Prewar and Wartime Periodicals, 1918-1945
| Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

The arrangement scheme for the record group was imposed during processing in the absence of an original order. Materials are arranged by subject/creator, then by identifier, as assigned by the processor.
Record group is comprised of eighteen collections and two items, the collections of which are: 1. Collection of wartime Jewish periodicals in Poland; 2. Collection of postwar periodicals; 3. Collection of periodicals in Yiddish; 4. Collection of publications by the Allied powers; 5. Collection of French publications; 6. Collection of Yugoslavian prewar and wartime publications; 7. Collection of Hungarian wartime newspapers; 8. Collection of German wartime newspapers; 9. Collection of Swiss wartime newspapers; 10. Collection of Italian wartime publications; 11. Collection of Los Angeles wartime publications; 12. Prewar Chwila publications; 13. Prewar Dilo publications; 14. Collection of Nazi interwar news publications; 15. Prewar Sygnaly publications; 16. Cornelius Leon collection of wartime periodicals; 17. Herbert Lothar Aron papers; 18. Collection of prewar Austrian publications.

Copyrighted materials, credits to and references to the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust are required
Digital copies might be available upon request
This record group is comprised of periodicals and publications, published in at least ten languages, from before, during, and soon after the Second World War. There are collections of newspapers and magazines in Yiddish; Yugoslavian wartime newspapers; Hungarian wartime newspapers; German-Nazi prewar and wartime newspapers; Italian prewar and wartime newspapers; newspapers published by the French Resistance; American wartime and postwar newspapers; and British wartime and postwar newspapers. A special collection of Los Angeles-based newspapers, published in the 1930s and in the 1940s, reflects international affairs and the Jewish predicament in Europe as the National Socialists attained power in Germany. This collection is exhibited in the museum halls.
The wide spectrum of European and American media in this record group reflects regional and European explications of the interwar and wartime period and the developments in each. Prewar and wartime perspectives of various political forces are well represented within these materials, for example prewar Jewish (published in Polish) and Ukrainian periodicals represent the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, Polish-Ukrainian, Ukrainian-Jewish and Polish-Ukrainian relations in Eastern Galicia.
Materials in this record group includes periodicals, which are comprised of narratives, illustrative photo-publications, magazines, and informational bulletins. Prewar Eastern Galician editions contain chronicles of the trials, analytical articles and political agitation, often election-related. Periodicals are partially digitized.

Documents and Files:
RG-17.01.01- Gazeta Zydowska, 1940-1941, Krakow
RG-17.01.02- Gazeta Zydowska, January, 1941, Krakow
RG-17.02.01, Polish-allied newspaper, ca 1945-1946
RG-17.02.02, Pravda, Churchill Fulton speech 1
RG-17.02.03, Pravda, Churchill Fulton speech 2
RG-17.02.04, Pages from the Soviet newspapers, 1945. No 141
RG-17.02.05, Pages from the Soviet newspapers, . 1945
RG-17.02.06, The Vicory Day reflected in the Soviet periodicals,. 1941
RG-17.02.07, Pages from Ogoniok, (The Spark), 1945, No 23
RG-17.02.08, Pages form the Soviet periodicals . No 45
RG-17.02.09, Suvorovskii Natisk (A Suvorov Attack). 1945
RG-17.02.10, Ogoniok (the Spark), Soviet Red Army in Berlin, May 1945. No 39
RG-17.03.01, Będzin, Poland, Jidisze Cajtung, No. 85 (153), No. 61 (129), postwar
RG-17.03.02, Będzin, Poland, Jidisze Cajtung, No. 92 (160), postwar
RG-17.03.03, New York, Nailebn, Yiddish-English Magazine, Vol. XII, No. 6 (103), June 1938
RG-17.03.04, New York, Nailebn, Yiddish-English Magazine, Vol. XII, No. 5 (102), May 1938
RG-17.03.05, New york, Pages from Zukunft (Future), undated
RG-17.03.06, New York, Zukunft (Future), Vol. LII, No. 2, February 1947
RG-17.03.07, New York, Forward-Yiddish-language Newspaper, August 30, 1937
RG-17.03.08, New York, Forward-Yiddish-language Newspaper, August 30, 1939
RG-17.03.09, New York, Forward-Yiddish-languge Newspaper, December 30, 1943
RG-17.04.01, LIFE Magazine April 29, 1940, Vol. 8, No. 18
RG-17.04.02, LIFE Magazine, June 3, 1940, German Conquest
RG-17.04.03, LIFE Magazine November 20, 1939, the war-map
RG-17.04.04, LIFE Magazine November 20, 1939
RG-17.04.05, Queen Wilhelmina of Netherlands, Exile in London, from LIFE Magazine, June 3, 1940, p 13
RG-17.05.01, Le Journal Paris, (A Paris Journal), November 16, 1942. No 18.216
RG-17.05.02, Le Journal Paris, (A Paris Journal). Febuary 18, 1943. No 18.295
RG-17.05.03, Le Journal Paris, a page from, perspective of North African war theater, undated
RG-17.05.04, Le Journal Paris. November 10, 1942. No 18.212
RG-17.06.01, Donauzeitung (the Danube Paper), July, 1988. No 167
RG-17.06.02, Donauzeitung (the Danube Paper), January, 1944. No 4
RG-17.06.03, Hrvatski Narod (Croatian Nation), 1943
RG-17.06.04, Donauzeitung (The Danube Paper), August, 1943. No 3
RG-17.07.01, Wartime newspapers, Hungarian newspaper, 12 July 1942
RG-17.07.02, Wartime newspapers, Magyar Nemzet (Hungarian Nation), Hungarian newspaper, July 1942
RG-17.07.03, Wartime newspapers, Magyar Nemzet (Hungarian Nation), Hungarian newspaper
RG-17.07.04, Wartime newspapers, Magyar Nemzet (Hungarian Nation), Hungarian newspaper
RG-17.07.05, Wartime newspapers, Magyar Nemzet (Hungarian Nation), Hungarian newspaper, 23 July 1942
RG-17.07.06, Wartime newspapers, Hungarian newspaper, 10 August 1942
RG-17.07.07, Wartime newspapers, German and Hungarian articles about the pressure on Brazil to join fight at the Solomon Islands
