Vera Laroche Papers, 1900-2000
| Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

This Record Group combines documents and photographs reflectiong the life-story of Vera Laroche before, during and after the Second World War. Additionally there is a Collection of photo-documents of the various wartheaters of the First World War. The latter were collected by the previous generation of Veral Laroche family.
Collections of Veral Laroche's personal doucments and photographs, as well as official documents related to her, are a combined life-story of her through the prism of the geopolitical European realities in the prewar, wartime and postwar time.
The photo-documents of the First World War constitute a collection of its own right. It is inclued in this Record Group because of the family connection.
This Record Group contains personal testimonies, correspondence, certificates, photographs and albums. The time-span stretches from the first to the last decades of the 20th century. There distinctively three life-time periods, namely: prewar, wartime and postwar immigration to the US.
The collection, included in this record group is the First World War photo-documents, depicting the various wartheaters is of its own right. These albums were composed by the previous generation of Vera Laroche (Levin) family members who fought in the fronts of the First World War.
A separate group comprises documents originating from other people but constituted Ms. Laroche’s personal archive. To such subdivision belongs a group of the documents from Theresienstadt ghetto.
Vera Laroche (born Vera Lewin) was born on 19 February 1912 in Berlin. Her father Berthold Levin was a well-acclaimed architect specializing in designing of exteriors and interiors for the stores. He also owned a Neon Lights Factory. The name of the family firm was I. Kaufman. Vera’s mother name was Lotti (born Lotti Kaul).
Vera’s recalls her childhood as a trouble-free time, full of parental care and fulfillments. “I was the only child and have always been given the best education, as my parents were financially well off. I had private tutors for foreign languages in order to give me the opportunity to travel with my parents to all parts of the world and to be able to study foreign people and their customs. A well balanced diet took care of my excellent health and also all kinds of sports like tennis, golf, swimming and especially horseback riding as I owned a horse.”
In 1918 Vera began attending Viktoria School in Berlin. In 1926, she transferred to Eichkamp School in the forest.
In 1931 Vera graduated (Graduation-Abiturium) and entered Freidrich-Wilhelm University to study dentistry.
In 1933, the Nazi regime forced her to leave the university. Vera began to write articles for a newspaper, although this did not last long. Anti-Jewish measures penetrated all spheres of German public life.
In 1935, Vera Laroche emigrated to Sweden and settled in Stockholm. Her parents also planned emigration to Sweden.
Life in Sweden was difficult: no permanent job, food shortage and separation from the parents. Vera Laroche decides to leave Sweden for France.
In 1936, Vera Laroche settled in Paris. She could not obtain employment without a work-permit. French authorities limited issuance of work-permits to minimum because of enormous influx of refugees.
Vera Laroche recalls: “I could have been able obtain a permit through special channels; but, being not willing to give up either my principles nor my ideals, I had to make a living without such a permit what was extremely dangerous.”
She continues: “I managed to make some money by night. I went with ties and stockings from one night club to another. At that time I started suffering from violent head-aches and dizzy symptoms, and often my head felt so strangely light, that I had to sit down right away.”
In 1937, Vera Laroche received recommendations from Stockholm. In addition with the intervention in the case of the French Prime Minister Léon Blum and the author and artist: Pau Faure she was granted a work-permit. Since then Vera Laroche began her career in French motion pictures. Overall, she received small parts, although castings were successful.
When the Second World War broke out in 1939, the Jewish refugees were placed in internment camps. Vera and her finance were interned in such camps. Vera Laroche found herself in the camp de Gurs.
In 1940, Vera and her fiancé managed to flee from the camps before the German took over. Wondering from place to place they stopped for a while in Marseilles. They undertook efforts for immigration to the USA, for what they registered in 1938. The immigration plans did not work out. On the contrary, the Vichy government issued a registration order with regard to all foreign refugees and the direct danger of being transferred under the German jurisdiction had become a reality.
Vera and her fiancé continued living clandestinely in Marseilles hiding from the Vichy police. Vera reached Paris to see the American consulate’s officials. On her way back she was arrested by the Vichy police. After transfer from prison to prison, she was jailed in Marseille. In 1940, Vera Laroche was transferred to Algiers by the Vichy authorities. It was almost a year before they took her to the court. As she learned later, the Vichy government held refugees like as hostages for the French prisoners in Germany.
