Correspondences from and to German labor service, 1939-1945
| Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

German labor service was organized as part of the war effort on the home front. As early as 1941, German economy started experience deficiency if labor force. German authorities commenced a propagandistic campaign in the German-controlled and occupied territories, attempting to attract, especially young men and women for labor in Germany. Their principle arguments were better living conditions and common effort in the military campaigns through the devoted labor in German economy. There were many who volunteered for better economic conditions. For Jews, especially for Jewish women, volunteering for labor service in Germany under false identity, was the only way to survive the Holocaust.
RG-72.08.01, Postcard from Aldona Brylak working at the Gemeinschaftslager in Augsburg to Janina Kulkowska in Milanowek, Poland.
Language: Polish
Date: 8 December 1944
RG-72.08.02, Postcard from Henryk Maczka working at the Hugo Scheider A-G in Leipzig to Jan Antoniak in Starzysko-Kamienne, Poland, District Kielce.
Language: Polish
Date: 29 April 1941
RG-72.08.03, Postcard from Hanisiawa Jamroz in Chemnitz, Germany to Anastazja Jamroz in Krakau, Poland.
Date: 12 December 1944
RG-72.08.04, Postcard from Chemnitz, Germany to Anastazja Jamroz in Krakau, Poland. Date: 14 December 1944
RG-72.08.05, Postcard sent from Furstenberg am Oder to Raduhu, Poland.
Date: 29 November 1944
RG-72.08.06, Postcard sent from Furstenberg am Oder to Raduhu, Poland.
Date: 16 December 1944
RG-72.08.07, Postcard sent from Glausche to Janina Perkowska in Skierniewice, Poland.
Date: 18 November 1944
RG-72.08.08, Postcard from Posen to Jaroslav Brumlik in Prague.
Date: 15 June 1942
RG-72.08.09, Postcard sent from Stettin to France.
Date: 3 February 1944
RG-72.08.10, Postcard sent from L. Szymsuski in Breslau to Rela Szymsuska in Pruszkow.
Date: 20 November 1944
RG-72.08.11, Postcard sent from Thorn forced labor camp-Lager am viehmarkt to Janina Kulikowska in Milanowek.
Date: 18 December 1944
RG-72.08.12, Postcard sent from a labor camp in Augsburg, Bayern RHW Werke, a technical factory employing slave labor, to Janina Kulikowska in Milanowek.
Date: 29 October 1944
RG-72.08.13, Postcard sent from Ida Groawc in Warthena to Sofi in Oberalstadt.
Date: 14 May 1943
RG-72.08.14, Postcard sent from Wladyslaw Krzyzanowski to Kazimier Aliechalski in Piastow,Poland.
Date: 28 December 1944
RG-72.08.15, Postcard sent from Szyja Prywes in a labor camp near Opole, Silesia to Alfred Schwoebaum in Lousanne, Switzerland.
Date: 9 October 1943
RG-72.08.16, Postcard sent from Hanna Stawinska in to in Wildenshausen, Germany to Polnisches Hilfskomite (Polish Rada Glowna Opiekuncza) in Krakow.
Date: 2 January 1945
RG-72.08.17, Postcard sent from Dora Kaszuba in Neu Wola to Polish Red Cross in Krakow.
Date: 29 July 1940
RG-72.08.18, Postcard sent from Konrad Slaski in Burgweideto to Jan Listkowski in Krakow.
Date: 13 October 1944
RG-72.08.19, Postcard sent from Regina Piesmiak in Augsburg to Polish Main Aid Council in Krakow.
Date: 15 January 1945
RG-72.08.20, Postcard sent from Tadeusz Sieniawski in Berlin Feliks Sieniawski in Wegrynow Stary, Poland.
Date: 18 November 1944
RG-72.08.21, Postcard sent from Maria Kowalska in Thuringia, Germany to Stanislaw Slima in Praszkow, Poland.
Date: 31 December 1944
RG-72.08.22, Postcard sent from Jerzy Sieniawski in Paderborn, Germany to Tadeusz Sieniawski in Berlin.
Date: 19 February 1945
RG-72.08.23, Postcard sent from Josef Trejsuar in Sangerhausen, Germany to Bohemia and Moravia.
Date: 2 February 1945
RG-72.08.24, Postcard to a place of German labor service to Stanislaw Jukl Foeging Inn, Germany.
Date: 7 June 1943
RG-72.08.25, Postcard sent to Maria Rittelin Berlin from Lubin, Poland.
Date: 13 September 1942
RG-72.08.26, Envelope from R. Heuchamps in German labor service to Francois Heuchamps in Belgium.
Date: 29 June 1943
RG-72.08.27, Envelope sent from Francois Heuchamps in Belgium to Robert Heuchamps in German labor service.
RG-72.08.28, Postcard from a community amp in Pretzsch, Poland.
