Marie Kaufman Papers, 1930-1940
| Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

This Collection focuses on the wartime period in France and relates the documents with regard to rescue and aid given to the members of the Kaufman family by the French population.
RG-53.01.01: Livret Indiciduel- Draft Card for the Military. It is for Michel Kaufman (Marie’s father?) in which it is stated that he had been dismissed of his active duty in 1950, but is still in auxiliary service. It is a scan of the original document, not a copy.
Language: French
Date: 1 March 1951
Location: Paris, France
Issued by: Ministere de la Guerre (War Department)
Issued to: Michel Kaufman
RG-53.01.02: Family booklet. This booklet is an identification document, which is used as a record of family members. It is issued at the wedding of the parents and must be presented at any births of deaths of family members. It is a scan of the original document, not a copy.
Language: French
Date: 10 November 1945
Location: Milhars, France
Issued by: Departement de Tarn
RG-53.01.03: Certificate of military position. This card was issued to Machel (Michel? Typo?) Kaufman, certifying that he was exempted from military duty. This is a scan of the original document, not a copy.
Language: French
Date: 30 May 1940
Location: France
Issued by: Bureau de Recrutement Polonaise en France (Polish Recruitement Office in France)
Issued to: Machel Kaufman
RG-53.01.04: Certificate of Residence. This certificate was issued to Anna Kaufman (maiden name: Zadner). It is an original document, not a copy.
Language: French
Date: 20 January 1947
Location: Milhars, Tarn, France
Issued by: City Hall of Milhars
RG-53.01.05: Translation of the Declaration Concerning the Reclamation of French Citizenship. It is in regard to Marie Kaufman and was pursued by her parents. It is an original document.
Language: English
Date: 1 March 1957
Location: Los Angeles, California, United States
Issued by: Los Angeles, Ca
Issued to: Oscar N. Meyer, Notary Public
RG-53.01.06: Three records of salary. The first is a record of amount earned by Michel Kaufman at the Lexos Cement Factory from 15 September 1944 until the end of the year. The second documents the whole of 1945. The third documents 1 January until the 15 September of 1946. It also contains information about his work history at the factory under Observations on the bottom of the first page, as well as information about his family and background. It is an original document.
Language: French
Date: 15 September 1944- 15 September 1946
Location: Milhars, Tarn, France
Issued by: Societe Lavaziere
Issued to: Michel Kaufman
RG-53.01.07: Personal Register. Photos of registration of Michel Kaufman in the personal register of the Lexos Cement Factory with Marie’s notes about when he worked there. This is a copy of the original documents.
Language: English
Date: 1940-1946
Issued by: Societe Lavaziere
Issued to: Michel Kaufman
RG-53.01.08: Regiment of Foreign Volunteers certificate. Two files. This certificate indicates that Machal Kaufman colunteered to join the Marche des Volontaires Etrangers, a temporary regiment of the French Foreign Legion made up of foreign volunteers during WWII. Also contains a smaller identification card. This is an original document.
Language: French
Date: 21 December 1939
Location: Perpignan, France
Issued by: Premier Regiment
Issued to: Machal Kaufman
RG-53.01.09: Naturalization certificate of Dobra Kaufman. This is a certificate issued to Dobra Kaufman, nee Zadner, of Poland including her date of birth (21 May 1915), her date of naturalization (4 March 1949) and a reference number. This is an original document.
Language: French
Date: 4 March 1949
Location: France
Issued by: Ministere de la Sante Publique et de la Population (Department of Public Health and of the Population)
Issued to: Dobra Kaufman
RG-53.01.10: Naturalization Certificate of Michel Kaufman. The certificate was issued to Michel Kaufman of Lodz, Poland including his date of birth (15 June 1914), his date of naturalization (4 march 1949) and a reference number. This is an original document.
Language: French
Date: 4 March 1949
Location: France
Issued by: Ministere de la Sante Publique et de la Population (Department of Public Health and of the Population)
Issued to: Michel Kaufman
RG-53.01.11: Declaration concerning the Reclamation of the French Citizenship of Helene Kaufman. Two files. This is an original document.
