Schoenberg, Zeisl, and Aberbach Families Papers, 1884-1959
| Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

The arrangement scheme for the record group was imposed during processing in the absence of an original order. Materials are arranged by creator, then by identifier, as assigned by the processor.
Record group is comprised of four collections: 1. Schoenberg family papers; 2. Aberbach family collection; 3. Collection on Egon Zeisl; 4. Collection on Wilhelm Zeisl.

This record group is comprised of the personal papers of Schoenberg, Zeisl and Aberbach families. Largely, the Schoenberg family papers reflect the life story of Arthur Schoenberg in Germany, whereas the Zeisl family and Aberbach family papers deal with the prewar life of these families in Austria; life under the Nazi regime; and subsequent emigration.
The Zeisl family papers focuses on the baptism of Egon Zeisl in Vienna in 1938, undertaken for the sole purpose of receiving an entry visa to the United Kingdom. There are a number of documents related to Egon Zeisl's immigration from Austria. Additionally, there are documents reflecting his life in the United States.
These collections also contain correspondence between family members in Europe (Austria, Germany, Belgium), as well as in Argentina, and the consulate and emigration organizations in the United States. Overall, these letters were concerned with obtaining entry visas to the United States. They writers of these letters also inquired about family affairs and seek counsel for emigration. On multiple occasions they allude to life in Europe under the Nazi or pro-Nazi regimes. No return correspondence from the United States is available.
The materials in this record group include postcards, certificates, letters, official identification documents, diplomas and certificates from schools and other educational establishments, and photographs primarily from the prewar period. Materials in this record group are digitized.

Documents and Files:
RG-27.01.01, Affidavit in support of Else Schoenberg produced by Ewald Schniewind
RG-27.01.02, Arnold Schoenberg to Else Schoenberg, Letter
RG-27.01.03, Arnold Schoenberg obituary, Arbeiter-Zeitung, Vienna
RG-27.01.04, Arnold Schoenberg obituary, English translation
RG-27.01.05, Arthur and Eveline (Eva) Schoenberg, Certificate about deportation and death in Theresienstadt, Czechoslovakia
RG-27.01.06, Arthur and Eveline Schoenberg marriage certificate
RG-27.01.07, Arthur and Eveline Schoenberg, Photograph, undated
RG-27.01.08, Arthur Schoenberg appeals the upcoming revocation of his German citizenship (English)
RG-27.01.09, Arthur Schoenberg to the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior on the question of retaining his German citizenship
RG-27.01.10, Arthur Schoenberg to the City Council of Munich on the question of retaining his German citizenship
RG-27.01.11, Arthur Schoenberg, A group photograph in front of the German Museum in Munich
RG-27.01.12, Arthur Schoenberg, Diagrams, Scheme of electricity distribution in Yugoslavia
RG-27.01.13, Arthur Schoenberg, Diploma of Recognition by the German Museum in Munich, 1930
RG-27.01.14, Arthur Schoenberg, Diploma, 1926
RG-27.01.15, Arthur Schoenberg, Electrical network map of Yugoslavia
RG-27.01.16, Arthur Schoenberg, German Museum in Munich, Public gathering for a concert
RG-27.01.17, Arthur Schoenberg, Group photograph on the visit to the Economy and Society Museum in Duesseldorf, 1931
RG-27.01.18, Arthur Schoenberg, Group photograph on the visit to the Economy and Society Museum in Duesseldorf, 1931 (backside)
RG-27.01.19, Arthur Schoenberg, Inheritance
RG-27.01.20, Arthur Schoenberg, Photograph of the postcard to Gisela Cohn in Vienna, 1884
RG-27.01.21, Arthur Schoenberg, Postcard to his daughter from Eisenach
RG-27.01.22, Arthur Schoenberg, Postcard to his wife from Bamberg
RG-27.01.23, Arthur Schoenberg, Postcard to his wife Eva from Eisenbach