Date: 13 November 1944
RG-72.08.29, Postcard sent from Maria Betz in Germany to Janina Perkowska in Skierniwice, Poland.
Date: 12 November 1944
RG-72.08.30, Postcard sent from Jozef Zwiroko in Kassel, Germany to Marian Dunski in Wojciechow, Poland.
Date: 8 February 1942
RG-72.08.31, Postcard sent to Jaroslav in Protektorat Bohemia and Moravia.
Date: 26 January 1945
RG-72.08.32, Postcard sent from Maryan Kaminski in Kornwestheim, Germany to the Polish Main Aid Council in Krakow inquiring about the whereabouts of his wife.
Date: 10 January 1945
RG-72.08.33, Postcard from Maria Lwowska in Germany to Polish Main Aid Council in Krakow.
Date: 1 January 1945
RG-72.08.34, Postcard sent from Lissa, Germany to Rawitsch, Poland.
Date: 24 November 1944
RG-72.08.35, Postcard sent from Lucjan Szkarkowski in Berlin to Polish Main Aid Council in Krakow.
Date: 28 December 1944
RG-72.08.36, Postcard sent from Albert Unterstab in Special Camp A in Bistrita, Bohemia and Moravia to Karl Unterstab in Prague.
Date: 4 April 1945
RG-72.08.37, Picture postcard of Harzgerode,Harz-Allee to Fran Hynstova in Protektorat-Mahren.
Date: 27 September 1944
RG-72.08.38, Postcard from Stanislaus Komorowski in Hohenzalza to Anna Komorowska in post Kosow-Lacki government.
Date: 24 March 1941
RG-72.08.39, Postcard from Warfa Milukowa in Kramatorskaja to Ivan Milukow in Laband.
Date: 13 August 1941
RG-72.08.40, Postcard sent from Abram Cegla in Posen to Arbeitseinsatz in Lodz.
Date: 30 September 1941
RG-72.08.41, Postcard sent from Albert Linehamps in Wetzlar to Madame Linehamps in Brussels.
Date: 10 August 1944
RG-72.08.42, Postcard sent from Alesandre Gorbouline in the I. G. Gemeinschaftslager III in Ludwigshafen to T. Dietrich in Grenoble.
Date: April 1942
RG-72.08.43, Postcard sent from Br. Dziedzic in Berlin Grunewald to Drieskicowie in Kielce.
Date: 14 November 1944
RG-72.08.44, Postcard sent from Calbesaale in Bez Magdeburg to Wasili Dawydjk in Ukraina.
Date: 9 January 1943
RG-72.08.45, Postcard sent from Janina Banosiak in Tomaszuw to Gozdzik Kaaimiera in Neheim.
Date: 19 March 1943
RG-72.08.46, Postcard sent from Josef Sokotowski from Lager Ida in Waldenburg to R.G.O. in Krakow.
Date: 11 January 1945
RG-72.08.47, Envelope sent to Trick Venzel in DAF Lager in Glashutte, 13 July 1944
RG-72.08.48, Envelope from Grossraming, Germany to Zakopane, Poland, 10 July 1944
RG-72.08.49, Envelope from Steyr, Germany to Zakopane, Poland, 03 January 1945
RG-72.08.50, Postcard sent from Ukraine, Kamjanets-Podilska oblast, village Rubljanka to a labor camp Jiefban, Waldenburg, Germany, 24 July 1943
RG-72.08.51, Postcard from Modrou, Germany to Zarki, Poland, written from J. Sztybel to M. Sztybel, 16 February 1941
RG-72.08.52, Postcard from Upper Silesia, Germany to Paris, France, written from E. J. Blechhammer II, 22 January 1944
RG-72.08.53, Postcard from Camp 39 in Saar, Germany to Theresienstadt, written to Marta Leiss, 14 March 1945
RG-72.08.54, Postcard from Brno, Czech to Postelberg II/F Labor camp, Germany, written to Jaroslav Dadak, 6 March 1945
RG-72.08.55, Postcard from Community Labor Camp in Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany to Grenoble, France, written from Alesandre Gorbonline to T. Dietrich
RG-72.08.56, Envelope from community labor camp in Rathenow, Germany to Paris, France, sent to Madam Taponier from Jacques Taponier, 31 March 1944
RG-72.08.57, Postcard from Labor Camp in Leipzig, Germany to town’s hospital in Piastów, Poland, written from Wladyslaw Krzyzanowski to Dr. Kazimierz Alichalski for Klysiunki, 28 December 1944
RG-72.08.58, Postcard from a labor camp in Harzgerode, Germany to Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, written to Fran. Hynstova from V Horovy, 26 September 1944
RG-72.08.59, Postcard from Wetzlar, Germany to Brussels, Belgium, written from Albert Benehamps to Madame Benehamps, 11 August 1944