In 1942, all prisoners of German origin were transferred under the Gestapo authority. Vera’s fiancé committed suicide. She was taken to Paris by the Gestapo. Vera Laroche escaped from the Gestapo custody by jumping out of the window.
In 1942, Vera Laroche learned that her parents were deported from Germany to Poland and killed there.
Vera Laroche survived under German occupation. It was a German officer, Major B. who continued to protect and help her almost to the end of the war. It was him who arranged her escape from the Gestapo custody. He hid her in the French hotels confiscated by the German authorities.
There were also other people who helped Vera Laroche survived the war. In this regard Vera speaks about Helga T., a German dentist from Bavaria, Dr. Wild. Once Vera and Helga were arrested for black-marketeering but since they denied everything, the Gestapo unexpectedly released them.
Towards the end of the German occupation of Paris, the searches even in the German-controlled hotel became a routine. Vera’s protector, the German Major warned her and Helga of the imminent danger. He also offered Vera a Spanish passport which she refused to utilize without Helga. However the Major find a mutually acceptable solution for Vera and Helga. Someone, Mr. St. a German presented themselves as their father and sheltered them. He, himself was not safe enough and German police arrested him for being the French Resistance sympathizer.
After the Germans retreated from France, Vera and Helga were arrested by F.F.I. (French Forces of the Interior). They were suspected to be Nazis or at least living under the Nazi patronage. They face a military court. Phenomenally, one member of the Tribunal happened to know their real identity. He taught them Spanish during the war. Senior Garcia, this was his name, knew about their secret hiding and the real identity. On his intervention Vera and Helga were released from F.F.I. military building.
Vera Laroche concludes: “I wish were a writer, so that I could describe more properly all the experience we had gone through and also describe the wonderful people who besides being real humans always have been gentlemen and… unconditionally!!”
In 1946, Vera Laroche emigrated to the USA. She tried to pursue a motion picture career. This endeavor did not bring much of success. She had started up several businesses. Since the war here health state never was good. She suffered from numerous illnesses seeking medical help. At the same time she did not stop making living by herself.
This Collection is divided on several sub-groups of documents and artifacts.
RG-48.01, Bibliographical Materials
RG-48.01.01, Anker Family Tree
RG-48.01.02, Jean Paul Flegeljahre Adolescence
RG-48.01.03, “Juden in Preussen: Ein Kapitel deutscher Geschichte”- Jews in Prussia: A Chapter of German History
RG-48.01.04, Otto Flake, “Dinge der Zeit”- Things of the Time
RG-48.01.05, Photo of Vera Laroche as baby in front of St. Michael Catholic Church in Berlin
RG-48.01.06, Prayer Book for Synagogue School and Home
RG-48.02, First World War Albums
RG-48.02.01, Georg Anker Album 1 before World War I October 10 1906 and the First World War, Eastern Front
RG-48.02.02, Georg Anker Album 1, postcards
RG-48.02.03, Georg Anker Album, wartime photographs taken in France
RG-48.02.04, Georg Anker Album 3, transportations from 1907 to 1916
RG-48.02.05, Georg Anker Album 5, wartime views in Latvia
RG-48.02.06, Georg Anker Album, an army camaraderie
RG-48.02.07, Georg Anker Album, wartime views of Eastern Europe
RG-48.02.08, Georg Anker Album, views of France and Belgium 1 of 2
RG-48.02.09, Georg Anker Album, views of France and Belgium 2 of 2
RG-48.02.10, George Anker, a Provisional Catalog
RG-48.02.11, George Anker Album 1
RG-, George Anker Album 1, 001
RG-, George Anker Album 1, 002
RG-, George Anker Album 1, 003
RG-, George Anker Album 1, 004
RG-, George Anker Album 1,005
RG-, George Anker Album 1, 006
RG-, George Anker Album 1, 007
RG-, George Anker Album 1, 008
RG-, George Anker Album 1, 009
RG-, George Anker Album 1, 010
RG-, George Anker Album 1, 011
RG-, George Anker Album 1, 012
RG-, George Anker Album 1, 013
RG-, George Anker Album 1, 014
RG-48.03, Documents of Theresienstadt
RG-48.03.01, Work Identification Card issued to Alma Landshut
RG-48.03.02, Work Identification Packet issued to Alma Landshut
RG-48.03.03, A ghetto Report of the health of Alma Landshut, a report card direction the return to work after illness
RG-48.03.04, A doctor note issued to Alma Landshut
RG-48.03.05, Theresienstadt, a special coupon-form issued by the Jewish administration of Theresienstadt
RG-48.04, Vera Laroche, Personal Career
RG-48.04.01, Vera Laroche (Levin), actress photo from 1937 in Paris 1 of 3
RG-48.04.02, Vera Laroche (Levin), actress photo from 1937 in Paris 2 of 3, signed
RG-48.04.03, Vera Laroche (Levin), actress photo from 1937 in Paris 3 of 3
RG-48.04.04, Vera Laroche (Levin), actress photo from 1937 in Paris
RG-48.04.05, Vera Laroche (Levin), actress photo from Paris circa 1939 autographed
RG-48.04.06, Vera Laroche (Levin), actress photo in Paris circa 1939 autographed
RG-48.04.07, Vera Laroche (Levin), actress photo in Paris circa 1939 with cat
RG-48.04.08, Vera Laroche (Levin), actress photo in Paris from 1939
RG-48.04.09, Vera Laroche (Levin) actress photo of Vera circa 1940 Paris 1 of 2
RG-48.04.10, Vera Laroche (Levin) actress photo of Vera circa 1940 Paris 2 of 2
RG-48.04.11, Vera Laroche (Levin) actress shot from Paris circa 1939
RG-48.04.12, Vera Laroche (Levin) autographed actress Photo from Paris circa 1937
RG-48.04.13, Vera Laroche (Levin) business card 1 of 2
RG-48.04.14, Vera Laroche (Levin) business card 2 of 2
RG-48.04.15, Vera Laroche (Levin) cover of Midinette magazine, 4 February 1938, article in French
RG-48.04.16, Vera Laroche (Levin) Deutsche Oberschule und Lyzeum –School, Photo circa 1929
RG-48.04.17, Vera Laroche (Levin) early school photo ca 1918, Vera is sitting in first row on the right
RG-48.04.18, Vera Laroche (Levin) film photo from 1940s to 1990s 1 of 9
RG-48.04.19, Vera Laroche (Levin) film photo from 1940s to 1990s 2 of 9, circa 1947
RG-48.04.20, Vera Laroche (Levin) film photo from 1940s to 1990s 3 of 9
RG-48.04.21, Vera Laroche (Levin) film photo from 1940s to 1990s 4 of 9, circa 1940s
RG-48.04.22, Vera Laroche (Levin) film photo from 1940s to 1990s 5 of 9, circa 1950s
RG-48.04.23, Vera Laroche (Levin) film photo from 1940s to 1990s 6 of 9, circa 1950s
RG-48.04.24, Vera Laroche (Levin) film photo from 1940s to 1990s 7 of 9
RG-48.04.25, Vera Laroche (Levin) film photo from 1940s to 1990s 8 of 9
RG-48.04.26, Vera Laroche (Levin) film photo from 1940s to 1990s 9 of 9
RG-48.04.27, Vera Laroche (Levin) French newspaper with article about Vera on page 8, 23 October 1937
RG-48.04.28, Vera Laroche (Levin) German Passport (Reisepass) issued on 8 May 1934
RG-48.04.29, Vera Laroche (Levin), in acting school, circa 1930
RG-48.04.30, Vera Laroche (Levin) in Hollywood, circa 1940s to 1950s, headshot 1 of 2
RG-48.04.31, Vera Laroche (Levin) in Hollywood circa 1940s to 1950s, headshot 2 of 2
RG-48.04.32, Vera Laroche (Levin) in Stockholm, circa 1936 1 of 2
RG-48.04.33, Vera Laroche (Levin) in Stockholm, circa 1936 2 of 2 sketch
RG-48.04.34, Vera Laroche (Levin), a letter to Vera informing her that she will be expelled from the Reich Chamber of Literature for the racial reasons, 16 March 1935, a copy
RG-48.04.35, Vera Laroche (Levin) news photo of Vera upon her arrival from France to New York in October 1946
RG-48.04.36, Vera Laroche (Levin), a newspaper article about Vera's arrival in New York from France, published on October 30 1946
RG-48.04.37, Vera Laroche (Levin), original newspaper article form October 30, 1946, about Vera arriving in New York from France
RG-48.04.38, Vera Laroche (Levin), party at her home, April 1927, Berlin copy
RG-48.04.39, Vera Laroche (Levin), a party given by Vera 1927 Berlin copy
RG-48.04.40, Vera Laroche (Levin), a passenger list of the ship Ile de France departing France for New York and arriving in New York on 29 October 1946
RG-48.04.41, Vera Laroche (Levin), photo circa 1920
RG-48.04.42, Vera Laroche (Levin), photo of her father Berthold Levin circa 1920, taken in Berlin
RG-48.04.43, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of her in Hollywood ca 1950s with a dog 1 of 3
RG-48.04.44, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of her in Hollywood, ca 1950s with a dog 2 of 3
RG-48.04.45, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of her in Hollywood, ca 1950s with a dog 3 of 3
RG-48.04.46, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of her in Hollywood, ca 1950s
RG-48.04.47, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of her in Hollywood, ca 1950s
RG-48.04.48, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of her parents Berthold Levin in Berlin, ca 1937
RG-48.04.49, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of her with a dog in Hollywood ca 1949
RG-48.04.50, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera aboard of the Queen Mary, ca August 1952, 1 of 2
RG-48.04.51, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera aboard of the Queen Mary, ca August 1952, 2 of 2
RG-48.04.52, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera and her friend, ca 1928
RG-48.04.53, Vera Laroche (Levin), photo of Vera and her mother Lotta, ca 1925, in Berlin
RG-48.04.54, Vera Laroche (Levin), photo of Vera in 1928
RG-48.04.55, Vera Laroche (Levin), portrait of Vera in 1935
RG-48.04.56, Vera Laroche (Levin), photo of Vera in 1935
RG-48.04.57, Vera Laroche (Levin), portrait of Vera in 1935, in Berlin
RG-48.04.58, Vera Laroche (Levin), Photo of Vera outdoor, 1935, in Berlin
RG-48.04.59, Vera Laroche (Levin), photo of Vera, 1935 in Berlin on a dock
RG-48.04.60, Vera Laroche (Levin), photo of Vera in Hollywood, ca 1950s
RG-48.04.61, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera in Paris, ca 1939, on the steps of a building
RG-48.04.62, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera in Paris, ca 1939, in a costume
RG-48.04.63, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera in Paris, ca 1939, a portrait
RG-48.04.64, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera in Paris in the streets, ca October 1973 slightly damaged
RG-48.04.65, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera in Paris, ca October 1973
RG-48.04.66, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera in Paris in 1942, in the park
RG-48.04.67, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera in Paris, outdoor, in 1942
RG-48.04.68, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera in Paris in 1945, a portrait
RG-48.04.69, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera's friends at her party ca 1927, Berlin
RG-48.04.70, Vera Laroche (Levin) Her United States passport issued on June 3 1952
RG-48.04.71, Vera Laroche (Levin) various photographs of Vera in Berlin, ca, 1935, at a studio
RG-48.04.72, Vera Laroche (Levin) photograph of Vera in Berlin, ca 1935, she is sitting by the table
RG-48.04.73, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera in Berlin, ca 1935, a portrait
RG-48.04.74, Vera Laroche (Levin) portrait of Vera in Berlin, ca 1935
RG-48.04.75, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera in Berlin, ca 1935, with an animal
RG-48.04.76, Vera Laroche (Levin) Vera in Berlin, ca 1935, outdoor
RG-48.04.77, Vera Laroche (Levin) a portrait of Vera in Berlin, ca 1935
RG-48.04.78, Vera Laroche (Levin) Vera's certificate of arrival to USA in New York, on October 29, 1946
RG-48.04.79, Vera Laroche (Levin) Vera's resume. Her at the age of 37
RG-48.04.80, Vera Laroche (Levin) with friend, ca 1926 at the age of 13.5
RG-48.04.81, Vera Laroche (Levin) with a school friends (she is on the right), at the age of 14 in Berlin, ca 1926
RG-48.04.82, Vera Laroche (Levin), a school group photograph, Berlin, 1918, Vera is at the top row, the second child on the right
RG-48.04.83, Vera Laroche copy of the career profile at the age of 84
RG-48.04.84, Vera Laroche, memoirs, chapters' outlines, ca 2000
RG-48.04.85, Vera Laroche, a school group photograph, Berlin, 1924
RG-48.04.86, Vera Laroche, a school group photograph, Berlin, ca 1926
RG-48.04.87, Vera Laroche, a film scrapbook kept in 1933 – 1938 in Berlin. She included her interviews with actors and actresses, her articles and film reviews. Here we first see her pen-name as Laroche (originally Vera Lewin).
