Ed Victor Papers, 1933-1972
| Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

In October 2011, Mr. Edward Victor, former lawyer and philanthropist, donated to the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust his Collection of the Second World War era documents and artifacts. Owing to this generous donation, our Archive acquired highly valuable historic materials. Being multivectorial by content and form, these documents and artifacts mirror various facets of the Holocaust and in a broader sense, they emanate from the war realities.
Mr. Victor’s Papers also include a special collection of postcards and photographs depicting largely bygone synagogues of Europe, Northern Africa and Middle East.

Mr. Victor started his collection guided primarily by philatelic interest. He collected letters, envelopes, postcards and other documents bearing a postal stamp or institutional stamps of the respective authorities and agencies. At a certain point, he realizes that the fate of the people, reflected in the short narratives, is of eternal historic value and shall not be measured only in a philatelic dimension. The content of various wartime correspondences reveals a historic enormity of victimization, dehumanization and personal tragedies on one side and a cold blood calmness of perpetrators on the other.
Reading correspondences sent from concentration camps, prisons, ghettos and German labor service open up a microcosm of tragic stories. Other groups of documents, such as official correspondences of National Socialist authorities, inquiries submitted by the relatives of incarcerated people, antisemitic and propaganda materials, rationing coupons also broaden our understanding of the Holocaust and about the structure of the Nazi regime. Ed Victor Papers, as a corpus of wartime documents, historicize the Holocaust in the context of the 20th century History. They shed light on the earlier, lesser known and often under researched pages of the Holocaust Experience, especially when it comes to the fate of individuals. At a certain point, multiple micro-histories become qualitatively intrinsic to the macro-history of the Holocaust.
Author: staff
Buchenwald, German-Nazi concentration camp
Concentration camps, German
Flossenburg, German Concentration camp
German Labor Service, labor in Germany, 1940 -- 1945
Gross Rosen, German concentration camp
Gusen German concentration camp
Hamburg-Neuengamme, German concentration camp
Holocaust, Jewish (1939 -- 1945)
Identification documents, German issued, 1933 -- 1945
Jasenovac, Croatian Concentration camp
Jewish ghettos in German-occupied and controlled Europe
Judenrat, Jewish council in ghettos
Lodz ghetto, 1940 -- 1944
Majdanek, German concentration camp
Mauthausen, German Concentration camp
Oranienburg-Sachsenhausen, German Concentration Camp
Postcards, political images, German
prisoner correspondence, 1933 -- 1945
Proofs of incarcerations under German-Nazi and Axis regimes
Ravensbrueck, German concentration camp
Red Cross, International, 1933 -- 1946
Stutthof, German Concentration camp
Synagogues, religious temples

Documents and Files:
RG-, A report about the Honigman family in labor service, dated 17 June 1941
RG-, A Vllnius (Wilno) Ghetto prison issued document regarding Malka Mil, 2 November 1942
Postcard from Karl Israel Loser in Vienna to Engineer Oskar Loser in Ljubljana, Slovenia, Yugoslavia, 4 December 1940
RG-72.01.01, Synagogue, Algiers, Algeria, ca 1930
RG-72.01.01, Synagogue, Algiers, Algeria, ca 1930
RG-72.01.02, Synagogue, Oran, Algeria
RG-72.02.01, Postcard from Amalia Lehser in Krakow Ghetto to Fratllie Kreh in Genova, Italy , 28 September 1941
RG-72.02.02, Postcard from L. Rudy in Kosow Lacki ghetto to Chawa Ruda in Paris, 7 September 1942
RG-72.02.03, Postcard from L. Rudy in Kosow Lacki ghetto to A. Rudy in Paris, 9 August 1942
RG-72.02.04, Postcard from Chawa Pejorel in Kosow Lacki ghetto to A. Rudy in Paris 16 April 1942
RG-72.02.05, Postcard from Marien Hersig in Krakow to Ms. Austern in La Chaux de Fonds Switzerland, 24 February 1942
RG-72.02.06, from Berta Morgen in Stanislawow ghetto to Filipo Kowner in Chichi, Italy, 7 September 1942
RG-72.02.07, Postcard from J. Nowak in Zloczow ghetto to J. Taborsky in Vienna, 13 October 1942
RG-72.02.08,Postcard from Regina Perlmutter from Slalat, Poland to the Judenrat of Lodz, inquiry 16 October 1941
RG-72.02.09, Inquiry from Otto Tuchmayer in Nancy, France to the Jewish Council of Lodz, 13 October 1941
RG-72.02.10, Inquiry for the Jewis Council in Konskie, Poland to the Jewish Council in Lodz
RG-72.02.11, Postcard from L. Rudy in Kosow-Lacki, Poland to A. Rudy in Paris, 6 June 1942
RG-72.02.12, Postcard from Glusk, Poland to Heinz Seelig in Berlin, 12 September 1940
RG-72.02.13, Postal document prooving shipment from a perfume factory of W. Seeger in Warsaw to the firm of Adam Bald in Piotrkow, Poland, 25 February 1943
RG-72.02.14, Document from the Uruguayan legislature certifying that Anna Ciechanow manages administrative affairs of the Uruguayan Consulate General in Warsaw, 21 September 1939
RG-72.02.15, Postcard from Warsaw ghetto to Lausanne, Switzerland, written to Alfred Schwonbaum, 7 January 1941
RG-72.02.16, Postcard from Amelia Goldfajn in Warsaw ghetto to Ia. I. Goldfajn in Soviet exile, Ankashevo, Novosibirsk region, the USSR, 11 February 1941
RG-72.02.17, Postcard from Warsaw ghetto to Lisbon, Portugal, written from Abram Zelmans to Bernardino Szwarzbard, 20 April 1942
RG-72.02.18, Postcard from M. Leblang in Modliborzyce ghetto (Krasna) to Klara Leblang in Vienna, 1941
RG-72.02.19, Envelope from the Labor Department, Metal-working division of the Jewish Council of Lodz Ghetto
RG-72.02.20, A request for mainting a telephone line by the Jewish Council of Lodz and trasferring it to a ghetto pharmacy, 3 May 1940
RG-72.02.21, Postcard from Jacob Israel Frius in Sosnowitz to Sara Frius, postmarked 4 May 1943
RG-72.02.22, Postcard from Frida Faiman in Sosnowitz to Sara Frius, postmarked 13 July 1943
RG-72.02.23, Arrest order issued by the Prosecutor of the Jewish ghetto police of the Wilno, Vilnius, Vilna ghetto, 9 July 1942
RG-72.02.24, Postcard from Cecilia Wroclawska in Czestochowa ghetto to Alfred Schwarzbaum in Lausanne, Switzerland, 22 November 1941
RG-72.02.25, Postal stamps from Lodz (Litzmannstadt) ghetto featuring Chaim Mordechaj Rumkowski, Chairman of the Jewish Council
RG-72.02.26, Postal stamps from Lodz (Litzmannstadt) ghetto featuring Chaim Mordechaj Rumkowski, Chairman of the Jewish Council
RG-72.02.27, Postcard from Terezie Brodawka in Litzmannstadt to Sofie Prosecky in Bohemia, postmarked 27 May 1944
RG-72.02.28, A memo and invoice addressed to the Chairman of the Jewish Council of the Lodz ghetto, 1941
RG-72.02.29, Postcard from Budapest to Matt Wozasek in Lodz Ghetto, 24 February 1942
RG-72.02.30, Postcard from Hanns Israel Kaufmann in Opole ghetto to Dr. Rudolf Kronegg in Vienna, postmarked 30 April 1941
RG-72.02.31, Envelope fragment addressed to the Jewish Self-help Council in unknown ghetto, probably 1942
RG-72.02.32, Postcard from Saly Mayer in St. Gallen, Switzerland to Josef Sumpf in Przemysl, Poland, the USSR, 19 November 1940
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), letter from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women, 22 March 1943
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), letter from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women, 1 August 1941
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), letter from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women, 14 September 1943
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), letter from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women, 16 July 1943.
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), letter from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women, 18 August 1943
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), letter from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women, 20 May 1943
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), letter from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women, 21 June 1941
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), letter from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women, 21 March 1942
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), letter from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women, 23 August 1941.
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), letter from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women, 23 June 1942
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), letter from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women, 26 January 1943
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), letter from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women, 27 January 1942
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), letter from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women, 30 April 1941
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), letter from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women, 30 April 1942
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), letter from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women, 30 December 1943
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), letter from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women, 30 May 1942.
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), letter from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women, 30 November 1943
RG-, Sofia Dutkowna, Ravensbrueck letter_30 November 1943
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), letter from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women, 31 August 1942
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), letter from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women, 31 October 1941
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), letter from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women, April 1944
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), letter from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women, December (2)
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), letter from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women, December
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), letter from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women, February (2).
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), letter from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women, February
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), letter from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women, January 1941
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), letter from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women, January 1943
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), letter from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women, May 1941
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), letter from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women, May 1944
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), letter from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women, September
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), postcard from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women 22 September 1942
RG-, Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), postcard from Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women
RG-, From Bruno Tyczewski to Tyczewski, Dachau 3K, letter, 13 December 1942
RG-, From Jan Tomasek to Anezka Tomaskova, Dachau 3K, letter, 25 June 1944
RG-, From Josef Goralski to Roman Stupecki, Dachau 3K letter 1943
RG-, From Karel Vysehradsky to Karel Vysehradsky, Dachau 3K [Heppenheim sub camp] letter 6 June 1943
RG-, From Tadeusz Pelezarski to Wanda Dryglowa , Dachau 3 K [SS Kottern labor sub camp] 3 December 1944
RG-, From Tadeusz Pelezarski to Janina Pekezarska, Dachau 3K [SS Kottern labor sub camp] letter 16 April 1944
RG-, From Tadeusz Pelezarski to Janina Pelezarska, Dachau 3K [SS Kottern labor sub camp] letter 2 July 1944
RG-, From Tadeusz Pelezarski to Janina Pelezarska, Dachau 3K [SS Kottern labor sub camp] letter 4 June 1944
RG-, From Tadeusz Pelezarski to Janina Pelezarska, Dachau 3K [SS Kottern labor sub camp] letter 14 May 1944
RG-, From Wolf Halm to Rosa Halm, Dachau postcard_16 August 1938
RG-, Letter from Janusz Rapacz, Dachau 3K camp to Zofia Rapacz, Ravensbrueck camp, 6 January 1945
RG-, From Marze in Dachau to his wife Marta Marze, dated 22 April 1934
RG-, Postcard sent from Povolny in Dachau to Erna Rosecky in Vienna, 10 August 1938
RG-, Account activity for prisoner Felix Naskrecki in Dachau concentratio camp, 10 May 1942
RG-, Letter and envelope from Felix Nasrecki in Dachau concentration camp to Johanna Nasrecka in Kalisz, Poland
RG-, Letter from Felix Naskrecki in Sachsenhausen camp to Lorenz Naskrecki in Kalisz, Poland
RG-, Envelope from Dachau to Bruntál, Czech Republic, Rudolf Langer to Paula Langer in Germany, 16 June 1939
RG-, Fragment, remaining property of Mr. Nowicki, postmarked 1 March 1941
RG-, Letter from Marja Bogacki in Dachau to Kasimir Bogacki in Posen-Wartheland, dated 1 May 1943
RG-, Envelope from Boleslaus Skorupa in Dachau to Emanuel Skorupa in Koenigshuette
RG-, Letter from Longin Literacki in Dachau to Nichal Literacki in Warthegau, postmarked 19 October, rest illegible
RG-, 5 Letters from Tadeusz Pelezarski in Kottern labour camp, to Janina Pelezarska, Kolaczyce, Poland
RG-, Letter from Bruno Tyczewski in Dachau to Fr. Tyczewski in Poznan, Poland, dated 13 December 1942
RG-, Letter from Karel Vysehradsky, Dachau to Karel Vysehradsy, Lakouce, Czechoslovakia, 6 June 1943
RG-, From Josef Kalchonski, Hamburg Neuengamme letter 27 September 1942
RG-, From Otto Topf to Moritz Topf, Hamburg Neuengamme postcard 25 November 1942
RG-, From Tomasik Wilhelm to Wiktoria Tomasik, Hamburg Neuengamme letter, 28 November 1943
RG-, From Felix Kowalski, Hamburg Neuengamme letter 18 July
RG-, From Marian Kowalczyk to Bronislawa Kowalczyk, 9 July 1944
RG-, Letter from Josef Kalchonski in Hamburg-Neuengamme, 27 September 1942
RG-, Neuengamme camp, letter from Jean Fyferling to Mr. and Mrs. Fyferling in Mortagne, France, May 1944
RG-, Postcard to Zofia Goszczynska, postmarked 26 July 1942
RG-, Letter from Kasimir Goszczynski in Hamburg-Neuengamme to Iansilic Goszcsynski in Wartheland, 31 July 1944
RG-, Letter from Bogdan Wrzyminski in Neuengamme to Tekla Wrzyminski in Wreschen, 14 March 1943
RG-, From Ernst Bindheim in Oranienburg to Johanna Bindheim in Hamburg
RG-, From Frant Ulk in Oranienburg concentration camp to Ruzena Ulkova in Bohemia, 23 July 1942
RG-, From Frantisek Mejvald in Oranienburg camp to Zofie Mejvaldova in Prague, 12 May 1940
RG-, From Joseph Olkiewicz in Sachsenhausen camp to Bronislawa Slomkowski (Poland), 7 January 1945
RG-, From Karl Dirnhofer in Oranienburg cam to Johann Dirnhofer, 19 March 1940
RG-, From Wladislaus Chmielnicki in Sachsenhausen camp to Antonina Chmielnicki, 14 December 1941
RG-, transfer note for Stanlislaw Szymczak from Oranienburg to Buchenwald on 9 November 1944
RG-, From Marian Ignaszak to Wladislawa Ignaszak in Vansburg, Sachsenhausen letter, 25 August 1940
RG-, From Josef Hrncir to Frantiska Hrncirova, Sachsenhausen letter, 2 March 1941
RG-, Postcard sent from Hermann Schulze in Sachsenhaufen to Gustav Schulze, 30 December 1937
RG-, Postcard from Sachsenhausen to Jan in Krakow, 13 January 1945
RG-, Letter from Johann Karczewski to Peter Schulz in Sudauen, Germany, 24 September 1944
RG-, Letter from Wladislaus Chmielnicki to Antonina Chmielnicka in Tomaszow-Mazowiecki, 14 December 1941
RG-, Envelope from Josef Hrncir in Oranienburg to Franziska Hrncirova, 31 March 1940
RG-, Envelope from Witold Sienicki to Helena Sienicka in Tschenstochau, Poland, 29 December 1943
RG-, Letter from Felix Naskrecki in Sachsenhausen camp to Naskrecki in Kalisz Poland, 19 October 1940
RG-, Letter from Oranienburg to Bydgoszcz, written to J. Schellong from Josef Schellong , 11 June 1944
RG-, Letter from Sachsenhausen to Bohemia-Moravia, written from J. Hrucer to F. Hrucirova, 3 August 1941
RG-, Letter from Oranienburg Conc. Camp to Baranów, from Jau Komenola to K. Komenola, 4 June 1944
RG-, Envelope from Oranienburg to Częstochowa, from Witold Sienicki to H. Sienicka, 6 September 1943
RG-, Postcard from Sachsenhausen to Bohemia and Moravia, written from Josef Zvolshy, 27 April 1944
RG-, Letter from Sachsenhausen-Oranienburg to Parczew, postmarked 29 April 1944
RG-, Letter from Stefan Kleinert in Oranienburg to the Kleinert family in Kattowitz, 9 September 1944
RG-, Receipt with the name Aleksander Oszup, from Sachsenhausen, 17 June (year illegible)
RG-, Postcard from Warsaw to Aleksander Oszup in Sachsenhausen, 20 June 1944
RG-, Receipt with the name Aleksander Oszup, from Oranienburg, dated 1944
RG-, Letter from Oranienburg to Eliesabeth Czmeiner in Braunschweig, 31 July 1942
RG-, Letter from Stanislaw Sadurski in Oranienburg to Irene Sadurska in Warsaw, year illegible
RG-, Postcard from Tadeusz Gruszka in Wald im Pinzgau to Vinzens Styszko in Oranienburg, 9 October 1944
RG-, Letter from Nils Goeransson in Oranienburg to Jenny Goeransson in Copenhagen, Denmark, 12 August 1944
RG-, From Gracjan Guziuski to Mrs. Guziuski, Gusen May 1943
RG-, From Joroslav Pekaz in Gusen concentration camp to Mrs. Pekaz in Bohemia and Moravia, 5 November 1944
RG-, From Josef Trzebiatowski in Gusen concentration camp to Maria Trezbiatowska in Krakow, 15 December 1944
RG-, From Anton Lisiecki in Gusen II camp to Wanda Lisiecka in Poznan, Poland, 15 December 1944
RG-, Letter from Heinrich Wisniewski in Gusen concentration campto Ludwig Wisniewski in Poznan, Poland, 3 November 1944
RG-, Letter from Stefan Koziecszny in Gusen consentration camp to Katharine Koziecszna in Poznan, Poland October 1944
RG-, Letter from Marian Baranowski in Gusen concentration camp to Marcin Baranowski in Poznan, 20 December 1940
RG-, Letter from Julian Garda in Gusen concentration camp to Aleksandra Garda in Germany, January 1943
RG-, Letter from Marian Raranowski in Mauthausen to Marcin Raranowski in Posen, 30 October 1944
RG-, Letter from Franz Hasik in Gusen concentration camp to Anna Hasik in village Weisdorf, district Krakow
RG-, Letter from Mauthausen to Posen, Germany , written from Hajetan Lejiowski to Alois Lejiowski, 27 October 1944
RG-, Letter from Michael Niewiadomski in Gusen to Johanna Niewiadomska in Schoendorf Ober-Kalisch, dated 22 September 1940
RG-, Letter from Joroslav Pekas in Gusen, sub-camp of Mauthausen, to Frau Pekaz, 5 November 1944
RG-, From Adam Jozwik to Kazimir Jozwik, Auschwitz, 18 October 1942
RG-, From Ignatz Rokosz, Auschwitz, 10 February 1941
RG-, From Ignatz Rokosz [camp number 508, one of the first prisoners at Auschwitz], 9 December 1940
RG-, From Zdislaw Holzhacker to Emilie Holzhacker, Auschwtiz, envelope 15 June 1941
RG-, Postcard to Wilhelm Hauser, dated 7 November 1943
RG-, Postcard from Marian Baranowski to Martin Baranowski, dated 22 March 1942
RG-, Polish prisoner Stanislaw Wojciechowski transfered from Auschwitz to Buchenwald, 11 December 1944
RG-, Letter sent from Arnold Nikolaus in Auschwitz to Wanda Arnold in Vienna, 4 July 1943
RG-, Postcard sent from D. Lederer in Birkenau to Karl Goldmann, 25 March 1944
RG-, Letter from Ignatz Roken in Auschwitz, 10 February 1941
RG-, Letter from Gustav Schwarz in labor camp Birkenau to Zdenek Justic in Prague, 25 March 1944
RG-, Letter from Auschwitz concentration camp to Krakow, 6 March 1944
RG-, Postcard from Auschwitz to Bystrica, Slovakia written by Else Lustig
RG-, Postcard from Auschwitz-Birkenau to Bratislava, Slovakia, written from Else Grun to Eugen Herzog
RG-, Letter to Krakow from Jaworzno (Auschwitz), written to Maria Talach from Josef Talach. 28 August 1943
RG-, Postal confirmation on transfer from Nowy Sacz to Auschwitz, send from A. Russek to E. Russek
RG-, Letter from Auschwitz to Breuberg, Germany, written from Sophie Koslowski to Janina Swikla
RG-, Postcard from Auschwitz to Krakow, written from Stanislaw Panek to Kazimiera Panek, 14 February 1941
RG-, Letter from Auschwitz, written from Edward Matysik to his Mother, 12 January 1941
RG-, Envelope from Auschwitz to Zakopane, Poland, written from Franc Myszkowski to Johanna Liszbowa
