John Glass Papers, 1937-2012
| Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

Materials of this record group reflect the life in Nazi Germany in the late 1930s, emigration to the United States and postwar re-connection with the former homeland.
The Judaica artifacts is a collection of its own right, featuring a rare scroll of Megillat Esther from Poland, dated by the late 18th century. The character of presented here documents and artifacts indicate that for Dr. Glass the ties with his former homeland had not been crossed out. He, an intellectual, separated the crimes of Nazism from the cultural heritage of Germany. He remained always attached to German culture and to the family history that goes back to the 18th century.
RG-43.01, John Glass Documents and Artifacts
RG-43.01.01, From Berlin to Los Angeles, autobiography of John Glass
RG-43.01.02, John Glass Autobiography
RG-43.01.03, A Fragment from Megillat Esther, ca 1786
RG-43.01.04, German children's book, 1
RG-43.01.05, German children's book, 2
RG-43.01.06, Margaret Glass Koch Rezepte Recipe Book, front cover with a man and fish
RG-43.01.07, Margaret Glass Koch Rezepte Recipe Book, first page with handwritten note
RG-43.01.08, Margaret Glass Koch Rezepte Recipe, page with two recipes for fish
RG-43.01.09, Miau Children's book, front cover with illustrations of a cat and mice
RG-43.01.10, Miau Children's book, title page with illustration of a cat
RG-43.01.11, Miau Children's book, open to pages containing colored illustration on left side, text and uncolored illustration on right side
RG-43.01.12, Small child's jacket and cap, belonged to John Glass
RG-43.01.13, Small child's sweater vest, belonged to John Glass
RG-43.01.14, Small toddler nightgown
RG-43.01.15, Small toddler onesie
RG-43.01.16, Small toddler overalls
RG-43.01.17, Toy dog
RG-43.01.18, Wooden toys
RG-43.01.19, Typewriter, Torpedo trademark
RG-43.01.20, Father’s typewriter and photograph of boy on the typewriter
Date: 15 May 1938
Location: Berlin, Germany
Photograph of John Glass and the typewriter was taken in his family’s apartment in Berlin, Germany on 15 May 1938; he was two years and four months old. John Glass’ father, Paul Glass, was an electrical engineer
RG-43.01.21, John Glass, photograph of John Glass as a young boy
Date: November 13, 1938
Location: Berlin, Germany
RG-43.01.22, Rooster Egg Cover
Used to keep hardboiled eggs warm before eating
RG-43.01.23, Teddy Bear named Biu
Date: 1930s
John (Joachim) Glass’ teddy bear from childhood. Famous German Steiff brand
RG-43.01.24, Clothes for the Teddy Bear
Handmade clothes made by John Glass’ mother for Biu the teddy bear
RG-43.01.25, Chicago Daily News, July 9, 1942, “German gives Glasses to Navy”
Paul Glass, John Glass’ father, gives German binoculars to Navy
<p style="margin-left:.5in;">
RG-43.01.26, a clipping, Glass Glasses, Times
RG-43.01.27, Correspondence with US authorities with regard to binoculars (3 different copies)
RG-43.01.28, Binoculars in a brown case (a substitute, similar to the one Paul Glass gave to the Navy)
RG-43.01.29, Silverware engraved with names of Paul Glass and Joachim Glass
Five items: three spoons, one schieber, one napkin ring
RG-43.01.30, Wooden Egg Beater
RG-43.01.31, CD with photographs of a scrapbook of Alfred Glass, opera singer and uncle to Paul Glass
RG-43.01.32, Two German passports, copies
RG-43.01.33, a letter to Alfred Glass from Theatrical organization from 14 September 1935, a copy
RG-43.01.34, Exclusion from the profession according to Nazi laws regarding Alfred Glass
