dates:1918 -- 1939
ID: RG-17/RG-17
Primary Creator: Illustrated News
Other Creators: Loen, Cornelius, Pravda (The Truth), the main Soviet daily, organ of the Communist Party of the USSR (1946)
Extent: 0.0
The arrangement scheme for the record group was imposed during processing in the absence of an original order. Materials are arranged by subject/creator, then by identifier, as assigned by the processor.
Record group is comprised of eighteen collections and two items, the collections of which are: 1. Collection of wartime Jewish periodicals in Poland; 2. Collection of postwar periodicals; 3. Collection of periodicals in Yiddish; 4. Collection of publications by the Allied powers; 5. Collection of French publications; 6. Collection of Yugoslavian prewar and wartime publications; 7. Collection of Hungarian wartime newspapers; 8. Collection of German wartime newspapers; 9. Collection of Swiss wartime newspapers; 10. Collection of Italian wartime publications; 11. Collection of Los Angeles wartime publications; 12. Prewar Chwila publications; 13. Prewar Dilo publications; 14. Collection of Nazi interwar news publications; 15. Prewar Sygnaly publications; 16. Cornelius Leon collection of wartime periodicals; 17. Herbert Lothar Aron papers; 18. Collection of prewar Austrian publications.
Languages: Polish, Ukrainian, German, Yiddish, French, Hungarian, Serbian, Croatian, Russian, English
Prewar, waratime and postwar periodical publications reflects on the European affairs of the first half of the 20th century. Polish and Ukrainian dailies of the interwar time are most fully represented
Scope and Contents of the Materials
This record group is comprised of periodicals and publications, published in at least ten languages, from before, during, and soon after the Second World War. There are collections of newspapers and magazines in Yiddish; Yugoslavian wartime newspapers; Hungarian wartime newspapers; German-Nazi prewar and wartime newspapers; Italian prewar and wartime newspapers; newspapers published by the French Resistance; American wartime and postwar newspapers; and British wartime and postwar newspapers. A special collection of Los Angeles-based newspapers, published in the 1930s and in the 1940s, reflects international affairs and the Jewish predicament in Europe as the National Socialists attained power in Germany. This collection is exhibited in the museum halls.
The wide spectrum of European and American media in this record group reflects regional and European explications of the interwar and wartime period and the developments in each. Prewar and wartime perspectives of various political forces are well represented within these materials, for example prewar Jewish (published in Polish) and Ukrainian periodicals represent the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, Polish-Ukrainian, Ukrainian-Jewish and Polish-Ukrainian relations in Eastern Galicia.
Materials in this record group includes periodicals, which are comprised of narratives, illustrative photo-publications, magazines, and informational bulletins. Prewar Eastern Galician editions contain chronicles of the trials, analytical articles and political agitation, often election-related. Periodicals are partially digitized.
Biographical Note
Illustrated News was a German economic propaganda publication.
Administrative Information
Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Access Restrictions:
No restrictions
Use Restrictions:
Copyrighted materials, credits to and references to the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust are required
Digital copies might be available upon request
Preferred Citation:
RG-17, Prewar, Wartime, and Postwar Periodicals. Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust Archive.
Processing Information:
Materials are primarily described using the local descriptive standards of the LA Museum of the Holocaust.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Folder:
Folder 1: RG-17.01, Wartime Jewish Periodicals, Poland, 1940 -- 1941],
[Folder 2: RG-17.02, Postwar Periodicals, in Polish and Russian languages, 1945 -- 1946],
Folder 3: RG-17.03, Periodicals in Yiddish, 1930s --1940s],
Folder 4: RG-17.04, LIFE magazine collection, 1939 -- 1940, 1939 -- 1940],
Folder 5: RG-17.05, Periodicals published in France, 1940 -- 1945, 1940 --1945],
Folder 6: RG-17.06, Yugoslavian Prewar and Wartime Publications, 1938 --1945],
Folder 7: RG-17.07, Hungarian Wartime Newspapers, ca 1942],
Folder 8: RG-17.08, Wartime newspapers, German, Hungarian. Chinese offensive, entry of Brazil into the war, August 1942. Photos from Hungarian newspaper(s). One photo is of Istvan Horthy’s (Deputy Regent of Hungary) catafalque, son of Miklos Horthy, Regent of Hungary from March 1, 1920 to October 15, 1944. The second photo depicts an officer meeting., 1941 -- 1943],
Folder 9: RG-17.09, Swiss Wartime Newspapers, 1939 -- 1945],
Folder 10: RG-17.10, Italian Wartime Publications, 1939 -- 1945],
Folder 11: RG-17.11, Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Examiner, wartime, 1933 -- 1944],
Folder 12: RG-17.12, Chwila, 1919 -- 1939],
Folder 13: RG-17.13, Dilo, 1918 -- 1939, 1918 -- 1939],
Folder 14: RG-17.14, Nazi Inter-War News, Illustrated News, 1930s],
Folder 15: RG-17.15, Sygnaly (Signals), 1933-1939, 1933 -- 1939],
Folder 16: RG-17.16, Short Note About the Oldest Synagogue in Egypt, Ben Ezra, 1973, 1973],
Folder 17: RG-17.17, Jewish youth of Izbaca before the Holocaust],
Folder 18: RG-17.18, Cornelius Loen, collection of wartime periodicals, I, 1939 -- 1945],
Folder 19: RG-17.19, Cornelius Loen, collection of wartime periodicals, II],
Folder 20: RG-17.20, Herbert Lothar Aron Papers],
Folder 21: RG-17.21, Prewar Austria periodicals, 1931--1946],
Folder 22: RG-17.22, Tagespot, Austrian newspaper, reflection of Anschluss, 12 March 1938, 12 March 1938],
- Folder 2: RG-17.02, Postwar Periodicals, in Polish and Russian languages, 1945 -- 1946