RG-, Postcard from Auschwitz to Tarnow, Poland, written from Kazimir Gbal to Stanislawa Gbal
RG-, Letter from Auschwitz to Rybnik, Poland, 28 May 1944
RG-, Telegram to Maria Okupny Staszycastr in Lublin from Auschwitz, undated
RG-, Telegram to Antonina Porowski Gorna in Lublin from Auschwitz, undated
RG-, Postcard from Anton Reitler in Birkenau to Ernst Havlik in Prague, dated 15 December 1943
RG-, Letter from Andreas Mardula in Auschwitz to Helene Mardula in Zakopane, postmarked 4 October 1941
RG-, Letter from Marta Wijas in Auschwitz to Franciska Sladmarczyk in Nowy Sacz, postmarked 17 December 1942
RG-, Postcard from Boleslaw Myslakowski in Germany to Handa Myslakowska in Auschwitz
RG-, Envelope from Wykrst Anton Johann in Auschwitz to Wykrst Anton in Nawojowa, Poland, postmarked 17 Oct 40
RG-, Letter from Maria in Auschwitz Concentration Camp to an unknwon, 7 October 1943
RG-, Auschwitz envelope from Zdiscaw Holzhocker June 15, 1941
RG-, From August Woguitza to Franciska Woguitza, Weimar Buchenwald letter, 2 November 1940
RG-, From Czeslaw Sawicki to Stanislawa Sawiecka in Warsaw, Buchenwald letter, 9 July 1944
RG-, From Ludwig Jandel Ordower, Weimar Buchenwald letter, 16 February 1941
RG-, From Richard Goldmann in Buchenwald concentration camp in post-Kristallnacht custody, dated 18 November 1938
RG-, From Sloma Jechok to Malwine Sara Jineberg in Vienna, Buchenwald postcard, 31 March 1940
RG-, From Pawel Zieutek to Helena Zieutek in Jordanow near Rabka [district Krakow], Buchenwald, 1 September 1942
RG-, From Edmund Kornacki in Buchenwald to Flis Miehat in Warsaw, 16.April 1944
RG-, Postcard from Weimar Buchenwald from August Woguitza to Franciska Woguitza, Wielopole
RG-, Letter and envelope from Ludwig Ordower in Buchenwald to Hermine Ordower in Vienna, 22 February 1942
RG-, Letter and Envelope from K. Mikolasek in Buchenwalt to Frau Mikolaskova in Upice
RG-, From Buchenwald to administration of the New Israeli cemetery at the Central cemetery in Vienna, 29 May 1942
RG-, Letter from Buchenwald to Ravensbrueck camp for women in Fuerstenberg, writtem from Karel Pavlik to Julie Pavlikova
RG-, Letter from Buchenwald Concentration camo to Klwow, Opoczna, Radom, Poland, written to Kazimiere Sionek from Wladislaus Sionek
RG-, Postcard from Buchenwald Conc. Camp to Warsaw, written from Kazimir Kodrebsi to Ewa Labeska, 26 September 1943
RG-, Envelope and letter from Buchenwald to Bohemia and Moravia, written from Lada Ledlacek to Jaroslava Ledlackova
RG-, Postcard to Krakiw, Poland from Wolfen Camp, written to P.T.Larzad from Stanislaw Lilejkis
RG-, Envelope from Friechisch-Kath. Pfarramt to Buchenwald, postmarked 3 March 1943
RG-, Envelope from Ludwig Israel Orolower to Hermine Orolower in Vienna, postmarked 21 February 1941
RG-, Fragment addressed to Franz Gibian in Buchenwald, postmarked 26 July 1940
RG-, Notice of death of Max Wulkan on 24 June 1940, postmarked 6 July 1940
RG-, Letter from Georg Koenig in Buchenwald to Frieda Koenig in Halle Saale, postmarked 28 September 1937
RG-, Letter from Lajos Weisz in Buchenwald to the Judenrat in Prague, postmarked 17 January 1945
RG-, Letter from Josef Sumsal in Buchenwald to his aunt and uncle, 18 January 1942
RG-, Letter from Karel Movarec, Buchenwald to Herr Huf, dated 2 November 1941
RG-, Buchenwald letter from Pawel Zieutek to Helena Zieutek in Jordanow near Rabka, district Krakow. September 1, 1942
RG-, Envelope from Buchenwald to Vienna. December 5, 1943
RG-, Felix Piskorska, Natzweiler envelope 15 November 1943
RG-, From Franz Munzae to Marie Munzarova, Flossenburg letter 14 May 1944
RG-, From Hans Grim, upper Pflaz letter, Flossenburg
RG-, From Jerzyslaw Weslowski to Josefa Wesotowska, Waffen SS Lublin 2 March 1944
RG-, From Josef Lansky to Zdenka Lansky, Flossenburg letter, 10 September 1944
RG-, From M. Gyrnyer to M. Polak in Amsterdam, Westerbork transit camp letter 11 December 1943
RG-, Westerbork letter, 27 February 1944
RG-, From Sophie von Harzdorf to commandant of Gross Rosen concentration camp, postcard 2 November 1944
RG-, From Wiktoria Chelmecka, Ravensbrueck letter June 1942
RG-, Postal receipt sent from Humpolec, Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia to Waldelager in Thuringia Germany
RG-, Letter from Westerbork concentration camp, 27 February 1944
RG-, Envelope from a concentration camp near Regensburg, Germany, 3 April 1943
RG-, Postcard from Prague to special SS camp in Bistritz, Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia, 19 October
RG-, Envelope and letter from Camp Lichtenburg to Nuremberg, 22 June 1937
RG-, Envelope, from Vienna to a labor camp in Hungary 11 November 1944
RG-, Letter from Gleiwitz, Germany to Dombrowa, Poland, written to Sophie Tilriakowski, 6 August 1944
RG-, Postcard from concentration camp in Stara Gradiska in Croatia to Jewish Community in Zagreb
RG-, Postcard from Jasenovac concentration camp to Vodin, Croatia
RG-, Postcard from Jasenovac concentration camp to Osijek, Croatia
RG-, Camp Nonnendamm in Berlin, pass for Alfons Klemenz, issued 23 February 1942
RG-, Postcard Bergen-Belsen to Switzerland, written from Dr. Abel Herzberg to Richard Hichtheim, 16 February 1945
RG-, Letter from Stutthof Camp to Gotenhafen, Poland, written from Leo to Zosia Staikieurier, 12 July 1944
RG-, Envelope and Letter from Waldheim Conc. Camp to Prague, 10 May 1942
RG-, Postcard from Opočno, Czech to Sangerhausen Labor Camp, written from Vacjova Frans to Frank Vacek, 1945
RG-, Postcard from Mitterweißenbach to Vienna, written from Hans Albala to Therese Albala, 7 March 1941
RG-, Letter from Furstenberg Conc. Camp to Prague, written from B. Batkova to W. Badka, 6 September 1944
RG-, Postcard from Sangerhausen Camp to Bohemia and Moravia, written to M. Lemanova from R. Leimon, 4 February 1945
RG-, Postcard from Jasenovac concentration camp to Zemun, Serbia, written to Mariza Vide, 25 July 1943
RG-, Letter to Leokadja Moscicki in Lublin from Mauthausen, 3 February 1944
RG-, Letter from Uajetan Yejrowski in Mauthausen to Alois Yejrowski, postmarked 27 October 1944
RG-, Letter from R. Dolling in Lichtenburg to Clara Dolling, 24 May 1936
RG-, Postcard from Georg Koenig in Lichtenburg to Frieda Koenig, 1937
RG-, Letter from Charles Bech in a German concentration camp to Helene Bech in Denmark, 11 March 1945
RG-, Letter from Wladislaus Heydrik to his wife in Posen Concentration Camp, 11 April, 1942
RG-, Communication between Ravensbrueck and Lodz concerning Jadwiga Zamerska
RG-, Envelope and Letter from Radom, Poland to Ravensbrueck concentration camp, 28 February 1944
RG-, Envelope, From Ravensbrück Conc. Camp to Zurich, Switzerland, written to Thusnelda Pucher, 27 December 1939
RG-, Letter frin Gross-Rosen Camp to Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, written from F.Thrombonek to B.Thrombonek
RG-, Letter from Franz Tauchman, dated February 1944
RG-, Letter from Wiktoria Chetmeika in Ravensbrueck, dated June 1942
RG-, Letter from Mieczyslaw Kuziora in Gross Rosen to Anna Kuziorowa in Dukla, 14 February, 1943
RG-, Postcard to Krakow, Poland from Waldenburg, written from Josef Sokotowski to R.G.O, 11 January 1945
RG-, Letter from Franz Ikrobowek in Gross Rosen to Bozenka Ikrobowek in Bohemia, dated 12 October 1941
RG-, Letter from Johann Liebner, Gross Rosen to Leonie Liebner, Kempen, dated 3 September 1944
RG-, Envelope from Bendsburg, Germany to Lausanae, Switzerland. Envelope 1. December 1943
RG-, Envelope from Bendsburg, Germany to Lausanae, Switzerland. Envelope 2. December 21, 1943
RG-, Notification of postal reception from Eugenia Szarzynska to Janus Zsarzynski, 2 February 1944, Majdanek
RG-, Postcard from Wiktor Turiemski in Majdanek to his wife Adela Turiemska, postmarked 17 December 1943
RG-, Postcard from Miecryslaw Wesolowski in Majdanek to Jozefa Wesolowska in Opole-Lubelskie, postmarked 4 March 1944
RG-, Parcel card from Pulawy to Majdanek, postmarked 31 January 1944
RG-, Parcel receipt from District 2 Lublin to an SS officer in the camp, postmarked 10 January 1944
RG-, Package receipt from Zamosc to Majdanek, postmarked 13 January 1944
RG-, Postcard from Gejrel Kimacryriski in Majdanek to Josefa Kotron in Szczebrzenyn, postmarked 20 January 1944
RG-, Postcard from Josef Besman in Majdanek to Josef Magilnicki in Wolkowysk, postmarked 3 January 1944
RG-, Envelope from Jan Grym in Flossenburg to Fran Grym in Novy Hradek
RG-, Postal receipt from Hradec Králové,to Flossenburg camp, written from A. Guryhova to G. Rydel, 19 October 1944
RG-, Envelope from Tomasek Schutz to Hana Tomaskasa
RG-, Letter from Marie Munzarova, dated 14 May 1944
RG-, Parcel receipt from Dobruska to Flossenburg, postmarked 2 June 1944
RG-, Parcel receipt from Marie Sedlak in Bruenn to Stanislav Sedlak in Flossenburg, postmarked 17 October 1944
RG-, Postcard from Lucjan Julianski in Flossenburg to Janina Kedzierzawska in Litzmannstadt, 11 December 1941
RG-, Postcard from illegible, number 7809, Flossenbuerg to illegible person, Warsaw, Poland, 14 April 1944
RG-, Concentration camp Flossenburg in upper Pfalz. Letter from Hans Grim, a long-term prisoner his camp number 2096.
RG-, Letter from Stutthof Concentration Camp to Bydgoszcz, Poland, written to Pelogi Pivsik, 9 June 1944
RG-, Postcard from Jasenovac concentration camp to Osijek, Croatia
RG-, Postcard from Jasenovac concentration camp to Zemun, Serbia, written to Mariza Vide, 25 July 1943
RG-, Postcard from Jasenovac concentration camp to Vodin, Croatia
RG-, Postcard from Max Povolny in Mauthausen to Erma Rosecky in Vienna, dated 10 February 1939
RG-, Postcard from Maurice Avom in Mauthausen to one Adam in France, postmarked 4 August 1944
RG-, Letter from Uajetan Yejrowski in Mauthausen to Alois Yejrowski, postmarked 27 October 1944
RG-, Letter to Leokadja Moscicki in Lublin from Mauthausen, dated 3 February 1944
RG-72.04.01, Ausweiskarte, ID card stamped Jude issued by employment center Vienna , Vienna 1939
RG-72.04.02, German Kennkarte for Stephan Gergowicz [preliminary ID], earmarked for naturalization, issued in Lemberg, 19 May 1943
RG-72.04.03, German passport for Marie Elisabeth Rolter, stamped with J, Vienna, 6 February 1939
RG-72.04.04, Golda Hajnsdorf, Lodz ghetto work permit, she was deported 10 March 1944 with transport number 69
RG-72.04.05, Jewish travel passport for Emilie Cylinder stamped with the mark J, issued on 2 June 1939, Vienna
RG-72.04.06, Questionnaire for reporting medical professions, Jakob Zinn, 1 April 1942
RG-72.04.07, Questionnaire for reporting medical professions, Majer Gutsztadt
RG-72.04.08, Identification card for Dirkje Wynanda, 8 October 1941, Netherlands
RG-72.04.09, Identification card for Margot Sara Joseph, issued 14 April 1939, Cologne, Germany
RG-72.04.10, False identity card issued to Ms. Kagan Dora under the name of Denise-Marie Courtois, 31 May 1943, France
RG-72.04.11, Identification card for Vital Chapira from France marked Jewish, issued 10 July 1940, France
RG-72.04.12, Duplicate birth certificate in Russian issued to Agnes Shlomovna Gesing, 13 December 1944, Ukraine, USSR
RG-72.04.13, Organization Todt document (substitute ID) issued to a foreign laborer, 19 August 1943, Berlin
RG-72.04.14, Central registry card issued to Armin Friedmann, Theresienstadt, 14. March 1945
RG-72.04.15, Central registry card issued to Juraj Friedman, 14 March 1945
RG-72.04.16, Work Identification card issued to Helena Jarema , 26 January 1943, Lemberg (Lviv)
RG-72.04.17, Travel Passport issued to Chane Puder in Vienna, 19 October 1938 marked with Jude
RG-72.04.18, Identification document issued to Mieczyslaw Front by French authorities, France, 3.April 1945
RG-72.04.19, Identification card issued to Johanna Reiter in Szabadka, Hungary, 1942
RG-72.04.20, Identification document issued 7 September 1943 to Beentje Jansen in Holland, valid until 31 December 1944
RG-72.04.21, Identification card for a Jewish Person, U.M Gron, Netherlands
RG-72.04.22, Residence card for Mechel Bandler, from Wieliczka, marked with Star of David, Poland, 10 August 1942
RG-72.04.23, Krakow Kennkarte (ID card) for a Jew, Mechel Bandler, valid until 23. February 1942, Krakow, Poland
RG-72.04.24, Work card issued to Henryk Kowalczyk in Warsaw, 2 December 1943
RG-72.04.25, Camp Nonnendamm in Berlin, pass for Alfons Klemenz, clerk, issued 23 February 1942
RG-72.04.26, Attachment to Passport with the right to work in Tirol issued to Schlomo Birnbaum by the Jewish cultural community of Innsbruck, 1946
RG-72.04.27, Preliminary Identification card for Christine Motak, born 15 April 1929 from Lviv
RG-72.04.28, Volkspolitisches Referat ID, copy, of Ursel Marie, dated 31 December 1943, Lviv
RG-72.04.29, Identification documents for Laib Malek, born 13 June 1926, one of them issued 16 December 1946
RG-72.04.30, Permit for Katherina Zyla to be in the streets of Lublin at night, dated 30 May 1940
RG-72.04.31, Duplicate birth certificate for Laszlo Wald, issued 29 July 1943
RG-72.04.32, Health card and Certificate of Registration with the Jewish Agency for Palestine, issued for Sofia Samuel, 1948
RG-72.04.33, Membership card for Association of Jewish Political Prisoners, issued to Lifoze Petersiel, born 6 July 1902
RG-72.04.34, Ausweiskarte for M. Rosenberg-Bachenheimer in Bergen-Belsen, issued 27 June 1944
RG-72.04.35, ID tag belonging to ZS. MUSZ 012.576 42
RG-72.04.36, Certificate issued to Leib Israel Morgenstern in Klettendorf on 10 June 1942
RG-72.04.37, German Kennkarte for Hans Sigmar Israel Lachmann, issued 16 December 1938
RG-72.04.38, German Reisepass for Hans Sigmar Israel Lachmann, issued 2 February 1939
RG-72.04.39, German Reisepass for Julius Israel Lachmann, issued 7 March 1940
RG-72.04.40, German Reisepass for Neta Erna Sara Lachmann, issued 7 March 1940
RG-72.04.41, German Reisepass for Julius and Neta Lachmann, issued 6 July 1931
RG-72.04.42, German Arbeitsbuch for Julius Israel Lachmann, issued 25 February 1936
RG-72.04.43, German Fremdenpass for Beila Lea Sara Herrbaum, issued 24 March 1939
RG-72.04.44, Child identification card for Josef Baruch Stub, issued in Mainz on 9 December 1938
RG-72.04.45, Identification document issued to Rosa Audek by the Romanian police on 9 October 1941
RG-72.04.46, Form for first notice of medical profession, issued to Abraham Zollman by Health departement of the District of Galicia, Lemberg, dated 1 April 1942
RG-72.04.47, Proof of pick-up of a package for Harry Juras by camp Westerbrok, 1943
RG-72.05.01, British Red Cross in Palestine Postal Message sent from Emanuel Dux to Mozes Etelka in Hungary, dated 28 October 1943
RG-72.05.02, Postal Message from Giza Blau to Teresie Spiegel sent from the British Red Cross in Palestine to Karpatalja, Hungary, dated 13 June 1942
RG-72.05.03, Message sent from Sandorne Cseko in Budapest, Hungary to Adalbert Kalman in Jerusalem, 29 September 1943
RG-72.05.04, Message sent from Oskar Better in Cairo to Eugen Better in Bratislava, Slovakia, 18 May 1943
RG-72.05.05, Message sent from Oskar Better in Cairo to Eugen Better in Bratislava, Slovakia, 12 May 1944
RG-72.05.06, Envelope from Palestine to the International Red Cross Committee in Geneva, 16 April 1941
RG-72.05.07, Envelope sent to the International Red Cross in Geneva from Kraow, Poland, 16 December 1943
RG-72.05.08, Envelope sent to the International Red Cross in Geneva from Miryam Zabrier in Pabianice, Poland 13 December 1940
RG-72.05.09, Inquiry from Palestine to Nuremberg, Germany, 7 April 1942
RG-72.05.10, Member Card of the Czechoslovakian Red Cross in London, issued to Dr. Lichtenstein in Tel Aviv, Palestine, 1944
RG-72.05.11, Member Card of the Czechoslovakian Red Cross in Palestine issued tp Ella Kohnova in Tel Aviv, Palestine, 1943
RG-72.05.12, Message from Budapest, Hungary to Bolivia, written to Edmundo Laenes, 26 March 1940
RG-72.05.13, Message from Elly Rinzole in Romania to Josef Rudlich in Tel Aviv, Palestine, 3 March 1944
RG-72.05.14, Message from Bucharest, Romania to Tel Aviv, Palestine, written from Meirceo Podeanu to Avram Tavaler, 23 March 1943
RG-72.05.15, British Red Cross Message from London to Dusseldorf, Germany, written from Kurt Frankenschwerth to Otto Braunschweig, 30 September 1943
RG-72.05.16, British Red Cross Message from London to Berlin, Germany, written from Kurt Frankenschwerth to Clara Frankenschwerth, 1 January 1940
RG-72.05.17, British Red Cross Message from London to Berlin, Germany, written from Kurt Frankenschwerth to Clara Frankenschwerth, 3 May 1941
RG-72.05.18, British Red Cross Postal Message sent from Kurt Frankenschwerth to Clara Frankenschwerth, Berlin, 23 February 1942
RG-72.05.19, British Red Cross Message from London to Berlin, Germany, written from Kurt Frankenschwerth to Clara Frankenschwerth, 1 May 1942
RG-72.05.20, British Red Cross Message from London to Berlin, Germany, written from Kurt Frankenschwerth to Clara Frankenschwerth, 1 October 1942
RG-72.05.21, British Red Cross Message from London to Berlin, Germany, written from Margarete Frankenschwerth to Henny Frankenschwerth, 12 October 1942
RG-72.05.22, Belgian Red Cross Request from Chana Landesmann, Recipient is Moshe Landesmann in Jerusalem, 27 January 1944
RG-72.05.23, British Red Cross Message from Abram Handelsman in Tel Aviv, Palestine to Chana Handelsman in Poland, dated 21 January 1941
RG-72.05.24, From the Polish Red Cross in Palestine. Confirmation issued to Marek Schein in Tel-Aviv of the paid membership dues, 18 September 1941
RG-72.05.26, Postcard from Mr. Bertold Katz to care of Lady Macmichael, postmarked 18 February 1944
RG-72.05.27, Message from Erwin Galewski in Palestine to Ruth Weichmann in Germany, dated 18 December 1940
RG-72.05.28, Message from Moritz Zilz in Slovakia to Harry Konigsbeer in Palestine, dated 10 April 1942
RG-72.05.29, Polish Red Cross message from Jerusalem to British Red Cross Jerusalem, dated 11 October 1944
RG-72.05.30, Envelope sent to International Red Cross in Geneva from Tarn, France, postmarked 22 June 1942
RG-72.05.31, Envelope sent to International Red Cross in Geneva from Camp du Vernet d'Ariege, France, postmarked 18 March 1942
RG-72.05.32, Envelope sent to International Red Cross in Geneva from Walter Wachs in Camp de Djelfa, Algeria (France), postmarked 20 March 1942
RG-72.05.33, British Red Cross message from Alli Bick in Palestine to Paula Reiners in Belgium, dated 28 May 1941
RG-72.05.34, Postcard from Stanislaw Zurnia in Switzerland to the Red Cross in Toulouse, France, postmarked 22 August 1940
RG-72.05.35, Danish Red Cross message from Mrs. Gruen in Copenhagen to Mr. Goldshein in Tel Aviv (in Norwegian Red Cross envelope), dated 23 August 1940
RG-72.05.36, Message sent from Tel Aviv, Palestine through International Red Cross, dated 16 June 1940
RG-72.05.37, Envelope from Lomscha, Bialystok, Poland to the International Red Cross in Geneva, postmarked 12 October 1942
RG-72.05.38, Message from Benjamin Goldsztejn in Palestine to Mydel Toaletowych in Warsaw, dated 16 February 1940
RG-72.05.39, Message from Trude Seefeld in Berlin to Siegbert Seefeld in Buenos Aires, Argentina, dated 9 March 1942
RG-72.05.40, British Red Cross message from Erwin Jacobowitz to Martin Jacobowitz in Berlin, dated 12 February 1942
RG-72.05.41, International Red Cross letter from P. Moszkowicz to Josef Moszkowicz, dated 7 November 1939
RG-72.05.42, Envelope from Milivoje Strahinjie in Molondin-Vaud to the International Red Cross in Geneva, date unknown
RG-72.05.43, Envelope from Helga Hornung in Ravensburg to the International Red Cross in Switzerland, undated
RG-72.05.44, Document from the Jewish Agency, Palestine to the Red Cross, Geneva, requesting to deliver a message to Salomon Muehlbaum, 19 October 1943
RG-72.05.45, Document to forward a message to Emanuel Boers, Hertogenbosch, Netherlands from Jakob Emanuel, Tel Aviv, Palestine, dated 14 November 1941
RG-72.06.01, Der ewige Jude, Visit the Exhibition Ethernal Jew, Vienna, c1938
RG-72.06.02, Greeting card, German Olympics in Berlin, August 1936
RG-72.06.03, Nazi anti-jewish propaganda postcard from Austria, 25 July 1938
RG-72.06.04, Blank postcard with the stamp bearing Hitler's order to rename Lodz to Litzmannstadt from 11 April 1940
RG-72.06.05, Postcard from Vienna, stamp depicting Hitler and Mussolini, it says “two nations-one struggle, 30 January 1941
RG-72.06.06, Postcard to Leipzig, Germany, written to Frik Wolf, 11 January 1942
RG-72.06.07, Antisemitic caricature from Frankfurt
RG-72.06.08, Antisemitic postcard in German