RG-48.04.88, Vera Laroche, The Kindness of Strangers, memoirs, chapter 10, ca 2000
Author: staff
Accusation and suspicion of collaboration in the German-occupied territories in the Second World War
Accusation and suspicion of collaboration in the Holocaust
Alma Landshut (Landshuet), resident of the Theresienstadt ghetto
Career in acting
Career in acting, Vera Laroche
Documents from Theresienstadt ghetto, Alma Landshut
Documents from the Theresienstadt ghetto
Documents in German language
Emigration from France to the United States, postwar
Emigration from France to the United States, Vera Laroche, postwar
Emigration from Nazi Germany
Emigration from Nazi Germany to France
Escape from German incarceration, Vera Laroche
Escape from the German incarceration
Family history, documents
Family history, records
family photographs
France (1918 -- 1940)
France (1940 -- 1945)
French Forces of Interior, French Resistance
French Resistance Movement, 1940 -- 1944
Georg Anker, personal history
Georg Anker, photographs
German occupation regime in France, 1940 -- 1944
German Police and Security forces, 1939 --1945
German police and security forces in France, 1940 -- 1944
Germany (1933 -- 1939)
Germany, history
Marseilles (France)
Narratives in German language
Nazi anti-Jewish measures, actions and legislations
Paris (France)
Personal memoirs and recollections, Vera Laroche
Personal protection from German officials
Personal relations with German officials
Photographs, family members
Preferential treatment in German-occupied territories
The First World War, 1914 -- 1918
The First World War, photo-documents
Theresienstadt (Czechoslovakia: Ghetto)
United States (1945--Present)
Vera Laroche (Lewin), personal history
Vera Laroche (Lewin), personal photographs
Vera Laroche, career in film, France

No restrictions
Copyrighted materials, credits to and references to the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust are required
Digital copies might be available upon request

Documents and Files:
RG-48.01.01, Anker Family Tree
RG-48.01.02, Jean Paul Flegeljahre Adolescence
RG-48.01.03, Jews in Prussia- A Chapter of German History
RG-48.01.04, Otto Flake Dinge der Zeit Things of the Time
RG-48.01.05, Photo of Vera Laroche as baby at St. Michael Church, Berlin
RG-48.01.06, Prayer Book for the Synagogue School and Home
RG-, Georg Anker Album, the First World War, No. 1
RG-, Georg Anker Album, the First World War, No. 2
RG-, Georg Anker Album, the First World War, No. 3
RG-, Georg Anker Album, the First World War, No. 4
RG-, Georg Anker Album, the First World War, No. 5
RG-, Georg Anker Album, the First World War, No. 6
RG-, Georg Anker Album, the First World War, No. 7
RG-, Georg Anker Album, the First World War, No. 8
RG-, Georg Anker Album, the First World War, No. 9
RG-, Georg Anker Album, the First World War, No. 10
RG-48.02.02, Georg Anker, photograph of military bunker in forest, First World War
RG-, Georg Anker, post-battle and aerial photographs of Northern France
RG-, Georg Anker, photographs of cathedrals in Northern France
RG-, Georg Anker, photographs of Northern France, aerial photo of Guise
RG-, Georg Anker, photographs of cathedrals in Northern France and Cracow
RG-, Georg Anker, cathedrals in Cracow
RG-, Georg Anker, military quarters in forest in Eastern Europe
RG-, Georg Anker, photographs of Eastern Galicia (present-day Ukraine)
RG-, Georg Anker, Tarnopol and other cities of Eastern Galicia
RG-, Georg Anker, Chorostkow and other cities of Eastern Galicia
RG-, Georg Anker, German Imperial Army photos and portraits
RG-, Georg Anker, the Eastern Front in winter
RG-, Georg Anker, German Imperial Army air force and weaponry
RG-, Georg Anker, military encampment and cemetery
RG-, Georg Anker, German Imperial Army and Jewish military cemetery