- These publications manifest a growing division of Europe between the Soviet Block and Western countries, divided by the "Iron Curtain."
- Subject/Index Terms:
The Truth (Pravda), the main organ of the Communist Party of the USSR
Political publications, Soviet
Allied periodicals, Polish
Europe (1945 -- 1991)
The USSR (1945 -- 1991)
Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, 1874--1965
Great Britain (1945 -- Present)
United States (1945 -- 1960)
- Creators:
Alllied Armed Forces, Polish (1945)
periodicals published by Polish Armed Forces under the Allied Command (1945)
Pravda (The Truth), the main Soviet daily, organ of the Communist Party of the USSR (1946)
Winston Churchill, the Fulton Speech (1946)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 1: RG-17.02.01, Polish-allied newspaper, 1945 -- 1946

- Polish newspaper published under the Allies auspices outside Poland. Available pages, 7-10. It features an article about capturing of Rudolf Hoess and his eventual trial in Poland, ca. 1945-1946.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Allied periodicals, Polish
Periodicals, Polish
Germany (1945 -- 1949)
Liberation of concentration camps
Armed Forces, Allied
Polish, language
Polish newspaper
English, language
Hoess, Rudolf
Auschwitz (Concentration camp)
Trials and proceedings over Nazi-German perpetrators
War crimes trials--Post-WWII
Poetry and literature (post-war)
Polish armed forces integrated in the Allied armed forces, the Second World War, periodicals
Rudolf Hoess, commandant of Auschwitz, captured by allied forces, photograph, ca 1945
Rudolf Hoess, commandant of Auschwitz, extradited to Poland, photograph, ca 1945
war related narratives and poetry published in Polish military periodicals, ca 1945
Narratives in Polish language
Documents in Polish language
- Creators:
periodicals published by Polish Armed Forces under the Allied Command (1945)
Polish-Allied Newspaper (ca 1945--1946)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 2: RG-17.02.02, Pravda, Churchill Fulton speech 1, 1946

- Pravda (The Truth), an official newspaper of the All-Union Communist Party of the USSR. It carries an article on the Churchill’s historic speech in Fulton (USA) on the descending Iron Curtain from Stettin to Trieste, Beginning of the Cold War. The Archive has one issue of 11 March 1946.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Political publications, Soviet
The Truth (Pravda), the main organ of the Communist Party of the USSR
The USSR (1945--1991)
Moscow (Russia)
Cold War
Communist newspaper
Russian, language
Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, 1874--1965
postwar publication
periodicals, Soviet Union
Periodicals, Soviet, postwar
Fulton Speech of Winston Churchill, published in the Soviet communist newspaper Pravda March 5, 1946
Soviet, stalinist perception and reflections on Churchill speech in Fulton, US, published in Pravda
Churchill speech in Fulton, US, discourse and reflections in the Soviet communist newspaper Pravda
Geo Political situation in Europe in regard to Soviet expansion, outlined by Churchill
Soviet deception of Churchill speech, falsification and propaganda, Pravda, March 6, 1946
Soviet demagoguery, falsifications and propaganda, postwar
Soviet discourse of Churchill speech, Atlantic Alliance, sanitary cordon against the USSR, Pravda
Soviet deception on mass media reception of the Churchill speech, Pravda, March 6, 1946
Soviet Stalinist regime, 1920s -- 1950s
Soviet communist periodicals, lies and deception, Pravda, periodical
Fulton (Missouri, United States)
Soviet Communist periodical Pravda (the Truth) accuses Churchill of slander, the Fulton speech 1946
Soviet stalinist deception and slander as official domestic and foreign politics of the USSR postwar
Documents in Russian language
Narratives in Russian language
Pravda (the Truth), periodical, official organ of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Soviet reflection and discourse of Iron Curtain between East and West Europe, Pravda, March 6, 1946
Soviet influence and control over East and Central Europe, Churchill speech in Fulton, March 5, 1946
Soviet discourse of Anglo-American military alliance, Churchill, Fulton Speech, Pravda, March 6 1946
stalinist harsh criticism of Churchill with regard to his Speech in Fulton about Soviet threat
Soviet stalinist and communist demagoguery narratives, the USSR, stalinist regime
Soviet denial of their expansion in East and Central Europe, Soviet imperialism, postwar
Iron Curtain from Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, Cold War begins, 1945
- Creators:
Pravda (The Truth), the main Soviet daily, organ of the Communist Party of the USSR (1946)
Winston Churchill, the Fulton Speech (1946)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 3: RG-17.02.03, Pravda, Churchill Fulton speech 2, 1946

- Pravda (The Truth), an official newspaper of the All-Union Communist Party of the USSR. It carries an article on the Churchill’s historic speech in Fulton (USA) on the descending Iron Curtain from Stettin to Trieste, Beginning of the Cold War. The Archive has one issue of 11 March 1946.
- Subject/Index Terms:
The Truth (Pravda), the main organ of the Communist Party of the USSR
Political publications, Soviet
The USSR (1945 -- 1991)
Cold War
Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, 1874--1965
Communist newspaper
Russian, language
postwar publication
Moscow (Russia)
Soviet Communist periodical Pravda (the Truth) accuses Churchill of slander, the Fulton speech 1946
Soviet, stalinist perception and reflections on Churchill speech in Fulton, US, published in Pravda
Fulton (Missouri, United States)
Soviet communist periodicals, lies and deception, Pravda, periodical
Periodicals, Soviet, postwar
Fulton Speech of Winston Churchill, published in the Soviet communist newspaper Pravda March 5, 1946
Churchill speech in Fulton, US, discourse and reflections in the Soviet communist newspaper Pravda
Geo Political situation in Europe in regard to Soviet expansion, outlined by Churchill
Soviet deception of Churchill speech, falsification and propaganda, Pravda, March 6, 1946
Soviet demagoguery, falsifications and propaganda, postwar
Soviet discourse of Churchill speech, Atlantic Alliance, sanitary cordon against the USSR, Pravda
Soviet deception on mass media reception of the Churchill speech, Pravda, March 6, 1946
Soviet Stalinist regime, 1920s -- 1950s
Soviet stalinist deception and slander as official domestic and foreign politics of the USSR postwar
Documents in Russian language
Narratives in Russian language
Pravda (the Truth), periodical, official organ of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Soviet reflection and discourse of Iron Curtain between East and West Europe, Pravda, March 6, 1946
Soviet influence and control over East and Central Europe, Churchill speech in Fulton, March 5, 1946
Soviet discourse of Anglo-American military alliance, Churchill, Fulton Speech, Pravda, March 6 1946
stalinist harsh criticism of Churchill with regard to his Speech in Fulton about Soviet threat
Soviet stalinist and communist demagoguery narratives, the USSR, stalinist regime
Soviet denial of their expansion in East and Central Europe, Soviet imperialism, postwar
Iron Curtain from Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, Cold War begins, 1945
- Creators:
Pravda (The Truth), the main Soviet daily, organ of the Communist Party of the USSR (1946)
Winston Churchill, the Fulton Speech (1946)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 4: RG-17.02.04, Pages from the Soviet newspapers. No 141, 1945

- Two pages from a Soviet and Hungarian newspaper with photographs taken in various locations. The first page contains photographs with captions in Hungarian and the second page contains photographs with captions in Russian. These periodicals were published in 1945.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Berlin (Germany)
Prisoners of War, German
Soldiers, Soviet Red Army
Hungarian, language
Periodicals, Hungarian
Newspaper, Hungarian
Russian, language
newspaper, Soviet Union
periodicals, Soviet Union
Newspaper Article
newspaper clippings
Wartime Publication, Second World War
wartime photographs
Signing of the Act of Nazi Germany unconditional surrender May 8, 1945, Berlin
Marshal Zhukov, USSR, Marshal Arthur Tedder, Allied Air Force, Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, Germany
Zhukov, USSR, Tedder, Allies, Keitel, signing the Act of Capitulation of Germany, Berlin, May 8 1945
Wartime photographs published in the Soviet newspaper Pravda, June 1945
Marshal Zhukov with General Dwight D. Eisenhower, photograph published in Pravda, June 1945
Marshal Zhukov with Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, photograph published in Pravda, June 1945
German prisoners of war on forced march of shame in the streets of Moscow, 1944, photograph
Soviet horse mount soldier at the outskirts of Berlin, talking to a young woman, photograph, 1945
Reflections of the discourse of the Second World War, photodocuments published in periodicals
Photodocuments in Russian language
Surrender of Nazi Germany, reportage and photodocuments, May 1945
- Creators:
Hungarian periodical
Periodicals, Soviet, published in the USSR
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 5: RG-17.02.05, Pages from the Soviet newspapers, 1945

- Clippings from Soviet newspapers. These clippings are mostly photographs from newspapers, showing Moscow as well as photographs of Soviet Union soldiers. The newspaper was published in 1945.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Soviet cheering crowds listening to the announcement of Victory over Nazi Germany, Moscow, Pravda
Soldiers, Soviet Red Army
war planes
Russian, language
newspaper, Soviet Union
periodicals, Soviet Union
Newspaper Article
newspaper clippings
Wartime Publication, Second World War
wartime photographs
Pravda (the Truth), official organ of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 1918 -- 1992
Photo reportage in Pravda (the Truth), Soviet official communist newpaper, May 1945
Moscow (the USSR)
Red flags over buildings in Moscow on May 9, the Soviet Victory Day over Nazi Germany, Pravda, 1945
Soviet and Allied high ranking commanders meet to sign German surrender, Berlin, May 8, 1945, Pravda
Photographs of Soviet and Allied generals meeting before the signing of German surrender, May 8 1945
Exterior and interior of the mansion where German surrender is accepted by the Allies, May 8, 1945
German surrender in the Second World War, photodocuments, Pravda, May 1945
Photodocuments in Russian language
Berlin (Germany)
Documents in Russian language
- Creators:
Soviet Union periodical
Russian-language newspaper
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 6: RG-17.02.06, The Vicory Day reflected in the Soviet periodicals, 1941

- Pages from a Soviet Union periodical. The newspaper reports on The Victory Day. The newspaper was published in 1941.
- Subject/Index Terms:
War Tanks
Soviet and American officers socializing surrounded by a cheering crowd, Moscow, May 9, 1945, Pravda
Soldiers, Soviet Red Army
Russian, language
newspaper, Soviet Union
periodicals, Soviet Union
Newspaper Article
newspaper clippings
Wartime Publication, Second World War
wartime photographs
Moscow (the USSR)
Celebration of the Victory Day in Moscow, May 9, 1945, photographs and commets, Pravda, May, 1945
Photo-reportage of the Victory Day celebration, May 9, 1945, Moscow, Pravda, May 1945
Moscow celebrates the Victory Day, May 9, 1945, photo reportage, Pravda, May 1945
The Light of Victory, article by Evgenii Kriger published in Pravda, May, 1945
Soviet official narrative in regard to the victory over Nazi German, by Evgenii Kriger, Pravda, 1945
Soviet official narrative in regard to celebration of the Victory Day by Evgenii Kriger, Pravda 1945
Photodocuments in Russian language
A feeling of comradeship between the Soviet people and the Allies on the Victory Day, May 9, 1945
Celebration of the Victory Day, May 9, 1945 at a Soviet collective farm, photograph, Pravda, 1945
Documents in Russian language
- Creators:
Soviet Union periodical
Russian-language newspaper
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 7: RG-17.02.07, Pages from Ogoniok, (The Spark), No 23, 1945

- Newspaper clippings from the Russian-language newspaper Ogoniok (The Spark). The pages include photographs of war tanks as well as Soviet soldiers. There are also clippings with photographs of Holocaust concentration camp victims as well as a photograph of Winston Churchill marching with Soviet soldiers. The newspaper was published in 1945.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Ogoniok (The Spark), Russian-language periodical
Berlin (Germany)
Soldiers, Soviet Red Army
Soviet tanks on the streets of Berlin, May 1945, photograph in Ogoniok, June 10, 1945
Soviet and allied soldiers in Berlin, beginning of May, 1945, Ogoniok (A Little Flame), May, 1945
Ogoniok (Ogonyok or a Little Flame) Soviet periodical, magazine outlet of anti-Stalinist narratives
Russian, language
newspaper, Soviet Union
periodicals, Soviet Union
Newspaper Article
newspaper clippings
Wartime Publication, Second World War
wartime photographs
Soviet magazine Ogoniok (the Spark), photo reportage from Berlin in May 1945
The Battle of Berlin, April - May 1945, photo reportage, Ogoniok, June 10, 1945
Soviet Red Army soldiers fight for Berlin, beginning of May 1945, photographs, Ogoniok, June, 1945
Soviet military journalist and photographers, the Second World War, photo reportage
E. Khaldei, Soviet military journalist and photographer, the Second World War, Berlin, May 1945
D. Chernov, Soviet military journalist and photographer, the Second World War, Berlin, May, 1945
Soviet Red Army soldiers near the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, May 1945, Ogoniok, June 10, 1945
Joseph Stalin, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR, the Commander in Chief dictator
Appeal of Joseph Stalin to Soviet people with regard to the victory over Nazi Germany, May 9, 1945
Soviet Red Army and Allied armed forces meet at Torgau, Saxony, Germany, April 1945, Ogoniok, 1945
Aftermath of liberation of Nazi German concentration camps, photographs in Ogoniok, June 1945
Photodocuments in Russian language
Documents in Russian language
- Creators:
Ogoniok (The Spark), Russian-language periodical
Soviet Union periodical
Russian-language newspaper
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 8: RG-17.02.08, Pages form the Soviet periodicals . No 45, circa 1945

- Clippings from various Russian-language newspapers. The newspapers include photographs of Soviet Union soldiers, a satirical cartoon concerning Mussolini and Hitler, as well as photographs from Auschwitz concentration camp. The newspaper clippings are all in Russian.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Soldiers, Soviet Red Army
Mussolini, Benito (Italian "Il Duce")
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
Auschwitz (Concentration camp)
Concentration Camp Crematorium
Liberation of concentration camps
concentration camp victims
mass graves
German civilians digging mass graves for concentration camp victims
Russian, language
newspaper, Soviet Union
periodicals, Soviet Union
Newspaper Article
newspaper clippings
Wartime Publication, Second World War
wartime photographs
- Creators:
Soviet Union periodical
Russian-language newspaper
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 9: RG-17.02.09, Suvorovskii Natisk (A Suvorov Attack), 1945

- Two Russian-language newspapers, including one newspaper called Forward to Victory. The newspapers were published in 1945 and are written in Russian.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Soldiers, Soviet Red Army
War Tanks
Forward to Victory, Russian-language periodical
Russian, language
newspaper, Soviet Union
periodicals, Soviet Union
Newspaper Article
newspaper clippings
Wartime Publication, Second World War
- Creators:
Forward to Victory, Russian-language periodical
Soviet Union periodical
Russian-language newspaper
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 10: RG-17.02.10, Ogoniok (the Spark), Soviet Red Army in Berlin. No 39, May 1945

- Clippings from the Russian-language newspaper Ogoniok (The Spark). The clippings include photographs of Soviet Union soldiers in Berlin. The newspaper was published in May 1945.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Ogoniok (The Spark), Russian-language periodical
Soldiers, Soviet Red Army
Berlin (Germany)
Joseph Stalin, General Secretary of the Party and Prime Minister of the USSR, 1879 -- 1953
Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, 1874--1965
Truman, Harry S.
Adolf Hitler, dictator and German Chancellor and President
Russian, language
newspaper, Soviet Union
periodicals, Soviet Union
Newspaper Article
newspaper clippings
Wartime Publication, Second World War
wartime photographs
- Creators:
Ogoniok (The Spark), Russian-language periodical
Soviet Union periodical
Russian-language newspaper
Browse by Folder:
Folder 1: RG-17.01, Wartime Jewish Periodicals, Poland, 1940 -- 1941],
[Folder 2: RG-17.02, Postwar Periodicals, in Polish and Russian languages, 1945 -- 1946],
Folder 3: RG-17.03, Periodicals in Yiddish, 1930s --1940s],
Folder 4: RG-17.04, LIFE magazine collection, 1939 -- 1940, 1939 -- 1940],
Folder 5: RG-17.05, Periodicals published in France, 1940 -- 1945, 1940 --1945],
Folder 6: RG-17.06, Yugoslavian Prewar and Wartime Publications, 1938 --1945],
Folder 7: RG-17.07, Hungarian Wartime Newspapers, ca 1942],
Folder 8: RG-17.08, Wartime newspapers, German, Hungarian. Chinese offensive, entry of Brazil into the war, August 1942. Photos from Hungarian newspaper(s). One photo is of Istvan Horthy’s (Deputy Regent of Hungary) catafalque, son of Miklos Horthy, Regent of Hungary from March 1, 1920 to October 15, 1944. The second photo depicts an officer meeting., 1941 -- 1943],
Folder 9: RG-17.09, Swiss Wartime Newspapers, 1939 -- 1945],
Folder 10: RG-17.10, Italian Wartime Publications, 1939 -- 1945],
Folder 11: RG-17.11, Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Examiner, wartime, 1933 -- 1944],
Folder 12: RG-17.12, Chwila, 1919 -- 1939],
Folder 13: RG-17.13, Dilo, 1918 -- 1939, 1918 -- 1939],
Folder 14: RG-17.14, Nazi Inter-War News, Illustrated News, 1930s],
Folder 15: RG-17.15, Sygnaly (Signals), 1933-1939, 1933 -- 1939],
Folder 16: RG-17.16, Short Note About the Oldest Synagogue in Egypt, Ben Ezra, 1973, 1973],
Folder 17: RG-17.17, Jewish youth of Izbaca before the Holocaust],
Folder 18: RG-17.18, Cornelius Loen, collection of wartime periodicals, I, 1939 -- 1945],
Folder 19: RG-17.19, Cornelius Loen, collection of wartime periodicals, II],
Folder 20: RG-17.20, Herbert Lothar Aron Papers],
Folder 21: RG-17.21, Prewar Austria periodicals, 1931--1946],
Folder 22: RG-17.22, Tagespot, Austrian newspaper, reflection of Anschluss, 12 March 1938, 12 March 1938],