Postwar Publications and Scholarship on the Holocaust, 1939-1988
| Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

The arrangement scheme for the record group was imposed during processing in the absence of an original order. Materials are arranged by subject, then by identifier, as assigned by the processor.
Record group is comprised of three collections: 1. Collection of publications on twenty years after liberation; 2. Collection on postwar investigations; 3. Collection of postwar publications and monographs.

In this record group, the group of publications on the regional histories of the Holocaust differs from the modern scholarship. Largely, it stems from two major sources, namely the materials of Special Commissions investigating the Nazi crimes in the occupied territories and written and oral testimonies of former prisoners of Nazi camps and ghettos. The former Nazi prisoners were not officially defined as survivors of the Holocaust in the postwar time. The authors, often historians by profession, published their works in Poland and in the United States, where a number of them eventually immigrated. Also in this recordg group is postwar research on the Holocaust, which covers the period of German occupation of the major Polish cities, ghetto uprisings and a number of Nazi concentration camps, mainly in Poland.
RG - 07.01, Twenty Years after Liberation, a journal
RG-07.01.01, Photograph, Fourteen detainees killed at the electric wire, for Nazis' amusement
RG-07.01.02, Photograph, Twenty years later ('Pay forever for Auschwitz' - title of the National Newspaper on Nov 20, 1964)
RG-07.01.03, Photograph, A camp prisoner bowl (spoon) for soup
RG-07.01.04, Photograph, A group of detainees leaves the camp Royalieu for the train station of Compiegne
RG-07.01.05, Photograph, A young patriot being shot in a citadel of Armiens
RG-07.01.06, Photograph, Above - 'Uprising of Buchenwald of April 11, 1945' by Boris Tatzlitzki; Below - men with machine gun
RG-07.01.07, Photograph, Above - cattle car of corpses; below - the ones left behind in the camps, mostly the sick
RG-07.01.08, Photograph, Above - torturing of detainee; below - device for shot in the neck
RG-07.01.09, Photograph, Above - Nazi humiliation; below - roll call in Oranienburg concentration camp
RG-07.01.10, Photograph, After leaving the cattle car, the prisoners are told to line up in groups of 5
RG-07.01.11, Photograph, Allied liberation, Kommando Dachau
RG-07.01.12, Photograph, Arrest of Jews
RG-07.01.13, Photograph, 'At these places of fascist crimes, we condemn...'
RG-07.01.14, Photograph, Auschwitz-Birkenau (min. of four million deaths)
RG-07.01.15, Photograph, Boy, probably in a concentration camp
RG-07.01.16, Photograph, Cattle car filled with 120 detainees
RG-07.01.17, Photograph, Concentration Camps with death toll
RG-07.01.18, Photograph, Elderly woman with children on the way to a gas chamber
RG-07.01.20, Photograph, Former Concentration Camp prisoners in a restaurant or café
RG-07.01.21, Photograph, Former Soviet and Spanish deportees joined armed forces again
RG-07.01.22, Photograph, French newspaper article about the death sentence of 27 criminals
RG-07.01.23, Photograph, Group of prisoners forced to play music while their comrades are brought to execution
RG-07.01.24, Photograph, Hanging of a prisoner
RG-07.01.25, Photograph, Himmler and other Nazi officials at an inspection of Mauthausen
RG-07.01.26, Photograph, Hitler welcomed on his tour to Ruhr by the regional tycoons (left - Thyssen, right - Voegler)
RG-07.01.27, Photograph, Homecoming to the families
RG-07.01.28, Photograph, Images of occupied France