RG-, Georg Anker, military encampment and family photos
RG-, Georg Anker, photos of families and military encampments in Eastern Europe
RG-, Georg Anker, foreign soldiers and Prisoners of War
RG-, Georg Anker, German soldiers socializing at military base
RG-, Georg Anker, photographs of German soldiers and Mitau (present-day Jelgava), Latvia
RG-, Georg Anker, military quarters in the forests of Latvia
RG-, Georg Anker, cathedrals and post-battle scenes of Latvia
RG-, Georg Anker, the German military campaign on the Eastern Front, the First World War, Lithuania
RG-,Georg Anker, photographs of villages and post-battle scenes of Latvia
RG-, Georg Anker, post-battle scenes and war weaponry in Lithuania
RG-, Georg Anker, the Eastern Front of the German Imperial Army, travel through Germany
RG-, Georg Anker, German Army units behind Front Lines
RG-, Georg Anker, German Army units in Eastern Front
RG-, Georg Anker, German soldiers socializing and attending military cemetery
RG-, Georg Anker, Eastern Front post-battle scenes
RG-, Georg Anker, German Army trenches and transportation
RG-, Georg Anker, photos of Eastern European cities
RG-, Georg Anker, Eastern Europe and German military presence
RG-, Georg Anker, views from German encampment in Eastern Front
RG-, Georg Anker, churches and religious services at German encampment
RG-, Georg Anker, winter in German Imperial Eastern Front
RG-, Georg Anker, memorial site for fallen soldier, German Eastern Front
RG-, Georg Anker, villages and churches in Eastern Front
RG-, Georg Anker, memorial sites and cemetery, German Eastern Front
RG-, Georg Anker, cemeteries and post-battle scenes, Eastern Front
RG-, Georg Anker, churches and post-battle scenes, Eastern Front
RG-, Georg Anker, churches and German military installations, Eastern Front
RG-, Georg Anker, post-battle scenes, Eastern Front
RG-, German occupied Belgium
RG-, Georg Anker, cathedrals of France, Belgium, and Germany
RG-, photos of Brussels and Laon Cathedral
RG-, Georg Anker, cathedrals of Laon and Soissons
RG-, Georg Anker, damaged cathedrals of Belgium and France
RG-, Georg Anker, post-battle Berrieux and Chemin des Dames, France
RG-, Georg Anker, post-battle Picardy, France
RG-, post-battle Aisne, France
RG-, Georg Anker, German military cemeteries and family portraits
RG-48.02.09, Georg Anker, service record
RG-48.03.01, Work Identification Card for Alma Landshut
RG-48.03.02, Work Identification Packet for Alma Landshut
RG-48.03.03, Health Report for Alma Landshut, Theresienstadt ghetto
RG-48.03.04, Doctor's Note for Alma Landshut
RG-48.03.05, Theresienstadt document, a ration card issued by Jewish administration
RG-48.04.01, Vera Laroche (Levin) actress photo from 1937, Paris
RG-48.04.02, Vera Laroche (Levin) signed actress photo, Maywald Studio, Paris 1937
RG-48.04.03, Vera Laroche (Levin) actress photo, portrait from Berlin 1935
RG-48.04.04, Vera Laroche (Levin) actress photo, full portrait in United States 1946
RG-48.04.05, Vera Laroche (Levin) signed actress photo from Paris circa 1939
RG-48.04.06, Vera Laroche (Levin) actress photo from Paris for International News Photos in New York
RG-48.04.07, Vera Laroche (Levin), actress photo, full portrait with cat, Paris circa 1939
RG-48.04.08, Vera Laroche (Levin) actress photo lent from Bureau de Paris to Int'l News Photos
RG-48.04.09, Vera Laroche (Levin) actress photo of Vera, postwar United States
RG-48.04.10, Vera Laroche (Levin) actress photo for Hollywood casting, postwar
RG-48.04.11, Vera Laroche (Levin) actress photo, portrait from Paris circa 1939
RG-48.04.12, Vera Laroche (Levin) actress photo from Paris 1937 sent to Hollywood
RG-48.04.13, Vera Laroche (Levin) business card, Hollywood, California