RG-43.01.35, 1786 Megillat Esther scroll, original and copies
RG-43.01.36, Pauline Hoff diary, great-great-grandmother of John Glass
RG-43.02, Portfolio of Alfred Glass and Elsa Sant, Leo Baeck Institute
RG-43.02.01, Portrait of an old woman
RG-43.02.02, Portrait of an old man
RG-43.02.03, Portrait of Elsa Glass Sant in the German newspaper
RG-43.02.04, Picture of an actor and an actress
RG-43.02.05, Picture of the actor and actress in the play
RG-43.02.06, Portrait of an actress
RG-43.02.07, Portrait of Elsa Glass Sant
RG-43.02.08, Picture of Elsa Glass Sant
RG-43.02.09, Picture of Elsa Glass Sant in a play
RG-43.02.10, Picture of Elsa Glass Sant in a play
RG-43.02.11, Picture of Elsa Glass Sant in a play
RG-43.02.12, Oval framed picture of Elsa Glass Sant
RG-43.02.13, Picture of Elsa Glass Sant acting
RG-43.02.14, Photograph of a child and a dog from Otto Witte west Atelier in Berlin
RG-43.02.15, Picture of a 5-story building
RG-43.02.16, Picture of Elsa Glass Sant in the room next to the piano
RG-43.02.17, Picture of Elsa with the child in the street during winter
RG-43.02.18, Picture of the child with umbrella in the backyard
RG-43.02.19, Picture of Elsa with the child in the garden
RG-43.02.20, Picture of Elsa on the veranda with the guest
RG-43.02.21, Photograph depicts the destroyed village
RG-43.02.22, Picture of Elsa at home
RG-43.02.23, Picture of Elsa at the piano
RG-43.02.24, Portrait of young Elsa Glass Sant
RG-43.02.25, Concert advertisement 27 January 1906, Elsa Sant performing W.A. Mozart
RG-43.02.26, Portrait of a composer
RG-43.02.27, Portrait of a composer
RG-43.02.28, Picture of the scene from the play with Elsa Sant, Berlin
RG-43.02.29, Scene from the play with Elsa Sant, Berlin
RG-43.02.30, Picture depicts the scene from the play with Elsa Sant
RG-43.02.31, Picture depicts the scene from the play with Elsa Sant
RG-43.02.32, Portrait of Elsa Sant, Berlin, Globus Atelier
RG- 43.02.33, Portrait of Alfred Glass, Berlin
RG-43.02.34, Photograph of a 5-story building
RG-43.02.35, Cover of “The Portfolio of Alfred Glass and Elsa Sant”
RG-43.02.36, Photogragh of a man, V. Sachsen-Altenburg atelier
RG-43.02.37, Group picture of men and two women (Elsa Sant included)
RG-43.02.38, Portrait of Elsa Sant
RG-43.02.39, Postcard, picture of the theatre, Bartholomal-Kirche
RG-43.02.40, Picture of the office clerks with the map of Europe on the wall
RG-43.02.41, Picture of the soldier with the girl
RG-43.02.42, Group picture of the young soldiers
RG-43.02.43, Picture showing a room full of flowers in the memoriam
RG-43.02.44, Picture showing a street in Breslau
RG-43.02.45, Picture showing the interior of the business “Julius Glass & Co” in Breslau
RG-43.02.46, Picture of Augusta Strasse in Breslau
RG-43.02.47, Picture of Elsa Sant in the forest
RG-43.02.48, Picture of Elsa Sant near a stream
RG-43.02.49, Picture of Elsa Sant
RG-43.02.50, Picture of Elsa Sant and a man
RG-43.02.51, Picture of Elsa Sant and a man reading a newspaper
RG-43.02.52, Picture of Elsa Sant and a man
RG-43.02.53, Heart-shaped picture of Elsa Sant and a man
RG-43.02.54, Picture of building
RG-43.02.55, Group picture with Elsa Sant and three men
RG-43.02.56, Group picture of men and women in the room
RG-43.02.57, Group picture of Elsa Sant and three men acting for fun
RG-43.02.58, Portrait of a man signed to Alfred Glass from Alexander H., Berlin,
26 June 1907
RG-43.02.59, Picture of an actor with the guitar
RG-43.02.60, Group picture of men and women in front of the fountain
RG-43.02.61, Picture of the building in Charlottenburg
RG-43.02.62, Picture of a man at the entrance to the building
RG-43.02.63, Picture of a man in uniform
RG-43.02.64, Portrait of a man in uniform, Atelier Wertheim, Berlin
RG-43.02.65, Portrait of a man in uniform, Breslau
RG-43.02.66, Portrait of a man, Globus Atelier, Berlin
RG-43.02.67, Portrait of a man, Berlin
RG-43.02.68, Group picture of five musicians
RG-43.02.69, Photograph of a child, Breslau
RG-43.02.70, Photograph of a child
RG-43.02.71, Picture of the Museum of Kaiser Friedrich-Denkmal, Breslau
RG-43.02.72, Letter signed by Alfred Glass, 26 January 1924
RG-43.02.73, Advertisement of Ariadne auf Naxos (music of Richard Strauss), Alfred Glass included as a performer
RG-43.02.74, Advertisement of Der Rosenkavalier (music of Richard Strauss), Alfred Glass included as a performer
RG-43.02.75, Advertisement of Richard Strauss festival, 1-7 June 1924
RG-43.02.76, Articles from the newspapers
RG-43.02.77, Picture of a man with an actor
RG-43.02.78, Picture of a man with an actor
RG -43.02.79, Advertisement of an opera week, 15 May 1923
RG-43.02.80, Letter from the Director of the State Theatres, Saarbrucken, dated 19 May 1923
RG-43.02.81, Portrait of Alfred Glass in costume
RG-43.02.82, Advertisement of the opera “Figaro,” Alfred Glass performing as Figaro,
10 September 1922
RG-43.02.83, Picture of the scene from the opera
RG-43.02.84, Picture of the scene from the opera
RG-43.02.85, Advertisement of an opera, 2 October 1921 with Alfred Glass performing
RG-43.02.86, Note addressed to Alfred Glass, opera singer, 18 January 1921
RG-43.02.87, Picture of Hoftheater
RG-43.02.88, Telegram addressed to Alfred Glass
RG-43.02.89, Advertisement of the opera (Alfred Glass performing)
RG-43.02.90, Picture of Trier
RG-43.02.91, Colored picture of the bridge in Trier
RG-43.02.92, Postcard of the city Trier
RG-43.02.93, Picture of Alfred Glass sitting in costume
RG-43.02.94, Picture of Alfred Glass during the acting in an opera
RG-43.02.95, Picture showing a scene from the opera (Alfred Glass performing)
RG-43.02.96, Article in the newspaper (Alfred Glass’s name is mentioned),
15 August 1918
RG-43.02.97, Article on opera “Don Juan”
RG-43.02.98, Postcard of the city Posen
RG-43.02.99, Picture of Gartenstrasse, Posen
RG-43.02.100, Postcard of Stadttheater in Posen
RG-43.02.101, Advertisement of the opera, Hoftheater, 1 May, 1917
RG-43.02.102, Picture of the garden in spring
RG-43.02.103, Picture of the marching band with children watching
RG-43.02.104, Picture of Alfred Glass in the city park
RG-43.02.105, Photograph of a 3-story building and garden in Altenburg
RG-43.02.106, Picture of Alfred Glass with book in the garden
RG-43.02.107, Picture of Alfred Glass with his colleagues
RG-43.02.108, Theatrical article in a newspaper
RG-43.02.109, Handwritten notes
RG-43.02.110, Advertisement of the drama “Salome” by Oscar Wilde, Alfred Glass performing
RG-43.02.111, German newspaper clipping, Theater und Mulif
RG-43.02.112, Signed portrait of a man
RG-43.02.113, Signature and music notes
RG-43.02.114, Handwritten note
RG-43.02.115, Business card of Dr. Hellpach with handwritten note
RG-43.02.116, A New Year’s best wishes card
RG-43.02.117, Handwritten note
RG-43.02.118, Typed note to Herr Glass, 1925
RG-43.02.119, Clipping
RG-43.02.120, Newspaper clipping
RG-43.02.121, Newspaper clipping 1925
RG-43.02.122, Image of Schweidnitzer Street, Breslau
RG-43.02.123, Image of Stadttheater, Breslau
RG-43.02.124, Newspaper clipping of an image of Professor Josef Turnau