RG-17.07.08, Wartime newspapers, German, Hungarian; Chinese offensive, entry of Brazil into the war
RG-17.07.09, Hungarian wartime newspaper, Kallay Miklos
RG-17.07.10, Wartime newspapers, Hungarian, German; in the hell of Stalingrad
RG-17.07.11, Wartime newspapers,German and Hungarian; Berliner Boersen Zeitung (Berlin Stock Exchange Newspaper) 2 September 1942
RG-17.07.12, Wartime newspapers, Hungarian, Oraiujsag, 18 September 1942
RG-17.07.13, Wartime newspapers, Hungarian, Oraiujsag, 17 September 1942
RG-17.07.14, Wartime newspapers, Hungarian, Pestiujsag, arial photograph of Stalingrad, 29 September 1942
RG-17.07.15, Wartime newspapers, Hungarian, A Mai Nap(Daily News), “Vacating Rostov and Voroshilovgrad”,German,“The Battle of Kharkov”, February 17, 1943
RG-17.08.01, Front in Moscow, Eastern war theatre
RG-17.08.02, Excerpt from a German wartime newspaper, resettlement of millions
RG-17.08.05, German wartime newspaper exerpt, wartime Moscow
RG-17.08.06, Stalingrad is surrounded, Volkischer Beobachter, published on 11 September 1942
RG-17.08.08, German, the Caucasus is conquered, ca 1942
RG-17.08.10, The city of Voroshilovograd was captured by German army in short attack, Volkischer Beobachter, Vienna, published on 18 July 1942
RG-17.08.12, Several articles about the Russian resistance. The US Air Force in England
RG-17.08.13, Magyar Nemzet (Hungarian Nation), Hungarian newspaper, 'Schwarze Korps,' published on 23 July 1942
RG-17.08.14, Battle of Stalingrad, published on 13 September 1942
RG-17.08.15, The German offensive in Southern Russia, published on 8 August 1942
RG-17.08.16, Air attacks of German cities by the Royal Air Force
RG-17.08.17, Russian defense in Novorosijsk
RG-17.08.18, German summer campaign, 1942
RG-17.08.19, US attacks at the Solomon islands, published on 11 August 1942
RG-17.08.20, Naval war in the Pacific, America takes revenge for Pearl Harbour
RG-17.08.21, The combat in Russia, published on 14 September 1942
RG-17.08.22, Map of the Solomon Islands, Western half
RG-17.08.23, Map of the Solomon Islands, Eastern half
RG-17.08.24, American attacks on the Solomon Islands, published on 10 August 1942
RG-17.08.28, German, the Caucasus front
RG-17.08.29, German, for the Eastern Front, a harbor in England and the map of the Eastern Front
RG-17.08.31, German and Hungarian articles about the pressure on Brazil to join fight at the Solomon Islands
RG-17.08.32, The proceedings of the Conference, Churchill in Moscow
RG-17.08.33, First photographs of the recon in Dieppe by the Americans and the British
RG-17.08.34, German war planning of the landing into British Isles, 1942
RG-17.08.37, Churchill and British military command underestimated the strength of German defense Dieppe, France
RG-17.08.38, Military opperation at Dieppe, France, 1942
RG-17.08.39, Several articles related to wartime developments in Germany, Hungary, and China and the possiblity of Brazil entering the war
RG-17.08.41, German approach in Stalingrad, August 1942
RG-17.08.42, Wartime magazine, German, weather map of all fronts, 1
RG-17.08.43, Wartime magazine, German, weather map of all fronts, 2
RG-17.08.44, German combat opperation in Stalingrad, August 1942
RG-17.08.45, Soviet counter-offensive near Rzhev failed, Voelkischer Beobachter, Vienna, published 31 August 1942
RG-17.08.46, Die Wehrmacht, German, on route to Stalingrad, Wehrmacht, November 1941
RG-17.08.47, Hungarian and German wartime newspapers; in the hell of Stalingrad
RG-17.08.48, Lublin-the town in the East, Jews in forced labor
RG-17.08.49, Jews in Lublin
RG-17.08.51, German and Hungarian wartime newspapers; Berliner Boersen Zeitung, published on 2 September 1942
RG-17.08.55, German map of the Caucasus, Eastern half
RG-17.08.56, German map of the Caucasus, Western half
RG-17.08.58, Deportation of the Jews in France
RG-17.08.60, Photographs depicting the destroyed citiy of Stalingrad and the fate of civilian population
RG-17.08.61, Photograph depicting 'Bunkerfabrik' ( a ruined bunker factory) in Stalingrad
RG-17.08.62, Photograph depicting 3 of 18,300 Soviet prisoners of war, summer 1942
RG-17.08.64, Voelkischer Beobachter, Vienna, 28 September 1942, an article titled 'The Proud Result of the War'
RG-17.08.65, Stalingrad-a symbol, Roosevelt opens war negotiations
RG-17.08.66, The defense of Stalingrad, Three major factories in Stalingrad
RG-17.08.67, Voelkischer Beobachter, Fuehrer speech, 'Nobody Can Wrench The Victory From Us,' 2 October 1942
RG-17.08.68, Voelkischer Beobachter, Fuehrer speech about the essential need for German space in Europe
RG-17.08.69, A new method of shipbuilding in USA
RG-17.08.70, Voelkischer Beobachter, Vienna, 2 October 1942, a hard strike for Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin
RG-17.09.01, Swiss newspaper, map of the Chinese areas taken by the Japanese, Western half
RG-17.09.02, Swiss newspaper, map of the Chinese areas (red) taken by the Japanese, Eastern half
RG-17.09.03, German-Soviet war, Swiss newspaper Neue Zuercher, 18 August 1942
RG-17.09.04, Swiss newspaper, information about a Second Front and the German lines of defense in Normandy
RG-17.09.05, Swiss newspaper, Photographs of Serbian refugee children
RG-17.09.06, Swiss newspaper, Photographs of Serbian refugee children in Switzerland
RG-17.09.07, Swiss newspaper, Journal de Geneve, No. 245, in French
RG-17.09.08, Swiss newspaper, Journal de Geneve, No. 243, in French, the Germans made new efforts in Southern Russia
RG-17.09.09, French periodical, The Battle of Stalingrad, in French, 17 October 1942
RG-17.11.01, Los Angeles Times, August 29, 1933, Nazis Plan New Jewish Indignities
RG-17.11.02, Los Angeles Times, July 1, 1933, Film Order Bars Jews From German Film Production
RG-17.11.03, Los Angeles Times, July 20, 1935, Nazi Wage Campaign of Rule or Ruin
RG-17.11.04, Los Angels Times, March 27, 1933, Jews Given Assurance, German Violence Subsiding.
RG-17.11.05, Los Angeles Times, March 28, 1933, Nazis Plan Boycotts. Defense of Jews Resented, Berlin
RG-17.11.06, Los Angeles Times, March 30, 1933, Jews Feel Nazi Sting. Boycott Started Ahead of Time.
RG-17.11.07, Los Angeles Times, May 13, 1934, Nazis Open New Jewish Campaign. Bank Employee Sent to Oranienburg Concentration Camp
RG-17.11.08, Los Angeles Times, September 20, 1934, Nazis to Fight Moves for Secondary Church. Pastors Back Hitler or Move Out, Berlin
RG-17.11.09, Los Angeles Examiner, July 20, 1935, New Nazi Outburst Lashes at Reds, Christians and Jews; Jail Bible Students
RG-17.11.10, Los Angeles Examiner, March 14, 1938, Nazis Annex Austria, Arrests Hundreds. Hitler Takes Army Reins. Anschluss.
RG-17.11.11, Los Angeles Examiner, November 13, 1938, Let America Lead the Way, William R. Hearst. Nazis Fine Jews For Envoy Death
RG-17.11.12, Los Angeles Examiner, November 15, 1938, Nazis Clamp New Ban on Jews. US Calls Berlin Envoy Home. Berlin, School Edict.
RG-17.11.13, Los Angeles Examiner, November 16, 1938, Latest News on Jewish Crisis. Roosevelt denounced treatment of Jews in Germany
RG-17.11.14, Los Angeles Examiner, September 15, 1941, Hitler Raider Loose Near Panama Canal. Lindberg Attack on Jews Protested.
RG-17.11.15, Los Angeles Examiner, September 16, 1935, German-Jewish Marriage Ban Creates Two Classes Citizens, Official Flag, Nurembe
RG-17.11.16, Los Angeles Times, December 24, 1944, Yanks Cut Into German Flanks
RG-17.11.17, Los Angeles Times, June 4, 1943, Epic Battle of Last Jews in Warsaw Told. Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Polish radio-station
RG-17.11.18, Los Angeles Times, May 14, 1945, 6,200,000 Jewish Deaths Laid to Nazis. Welfare Group Says One ‘Mein Kampf’ Plan Carried
RG-17.11.19, Los Angeles Times, November 14, 1938, Nazi Cruelties Rouse America. Clergy and Laity Denounce Revenge Tax Against Jews
RG-17.11.20, Los Angeles Times, November 16, 1938, Nazi Assailed by Roosevelt. Germany’s Persecution of Jewish Race Termed Uncivilized
RG-17.11.21, Los Angeles Times, November 19, 1938, German Slaughter of 200 Jews Reported. Concentration Camp Prisoners Declared Killed
RG-17.11.22, Los Angeles Times, November 20, 1941, Nazi Said to Have Executed 100,000 in Hostage Terror, Greece, Poland
RG-17.11.23, Los Angeles Times, November 25, 1942, Nazis Wiping Out Jews in Cold Blood. Ration Cards. Poland
RG-17.11.24, Los Angeles Times, November 29, 1943, Slaughter of 125,000 by Nazis in Kiev Told. Thousands More Die from Hunger, disease
RG-17.11.25, Los Angeles Times, November 30, 1940, Women Help to Defeat 3000 Italian Troops. Greek Amazons Shower Rocks on Enemy Army.
RG-17.11.26, Los Angeles Times, Poles and Czechs, Accused of Sabotaging Axis Supply to Russia, Bear Brunt of Reprisals Extending from Greece to Paris
RG-17.11.27, Los Angeles Times, October 6, 1933, reedom Dealt Death Blow. Journalists Branded Public Officials Who Must Bow to German
RG-17.11.28, Los Angeles Times, September 16, 1935, Defiance to Jews of Entire World Hurled by Hitler. Swastika Made Sole German Flag
RG-17.12.01, Chwila, January-June, 1919
RG-17.12.02- Chwila, January-December, 1919
RG-17.12.03- Chwila, January-April, 1921
RG-17.12.04- Chwila, January-December, 1921
RG-17.12.05- Chwila, October, 1925
RG-17.12.06- Chwila, October, 1925
RG-17.12.07- Chwila, 1-17, January, 1926
RG-17.12.08- Chwila, January, 1926
RG-17.12.09- Chwila, February-March, 1926
RG-17.12.10- Chwila, April-June, 1926
RG-17.12.11- Chwila, July, 1926
RG-17.12.12- Chwila, January, 1927
RG-17.12.13- Chwila, February-March, 1927
RG-17.12.14- Chwila, January-March, 1928
RG-17.12.15- Chwila, April-June, 1928
RG-17.12.16- Chwila, April-June, 1930
RG-17.12.17- Chwila, 1935
RG-17.12.18- Chwila, 1939
RG-17.13.01- Dilo, 1922-1923
RG-17.13.02- Dilo, Janaury - March 1924
RG-17.13.03- Dilo, March-April, 1924
RG-17.13.04- Dilo, December 1924- April 1925
RG-17.13.05- Dilo, March-December 1925
RG-17.13.06- Dilo, November 1935-November 1936
RG-17.14.01- Illustrated News, March, 1934
RG-17.14.02- Illustrated News, Supplement, 'A Heim' Bajlage Nr. 25
RG-17.18.01, Wartime newspapers, collection cover
RG-17.18.02, Front in Moscow, Eastern war theatre, 1942
RG-17.18.03, Excerpt from a German wartime newspaper, resettlemet of millions
RG-17.18.04, Hungarian newspaper, published on 12 July 1942
RG-17.18.05, German wartime newspaper excerpt, wartime Moscow
RG-17.18.06, German Wartime newspapers, Voelkischer Beobachter, Stalingrad is surrounded, published on 11 September 1942
RG-17.18.07, Magyar Nemzet (Hungarian Nation), Hungarian newspaper, July 1942
RG-17.18.08, German, the Caucasus is conquered
RG-17.18.09, Magyar Nemzet (Hungarian Nation), Hungarian newspaper, Kallay Miklos, ca 1942
RG-17.18.10, The city of Voroshilovograd was captured by German army in short attack, Volkischer Beobachter, Vienna, July 18,1942
RG-17.18.100, German newspapers, London's hope for Eisenhower
RG-17.18.101, Wartime German-language newspaper, the battle at El Alamein, Egypt
RG-17.18.102, Clippings from wartime German-language and Hungarian newspapers, the war in Russia
RG-17.18.103, Hungarian newspaper, Ujnemzedek, Budapest, 6 November 1942, clipping from German-language newspaper
RG-17.18.104, Wartime German-language newspapers, at the African war theather
RG-17.18.105, Wartime German language newspapers, the German-Russian war