RG-48.04.14, Vera Laroche (Levin) business card, Los Angeles, California
RG-48.04.15, Vera Laroche (Levin) cover of Midinette magazine 4 Feb 1938
RG-48.04.16, Vera Laroche (Levin) Deutsche Oberschule und Lyzeum School Photo circa 1929
RG-48.04.17, Vera Laroche (Levin) early school photo Berlin, Germany circa 1918
RG-48.04.18, Vera Laroche (Levin) actress photo, Bernard of Hollywood, full portrait 1940s
RG-48.04.19, Vera Laroche (Levin) actress photo, Bernard of Hollywood, portrait with Vera's info circa 1946
RG-48.04.20, Vera Laroche (Levin) actress photo, Bernard of Hollywood, portrait 1940s
RG-48.04.21, Vera Laroche (Levin) actress photo, Bernard of Hollywood, portrait early in US film career, 1940s
RG-48.04.22, Vera Laroche (Levin) actress photo, portrait 1950s
RG-48.04.23, Vera Laroche (Levin) actress photo, portrait 1960s
RG-48.04.24, Vera Laroche (Levin) actress photos, set of portraits circa 1970
RG-48.04.25, Vera Laroche (Levin) actress photo, portrait circa 1970
RG-48.04.26, Vera Laroche (Levin) actress photo, formal portrait circa 1970
RG-48.04.27, Vera Laroche (Levin) featured in French cinematography periodical 1937, Part 1
RG-48.04.27, Vera Laroche (Levin) featured in French cinematography periodical 1937, Part 2
RG-48.04.27, Vera Laroche (Levin) featured in French cinematography periodical 1937, Part 3
RG-48.04.28, German forein passport issued to Helene Gottschalk Cohn 1934
RG-48.04.29, Vera Laroche (Levin) in acting school circa 1930
RG-48.04.30, Vera Laroche (Levin) in Hollywood, portrait circa 1950
RG-48.04.31, Vera Laroche (Levin) in Hollywood, portrait circa 1940
RG-48.04.32, Vera Laroche (Levin) in Stockholm, portrait circa 1936
RG-48.04.33, Vera Laroche (Levin) in Stockholm, sketch circa 1936
RG-48.04.34, Vera Laroche (Levin) rejection letter from the Reich Literature Chamber (RSK) 16 March 1935 copy
RG-48.04.35, Vera Laroche (Levin) news photo of Vera arriving in NY from France on ocean liner Oct 1946
RG-48.04.36, Vera Laroche (Levin) newspaper article about Vera's arrival in NY from France 30 Oct 1946
RG-48.04.37, Vera Laroche (Levin) original Daily News article 30 Oct 1946, Vera arriving in NY from France
RG-48.04.38, Vera Laroche (Levin) party at her home Berlin April 1927 copy
RG-48.04.39, Vera Laroche (Levin) party given by Vera April 1927 Berlin copy
RG-48.04.40, Vera Laroche (Levin) passenger list Ile de France departing France for NY 22 Oct 1946
RG-48.04.41, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo circa 1920
RG-48.04.42, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of her father Berthold Levin circa 1920 in Berlin
RG-48.04.43, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of her in Holllywood circa 1960 with brown dog
RG-48.04.44, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of her in Hollywood circa 1960 with white dog
RG-48.04.45, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of her in Hollywood circa 1950 with dog
RG-48.04.46, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of her in Hollywood circa 1950
RG-48.04.47, Vera Laroche (Levin) actress portrait in Hollywood in 1950s
RG-48.04.48, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of her parents in Berlin circa 1937
RG-48.04.49, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of her with dog in Hollywood circa 1949
RG-48.04.50, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera aboard the Queen Mary Aug 1952
RG-48.04.51, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera in bikini aboard the Queen Mary Aug 1952
RG-48.04.52, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera and friend circa 1928
RG-48.04.53, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera and her mother Lotta circa 1925 in Berlin
RG-48.04.54, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera on ship in 1928