RG-43.02.125, Newspaper clipping, article on Breslauer Theater
RG-43.02.126, Photo of an actor
RG-43.02.127, Photograph of a building
RG-43.02.128, Silhouette Portrait
RG-43.02.129, Photograph of two actors
RG-43.02.130, Photograph of two actors
RG-43.02.131, Photograph of an actor
RG-43.02.132, Photograph of a man walking with umbrella
RG-43.02.133, Photograph of a man walking with umbrella
RG-43.02.134, Photograph of a man walking with umbrella
RG-43.02.135, Photograph of an outdoor street scene
RG-43.02.136, Photograph of a man and tea kettle
RG-43.02.137, Photograph of eight people standing on steps outside a building
RG-43.02.138, Newspaper clipping of an image of Alfred Glass
RG-43.02.139, Newspaper clipping of an image of Alfred Glass
RG-43.02.140, Portrait of Alfred Glass
RG-43.02.141, Photo of Alfred Glass by Resi Lebrecht
RG-43.02.142, Photo of Alfred Glass as Kezal in Verkaufle Braut
RG-43.02.143, Photo of an actor
RG-43.02.144, Signed photo of an actor, 1931
RG-43.02.145, Photograph of a young girl outside
RG-43.02.146, Photograph of a young child and woman
RG-43.02.147, Photograph of a child and woman in a car
RG-43.02.148, Photograph of a woman with cane on a boulder
RG-43.02.149, Portrait of a man
RG-43.02.150, Photograph of a costumed group of actors
RG-43.02.151, Newspaper clipping of an image of E. Cortolezis
RG-43.02.152, Photograph of a costumed actor
RG-43.02.153, Photograph of a costumed actor
RG-43.02.154, Photograph of an actor and guitar
RG-43.02.155, Photograph of costumed actors on stage
RG-43.02.156, Portrait of a man in a hat
RG-43.02.157, Photograph of an actor
RG-43.02.158, Photograph of a wigged actor
RG-43.02.159, Photograph of a man in a hat
RG-43.02.160, Photograph of an actor holding a bottle
RG-43.02.161, Photograph of a woman seated at a table
RG-43.02.162, Photograph of a man and woman seated at a table
RG-43.02.163, Photograph of a woman standing in a room
RG-43.02.164, Photograph of a couple standing on balcony
RG-43.02.165, Photograph of a seated man holding papers
RG-43.02.166, Photograph of a five-story building
RG-43.02.167, Portrait of a man
RG-43.02.168, Photograph of a costumed actor
RG-43.02.169, Photograph of a man in a hat
RG-43.02.170, Photograph of a costumed actor
RG-43.02.171, Silhouette Portrait of a man
RG-43.02.172, Photograph of a man in a hat
RG-43.02.173, Three images of a street scene and a factory
RG-43.02.174, Four images of a woman outdoors
RG-43.02.175, Four images, a couple and the facade of a building
RG-43.02.176, Three images, a group of people inside a room
RG-43.02.177, Two images, portrait of a man and an actor with guitar
RG-43.02.178, Two images, photograph of a man and building façade
RG-43.02.179, Three images, man in soldiers’ uniforms
RG-43.02.180, Three images, musicians and a portrait of a man
RG-43.02.181, Three images, portrait of a child and facade of a building
RG-43.02.182, Three images, newspaper clipping and portraits of a man and woman
RG-43.02.183, Two images, photographs of two actors
RG-43.02.184, Three images, newspaper clippings and photographs of an actor
RG-43.02.185, Two images, building facade and portrait of a child and dog
RG-43.02.186, Four images, newspaper clippings, photographs of a child
RG-43.02.187, Three images, newspaper clippings, photographs of a man
RG-43.02.188, Two images, photographs of two actors
RG-43.02.189, Two images, photographs of two actors
RG-43.02.190, Four images, newspaper clipping, photographs of a building, a man, and woman
RG-43.02.191, Four images, photographs of woman in royal garb, man in uniform, and group