RG-17.18.106, Wartime newspapers, photograph, British in the desert in Egypt
RG-17.18.107, Wartime German-language newspaper, Soviet airman squadron listens to instructions before task, Left-People's defense
RG-17.18.108, Hungarian newspaper, Hetforeggel, Budapest, 9 November 1942, Wartime German-language newspaper, North Africa
RG-17.18.109, Wartime German-language newspaper, the process of landing
RG-17.18.11, Magyar Nemzet, (Hungarian Nation), Hungarian newspaper, Kallay Miklos, ca 1942
RG-17.18.110, Wartime German-language newspapers, different aerial attacks
RG-17.18.111, Wartime German-language newspaper, the US- Americans in North Africa
RG-17.18.112, Wartime German-language newspapers, retreat of Rommel
RG-17.18.113, Wartime German-language newspaper, General Alexander (GB) and General Montgomery (8th army) in the Middle Orient
RG-17.18.114, Wartime German-language newspapers, meeting in the US headquaters, General Eisenhower and his men
RG-17.18.115, Wartime German-language newspapers, landing in North Africa, the US invasion army
RG-17.18.116, German newspapers, Voelkischer Beobachter, speech from the Fuehrer about the 9th of November 1942, published Nov. 10
RG-17.18.117, German newspaper, Hitler speech
RG-17.18.118, Hungarian newspapers, Nepszava, Magyar Nemzet, November 1942
RG-17.18.119, Wartime French and German-language newspapers, African war theater
RG-17.18.12, Several articles about the Russian resistance, US Air Force in England, 1942
RG-17.18.120, German newspaper, our Wehrmacht protects the French Mediterranean coast, Voelkischer Beobachter, 12 November 1942
RG-17.18.121, German newspaper, Voelkischer Beobachter, Torpedoed British Battleship
RG-17.18.122, Wartime German-language newspapers, Churchill's speech
RG-17.18.123, French newspaper, Le Journal, Paris, British-American aggression against our North Africa, 10 November 1942
RG-17.18.124, French newspaper, refletion of warfare in North Africa
RG-17.18.126, German newspapers, German troops enter Paris-June 1940, German troops crossing into Southern France-ca 1942
RG-17.18.127, French newspaper, Le Journal, Paris, The events in Africa and their implications
RG-17.18.128, Italian newspaper, Gazzetta Popolo, Italian-German Troops in Tunisia, 17 November 1942
RG-17.18.129, German newspaper, Voelkischer Beobachter, London surprised by German-Italian landing in Tunisia, 18 November 1942
RG-17.18.13, Magyar Nemzet (Hungarian Nation), Hungarian newspaper, 'Schwarze Korps,' published on 23 July 1942
RG-17.18.130, Hungarian newspapers, esti Kis Ujsag, Nepszava, 21 November 1942
RG-17.18.132, Hungarian (Amainap) and German-language newspapers, Scuttling of French fleet in Toulon, 28 November 1942
RG-17.18.133, Hungarian (Pestiujsag) and German-language newspapers, 21 November 1942
RG-17.18.134, German-language newspaper, a Swiss takes photographs of scuttling of the French fleet
RG-17.18.135, German newspaper, Toulon occupied, Voelkischer Beobachter, 28 November 1942
RG-17.18.136, German-language newspaper, Voelkischer Beobachter, The military action in Southern France, November 1942
RG-17.18.137, Wartime newspapers, photograph of a tank
RG-17.18.139, Italian newspaper, Il Giornale D'Italia
RG-17.18.14, Battle for Stalingrad, published on 13 September 1942
RG-17.18.140, German-language newspapers, the war in North Africa
RG-17.18.141, German-language newspaper, photographs, The port city of Dakar
RG-17.18.142, Wartime newspapers, one year ago
RG-17.18.143, German newspaper, Voelkischer Beobachter, Italy's hatred for England caused by aerial attacks
RG-17.18.144, Wartime newspapers, the war in North Africa, the Jews in Poland, New Russian offensive in Stalingrad
RG-17.18.146, Wartime German-language newspapers, economic interim balance of war
RG-17.18.147, Two Hungarian newspapers, first clipping from 25 December 1942, second from 16 December 1942
RG-17.18.148, Wartime German-language newspapers, two photographs from the Caucasus steppe
RG-17.18.149, Swiss newspaper, Admiral Darlan killed in Algiers, Neue Zuercher, Hungarian newspaper,
RG-17.18.15, The German offensive in Southern Russia, published on 8 August 1942
RG-17.18.150, Wartime newspapers, certificate of the fourth war Christamas
RG-17.18.151, German newspapers, single page from a German newspaper, The leadership, the honor, the force
RG-17.18.152, German newspaper, Voelkischer Beobachter, Fuehrer slogan 1943, with full force
RG-17.18.153, German newspaper, Hitler, A fateful year of war comes to an end
RG-17.18.154, Swiss newspapers, German-Russian war, Neue Zuercher, December 27, 1942, German newspaper, Voelkischer Beobachter,
RG-17.18.155, Wartime German-language newspaper, Roosevelt's message, Hungarian newspaper, Nepszava, Soviet troops, January 1943
RG-17.18.156, Wartime newspapers, the Russian attacks, the German in defense, Hungarian newspaper, Velikije Luki, Russia
RG-17.18.157, Hungarian newspapers, Magyar Nemzet (Hungarian Nation), Oraiujsag (8 Hours News) , Nepszava (People's Voice), 1943
RG-17.18.158, German newspaper, map of the Eastern Front, The strategic situation on the Eastern Front
RG-17.18.159, Hungarian newspapers, Pestiujsag (Budapest news), Nepsava (People's Voice), three clippings, January 1943
RG-17.18.16, Air attacks of German cities by the Royal Air Force
