Photo Archive of the Holocaust, 1939-1945
| Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

A collection of photo-documents from the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust and from the other repositories.
Overall, these are secondary photo-documents reflecting Nazi-German atrocities, life in the ghettos and concentration camps and day-to-day life in the German-occupied and controlled territories

A collection of secondary materials gathered for the purpose of exhibit-building for the new Museum building opening in October 2010. The secondary materials were gathered from other institution, historical publications and educational material, and resources available to the public through the internet. As these documents were gathered for exhibit research, not all images were used for the permanent exhibit. Information on images used throughout the museum in its permanent exhibit can be found in reference to Museum Curatorship documents. In this record group, there is one sub-collection of negatives that has its own finding aid. In terms of regional affiliation, this record group comprises images of the big ghettos, such as Warsaw, Lodz, as well as from the smaller ghettos like Tarnów, Zablocie. Therefore the images are organized roughly according to region and theme but have no sub-collections.
RG-45.01, Negatives
RG-45.01.01, All That Remained Photo Montage
Accession #: 82.44
Accession Date: 19 February 1982
Photo montage of piles of glasses, combs, hair, shoes, shaving brushes, toothbrushes, artificial limbs, and dishes
RG-45.01.02, Caption about humanitarian documents. The caption starts with “Read how the most righteous humanitarian documents called ‘Statement of the German Atrocities’ signed by Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill did not list the name of a Jew under its victims in Sept. 1944…”
RG-45.01.03, Caption only for Nazi notice for executed Poles, names of those who hid Jews underlined
Accession #: 84.84
Accession Date: 30 April 1984
Caption only, for Nazi notice for executed Poles, names of those who hid Jews underlined
RG-45.01.04, Captions only, starting with Deportation of German Jews
Accession #: 84.84
Accession Date: 30 April 1984
Captions, starting with “Deportation of German Jews.” Part of Jewish Federation Captions
RG-45.01.05, Captions only, starting with November 1938 Aryanization
Accession #: 84.84
Accession Date: 30 April 1984
Captions only, starting with November 1938 Aryanization. Part of Jewish Federation Captions
RG-45.01.06, Children not able to leave - Zbaszyn, Poland, 1939
Dated: 1939
Accession #: 82.361
Accession Date: 25 October 1982
A group of German Jewish children from German Jewish families expelled to, but not accepted by, Poland. Jewish relief organizations stepped in to organize a transport of the children to England, but the Germans invaded Poland before the transport
RG-45.01.07, Corpses in Majdanek and Auschwitz-Birkenau, Photo Montage, 1945
Accession #: 82.56
Accession Date: 22 February 1982
Photographs of atrocities at Majdanek and Auschwitz-Birkenau camps. Photo montage of piles of corpses and human bones
RG-45.01.08, Daily Mirror editorial about the rejection of St. Louis, 1939
Dated: 6 June 1939
Accession #: 8147
An editorial article in the Daily Mirror about the 907 Jewish refugees on the St. Louis refused entrance to America
RG-45.01.09, Demonic Germany and the Predicament of Humanity, 1938
Dated: 30 November 1938
Accession #: 8147
An article condemning Germany but also opposing immigration of European Jews into the United States on the grounds of the need for social integration of already-existing minority groups. Written in The Christian Century
RG-45.01.10, Gideon Hausner, opening address of Eichmann Trial
Accession #: 82.66
Accession Date: 22 February 1982
A photograph of Gideon Hausner, Chief Prosecutor of the Eichmann Trial, next to a quote from his opening address at the trial
RG-45.01.11, Jewish Federation Titles and Captions
Accession #: 84.84
Accession Date: 30 April 1984
Four sheets of negatives with titles and captions
RG-45.01.12, Jewish Prisoners Waiting and Excerpt from “The Auschwitz Album.” A photograph of Jewish prisoners waiting in the forest and an excerpt from Lili Meir from “The Auschwitz Album” describing the scene and deception before prisoners entered into the gas chambers