RG-43.02.192, Five images, photographs of man, outdoor scene, and building
RG-43.02.193, Three images, photographs of buildings
RG-43.02.194, Four images, newspaper clippings, photographs of an actor
RG-43.02.195, Three images, photographs of outdoor scenes
RG-43.02.196, Three images, newspaper clippings, photographs of two actors
RG-43.02.197, Two images, portrait of a man, a signature and music notes
RG-43.02.198, Three images, photographs of two buildings, image of Josef Turnau
RG-43.02.199, Three images, photographs of actors
RG-43.02.200, Three images, newspaper clipping, photographs of an actor
RG-43.02.201, Two images, portrait of a man, photograph of costumed actors
RG-43.02.202, Five images, portrait of a man, photographs of a woman and child
RG-43.02.203, Three images, photographs of actors
RG-43.02.204, Six images, newspaper clippings and portrait of a man
RG-43.02.205, Four images, photograph of a man, Stats Theater pamphlet
RG-43.02.206, Three images, photographs of actors
RG-43.02.207, Two images, picture of a building, silhouette portrait
RG-43.02.208, Picture of a building
RG-43.02.209, Five images, photographs of Alfred Glass, newspaper clippings
RG-43.02.210, Three images, photographs of actors
RG-43.02.211, Seven images, photographs of a building and house scenes
RG-43.02.212, Photograph of Alfred Glass
RG-43.02.213, Photograph of Alfred Glass
Author: staff

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Copyrighted materials, credits to and references to the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust are required
Digital copies might be available upon request

Documents and Files:
RG-43.01.01, From Berlin to Los Angeles, autobiography of John Glass
RG-43.01.02, John Glass Autobiography
RG-43.01.03, A Fragment from Megillat Esther, ca 1786
RG-43.01.04, German children's book
RG-43.01.05, Margaret Glass Koch Recipe Book
RG-43.01.09, Miau Children's book, front cover with illustrations of a cat and mice
RG-43.01.12, Small child's jacket and cap, belonged to John Glass
RG-43.01.13, Small child's sweater vest, belonged to John Glass
RG-43.01.14, Small toddler nightgown
RG-43.01.15, Small toddler onesie
RG-43.01.16, Small toddler overalls
RG-43.01.17, Toy dog
RG-43.01.18, Wooden toys
RG-43.01.19, Typewriter, Torpedo trademark
RG-43.02.01, Portrait of an old woman
RG-43.02.02, Portrait of an old man
RG-43.02.03, Portrait of Elsa Glass Sant in the German newspaper
RG-43.02.04, Picture of an actor and an actress
RG-43.02.05, Picture of the actor and actress in the play
RG-43.02.06, Portrait of an actress
RG-43.02.07, Portrait of Elsa Glass Sant
RG-43.02.08, Picture of Elsa Glass Sant
RG-43.02.09, Picture of Elsa Glass Sant in a play
RG-43.02.10, Picture of Elsa Glass Sant in a play
RG-43.02.100, Postcard of Stradttheater in Posen
RG-43.02.101, Advertisement of the opera, Hoftheater, 1 May 1917
RG-43.02.102, Picture of the garden in spring
RG-43.02.103, Picture of the marching band with children watching
RG-43.02.104, Picture of Alfred Glass in the city park
RG-43.02.105, Photograph of a 3-story building and garden in Altenburg
RG-43.02.106, Picture of Alfred Glass with book in the garden
RG-43.02.107, Picture of Alfred Glass with his colleagues
RG-43.02.108, Theatrical article in a newspaper
RG-43.02.109, Handwritten notes
RG-43.02.11, Picture of Elsa Glass Sant in a play
RG-43.02.110, Advertisement of the drama Salome by Oscar Wilde, Alfred Glass performing
RG-43.02.111, German newspaper clipping, Theater und Mulif