RG-72.06.09, Woodcarving by B. Berneis
RG-72.06.10, Postcard from Berlin to Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Bauer, postmarked 26 September 1931
RG-72.06.11, Postcard from Alfred H. N. in Berlin to Dr. Ernst Cohn in Harbin, Manchuria, postmarked 3 May 1938
RG-72.06.12, Postcard from Dr. Ernst Cohn in Harbin, Manchuria to Dr. A. Nadelmann in Stettin, Germany, dated 12 January 1935
RG-, Lodz Coupons for vegetables, soup, and coffee
RG-, Tickets for cabbage
RG-, Tickets for soup and yeast
RG-, Tickets for potatoes
RG-, Tickets for meat and soup, and additional meal tickets for delegates
RG-, Blank tickets for meals, food exchanges, and 'diet' food
RG-, Two receipts and one ticket for additional food for delegates
RG-, Tickets, some are samples
RG-, Food tickets
RG-, Meal tickets for night workers and delegates, and tickets for bakery, dinner, meat, and vegetable soup
RG-, Lottery ticket, blank receipt for October 1941, copy of a warning, and ticket for a bath
RG-, Blank tickets for various articles of clothing
RG-, Tickets for cabbage
RG-, Ration card
RG-, A coupon for one bottle of wine
RG-, One stamped document from the Kitche Department and one document marked '1027' from the Meat Department, Litzmannstadt
RG-, Food card stamped 'No. 46158' from Lodz
RG-, Ticket for one extra lunch
RG-, Ticket for lunch
RG-, Jewish postal stamps, Lodz ghetto
RG-, Stamp from Judenpost Lodz Ghetto
RG-, Postal stamp from Judenpost Lodz Ghetto, 5pf, 9 May 194-
RG-, Jewish postal stamps, Lodz ghetto
RG-, Jewish postal stamp, Lodz ghetto
RG-, Jewish postal stamp, Lodz ghetto
RG-, Jewish postal stamp, Lodz ghetto
RG-, Jewish postal stamp, Lodz ghetto, stamped on back '9 May 1943'
RG-, Jewish postal stamp, Lodz ghetto
RG-, Jewish postal stamps, Lodz ghetto
RG-, Jewish postal stamp, Lodz ghetto
RG-, Inquiry from Jewish community in Muehlental, Germany to Ch. Rumkowski, 27 September 1941
RG-, From Fela Grynbaum to Lodz ghetto re Rozenbaum and Grynbaum, Lodz 23 July 1941
RG-, From Lodz ghetto Judenrat to Prague re Kamila Lavecky [she arrived from Prague transport healthy
RG-, From M. Bernstein to Posen (Poznan), Lodz ghetto 17 November 1941
RG-, From M. Rozenblum [Shanghai] to Chaim Rumkowski inquiring about B. Klainer, Lodz ghetto 28 October 1941
RG-, Inquiry from Berlin Jewish family to Lodz ghetto about two persons from Berlin deported to Lodz, 11 November 1941
RG-, From Salomon Yoles in Urbisaglia, Italy to the Jewish elder in Lodz, 27 March
RG-, Postcard sent from Wajntraub in Oleschno to the Judenrat at Lodz, 3 July 1941
RG-, Postcard sent from P. Bolderman in Olpiny to Lodz, 13 July 1941
RG-, Postcard from Opoczno to the Jewish elders at Lodz, 12 August 1941
RG-, Postcard sent from Michat Moszkowicz in Rawa Mazoweicka to the Jewish council at Lodz, 17 November 1941
RG-, Postcard sent from Hochwalit in Rochalyn to the Jewish elders at Lodz, 20 September 1941
RG-, Postcard sent from the Judenrat in Tarnogrod to Dr. Karol Fein in Lodz, 24 October 1942
RG-, Postcard sent from Hans Israel Heymann in Berlin to the ghetto government in Lodz, 9 June 1942
RG-, Postcard sent from Bentshen to Rumkowski in Lodz, 29 September 1941
RG-, Postcard sent from M. Nisenbaum in Paris to Ch Rumkowski the Jewish elder at Lodz, 18 March 1942
RG-, Postcard sent from J. K. Rosental in Lukow to the Judenrat in Lodz, 18 August 1941
RG-, Inquiry from a person in German labor service to Judenrat in Vienna, 29 September 1942
RG-, Postcard sent to the Jewish council Lodz from the Judenrat at Czestochowa, inquiry, 11 February 1941
RG-, Postcard from Berlin to the Judenrat of Lodz Ghetto, 11 December 1941
RG-, Postcard to Lodz from Minsk Region, USSR, written from Tsilia Bauman
RG-, Letter to Lodz from Paris, written to Ch. Rumkovski from H. Fromanger, 12 March 1942
RG-, Postcard from Chmielnik, Poland to the Judenrat of Lodz, inquiry written by J. Plozycki, 15 July 1941
RG-, Postcard from Josef Goldsztajn in Piotrkow with regards to his daughter Anka Goldsztajn, 15 November 1941
RG-, Postcard from Frysztak, Polland to Lodz, written from L. Libermone, 29 September 1941
RG-, Postcard from Busko-Zdrój, Poland to the Judenrat Lodz, 13 April 1940
RG-, Postcard from Urbisaglia, Italy to the Judenrat in Lodz, from Salomon Joles to Rumkovski, 14 March 1942
RG-, Postcard, from Krakow to Lodz Ghetto, Inquiry about Blima Kruszel from Szulim Redlich, 23 January 1941
RG-, Postcard, Inquiry to the Judenrat Lodz, from Bruno Guttmann, Vienna regarding Elsa Sara Einohrl, 5 December 1941
RG-, Postcard, Inquiry from Łańcut, Poland to Judenrat Lodz, from B. Witenberg regarding A. Witenberg, 16 January 1941
RG-, Postcard, Inquiry from Opatow, Kielecki, Poland to the Judenrat in Lodz, written from Rozenkranc, 7 June 1941
RG-, Postcard from Węgrów, Poland to the Judenrat of Lodz, Inquiry about Sara Beier from Hochberg, 22 September 1941
RG-, Postcard from Lens, France to the Judenrat of Lodz, written from D. Rosenthal, 16 August 1941
RG-, Postcard from Tuchmayer to Chaim Rumkowski, Lodz 13 October 1941
RG-, Postcard from the Jewish council in Krosniewice to the Jewish council in Litzmannstadt, postmarked 20 February 1941
RG-, Postcard from the Jewish Social Self-help Council in Lagow to the Jewish council in Lodz, 29 October 1941
RG-, Postcard from Manie Fajertuen in Unterschleissheim to the Jewish council of Lodz, 3 September 1942
RG-, Postcard from Rachela Fraenkel to the Jewish Committee in Litzmannstadt, postmarked 5 July 1941
RG-, Postcard from Ruver Fiszel in Zdunska Wola to the Jewish council leader in Litzmannstadt, dated 10 June 1941
RG-, Postcard from the Judenrat in Dzialoszyce to the Jewish council leader in Litzmannstadt, dated 18 February 1941.
RG-, Postcard from the Judenrat in Staszow to the Jewish council leader in Litzmannstadt, dated 20 June 1941
RG-, Postcard from the Judenrat in Hrubieszow to the Jewish council leader in Litzmannstadt, dated 19 June 1941
RG-, Postcard from the council of Jewish elders in Tschenstochau to the Jewish council of Lodz, 11 July 1941
RG-, Postcard from a Tarnowska in Konskie to the Jewish council leader in Litzmannstadt, postmarked 16 July 1941
RG-, Postcard from the jewish council Kaminsk to the Jewish council in Litzmannstadt, postmarked 22 July 1941
RG-, Postcard from Celina Bauman in Minsk to the Jewish council in Litzmannstadt, date unknown
RG-, Postcard from Gusta Hochwald in Rochalyn to H. Rumkowski in Litzmannstadt, 20 September 1941
RG-, Postcard from Nacha Bauda in Germany to the Jewish Committee in Litzmannstadt, postmarked 9 September 1941
RG-, Postcard from the Judenrat in Drohobycz to the Judenrat in Litzmannstadt, postmarked 17 October 1941
RG-, Postcard from the Judenrat in Kalusch to Ch. Rumkowski in Litzmannstadt, postmarked 26 September 1941
RG-, Postcard from Ch. Rumkowski in Litzmannstadt to Dawid Goralski in Sao Paulo, Brazil, postmarked 16 December 1940
RG-, Postcard from Boruch Garfinkel in Kreis Skierniewice to the Jewish council leader in Litzmannstadt, undated
RG-, Postcard from the council of Jewish elders in Tschenstochau to the Jewish council, dated 11 February 1941
RG-, Postcard from Josef Goldsztajn in Petrikau to the Jewish council in Lodz, 15 November 1941
RG-, Postcard from the Jewish council in Loewenstadt to the Jewish council in Lodz, 16 October 1941
RG-, Postcard from Regina Perlmutter in Tarnopol, Galicia to the Judenrat in Lodz, dated 16 October 1941
RG-, Postcard from the Judenrat in Gorzkowice to the Jewish council leader in Litzmannstadt, postmarked 29 June 1942
RG-, Postcard from Maria Bach in Unterdiessen bei Landsberg to Mr. Fuchs in Litzmannstadt, dated 2 December 1941
RG-, Postcard from the Jewish Relief Committee in Lentschuetz to the Jewish council Lodz, 12 August 1941
RG-, Postcard from Jakob Grynszpan in Sternberg to the forced labor leader in Litzmannstadt, postmarked 28 July 1941
RG-, Postcard from Lilly Rozenblum in Warsaw to Ch. Rumkowski in Litzmannstadt, postmarked 18 November 1941
RG-, Postcard from J. Rozenkrane in Opatow-Kielecki, Poland to the Judenrat Lodz, postmarked 7 July 1941
RG-, Postcard from Abram Cegla in Posen-Stadion to the forced labor department in Litzmannstadt, postmarked 2 October 1941
RG-, Postcard from Abram Cegla in Jewish labor camp, Posen Lodz ghetto, 30 September 1941
RG-, Transport document sent to the commander in Litzmannstadt regarding Stanislaw Wojciechowski, dated 11 December 1944
RG-, Expulsion document excluding the Szlegel family from a transport, dated 9 June 1942
RG-, Transport confirmation for Agnes Bursztyn from Lodz to Auschwitz, dated 30 September 1943
RG-, Postcard to Opole, Poland from Lodz, Dental Business Correspondence, Written from S. Hauptmann, Returned, 18 February 1945
RG-, Envelope sent to the Jewish Council of Lodz ghetto from Jewish cultural community in Bytom, Poland
RG-, To Lodz ghetto Judenrat regarding application of Noech Waksberg from the major of Lodz, 16 July 1941
RG-, From the mayor of Lodz to Rumkowski regarding deposit of August Frey, Lodz ghetto 11 July 1941
RG-, Envelope sent from Head of security police in Lodz to Herr Georg Schonberger inTroppau, 14 December 1940
RG-, Postcard from Ekeberg, Sweden to Lodz, written to W. Prager, 21 March 1942
RG-, Postcard to Lodz from Ferramonti di Tarsia-Cosenza, Italy, written to Robert Benda from Giov. Benda, 4 March 1942
RG-, Postcard from Copenhagen, Denmark to Lodz, written to Zelly Gottlieb from M. Levy, 31 March 1942
RG-, Postcard from Fanny Lewin in Lodz to Paul Kinsberg in Bronx, New York, postmarked 23 October 1939
RG-, Postcard from F. Lewin in Lodsch to Mr. Paul Kinsberg in Bronx, New York, postmarked 20 February 1940
RG-, Postcard from B. Freidreich in Litzmannstadt to M. Freidenreich in Wierzbnik Bei Starchowice, dated 19 December 1941
RG-, Postcard from Sylvia Loewy in Stockholm to Fritz Loewy in Zbaraz, postmarked 9 January 1943
RG-, Postcard from Otto Topf in Moscow to Moritz Topf in Lodz, postmarked 26 November 1942
RG-, Postcard from Sz Cepelinski in Lodz to C. Frajtag in Miedzyrzec Podlaski, dated 25 November 1941
RG-, Postcard from H. Fisch in Lodz to Fajga Erlitz in Poniatowskiego, dated 9 and 10 December, year unknown
RG-, Postcard from Friedrich Loebl in Lodz to Hans Gruenwald in Prague, postmarked 24 December 1941
RG-, Postcard from Bertha Greid in Stockholm to Lina Nieswiski in Litzmannstadt, postmarked 24 February 1942
RG-, Letter from a female prisoner in Auschwitz named Kazia to Maria Owezarek in Lodz, postmarked 8 November 1944
RG-, Postcard from Abraham Eibueschuetz in Lodz to Z. Engel in Warsaw, postmarked 25 December 1941
RG-, Postcard from F. Ajzenfeld in Lodz to Szyja Ajzenfeld in Pinezaw ueber Busko, dated 21 November 1941
RG-, Postcard from Siegni Fryde in Lodz to Herman Fryde in Bendsburg, dated 9 December 1941
RG-, Postcard from Jozef Hercz in Ricse to Jozefne Hercz in Budapest, postmarked 20 July 1942
RG-, Postcard from Sochacka Zofja in Lodz to Amelia Lima in Lisbon, Portugal, postmarked 13 April 1944
RG-, Postcard from Hedwig Kohn in Lodz to Ignac Kohn in Protectorate B. Budweis, dated 9 December 1941
RG-, Postcard from Dora Freuberg in Lodz to Muta Israel in Kinder Garten, undated
RG-, Blank postcard to be sent from Lodz ghetto, postmarked 20 April 1940
RG-, Parcel receipt, sender Agnesska Wozniak in Lodz, recipient Stanislaus Wozniak in Oberkrein, postmarked 22 February 1944
RG-, Envelope sent to Franciszka Karpinska, 22 June 1944
RG-, From R Lipszyc to D. Lipszyc in New York, Lodz Ghetto 18 September 1940
RG-, Postcard to Helena Klein in Praha from Ernestine Kraus in Litzmannstadt Getto, dated 15 May 1942
RG-, Postcard from Irene Schellenberg to Dr. Marie Swiderska in Lodz Ghetto, 29 December 1944
RG-, Postcard sent from Martha Markus in Lodz to Hamburg, 12 December 1941
RG-, Postcard from Valerie Zlajs in a labor camp near Lodz to Sophie Shifze in Berlin, 28 August 1943
RG-, Postcard sent from Emil Hacker in Locarno, Switzerland to Gisella Hacker in Lodz, 19 March 1942
RG-, Postcard send from J. Berman in Lodz ghetto to S. Berman in Czestachowa, marked content forbidden, 24 December 1941
RG-, Postcard from Berlin to Lodz, written to Maria Gralak 12 September 1944
RG-, Postcard from Siegburg, Germany to Lodz ghetto, written to Maria Gralak from Karik Gralak, 22 November 1944
RG-, Postcard from Paris to Lodz, written from O. Carsch to Leopold Lazarus, 24 February 1942
RG-, Postcard from Ujvidek, Hungary to Lodz , written from Rosa A. to Helene Fischl, 5 March 1942
RG-, Returned Envelope from Berlin to Lodz, sent to Hermann Israel n Alfred from Dr. Paul Endlich or Dr. Werner Hammer, 8 April 1942
RG-, Postcard from Lodz ghetto to B. Budweis in Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, written to Jgnac Kohn from Hedwig Kohn, 9 December 1941
RG-, Postcard from Paris to Lodz, written to B.H Frenkel, 26 February 1942
RG-, Ghetto currency from Litzmannstadt- 20 RM, 1 RM, and 50 Pfennig
RG-, Ghetto currency, 10 RM, Litzmannstadt, 1943
RG-, Ghetto currency, 10 RM, Litzmannstadt, 1943
RG-72.0703.66, Postcard sent to the Jewish Concil of Lodz from the Judenrat Czestochowa, about Szulim Kochanski, 11 February 1941
RG-72.08.01, From Aldona Brylak (working at Gemeinschaftslager, Augsburg) to Janina Kulkowska in Milanowek, Poland, 8 December 1944
RG-72.08.02, From Henryk Maczka, working at Hugo Scheider A.-G., Leipzig, to Jan Antoniak in Skarzysko-Kamienna, Poland, 29 April 1941
RG-72.08.03, Postcard from Hanisiawa Jamroz in Chemnitz, Germany to Anastazja Jamroz in Krakow, Poland, 12 December 1944
RG-72.08.04, Postcard from Chemnitz, Germany to Anastazja Jamroz in Krakow, Poland, 14 December 1944
RG-72.08.05, Postcard sent from Furstenberg am Oder, Poland to Wladyslaw Legutko in Germany, 29 November 1944
RG-72.08.06, Postcard sent from Eugen Gluchorski in Furstenberg am Oder, Poland to Wladyslaw Legutko in Germany, 16 December 1944
RG-72.08.07, Postcard sent from K. Belz in Germany to Janina Perkowska in Skierniewice, Poland, 18 November 1944
RG-72.08.08, Postcard from Karl Junnich in Posen (Poznan) to Jaroslav Brumlik in Prague, 15 June 1942
RG-72.08.09, Postcard from Rammond Bunyand,sent from Stettin, Germany to France, 3 February 1944
RG-72.08.10, Postcard sent from L. Szymanski in Breslau to Rela Szymanska in Pruszkow, 20 November 1944
RG-72.08.11, Postcard sent from Natalja Muszynska inThorn (Torun) labor camp to Janina Kulikowska in Milanowek, Poland, 18 December 1944
RG-72.08.12, Postcard sent from Andrzej Kulikowski in a labor camp in Augsburg, Germany to Janina Kulikowska in Milanowek, Ploland, 29 October 1944
RG-72.08.13, Postcard sent from Ida Szoarc in Warthena, Upper Silesia, Germany to Sofi in Ober Alstadt, Sudetneland, 14 May 1943
RG-72.08.14, Postcard sent from Wladyslaw Krzyzanowski in Leipzig to Kazimier Aliechalski in Piastow,Poland, 28 December 1944
RG-72.08.15, Postcard sent from Szyja Prywes in a labor camp Poniatowa, Poland to Alfred Schwarcbaum in Lousanne, Switzerland, 9 October 1943
RG-72.08.16, Postcard sent from Hanna Stawinska in a labor camp Neeislecht, Germany to Main of Aid Council (Polish Rada Glowna Opiekuncza) in Krakow, 2 January 1945
RG-72.08.17, Postcard sent from Dora Kaszuba in a labor camp Nowa Wola near Lodz to Polish Red Cross in Krakow, 29 July 1940
RG-72.08.18, Postcard sent from Konrad Slaski in Burgweide transit camp to Jan Ziolbcowski in Krakow, 13 October 1944
RG-72.08.19, Postcard sent from Regina Piesmiak in Augsburg, Germany to Polish Main Aid Council in Krakow, 15 January 1945
RG-72.08.20, Postcard sent from Tadeusz Sieniawski in Barackenlager, Berlin to Feliks Sieniawski in Wegrynow Stary, Poland, 18 November 1944
RG-72.08.21, Postcard sent from Maria Kowalska in Thuringia, Germany to Stanislaw Sliwa in Pruszkow, Poland, 31 December 1944
RG-72.08.22, Postcard sent from Jerzy Sieniawski in Paderborn, Germany to Tadeusz Sieniawski in Reichsbahnlager, Berlin, 19 February 1945
RG-72.08.23, Postcard sent from Josef Trejsuar in Sangerhausen, Germany to Marie Ttejsuar in Bohemia and Moravia, 2 February 1945
RG-72.08.24, Postcard to Stanislaw Jukl in civilina work camp in Foeging am Inn, Germany, in Czech language, 7 June 1943
RG-72.08.25, Postcard sent to Maria Rittel in Berlin-Neukoelln from Lubin, Poland, 13 September 1942
RG-72.08.26, Envelope from R. Heuchamps in Regensburg, Germany to Francois Heuchamps in Hounden-Goegnies, Belgium, 29 June 1943
RG-72.08.27, Envelope sent from Francois Heuchamps in Belgium to Robert Heuchamps in a civilian labor camp in Regensburg, Germany, 1944
RG-72.08.28, Postcard from a civilian work camp in Pretzsch, Germany to Kielce, Poland, 13 November 1944
RG-72.08.29, Postcard sent from Maria Betz in female labor camp, Germany to Janina Perkowska in Skierniewice, Poland, 12 November 1944
RG-72.08.30, Postcard sent from Jozef Zwiroko in a labor camp for foreign workser in Kassel, Germany to Marian Dunski in Wojciechow, Poland, 8 February 1942
RG-72.08.31, Postcard sent from Jozef Znotola in Brno to Jaroslav Juzotsky in Protektorat Bohemia and Moravia, 26 January 1945
RG-72.08.32, Postcard sent from Maryan Kaminski in a work camp (wiring) in Kornwestheim, Germany to the Polish Main Aid Council in Krakow, 10 January 1945
RG-72.08.33, Postcard from Maria Lwowska in Germany to Polish Main Aid Council in Krakow, 1 January 1945
RG-72.08.34, Postcard sent from Lissa, Wartheland, Germany to Radom, Poland, 24 November 1944
RG-72.08.35, Postcard sent from Lucjan Szkarkowski in a labor camp, Berlin-Spandau to Polish Main Aid Council in Krakow, 28 December 1944
RG-72.08.36, Postcard sent from Albert Unterstab in a Special Camp A, in Bistrita, Bohemia and Moravia to Karl Unterstab in Prague, 4 April 1945
RG-72.08.37, Picture postcard sent from a civilian work camp in Harzgerode, Germany to Fran Hynstova in Protektorate Bohemia and Moravia, 27 September 1944
RG-72.08.38, Postcard from Stanislaus Komorowski in Hohenzalza camp to Anna Komorowska in Wolka, of Kosow Lacki disctrict, Poland, 24 March 1941
RG-72.08.39, Two Postcards from Ivan Milukowa in Laband camp in Germany to Waria Millukowa in Donbass, Ukraine and from her to Ivan Milukow in Laband camp, August 1943
RG-72.08.40, Postcard sent from Alesandre Gorbouline in the I. G. civilian work camp III in Ludwigshafen to T. Dietrich in Grenoble, France, April 1942
RG-72.08.41, Postcard sent from Br. Dziedzic in Barackenlager in Berlin Grunewald to Kielce, Poland, 14 November 1944
RG-72.08.42, Postcard sent from Otto Held in Calbe Saale, Magdeburg to Wasili Dawydjk in Ukraina, 9 January 1943
RG-72.08.43, Postcard sent from Janina Banosiak in Tomaszuw Mazowiecki to Gozdzik Kazimiera in the labor cam Neheim Husten 1B1, 19 April 1943
RG-72.08.44, Postcard sent from Jozef Sokolowski from a labor camp Ida in Waldenburg to Polish Main Aid Council (R.G.O.) in Krakow, 11 January 1945
RG-72.08.45, Envelope sent to Venzel Trika in German Labor Front ( DAF) camp Gloshette in Jachs, Germany from Vlad Jagla in Bohemia, 13 July 1944
RG-72.08.46, Envelope from Grossraming, Germany to Stefania in Zakopane, Poland, 10 July 1944
RG-72.08.47, Envelope from Feliks Kipowski in Steyr, Germany to Zakopane, Poland, 03 January 1945
RG-72.08.48, Postcard sent from Ukraine, Kamjanez-Podilskyj to Dmytro Dziumka in labor camp Tiefbau, Waldenburg (Wałbrzych), Poland, 24 July 1943
RG-72.08.50, Postcard from Ekenne Blechhamme in a Heydbreck labor camp, Germany to Paris, France, 22 January 1944
RG-72.08.51, Postcard from J. Leiss in Camp 39, Postelberg, Saar, Germany to Marta Leiss in Theresienstadt, 14 March 1945
RG-72.08.52, Postcard from Jan in Brno, Bohemia to Jaroslav Dadak inPostelberg IIF Labor camp, Germany, 6 March 1945
RG-72.08.53, Envelope from Jacques Taponier in civilian labor camp in Rathenow, Germany to Laponier in Paris, France, 31 March 1944
RG-72.08.54, Postcard from Albert Binehamps in a civilian labor camp in Wetzlar, Germany to Binehamps in Brussels, Belgium, 11 August 1944
RG-72.08.55, Envelope from Ania Vrublevska in the village Morozov, Ukraine to Anton Wrublewski in the labor camp Niessen - Werke in Vienna, Austria
RG-72.08.56, Envelope from Ivan H. Ferenchuk in the village of Morozov, Ukraint to Ivan I. Ferenchuk in Yuzenleithenz labor camp in Vienna, 4 December 1942
RG-72.08.57, Envelope from Maria Zbroja from Kocmyrzow, Poland to Jochan Zbroja in a labor camp Wahtlager in Lebenstadt, Germany, 26 May 1940
RG-72.08.58, Postcard from Paul Singer in Prague to Marie Singer in Brno, 9 January 1945.
RG-72.08.59, Postal confirmation from Dąbrowa Tarnowska, Poland to Germany, sent from Josef Fuks to Icek Fuks in Germany, 8 December 1941
RG-72.08.60, Postcard from Inz. Jozef Metzis in Drohobych, Poland to Karl Fuch in Dubová Nemecka, Slovakia, 19 November 1941
RG-72.08.61, Postcard from F. Prosek in HASAG labor camp in Meuselwitz, Germany to Jozef Prosek in Bohemia, 14 May 1943
RG-72.08.65, A package form sent from Strzemieszyce to Daniel Jenslryczek in Druette labor camp, the subcamp of Neuengamme, 23 September 1944
RG-72.08.66, Postcard from Bronislawa Pietrusrewska in Zittau to Anna Sliwa in Pruszkow, Poland, 18 December 1944
RG-72.08.66, Postcard from Wladyslaw Krzyzanowski in Leipzig-Wahren civilian labor camp to Krystyna Krzynowska in Brwinow, Poland, 29 November 1944
RG-72.08.67, A packagef form sent from Schenkenforf in Wartheland, Poland to Skotarezak in the Druette labor camp, the subcamp of Neuengamme, Germany, 3 July 1944
RG-72.08.67, Envelope from Teodor Waricha in in Altenhoefen labor camp in Germany to Stanislaw Chelchowski in Lublin, postmarked 27 December 1943
RG-72.08.68, Postcard from Richard Schwarzkopf in a labor camp in Sawin, Poland to Rudolf Hirsch in Brnoe, the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia, 29 September 1942
RG-72.08.68, Postcard from Zenon Zarnowski in the labor camp Eiche, Germany to A. Piekarska in Konskie, Poland, 5 December 1944
RG-72.08.69, A package form from Johann Klejnot in Zory (Sohrau), Poland to Alois Klejnot in Druette labor camp, the subcamp of Neuengamme, June 1944
RG-72.08.70, A package sent from Konin district, Poland to Anton Ademczewski in Druette labor camp, the subcamp on Neuengamme, 22 December 1944
RG-72.08.71, A package form sent from Saul Biesielski in Lissa (Leszno), Poland to Ludwig Biesielski in Druette labor camp, the subcamp of Neuengamme , 9 August 1944
RG-72.08.72, A postcard from the concentration camp Herzogenbosch in Netherlands to the Jewish Community Council in Amsterdam, 29 October 1943
RG-72.08.73, Postcard from Gitla Sara Borensztajn in Dombrowa, Upper Silesia, Poland to Gitla Sara Rubin in the camp for women in Gellenau, Germany, 16 April 1943
RG-72.08.74, Postcard from Jerzy Sieniawski in railway labor camp located in Berlin to Feliks Sieniawski in Czestochowa, Poland, 28 December 1944
RG-72.08.75, Letter from Konstantin Cwiezkk in the labor camp Oberonau, Austria to Sophie Cwiezk in Sosnowiec, Poland, 20 December 1943
RG-72.08.76, Parcel receipt from Johann Michalowitz in Brzeznica (Briesenitz) to Druette, postmarked 3 November 1944
RG-72.08.77, A package from Konin district, Poland to Anton Ademczewski in Druette, the subcamp on Neuengamme, 22 December 1944
RG-72.09.20, Internment Certificate. Dora. March 23, 1944
RG-72.09.21, Interniertenlager Vittel. Bescheinigung.
RG-72.09.22, Vittel Displaced Persons Camp. Dora Gourtowoy. September 4, 1944
RG-72.09.23, Vittel Displaced Persons Center. Ex Civil Internment Camp Vittel. Internment Certificate. Dora Gourtowoy. March 23, 1944
RG-72.09.25, Postal Reciept to labor camp. Germany. Ginlieferungsfchein. Febuary 7, 1934
RG-72.09.26, To the editorial board of the Magazine Forward. Mr Finkelstein. France, New York.
RG-72.09.27, Proof of incarceration in German concentration camps issued to Waclaw-Roman Jezierski of Polish nationality.
RG-72.09.29, Idel (Joe) Alexander, Proof on incarcaration, Dachau Concentration Camp, postwar
RG-72.09.30, Idel (Joe) Alexander, Proof of incarcaration, Auschwitz Concentration Camp, postwar
RG-72.09.31, Idel (Joe) Alexander, Documents certifying incarcaration by Nazi Germany from September 1939 to May 1945
RG-72.09.32, Idel (Joe) Alexander, driver license, postwar
RG-72.10.01, Postcard from Lwow, Ukraine, USSR to Vienna, Austria, Germany, 14 May 1940
RG-72.10.02, Envelope to Jan Hirschfeld in Przemyslany from Wanda in Szczucin near Tarnow, 26 October, 1940
RG-72.10.03, Postcard from Ruchel Iskowicz in Brzesko, Poland to Leon Lackter in Brooklyn, USA, August 1941
RG-72.10.04, Postcard fragment with Krakau, December 9, 1941
RG-72.10.05, Postcard from Dabrow to Charles Math in New York, 24 September ca 1941
RG-72.10.06, Postcard from Dr. Horowitz in Krakau to Simon Sprecher in Zurich, 31 May 1940
RG-72.10.07, Postcard from Ida Rath in Krakau to B. Greenfield in Brooklyn, USA, 14 July 1940
RG-72.10.08, Envelope to Samuel Horovitz in America from Romania, 22 December 1939
RG-72.10.09, Postcard from Greece to Tel Aviv, 20 March 1941
RG-72.10.10, Postcard from Maryla Selinger in Krakau to Josefine Beer in Fiume, 16 March 1940
RG-72.10.100, Postcard from Felsberg Camp to Tel Aviv, Palestine, written to Joel Tandler from Ella Tandler, 11 February 1944
RG-72.10.101, Postcard from Przemyśl, Poland to Milan, Italy, written to M. Fornorini, 7 October 1942
RG-72.10.102, Postcard from Alingsås, Sweden to Theresienstadt, written to P. Kazy from G. Knudsen, 22 February 1944
RG-72.10.103, Postcard from the Judenrat in Krakow to Genova, Italy, written to Gustavo Kreh, 23 October 1941
RG-72.10.104, Postal Document from Malmö, Sweden to Theresienstadt, sent from Henrik Pollak to Nelly Pollak, 14 September 1944
RG-72.10.105, Postcard from Poland to Italy, written to Leo, 18 December 1941
RG-72.10.106, Postcard from Płońsk, Poland to Puiseaux, France, written from Gitla-Faja Ajzenberg to Buki Fraukleich, 8 January 1942
RG-72.10.11, Postcard from Peppi Rosenberg in Przeworsk to Alfredo Schick in Lisbon, 11 February 1941
RG-72.10.12, Postcard from Romania to Isabellus Mendelsohn in Galati, 24 January 1942
RG-72.10.13, Postcard sent from Elbaum in Brussels to O.C.A. in Lisbon, 28 October 1942
RG-72.10.14, Postcard from Meuderer in Warschau to Mrs. Maximilian Klejman in New York, 8 April 1941
RG-72.10.15, Envelope from Haus Roenig in Krakau to Alex Potell in New York, 13 December 1940
RG-72.10.16, Envelope from Maria Szewczyk in Krakau to Mrs. Sara Shirisch in New York, 18 February 1944
RG-72.10.17, Letter in Hebrew with envelope sent to Ship Aghios Nicolaos via Athens, 30 May 1939
RG-72.10.18, Stationery with 630 Fifth Ave. letterhead December 19, 1942
RG-72.10.19, Postcard from R. Menore in Krakau to Mr. Leon Lachter in Brooklyn, 8 May 1940
RG-72.10.20, Postcard from Fanny Frankel in Krakow to Simon Sprecber in Zurich, 17 June 1940
RG-72.10.21, Postcard from Fanny Frankel in Krakow to Simon Sprecber in Zurich, 24 May 1940
RG-72.10.22, Postcard from Fanny Lewin in Lodz to Paul Kinsberg in New York, 23 October 1939
RG-72.10.23, Postcard from M. Herschthal Kieke to Willi Herschthal, 2 January 1942
RG-72.10.24, Postcard from F. Lewin in Lodz to Paul Kinsberg in New York, 20 February 1940
RG-72.10.25, Postcard to Alfredo Schick in Lisbon from Modliborzyce, Lublin province, Poland, 23 May 1941
RG-72.10.26, Envelope from Wojciech Gawlik in Poland to Jan Gawlik in America, May 1940
RG-72.10.27, Postcard from Jetty Biegeleisen in Tarnow to New York, 11 September 1940
RG-72.10.28, Postcard from Grossman to Francia Goldsand in New York, 5 November 1940
RG-72.10.29, Postcard from Dr. Juljan Landowski in Warschau to Mildred Luber in New York, 2 February 1940
RG-72.10.30, Postcard from Poland to Walter Schwarz in New Orleans, 15 November 1940
RG-72.10.31, Postcard from Nela Romasrkau in Stryj to B. Gorewicz in Stockholm, 25 May 1942
RG-72.10.32, Postcard from Rosa Laffe in Rzeszow to Silverman in New York, 2 October 1940
RG-72.10.33, Envelope from Mavczak Henvyk in Warszawa to Ernst Blau in New York, 7 April 1941
RG-72.10.34, Envelope from Warsaw to R. Rosen in New York, 23 April 1941
RG-72.10.35, Envelope from Warschau to Sophie Balli in Sao Paulo, 16 September 1940
RG-72.10.36, Postcard from Warschau to Mrs. Maxmilian Kleiman in New York, 19 August 1940
RG-72.10.37, Envelope from Warschau to Max and Ernst Blau in New York, 12 February 1941
RG-72.10.38, Postcard from Elsa Mrozck to Dr. K. Huppert in New York, 3 February 1941
RG-72.10.39, Envelope from Adam Ryzenberg in Warschau to Michael and Henry Lester in New York, 15 April 1941
RG-72.10.40, Postcard from Aleksander Salamon in Wieliczka to Richard Salamon in New York, 17 September 1940
RG-72.10.41, Postcard from Amalia Mauder in Warsaw to Mrs. Maxmilian Klejman, 1 September 1941
RG-72.10.42, Postcard from Beilo Breil in Wieliczka, Poland to Alfredo Schick in Lisbon, 2 November 1941
RG-72.10.43, Postcard from Shanghai, China to Palestine, 29 September 1941
RG-72.10.44, Postcard from Olois Klimt in Moravia to Ferdinand Vejnarek in Prague, 26 March 1943
RG-72.10.45, Displaced persons mail envelope from Dora Volkovicki of the General Jewish Committee to Meshek Sarid in Palestine
RG-72.10.46, Envelope with Prague and Berlin, 9 January 1942
RG-72.10.47, Envelope sent from Berger Folair in Bergen Belsen displaced person camp to Irene Loweubeuie in New York
RG-72.10.48, Envelope sent from Cornelius Van der Graaff in London to Mandie Capriles in Curacao, Dutch West Indies, 6 October 1941
RG-72.10.49, Envelope sent from Dr. Ludvip Israel Reinheimer in Frankfurt to The American Friends Service Committee in Philadelphia, 14 February 1941
RG-72.10.50, Envelope sent from Evolo Leksa in Osterode, the Dora-Mittelbau labor camp to Slavek Prihonskj in Prague, 21 June 1942
RG-72.10.51, Envelope sent from Evolo Leksa in Osterode to Slavek Prihonsky in Protektorat Bohmen, 24 August 1942
RG-72.10.52, Envelope sent from M. Birmann in Shanghai to Isaac Assofsky in New York, 23 February 1940
RG-72.10.53, Envelope sent from Shanghai to Santiago, Chile, 31 May 1947
RG-72.10.54,Envelope sent from the Refugee Children's Movement in London to the Comite de Proteccion a los Immigrantes Israelitas in Santiago, 9 October 1944
RG-72.10.55, Postcard sent from Palestine to Josef Zelinski in Borshchiv, Ukraine, USSR , 8 July 1945
RG-72.10.56, Postcard sent from Sylvia Loewy in Stockholm to Fritz Loewy in Zbaraz, Poland, 9 January 1943
RG-72.10.57, Postcard sent from M. Rosner in Tarnow, Poland to Leo Leib Rosner in Shanghai, 20 June 1940
RG-72.10.58, Postcard sent from Robert Mansencal in Koenigsberg to D. Gaston in Toulouse, France, 4 December 1943
RG-72.10.59, Postcard sent from Alozo Klimt in Moravia to Ferdinand Vejnerek in Prague, 19 May 1943
RG-72.10.60, Postcard sent from Stanislaw Turski in Krawow to Stockholm, 29 June 1943
RG-72.10.61, Postcard sent from Julie Soffer in Vienna to Arbeitslager Kembeten in Zurich, 1 August 1940
RG-72.10.62, Postcard sent from Mino Bucchev in Potok Zloty, Poland to Rosa Sans in Basel, 15 January 1942
RG-72.10.63, Postcard sent from Antoni Buszek in Warsaw to P.T. Firma Jozef Barecki in Lisbon, 26 April 1943
RG-72.10.64, Postcard sent from engineer Perel in Piaski, Lublin province, Poland to Max Perel in Buenos Aires, 25 May 1940
RG-72.10.65, Postcard sent from R. Kohane in Siewierz, Poland to Artur Roth in Milan, 14 April 1942
RG-72.10.66, Postcard sent from Rosalie Sara Wolf in Frankfurt to Ernst Wolf in a labor camp in Langenbrueck, Switzerland, 10 June 1941
RG-72.10.67, Postcard sent from Rosenfeld in Locarno to Wolner in Vienna, 17 August 1942
RG-72.10.68, Postcard sent from Sumiswald, canton Bern, Switzerland to the Polish Red Cross in Toulouse, France, 27 August 1940
RG-72.10.69, Postcard sent from Janow-Lubelski, Poland to the Relief Committee in Geneva, Switzerland, 28 May 1942
RG-72.10.70, Postcard sent from Hana Lovy in Jzbica, Poland to Zdenek Karny in Prague, 15 April 1942
RG-72.10.71, Envelope from Dr. Theilhaber in an internment camp Recebebou in France to M. Werner in New York, 16 June 1941
RG-72.10.72, Envelope from Hans Marwon in the internment camp Vernet, France to Hedwig Simon in New York
RG-72.10.73, Envelope from Alfred Wolf in Toulouse, France to Eric Wolf in Memphis, Tenn., 14 May 1941
RG-72.10.74, Envelope sent from France to E. Krieger in New York, 25 July 1942
RG-72.10.75, Envelope sent from the Gurs internment camp in France to Switzerland, 30 April 1942
RG-72.10.76, Postcard sent from Palestine to Rosa Reimboud in Camp de Gurs, France
RG-72.10.77, Envelope sent from Istanbul to Camp Milles in France, 5 January 1942
RG-72.10.78, Envelope sent from Berlin to the National Council of Jewish Women in New York, 20 January 1941
RG-72.10.79, Postcard sent from Germany to Italy, 12 June 1942
RG-72.10.80, Envelope from Mainz, Germany to the National Council of Jewish Women in New York, 16 June 1941
RG-72.10.81, Postcard sent from Krakow to Jewish Relief Committee in Geneva, 17 September 1941
RG-72.10.82, Envelope sent from Palestine to Drancy Camp in Paris, 4 March 1943
RG-72.10.83, Envelope sent from G. Bernouf, Firma T. Hillesheim in Neheim to Marguerite Lecarpentier in Cherbourg, 20 September 1943
RG-72.10.84, Envelope sent from Jacques Iaponier in Rathenow to Madame Iaponier in Paris, 31 March 1944
RG-72.10.85, Envelope sent from Julie Soffer in Porzellangasse to Eugen Rosenfeld in Switzerland, 16 July 1940
RG-72.10.86, Envelope sent from Teper Tadeusz in Warschau to Juao Alves in Lisboa, 19 February 1942
RG-72.10.87, Envelope sent to Louis G. Spooner in New York from Natan Mingelanin in Bochnia, 30 May 1941
RG-72.10.88, Envelope sent to the Reverend Peu Pays at the College de Garaison in Hautes Pyrenees, 15 August 1944
RG-72.10.89, Postcard from Rosa Sarah Soffer in Wein to Eugen Rosenfeld in Locarno forwarded to Schaffhuasen, 6 December 1942
RG-72.10.90, Postcard, from Romania to Poland, 7 September 1940
RG-72.10.91, Correspondence from France and Palestine, To Dr. Georgeo Goldstein, 4 December 1944
RG-72.10.92,Postcard from Saint-Mamet, France to Rehovot, Palestine written by Dr. A.D. Ruchoeni to M. Pomeranice 22 May 1940
RG-72.10.93, Postcard from Dresden to Wilmington, DE, US, written to Oscar Ginns from David Wechselberg, 22 June 1939
RG-72.10.94, Envelope to Kraków, Poland from Crikvenica, Croatia, written to Jüdische Soziale Selbsthilfe
RG-72.10.95, Postcard from Chmielnik, Poland to Lisbon, Portugal, written from M. Pasamonik to Max Plocker, 30 May 1942
RG-72.10.96, Postcard from Zduńska Wola, Poland to Lisbon, Portugal, written from J. Abramowicz to M. Plocker, 18 June 1942
RG-72.10.97, Postcard from Poland to Lisbon, Portugal, written from Felicia Bernstein to M. Plocker, 16 June 1942
RG-72.10.98, Postcard from Opatow, Kielecki, Poland to Lausanne, Switzerland, written from D. Zarnowiecka to Alfred Szwarcbaum, 21 May 1941
RG-72.10.99, Envelope from Macerata, Italy to Vienna, from Paolo Pollak to Hertha Pollak, 20 May 1941
RG-72.11.03, From Franz Beran in Koeniggraetz, Prague, to Ervin Ledec in Theresienstadt ghetto, 22 August 1944
RG-72.11.04, From Iva Ledec to Franz Beran in Koeniggraetz, Prague, Theresienstadt ghetto postcard_6 August 1944
RG-72.11.16, Work permit for Hilde Goldmann(nurse), Theresienstadt_ca. 1944
RG-72.11.17, Postal confirmation from Vlasta Ledec in Reichenau to Marie Ledec in Theresienstadt, 15 January 1945
RG-72.11.18, Postal confirmation from Else Wesse in Theresienstadt to Richard Wesse in Prague, 8 March 1944
RG-72.11.19, Postal confirmation of a package reception from Anna Fuchs in Theresienstadt to Karl Fuchs in Dubova, 27 October 1943
RG-72.11.20, Official permit of sending one package to Theresienstadt stamp attached from Arnold Rubin to Dr. Benisch Otto
RG-72.11.21, Postal confirmation of a package received from Doris in Theresienstadt to Neubauer in Wein, 28 July 1944
RG-72.11.22, Postal confirmation of a package received from Rudolf Fuchs in Theresienstadt, 29 September 1944
RG-72.11.23, Theresienstadt permission to leave the barracks after 9 given to Dr. Erich Knopfelmacher signed by Edelstein, 12 December 194_
RG-72.11.24, Postal confirmation of a package received from Herbert Neuhaus in Thersesienstadt to Liesl Welt in Wien, 29 February 1944
RG-72.11.25, Postcard from Siegfried Arely in Theresienstadt to Lea Pokviny in Wien, 29 May 1944
RG-72.11.26, Correspondence card from Theresienstadt to Clemens Muller in Dresden
RG-72.11.27, Postcard sent from Theresienstadt to Liesl W. in Wien, 29 March 1944
RG-72.11.28, Postcard sent from Anny Riegler in Theresienstadt to Liesl Welt in Wien, 19 September 1944
RG-72.11.29, Postcard from Theresienstadt to Liesl Welt in Wien, 14 July 1944
RG-72.11.30, Postcard sent from Herbert F in Theresienstadt to Liesl Welt in Wien, 20 May, 1944
RG-72.11.31, Postcard sent from Jenny Stahl in Theresienstadt to Dr. Sandberg in Zurich, 19 December 1942
RG-72.11.32, Postcard sent from Olga Bloedi in Theresienstadt to Liesl Welt in Wien, 29 February 1944
RG-72.11.33, Postcard sent from Heinrich in Reinsprechtsdorferstranetz to Otto Pollak in Theresienstadt, 19 June 1944
RG-72.11.34, Postcard sent from Anna Rohn in Theresienstadt to Ida Bodnar in Wien, 20 February 1943
RG-72.11.35, Postcard sent from Ludmila Beran in Koniggratz to Marie Ledec in a transport to Theresienstadt, 20 June 1944
RG-72.11.36, Order of the day from the Jewish Self-administration in Theresienstadt, 12 April 1944
RG-72.11.37, Communications from the Jewish Self-administration, 27 July 1944
RG-72.11.38, Currency from Theresienstadt, one krone, 1 January 1943
RG-72.11.39, Currency from Theresienstadt in the amount of two kronen, 1 January 1943
RG-72.11.40, Currency from Theresienstadt in the amount of five kronen, 1 January 1943
RG-72.11.41, Currency from Theresienstadt in the amount of ten kronen, 1 Januar 1943
RG-72.11.42, Currency from Theresienstadt in the amount of 20 kronen, 1 January 1943
RG-72.11.43, Currency from Theresienstadt in the amount of 50 kronen, 1 January 1943
RG-72.11.44, Currency from Theresienstadt in the amount of 100 kronen, 1 January 1943
RG-72.11.45, Work identification document issued to Kurt Mayer, 4 March 1944
RG-72.11.46, Postal confirmation from Theresienstadt, 29 June 1944
RG-72.11.47, Letter to Marta Fink in Thersienstadt from G. Fink in Wien, 14 August 1944
RG-72.11.48, Postal form permission to send a package to Theresienstadt issued by the Jewish Council of Elders in Prague, 20 July 1944
RG-72.11.49, Medical record for Hilde Goldmann
RG-72.11.50, Postcard from Theresienstadt, Kleine Festung (small fortress), 31 December 1940
RG-72.11.51, Theresienstadt certificate issued to Ervin Friedmann, 12 April 1945
RG-72.11.52, Access authority for a certain building issued to Kaethe Rychnovsky by the Jewish administration
RG-72.11.53, Identification card issued to Awrum Glogower, 1943
RG-72.11.54, Medical Record for Arwin Glowgower, 1941
RG-72.11.56, Work identification card for Lea Glogower
RG-72.11.57, Proof of returning from Theresienstadt concentration camp for Awrum Glogower
RG-72.11.58, Postal label from Sweden to Isaac Teutsch
RG-72.11.59, Document issued by Czech Committee of Aid to Kurt Mayer in Theresienstadt ghetto, 10 May 1943
RG-72.11.60, Postcard from Nazi concentration camp to Weinstein in Theresienstadt, 11 May 1944
RG-72.11.61, Postcard sent from Theresienstadt to Clemens Muller in Dresden, 30 June 1878
RG-72.11.62, Document issued by the central administration regarding the delivery of a storm lantern to Irma Posamentir, 14 December 1942
RG-72.11.63, Recommendation to appoint Irma Posamentir to a position, 22 November 1944
RG-72.11.64, Ration coupon for coal
RG-72.11.65, Allowance for one parcel to Theresienstadt for Ilse Wald
RG-72.11.66, Theresienstadt identification issued to Dr. Gabriel Diamant, 14 March 1945
RG-72.11.67, Theresienstadt identification document issued to Katharina Diamant, 14 March 1944
RG-72.11.68, Postcard sent from Theresienstadt to Vienna, 4 May 1944
RG-72.11.69, Postal receipt of mail sent from Portugal to Theresienstadt, 24 March 1944
RG-72.11.70, Postcard to Theresienstadt from Amsterdam, Holland, written from Paul Mayer to his mother, Rosa Mayer, 15 February 1943
RG-72.11.71, Official Permition for sending package to Theresienstadt, 29 March 1944
RG-72.11.72, Official Permition for sending package to Theresienstadt, 29 March 1944
RG-72.11.73, Postcard from Amsterdam to Theresienstadt, written to Ignatz Schindler, 7 September 1943
RG-72.11.74, Postcard from Brno, Czech Republic to Theresienstadt, 26 October 1943
RG-72.11.75, Postcard from Prague to Theresienstadt, written to Erwin Ledec, 11 December 1943
RG-72.11.76, Certificate issued to Armin Friedmann, Theresienstadt, 12 April 1945
RG-72.11.77, Proof of release, postwar, 3 July 1945
RG-72.11.78, Postcard from Theresienstadt to Berlin, Germany, written from Margot Berta Rosenblatt to Ludwig Hauser, 12 June 1943
RG-72.11.79, Postcard from Hradec Králové (Königgrätz) to Theresienstadt, written from Iva Ledec to Franz Beran, 19 March 1944
RG-72.11.80, Postcard to Theresienstadt, written to Auca Limovo from J. Haftling, 12 January 1940
RG-72.11.81, Official Permission for sending package to Theresienstadt, 23 November 1943
RG-72.11.82, Envelope to Theresienstadt from Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, sent to Jakob Bassist from A. Marmorstein
RG-72.11.83, Postcard from Ludmila Beran to Marie Ledec, postmarked 3 June 1944
RG-72.11.84, Postcard from Marie Pergl in Theresienstadt to Juliana Behounek in Prague, postmarked 24 November 1944
RG-72.11.85, Postcard from Gretl Papernitzki in Zurich to Hans Wessely in Theresienstadt, postmarked 30 July 1945
RG-72.11.86, Postcard from Hans Wessely in Theresienstadt to Gretl Papernitzky in Zurich, postmarked 17 July 1944
RG-72.11.87, Postcard from Hans Wessely in Theresienstadt to Gretl Papernitzky in Zurich, postmarked 21 June 1944
RG-72.11.88, Postcard from Hans Wessely in Theresienstadt to Gretl Papernitzky in Zurich, written 14 October 1943
RG-72.11.89, Transport document regarding Susanne Fall, written by Dr. Paul Israel Eppstein, dated 19 December 1943
RG-72.11.90, Envelope from Jula Spitz in Theresienstadt to Oskar Maier in Mauritius, postmarked November 1943
RG-72.11.91, Postcard from Betti Oettinger-Ettighausen in Theresienstadt to Saly Mayersent through Elder of Jews in Prague to Berlin, 15 September 1944
RG-72.11.92, Postcard to Malvine Lenz, Theresienstadt from Walter Lenz, Hooghalen Oost, Netherlands, dated 7 December 1943
RG-72.11.94, Postcard to Malvine Lenz, Theresienstadt from Walter Lenz, Hooghalen Oost, Netherlands, dated 7 December 1943
RG-, Birth certificate Julius Lachmann, 20 February 1901
RG-, Birth certificate issued to Meta Erna Sachs, name Sara is added, 1941
RG-, Jewish community in Bingen regarding Julius Lachman employment , 1941
RG-, the Judaic college in Berlin certifying Julius Lachman education, 1910
RG-, Character reference for Julius Israel Lachmann, 8 August 1940
RG-, Certification from the Rabbinat of Munich for Julius Lachman, 1940
RG-, Certification from the police headquarters in Munich for emigration, 1940
RG-, Certificate from a Jewish religious l institution, Berlin, 1910
RG-, Letter from the saving bank of Munich about the former asset, 1948
RG-, Proof of not being imprisoned issued to Julius Lachman, 1939
RG-, State Munich Bank acknowledgement of deposition issued to Lachmann, 1939
RG-, Julius Lachmann is awarded by Iron Cross, Munich, 24 February 1935
RG-, Marriage certificate issued to Julius Lachman, 1 September 1923
RG-, A certificate of recognition by Granduke von Hessen, 1917
RG-, Certificate of citizenship issued to Julius Lachmann, 1 September 1923
RG-, Work- book, personal document of Johann Lachmann, 30 June 1936
RG-,Certificate issued by the Ministry of Interior, Education Department, 1913
RG-, Marriage certificate Julius Lachmann and Meta Sachs, 1939
RG-, Certificate of passing a teaching exam, the Board of Education, 1910
RG-, Character reference for Meta Sachs by the Police of Mannheim, 1940
RG-, Character reference for Meta Sachs by the Police of Mannheim, 1940
RG-, Jewish religiuous school transcript of Julius Lachman, 1902
RG-, Certificate of passing the teaching credentials for Julius Lachmann, 1910
RG-, Certification of Judaic educationa and work of Julius Lachman, 1939
RG-, Medical record for Lea Glogower
RG-, Birth certificate issued to Maria Fleischmann, 10 December 1940
RG-, Postcard from Paris to Charlottenburg, 15 January 1936
RG-, G. Kocherthaler in Paris to J. Kocherthaler in the camp Gurs, 1940
RG-, G. Kocherthaler in Paris to J. Kocherthaler in Gurs, 1940
RG-, Fred. Kocherthaler from Gurs to G. Kocherthaler in Paris, 1940
RG-, From Luxembourg to J. Kocherthaler in Berlin - Charlottenburg, 1936
RG-, From Casablanca, Morocco to Fred Kocherthaler in Les Milles
RG-, Envelope sent form Cannes to G. Kocherthaler in New York, 1941
RG-, From Havana to Fred Kocherthaler in New York, 31.05.1946
RG-, From Havana to Fred Kocherthaler in Bridgeport, CT, USA, 1942
RG-, G. Kocherthaler from Paris to J. Kocherthaler in Gurs, 2 July 1940
RG-, F. Kocherthaler from Gurs to G. Kocherthaler in Paris, 7.Dec 1940
RG-, G. Kocherthaler, Paris to F. Kocherthaler Camp Les Milles, 19.3.1941
RG-, Fred Kocherthaler, New Yorkt to his parents, Bridgepost, CO, 1944
RG-, From Le Cannet to Fred Kocherthaler, Camp Les Milles, 7 April 1941
RG-, To Siegfried Kocherthaler in Berlin-Charlottenburg, 4 May 1936
RG-, From Isle of Wight to Berlin - Charlottenburg, 9 June 1936
RG-, From Ostmarie, Denmark to Berlin - Charlottenburg, 7 July 1936
RG-, From London to Siegfried Kocherthaler, Paris, 17 June 1938
RG-, From Luxembourg to Paris, date unknown
RG-, From Essen, Germany to Luxembourg, 9 September 1937
RG-, From Berlin-Charlottenburg to Paris, 27 September 1937
RG-, From Netherlands to J. Kocherthaler in Paris, 11 August 1937
RG-, From S. Kocherthaler in Paris to Woodside NY, 23 May 1939
RG-, From Ariege, France to S. Kocherthaler, Berlin-Charlottenburg, 1936
RG-, From Wilmersdorf, Germany to Yeanette Kocherhalter in Paris, 9 April 1938
RG-, From Los Angeles to Gretle Kocherthaler in Paris, 13 June 1939
RG-, From New York to Jeanne Kocherthaler in Paris, 27 May 1939
RG-, From E. Talberg in London to J. Kocherthaler in Paris, 1939
RG-, From Messina to Julius Kocherthaler in Rome, 21 April 1936
RG-, From Berlin-Charlottenburg to the Netherlands, 29 August 1936
RG-, From Ariege France to S. Kocherthalter, Berlin-Charlottenburg, 1937
RG-, Blank postcard, depicting Ile-De-France, France
RG-, From Paris to F. Kocherthaler in the Camp Les Milles, 15.June 1941
RG-, From Bridgeport, Conn. S. Kocherthaler in Paris, 1 March 1940
RG-, To Siegfried Kocherthaler in Berlin-Charlottenburg, 4. May 1936
RG-, From Shanghai to S. Kocherthaler in Paris, 14 November 1939
RG-, From Luxembourg to S. Kochenthaler in Berlin, 18 January 1936
RG-, From Luxembourg to S. Kochenthaler in Paris, 9 December 1938
RG-, From Schwarzwald, Germany to Lichtenberg, Germany, 20 July 1920
RG- From Paris to Siegfried Kocherthaler in Charlottenburg-Berlin, 1936
RG-, From L. Kocherthaler in Paris to S. Kocherthaler in Gurs, 1940
RG-, L. Kocherthaler in Paris to F. Kocherthaler in Camp Les Milles, 1941
RG-, Fred Kocherthaler in Gurs to Lilly Kocherthaler in Paris, 1940
RG-, Kocherthaler to J. Kocherthaler in Paris to Gurs, 1940
RG-, G. Kocherthalter in Paris to Fred Kocherthalter in Les Milles, 1941
RG-, Lilly Kocherthaler in Paris to Fred Kocherthaler in Camp Les Milles
RG-, From Frankfurt to Hanne Kocherthaler, Berlin-Charlottenburg, 1936
RG-, L. Kocherthaler in Paris to S. Kocherthaler in the camp Gurs, 1941
RG-, From Essen, Germany to Hanne Kocherthaler in Paris, 1938
RG-, From Cuba to Fred Kochertharler in Paris, 1939
RG-, G. Kocherthaler in Paris to Fred Kochenthaler, Camp Les Milles, 1941
RG-, From Berlin-Charlottenburg to J. Kocherthaler in Rome, 1936
RG-, L. Kocherthaler in Paris to S. Kocherthaler in Gurs, 8 December 1940
RG-, L. Kocherthaler in Paris to F. Kocherthaler in Les Milles, 1941
RG-, Fred Kocherthaler in Gurs to G. Kocherthaler in Paris, 1940
RG-, L. Kocherthaler in Paris to S. Kocherthaler in Gurs, 1940
RG-, Postcard from Alex Seelig, Berlin to Frederico Wahl,Italy, 24 February 1942
RG-, Postcard from Alex Seelig, Berlinto Frederico Wahl, Italy, 1942
RG-, Postcard fr. Alex Seelig, Berlin to Frederico Wahl,Italy, 31.8.1942
RG-, Postcard fr. Alex Seelig, Berlin to Frederico Wahl, Italy, 26.7.1942
RG-, Postcard from Alex Israel Seelig, Berlin to Frederico Wahl, Italy, 23.7.1942
RG-, Postcard from Alex Seelig, Berlin to Frederico Wahl, Italy, 17 June 1942
RG-, Postcard from Alex Seelig, Berlin to Frederico Wahl, Italy, 30 April 1942
RG-, Postcard from Alex Seelig, Berlin to Frederico Wahl, Italy, 22 January 1942
RG-, Postcard fr. Alex Seelig, Berlin to Frederico Wahl,Italy, 1 March 1942
RG-, Postcard from Alex Seelig, Berlin to Frederico Wahl, Italy, 19 March 1942
RG-, Postcard from Alex Seelig, Berlin to Frederico Wahl, Italy, 15 April 1942
RG-, Postcard from Alex Seelig, Berlin to Frederico Wahl, Italy, 1 June 1942
RG-, Postcard from Isak Falbel, Refugee Camp, England to G. Falbel, USA, 1940
RG-, Postcard from G. Falbel, USA to Refugee Camp, England, Isak Falbel, 1939
RG-, Postcard from Isak Falbel, Refugee Camp, England to G. Falbel, USA, 1939
RG-, Postcard from Isak Falbel, Refugee Camp, England to G. Falbel, USA, 1939
RG-, Postcard to Isak Falbel in Kitchener Camp, England from Vienna, 1939
RG-, Postcard from Haifa, Isreal to Isak Falbel in Kitchener Camp for Refugees, England, 1939
RG-, Confirmation for transaction to Friedrich Steiner, 9 August 1939
RG-, Account balance sheet from Swiss Bank Corp. for Nelly Steiner, 1937
RG-, Account balance sheet from Swiss Bank Corp. for Nelly Steiner, 1938
RG-, Bank check made out to Dr. Friedrich Israel Steiner, August 1939
RG-, Correspondence regarding financial matters of the Steiners, 1939
RG-, Documents and correspondence with exchange control agency from Dr. F. Steiner, 1940
RG-, Finance Ministry in Vienna RE Friedrich Steiner, August 1939
RG-, Inventory of property of Dr. Friedrich Steiner, 11 July 1938
RG-, Letter from Swiss Bank Corp. to Nelly Steiner, April 1937
RG-, Inventory of property of Dr. Friedrich Steiner, 8 July 1938
RG-, Letters from Swiss Bank Corp. to N. Steiner, 1937 - 1938
RG-, Letter from finance authority concerning Reich Flight Tax, 17 Januar 1940
RG-, Receipt of posting, Vienna, 7 November 1939
RG-, Receipt and note regarding the asset of the Steiners, December 1938
RG-, Receipt and note regarding the property of the Steiners, 7 December 1938
RG-, Receipt of posting and letter from F. Steiner, 11 September 1939
RG-, Statement from Swiss Bank Corp. in Zurich to Nelly Steiner, March 1938
RG-, Swiss Bank Corp. to Nelly Steiner, August 1939
RG-, Three financial statements of Nelly and Friedrich Steiner, 1939
RG-, Two letters from the Swiss Bank Corporation to Nelly Steiner, April 1938
RG-, Bank forms from Vienna issued to Nelly and Dr. Friedrich Steiner, 1938
RG-, Letter from Nelly Steiner to Property Transaction Office, December 1938
RG-, Receipt and letter to Property Transaction Office, November 1938
RG-, Correspondence to and from the Property Transaction Office Vienna, 1938
RG-, Letter from Swiss Bank Corp. to Nelly Steiner, April 1937
RG-, Inventory of property of Nelly Steiner, 8 July 1938
RG-, Stanislaw Dutka postcard, 30 May (1942 maybe)
RG-, Stanislaw Dutka postcard, 7 June 1942
RG-, Sofia Dutkowna, Ravensbrueck letter, 1942
RG-, Sofia Dutkowna, Ravensbrueck letter, April 1941
RG-, Sofia Dutkowna, Ravensbrueck letter, January 1941
RG-, Sofia Dutkowna, Ravensbrueck letter, April 1942
RG-, Sofia Dutkowna, Ravensbrueck letter, April 1944
RG-, Sofia Dutkowna, Ravensbrueck letter, August 1941
RG-, Sofia Dutkowna, Ravensbrueck letter
RG-, Sofia Dutkowna, Ravensbrueck letter
RG-, Sofia Dutkowna, Ravensbrueck letter, February
RG-, Sofia Dutkowna, Ravensbrueck letter, February
RG-, Sofia Dutkowna, Ravensbrueck letter, January 1943
RG-, Sofia Dutkowna, Ravensbrueck letter, June 1941
RG-, Sofia Dutkowna, Ravensbrueck letter, June 1942
RG-, Sofia Dutkowna, Ravensbrueck letter, March 1942
RG-, Sofia Dutkowna, Ravensbrueck letter, May 1941
RG-, Sofia Dutkowna, Ravensbrueck letter, May1944
RG-, Stanislaw Dutka letter, 4 February 1942
RG-, Stanislaw Dutka letter, 4 october 1940, 5 February 1942
RG-, Stanislaw Dutka letters, 9 October 1940, 1 February 1941
RG-, Stanislaw Dutka postcard, 27 January 1942
RG-, Sofia Dutkowna, Ravensbrueck letter, July 1943
RG-, Sofia Dutkowna, Ravensbrueck letter, September
RG-72.13.01, Antisemitic postcard, British, 'Jews like to cheat people'
RG-72.13.02, Antisemitic postcard, Austria, 'Jews waiting before the collonade in Karlsbad'
RG-72.13.03, Postcard, Austria, 'Different people on the way to water spring in Marienbad', 05.13.1913 to Vienna
RG-72.13.04, Antisemitic postcard, 'Caricature of Jewish banker', 17 October 1900 to Vienna
RG-72.13.05, Antisemitic postcard, 'Jew in Karlsbad', 23 September 1898
RG-72.13.06, Antisemitic postcard, 'Jewish father and his sons', Empty postcard
RG-72.13.07, Antisemitic postcard, 'Der Rosenbaum und sein Ableger', Empty postcard
RG-72.13.08, Antisemitic postcard, Karlovy Vary, Czechoslovakia
RG-72.13.09, Antisemitic postcard, 'Caricature of Jewish Landlord', Empty postcard
RG-72.13.10, Antisemitic postcard, 'The small Cohne', Germany, Berlin, 3 August 1920
RG-72.13.11, Antisemitic postcard, 'Skinny jew' maybe soldier, Boehmisch Krut, 2 December 1900
RG-72.13.12, Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews drinking water from Marienbad spring', Austria, printed in Munich
RG-72.13.13, Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews talking in Carlsbad', Austria, 1901
RG-72.13.14, Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews talking in Carlsbad', Karlovy Vary, 8 September 1896
RG-72.13.15, Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews are adulterous', America, 1910
RG-72.13.16, Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews talk with hands', Germany, 1914
RG-72.13.17, Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews then and now', Empty postcard
RG-72.13.18, Antisemitic postcard, 'Such a besiness', America, 1911
RG-72.13.19, Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews are thieves'
RG-72.13.20, Antisemitic postcard, British, about 1900
RG-72.13.21, Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews threatened by dogs', Poland, 1913
RG-72.13.22, Antisemitic postcard printed in Casablanca, in French
RG-72.13.23, Antisemitic postcard, 'The Eternal Jew', Vienna, 18 August 1938
RG-72.13.24, Postal stamp, 'The Eternal Jew', Vienna
RG-72.13.25, Antisemitic postcard, 'Moneylenders', Great Britain
RG-72.13.26, Antisemitic postcard, 'Jewish beauty', Germany, 1929
RG-72.13.27, Postcard, 'Crowds on the way to the mineral water springs', Germany
RG-72.13.28, 'Antisemitic money', Ludwigsburg, 1923
RG-72.13.29, Postcard printed in Prague
RG-72.13.30, Antisemitic postcard, 'Jewish patent for an automobile', Germany, 1898
RG-72.13.31, Antisemitic postcard, 'A Jew is admired by females', Germany
RG-72.13.32, Antisemitic postcard, Postcard from Chicago to Newcastle, UK, 1907
RG-72.13.33, Antisemitic postcard, 'Jews are having a fine dinner', America, 19 May 1898
RG-72.13.34, Antisemitic postcard, 'A Jew and the child', Germany, undated
RG-72.13.35, Antisemitic postcard, 'The five Frankfurters', undated
RG-72.13.36, Antisemitic postcard, 'Salomon makes himself happy and two Christian girls', Thomas Rowlandson, undated
RG-72.13.37, Antisemitic postcard, 'Jenom Klid Obcane', undated
RG-72.13.38, Antisemitic postcard, 'Nathan Hirschl, the dean of the Jewish community in Prague', copper engraving by Elias Back, unreadable, undated
RG-72.13.39, Antisemitic postcard, 'A Jewish trader with Christian flesh', undated
RG-72.13.40, Antisemitic postcard, 'Social democracy - the mirror of the truth', undated
RG-72.13.41, Imitation Jewish money, Germany, 1920
RG-72.13.42, Sunday Empire News, 24 October 1954
RG-72.13.43, Imitation Jewish money featuring images of host desecration, 1920s Germany
RG-72.13.44, Antisemitic postcard, 'I'll take Opportunity', America
RG-72.13.45, Antisemitic postcard, 'Where was Moses when the light went out', Great Britain
RG-72.13.46, Antisemitic postcard, 'Everybody welcome at the Ratskeller', Germany
RG-72.13.47, Antisemitic postcard, 'Moses in the Bulrushes', Great Britain, 12 September 1921
RG-72.13.48, Antisemitic postcard, 'Christians Awake!', Great Britain, 24 December 1910
RG-72.13.49, Antisemitic postcard, 'There's a Divinity that shapes our ends', British or American
RG-72.13.50, Antisemitic and racist postcard, 'Types Algeriens', France
RG-72.13.51, Antisemitic postcard, 'When Reuben Comes to Town', Great Britain
RG-72.13.52, Imitation Jewish money, 1920s Germany
RG-72.13.53, Imitation Jewish money, 1920s Germany
RG-72.13.55, Announcement for a political talk by Pierre Costantini, France
RG-72.13.56, Tostede, local emergency money, anti-Jewish propaganda, Germany, 1921
RG-, Prison release certificate issued to Edmund Kaufmann from Rybnik, Poland, 19 May 1942
RG-, Summons to appear at the security police in Krakow, Poland, issued to Mathias Schubert, 25 February 1943, German and Polish
RG-, Birth certificate issued to Meta Erna Sachs born on 25 February 1891 in Mannheim to Sigmund and Elizabeth Sachs, 20 October 1941
RG-, Certificate of good conduct issued to Julius Israel Lachmann, Munich, Germany, 6 August 1940
RG-, Certificate issued to Jarema Stanislaus by the SS in Rawa Ruska, Poland, 21 May 1943
RG-, Interprison transfer document for Rene Treal from Hanau to Frankfurt, 8 June 1943
RG-, Rationing ticket for clothing issued to Walter Starke, valid only in Belgium, 15 March 1943
RG-, Personal document, work history of Johann Lachmann, 30 June 1936
RG-, Copy of a re-issued birth certificate to the son of Julius Lachmann, 15 July 1938
RG-, Marriage certificate re-issued to Julius Lachmann and Meta Erna Sachs, 10 May 1939
RG-, Certificate of good conduct issued to Meta Erna Lachmann, Mannheim, Germany, 1 August 1940
RG-, Danube ship voucher worth one Reichsmark, issued in Vienna, Austria, April 1939
RG-, Death certificate of Konstantin Suslow. Signed by SS Oberstammfuhrer Franz Ziereis. Mauthausen, Austria, 3 February 1944
RG-, Death Certificate of Olech Boleslaw in Forced Labor Camp issued by SS Hauptsturmfuhrer Meckel. Dated in Debica, Poland on 1 December 1942.
RG-, Work permit issued to Anatolij V. Wolodymir, Austria, 1943
RG-, Document to aid emigration issued to Sirgfried Israel Jellinek, Vienna, Austria, 14 July 1939
RG-, Document of a Nazi crematory institution on claims of life insurance, Berlin, 26 May 1943
RG-, Written declaration in lieu of oath stating that the undersigned is not Jewish according to Nazi racial laws. The document is printed in German, Ukrainian, and Polish languages.
RG-, Note of transfer, Agnes Bursztyn-Pukawski from Auschwitz to Gestapo in Lodz, Poland (Litzmannstadt Ghetto, Lodz Ghetto), 30 September 1943
RG-, Deutsche Reichsbahn duty pass for Georg Lewinsohn, 13 April 1945
RG-, Letter from H. Israel Jacob to the Finance Bureau in Berlin, 30 June 1942
RG-, Prison release document of Julius Lachmann, Munich, Germany, 6 December 1939
RG-, Letter about a bank transfer sent to Julius Lachmann by a pawnshop (Leihamt) in Munich, Germany on 31 July 1939.
RG-, Document confirming Julius Lachmann getting an honor cross, Munich, Germany, 24 February 1935
RG-, Marriage certificate re-issued to Julius Lachman and Meta Erna Sachs, 1 September 1923
RG-, Handwritten certificate issued to Julius Lachmann, 3 September 1917
RG-, Certificate of citizenship issued to Julius Lachmann, 1 September 1923
RG-, Handwritten certificate issued to Julius Lachmann, Darmstadt, Germany, 25 June 1913
RG-, Exam certificate of Julius Lachmann by the elementary school board, Berlin, 10 March 1910
RG-, I.D Card issued by The Organization Todt. 1945
RG-, Passport document issued to Mortiz Israel Gailinger by German police authorities in Stuttgart.
RG-, Rabbinical pre-wedding announcement, ca. 1940s, German, Polish, Yiddish.
RG-, Litgation letter sent from Nowum Targu, Dunajec (Poland), 29 July 1944
RG-, Document issued to Hirsch Czernobilsky in Konigsberg (Kaliningrad), 1 March 1939
RG-, Medical report card issued to Armin Friedman, German
RG-, Medical report card issued in Holland, 16 June 1943, Dutch, German
RG-, Appointment notice for Arnold Goldsteen, Amsterdam, Holland, 31 March 1944, Dutch
RG-, Announcement, Jews are not allowed, Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
RG-, Letter from Jewish Cultural Community in regards to Julius Lachmann (Cantor), 20 May 1941
RG-, Document from the Jewish college of education in Berlin, 20 January 1910
RG-, Certification from the Rabbinat of Munich, 4 January 1940
RG-, Certificate issued to Julius Lachman from the Jewish pedagogical college in Berlin, in 1910
RG-, A discharge document from the Wilna ghetto prison regarding Ester Suzan, 7 August 1942
RG-, Certificate of good behavior issued to Julius Israel Lachmann by the municipal authorities of Bingen am Rhein, 8 August 1940
RG-72.15.01, Document issued by the Bolivian Consulate certifying that Roman Ciechanow is an employee of the Consulate in Zurich, 28 March 1940
RG-72.15.02, Visa issued by British Consulate-General in Alexandria, Egypt for travel to Palestine, 17 January 1939
RG-72.15.03, Behavior affidavit of non-enemy proclaimed by Mrs. Thea Netter on her emigration to Brazil, September 10, 1941
RG-72.16.01, Letter to Judenrat in Tarnow from the city Polish police of Tarnow regarding Ascher Stieglitz, 21 September 1941
RG-72.16.02, An inquiry about Abram Kliger family in the Lodz Ghetto, sent on the behalf of Hersz Kliger by the Jewish Council of Lowicz, Poland, November 8, 1941
RG-72.16.03, An inquiry about E.J. Rotenberg and Hinda Rotenberg in the Lodz ghetto, submitted by the Judenrat (Jewish Council) in Staszow, Poland on June 20, 1941
RG-72.16.04, Envelope from the Judenrat in Nadworna, Poland
RG-72.16.05, Envelope sent from the Judenrat in Rzeszow to Watler Markusiewicz in New York, 25 October 1941
RG-72.16.06, Envelope sent from the Judenrat (Jewish Council) in Opole in General Government, Poland to the Jewish Cultural Community in Prague, 7 March 1942
RG-72.16.07, Postcard sent from Jewish aid committee in Ozorkow, Poland to the Jewish Council (Judenrat) in Lodz regarding Harry Warszawski associated with the Sparkling Water factory located on Zydowska Street 10, 20 February 1941
RG-72.16.08, Certificated issued by the Jewish Council (Judenrat) in Piotrkow (Petrikau), Poland regardin Anszel Nyss, a stock share holder of the mill "Warszawianka," 9 January 1940
RG-72.16.09, Postcard sent from the Judenrat in Lowicz to the Jewish elders at Lodz, 10 February 1941
RG-72.16.10, Postcard sent from the Judenrat in Sokolow to the Jewish Council in Lodz regarding M.Neuger, 12 February 1941
RG-72.16.11, Postcard from Judenrat in Tarnogrod to Karol Fein in Lodz informing him of the family Polatschek, in Tranogrod, 1942
RG-72.16.12, Postcard from the Judenrat in Pacanow to the Judenrat in Lodz, regarding J. Rotenberg, M. Rotenberg and M. Lyczycki, 1942
RG-72.16.13, Postcard sent from the Judenrat in Pacanow to the Judenrat in Lodz, 29 September 1942
RG-72.16.14, Postcard sent from Jewish Community in Muhlental (Kolo) to Rumkowski in Lodz, informing about the Jews in Kolo and the Jewish Hospital in Poznan (Posen), 27 September 1941
RG-72.16.15, Postcard sent from Jewish Community in Pfeeilstett (Pajeczno) to the Jewish Council) (Judenrat) in Lodz regarding Lelek Buchman, 4 February 1941
RG-72.16.16, Postcard sent from Jewish Community in Praschkau (Praszka) to the Judenrat in Lodz, 12 February 1941
RG-72.16.17, Postcard sent from the Judenrat in Pacanow, Poland to the Judenrat in Lodz, 29 September 1942
RG-72.16.18, Postcard sent from the Judenrat in Siedliszcze to R. Abrahamer in Krakow, 19 June 1941
RG-72.16.19, Letter sent from the Judenrat in Piotrkow, Poland, 9 January 1940
RG-72.16.20, Envelope sent from E. Lustig, Lublin Judenrat to Hans Pick in Prague, 21 April 1942
RG-72.16.21, Envelope sent from the Judenrat in Nowy Sacz in Poland to the charcoal distribution office in Krakow, 30 August 1940
RG-72.16.22, Envelope sent to the district head of Reichshof from Jewish Community in Ranizow, Poland, 5 June 1943
RG-72.16.23, Postcard sent from Judenrat in Siedlce to the Jewish Relief Committee in Geneve
RG-72.16.24, Envelope sent from Judenrat in Koniecpol to Road construction field office in Czestochowa, Poland, 26 December 1940
RG-72.16.25, A Postcard sent from Presov, Slovakia to Judenraete in Lublin, Poland
RG-72.16.26, A Postcard sent from Bratislava, Slovakia to Judenraete in Lublin, Poland, 19 August 194
RG-72.16.27, Jewish Council, Krzepice, Poland, postal receipt, 5 March 1941
RG-72.18.01, Postcard sent from Jewish Forced Labor Camp (Labor Company No. B/604) to Szekesfehervar, Hungary 24 March 1944, Hungarian.
RG-72.18.02, Postcard sent by a Jewish-Hungarian serviceman in a Jewish Forced Labor Camp (No. II/2) in Velykyi Bereznyi, Ukraine (Nagyberezna, Hungary) to Oszkarne Wertheimer in Budapest, Hungary, February 1944, Hungarian.
RG-72.18.03, Postcard sent from Zoltan Lekovits in Nagydobrony (Velikaya Dobron', Ukraine) to Katoka Friedman in Budapest, 7 December 1940, Hungarian
RG-72.18.04, Postcard sent from Hungarian serviceman in Nagykata, Hungary to his mother in Budapest, 20 July 1942, Hungarian
RG-72.18.05, Postcard, Printed by the Hungarian Royal State Press. Blank.
RG-72.18.06, Postcard sent from Simon Schvarcz in Kaposvar, Hungary to Laszlo Schvarz in Jewish-Hungarian Labor Service in Uzsok, Hungary (Uzhok, Ukraine). 25 April 1944, Hungarian.
RG-72.18.07, Envelope addressed to Laszlo Schvarcz in Fenyvesvolgy, Ung County, today Stavne, Ukraine, Labor company No. VI/2, Hungarian
RG-72.18.08, Postcard sent from Gyorgy Pal T. in Labor Service to Katoka Friedman in Budapest. Labor service No. 208/17. Date: 19 October 1940
RG-72.18.09, Postcard sent from a Hungarian Labor Serviceman in Sashalom, Hungary to Kato Friedman in Budapest, 26 August 1943.
RG-72.18.10, Postcard sent from Gyorgy Pal T. in Forced Labor Camp in Pomaz, Hungary to Kato Friedman in Budapest, Labor company No. 208.14, 25 September 1940.
RG-72.18.11, Postcard sent from from Arwin Weinberger in Jewish Forced Labor Camp in Sarvar, Hungary to Laszlo Bakacs, 25 June 1944.
RG-72.18.12, Postcard sent from Dr. med M. Mosenkis in Ipolyszalka (Salka, Slovakia) to Bela Finkelstein in Tel-Aviv, 26 June 1940. Language: Polish.
RG-72.18.13, Postcard sent from Ervin Deutsch in Jolsva (Jelsava, Slovakia) to Andor Deutsch in Garany (Hran, Slovakia), Labor company No. VII.3, 21 January 1943.
RG-72.18.14, Postcard, Postcard sent to Andor Deutsch in Garany (Hran, Slovakia) from Kalman Braun in Kolozsvar (Cluj-Napoca, Romania), 20 April 1943.
RG-72.18.15, Postcard from Horst Gurski in Csorgo (Cerhov, Slovakia) to Andor Deutsch in Garany (Hran, Slovakia), 8 September 1943, German and Hungarian.
RG-72.18.16, Postcard from a Jewish Forced Labor Camp in Balatonlelle to Gabriella Glaser in Budapest, Hungarian, 9 July 1943, Hungarian
RG-72.18.17, Postcard sent from Gyorgy Schvarcz from Forced Labor Camp to Gabriella Glaser, 3 April, Hungarian
RG-72.18.18, Postcard sent from Laszlone Schvarz in Budapest to Laszlo Schvarz in Jaszbereny, Hungary, Labor company No. 109/1, 7 July 1942.
RG-72.18.19, Postcard sent to Jozsefne Farber in Budapest from Jozsef Farber in Munkacs (Munkacheve, Ukraine), Jewish Forced Labor Camp No. 101/309, 21 August 1944.
RG-72.18.20, Envelope addressed to Alexander Ritschuy from Kathe Ritschuy in Vienna, Austria, 29 November 1944.
RG-72.18.21, Postcard sent from Zoltan Lekovits in Forced Labor Camp (No. 109/34) in Sashalom, Hungary to Kato Friedman, 14 August 1943, Hungarian
RG-72.18.22, Postcard sent from Vilmos Silberspitz in Forced Labor Camp (No. 217.88) to Vilmosne Silberspitz in Budapest, 9 June 1942.
RG-72.18.23, Postcard to Pal Hajdu in Garany, Hungary (Hran, Slovakia) from Topolya (Backa Topola, Serbia), 30 November 1942.
RG-72.18.24, Postcard from Janos Udavors in Jewish Forced Labor Camp (No. 20.7) in Baja, Hungary to Oszkarne Udvaros in Budapest, 21 August 1944.
RG-72.18.25, Postcard and thank you card, OMZSA (Hungarian National Association to Assist Jews) to Erno Szanto, Budapest, 28 September 1944.
RG-72.18.26, Typed thank you letter to Erno Szanto with OMZSA (Hungarian National Assotiation to Assist Jews) letterhead. Date: 29 September 1944.
RG-72.18.27, Typed letter with OMZSA (Hungarian National Association to Assist Jews) letterhead to Erno Szanto, Date: 16 July 1943.
RG-72.18.28, Envelope from Arpad Fraenkel/Frankel in Tokaj, Hungary to Naftali Frankel in Ramat-Gan, Tel Aviv, Palestine, Israel. Date: 1 July 1943.
RG-72.18.29, Postcard from Herbert Stein in Baja, Hungary, Jewish Labor Camp to Lajos Stein in Budapest, 30 September 1944, Labor company No. 101/320, German.
RG-72.18.30, Postcard from Jozsef Deutsch in Ipolysag, Hungary (Sahy, Slovakia) to Andor Deutsch in Garany (Hran, Slovakia). Date 28 December 1943.
RG-72.18.31, Postcard from Dezso Weinberger in Jewish Forced Labor Camp (No. L. 541) to Dezso Weinberger in Szekesfehervar, Hungary, 12 June 1944, Hungarian
RG-72.18.32, Postcard from Gyorgy Bognar in Cegled, Hungary to Istvan Bognar in Jewish Forced Labor Camp (No. 521), 2 May 1944.
RG-72.18.33, Letter, Medical Exam Certificate from Budapest, Association of Hungarian Jews, patient Lajos Stein, dated 3 August 1944.
RG-72.18.34, Postcard from Russian POW camp (No. 7062.9) seeking identification documents to permit release. From Erno Artur Saltzer to his mother, ozv. Arturne Saltzer in Budapest, 24 November 1947, Hungarian, Russian, French
RG-72.18.35, Postcard from Erno Artur Saltzer in Russian POW camp (No. 7062/9) to Arturne Saltzer in Budapest, 5 July 1947.
RG-72.18.36, Postcard from Izidor Muller in Jewish Forced Labor Camp (No. 202/55) to Herman Muller in Nemetdioszeg, Hungary (Sladkovicovo, Slovakia), dated 26 April 1942.
RG-72.18.37, Envelope from Kiss in Budapest to Laszlo Kiss in Forced Labor Camp (No. IX.3) in Vac, Hungary, Budapest, 1944.
RG-72.18.38, Postcard from Komarom, Hungary to Janina Kucharczykowa in Olszowaka, Poland, 18 January 1940, Polish.
RG-72.18.39, Postcard from Simon Schvarcz in Kaposvar to Laszlo Schvarcz in Forced Labor Camp (No. 4/2), 8 February 1944.
RG-72.18.40, Postcard from Bucarest, Bucharest (Romania) to Deutsch Andor in Garany (Hran, Solvakia), after 1942.
RG-72.18.41, Postcard from Jozsef Deutsch in Ipolysag, Hungary (Sahy, Slovakia) to Andor Deutsch in Forced Labor Camp in Garany (Hran, Slovakia), 1 February 1944.
RG-72.18.42, Hungarian clipping with hammer and sickle image.
RG-72.18.43, Fragment of an envelope, 20 April 1939.
RG-72.18.44, Postcard from Laszlo Leichner in Jewish forced Labor Camp (No. B150) to Samuel and Zsigmond Leichner, 27 June 1944.
RG-72.18.45, Postcard from Janos Hercz in Jewish Forced Labor Camp in Ricse to Pal Feuerstein in Budapest, dated 12 January 1942.
RG-72.18.46, Postcard from Erno Partos in Jewish Forced Labor Camp (No. M 569) to Gusztavne Drozsa in Budapest, 20 July 1944.
RG-72.18.47, Envelope to Gabriella Glaser in Budapest from Jewish Forced Labor Camp (No. 2/K) in Miskolc, Hungary, 3 June 1943.
RG-72.18.48, Postcard to Laszlo Bihari in Jewish Forced Labor Camp (No. 403) from Budapest, 11 May 1942.
RG-72.18.49, Postcard from Bela Szabo Jr. to Bela Szabo in Jewish Forced Labor Camp (No. 201.3) in Soroksar, Hungary, ca. 1943.
RG-72.18.50, Postcard from Laszlo Sziklai in Jewish Forced Labor Camp (No. 109/1) to Sandor Sziklai in Budapest, 5 May 1941
RG-72.18.51, Postcard from Miklosne Pollak in Varviz, Hungary (today Romania) to Miklos Pollak in Forced Labor Camp (No. 274), 9 October 1943
RG-72.18.52, Postcard from Imre D. in Jewish Forced Labor Camp (No. 203/15) in Beszterce, Hungary (Bistrita, Romania) to Jeno Laszlo in Budapest, 13 October 1943, Hungarian.
RG-72.18.53, Postcard from Janos Udvaros in Jewish Forced Labor Camp (No. 105.4) in Pahi (Hungary) to Oszkarne Udvaros in Budapest, 6 June 1942, Hungarian
RG-72.18.54, Envelope addressed to Andor Deutsch in Garany, Hungary (Hran, Slovakia) from Rimler in Budapest, 1943, Hungarian.
RG-72.18.55, Letter and envelope to Laszlo Bruchsteiner in Jewish Forced Labor Camp (No. II/2) in Nagyberezna (Velykyi Bereznyi, Ukraine), 25 February 1944
RG-72.18.56, Postcard from Ervin Deutsch in Forced Labor Camp (No. B/581) to Jozsef Deutsch in Ipolysag, Hungary (Sahy, Slovakia), 11 June 1944
RG-72.18.57, Postcard from Kiss in Budapest to Laszlo Kiss in Forced Labor Camp (No. 9/3) in Vac, Hungary, 21 April 1944
RG-72.18.58, Postcard from Erno Artur Saltzer in Russian POW camp addressed to Arturne Saltzer in Budapest, 14 January 1948, Russian and Hungarian
RG-72.18.59, Postcard from Jozef Hercz in Ricse Forced Labor Camp in Hungary to Zoltan Feierstein in Budapest, 15 September 1942
RG-72.18.60, Typed letter with OMZSA in Budapest letterhead to Erno Szanto, 3 November 1943
RG-72.18.61, Postcard sent from Jozsefne Grosz in Budapest, Hungary to Gyorgy Grosz, in Jewish Forced Labor Camp (No. 253/62), 21 May 1943
RG-72.18.62, Document for a displaced person requesting his return to Budapest, Imre Grosz, found in Cegled, Hungary, 4 June 1945, Russian and Hungarian
RG-72.18.63, Identification document for Gyozo Popper, Jewish-Hungarian Serviceman (No. 101/40) born in Budapest, Hungary, 1944
RG-72.18.64, Postcard sent to Jakab D. in Diosgyor, Hungary in Forced Labor Camp (No. 109/36), 3 June 1944
RG-72.18.65, Newspaper, front page, Title: Harc, meaning Fight, anti-Semitic, from Budapest, Hungary, 17 June 1944
RG-72.18.66, Postcard sent from Mario Roszler in Jewish Forced Labor Camp (No.101/708) to Marione Roszler in Budapest, 21 August 1944
RG-72.18.67, Newspaper, front page, Title: Harc, meaning Fight, anti-Semitic article from Budapest, Hungary, 10 June 1944
RG-72.18.68, Postcard from Herbert Stein in Emod, Hungary, Jewish Labor Camp (No. 101/320) to Lajos Stein in Budapest, 22 July 1944, German, Hungarian
RG-72.18.69, Letter from Herbert Stein in Baja, Hungary, Jewish Labor Camp (No. 101/320) to Lajos Stein in Budapest, 4 October 1944, German
RG-72.18.70, Letter, Medical Exam Certificate from Budapest, Association of Hungarian Jews, patient Lajos Stein, dated 16 August 1944
RG-72.18.71, Postcard sent from Hungary to Adolf Haas in the Litzmannstadt Ghetto, Lodz Ghetto (Lodz, Poland), German.
RG-72.18.72, Communication on the letterhead of the Apostolic Nuncio from Morne Dushinsky in Hungary to Mathew Dushinsky in Jerusalem, 17 August 1943.
RG-72.18.73, Envelope from Varpalota, Hungary to Andreas in Posen (Poznan), Poland, 28 July 1942.
RG-72.18.74, Postcard sent to Laszlo Borok in from Viktor Borok in Budapest, 10 April 1943.
RG-72.18.75, Postcard sent from Laszlo Schwarcz in Forced Labor Camp (No. 208/16) in Sandorfalva, Hungary to Katoka Biro in Budapest, 27 November 1940.
RG-72.18.76, Transport card issued in Kapuvar to Ferenc Rosenberger, 19 January 1942.
RG-72.18.77, Postcard from Jozsef Willenberg in Jewish Forced Labor Camp (No. 201/23) in Torokszentmiklos, Hungary to Budapest, 24 June 1940.
RG-72.18.78, Postcard from Jozef Hercz in Ricse in Jewish Forced Labor Camp to Jozefne Hercz in Hungary, 19 July 1942.
RG-72.18.79, Envelope from the Jewish Assistance Committee in Hungary to the Jewish protection committee in Santiago, Chile, 10 April 1940.
RG-72.18.80, Envelope from a Ritsilury in Vienna to Alexander Ritsilury in Bacs Bodrog, Hungary, 21 April 1944.
RG-72.19.01, A Jewish Ration card for potato, Bohemia and Moravia
RG-72.19.02, Ration card for tobacco for a non-smoker in Lodz Ghetto signed by Chaim Rumkowski
RG-72.19.03, Food card for April
RG-72.19.04, Ration coupon sheet for extra food meant for the First World War veterans in Theresienstadt signed by Jakob Edelstein, Chairman
RG-72.19.05, Additional ration card for a heavy work person, the Theresienstadt ghetto
RG-72.19.06, Ration card for the month of May issued to Ernestine Schollinger in Theresienstadt Ghetto
RG-72.19.07, Ration card for meals for employees in the offices in the Jewish Council (Judenrat)
RG-72.19.08, Ration card for clothes issued to Dr. Knopfelmacher in the Theresienstadt ghetto
RG-72.19.09, Ration coupons issued by the Jewish Self Administration of the Theresienstadt ghetto
RG-72.19.10, Ration card for bread issued by the Office of Chariman Rumkowski of the Lodz ghetto to the children
RG-72.19.11, Food card from the Lodz Ghetto issued by the Chairman Rumkowski office
RG-72.19.12, Ration card issued by the Ration Department of the Theresienstadt Ghetto
RG-72.19.13, Ration Card for sugar, issued to a Jewish resident of Vienna, to be recieved at the Johann Hager establishment
RG-72.19.14, Ration Card for eggs , issued to Eliahi Biuder in Vienna by National Nutrition Office, 13 November 1944
RG-72.19.15, Voucher for RM 1, from Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp
RG-72.19.16, Food Card for Jewish children, in Nowy Sacz (Neu Sandez), Poland for bread, sugar and other commodities
RG-72.19.17, Voucher for RM 1, from Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp
RG-72.19.18, A Jewish Ration card for bread, Vienna
RG-72.19.19, A Jewish Ration card for soap, Vienna
RG-72.19.20, A Jewish Ration card for meat, Vienna
RG-72.19.21, A Jewish Ration card for cooking fats, Vienna
RG-72.19.22, A Jewish Ration card for sugar, Vienna
RG-72.19.23, A Jeiwish Ration card from Wieliczka, Poland
RG-72.19.24, A Jewish Ration card for processed foods, Vienna
RG-72.20.01, Dora Mittelbau concentration camp, a monetary coupon for 0.01 RM
RG-72.20.02, Buchenwald concentration camp, a monetary coupon for 0.50 RM
RG-72.20.03, A 10 mark gheto coin issued in the Lodz Ghetto
RG-72.20.04, A 2 mark coupon, Buchenwald concentration camp
RG-72.20.05, A 3 mark coupon, Buchenwald concentration camp
RG-72.20.06, Buchenwald concentration camp, a monetary coupon in the amount of 0.50 RM
RG-72.20.07, The Lodz Ghetto Quittung (receipts for paper money), note of 50 pfennig, 1 mark, and 20 mark, Jewish bank note, May 1940
RG-72.20.08, The Lodz Ghetto Quittung (receipts for paper money), note of 2 mark, Jewish bank note, May 1940
RG-72.20.09, Cremona internment camp, Italy, camp scrips for Jews, denomination of Lire 0.5; 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50.
RG-72.20.10, The Buchenwald concentration camp scrips (receipts), various denominations
RG-72.20.11, A 10 Cent scrip for the canteen of the German Police Transit Camp Amersfoort in the Netherlands, 1944
RG-72.20.12, The Holleischen concentration camp scrips, canteen money.
RG-72.21.01, Postal receipt from Wilanow to Lublin, 12 April 1942
RG-72.21.02, Postcard from Craiova, Romania to Erich Zwillinger in Deva, Romania, 14 October 1942
RG-72.21.03, Envelope sent from Craiova, Romania to Deva, Romania, 17 September 1942
RG-72.21.04, Postcard from Paris to Charlottenburg 15 January 1945
RG-72.21.05, Postcard sent from Craiova to Deva, Romania, 29 September 1942
RG-72.21.06, Postcard sent from Gyla Ferhier in Krakow to Rut Schretler in Kamiensk-Gomunice, Poland, 8 October 1941
RG-72.21.07, Envelope from Jewish wholesale groceries and vegetables to the administrator of the Alexander Gutman firm, East Selisia, 31 October 1942
RG-72.21.08, Postcard from Dobrila Sasa in Monigo internment camp, Italy to Marjan Ferlinc in Lubljana, Slovenia, 30 January 1943
RG-72.21.09, Envelope from Havlicek in Civilain labor camp, Lager I-13 in Kiel-Wellingdorf, Germany to Jiri Mahjs in Protektorat Bohmen, 1 April 1944
RG-72.21.10, Envelope from German Security Police (Sipo) in Libau to the Service Post Office, Libau, 7 May 1942
RG-72.21.11, Field Post communication from Heinrich Brahn in Bruttig-Fankel to the local office of NSDAP to, H. Sebastien , 28 July 1940
RG-72.21.12, Wrapping paper from the parcel mailed to Jakob Bassist in Theresienstadt from A. Marmorstein in the Protectorate Moravia
RG-72.21.13, Postcard from the town of Wolfenbuettel, Germany sent to Josef in Pribram, the Protectorate Bohemia 20 March 1940
RG-72.21.14, Envelope from Manfred Fuchs in departmament Haute Vienne, France to Wilhelm Jacob in New York, 14 November 1940
RG-72.21.15, Postcard from Otto Kram in protective custody, Vienna to Marie Karm in Deutsch-Wagram near Vienna, 29 March 1942
RG-72.21.16, Postal receipt of parcel from Sz. Krajek in Sanok to J. Krajek in Warsaw, General Government, Poland, 9 May 1944
RG-72.21.17, Envelope to Malwine Sara Fincberg through Jewish Cultural community in Vienna from Poland about her deported relatives , 22 July 1941
RG-72.21.19, Postcard from Luxembourg to S. Kocherthaler in Berlin-Charlottenburg, 15 January 1936
RG-72.21.20, Envelope from Kasa Stefczyka (a bank) in Kunow to the District Authority in Opatow, Poland, 11 June 1942
RG-72.21.21, Postcard from T.R. Mengr in Ribarska Banja, Serbia to Ana Mengrova in Modrany near Prague, 25 September 1943
RG-72.21.23, Postcard written by Juliu Glueck in Romania, sent to Stania Snezhinska in Novosibirsk region, USSR, dated 17 December 1940
RG-72.21.24, Envelope from Morava Banovina, Yugoslavia to Vienna, Austria
RG-72.21.25, Envelope, From San Giovanni to Genova, Italy, written from Israel Perlman to Manfred Danzig, 6 April 1941
RG-72.21.26, Postcard from Opatów, Poland to Warsaw, Poland, written from Fuks to Philatelic Organization, 17 September 1942
RG-72.21.27, Postcard from Ponza, Italy to Cetinje, Montenegro, 15 March 1943
RG-72.21.28, Postcard to Jliana Behounek in main Jewish office in Prague from Eva Behounkova in Brno Brno, Bohemia and Moravia , not delivered, 8 October 1944
RG-72.21.29, Postcard from Hugo Neffe in Theresienstadt to Gustav Singe, a mine-work in Oslavany, Bohemia and Moravia, 23 August 1944
RG-72.21.30, Envelope from Teutsch in France to to Dr. Jorge Arfeld in Buenos-Aires, Argentina, 16 June, 1941
RG-72.21.31, Envelope from Heinrich Miler in French internment camp Le Vernet to Ms. H. Bogdanski in St. Gallen, Switzerland, 23 March 1942
RG-72.21.32, Envelope from Union Générale des Israélites de France (UGIF) in Marseille, France to the Committee of Protection of Jewish Immigrants in Santiago Chile, 1942
RG-72.21.33, Postcard to Kraków, Poland from Wrocław (Burgweide, Breslau), Poland, written from Jan Liolkowski from Konrad Slaski, 14 October 1944
RG-72.21.34, Envelope from Cornelus Van Der Graaff in England to Madie Capriles om Curaçao (Dutch West Indies), 8 November 1941
RG-72.21.35, Correspondence between a prisoner in Stara Gradiska, Croatia and the Jewish Community in Zagreb, Croatia, 3 December 1943
RG-72.21.36, Envelope and a blank form from Vienna Jeiwsh CulturalCommunity sent to Gisela Sara Huybensz in Vienna, 4 January 1942
RG-72.21.37, Postcard from Alozo Klimt in Moravia to Ferdinand Vejnarek in Prague, postmarked 20 May 1943
RG-72.21.38, Telegram sent to Karadeniz Eregli, Turkey, postmarked 9 September 1939
RG-72.21.39, Postcard from Carol Feiger in Transnistria, Moldova, to Gheorghe Hagigogu in Cernăuți, Romania dated 12 June 1942
RG-72.21.40, Postcard from Ervin B. Moster to Ferezija Neustalt in Zagreb, postmarked 20 January 1945
RG-72.21.41, Postcard from R. Haas in Vierzon to C. Haas in Paris, dated 5 October 1939
RG-72.21.42, Postcard from Anna Fischer in forced labor camp to Moritz Gruen in Bratislava, postmarked 16 November 1943
RG-72.21.44, Envelope from Dr. N. Tinbergen in St. Michielsgestel to a conservator at a Dutch museum in the Hague, postmarked 27 December 1943
RG-72.21.45, Envelope from K. Koftel in Mende Lozere, France to S. Bayer in St. Cloud, France, postmarked 21 month illegible 1940
RG-72.21.46, Envelope and message from Mauritius to Papa Haas in Beau-Bassin detainment camp, postmarked 29 December 1943
RG-72.21.47, Envelope from Mauritius to Marie Ehrenfest in Beau-Bassin detainment camp, postmarked 3 August 1945
RG-72.21.48, Envelope from Mauritius to Marie Ehrenfert in Beau-Bassin, postmarked 6 August 1945
RG-72.21.49, Envelope from Gertrud Steinberg in New York, NY to Mr. Alex Doctor in New York, NY, postmarked 29 August 1944
RG-72.21.50, Envelope from Leopold Luftig in Oswego, New York to the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee in New York, NY, postmarked 4 October 1945
RG-72.21.51, Envelope from Zacharias Sucher in Victoria, Australia to Mr. Patkin in Melbourne, Australia, undated
RG-72.21.52, Envelope from M. Lehmann in Victoria, Australia to Miss F. Barkman in Melbourne, Australia, undated
RG-72.21.53, Envelope from the Camp Spokesman in Victoria, Australia to Mr. B. Patkin in Melbourne, Australia, postmark illegible
RG-72.21.55, Envelope from M. Babinet in Saint Aignan, France to Me. des fogis Babinet in Langnau, Switzerland, postmerked 26 July 1940
RG-72.21.56, Postcard from Leopold Rothenberg in Interniertenlager Leysin, Switzerland to Armand Brunschwig, Geneva, Switzerland, postmarked 23 March 1944
RG-72.21.57, Postcard from Leopold Rothenberg in Interniertenlager Leysin, Switzerland to Armand Brunschwig, Geneva, Switzerland, postmarked 5 April 1944
RG-72.21.59, Envelope from Burm Gaston, Lausanne, Switzerland to the Red Cross in Geneva, postmarked 1945
RG-72.21.60, Envelope from unknown to Alexis Pelisson, Ellikon, Switzerland 24 July 1940
RG-72.21.61, Envelope from unknown to Wilson Carivoux, Interniertenlager Ellikon, Switzerland, postmarked 1940
RG-72.21.62, Envelope from Shaia Naibergh in Elgg, Zurich, Switzerland to J. Messinger, Bern, Switzerland, no date
RG-72.21.63, Postcard from illegible to Armand Brunschwick in Geneva, Switzerland, postmarked 4 April 1944
RG-72.21.64, Envelope from Interniertenlager, Switzerland to Issartel Raymond, Interniertenlager, Switzerland, postmarked 15 August 1940
RG-72.21.65, Envelope from Sergent Boch to Charles Boch, Interniertenlager Ellikon, Switzerland, postmark illegible
RG-72.21.66, Postcard to Herr Verburg, Amsterdam, Netherlands from H. S. Goldmann, Westerbork, Netherlands, dated 17 November 1943
RG-72.21.67, From ghetto's. Postcard from L. Rudy in Kosow-Lacki ghetto to Ch. Ruda in Paris. September 7, 1942
RG-72.21.70, Envelope from Westphalia, Germany to Cherbourg, France to Marguerite Lecarpentier, 27 November 1943
RG-72.21.71, Postcard from son in Svatoborice in Bohemia and Moravia to his father Ferdinand Vejnarek in Prague, 11 February 1944
RG-72.21.72, Postcard sent from Rosa Bachrach in Theresienstadt to Emi Vizek in Pilsen, 12 March 1942
RG-72.21.76, Envelope from Perla Kuppermann in Maritius (republic of Mauritius) to Kupferman in New York.
RG-72.21.77, Envelope from Ernestine Zeisl in Muritius (republic of Mauritius) to Herta Zeisel in Jerusalem, Palestine. July 1941
RG-72.21.78, Envelope from Arthur Lindemann in Mauritius (republic of Mauritius) to the Hitachut of Germa Repatriants, Tel-Aviv, Palestine. 1941
RG-72.21.79, Envelope from Marie Gluckselig in Mauritius (republic of Mauritius) to Ella Stiassny in Bath Galim, Palestine. February 1943
RG-72.22.01, Postcard sent from Bronislaw Dzieokic in Berlin Grunewald to the family of Drieokic in Kielce, Poland, 14 November 1944
RG-72.22.02, Envelope sent from Ania Wrublevska in Ukraine to Antonu Wrublewskomu in Niessen Werke, 23 August 1942
RG-72.22.03, Envelope sent from Maria Zbroja in Kocmyrzow, Poland to Jocham Zbroja in a labor camp in Lebenstadt, Germany
RG-72.22.04, Envelope from Riga, Latvia to Hannover, Germany, written to R. Rastelli from H. Rastelli, sticker on back, 24 April 1943
RG-72.22.05, Postcard from Opole, Poland to Vienna, written to Sofie Lange, 29 October 1941
RG-72.22.06, Postcard from Paris to Vienna, written from Vayssac to C. Vayssac, Vienna, 9 October 1941
RG-72.22.07, Postcard from Paris to Zurich, written from Elsa Ibraham to the Isreaelite Welfare Society in Zurich, 7 April 1942
RG-72.22.08, Postcard from Theresienstadt to Vienna, written from Olga Bertl to Holga Engl, 14 November 1944
RG-72.22.09, Postcard from Linz, Austria to Theresienstadt, written to Leopold Alois Kuhn (Father) from M. Kuhn, 19 August 1944
RG-72.22.10, Postcard from Biecz, Poland to the main post office in Krakow, from Israel Goldberg, 28 August 1940
RG-72.22.11, Postcard from Ernst Gaensler in Theresienstadt to Dr. Otto Benisch in Moravia, ca 1942
RG-72.22.12, Envelope to the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia from Osterode, Germany, written to Slavek Prihonsky in Prague, 21 June 1942
RG-72.22.13, Envelope to Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia from Osterode, Germany, written to Slavek Prihonsky in Prague, 24 August 1942
RG-72.22.14, Envelope to Jiri Malys in Theresienstadt from a community labor camp I- 13 in Kiel, Germany, 1 April 1944
RG-72.22.15, Postcard to Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia from Büdingen, Germany, picture of Braunschweig on back, written to Josef Strnad, 20 March 1940
RG-72.22.16, Envelope to Deutsche Dienstpostamt (German post office services) in Liepāja, Latvia from the Security Police, Sipo, in Libau, 7 October 1942
RG-72.22.17, Postcard from Kutno, Poland to Puisaye, France, written from Ch. Cudkiewiez to L. Buki, 19 February 1942
RG-72.22.18, Postcard from the Jewish Council in Miedzyrzec - Podlaski, Poland to Engineer Alexander F. in Bratislava, 15 May 1942
RG-72.22.19, Postcard from Warsaw addressed to Mr. W. Hellwig in Hamburg, postmarked 9 July 1940
RG-72.22.20, Postausweiskarte issued to Egon Zeisl, Vienna, August 1938
RG-72.22.22, Envelope from Kosow Lacki, Poland to A. Rudy in Paris, postmarked March 1942
RG-72.22.23, Letter from Stanislaw Stasiak in the prison Bromberger strasse 14 in Stuhm, Germany to Jozefa Stasiak in Kalisch, Poland, 4 October 1943
RG-72.22.24, Envelope from Jozef Snydr in the Priosn of Amberg, Bavaria to Hela Snydrova in Prague, 13 February 1943
RG-72.22.25, Letter from Stefan Belka in the labor camp Feldafing, sub-camp of Dachau, to Bronislawa Belak in Radomsko, Poland, 14 February 1944
RG-72.22.27, Envelope from F. Raspe in the community labor camp at the Christianstadt chemical factory to Wasenaar in the Netherlands, 21 July 1943
RG-72.22.28, Postcard from J. Platzer doing forced labor at the SS training center, to Paula Platzer in Plisen, Bohemia and Moravia, 4 September 1944
RG-72.22.29, Postcard from H. Pasiebska in a camp inLandsberg, Germany,now Gorzow Wielkopolski, Poland to Zofia Rudak in Zduny Koscielne, Poland January 1945
RG-72.22.30, Postcard from Maria Kowalska in Graefenham to Sliwa Stanislaw in Warsaw, postmarked 18 December 1944
RG-72.22.31, Envelope from Jozel Koziol in Krakow-Podgorze, Poland to Jan Sztol in Meerdorf concentratin camp, Germany, 14 March 1940
RG-72.22.32, Letter from Dr. Coper, consultant only for Jews in Berlin to Ms. Ernestine Thoma in Vienna, with a negative response for her claim October 1941
RG-72.22.33, Postcard from L. Rudy in Kowos Lacki, Poland to A. Rudy in Paris, 1942
RG-72.22.34, Postcard with a Christmas greeting from Rauschenwalde, Germany, now Poland to Jerzy Wronczyk in Lowicz, Poland, 19 March 1940
RG-72.22.35, Postcard from Weimar to Rada Glowna Opiekuncza in Krakow, postmarked 3 January 1945
RG-72.22.36, Postcard from Lolt in Poland to Henriette Gruenthal in Vienna, 10 April 1940
RG-72.22.37, Inquiry from Braue Kronisch in Leslau (Wloclawek), Poland to the official of prison Schrottersburg in Plock about the release of husband, 1941
RG-72.22.38, Envelope from S. van Hailsma working at Junkers aircraft industry in Aschersleben to W. Hailsma in Holland, German Labor Service, September 1942
RG-72.22.39, Envelope from Gelsenkirchen female concentration camp subcamp of Buchenwald to Robert Bruneau in Belgium, 29 July 1944
RG-72.22.40, Postcard from Zenon Zarnowski in Neukirch Lawsitz to Maria Zarnowska in Konskie, Poland, postmarked 25 November 1944
RG-72.22.41, Letter and envelope from Norbert Vudlow in Gawesen new Libau in Organization Todt to Luogoldina Vudlow in Vienna, 3 March 1944
RG-72.23.01, Postcard sent from Rucyna Lachecka in Berlin to Rada Glowna Opoekuncza in Krakow, 3 January 1945
RG-72.23.02, Postcard from Lajb Menche in a Jewish camp in Konstancja newar Kutno to the Swiss Aid committee for Jews in Geneva, 1941
RG-72.23.03, Postcard sent from Szoel Mehel in Lublin to Swiss Aid committee for Jews in Geneva, March 1942
RG-72.23.04, Postcard sent from Doverstorp Refugee camp to Mae Lasker in Palestine, 21 June 1945
RG-72.23.30, Testimony regarding forced labor at Mauthausen by Wolfgang Sanner, 6 July 1945
RG-72.24.01, Letter sent from a father, Dr. Goldstaub, in London to his son Werner Goldstaub in care of the Prisoners of War Information Bureau in Melbourne, Australia
RG-72.24.02, Postcard sent from Corporal Jona Richfield from Stalag VIII to Margit Richfield in Tel Aviv, Palestine, 11 February 1942
RG-72.24.04, A cover for airmail through Chiasso-Sofia-Jerusalem prisoner of war camp, No. 30, Block 8 in Italy
RG-72.24.05, To an Italian prisoner of war camp from the Union of South Africa, 1942
RG-72.24.06, To an Italian in a prisoner of war camp
RG-72.24.07, From an Italian prisoner of war camp, from Captain Basil Howard Broster to South Africa, November 7, 1942
RG-72.24.08, To an Italian prisoner of war camp in Eritrea.
RG-72.24.09, From prisoner Alexander Gross in an Italian prisoner of war camp Ferramonti-Tarsia, to the International Red Cross, Switzerland
RG-72.24.10, From Jan Hermann in the Refugee Center in Bari, Italy, addressed to Filip Kanner in POW Ferramonti-Tarsia, Italy, 1944
RG-72.24.11, A memo about former intenment camp, Ferramonti-Tarsia, Italy. October 24, 1944
RG-72.25.01, A monetary sign of Lire from the Cremona interment camp, Italy
RG-72.25.02, Document stating time of stay at camp in Wels, Austria for Laszlo Kiss, 11 July 1945
RG-72.25.03, Postcard sent from Jakob Glotzer from a displaced persons camp Duppel Center in Berlin Germany to Joseph Bornstein in New York, 13 December 1945
RG-72.25.04, Envelope from DP camp in Bergen-Belsen to Jerusalem, written from Chana Lawieka to Jewish Agency for Palestine Youth Department, 8 January 1948
RG-72.25.05, Envelope from DP camp in Bergen-Belsen, Germany to Haifa, Palestine, sent from Dora Volkowicki to Meshek Sarid, 1 June 1946
RG-72.25.06, Envelope from DP camp in Bergen-Belsen, Germany to Bronx, New York, sent to F. Lowenbein from Berger Folav
RG-72.25.07, Envelope from DP camp in Bergen-Belsen, Germany to London, England, sent from Central Jewish Committee to S. J. Harendorf
RG-72.25.09, Allied Military Identity Card, belongs to Arnold Goldsteen from Netherlands, 25 June 1946
RG-72.25.10, Officer’s Ration Card, issued to Arnold Goldsteen, 25 October 1945
RG-72.25.11, Displaced person registration card for Alex Rosenberg
RG-72.25.12, Displaced person registration card for Rosenberg-Beekenheimer
RG-72.25.13, Displaced person registration card for August Rosenberg
RG-72.25.14, Repatriation card for August G. Rosenberg, Amsterdam
RG-72.25.15, Dutch repatriation document, dated 14 July 1945
RG-72.25.16, Repatriation card for Rosenberg-Bachenheimer, Amsterdam
RG-72.25.17, Dutch repatriation document, dated 14 July 1945
RG-72.25.18, Allied Expeditionary Force Displaced Persons Index Cards for August Rosenberg and Rosenberg-Beekenheimer
RG-72.26.01, Envelope, sent to American Joint Distribution Committee in Teheran from Gorkii in USSR, written by Anna Rabinovich, 28 June 1945
RG-72.26.02, Envelope, sent to American Joint Distribution Committee in Teheran from Chelyabinsk, USSR, 25 September, 1945
RG-72.26.03, Postcard from Lyla Stark in Przemysl (Poland) to the Relico in Geneve (Switzerland), 2 March 1942
RG-72.26.04, American Joint Distribution Committee, response to a personal inquiry, 20 August 1947, Paris
RG-72.26.05, Envelope, sent by Sarra Israilevna Reznik from Dnepropetrovsk, USSR to American Joint Distribution Committee in Tehran, Iran, 27 January 1945
RG-72.26.07, Envelope from Sosnowitz, Germany to New York, USA, written from Majer Israel Szlezynger to American Joint Distribution Committee, 21 March 1941
RG-72.26.08, Postcard from Kolomyia, Poland to Relief Committee in Geneva, confirming receipt of food parcel, sent by B. Morgenstern, 30 December 1941
RG-72.26.09, Postcard from Brzeszcze, Upper Silesia, Poland to Relief Committee in Geneva, sent from Abraham Margel, confirming receipt of food parcel, 24 June 1944
RG-72.26.10, Postcard from Kielce, Poland to Relief Committee in Geneva, confirming receipt of a food parcel
RG-72.26.11, Message from Sosnowiec, Poland to American Joint Distribution in Lisbon, 1941
RG-72.26.12, Postcard from Wildeshausen, Germany to R.G.O (Rada Główna Opiekuńcza - the Central Welfare Council) in Krakow, written from Hanna S., 3 January 1945
RG-72.26.13, Envelope to the American Friends Service Committee in Philadelphia, USA, from Frankfurt, Germany 14 February 1941
RG-72.26.14, Envelope to Comite de Proteccion a los Inmigrantes Israelitas in Santiago, Chile, from the Refugee Children’s Movement in London, 9 October 1944
RG-72.26.15, Envelope from Far Eastern Jewish Information Burreau Shanghai to Comite a los Inmigrantes Israelitas in Santiago, Chile, 11 June 1947
RG-72.26.16, Envelope from M. Birmann from Shanghai to Isaac L. Assofsky, Executive Director of the HIAS, 23 February 1940
RG-72.26.17, Postcard from Krakow, Poland to Committee for Relief of the Jewish Population in Geneva, Switzerland, written by B. Grossman, 24 August 1940
RG-72.26.18, Postcard from Sanok, Poland to Zurich from Regina Riabner to B. Riabner, 5 May 1941
RG-72.26.19, Postcard to Committee for Assistance to the Jewish Population Struck by the War in Geneva, Switzerland from Lublin, Poland, 20 October 1941
RG-72.26.20, Postcard from Zlatar, Croatia to the Comite Relico in Geneva, postmarked 25 April 1942
RG-72.26.21, Postcard from I. Amgar in Birkenau to the Relief Committee in Geneva, postmarked 14 November 1944
RG-72.26.22, Contribution card for 'Hilfe und Aufbau' (Relief and Development) 2 RM a month to Hans Sturab, 1933--1939
RG-72.26.23, Postcard. Forced labor camp. The Bartold Factory Militsch near Breslau. 1945
RG-72.26.24, Envelope from Herman Mendlonik from Michalovce, Slovakia, to the Relico in Geneva, Switzerland, 10 November 1941
RG-72.26.25, Postcard by Merresck Lenon from Reppen (Rzepin) to the Polish central welfare council in Cracow, 29 December 1944
RG-72.26.26, Postcard from the Red Cross to the Theresienstadt ghetto
RG-72.26.27, Postcard from Pawel Pistka from Watenstedt labor camp, Germany, to the Polish central welfare council (Rada Główna Opiekuńcza) Krakow, 11 January 1945
RG-72.27.01, Envelope from Jan Jablonski in Sulkowo, Poland to W. Jablonski in prison, 1 November 1943
RG-72.27.02, Letter from the prison in Munich written by Lendzion to his parents, 20 December 1942
RG-72.27.03, Postal confirmation of reception from Grzegorz in Slawatycze, Poland to Aoloun Gowluk in Lublin Prison, 8 September 1941
RG-72.27.04, Letter and envelope from Josef Lehrin in Breslau prison to Maria Lehrinova, 26 September 1943
RG-72.27.05, Letter and envelope sent from Tomas Jlenzlik in Rottenburg (Neckar) prison to R. Jlenzlikova in Boehmen
RG-72.27.06, Letter and envelope from Franz Fojtik in Bobrek labor prison to Frantiska Loucka, 6 April 1941
RG-72.27.07, Envelope from Milos Hojek in Pankrac Prison to Jarmila Hajkova in Prague, 29 December 1944
RG-72.27.08, Letter from Aleksander Lendzion in Zweibruecken Prison to his mother and sister in Warsaw, 5 October 1941
RG-72.27.09, Official response from Murau prison sent to Josefa Lendzon about her son Aleksander, 30 April 1943
RG-72.27.10, Inquiry made by Stanislaw Rymer to Schroettersburg prison, 29 June 1944
RG-72.27.11, Postcard from Maria Reinisova to Martin Reinis in a prison in Zwickau, Germany, 1 August 1944
RG-72.27.12, Letter from Breslau Prison from Ludmila Porizkovoi to Henrik Poriz, 1940
RG-72.27.13, Postcard from Martha Limonova in Prison Kleine Festung, Theresienstadt to Alois Koklavy, 15 September 1943
RG-72.27.14, Letter from Fram Kazmar in prison Ebrach to Eliska Kaponnova in Prague, 20 October 1944
RG-72.27.15, Postcard from prison in Theresienstadt to Prague, written from Eduard Loubek to Ruzena Loubek, 10 December 1942
RG-72.27.16, Farewell letter written by Moravec from Dresden prison to Dagmar Moravcova in Kolin (Czechoslovakia), 2 November 1942
RG-72.27.17, Envelope and letter from Hrdina in Dresden prison to B. Hrdinova in Prague, written on 26 February 1941
RG-72.27.18, Postcard from V. Hrdina in Waldheim prison to Bedriska Hrdinova in Prague, 16 October 1942
RG-72.27.19, Postcard from German Prison in Sangerhausen to Kraków, written from Marian Woclumiak to Maria Anyozowa, 14 January 1945
RG-72.27.20, Postcard from Poland to German prison in Sangerhausen, written from Czelawa Rozycka to Zbigniew Rozycki, 6 December 1944
RG-72.27.21, Letter from Stettin prison, written by Josef Szymanski, 2 March 1941
RG-72.27.22, Letter by Z. Hermannsen from a Hamburg prison to his parents, dated 13 September 1942
RG-72.27.23, Letter by Z. Hermannsen from a Hamburg prison to his parents, dated 9 January 1938
RG-72.27.24, Letter by Peter Hermannsen from KZ Borgermoor (Boergermoor), to his parents, dated 3 March 1940
RG-72.27.25, Letter from Salek, imprisoned in Dresden, 5 September 1939
RG-72.27.26, Letter from Leopold Srb in Rodgau, Dieburg to his parents, dated 6 December 1942
RG-72.27.27, Envelope from G. Visser in St. Michielsgestel to M. Visser-v.Blerkom in Rotterdam, date unknown
RG-72.28.01, Postcard, written by E. Kocherthaler from Paris to a family member at Gurs transit camp, 2 December 1944
RG-72.28.02, Postcard written by Fred Kocherthaler from Gurs transit camp to Lilly Kocherthaler in Paris, 6. December 1940
RG-72.28.03, Postcard written by E. Kocherthaler in Paris to I. Kocherthaler in Gurs transit camp, 25 November 1940
RG-72.28.04, Postcard written by E. Kocherthaler from Paris to S. Kocherthaler in Gurs transit camp, 2 July 1940
RG-72.28.05, Postcard written by F. Kocherthaler from Gurs transit camp to L. Kocherthaler in Paris, 7 December 1940
RG-72.28.06, Postcard written by L. Kocherthaler in Paris to F. Kocherthaler in transit Camp des Milles, 19 March 1941
RG-72.28.07, Letter from Le Cannet to Fred Kocherthaler in transit Camp Les Milles, 7 April 1941
RG-72.28.08, Envelope from internment camp Miranda de Ebro, Spain to Dynów, Poland, written from Zbigniew Keller to Katarzyna Keller, 19 February 1943
RG-72.28.09, Postcard from Joacson-Philipp Hildegard in Westerbork to M. Heyman in Arnhem, Netherlands, postmarked 30 October 1943
RG-72.28.10, Parcel receipt for Harry Juras in Westerbork, postmarked 13 December 1943
RG-72.28.11, Westerbork transit camp letter from M. Gyrnyer. To M. Polak in Amsterdam. November 12, 1943
RG-72.28.12, Letter from the Gurs internment camp, France to Henry Hely in New York. January 4, 1941
RG-72.28.13, Postcard from an inmate in Noe Internment Camp, France to Minerva Watch Company, La Chaux de Fonds, Switzerland. May 7, 1943
RG-72.28.14, Envelope to Herman Neumann in the Mooragh Internment Camp on the Isle of Man in U.K. from Palestine.
RG-72.28.15, Envelope from Oscar Pohoryle in Mooragh Internment Camp on the Isle of Man, U.K. to Osias Pohoryles in Cernauti, Romania. 1940
RG-72.28.16, Envelope to The Jewish Chronicle in the U.K. from a British Internment Camp.
RG-72.28.17, Envelope to Albert Adler in Douglas Internment Camp on the Isle of Man, U.K. from New York. July 1940
RG-72.28.18, Envelope from F. Steiner the Peel (Peveril) Internment Camp on the Isle of Man, U.K. to the Westminster Bank. U.K. August 1941
RG-72.28.19, Letter to Inge Jonas, London from Louis Jonas in the Internment Camp Douglas on the Isle of Man. U.K. March 1941
RG-72.28.20, Envelope from A. Loewenthal in the Rushen Internment Camp on the Isle of Man, U.K. to M. Kohnand Kalisher in Ross-on- Wye. U.K.
RG-72.28.21, Letter from the Onchan Internment Camp on the Isle of Man, U.K. to C. Koniecpolski in U.K. January 1941
RG-72.28.22, Envelope to Salo Nachtigall in the Kitchener Internment Camp, U.K. from G. Schamira, Romania. October 1939
RG-72.40.48, Abstract of identification document of Sippora Davids, issued by Lager Westerbork, 14 January 1944
RG-, Birth certificate of Julius Lachmann issued in Schwerzenz (Swarzedz, Poland), 20 February 1901, Birth certificate of Julius Lachmann issued in Schwerzenz (Swarzedz, Poland), 20 February 1901
RG-, Letter from the municipal bank of Munich to Carl Mayer in Hanover, Germany, 2 June 1948
RG., Ravensbrueck concentration camp for women, letter from Alina Sebyla, July 1943
RG., Correspondence to Ravensbrueck from Rajor Bromisawa, November
Sub-Collection 1: RG-72.01, Synagogues of Europe, Northern Africa and Middle East in postcards and photographs
Sub-Collection 2: RG-72.02, Correspondence from and to ghettos, 1939 -- 1945
Sub-Collection 3: RG-72.03, Correspondence from and to concentration camps, 1933 -- 1945
Sub-Collection 4: RG-72.04, Identification documents, 1926 --1948
Sub-Collection 5: RG-72.05, Red Cross papers, 1940 --1944
Sub-Collection 6: RG-72.06, German postcards of various topics, 19th -- 20th century, 1931 --1942
Sub-Collection 7: RG-72.07, Correspondence to and from Lodz ghetto, 1941 -- 1944
Sub-Collection 8: RG-72.08, Correspondences from and to German labor service, 1940 --1945
Sub-Collection 9: RG-72.09, Proofs of incarcerations under German-Nazi and Axis regimes, 1944 -- 1948
Sub-Collection 10: RG-72.10, Correspondence between German-occupied and unoccupied countries, 1939 -- 1944
Sub-Collection 11: RG-72.11, Theresienstadt correspondence, to and from the ghetto, 1942 -- 1945
Sub-Collection 12: RG-72.12, Histories of families and individuals in Germany-controlled Europe and in the Allied nations, 1933 -- 1946
Sub-Collection 13: RG-72.13, Antisemitic materials, Europe and America, 19th - 20th Centuries, 19th -- 20th centuries
Sub-Collection 14: RG-72.14, Documents issued by German and collaborating authorities in 1933 - 1945, 1933 -- 1945
Sub-Collection 15: RG-72.15, Emigration and immigrants, Europe, America, Asia, 1936 -- 1942
Sub-Collection 16: RG-72.16, Jewish Councils (Judenraete) in Germany and German-occupied and controlled territories, 1939 -- 1943
Sub-Collection 17: RG-72.17, Anti-Nazi resistance and Jews in the foreign armed forces, 1939 --1945
Sub-Collection 18: RG-72.18, Hungarian Jewish experience as reflected in correspondence, 1940 --1944
Sub-Collection 19: RG-72.19, Ration coupons and food cards in German-occupied Europe, 1939 -- 1945, 1940 --1945
Sub-Collection 20: RG-72.20, Ghetto and camp scrips (receipts) and monetary signs, 1940 -- 1945
Sub-Collection 21: RG-72.21, Inter-state and inter-regional correspondence, 1933 -- 1945
Sub-Collection 22: RG-72.22, Correspondence between Germany and German-occupied territories, 1936 --1945
Sub-Collection 23: RG-72.23, Postwar correspondence and early commemoration of the Holocaust, 1945 -- 1950
Sub-Collection 24: RG-72.24, Correspondence from and to prisoner of war camps, 1939 -- 1945
Sub-Collection 25: RG-72.25, Displaced persons documents, 1945 -- 1950
Sub-Collection 26: RG-72.26, Relief and Rehabilitation Organization, correspondence, 1939--1945
Sub-Collection 27: RG-72.27, Correspondence from and to Nazi Prisons, 1939 -- 1945
Sub-Collection 28: RG-72.28, Correspondence from and to Internment and Transit camps, 1939 -- 1945
Sub-Collection 29: RG-72.29, Correspondence within Romania and between Romania and other countries, 1940 -- 1945
Sub-Collection 30: RG-72.30, Jewish Yellow Stars and Patches, 1939 -- 1945
Sub-Collection 31: RG-72.31, Jewish periodicals in occupied territories, 1939 -- 1945
Sub-Collection 32: RG-72.32, Correspondence between German-unoccupied countries, 1939 -- 1945
Sub-Collection 33: RG-72.33, Correspondence within German-occupied Poland, 1939 -- 1945
Sub-Collection 34: RG-72.34, Croatian collection of wartime documents, 1941 -- 1945
Sub-Collection 35: RG-72.35, Italian Collection of wartime documents