RG-17.18.160, German newspaper, Voelkischer Beobachter, Failed Soviet mass attacks at Stalingrad, brave resistance of the Germans
RG-17.18.161, Swiss newspaper, Basler Nachrichten, January 20, 1943
RG-17.18.162, Hungarian newspaper, esti Kis Ujsag (Small Evening News), January 18 1943, German-language newspaper
RG-17.18.163, Hungarian newspaper, 8 Orai Ujsag, military developments between Soviet Union and Hungary, 23 January 1943
RG-17.18.164, German newspaper, Berliner Boersen Zeitung (Stock Exchange Journal), military operations on all fronts
RG-17.18.165, Wartime newspapers, map, 1
RG-17.18.166, Wartime newspapers, map, 2 war in Mediterranean Sea
RG-17.18.167, German newspaper, Voelkischer Beobachter, Austria, Unprecedented figting in Stalingrad, January 23, 1943
RG-17.18.168, Italian newspaper, Il Girnale D'Ltalia (The Journal of Italy), The battle in Russia
RG-17.18.169, German newspapers, Voelkischer Beobachter, Austria, Further deterioration of the situation in Stalingrad
RG-17.18.17, Russian defense in Novorosijsk, ca 1942
RG-17.18.170, Hungarian newspaper, map of Stalingrad
RG-17.18.171, Wartime newspapers, street battle Stalingrad
RG-17.18.172, Wartime newspapers, Voelkischer Beobachter, Stalingrad
RG-17.18.173, Wartime newspapers, photographs
RG-17.18.174, Wartime German-language newspaper, increasing number of wounded soldiers. Stalingrad, a town, a term, a tragedy
RG-17.18.175, Wartime newspapers, Comparing the Battle of Verdun 1916 to the Battle of Stalingrad 1942
RG-17.18.176, Swiss newspaper, Schweizer Illustrierte Zeitung (Swiss Illustrated Newspaper), Casablanca confernece, 1943
RG-17.18.177, Wartime newspapers, how Roosevelt and Churchill met in Casablanca
RG-17.18.178, Wartime German-language newspapers, Members of the conference in Casablanca conference, 1943
RG-17.18.179, Wartime newspapers, political and military situation of Japan
RG-17.18.18, German summer campaign 1942
RG-17.18.180, German newspaper, Voelkischer Beobachter, The struggle of our soldiers committed to homeland, ca 1943
RG-17.18.181, German-language newspaper, Allied Conference Casablanca, Aerial warfare, Mobilization in Italy, Report from Moscow
RG-17.18.182, Wartime newspapers, battle for Stalingrad, photograph from a German newspaper, articles from a Hungarian newspaper ca 1942
RG-17.18.183, German newspaper, Voelkischer Beobachter, Goebbels speech, the winter battle, 1943, part 1
RG-17.18.184, German newspapers, Voelkischer Beobachter, Goebbels speech, the winter battle, 1943, part 2
RG-17.18.185, wartime newspapers, editorial article, Volkischer Beobachter, Stalingrad, answer is battle and victory, January 1943
RG-17.18.186, Wartime German-language newspapers, Hitler speech, published January 1943
RG-17.18.187, Swiss newspaper, Neue Zuercher Zeitung, German rallies, Goering speech, British attacks against Berlin, Feb. 1, 1943
RG-17.18.188, Swiss wartime newspapers, Neue Zuecher Zeitung
RG-17.18.189, Wartime newspapers, Swiss newspaper
RG-17.18.19, US attacks at the Solomon islands, published on 11 August 1942
RG-17.18.190, Wartime German-language newspapers, the entire East Front in Heavy Defensive fighting, February 2, 1943
RG-17.18.191, Wartime German-language newspapers, photographs of soldiers, the German resistance in Stalingard
RG-17.18.192, Swedish wartime newspaper, the last battle of Stalingrad, 1943
RG-17.18.193, Swedish wartime newspaper, US and England help Turkey, twenty communities captured west of Voronezh, 1943
RG-17.18.194, Wartime newspapers, photographs depicting the Turkish army
RG-17.18.195, Wartime newspapers, clippings from German newspapers, with one showing a map of Ukraine
RG-17.18.196, German newspapers, Voelkischer Beobachter, February 4, 1943, they died in order to let Germany live
RG-17.18.197, German newspapers, Voelkischer Beobachter, Stalingrad calls to act, February 4, 1943
RG-17.18.198, Wartime newspapers, page from Hungarian newspaper, 8 Oraiujsag, February 1943
RG-17.18.199, Wartime newspapers, Churchills speech in the House of Commons, 1943
RG-17.18.20, Naval war in the Pacific, America takes revenge for Pearl Harbour, 1941
RG-17.18.200, Swiss German-language wartime newspaper, Neue Zuercher Zeitung, one of Roosevelts speeches, 1943
RG-17.18.201, Clippings from Hungarian and German newspapers, 1943, with a map of the Eastern Front
RG-17.18.202, French newspaper, Le journal d'Orient, the Russians have resumed, the Axis forces took Gafsa, 1943
RG-17.18.203, French newspaper, Le journal d'Orient, Analysis of wartime developments, 1943
RG-17.18.204, Wartime newspapers, Le Journal Paris
RG-17.18.205, Wartime newspapers, German newspaper clippings discussing the war in China, Japan, and the ship Richelieu in New York
RG-17.18.206, Wartime German-language newspaper, war in Tunisia, ca 1942
RG-17.18.207, Wartime newspapers, Voelkischer Beobachter, 19 february 1943, Goebbels makes an appeal to act
RG-17.18.208, Wartime newspapers, Goebbels speech
RG-17.18.209, German newspaper, Voelkischer Beobachtung, 22 February 1943, England declare solidarity with Bolshevism
RG-17.18.21, The combat in Russia, published on published on 14 September 1942
RG-17.18.210, Wartime German-language newspaper, friendship and collaboration Germany-Russia
RG-17.18.211, Wartime German-language newspaper, war theater Tunisia
RG-17.18.212, Wartime newspapers, the first French newspaper from North Africa has arrived