RG-43.02.112, Signed portrait of a man
RG-43.02.113, Signature and music notes
RG-43.02.114, Handwritten note
RG-43.02.115, Business card of Dr. Hellpach with handwritten note
RG-43.02.116, A New Year's best wishes card
RG-43.02.117, Handwritten note
RG-43.02.118, Typed note to Herr Glass, 1925
RG-43.02.119, Clipping
RG-43.02.12, Oval framed picture of Elsa Glass Sant
RG-43.02.120, Newspaper clipping
RG-43.02.121, Newspaper clipping 1925
RG-43.02.122, Image of Schweidnitzer Street, Breslau
RG-43.02.123, Image of Stadttheater, Breslau
RG-43.02.124, Newspaper clipping of an image of Professor Josef Turnau
RG-43.02.125, Newspaper clipping, article on Breslauer Theater
RG-43.02.126, Photo of an actor
RG-43.02.127, Photograph of a building
RG-43.02.128, Silhouette Portrait
RG-43.02.129, Photograph of two actors
RG-43.02.13, Picture of Elsa Glass Sant acting
RG-43.02.130, Photograph of two actors
RG-43.02.131, Photograph of an actor
RG-43.02.132, Photograph of a man walking with umbrella
RG-43.02.133, Photograph of a man walking with umbrella
RG-43.02.134, Photograph of a man walking with umbrella
RG-43.02.135, Photograph of an outdoor street scene
RG-43.02.136, Photograph of a man and tea kettle
RG-43.02.137, Photograph of eight people standing on steps outside a building
RG-43.02.138, Newspaper clipping of an image of Alfred Glass
RG-43.02.139, Newspaper clipping of an image of Alfred Glass
RG-43.02.14, Photograph of a child and a dog from Otto Witte west Atelier in Berlin
RG-43.02.140, Portrait of Alfred Glass
RG-43.02.141, Photo of Alfred Glass by Resi Lebrecht
RG-43.02.142, Photo of Alfred Glass as Kezal in Verkaufle Braut
RG-43.02.143, Photo of an actor
RG-43.02.144, Signed photo of an actor, 1931
RG-43.02.145, Photograph of a young girl outside
RG-43.02.146, Photograph of a young child and woman
RG-43.02.147, Photograph of a child and woman in a car
RG-43.02.148, Photograph of a woman with cane on a boulder
RG-43.02.149, Portrait of a man
RG-43.02.15, Picture of a 5-story Building
RG-43.02.150, Photograph of a costumed group of actors
RG-43.02.151, Newspaper clipping of an image of E. Cortolezis
RG-43.02.152, Photograph of a costumed actor
RG-43.02.153, Photograph of a costumed actor
RG-43.02.154, Photograph of an actor and guitar
RG-43.02.155, Photograph of costumed actors on stage
RG-43.02.156, Portrait of a man in a hat
RG-43.02.157, Photograph of an actor
RG-43.02.158, Photograph of a wigged actor
RG-43.02.159, Photograph of a man in a hat
RG-43.02.16, Picture of Elsa Glass Sant in the room next to the piano
RG-43.02.160, Photograph of an actor holding a bottle
RG-43.02.161, Photograph of a woman seated at a table
RG-43.02.162, Photograph of a man and woman seated at a table
RG-43.02.163, Photograph of a woman standing in a room
RG-43.02.164, Photograph of a couple standing on balcony
RG-43.02.165, Photograph of a seated man holding papers
RG-43.02.166, Photograph of a five-story building
RG-43.02.167, Portrait of a man
RG-43.02.168, Photograph of a costumed actor
RG-43.02.169, Photograph of a man in a hat
RG-43.02.17, Picture of Elsa with the child in the street during winter
RG-43.02.170, Photograph of a costumed actor
RG-43.02.171, Silhouette Portrait of a man
RG-43.02.172, Photograph of a man in a hat
RG-43.02.173, Three images of a street scene and a factory
RG-43.02.174, Four images of a woman outdoors
RG-43.02.175, Four images, a couple and the facade of a building
RG-43.02.176, Three images, a group of people inside a room
RG-43.02.177, Two images, portrait of a man and an actor with guitar