RG-27.01.24, Arthur Schoenberg, Project for a New Electrical Distribution for Yugoslavia
RG-27.01.25, Arthur Schoenberg, Royal Bavarian Diploma, His service for the war effort is recognized
RG-27.01.26, Arthur Schoenberg, Royal Bavarian Diploma, 1906
RG-27.01.27, Arthur Schoenberg, Royal Bavarian Diploma, 1910
RG-27.01.28, Arthur Schoenberg, Weimar Republic state diploma, 1925
RG-27.01.29, Else Schoenberg, Notification from the government of Upper Bavaria of revocation of her German citizenship
RG-27.01.30, Elsa Schoenberg, Certificate of naturalization, France
RG-27.01.31, Elsa Schoenberg, Curriculum Vitae
RG-27.01.32, Else Schoenberg, French permanent work permit
RG-27.01.33, Else Schoenberg, Letter from Rudolf Miller with regard to Arthur prewar plan on Yugoslavian electrical project
RG-27.01.34, Eveline Schoenberg, Inheritance
RG-27.01.35, Ewald Schniewind, Photocopy of the check as proof of his payment of federal taxes
RG-27.01.36, Letter from Arthur Schoenberg's acquaintance from Theresienstadt to Martin Bach in Zuerich
RG-27.01.37, Letter from Arthur Schoenberg in Munich to Martin Bach in Zuerich
RG-27.01.38, Letter from Arthur Schoenberg to Ewald Schniewind with request to help his daughter Else (English translation)
RG-27.01.39, Letter from Arthur Schoenberg to Ewald Schniewind with request for help to his daughter Else
RG-27.01.40, Lotte Ernst, Inheritance
RG-27.01.41, Schoenberg to the City Council of Munich (English)
RG-27.02.01, Letter written on 26 April 1940
RG-27.02.02, Letter, written on January 13, 1940. From Ida to Frieda
RG-27.02.03, Graduation certificate of Edith Aberbach from a girls' junior high school in Berlin-Schoeneberg
RG-27.02.04, Letter to Frieda from Kaethe and Oskar, 13 January 1940
RG-27.02.05, Letter written to Edith from her parents, 12 February 1941
RG-27.02.06, Certificate of Good Conduct
RG-27.02.07, Graduation certificate from a domestic science school in Berlin
RG-27.02.08, Postcard sent on 24 August 1938 from Berlin to Lansdale, Pennsylvania
RG-27.02.09, Postcard sent on 11 November 1938 to Brooklyn, New York
RG-27.02.10, Postcard sent on 13 November 1938 to Brooklyn, New York
RG-27.02.11, Postcard sent on 18 November 1938 to Brooklyn, New York
RG-27.02.12, Letter written on 27 November 1938
RG-27.02.13, Letter written on 3 December 1938
RG-27.02.14, Letter written on 17 July 1939
RG-27.02.15, Postcard written on 4 September 1939
RG-27.02.16, Postcard written on 15 December 1939
RG-27.02.17, Letter written on 23 December 1939
RG-27.02.18, Letter written on 14 January 1940
RG-27.02.19, Letter written on 9 April 1940
RG-27.02.20, Letter written on 11 April 1940
RG-27.02.21, Envelope addressed to Edith Aberbach
RG-27.02.22, Letter written on 10 May 1940
RG-27.02.23, Postcard written on 1 August 1940
RG-27.02.24, Postcard written on 1 August 1940
RG-27.02.25, Postcard written on 5 August 1940
RG-27.02.26, Letter written on 6 August 1940
RG-27.02.27, Postcard written on 7 August 1940
RG-27.02.28, Postcard sent on 31 August 1940
RG-27.02.29, Letter written on 17 September 1940
RG-27.02.30, Letter written on 11 October 1940
RG-27.02.31, Letter written on 19 November 1940
RG-27.02.32, Letter written on 24 November 1940
RG-27.02.33, Envelope addressed to Miss Edith Aberbach, sent via airmail
RG-27.02.34, Letter written on 4 December 1940
RG-27.02.35, Letter written on 11 December 1940
RG-27.02.36, Letter written on 30 December 1940
RG-27.02.37, Very short or possibly part of a letter, written on 20 January 1941
RG-27.02.38, Letter written on 20 January 1941
RG-27.02.39, Letter written on 7 May 1941
RG-27.02.40, Correspondence from the Belgian Red Cross, 11 May 1942
RG-27.02.41, Letter written on 7 June 1941
RG-27.02.42, Letter written on 23 June 1941
RG-27.02.43, Letter written on 13 September 1941
RG-27.02.44, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society envelope addressed to Edith Aberbach, Newark, NJ, Feb. 1942