Language: French
Date: 15 March 1948
Location: Paris, France
Issued by: Justice of the Peace of the 20th arrondissement of Paris
RG-53.01.12: Declaration concerning the reclamation of French Citizenship for Marie Kaufman. Two files. This is an original document.
Language: French
Date: 15 March 1948
Location: Paris, France
Issued by: Justice of the Peace of the 20th arrondissement of Paris
RG-53.01.13: ID Card issued to Michel Kaufman. This is an original document. Two files.
Language: French
Date: 1 April 1949
Location: Paris, France
Issued by: Police Headquarter
Issued to: Michel Kaufman
RG-53.01.14:California Driver’s License for Michel Kaufman. This is the original document. Two files.
Language: English
Date: 6 October 1969
Location: Los Angeles, Ca
Issued by: DMV of California
RG-53.01.15: Certificate of Naturalization for Michel Kaufman. This is the original document.
Language: English
Date: 8 February 1957
Location: Los Angeles, Ca
Issued by: The District Court of the U.S. in Los Angeles
RG-53.01.16: Permit to reenter the United States issued to Michel Kaufman for a trip to France. This is the original document.
Language: English
Date: 19 February 1954
Location: Los Angeles, Ca
Issued by: Department of Justice- Immigration and Naturalization Service
RG-53.01.17: Receipt voucher of Declaration Concerning the Reclamation of the French Citizenship for Marie and Helene Kaufman. This is the original document.
Language: French
Date: 24 February 1948
Location: Paris, France
Issued by: Justice of the Peace of the 20th arrondissement of Paris
RG-53.01.18: Marriage License of Anna Zadner and Michel Kaufman. This is the original document.
Language: French
Date: 20 January 1947
Location: Milhars, Tarn, France
Issued by: City Hall of Milhars, Tarn
RG-53.01.19: Marriage Certificate of Anna Zadner and Michel Kaufman. This is the original document.
Language: French
Date: 10 November 1945
Location: Milhars, Tarn, France
Issued by: Deparment d Tarn?
RG-53.02: Correspondence (only one file)
RG-53.02.01: Post cards written by Marie Kaufman’s grandmother to her mother from the Sokolow Podlaski Ghetto, congratulating her on the pregnancy with Marie. It is an original document.
Language: Yiddish
Date: 1941-1942
Location: Sokolow, Podlaski Ghetto, Poland
Issued by: Sokolow Podlaski Ghetto, Poland
Issued to: Marie Kalinski
RG-53.03: Photos
RG-53.03.01: Photograph of Abram Zajdner. Two files. He is the brother of Marie’s mother. Abram is about 15 years old and wearing his organization (youth) scarf. This is an original photograph.
RG-53.03.02: Photograph of Wolf and Rose Moskovitch, Berre and Fanni Moskovitch, Henri and Jeanette Maraud. Two files. Jeanette lived in Drance and was the child of Wolf and Rose. This is an original photograph.
Date: 28 February 1949
Location: Paris, France
RG-53.03.03: Photograph of Fannie and Berre Moskowitz. Berre was the uncle of Marie’s mother. Two files. This is an original photograph.
Date: 1949
Location: Liege, Belgium
RG-53.03.04: Graduation photo of Marie Kaufman. This is an original document.
RG-53.03.05: Photograph of Marinette (Marie) in school. Two files. She attended the Louis Blanc school in Paris in 1949. This is an original document.
Date: 1949
Location: Paris, France
RG-53.03.06: Photograph of Rozenberg Family, who is related to Hinda Rozenberg, the mother of Michel Kaufman. The Woman in glasses is Mme Leveque, who rescued Marie and Helene Rozenberg. Behind her is Maurice, the father of the girls. Next to him is his wife, Sarah, and next to her is her sister. In front is Helene Rozenberg. This is an original document. It is in five separate JPG files in various formats and with different handwritten descriptions.
RG-53.03.07: Photograph of Christiane Alary, daughter of et Ernest et Paule Alary and sister of Genevieve Alary. This is their first meeting. “Gave me many memories of mothe rand me and her responsibility to give us milk and clothes.” This is an original photograph
Language: English
Date: 22 December 1996
RG-53.03.08: Photograph of two adults and two children in a yard. This picture was taken in front of the house that they lived in, in Milhars. There is an original photo and a copy of it in possession.
Language: English
Date: 1944-1945
Location: France
RG-53.03.09: Photograph of Abram Zadjner, who is the brother of Anna Kaufman. He is posing in front of a navy blue and silver wall that he designed on paper. His portraits and sculptures of family members and himself are also present. There is an original photo and a copy of it in possession.
Language: English
Date: 1935
RG-53.03.10: Photograph of Abram Zadjner painting a portrait of a violinist in Kalicz, Poland. He is about 18 years old in this photo. There is Hebrew script at the bottom of the original photograph. There is an original photo and a copy of it in possession.
Language: Hebrew and English
Location: Poland
RG-53.03.11: Photograph of Hiline Kaufman, Marie’s sister. She is a child. This is an original photo.
Language: English
Date: 1950
RG-53.03.12: Photograph of a passport shots in 1950 of coming to America.
Language: English
Date: 1950-1951
Location: Paris
RG-53.03.13: Photo of Tzvi, Wolf and Anna in Paris. This is an original photo.
Language: English
Date: 1939
Location: Paris
RG-53.03.14: Family photograph postcard of Wolf, Tanta Helene and Onkel Jacques. (Some of the caption is not legible). This is an original photograph.
Language: German
RG-53.03.15: Photograph of rows of men and women. The caption is apparently not legible. But in the third row, second from the right is Anna Zadjner and next to her on her right is Baruch. This is an original photo.
Language: English
RG-53.03.16: Photograph of Michel Kaufman with three other people. This is an original photograph.
RG-53.03.17: Photo of Anna at a ball in Paris, when she first arrived. This is an original photo.
Language: English
Date: 1936-1937
Location: Paris
RG-53.03.18: Photo of Armand, Marie, Helene and Thimory. Thimory’s name is circled? It is an original photo.
Language: English
Location: France
RG-53.03.19: Photo of Anna and Betszaler in Kalicz, Poland. It is an original.
Date: 1934-1935
Location: Kalisz, Poland
RG-53.03.20: Photo of three people. Their names are on the back of the photo along with the date and photo stamp. This is an original photo.
Date: 20 November 1934
Location: Kalisz, Poland
RG-53.03.21: Photograph of a great-grandmother on “papa’s” side. The child is unknown. It is an original.
Language: English
RG-53.03.22: Family photo. The captions are not legible but it is an original.
RG-53.03.23: Photograph of Anna in a park on vacation. There are 4 lines of caption in Polish. It is an original.
Language: English/Polish
Date: 1934-1935
Location: Busko, Poland
RG-53.03.24: Photograph of two girls with their arms around each other. The stamp on the back is not legible. It is an original.
RG-53.03.25: Photograph of Anna and her mother. There are numbers written in pencil. This photo is an original.
Date: 1935
Location: Kalisz, Poland
RG-53.03.26: Photo of Anna in Kalisz. Again, there are numbers written in pencil. It is an original.
Date: 1935
Location: Kalisz, Poland
RG-53.03.27: Photo of Anna at the Gordonia organization. Anna is at the top left and around age 16. This is an original photo.
Language: English
Date: 1932
Location: Kalisz, Poland
RG-53.03.28: Photograph of Anna’s sister, Pola. It is an original photo.
Language: English/Hebrew
RG-53.03.29: Photo of Henri’s parents. [taken from original Excel finding aid] “Moskowtz Father’s Anna’s brother- Henri Moskowicz’s father” ? It is an original
Language: English
RG-53.03.30: Photograph of a group of women on a boat holding a flag. The caption is not legible. It is an original photograph.
Date: 1933
RG-53.03.31: Photograph of Ernest and Paule. Family Alary Rescuers. Two children who are Genevieve et Christiane and Ernest “50 aus” and Paule “43 aus”. Marie Alary 1952. Part of the caption is not legible. This is a copy of the original photo.