RG-72.08.60, Postcard from Calbe near Magdeburg, Germany to Juankiv, Ukraine, written from Katiia to Vasyl Dawydjk, written in Ukrainian, 9 January 1943
RG-72.08.61, Envelope from Ukraine to Vienna, Austria, written from Ania Vrublewskomu to Anton Vrublewskomu
RG-72.08.62, Envelope from Ukraine to Vienna labor camp, Austria, written from Juan M. Ferenchuk to Juan J. Ferenschuk, 4 December 1942
RG-72.08.63, Envelope from Krakau, Poland to Braunschweig, Germany, written from Maria Zbroja to Jochan Zbroja, 26 May 1940
RG-72.08.64, Postcard from Tomaszów Mazowiecki, Poland to labor camp in Germany, written from Janina Banosiak to Kazimiera Gozdzik, 19 April 1945
RG-72.08.65, Postcard to labor camp in Oberalstadt, Upper Silesia, Germany from Reichsgau Wartheland, Poland, written to Sefi Puntesornyt from Jda Groavc, 14 May 1945
RG-72.08.66, Postcard from Berlin, Germany to Kielce, Poland, 14 November 1944
RG-72.08.67, Envelope to Glashütte, Germany, written to Trika Venzel, 13 July 1944
RG-72.08.68, Postcard from Hohensalza (Inowrocław), Poland to Kosów Lacki, Poland, written to Anna Komorouski from S. Komorouska, 25 March 1941
RG-72.08.69, Postcard from Labor Camp Laband Camp 3 to Donetsk, Donbass Region, Ukraine, written from Ivan Miliukov to W. Miliukov, 15 March 1943
RG-72.08.70, Postcard from Prague to Germany, written from Paul Singer to G. Singer, 9 January 1945.
RG-72.08.71, Postal confirmation from Dąbrowa Tarnowska, Poland to Germany, sent from Josef Fuks to Icek Fuks, 8 December 1941
RG-72.08.72, Postcard from Drohobych, Poland to Dubová Slovakia, written to Karl Fuchs, 19 November 1941
RG-72.08.73, Postcard from Ivan Miliukov in Germany to Stalinskaiia oblast, Donbass, USSR, 1941
RG-72.08.74, Postcard from F. Prosek to Yosef Prosek, postmarked 14 May 1943
RG-72.08.75, Letter from Charles Bech to Helene Bech, dated 11 March 1945
RG-72.08.76, Postcard from Bronislawa Pietrusrewska in Zittau to Anna Sliwa in Warsaw, postmarked 18 December 1944
RG-72.08.77, Envelope from Teodor Warscha in Altenhoefen to Stanislaw Chelchowski in Lublin, postmarked 27 December 1943
RG-72.08.78, Postcard from Zenon Zarnowski in Lager Eiche to A. Piekarska, postmarked 5 December 1944
RG-72.08.79, Postcard from Bronislawa Piedrusrewska in Zittau to Anna Sliwa in Warsaw, postmarked 28 November 1944
RG-72.08.79, Postcard from Bronislawa Piedrusrewska in Zittau to Anna Sliwa in Warsaw, postmarked 28 November 1944
RG-72.08.80, Envelope from Felicjan Kuzniarski in Mielec to Generalgouwerneurs in Krakow, postmarked 11 November 1941
RG-72.08.81, Fragment from Schenkendorf to Miaczyslain Skotarezak in Druette, postmarked 3 July 1944
RG-72.08.82, Fragment from Strzemieszyce to Daniel Jenslryczek in Druette, postmarked 23 September 1944
RG-72.08.83, Parcel receipt from Briesenitz to Druette, postmarked 3 November 1944
RG-72.08.84, Parcel receipt from Sohrau Post to Druette, postmarked 8 June 1944
RG-72.08.85, Postcard from Leipzig-Wahren labor camp to Krystyna Krjzonowska in Brwinow, Poland, postmarked 29 November 1944
RG-72.08.86, Package receipt from Schluesselsee to Druette, postmarked 22 December 1944
RG-72.08.87, Parcel receipt from Saul Ciesielski in Lissa to Ludwig Ciesielski in Druette, postmarked 9 August 1944
RG-72.08.88, Postcard from Maria Betz in Germany to Janina Perkowska in Skierniewice, Poland, postmarked 30 November 1944
RG-72.08.89, Drukwerk card from the Netherlands, dated 29 October 1943
RG-72.08.90, Postcard from Jerzy Sieniawski in Berlin to Feliks Sieniawski in Tschenstochau, postmarked 28 December 1944
RG-72.08.91, Postcard from Gitla Sara Borensitgu in Dombrowa to Gitla Sara Rubin in Gellenau, postmarked 16 April 1943
RG-72.08.92, Postcard from Richard Schwarzkopf in Cholm to Rudolf Hirsch in Bruenn, postmarked 29 September 1942
RG-72.08.93, Letter from Konstantin Cwiezk in Linz to Sophie Cwiezk in Sosnowitz, postmarked 20 December 1943
Author: staff

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