RG-43.02.178, Two images, photograph of a man and building facade
RG-43.02.179, Three images, man in soldiers' uniforms
RG-43.02.18, Picture of the child with umbrella in the backyard
RG-43.02.180, Three images, musicians and a portrait of a man
RG-43.02.181, Three images, portrait of a child and facade of a building
RG-43.02.182, Three images, newspaper clipping and portraits of a man and woman
RG-43.02.183, Two images, photographs of two actors
RG-43.02.184, Three images, newspaper clippings and photographs of an actor
RG-43.02.185, Two images, building facade and portrait of a child and dog
RG-43.02.186, Four images, newspaper clippings, photographs of a child
RG-43.02.187, Three images, newspaper clippings, photographs of a man
RG-43.02.188, Two images, photographs of two actors
RG-43.02.189, Two images, photographs of two actors
RG-43.02.19, Picture of Elsa with the child in the garden
RG-43.02.190, Four images, newspaper clipping, photographs of a building, a man, and woman
RG-43.02.191, Four images, photographs of woman in royal garb, man in uniform, and group
RG-43.02.192, Five images, photographs of man, outdoor scene, and building
RG-43.02.193, Three images, photographs of buildings
RG-43.02.194, Four images, newspaper clippings, photographs of an actor
RG-43.02.195, Three images, photographs of outdoor scenes
RG-43.02.196, Three images, newspaper clippings, photographs of two actors
RG-43.02.197, Two images, portrait of a man, a signature and music notes
RG-43.02.198, Three images, photographs of two buildings, image of Josef Turnau
RG-43.02.199, Three images, photographs of actors
RG-43.02.20, Picture of Elsa on the veranda with the guest
RG-43.02.200, Three images, newspaper clipping, photographs of an actor
RG-43.02.201, Two images, portrait of a man, photograph of costumed actors
RG-43.02.202, Five images, portrait of a man, photographs of a woman and child
RG-43.02.203, Three images, photographs of actors
RG-43.02.204, Seven images, newspaper clippings and portrait of a man
RG-43.02.205, Four images, photograph of a man, Stats Theater pamphlet
RG-43.02.206, Three images, photographs of actors
RG-43.02.207, Two images, picture of a building, silhouette portrait
RG-43.02.208, Picture of a building
RG-43.02.209, Five images, photographs of Alfred Glass, newspaper clippings
RG-43.02.21, Photograph depicts the destroyed village
RG-43.02.210, Three images, photographs of actors
RG-43.02.211, Seven images, photographs of a building and house scenes
RG-43.02.212, Photograph of Alfred Glass
RG-43.02.213, Photograph of Alfred Glass
RG-43.02.22, Picture of Elsa at home
RG-43.02.23, Picture of Elsa at the piano
RG-43.02.24, Portrait of young Elsa Glass Sant
RG-43.02.25, Concert advertisement 27 January 1906, Elsa Sant performing W.A. Mozart
RG-43.02.26, Portrait of a Composer
RG-43.02.27, Portrait of a Composer
RG-43.02.28, Picture of the scene from the play with Elsa Sant, Berlin
RG-43.02.29, Scene from the play with Elsa Sant, Berlin
RG-43.02.30, Picture depicts the scene from the play with Elsa Sant
RG-43.02.31, Picture depicts the scene from the play with Elsa Sant
RG-43.02.32, Portrait of Elsa Sant, Berlin, Globus Atelier
RG-43.02.33, Portrait of Alfred Glass, Berlin
RG-43.02.34, Photograph of a 5-story building
RG-43.02.35, Cover of 'The Portfolio of Alfred Glass and Elsa Sant'
RG-43.02.36, Photograph of a man, V. Sachsen-Altenburg atelier
RG-43.02.37, Group picture of men and two women (Elsa Sant included)
RG-43.02.38, Portrait of Elsa Sant
RG-43.02.39, Postcard, picture of the theatre, Bartholomal-Kirche
RG-43.02.40, Picture of the office clerks with the map of Europe on the wall
RG-43.02.41, Picture of the soldier with the girl
RG-43.02.42, Group picture of the young soldiers
RG-43.02.43, Picture showing a room full of flowers in the memoriam
RG-43.02.44, Picture showing a street in Breslau
RG-43.02.45, Picture showing the interior of the business 'Julius Glass & Co' in Breslau
RG-43.02.46, Picture of Augusta Strasse in Breslau
RG-43.02.47, Picture of Elsa Sant in the forest
RG-43.02.48, Picture of Elsa Sant near a stream
RG-43.02.49, Picture of Elsa Sant
RG-43.02.50, Picture of Elsa Sant and a man
RG-43.02.51, Picture of Elsa Sant and a man reading a newspaper
RG-43.02.52, Picture of Elsa Sant and a man
RG-43.02.53, Heart-shaped picture of Elsa Sant and a man
RG-43.02.54, Picture of building
RG-43.02.55, Group picture with Elsa Sant and three men
RG-43.02.56, Group picture of men and women in the room
RG-43.02.57, Group picture of Elsa Sant and three men acting for fun
RG-43.02.58, Portrait of a man signed to Alfred Glass from Alexander H Berlin, 26 June 1907
RG-43.02.59, Picture of an actor with the lute
RG-43.02.60, Group picture of men and women in front of the fountain
RG-43.02.61, Picture of the building in Charlottenburg
RG-43.02.62, Picture of a man at the entrance to the building
RG-43.02.63, Picture of a man in uniform
RG-43.02.64, Portrait of a man in uniform, Atelier Wertheim, Berlin
RG-43.02.65, Portrait of a man in uniform, Breslau
RG-43.02.66, Portrait of a man, Globus Atelier, Berlin
RG-43.02.67, Portrait of a man, Berlin
RG-43.02.68, Group picture of five musicians
RG-43.02.69, Photograph of a child, Breslau
RG-43.02.70, Photograph of a child
RG-43.02.71, Picture of the Museum of Kaiser Friedrich-Denkmal, Breslau, beginning of the 20th century
RG-43.02.72, Letter signed by Alfred Glass, 26 January 1924
RG-43.02.73, Advertisement of Ariadne auf Naxos, music of Richard Strauss, Alfred Glass included as a performer
RG-43.02.74, Advertisement of Der Rosenkavalier, music of Richard Strauss, Alfred Glass included as a performer
RG-43.02.75, Advertisement of Richard Strauss festival, 1-7 June 1924
RG-43.02.76, Articles from the newspapers
RG-43.02.77, Picture of a man with an actor
RG-43.02.78, Picture of a man with an actor
RG-43.02.79, Advertisement of an opera week, 15 May 1923
RG-43.02.80, Letter from the Director of the State Theatres, Saarbrucken, dated 19 May 1923
RG-43.02.81, Portrait of Alfred Glass in costume
RG-43.02.82, Advertisement of the opera Figaro, Alfred Glass performing as Figaro 10 September 1922
RG-43.02.83, Picture of the scene from the opera
RG-43.02.84, Picture of the scene from the opera
RG-43.02.85, Advertisement of an opera, 2 October 1921 with Alfred Glass performing
RG-43.02.86, Note addressed to Alfred Glass, opera singer, 18 January 1921
RG-43.02.87, Picture of Hoftheater
RG-43.02.88, Telegram to Alfred Glass
RG-43.02.89, Advertisement of the opera, Alfred Glass performing
RG-43.02.90, Picture of Trier
RG-43.02.91, Colored picture of the bridge in Trier
RG-43.02.92, Postcard of the city Trier
RG-43.02.93, Picture of Alfred Glass sitting in costume
RG-43.02.94, Picture of Alfred Glass during the acting in an opera
RG-43.02.95, Picture showing a scene from the opera, Alfred Glass performing
RG-43.02.96, Article in the newspaper, Alfred Glass's name is mentioned, 15 August 1918
RG-43.02.97, Article on opera Don Juan
RG-43.02.98, Postcard of the city Posen
RG-43.02.99, Picture of Gartenstrasse, Posen