RG-07.01.29, Photograph, 'Images of the Apocalypse' - Camp with corpses on the ground
RG-07.01.30, Photograph, Imprisoned children
RG-07.01.31, Photograph, Imprisoned women at work
RG-07.01.32, Photograph, In the core of the horror, the living dead
RG-07.01.33, Photograph, Invasion of Poland, demolishing of a Polish turnpike
RG-07.01.34, Photograph, It was 20 years ago, liberation of the death camps (12)
RG-07.01.35, Photograph, It was 20 years ago, liberation of the death camps (25)
RG-07.01.36, Photograph, It was 20 years ago, liberation of the death camps (81)
RG-07.01.37, Photograph, It was 20 years ago, liberation of the death camps
RG-07.01.38, Photograph, Probably political prisoners in the beginning of the Nazi era
RG-07.01.39, Photograph, Left – crematories, right – the “Sonderkommando” at work
RG-07.01.40, Photograph, Left – women, men, and children; right – “the railroad track at the end of the world”
RG-07.01.41, Photograph, Kristallnacht, Jewish businesses destroyed, Nazi rally
RG-07.01.42, Photograph, Letter concerning the removal of gold teeth
RG-07.01.43, Photograph, Letter
RG-07.01.44, Photograph, Liberation (2)
RG-07.01.45, Photograph, Liberation of Mauthausen
RG-07.01.46, Photograph, Liberation
RG-07.01.47, Photograph, Line of women, probably waiting to be gassed or shot
RG-07.01.48 – lower right – smashed windows, destroyed stores; lower picture-Alfred Ernst Christian Alexander Hugenberg examining the ‘Brown Shirts’
RG-07.01.49-Medical experiments on prisoners. Upper-prisoner in bath tub that is filled with ice, SS doctors see the time until death
RG-07.01.50, Photograph, Nude female prisoner and a boy
RG-07.01.51, Photograph, Parade of Germans in traditional dress (above)
RG-07.01.52, Photograph, Paradox scene, flowers just in front of the blocks
RG-07.01.53, Photograph, Party rally
RG-07.01.54, Photograph, People not sent directly to the gas chambers were disinfected
RG-07.01.55, Photograph, Enthusiastic crowd
RG-07.01.56, Photograph, Piles of bodies
RG-07.01.57, Photograph, Piles of shoes and hair
RG-07.01.58, Photograph, Prisoner on bunk bed
RG-07.01.59, Photograph, Prisoner
RG-07.01.60, Photograph, Prisoners of Buchenwald in their bunk beds
RG-07.01.61, Photograph, Public notice on the execution of ten hostages as “atonement” for the assaults of the German army
RG-07.01.62, Photograph, Report of test series on prisoners
RG-07.01.63, Photograph, Roll call (2)
RG-07.01.64, Photograph, Roll call (3)
RG-07.01.65, Photograph, Roll call
RG-07.01.66, Photograph, Scene of Nazi massacre
RG-07.01.67, Photograph, Soldier standing in front of a pit with bodies of kids
RG-07.01.68, Photograph, SS daggers inscribed with the slogan 'Honor is my dignity'
RG-07.01.69, Photograph, 'Stairway to Death' in Mauthausen concentration camp
RG-07.01.70, Photograph, Hitler greets Vichy officials
RG-07.01.71, Photograph, The gate to hell
RG-07.01.72, Photograph, The last moments before liberation, by order of Hitler all detainees were to be exterminated
RG-07.01.73, Photograph, The quarry 'Wiener Graben' of Mauthausen CC
RG-07.01.74, Photograph, Soldier discovers gas chambers
RG-07.01.75, Photograph, This child has a number tattooed on his arm
RG-07.01.76, Photograph, Thousands of Jews from Paris arrested on July 16 and 17, 1942
RG-07.01.77, Photograph, Torture of prisoners
RG-07.01.78, Photograph, Upper image - Interrogation of Carl von Ossietzky
RG-07.01.79-upper-June 1940 Nazi troops marching to the Champs-Elysees; lover-Hitler, Marschall Keitel and general Speidel on Montmarte
RG-07.01.80, Photograph, Upper – Child in front of ruins in Warsaw, Lower – May 1940 invasion of Holland, Belgium, and France
RG-07.01.81, Photograph, Upper – Showers, Lower – Cyclon B
RG-07.01.82, Photograph, Victims of the death marches
RG-07.01.83, Photograph, What happened to them
RG-07.01.84, Photograph, Women performing forced hard labor
RG-07.01.85, Photograph, Young Spanish Republican killed by a hit of a shovel in the Baukommando of Mauthausen in 1941
RG-.07.02, Postwar investigations, materials
RG-07.02.01, Biuletyn Glownej Komisji Badania Zbrodni Hitlerowskich W Polsce
RG-07.02.02, Dokumenty Materialy Getto Lodzkie
RG-07.02.03, Janowska Camp
RG-.07.03, Postwar publications and monographs
RG-07.03.01, The Last Days of the Warsaw Ghetto in Yiddish
RG-07.03.02, The Jewish Revolt
RG-07.03.03, A Jew from Klementow tells a story
RG-07.03.04, German atrocities and annihilation of the Jews of Warsaw
RG-07.03.05, Destruction and Rising. The Epic of the Jews in Warsaw, a book
RG-07.03.06, Pamietnik
RG-07.03.07, Przyczynek Do Znajomosci Stosunkow Demograficznych Wsrod Ludnosci Zydowskiej
RG-07.03.08, Pages of a Ghetto-Diary
RG-07.03.09, Die Wahrheit Ueber Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald
RG-07.03.10, Wiktor Lemiesz. Paragraf 1 Zbrodnia (Paragraph 1, Crime)
RG-07.03.11, Czesław Madajczyk. Generalplan Ost
RG-07.03.12, Jerzy Ficowski. Odczytanie Popiołόw (Reconstructing the Ashes)
RG-07.03.13, Jakόb Apenszlak. Śpiew Za Drutami Poezjie (Singing behind Barbed Wires)
RG-07.03.14, Polska Droga (The Poles Will Not Accept Defeat)
RG-07.03.15, B. Mark. Powstanie W Getcie Warszawskim (Warsaw Ghetto Uprising) RG-07.03.16, Jakόb Szacki. In Memoriam
RG-07.03.17, Organizational Flights, Organizowanie Wsciektosci
RG-07.03.18, Ruch Podziemny w Ghettach i Obozach (Underground Movement in the Ghettos and Camps)
RG-07.03.19, Bernard Mark. Walka i Zagtada Warszawskiego Getta (Struggle and Annihilation in Warsaw Ghetto)
RG-07.03.20, Jόzef Wulf. Oczyma Dwunastoletniej Dziewczyny
RG-07.03.21, Michał Maksymilian Borwicz. Literatura W Obozie
RG-07.03.22, Leon Wanat. Za Murami Pawiaka Przedmowa Poli Gojawiczynskiej
RG-07.03.23, Jakub Poznański. Pamietnik z getta Lodzkiego
RG-07.03.24, Szymon Datner. Zbrodnie Wehrmachtu na jencach
RG-07.03.25, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, B. Mark. Powstanie W Getcie Warszawskim
RG-07.03.26, Zbiόr Dokumentόw. Eksterminacja Żydόw Na Ziemiach Polskich W Okresie Okupacji Hitlerwskiej
Author: staff

Copyrighted materials, credits to and references to the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust are required
Digital copies might be available upon request

Documents and Files:
RG-07.01.01, Photograph, Fourteen detainees killed at the electric wire, for Nazis' amusement
RG-07.01.02, Photograph, Twenty years later ('Pay forever for Auschwitz' - title of the National Newspaper on Nov 20, 1964)
RG-07.01.03, Photograph, Female prisoner getting help after liberation of a concentration camp, circa 1945
RG-07.01.04, Photograph, A group of detainees leaves the internment camp Royalieu for the train station of Compiegne,France
RG-07.01.05, Photograph, A young patriot being shot in a citadel of Armiens
RG-07.01.06, Photographs, Above photo titled 'Uprising of Buchenwald of April 11, 1945' depicted by Boris Tatzlitzki; Below photo
RG-07.01.07, Photographs, Above photo is of a cattle car of corpses; below-the prisoners left behind who are mostly sick
RG-07.01.08, Photographs, Above photo is of the torturing of a detainee; below photo is of a device for shooting in the neck
RG-07.01.09, Photographs, Above photo is of a man humiliated by Nazis; below photo- roll call in Oranienburg concentration camp
RG-07.01.10, Photograph, After leaving the cattle car, the prisoners are told to line up in groups of five
RG-07.01.11, Photograph, Prisoners posing for picture after the liberation of a concentration camp
RG-07.01.12, Photograph, Last days of Warsaw ghetto uprising, arrest of Jews
RG-07.01.13, Photograph, Demonstration in place of Nazi crimes, quotation in French
RG-07.01.14, Photograph, Entrance to Auschwitz-Birkenau
RG-07.01.15, Photograph, Boy standing outside
RG-07.01.16, Photograph, Deportation from Westerbork transit camp to Auschwitz ca. 1944
RG-07.01.17, Photographs, Memorial of those who died in several concentration camps
RG-07.01.18, Photograph, Woman walking with children
RG-07.01.20, Photograph, Former Concentration Camp prisoners eating
RG-07.01.21, Photograph, Former Soviet and Spanish deportees joined armed forces again
RG-07.01.22, Photograph, French newspaper article about the death sentence of 27 criminals
RG-07.01.23, Photograph, Group of prisoners forced to play music while their comrades are brought to execution
RG-07.01.24, Photograph, Hanging of a prisoner
RG-07.01.25, Photograph, Himmler and other Nazi officials at an inspection of Mauthausen concentration camp
RG-07.01.26, Photograph, Hitler welcomed on his tour to Ruhr by the regional tycoons (left - Thyssen, right - Voegler)
RG-07.01.27, Photograph, Homecoming to the families
RG-07.01.28, Photograph, Images of occupied France, Jews in the street
RG-07.01.29, Photograph, 'Images of the Apocalypse' - Concentration camp with corpses on the ground
RG-07.01.30, Photograph, Imprisoned children
RG-07.01.31, Photograph, Imprisoned women at work
RG-07.01.32, Photograph, Emaciated former concentration camp prisoners
RG-07.01.33, Photograph, Invasion of Poland, demolishing of a Polish turnpike
RG-07.01.34, Photograph, Commemoration of the liberation of the death camps 20 years later (12)
RG-07.01.35, Photograph, Commemoration of the liberation of the death camps 20 years later (25)
RG-07.01.36, Photograph, Commemoration of the liberation of the death camps 20 years later (81)
RG-07.01.37, Photograph, It was 20 years ago, liberation of the death camps
RG-07.01.38, Photograph, Prisoners with a tirangle on their shriped uniforms
RG-07.01.39, Photograph, Crematoriums and corpses
RG-07.01.40, Photograph, Men, women, children, prisoners, train tracks leading to concentraion camps
RG-07.01.41, Photograph, Kristallnacht, Jewish businesses destroyed, Nazi rally
RG-07.01.42, Photograph, Letter concerning the removal of gold teeth
RG-07.01.43, Photograph, Letter
RG-07.01.44, Photograph, Female prisoners after liberation (2)
RG-07.01.45, Photograph, Liberation of Mauthausen
RG-07.01.46, Photograph, Mauthausen prisoners after liberation
RG-07.01.47, Photograph, Jewish women before execution, 1941
RG-07.01.50, Photograph, Nude female prisoner and a boy
RG-07.01.51, Photograph,Decorated German civilians on the street
RG-07.01.52, Photograph, Flowers in front of Nazi offices in a concentration camp
RG-07.01.53, Photograph, Nazi party rally
RG-07.01.54, Photograph, People are not sent directly to the gas chambers but were disinfected first
RG-07.01.55, Photograph, Enthusiastic support of the Nazi regime, right photograph is a Nazi rally in Nuremberg
RG-07.01.56, Photograph, Pile of dead bodies
RG-07.01.57, Photograph, Pile of shoes, Buchenwald concentraion camp
RG-07.01.58, Photograph, Prisoner on bunk bed
RG-07.01.59, Photograph, The face of a young prisoner
RG-07.01.60, Photograph, Prisoners of Buchenwald in their bunk beds
RG-07.01.61, Photograph, Public notice on the execution of ten hostages as “atonement” for the assaults of the German army
RG-07.01.62, Photograph, Report of test series on prisoners
RG-07.01.63, Photograph, Roll call of prisoners
RG-07.01.64, Photograph, Roll call of prisoners