RG-48.04.55, Vera Laroche (Levin) actress photo of Vera in 1935
RG-48.04.56, Vera Laroche (Levin) actress portrait of Vera in 1935
RG-48.04.57, Vera Laroche (Levin) actress portrait of Vera in 1935 in Berlin
RG-48.04.58, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera outside in 1935 in Berlin
RG-48.04.59, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera in 1935 in Berlin at a dock
RG-48.04.60, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera in Hollywood 1950s
RG-48.04.61, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera in Paris circa 1939 on the steps of a building
RG-48.04.62, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera in Paris circa 1939 in costume
RG-48.04.63, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera in Paris circa 1939 portrait
RG-48.04.65, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera in Paris October 1973
RG-48.04.66, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera in Paris in 1942 in the park
RG-48.04.67, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera in Paris outside in 1942
RG-48.04.68, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera in Paris in 1942 portrait
RG-48.04.69, Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera's friends at her party circa 1927 Berlin
RG-48.04.70, Vera Laroche (Levin) United States passport issued 3 June 1952
RG-48.04.71, Vera Laroche (Levin) actress photograph of Vera in Berlin studio circa 1935
RG-48.04.72, Vera Laroche (Levin) actress photograph of Vera in Berlin circa 1935 sitting by table
RG-48.04.73, Vera Laroche (Levin) photographic portrait of Vera in Berlin circa 1935
RG-48.04.74, Vera Laroche (Levin) portrait of Vera in Berlin circa 1935
RG-48.04.75, Vera Laroche (Levin) actress photograph of Vera in Berlin circa 1935
RG-48.04.76, Vera Laroche (Levin) actress photograph of Vera outside in Berlin circa 1935
RG-48.04.77, Vera Laroche (Levin) portrait of Vera in Berlin circa 1935
RG-48.04.78, Vera Laroche (Levin) Vera's Certificate of Arrival to the US in NY 9 Jan 1947 copy
RG-48.04.79, Vera Laroche (Levin) Vera's resume Hollywood circa 1949
RG-48.04.80, Vera Laroche (Levin) with friend in Berlin circa 1926
RG-48.04.81, Vera Laroche (Levin) with school friends in Berlin circa 1926
RG-48.04.82, Vera Laroche (Levin), school photograph, Berlin 1918
RG-48.04.83, Vera Laroche copy of updated resume circa 1996
RG-48.04.84, Vera Laroche, The Kindness of Strangers, memoirs, chapter outlines circa 2000
RG-48.04.85, Vera Laroche, school group photograph, Berlin 1924
RG-48.04.86, Vera Laroche, school group photograph, Berlin circa 1926
RG-48.04.87, Vera Laroche, scrapbook, German and Italian cinema, Part 1
RG-48.04.87, Vera Laroche, scrapbook, German cinema and theater, Part 2
RG-48.04.87, Vera Laroche, scrapbook, German cinema reviews and actors, Part 6
RG-48.04.87, Vera Laroche, scrapbook, interviews with German actors, Part 3
RG-48.04.87, Vera Laroche, scrapbook, photographs of German cinema, Part 8
RG-48.04.87, Vera Laroche, scrapbook, portraits of Vera and German film abstract, Part 7
RG-48.04.87, Vera Laroche, scrapbook, Vera's interviews and photography, German cinema, Part 4
RG-48.04.87, Vera Laroche, scrapbook, Vera's theater reviews, Part 5
RG-48.04.88, Vera Laroche, The Kindness of Strangers, Chapter 10, circa 2000, Part 1
RG-48.04.88, Vera Laroche, The Kindness of Strangers, memoirs, Chapter 10, circa 2000, Part 2
Vera Laroche (Levin) photo of Vera in Paris streets October 1973
Sub-Collection 1: RG-48.01, Bibliographical materials, 1918 --1939
Sub-Collection 2: RG-48.02, The First World War albums, 1914 -- 1918
Sub-Collection 3: RG-48.03, Documents from Theresienstadt ghetto, 1942 -- 1944
Sub-Collection 4: RG-48.04, Vera Laroche, personal career, documents, 1930s -- 1990s