RG-17.18.213, Wartime German-language newspapers, aerial war in the West
RG-17.18.214, German newspaper mentioning the German Africa corps
RG-17.18.215, Wartime newspapers, battle for Tunisia, aerial war in the West
RG-17.18.216, Berliner Boresn Zeitung, stock exchange newspaper, Berlin, 2 March 1943, for all one is worth uncompromising victory
RG-17.18.217, Wartime German-language newspaper, Neue Zuercher Zeitung, 4 March 1943, German-Russian war, Switzerland
RG-17.18.218, Wartime newspapers, several newpaper articles, aerial war in the West
RG-17.18.219, Wartime German-language and Hungarian newspapers, British attack on Nuremberg
RG-17.18.22, Map of the Solomon Islands, 1
RG-17.18.220, Wartime newspapers, British attack on Berlin
RG-17.18.221, Wartime newspapers, British air offensive against Germany
RG-17.18.222, Wartime newspapers, stock exchange newspaper, Berlin, 11 March 1943, the crest of barbarity
RG-17.18.223, Wartime newspapers, total warfare in Italy
RG-17.18.224, Wartime newspapers, three photographs from German newspapers, one depicting the American Spitfires
RG-17.18.225, Wartime newspapers, Paris newspaper, 15 March 1943, Kharkov retaken
RG-17.18.226, Wartime newspapers, British air offensive in the West
RG-17.18.227, Wartime newspapers, Neue Zuercher Zeitung, 18 March 1943
RG-17.18.228, Wartime newspapers, Neue Zuercher Zeitung, 22 March 1943, Churchill about postwar issues
RG-17.18.229, Wartime newspapers, Voelkischer Beobachter, 22 March 1943, Hitler honors the fallen heroes
RG-17.18.23, Map of the Solomon Islands, 2
RG-17.18.230, Wartime newspapers, Hitler honors the fallen heroes
RG-17.18.231, Wartime newspapers, stock exchange newspaper Berlin, 28 march 1943, the aerial war in West
RG-17.18.232, Wartime newspapers, Neue Zuercher newspaper, 28 March 1943, the battle against the submarine
RG-17.18.24, American attacks on the Solomon Islands, published on 10 August 1942
RG-17.18.25, Swiss newspaper, map of the Chinese areas taken by the Japanese, 1
RG-17.18.26, Swiss newspaper, map of the Chinese areas (red) taken by the Japanese, 2
RG-17.18.27, Hungarian newspaper, Ghandi arrested, India, published on 10 August 1942
RG-17.18.28, German, the Caucasus front, 1942
RG-17.18.29, German, for the Eastern front, a harbor in England and the map of the Eastern Front, ca 1942
RG-17.18.30, German-Russian war, Swiss newspaper Neue Zuercher, 18 August 1942
RG-17.18.31, German and Hungarian articles about the pressure on Brazil to join fight at the Solomon Islands
RG-17.18.32, German the proceedings of the Conference , Churchill in Moscow
RG-17.18.33, German, first photographs of the recon in Dieppe by the Americans and the British, 1942
RG-17.18.34, German war planning of the landing into British Isles, 1942
RG-17.18.35, Swiss, information about a Second Front and the German lines of defense in Normandy
RG-17.18.36, German newspapers, Churchill denies invasion intentions (yesterday major offensive - today dress rehearsal), Voelkischer Beobachter Vienna, 21 August 1942
RG-17.18.37, German-language, Churchill and British military command underestimated the strength of German defense Dieppe, France
RG-17.18.38, Wartime German-language newspaper, Military opperation at Dieppe, France, 1942
RG-17.18.39, Several articles related to wartime developments in Germany, Hungary, and China and the possiblity of Brazil entering
RG-17.18.40, Hungarian wartime newspapers, Kallay Miklos
RG-17.18.41, Wartime German-language newspapers, German approach in Stalingrad, August 1942
RG-17.18.42, Wartime magazine, German, weather map of all fronts, 1
RG-17.18.43, Wartime magazine, German, weather map of all fronts, 2
RG-17.18.44, Wartime German-language newspapers, German combat opperation in Stalingrad, August 1942
RG-17.18.45, Soviet counter-offensive near Rzhev failed, Voelkischer Beobachter, Vienna, published 31 August 1942
RG-17.18.46, Wartime German-Language newspaper, Die Wehrmacht, German, on route to Stalingrad, November 1941
RG-17.18.47, Hungarian and German wartime newspapers; in the hell of Stalingrad
RG-17.18.48, Wartime German-language newspaper, Lublin-the town in the East, Jews in forced labor, ca 1942
RG-17.18.49, Wartime German-language newspapers, Jews in Lublin, ca 1942
RG-17.18.50, Swiss newspaper, photographs of Serbian refugee children
RG-17.18.51, German and Hungarian wartime newspapers; Berliner Boersen Zeitung, published on 2 September 1942
RG-17.18.52, Swiss newspaper, Photographs of Serbian refugee children in Switzerland
RG-17.18.53, Swiss newspaper, Journal de Geneve, in French
RG-17.18.54, Swiss newspaper, Journal de Geneve, No. 243, in French, the Germans made new efforts in Southern Russia
RG-17.18.55, German map of the Caucasus, Eastern half
RG-17.18.56, German map of the Caucasus, Western half
RG-17.18.57, Hungarian newspaper, Oraiujsag, 18 September 1942
RG-17.18.58, Deportation of the Jews in France
RG-17.18.59, Hungarian newspaper, Oraiujsag, 17 September 1942
RG-17.18.60, Photographs depicting the destroyed citiy of Stalingrad and the fate of civil population
RG-17.18.61, Photograph depicting a Bunkerfabrik ( a ruined bunker factory) in Stalingrad
RG-17.18.62, Photographs depicting 3 of 18,300 Soviet prisoners of war, summer 1942
RG-17.18.63, Hungarian newspaper, Pestiujsag, arial photograph of Stalingrad, 29 September 1942
RG-17.18.64, Voelkischer Beobachter, Vienna, 28 September 1942, an article The proud result of the war
RG-17.18.65, Stalingrad-a symbol, Roosevelt opens war negotiations
RG-17.18.66, The defense of Stalingrad, Three major factories in Stalingrad
RG-17.18.67, Voelkischer Beobachter, Fuehrer speech, Nobody can wrench the victory from us, 2 October 1942
RG-17.18.68, Voelkischer Beobachter, Fuehrer speech about the need for Germans space in Europe
RG-17.18.69, A new method of shipbuilding in USA
RG-17.18.70, Voelkischer Beobachter, Vienna, 2 October 1942, a hard strike for Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin
RG-17.18.71, Swiss newspaper, the Battle of Stalingrad, in French, 17 October 1942
RG-17.18.72, Wartime newspapers, Swiss newspaper, 23 September 1942, From Bock and Timoschenko, the opponents in the hell of Stalingrad
RG-17.18.73, The 80 days of critical decision, 1
RG-17.18.74, The 80 days of critical decision, 2
RG-17.18.75, wartime newspapers, Voelkischer Beobachter, Vienna, 6 October 1942, Goering's speech destroys England's illusion, space, time guarantee for victory
RG-17.18.76, Fight for the Solomon islands
RG-17.18.77, England report, bomb attack of the armament center Schneider& Co in Le Creusot
RG-17.18.78, Voelkischer Beobachter, Goebbels speech in Munich, have-nots became owners
RG-17.18.79, Germany report, advancement in Stalingrad, tractor factory Dscherschinski occupied
RG-17.18.80, Swiss newspaper, map, 1
RG-17.18.81, Swiss newspaper, map, 2, Caucasus
RG-17.18.82, Swiss newspaper, Neue Zuercher Zeitung, photograph of Churchill in Egypt
RG-17.18.83, Swiss newspaper, Neue Zuercher Zeitung, 13 December 1942, British cruiser on the Mediterranean Sea
RG-17.18.84, Swiss newspaper, instead of 22,000 km, only 12,000 km left
RG-17.18.85, German newspaper, Will the economy decide the war
RG-17.18.86, German newspaper, flying monster
RG-17.18.87, Swiss newspapers, Neue Zuercher Zeitung
RG-17.18.88, Wartime newspapers, Goebbels speech in Munich, today we are the ones who blockade
RG-17.18.89, Hungarian newspaper and clippings from German newspaper, circa 1941
RG-17.18.90, German newspapers, British offensive in Egypt
RG-17.18.91, German newspapers, British offensive in Egypt
RG-17.18.92, Clippings from Hungarian (Pestiujsag) and German newspapers, 26 October 1942
RG-17.18.93, German newspapers, fight in Egypt
RG-17.18.94, Wartime German-language newspaper, biggest loss of the British near El Alamein, 104 tanks so far
RG-17.18.95, German newspaper, Berliner Boersen-Zeitung, stock exchange newspaper Berlin, 27 October 1942
RG-17.18.96, Hungarian newspaper, Budapest, 29 October 1942, German newspaper clippings, the war in Russia
RG-17.18.97, German newspapers, fight in Egypt, German-Italian counter charges
RG-17.18.98, Photographs from French wartime magazine depicting Alaska
RG-17.18.99, German newspaper, Berliner Boersen-Zeitung, stock exchange newspaper, Berlin, Global strategy
RG-17.19.01, Fall of Brest
RG-17.20.01, Time, plight of prisoners in Buchenwald, Belsen, Erla, Nordhausen, 30 April 1945, (5)
RG-17.20.02, Murder in the snow, Malmedy massacre, circa 1945 (2)
RG-17.20.03, Vught concentration camp, circa 1945
RG-17.20.04, Living hell of Nazi camp described, living hell of Buchenwald described by free prisoner, circa 1945 (2)
RG-17.20.05, Freed yank reports Nazi whipped French girls to death
RG-17.20.06, Paris liberation, German atrocities, circa 1944
RG-17.20.07, Los Angeles Examiner, mystery on German surrender, denied by Truman, offer told, 29 April 1945 (2)
RG-17.20.08, Saturday Evening Post, here the Nazi butchers wasted nothing, 28 October 1944 (3)
RG-17.20.09, Life, Atrocities, capture of the german concentration camps piles up evidence of barbarism, circa 1945 (7)
RG-17.20.10, Nazi cruelty in France recorded
RG-17.20.11, Los Angeles Daily News, extermination of and future of Jews, 6 February 1945
RG-17.20.12, Life, Retreating germans write defiance to Allies in Holland, circa 1945
RG-17.20.13, Los Angeles Times, mother describes Nazi torture of daughter who died for France, circa 1944 - 1945 (2)
RG-17.20.14, Censor's aide gets own proof of nazi horrors, circa 1945
RG-17.20.15, Only 12 Jews out of 1000 missed death, Norwegian Jews, circa 1945
RG-17.20.16, Nazi brutality in Poland, circa 1945
RG-17.20.17, Argentina trade with Axis powers rivals Anglo-American blockade, circa 1940s
RG-17.20.18, U.S. clarifies stand in giving jobs to aliens
RG-17.20.19, Aufbau, Walter Winchell and enemy aliens, Jews in the English army, 3 July 1942
RG-17.20.20, Soviet government offers United States patents and information on synthetic rubber
RG-17.20.21, Aufbau, the west coast, the case of enemy alien
RG-17.20.22, Aufbau, new arrangement for the employment of aliens, 17 July 1942
RG-17.20.23, Aufbau, 3 July 1942
RG-17.20.24, certified and friendly aliens, new proposal for so-called council of democracy
RG-17.20.25, Presidential statement on employment of aliens in national war industries, 11 July 1942 (2)
RG-17.20.26, Letter from War Manpower Commission to Herbert Lothar Aron, 2 July 1942
RG-17.20.27, Letter from Civil Aeronautics Administration to Herbert Lothar Aron, 9 July 1942
RG-17.20.28, Permit for voluntary evacuation from the United States Attorney, to Herbert Lothar Aron, 14 May 1942
RG-17.20.29, Letter from War Production Board, to Herbert Lothar Aron, 12 August 1942
RG-17.20.30, Stalin wins major fruits of war II victory, circa 1945
RG-17.20.31, Exploitation of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), circa 1945
RG-17.20.32, Aufbau, how Palestine upgraded, a call to all men and women - two front war possible, 26 June 1942
RG-17.20.33, Zionists deplore Lord Moyne killing, circa 1944
RG-17.20.34, Aufbau, untapped resources, statement to include qualified non-citizens in work force (2)
RG-17.20.35, truth from the world disappeared, teste Wahrheit aus der Welt verschwinde
RG-17.20.36, Aufbau, the watchman, punishment, issue of where to settle the Jews, 17 July 1942
RG-17.20.37, Last call for a Jewish army, an appeal to Aufbau
RG-17.20.38, Jewish units in Palestine
RG-17.20.39, Aufbau, the Nazi agenda, routine and venture, 24 July 1942
RG-17.20.40, to the conscience of America, committee for a Jewish Army, appeal to end silence against Nazi atrocities (4)
RG-17.20.41, Order to report, preinduction physical examination, selective service system, 17 April 1944
RG-17.20.42, Certificate of Fitness, selective service system, 15 May 1944
RG-17.20.43, Letter from war department, statutes which govern the employment of aliens on government contracts, 15 January 1942 (2)
RG-17.20.44, Memorandum, aliens-employment of on navy national defense contracts, 18 November 1941
RG-17.20.45, Memorandum, employment of aliens on war department contracts, 24 October 1941
RG-17.20.46, The Hollywood Zionist, Jews heed call to action, October 1945 (4)
RG-17.20.47, The Hollywood Zionist, from the president, again with the white paper, September 1945 (4)
RG-17.20.48, Life, exodus refugees and tragic voyage, 22 September 1947 (6)
RG-17.21.01, radio world, illustrated weekly magazine for everyone, a look at the vienna radio program, 17 august 1935
RG-17.21.02, radio world, illustrated weekly magazine for everyone, a look at the vienna radio program, 17 august 1935
RG-17.21.03, radio vienna, official weekly magazine of the austrian radio, merry christmas, 17 december 1937
RG-17.21.04, austrian radio programs, 1937
RG-17.21.05, austrian radio programs
RG-17.21.06, austrian radio programs, 1935
RG-17.21.07, vienna radio programs, 1936
RG-17.21.08, vienna radio programs, 1935-1936
RG-17.21.09, great hall of the musikverein, vienna commercial singing club and female choir, orchestra concert, 27 march 1931
RG-17.21.10, the little cinema and radio leaf, page five, zampa ravel remembered and brudner felt
RG-17.21.11, new vienna conservatory pamphlet
RG-17.21.12, business card of annie krisch
RG-17.21.13, the milwaukee journal-screen and radio, january 1941
RG-17.21.14, the milwaukee journal-screen and radio, december 1940
RG-17.21.15, the milwaukee journal-screen and radio, 1940-1941
RG-17.21.16, announcement for performance, circa 1940s
RG-17.21.17, the message of music in religion flyer, inter faith forum at hollywood first methodist church, 1945
RG-17.21.18, the message of music in religion program, inter faith forum at hollywood first methodist church, 1945
RG-17.21.19, the communion of oriental and occidental beliefs flyer, inter faith forum at first methodist church of hollywood, 1946
RG-17.21.20, orchestra tickets from society for jewish culture, 1944 and 1946
RG-17.22.01, Austrian newspaper, Tagespost, March 12, 1938, Liberated homeland
RG-17.22.02, Austrian newspaper, Tagespost, March 12, 1938, Declaration of the Fuhrer
RG-17.22.03, Austrian newspaper, Tagespost, March 12, 1938, Austria-nationalistic
Folder 1: RG-17.01, Wartime Jewish Periodicals, Poland, 1940 -- 1941
Folder 2: RG-17.02, Postwar Periodicals, in Polish and Russian languages, 1945 -- 1946
Folder 3: RG-17.03, Periodicals in Yiddish, 1930s --1940s
Folder 4: RG-17.04, LIFE magazine collection, 1939 -- 1940, 1939 -- 1940
Folder 5: RG-17.05, Periodicals published in France, 1940 -- 1945, 1940 --1945
Folder 6: RG-17.06, Yugoslavian Prewar and Wartime Publications, 1938 --1945
Folder 7: RG-17.07, Hungarian Wartime Newspapers, ca 1942
Folder 8: RG-17.08, Wartime newspapers, German, Hungarian. Chinese offensive, entry of Brazil into the war, August 1942. Photos from Hungarian newspaper(s). One photo is of Istvan Horthy’s (Deputy Regent of Hungary) catafalque, son of Miklos Horthy, Regent of Hungary from March 1, 1920 to October 15, 1944. The second photo depicts an officer meeting., 1941 -- 1943
Folder 9: RG-17.09, Swiss Wartime Newspapers, 1939 -- 1945
Folder 10: RG-17.10, Italian Wartime Publications, 1939 -- 1945
Folder 11: RG-17.11, Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Examiner, wartime, 1933 -- 1944
Folder 12: RG-17.12, Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
Folder 13: RG-17.13, Dilo, 1918 -- 1939, 1918 -- 1939
Folder 14: RG-17.14, Nazi Inter-War News, Illustrated News, 1930s
Folder 15: RG-17.15, Sygnaly (Signals), 1933-1939, 1933 -- 1939
Folder 16: RG-17.16, Short Note About the Oldest Synagogue in Egypt, Ben Ezra, 1973, 1973
Folder 17: RG-17.17, Jewish youth of Izbaca before the Holocaust
Folder 18: RG-17.18, Cornelius Loen, collection of wartime periodicals, I, 1939 -- 1945
Folder 19: RG-17.19, Cornelius Loen, collection of wartime periodicals, II
Folder 20: RG-17.20, Herbert Lothar Aron Papers
Folder 21: RG-17.21, Prewar Austria periodicals, 1931--1946
Folder 22: RG-17.22, Tagespot, Austrian newspaper, reflection of Anschluss, 12 March 1938, 12 March 1938