RG-07.01.65, Photograph, A prisoner work detail
RG-07.01.66, Photograph, Scene of Nazi massacre, dead bodies in a mass grave
RG-07.01.67, Photograph, An Allied soldier standing over a pit with bodies of dead children
RG-07.01.68, Photograph, SS daggers inscribed with the slogan 'Loyalty is my dignity'
RG-07.01.69, Photograph, 'Stairway to Death' in Mauthausen concentration camp
RG-07.01.70, Photograph, Hitler greets Marshal Petan, Vichy government, France
RG-07.01.71, Photograph, 'The entrance to hell'
RG-07.01.72, Photograph, The last moments before liberation
RG-07.01.73, Photograph, The quarry 'Wiener Graben' of Mauthausen concentration camp
RG-07.01.74, Photograph, An Allied soldier looks at the door of a gas chamber
RG-07.01.75, Photograph, A child with a concentration camp number tattooed on his arm
RG-07.01.76, Photograph, Thousands of Jews from Paris arrested on July 16 and 17, 1942 and held at the Velodrome
RG-07.01.77, Photograph, Torture of prisoners
RG-07.01.78, Photograph, Upper photograph - Interrogation of Carl von Ossietzky
RG-07.01.80, Photograph, Upper photo, Child in front of ruins in Warsaw, Lower – 1940 invasion of western European countries
RG-07.01.81, Photograph, Upper photographs - showers, lower photograph - storage of the canisters of Cyclone B
RG-07.01.82, Photograph, Victims of the death marches
RG-07.01.83, Photograph, What happened to Nazi perpetrators
RG-07.01.84, Photograph, Women performing forced hard labor
RG-07.01.85, Photograph, Young Spanish Republican killed by a hit of a shovel in Mauthausen concentration camp in 1941
RG-07.02.01, Biuletyn Glownej Komisji Badania Zbrodni Hitlerowskich W Polsce
RG-07.02.02, Dokumenty Materialy Getto Lodzkie
RG-07.02.03, Janowska Camp, Uniwersytet Zbirow by Michal M. Borwicz
RG-07.03.01, The Last Days of the Warsaw Ghetto (title in Yiddish)
RG-07.03.02, The Jewish Revolt
RG-07.03.03, A Jew from Klementow tells a story
RG-07.03.04, German atrocities and annihilation of the Jews of Warsaw
RG-07.03.05, Destruction and Rising. The Epic of the Jews in Warsaw, a book
RG-07.03.06, Pamietnik (Diaries)
RG-07.03.07, Przyczynek Do Znajomosci Stosunkow Demograficznych Wsrod Ludnosci Zydowskiej
RG-07.03.08, Pages of a Ghetto-Diary
RG-07.03.09, Die Wahrheit Uber Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald
RG-07.03.10, Paragraf 1 Zbrodnia (Paragraph 1, Crime) by Wiktor Lemiesz
RG-07.03.11, Generalplan Ost by Czesław Madajczyk
RG-07.03.12, Jerzy Ficowski. Odczytanie Popiołόw (Reconstructing the Ashes)
RG-07.03.13, Śpiew Za Drutami Poezjie (Singing behind Barbed Wires) by Jakόb Apenszlak
RG-07.03.14, Polska Droga The Poles Will Not Accept Defeat 1939-1946
RG-07.03.15, Powstanie W Getcie Warszawskim (Warsaw Ghetto Uprising) by B. Mark
RG-07.03.16, In Memoriam by Jakόb Szacki
RG-07.03.17, Organizowanie Wsciektosci (Organizational Flights) by Michal M. Borwicz
RG-07.03.18, Ruch Podziemny w Ghettach i Obozach (Underground Movement in the Ghettos and Camps)
RG-07.03.19, Walka i Zaglada Warszawskiego Getta (Struggle and Annihilation in Warsaw Ghetto) by Bernard Mark
RG-07.03.20, Oczyma Dwunastoletniej Dziewczyny by Jόzef Wulf
RG-07.03.21,Literatura W Obozie by Michał M. Borwicz.
RG-07.03.22, Za Murami Pawiaka Przedmowa Poli Gojawiczynskiej by Leon Wanat
RG-07.03.23, Pamietnik z getta Lodzkiego by Jakub Poznański
RG-07.03.24, Zbrodnie Wehrmachtu na jencach by Szymon Datner
RG-07.03.25, Powstanie W Getcie Warszawskim (Warsaw Ghetto Uprising), by B. Mark
RG-07.03.26, Eksterminacja Żydόw Na Ziemiach Polskich W Okresie Okupacji Hitlerwskiej, Jewish Historical Institute Warsaw
RG-07.03.27, Biuletyn Zydiwskiego Instytutu Historycznego by Various Authors-Tatiana Berenstein