RG-45.01.13, Letter from Polish Marshall Rola-Zymienski Recognizing Help from Jewish Partisans
Dated: 21 December
Accession #: 84.84
Accession Date: 30 April 1984
A letter from Polish Marshall Rola-Zymienski recognizing and appreciating services from Jewish Partisans
RG-45.01.14, New York Times Kristallnacht Article, 1938 (negative)
Dated: 11 November 1938
Accession #: 3892 ? (Number on envelope)
New York Times article from Friday, November 11, 1938 about Kristallnacht, titled “Nazis Smash, Loot, and Burn Jewish Shops and Temples Until Goebbels Calls Halt.” Smaller headlines include “All Vienna’s Synagogues Attacked; Fires and Bombs Wreck 18 of 21” and “Jews are Beaten, Furniture and Goods Flung from Homes and Shops—15,000 are Jailed During Day—20 are Suicides,” 2 copies
RG-45.01.15, NY Times Kristallnacht article (same as above, but not negative)
RG-45.01.16, NY Times Warsaw Ghetto article, Secret Polish Radio asks Aid, Cut off
RG-45.01.17, Photo and Excerpt from the Auschwitz Album, Carpathian Jews. A photograph of Jews arriving by train and an excerpt from “The Auschwitz Album” describing some of the conditions on the trains
RG-45.01.18, Police Officer Hoffmann Report to Gestapo concerning the Jewish Question, 1943
Accession #: 82.38
Accession Date: 15 February 1982
RG-45.01.19, Quote from President of Bulgarian State Counsel
Accession #: 84.75
Quote from President of Bulgarian State Counsel regarding Bulgarian Jews
RG-45.01.20, Selection at Auschwitz
RG-45.01.21, Soap Factory near Danzig
Accession #: 82.105
Accession Date: 8 March 1982
Three photos of the interior of a “soap factory” near Danzig. While there is no evidence that human fat was used for soap on an industrial scale as rumors suggest, there allegedly were some experiments conducted with that concept
RG-45.01.22, Theresienstadt Ghetto gate with Arbeit macht frei sign
RG-45.01.23, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Monument Photo and Caption Accession #: 82.61
Accession Date: 22 February 1982
Photograph of Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Monument and brief explanation of Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
RG-45.01.24, Watchtower and Barbed Wire. Negative of a watchtower and electric barbed wire on fences
RG-45.02, Secondary photo-documents
RG-45.02.01, a concentration camp at liberation
RG-45.02.02, A Jewish order policeman with his wife and son, Lodz ghetto
RG-45.02.03, Adam Czerniakow at the roll call with the Jewish order police, Lodz ghetto
RG-45.02.04, Adam Czerniakow in his Warsaw ghetto Judenrat office at the meeting
RG-45.02.05, Adam Czerniakow with a German official, Warsaw
RG-45.02.06, Albert Einstein
RG-45.02.07, Alexander Pecherskij, led the Sobibor revolt
RG-45.02.08, Arriving to a camp
RG-45.02.09, Auschwitz, deposit of spoons
RG-45.02.10, Auschwitz negative
RG-45.02.11, Auschwitz, a column of women and children, allegedly in Auschwitz
RG-45.02.12, pile of shoes, Auschwitz
RG-45.02.13, Auschwitz, arrival of a transport
RG-45.02.14, Auschwitz, 'Canada' prisoners' toothbrushes, cloth brushes, and other personal items
RG-45.02.15, Auschwitz, children survivors of the camp and medical experiments
RG-45.02.16, Auschwitz, forced labor site
RG-45.02.17, Auschwitz, selection on the ramp after arrival
RG-45.02.18, Auschwitz, sorting out the former possessions of prisoners
RG-45.02.19, Auschwitz, survivor of Auschwitz medical experiments
RG-45.02.20, Auschwitz, unloading prisoners' luggage
RG-45.02.21, Auschwitz, view of a cattle car, trains, and German soldiers, MISSING PHOTO
RG-45.02.22, Babi Yar, USHMM, 28363
RG-45.02.23, Baranow, Poland, a Hebrew School
RG-45.02.24, Baranow, a Hebrew School
RG-45.02.25, Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, arrival of prisoners
RG-45.02.26, Bergen-Belsen, prisoners by barracks are lined up
RG-45.02.27, Cracow, a group of Jewish students after the tour
RG-45.02.28, Cracow, school photograph, Jewish coeducational gymnasium, female graduates
RG-45.02.29, Deportation of Jews from a West European country, MISSING PHOTO
RG-45.02.30, Drancy transit camp, wall with inscriptions
RG-45.02.31, Drancy transit camp
RG-45.02.32, German administration in civilian diner in Lodz
RG-45.02.33, German officer takes a photograph of the religious Jews in Zablocie, Poland
RG-45.02.34, German soldier cuts off the beard of a Jewish man, humiliation scene, MISSING PHOTO
RG-45.02.35, Germany, early 1930s, Book burning
RG-45.02.36, Group portrait of members of the Lodz ghetto police
RG-45.02.37, Hans Biebow in the Lodz ghetto
RG-45.02.38, Hitler after being released from the Landsberg Prison where he spent eight months
RG-45.02.39, Hitler and a child in SA uniform, 1942
RG-45.02.40, Holland, deportation, a street scene
RG-45.02.41, Janowska Camp, Lwow, Camp Orchestra
RG-45.02.42, Jewish order police arresting two Jewish youths for smuggling in the Warsaw ghetto
RG-45.02.43, Jewish order police in Lodz ghetto
RG-45.02.44, Jewish order police on snow removal duty in Lodz
RG-45.02.45, Jewish order police, Bundesarchiv
RG-45.02.46, Jewish police action in Warsaw ghetto
RG-45.02.47, Jewish policemen convoy a group of Jews, MISSING PHOTO
RG-45.02.48, Jewish service to maintain order, Ordungsdienst
RG-45.02.49, Jews from villages are forced to a ghetto
RG-45.02.50, Jews in Germany, history
RG-45.02.51, Kaunas, interwar Lithuania, Jewish soccer team
RG-45.02.52, Killing by a German Labor Serviceman, USHMM, 64407
RG-45.02.53, Kristallnacht, a synagogue in flame
RG-45.02.54, Kristallnacht, nighttime, a synagogue in flame
RG-45.02.55, Kristallnacht, a burning synagogue
RG-45.02.56, Lancut, Poland, Wooden Synagogue
RG-45.02.57, Lodz ghetto, a boy feeds the small girl
RG-45.02.58, Lodz ghetto, allegedly a deportation scene
RG-45.02.59, Lodz ghetto, Chaim Mordechaj Rumkowski speaking at the Judenrat meeting
RG-45.02.60, Lodz ghetto, theatrical performance
RG-45.02.61, Lodz ghetto, three women at work
RG-45.02.62, Lodz ghetto, women in a sewing workshop
RG-45.02.63, Lwow ghetto, Search for a Jewish female under false identity
RG-45.02.64, Majdanek after liberation, a pile of corpses
RG-45.02.65, Majdanek after liberation, an emaciated female prisoner
RG-45.02.66, Majdanek after liberation, emaciated male survivors, camera depicts them naked
RG-45.02.67, Majdanek after liberation, Soviet soldiers examine the dead prisoners
RG-45.02.68, Majdanek, a dead prisoner on barbed wire
RG-45.02.69, Mauthausen after liberation, a row of dead bodies
RG-45.02.70, Mauthausen, one of the initial memorial sites
RG-45.02.71, Nazi anti-Jewish propaganda
RG-45.02.72, Nazi gathering
RG-45.02.73, Nazi Germany, a German woman is publicly humiliated for the connection with Jews
RG-45.02.74, Nuremberg, Nazi rally
RG-45.02.75, Operation Beriha, on the way to Palestine
RG-45.02.76, Operation Beriha, Jewish kids on the illegal path to Palestine
RG-45.02.77, Operation Beriha, preparing for Palestine
RG-45.02.78, Piotrkow Trybunalski, a Jewish Quarter, pre-war Poland
RG-45.02.79, Poland, a camp memorial
RG-45.02.80, Poland, at the advertisement board
RG-45.02.81, President Hindenburg congratulates Hitler for being elected Chancellor
RG-45.02.82, Przedborz, Poland, Wooden Synagogue
RG-45.02.83, Registration in the Ghetto
RG-45.02.84, Report Tells of Nazi Annihilation of 2,000,000 Jews in Europe, from Heral Tribune
RG-45.02.85, Romek Kaliski, member of the Jewish order police in the Lodz ghetto
RG-45.02.86, Sachsenhausen, ca. 1936
RG-45.02.87, Saloniki, Jewish leaders with Metropolitan
RG-45.02.88, Slovakian export, MISSING PHOTO
RG-45.02.89, Soviet and Jewish partisans, a group photograph
RG-45.02.90, Soviet and Jewish partisans, Lipiczany Forest, Poland-Western Belarus
RG-45.02.91, Soviet-Jewish partisan, Misha Kacowicz
RG-45.02.92, Soviet-Jewish partisans, former Eastern Poland
RG-45.02.93, Soviet-Jewish partisans, Naliboki Forest, Poland-Western Belarus
RG-45.02.94, Tarnow, a Jewish cultural society
RG-45.02.95, Tarnow, Jewish soccer team
RG-45.02.96, the Netherlands, poison gas chamber with a warning sign, poison gas
RG-45.02.97, Vienna, Jewish veterans of the First World War in Austro-Hungarian uniform
RG-45.02.98, Vienna
RG-45.02.99, View of the abandoned furnishings of Jews deported from the ghetto, USHMM
RG-45.02.100, The Warsaw Diary of Adam Czerniakow
RG-45.02.101, Warsaw ghetto negative
RG-45.02.102, Warsaw ghetto wall, Jews climbing over the ghetto wall
RG-45.02.103, Warsaw ghetto, a beggar on the street
RG-45.02.104, Warsaw ghetto, a ghetto checkpoint
RG-45.02.105, Warsaw ghetto, a ghetto entrance
RG-45.02.106, Warsaw ghetto, a Jewish boy, 1943, Yad Vashem Archives
RG-45.02.107, Warsaw ghetto, at the cemetery
RG-45.02.108, Warsaw ghetto, books are being sold and exchanged on the street
RG-45.02.109, Warsaw ghetto, dragging the dead
RG-45.02.110, Warsaw ghetto, hungry and exhausted kids in the yard
RG-45.02.111, Warsaw ghetto, inside a ghetto dwelling
RG-45.02.112, Warsaw ghetto, Jewish kids in the classroom
RG-45.02.113, Warsaw ghetto, Jewish policeman regulates traffic
RG-45.02.114, Warsaw ghetto, man on the street
RG-45.02.115, Warsaw ghetto, medical examining in the ghetto
RG-45.02.116, Warsaw ghetto, pedestrian bridge
RG-45.02.117, Warsaw ghetto, prayer in the ghetto
RG-45.02.118, Warsaw ghetto, ration card
RG-45.02.119, Warsaw ghetto, street sale
RG-45.02.120, Warsaw ghetto, unidentified location, perhaps a transfer
RG-45.02.121, Warsaw ghetto, view of the ghetto wall
RG-45.02.122, Warsaw ghetto, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
RG-45.02.123, Warsaw, at the fur shop, preparing for the German requisitions, MISSING PHOTO
RG-45.02.124, Warsaw, first days of German occupation
RG-45.02.125, Warsaw, interwar time
RG-45.02.126, Warsaw, Jews are not allowed into the park
RG-45.02.127, Zamosc, people on the square observing an unknown scene
RG-45.03, Poland, wartime photodocuments
RG-45.03.01, Poland, newcomers from Polish provinces to Warsaw Ghetto, photo by Joe J. Heydecker, February 1941
RG-45.03.02, Kovno Ghetto, photograph of a young boy standing in front of door of chairman of the Council of Elders
RG-45.03.03, Kovno Ghetto, Jews lining up
Author: staff
Abandoned children in the Warsaw Ghetto
Adam Czerniakow, Chairman of the Jewish Council of Warsaw, 1939-1942
Aftermath of liberation
Aftermath of the deportation from the ghetto, photographs
Aftermath of Warsaw ghetto uprising
Alerts issued by German police
Alexander Pechrskij, Sobibor Revolt
American awareness of Nazi atrocities in Europe
Anti-Jewish measures and actions, Warsaw, 1939 -- 1945
Aryanization, alienation of Jewish-owned businesses, 1933 -- 1945
Auschwitz (Concentration camp)--Complex of concentration and extermination camps
Auschwitz Album, photo-documents
Auschwitz complex of concentration camps, deposits of personal belongings
Auschwitz concentration camp complex, photo-documents
Babi Yar (Kiev, Ukraine)
Babi Yar, areal photographs
Babi Yar Massacre, 29 -- 30September 1941
Baranow (Poland)
Barter and street sale in the ghettos
Barter and street sale in the Warsaw Ghetto
Bergen-Belsen (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Book Burning, Germany, early 1930s
Books in the ghettos
Books in the Warsaw ghetto, 1940 --1943
Bricha Movement
Bulgaria (1939--1945)
Bulgarian Government opposes to the deportation of Bulgarian Jews, 1942 -- 1943
Cemeteries at the ghettos, 1939 -1944
Cemetery at the Warsaw ghetto, 1940 -- 1943
Chaim Rumkowski, chairman of the Judenrat in the Lodz ghetto
Children in the ghettos
Children in the Kovno Ghetto
Children in the Lodz ghetto
Children in the Warsaw Ghetto
collaboration in the Holocaust
Corpses in the ghettos
Corpses in the Warsaw Ghetto
Cracow (Poland)
Daily Mirror, a periodical
day-to-day life in the Lodz Ghetto
day-to-day life in the Warsaw ghetto
Deportation of German Jews
Deportation of Jews from the Netherlands
Deportation scenes
Deportations from the Drancy internment camp, France
Deportations to Auschwitz concentration camp
Diary of Adam Czerniakow, the chairman of the Jewish Council of Warsaw
Documents issued by Nazi-German Police and Security forces, 1933 -- 1945
Drancy internment camp (Paris, France)
Education in the ghettos
Education in the Warsaw ghetto
Expulsion of Polish-German Jews to Zbaszyn, October -November, 1938
Factories and workshops in the Lodz Ghetto
Family life in the Warsaw ghetto
Food for children in the Lodz Ghetto
Food rationing in ghettos, 1939 -- 1945
Food rationing in the Warsaw Ghetto
German administration and civilians in the Lodz ghetto
Germany, history
Germany invasion of Poland, September 1, 1939
Greece (1918 -- 1940)
Hans Biebow, Nazi-German administrator in Lodz ghetto
History of the Holocaust, photo-documents
Holocaust in the Netherlands, 1940 -- 1945
Holocaust Memorialization
Hunger in the Lodz ghetto
Hunger in the Warsaw Ghetto
Illegal immigration to Palestine, 1945 -- 1948
International Herald Tribune, a periodical, American
Interwar life, history in photo-documents
Janowska (Poland: Concentration Camp)
Jewish Council (Judenrat) in Kovno Ghetto
Jewish Council (Judenrat) of the Lodz Ghetto
Jewish Order Police in action, Warsaw ghetto
Jewish Order Police in ghettos
Jewish Order Police in Kovno Ghetto
Jewish Order Police in the Lodz Ghetto
Jewish Order Police in the Warsaw ghetto, 1940 --1943
Jewish Order Police on duty, Warsaw
Jewish Order police on patrol duty
Jewish soccer team of Tarnow, Poland
Jewish societal life in interwar Poland
Jewish veterans of Austro-Hungarian Army
Jews in Austro-Hungarian Army
Jews in Germany, history and integration
Jews in sports, interwar period
Jews in the Kovno ghetto, check and control by the Jewish Order Police
Judenrat (Jewish Council) in the Lodz ghetto, Poland
Judenrat, Jewish council in ghettos
Kaunas (Lithuania)
Kaunas (Lithuania: Ghetto)
Killing of Jews by Wehrmacht in 1941, Ukraine
Kovno (Lithuania: Ghetto)
Kristallnacht or November Pogrom, 9 -10, November 1938
Lancut (Poland)
Laws of German racial purity
Liberation of Majdanek concentration camp
liberation of Nazi concentration camps, Europe
Life conditions in the Warsaw Ghetto
Life in the ghettos reflected in the photo-documents
Life under false identity
Life under false identity in Lwow ghetto
Lina Gans, inhabitant of the Lwos Ghetto
Lithuania (1918 -- 1940)
Lithuania (1941 -- 1945)
Lodz (Poland: Ghetto)
Lublin (Poland)
Lublin (Poland: ghetto)
Lwow (Poland)
Lwow (Poland: Ghetto)
Majdanek (Poland: Concentration Camp)
Marshal Michal Rola-Zymierski, Polish communist military commander, postwar Poland
Mauthausen (Austria: Concentration Camp)
Mauthausen concentration camp, liberation and its aftermath
Medical care in the ghettos
Medical care in Warsaw Ghetto
Medical Experiments
Medical experiments at Auschwitz complex of concentration camps
Meeting of the Juedenrat in the Lodz ghetto
Misha Kacowicz, Soviet-Jewish partisan
Nazi-German atrocities
Nazi-German concentration camps after liberation, photographs
Nazi-German perception of religious Jews
Nazi anti-Jewish propaganda
Nazi Concentration camps' prisoners after liberation, photographs
Nazi Gathering
Nazi party rallies, Nuernberg, 1933
Nazi racial laws
Opposition to Jewish emigration to United States from Germany
Partisans, Soviets, photographs
Paul von Hindenburg, the second President of Germany, 1925 -- 1934
Pedestrian bridges in the ghettos
Pedestrian bridges in the Warsaw ghetto
Photographs, concentration camps post-liberation
Photographs, Hitler and responses to Hitler
Piotrkow (Poland)
Poland (1918--1939)
Poland (1939 --1945)
Police search for Jews under false identity, Lwow ghetto
Poverty and Desperation in the Warsaw ghetto
Prayer in the Warsaw ghetto
Prayers in the ghettos
Prisoner luggage upon arrival at a concentration camp
Prisoners of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp
Prisoners of Nazi-German concentration camps, postliberation conditions
Prisoners of Nazi concentration camps
Prisoners of the Janowska Concentration Camp and the Camp Orchestra
Przedborz (Poland)
Public humilations
Registration and processing in the ghettos
Rescue of Bulgarian Jews, 1942 -- 1943
Resistance, Jewish
Roll call in Nazi - German concentration camps
Romek Kaliski, Jewish Order Police of the Lodz Ghetto
Sachsenhausen (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Salonica (Greece)
School, Jewish, interwar Poland
Schools, Jewish
Seclusion of the ghetto territories
Seclusion of the Warsaw Ghetto
Selection at the concentration camps
Selection of prisoners at the Auschwitz complex of camps
Smuggling in the Warsaw Ghetto, 1940 --1943
Sobibor (Poland: extermination camp)
Sobibor uprising, October 1943
Soviet-Jewish partisans
Soviet-Jewish partisans units, areas of operations
Sports teams, Jewish
Students, Jewish, interwar Poland
Tarnow (Poland)
Theatrical performances in the ghettos
Theatrical performances in the Lodz ghetto
The Christian Century, a periodical, American
The Holocaust in Europe, 1939 -- 1945
The Holocaust in Germany
The Holocaust in Poland
The Jewish Question in Bulgaria, 1942 -- 1943
The Netherlands (1940--1945)
Thessaloniki (Greece)
Transfer of Jews from villages to the towns, Poland
Transports at the arrival to concentration camps
Treblinka, the site of the former extermination camp
Umpschlagplatz, collection point before deportation from Wasaw ghetto, 1941 -- 1943
United States awareness of the Holocaust in Europe, 1943
Urszula Lahoda, a false name for Lina Gans, Lwow ghetto
Voyage of the St. Louis, May -- June 1939
Wall separating the ghetto territory from the rest of the city
Walls separating the Warsaw ghetto from the rest of the city
Warsaw (Poland)
Warsaw (Poland: ghetto)
Warsaw, occupied by Germans, October 1939, photograph
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (Poland)
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, Jews prisoners of war
Warsaw of interwar time, photograph
Wartime atrocities and mass killing, Second World War
Wooden synagogues, Poland
Wooden Synagogues in Eastern Europe
Zablocie (Poland)
Zamosc (Poland)
Zbaszyn (Poland)

Documents and Files:
RG-45.01.01, All That Remained Photo Montage
RG-45.01.02, Caption about humanitarian documents
RG-45.01.03, Caption only for Nazi notice for executed Poles, names of those who hid Jews underlined
RG-45.01.04, Captions only, starting with Deportation of German Jews
RG-45.01.05, Captions only, starting with November 1938 Aryanization
RG-45.01.06, Children not able to leave - Zbaszyn, Poland, 1939
RG-45.01.07, Corpses in Majdanek and Auschwitz-Birkenau, Photo Montage, 1945
RG-45.01.08, Daily Mirror editorial about the rejection of St. Louis, 1939
RG-45.01.09, Demonic Germany and the Predicament of Humanity, 1938
RG-45.01.10, Gideon Hausner, opening address of Eichmann Trial
RG-45.01.11, Jewish Federation Titles and Captions
RG-45.01.12, Jewish Prisoners Waiting and Excerpt from 'The Auschwitz Album'
RG-45.01.13, Letter from Polish Marshall Rola-Zymienski Recognizing Help from Jewish Partisans
RG-45.01.14, New York Times Kristallnacht Article, 1938
RG-45.01.15, NY Times Kristallnacht article
RG-45.01.16, NY Times Warsaw Ghetto article, Secret Polish Radio asks Aid, Cut off
RG-45.01.17, Photo and Excerpt from the Auschwitz Album, Carpathian Jews
RG-45.01.18, Police Officer Hoffmann Report to Gestapo concerning the Jewish Question, 1943
RG-45.01.19, Quote from President of Bulgarian State Counsel
RG-45.01.20, Selection at Auschwitz
RG-45.01.21, Soap Factory near Danzig
RG-45.01.22, Theresienstadt Ghetto gate with Arbeit macht frei sign
RG-45.01.23, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Monument Photo and Caption
RG-45.01.24, Watchtower and Barbed Wire
RG-45.02.01, A concentration camp at liberation
RG-45.02.02, A Jewish order policeman with his wife and son, Lodz ghetto
RG-45.02.03, Adam Czerniakow at the roll call with the Jewish order police, Warsaw ghetto
RG-45.02.04, Adam Czerniakow in his Warsaw ghetto Judenrat office at the meeting
RG-45.02.05, Adam Czerniakow with a German official, Warsaw
RG-45.02.06, Albert Einstein
RG-45.02.07, Alexander Pecherskij, led the Sobibor revolt
RG-45.02.08, Arriving to a camp
RG-45.02.09, Auschwitz, deposit of spoons
RG-45.02.10, Auschwitz negative
RG-45.02.100, The Warsaw Diary of Adam Czerniakow, excerpt
RG-45.02.101, Warsaw ghetto negative
RG-45.02.102, Warsaw ghetto wall, Jews climbing over the ghetto wall
RG-45.02.103, Warsaw ghetto, a beggar on the street
RG-45.02.104, Warsaw ghetto, a ghetto checkpoint
RG-45.02.105, Warsaw ghetto, a ghetto entrance
RG-45.02.106, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, a Jewish boy, 1943
RG-45.02.107, Warsaw ghetto, at the cemetery
RG-45.02.108, Warsaw ghetto, books are being sold and exchanged on the street
RG-45.02.109, Warsaw ghetto, dragging the dead
RG-45.02.11, Auschwitz, a column of women and children, allegedly in Auschwitz
RG-45.02.110, Warsaw ghetto, hungry and exhausted kids in the yard
RG-45.02.111, Warsaw ghetto, inside a ghetto dwelling
RG-45.02.112, Warsaw ghetto, Jewish kids in the classroom
RG-45.02.113, Warsaw ghetto, Jewish policeman regulates traffic
RG-45.02.114, Warsaw ghetto, man on the street
RG-45.02.115, Warsaw ghetto, medical examining in the ghetto
RG-45.02.116, Warsaw ghetto, pedestrian bridge
RG-45.02.117, Warsaw ghetto, prayer in the ghetto
RG-45.02.118, Warsaw ghetto, ration card
RG-45.02.119, Warsaw ghetto, barter and street sale
RG-45.02.12, pile of shoes, Auschwitz
RG-45.02.120, Warsaw ghetto, unidentified location, perhaps a transfer
RG-45.02.121, Warsaw ghetto, view of the ghetto wall
RG-45.02.122, Warsaw ghetto, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
RG-45.02.124, Warsaw, first days of German occupation
RG-45.02.125, Warsaw, interwar time
RG-45.02.126, Warsaw, Jews are not allowed into the park
RG-45.02.127, Zamosc, people observing a sports game, interwar time
RG-45.02.128, Kovno Ghetto, photograph of a young boy standing in front of door of chairman of the Council of Elders
RG-45.02.129, Kovno Ghetto, Jews lining up
RG-45.02.13, Auschwitz, arrival of a transport
RG-45.02.14, Auschwitz, 'Canada' prisoners' toothbrushes, cloth brushes, and other personal items
RG-45.02.15, Auschwitz, children survivors of the camp and medical experiments
RG-45.02.16, Auschwitz, forced labor site
RG-45.02.17, Auschwitz, selection on the ramp after arrival
RG-45.02.18, Auschwitz, sorting out the former possessions of prisoners
RG-45.02.19, Auschwitz, survivor of Auschwitz medical experiments
RG-45.02.20, Auschwitz, unloading prisoners' luggage
RG-45.02.22, Babi Yar, USHMM, 28363
RG-45.02.23, Baranow, Poland, a Hebrew School
RG-45.02.24, Baranow, a Hebrew School
RG-45.02.25, Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, arrival of prisoners
RG-45.02.26, Bergen-Belsen, prisoners by barracks are lined up
RG-45.02.27, Cracow, a group of Jewish students after the tour
RG-45.02.28, Cracow, school photograph, Jewish coeducational gymnasium, female graduates
RG-45.02.30, Drancy transit camp, wall with inscriptions
RG-45.02.31, Drancy transit camp
RG-45.02.32, German administration in civilian diner in Lodz
RG-45.02.33, German officer takes a photograph of the religious Jews in Zablocie, Poland
RG-45.02.35, Germany, early 1930s, Book burning
RG-45.02.36, Group portrait of members of the Lodz ghetto police
RG-45.02.37, Hans Biebow in the Lodz ghetto
RG-45.02.38, Hitler after being released from the Landsberg Prison where he spent eight months
RG-45.02.39, Hitler and a child in SA uniform, 1942
RG-45.02.40, Holland, deportation, a street scene
RG-45.02.41, Janowska Camp, Lwow, Camp Orchestra
RG-45.02.42, Jewish order police arresting two Jewish youths for smuggling in the Warsaw ghetto
RG-45.02.43, Jewish order police in Lodz ghetto
RG-45.02.44, Jewish order police on snow removal duty in Lodz
RG-45.02.45, Jewish order police, Warsaw
RG-45.02.46, Jewish police action in Warsaw ghetto
RG-45.02.48, Jewish service to maintain order, Ordungsdienst
RG-45.02.49, Jews from villages are forced to a ghetto
RG-45.02.50, Jews in Germany, history of Weimar Republic and early Nazi Germany
RG-45.02.51, Kaunas, interwar Lithuania, Jewish soccer team
RG-45.02.52, Killing by a German Labor Serviceman, Ukraine, 1941
RG-45.02.53, Kristallnacht, a synagogue in flame
RG-45.02.54, Kristallnacht, nighttime, a synagogue in flame
RG-45.02.55, Kristallnacht, a burning synagogue
RG-45.02.56, Lancut, Poland, Wooden Synagogue
RG-45.02.57, Lodz ghetto, a boy feeds the small girl
RG-45.02.58, Lodz ghetto, allegedly a deportation scene
RG-45.02.59, Lodz ghetto, Chaim Mordechaj Rumkowski speaking at the Judenrat meeting
RG-45.02.60, Lodz ghetto, theatrical performance
RG-45.02.61, Lodz ghetto, three women at work
RG-45.02.62, Lodz ghetto, women in a sewing workshop
RG-45.02.63, Lwow ghetto, Search for a Jewish female under false identity
RG-45.02.64, Majdanek after liberation, a pile of corpses
RG-45.02.65, Majdanek after liberation, an emaciated female prisoner
RG-45.02.66, Majdanek after liberation, emaciated male survivors, camera depicts them naked
RG-45.02.67, Majdanek after liberation, Soviet soldiers examine the dead prisoners
RG-45.02.68, Majdanek, a dead prisoner on barbed wire
RG-45.02.69, Mauthausen after liberation, a row of dead bodies
RG-45.02.70, Mauthausen, one of the initial memorial sites
RG-45.02.71, Nazi anti-Jewish propaganda
RG-45.02.72, Nazi gathering, 1930s
RG-45.02.73, Nazi Germany, a German woman is publicly humiliated for intimate relations with Jews
RG-45.02.74, Nuremberg, Nazi rally
RG-45.02.75, Operation Beriha, on the way to Palestine
RG-45.02.76, Operation Beriha, Jewish kids on the illegal path to Palestine
RG-45.02.77, Operation Beriha, preparing for Palestine
RG-45.02.78, Piotrkow Trybunalski, a Jewish Quarter, pre-war Poland
RG-45.02.79, Poland, a ghetto memorial
RG-45.02.80, Poles at the advertisement board, beginning of the Second World War
RG-45.02.81, President Hindenburg congratulates Hitler for being elected Chancellor
RG-45.02.82, Przedborz, Poland, Wooden Synagogue
RG-45.02.83, Registration in the Ghetto
RG-45.02.84, Report Tells of Nazi Annihilation of 2,000,000 Jews in Europe, from International Herald Tribune
RG-45.02.85, Romek Kaliski, member of the Jewish order police in the Lodz ghetto
RG-45.02.86, Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp, ca. 1936
RG-45.02.87, Saloniki, Jewish leaders with Metropolitan
RG-45.02.89, Soviet and Jewish partisans, a group photograph
RG-45.02.90, Soviet and Jewish partisans, Lipiczany Forest, Poland-Western Belarus
RG-45.02.91, Soviet-Jewish partisan, Misha Kacowicz
RG-45.02.92, Soviet-Jewish partisans, former Eastern Poland
RG-45.02.93, Soviet-Jewish partisans, Naliboki Forest, Poland-Western Belarus
RG-45.02.94, Tarnow, a Jewish cultural society
RG-45.02.95, Tarnow, Jewish soccer team
RG-45.02.96, the Netherlands, poison gas chamber with a warning sign, poison gas
RG-45.02.97, Vienna, Jewish veterans of the First World War in Austro-Hungarian uniform
RG-45.02.98, Vienna under the Nazi authorities
RG-45.02.99, View of the abandoned furnishings of Jews deported from the ghetto
RG-45.03.01, A kitchen for children in the ghetto
RG-45.03.02, A soup kitchen in the ghetto
RG-45.03.03, A street violinist in the ghetto
RG-45.03.04, A woman with armband
RG-45.03.05, A workshop in the ghetto
RG-45.03.06, Abandoned and deprived in the ghetto
RG-45.03.07, An elegant Warsaw lady with an armband
RG-45.03.08, Before the deportation
RG-45.03.09, Children in the ghetto
RG-45.03.10, Deportation from a town
RG-45.03.11, Deportation from the ghetto
RG-45.03.12, Frank in Lublin
RG-45.03.13, Freight cars near the Treblinka extermination camp former site
RG-45.03.14, From the Auschwtiz Album, deportation from Carpathian-Ruthenia
RG-45.03.15, Germans convoying the Jews
RG-45.03.16, Going to Umschlagplatz
RG-45.03.17, In the Warsaw ghetto
RG-45.03.18, Janusz Korczak, 1939
RG-45.03.19, Jewish family, Lublin ghetto
RG-45.03.20, Jews in Lublin ghetto
RG-45.03.21, Jews, staying before the sign, Jews are not allowed
RG-45.03.22, Jurgen Stroop, General of Combat SS and Police
RG-45.03.23, Lublin ghetto, a line to a food shop
RG-45.03.24, Lublin ghetto, deportees
RG-45.03.25, Lublin ghetto, in the streets
RG-45.03.26, Lublin ghetto, Krakowskie Przedmiescie
RG-45.03.27, Lublin ghetto, Odkazalnia
RG-45.03.28, Lublin ghetto, people, waiting for announcement
RG-45.03.29, Lublin ghetto, two type of Jews
RG-45.03.30, Lublin, 1940
RG-45.03.31, Lublin, after the German bombardment
RG-45.03.32, Lublin, after the German invasion, 1939
RG-45.03.33, Lublin, entrance to the ghetto
RG-45.03.34, Lublin, ghetto, deportation
RG-45.03.35, Lublin, Lubartowska
RG-45.03.36, Lublin, market square
RG-45.03.37, Lublin, middle town gate
RG-45.03.38, Lublin, the Castle, 1943
RG-45.03.39, Lublin, ulica Lubartowska
RG-45.03.40, Maharszal Synagogue in Lublin before the Germans detonaited explosion and destroyed it, 1942
RG-45.03.41, Market in Lublin, wartime
RG-45.03.42, Nazis humiliate Jews
RG-45.03.43, Odilo Globocnik, who led the Operation Reinhard, the annihilation over one million Jews
RG-45.03.44, Photograph of a young Jewish girl
RG-45.03.45, Radom ghetto
RG-45.03.46, Sabbath in the ghetto
RG-45.03.47, Smuggling food in to the ghetto
RG-45.03.48, Starvation and depravaiton in the ghettos
RG-45.03.49, The last road to Belzec for the Jews of Lublin, 1942
RG-45.03.50, The sign of Treblinka rail-road station, postwar
RG-45.03.51, Treblinka in 1945
RG-45.03.52, Warsaw ghetto, starvation and depravation
RG-45.03.53, Warsaw, Karmelicka street
RG-45.03.54, Winter in the ghetto