Language: English
Date: 1952
RG-53.03.32: Photo of Marie Kaufman born on 19 March 1941. She is about 8 months old in this photo. This is before the occupation of southern France. It is a copy of the original.
Language: English
Date: 1941
RG-53.03.33: Photograph of Anna’s stepfather, her stepsister (Bronca Kaliski) and Anna’s mother (Marie Zadjner Kaliski). It is an original photo.
Language: English
Location: Kalisz, Poland
RG-53.03.34: Passport picture. It is the original.
Language: English
Date: 1950
RG-53.03.35: Family photo of parents and two girls, one of whom is holding a ball. The caption reads, “dear sister and brother in law.” It is the original photograph.
Language: Hebrew/English
Date: 1949
RG-53.03.36: Photo of three children (Anna, Marie, Helene) in a yard in front of a tree. It is an original
Date: 1947
Location: France
RG-53.03.37: Photograph of a woman in a bathing suit. It is the original.
Date: 1949
RG-53.03.38: Photo of Bronka and two other girls. Bronka is on the left and she is about 11 years old. It is an original photo.
Language: English
RG-53.03.39:Photo of a woman walking on the street with a little girl. There are numbers in pencil on the back of the photo. Pola Zajdner Barjrach’s child, Fruma Barjrach around 3 or 4 years old. She is with the woman that worked at Pola’s home and took care of Fruma.
Fruma was born in 1932 or 1933. They lived on Ciasna Street No. 2 in Kalisz, Poland. Pola and her husband were deported but perhaps the woman in the photo took Fruma, because she loved her. There is an original and a copy of the photo in possession.
Language: English
Date: 1936
LocationL Kalisz, Poland
RG-53.03.40: Photo of Abram Zadjner’s sculptures by a river. There are three busts and one flatter portrait of a man. They are sculpted from sand. There is a copy of this photo as well as the original.
Language: English, Hebrew, Polish
Date: 29 October 1935
Location: Kalicz, Poland
RG-53.03.41: Photo of Armant Zadjner and Marie Moszkowiez. They are Anna’s parents. This is an original photograph.
Location: Poland
RG-53.03.42: Portrait of an unidentified man in a sweater and dress shirt. There are no other descriptions about this person or photo except that it is an original copy of it. (looks to be Abraham Zaidner)
RG-53.03.43: Photo of two children, Anna and Abraham. Abraham is on a rocking horse. It is an original.
Language: Polish
RG-53.03.44: Portrait of Tante Fela at age 18. She has a sly look on her face. It is an original photo.
Language: Polish/English
Date: 13 August 1939
RG-53.03.45: Photo of marie Kaufman before she travelled to America. She is a young girl. It is an original photograph.
Language: English
Date: 1949-1950
RG-53.03.46: Photo of Fruma Paula’s daughter in Kalicz. This is Marie Kaufman’s cousin. The photo is an original.
Language: English/Polish
RG-53.03.47: Marie Zadjner Kalinski portrait. Her nickname is “Malka” and she is Marie’s grandmother. There is a copy and an original photo in possession.
Language: English
Location: Poland
RG-53.03.48: Family photo of Marie’s grandparents on her father’s side with Michel Kaufman, their son, and Fela Kaufman, her aunt. Only Michel and Fela survived. Michel was in hiding in France and Fela went to Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen. Marie’s brother was in possession of this photo. Michel is 14 here and Fela is 7. The information was written in pencil on the back. There is a copy and original here.
Language: English/Hebrew
RG-53.03.49: Photograph of (from left to right): Marie, Pierrot, Madeleine and Jeannot Andrieu. They are the three children (and one spouse?) of Mr. and Mme Andriew who were 9, 11 and 13 when the Kaufman family were in hiding in Milhars, France. The photo is original.
Language: English
RG-53.03.50: Portrait of Gaston and Helene Andrieu. Mr. and Mme Andrieu in Milhars, France who helped the Kaufman family in hiding. Helene is named after this woman. She is her godmother and helped with her birth on 3 August 1943. It is an original photo.
Language: English
Date: April 1942
RG-53.03.51: Family photograph of Helene, Anna, Abraham and Paula. Original photo.
Language: English
RG-53.03.52: Portrait of Abraham Zaidner with his girlfriend, Fenya Wax. Original photo.
Language: English
Date: 1937-1938
Location: Kalicz, Poland
RG-53.03.53: Photograph of a classroom full of school children. The school is called L’ecole Louis Blanc. The caption is “La Maitiesse, Patrice, Colette, Monique Raysac, Jacquline, Marie, Monique and Evelyn.”
Language: English/French
Date: 1949
Location: France
RG-53.03.54: Photo of Anna Kaufman sitting in a field in a bathing suit perhaps. There are numbers in pencil on the back. It is an original photo.
Language: English
Date: 1935
Location: Kalicz, Poland
RG-53.03.55: Photograph of a boy drawing a portrait of another man. The boy looks to be Abraham Zadjner. There is writing in pencil on the back of the photo. It is an original.
Language: Polish
RG-53.03.56: Photo of three women dressed up. There is writing in Polish on the back. The photo is an original.
Language: Polish
Date: 2 February 1933
Location: Kalisz, Poland
RG-53.03.57: Photograph of M. Cornus standing in the middle of a road or path. M. Cornus Maire de Milhars pendant la Guerra. He and another priest, Assie, helped Marie’s mother in hiding. It is an original.
Language: English
RG-53.03.58: Photo of Marinette and Helen Kaufman. Original photo.
Language: French
Date: 6 January 1949
Location: Paris
RG-53.03.59: Photograph of Tante Fela hiding in a mound of hay. The photo is original.
Language: Polish/English
Location: Poland
RG-53.03.60: Portrait of a woman standing next to a vase. There are no indications as to her identity but the photo is an original.
RG-53.03.61: Photograph of “papa” with a friend. It is an original of the photograph.
Language: English
Location: Paris, France
RG-53.03.62: Family photo on Marie’s father’s side. Pictured here are: Tante Fela lying on the ground, and 2nd from the left is grandmother behind the grandfather along with others not described. It is a copy.
Language: English
RG-53.03.63: Family photo of Tante Helene, Onkel Jacques (Alderblum), Anna’s sister- Tante Rose Moskowitz, Onkel Wolf Moskoqitz, and (cousin) Armand Alderblum. The photo is an original.
Language: English
RG-53.03.64: Six people posing around a tombstone with the inscription written in Hebrew. It is a copy of the original photograph and there are no other descriptions about the photo or people in it.
RG-53.03.65: Photo of a boy in a suit jacket. There are no other specifications listed for this photo. But the boy looks to be Abraham Zaidner. It is a copy.
RG-53.03.66: Three people posing around a tombstone with the inscription written in Hebrew. (same tombstone as RG-53.03.64) The photo is a copy.
Author: Staff
Aid and rescue during the war
Aid and Rescue in Milhars, France, 1942 -- 1945
Aid and Rescue rendered to Jews in France, 1940 -- 1944
Anna Kaufman (nee Zadner)
Civil status individual documents, French
Civil status individual documents, the Kaufman Family, France
Documents certifying social and civil status
French citizenship
French Resistance Movement, 1940 -- 1944
Individual military identifications, French
Individual military identifications, Michel Kaufman, France
Kaufman, Helene
Kaufman, Marie
Kaufman, Michel
Kaufman Family
Kaufman family, history
Protection and care for Jews in France, 1940 -- 1944
Protection and care for Jews in Vichy France, 1942 -- 1944
Protection and care for Michel Kaufman in Milhars, France, 1942 -- 1945
Protection and care for the Kaufman family in Milhars, France, 1942 -- 1945
Reclamation of French citizenship
Reclamation of French citizenship, Anna Zadner
Reclamation of French citizenship, Michel Kaufman
Rescue and aid in France, 1940 -- 1944
Vichy France (1942 -- 1944)