RG-27.02.45, Letter, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, sent on 20 February 1942
RG-27.02.46, Undated letter from Kaethe Aberbach to Edith's roommates
RG-27.02.47, Correspondence from the American Red Cross, 2 April 1942
RG-27.02.48, Letter, undated, probably sent before 8 December 1942
RG-27.02.49, Letter sent on 8 December 1942
RG-27.02.50, Letter sent on 15 January 1943
RG-27.02.51, Letter sent on 3 February 1943
RG-27.02.52, Letter sent on 19 June 1945
RG-27.02.53, Permission to enter Trinidad, issued by Harbor Master's office, Port-of-Spain, 29 December 1938
RG-27.02.54, Photograph, A house and car
RG-27.02.55, Photograph, A town with mountains in the background
RG-27.02.56, Photograph, Sitting at tables drinking
RG-27.02.57, Photograph, Man in a uniform and Red Cross helmet
RG-27.02.58, Photograph, A man on a mountain
RG-27.02.59, Photograph, A house, Gruber-Hof
RG-27.02.60, Photograph, A lake, trees, and mountains
RG-27.02.61, Letter, written on December 9, 1939. Probably from parents to Edith and or Erich in the US
RG-27.02.62, Letter, written on August 7, 1940. From Frieda Schuele (possibly an aunt) to Edith
RG-27.02.63, Letter, written on August 7, 1941. From Ester to her cousins Erich and Joseph in Morocco
RG-27.03.01, Birth Certificate of Egon Zeisl, Vienna, issued in 1907
RG-27.03.02, Letter from Siegfried Zeisl (Vienna) to Egon Zeisl (San Francisco), 11 December 1950
RG-27.03.03, ID for mailing affairs, issued in Vienna, 19 August 1938
RG-27.03.04, Certificate confirming that Egon Zeisl does not have any bad record in order to get US Visa, issued by Police President in Vienna, 16 July 1938
RG-27.03.05, Baptism certificate, issued in Vienna, 16 August 1938
RG-27.03.06, Baptism certificate, issued in Vienna, 1938
RG-27.03.07, Certificate of tax innocuousness, issued by tax administration responsible for the 2, 20, and 21 district of Vienna, 21 July 1938
RG-27.03.08, Letter to Egon Zeisl, 11 October 1950
RG-27.03.09, Letter from Max Secher to Egon Zeisl, 28 February 1950
RG-27.03.10, Letter from the chairman of the Jewish cultural community of Vienna, 15 June 1937
RG-27.03.11, Letter from Siegfried Zeisl to Egon Zeisl, 30 January 1951
RG-27.03.12, Letter to Egon Zeisl, 22 November 1950
RG-27.03.13, Letter to Egon Zeisl, 22 November 1950, backside
RG-27.03.14, Certificate of Residence, 20 January 1936 (Copy)
RG-27.03.15, Certificate of Residence, 20 January 1936 (Original)
RG-27.03.16, Confirmation that Egon Zeisl is able to purchase and sell for a stock company
RG-27.03.17, House accounting, 12 December 1950
RG-27.03.18, House accounting, 18 December 1950
RG-27.03.19, Repertoire of songs of Egon Zeisl
RG-27.03.20, Letter from Siegfried to Egon Zeisl, 30 March 1952, Vienna
RG-27.03.21, Nationality Certificate (English), 20 January 1936 - 12 July 1943
RG-27.03.22, Letter from Siegfried to Egon Zeisl, Vienna, 18 November 1946
RG-27.03.23, Repertoire of songs of Egon Zeisl
RG-27.03.24, Letter from the Credit Association, Vienna, 18 January 1954
RG-27.03.25, Letter from the Credit Association, Vienna, 15 January 1954
RG-27.03.26, American Red Cross message, 24 July 1942
RG-27.03.27, Parcel delivery paper, Vienna, 10 March 1941
RG-27.03.28, Repertoire of songs and characters of Egon Zeisl
RG-27.03.29, Repertoire of songs and characters of Egon Zeisl
RG-27.03.30, House accounting papers, March-December 1952
RG-27.03.31, Letter from Siegfried and Lilly to Egon Zeisl, Vienna, 6 November 1952
RG-27.03.32, Letter from Siegfried to Egon Zeisl, Vienna, 10 January 1953
RG-27.03.33, Poem for Egon Zeisl's 40th birthday
RG-27.03.34, Letter from or to Eric Zeisl, 15 February 1958
RG-27.03.35, Egon Zeisl, Mail ID
RG-27.03.36, Association for German Stage members
RG-27.03.37, Graduation Certificate of Trading school for Egon Zeisl, 5 July 1919 (inside)
RG-27.03.38, Graduation Certificate of Trading school for Egon Zeisl, 5 July 1919 (front)
RG-27.03.39, Confirmation that Egon Zeisl is authorized to carry through purchases and sales for this company
RG-27.03.40, Certificate of naturalization for Walter Zeisl, 20 April 1945
RG-27.03.41, Certificate of naturalization for Egon Zeisl, 14 December 1943
RG-27.03.42, Article about Egon Zeisl after he died, 27 February 1959
RG-27.03.43, Article about Egon Zeisl due to his 50th birthday, 1956
RG-27.03.44, Birth certificate of Egon Zeisl, Vienna, 4 February 1907
RG-27.03.45, Dietrichlein in all situations of life
RG-27.03.46, Membership card of the German Stage Association, 1931
RG-27.03.47, Testimony of Mrs. Zeisl
RG-27.03.48, Zeisl-Aberbach Collection and Photographs
RG-27.03.49, Zeisl-Aberbach Photo Album, 1932
RG-27.04.01, Junior high school certificate. For Wilhelm Zeisl, issued on February 14, 1920 for the school year 1919-20
RG-27.04.02, Junior high school certificate. For Wilhelm Zeisl, issued on February 12, 1921 for the school year 1920-21 in Vienna
RG-27.04.03, Junior high school certificate. For Wilhelm Zeisl, issued on July 6, 1921 for the school year 1920-21 in Vienna
RG-27.04.04, Junior high school certificate. For Wilhelm Zeisl, issued on July 6, 1922 for the school year 1921-22 in Vienna
RG-27.04.06, Commercial school certificate. For Wilhelm Zeisl, issued on June 28, 1923 for the school year 1922-23 in Vienna
RG-27.04.07, Commercial school certificate. For Wilhelm Zeisl, issued on February 15, 1923 for the school year 1922-23 in Vienna
RG-27.04.08, Commercial school certificate. For Wilhelm Zeisl, issued on February 1, 1924 for the school year 1923-24 in Vienna
RG-27.04.09, Commercial school certificate. For Wilhelm Zeisl, issued on July 5, 1924 for the school year 1923-24 in Vienna
RG-27.04.10, Certificate, issued on October 6, 1926. Issued to Wilhelm Zeisl by the lumber trading company 'Eibschuetz & Co' in Vienna
RG-27.04.11, Contract, signed on July 13, 1927. Contract between the Israeli Temple Club and Wilhelm Zeisl
RG-27.04.12, Certificate, issued on October 12, 1927. Issued to Wilhelm Zeisl by the lumber trading company 'Eibschuetz & Co' in Vienna
RG-27.04.13, Contract, signed on February 9, 1928. Contract between the Israeli Temple Club and Wilhelm Zeisl
RG-27.04.14, Certificate, issued on July 23, 1928. Issued to Wilhelm Zeisl by the lumber trading company 'Eibschuetz & Co' in Vienna
RG-27.04.15, Contract, signed on April 15, 1929. Contract between Wilhelm Zeisl and the lumber trading company 'Eibschuetz & Co' in Vienna
RG-27.04.16, Letter, sent on October 14, 1929. From the Israeli Temple Club to Wilhelm Zeisl
RG-27.04.17, Certificate, issued on June 16, 1930. Issued to Wilhelm Zeisl by the lumber trading company 'Eibschuetz & Co' in Vienna
RG-27.04.18, Contract, on June 3, 1931. Contract between Wilhelm Zeisl and the lumber trading company 'Eibschuetz & Co' in Vienna
RG-27.04.19, Letter, written on February 8, 1932. From the Israeli Temple Club to Wilhelm Zeisl
RG-27.04.20, Certificate, issued on April 30, 1932. From the Israeli Temple Club to Wilhelm Zeisl
RG-27.04.21, Letter, written on October 10, 1932 to Wilhelm Zeisl from the head of the National Academy for Music and Performing Art
RG-27.04.23, Willy Zeisl, Membership card, Austrian music educator association. Issued on November 1, 1936 in Vienna
RG-27.04.24, Certificate from the 'Association of Austrian Performing Artists'
RG-27.04.25, Correspondence, May 21, 1938, updated on July 22, 1938. To Zeisl from the tax authority in Berlin-Schoeneberg
RG-27.04.26, Affidavit of Support, United States Lines, March 16, 1939. Written by Arnold Zeisl in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
RG-27.04.27, Wilhelm Zeisl, Immigrant Identification Card, United States. Issued by the American Consulate in Paris, France, on August 18, 1939
RG-27.04.28, Wilhelm Zeisl, Student Identification Card, Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna