Family Histories, 1916-2009
| Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

The arrangement scheme for the record group was imposed during processing in the absence of an original order. Materials are arranged by family name/creator, then by identifier, as assigned by the processor.
Record group is comprised of ten collections: 1. Posner family follection; 2. Kubaschka family collection; 3. Vienna family history collection; 4. Cohen family papers; 5. Jontof-Hutter family collection; 6. Phillip Raucher collection; 7. Sari Auslander papers; 8. Leo Baeck Institute collection; 9. Gumener family collection; 10. Edith Flagg papers. RG-16.11, D. R. Webster Collection: Album of Budapest, 1944 – 1945. RG-16.12, Joseph Rapaport Collection

Blumenfeld, Helga
Cohen family
family histories
Flagg, Edith
Germany (Europe)
Gumener family
Italian Fascism
Italy (Europe)
Jewish experience, Italian, 1918 -- 1945
Jontof-Hutter family
Kubaschka family
Panenske Brezany (Czechoslovakia)
Personal correspondence
Photographs, postwar, 1945 -- 1988
Photographs, pre-Second World War
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Poland (Europe)
Posner family
Rapaport, Joseph
Raucher, Philip
Talerant family
Totalitarian regimes
Webster, D.R.

Copyrighted materials, credits to and references to the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust are required
Digital copies might be available upon request
This record group through the materials of family histories embodies regional microhistories of prewar, wartime, and postwar period. For example, the Cohen family papers exemplifies the lesser-known facts of the relations between the Italian Fascist regime and the Jewish population in the early years of the Fascist regime. Overall, the families represented in this record group belonged to the Jewish middle class and were well-assimilated. Among the individual documents that stand out is a postcard written by Maria Altman in 1932. This postcard depicts the Castle in Panenske Brezany, Czechoslovakia. Once Reinhard Heidrich had been appointed the Protector of Bohemia and Moravia, this castle became one of his official residences.
Materials included in this record group are personal papers, correspondence, family albums, identification documents, testimonies, and official documents. A number of these documents are digitized.

Documents and Files:
RG-16.01.01,Posner Collection Polish photographs 1
RG-16.02.05- David Kubaschka Westerbork Camp Identification
RG-16.02.06- David Kubaschka, Polish Passport
RG- Kubaschka Family, Dortmund, 1938
RG- Betti Kubascha, 22 months
RG- Betti Kubaschka, Dortmund, 1936
RG- Friedel and Betti
RG- Betti Gerard, an orphanage
RG- Betti Gerard, 1940, the Netherlands
RG- Betti Gerard, Westerbork camp, group photograph
RG-16.02.08- Betti Gerard, Westerbork camp a group of men, David, Right
RG-16.02.09- First Transport to Westerbork of German Jews, Lloyd Hotel, Amsterdam, 1939
RG-16.04.01- Cohen Family Papers US embassy certificate, Notorization
RG-16.04.02- Jacobson Cohen, Matriculation Card
RG-16.04.03- Naile Cohen Jacobson, Naturalization Certificate
RG-16.04.04- Ruben Cohen, Citizenship Certificate
RG-16.04.05- Naile Cohen Jacobson, List of Graduates
RG-16.04.06- Naile Jaconson, Birth Certificate
RG-16.04.07- Naile Cohen, Certificate of Achievement
RG-16.04.08- Passport for Naile Cohen
RG-16.04.09- Italian fascist party membership card
RG-16.04.10- Italian fascist party membership card 2
RG-16.04.11- French Language Teaching Certification, Naile Cohen Jacobson, 1937-38
RG-16.04.12- Naile Cohen Jacobson, Italian Demographic Record
RG-16.04.13- Correspondence from Moe Turman to Dr. Joseph Schwartz, Dec. 1948
RG-16.04.14- Letter, Wilshire Blvd. Temple, Marriage certificate for Levi Family
RG-16.04.15- Marriage Certificate, Attached
RG-16.04.16- Family Tree
RG-16.04.17- Photograph, man's portrait
RG-16.04.18- Reprint of circumcision painting
RG-16.04.19- Cohen, Naile, University course booklet - Pisa
RG-16.04.20- Cohen, Naile, University course booklet - Torino
RG-16.04.21- Copy of a University Certification
RG-16.04.22- Italian University Certificate
RG-16.04.23- Italian 2nd grade certificate
RG-16.04.24, Naile Cohen, fascist association school card
RG-16.04.25, Naile Cohen, fascist assocation card
RG-16.04.26, Naile Cohen Jacobson passport, 1939
RG-16.05.01- Ronie-Jontof-Hutter, Otto, letter from Dachau
RG-16.05.02- Ronie Jontof-Hutter, Berlin
RG-16.05.03- Jontof-Hutter 3
RG-16.05.04- Jontof-Hutter 2
RG-16.05.05- Jontof-Hutter 1
RG-16.05.06- Jontof-Hutter
RG-16.06.02- Philip Raucher, Grandfather circa 1920
RG-16.06.03- Philip Raucher, family photograph with cousins, 1925
RG-16.06.04- Philip Raucher, family photograph printed in Munich, 1928
RG-16.06.05- Philip Raucher, group photograph at a city festival in Czeladz, Poland, 1931
RG-16.06.06- Philip Raucher, family photograph, 1932
RG-16.06.07- Philip Raucher, Uncla Aron Raucher as President of Zionist organization in Wolbrum, Poland, 1933
RG-16.06.08- Philip Raucher, ID, 11 years old, 1938
RG-16.06.09- Philip Raucher, Ghetto ID, 13 years old, 1940
RG-16.06.10- Philip Raucher, Factory Workers, 1942
RG-16.06.11- Philip Raucher, young female relative in Poland
RG-16.06.12- Philip Raucher, female relative by water fountain
RG-16.06.13- Philip Raucher, Red Cross Certificate+ German Ration Card Stamp, 1945
RG-16.06.14- Philip Raucher and sister Rachela, post-war, 1945
RG-16.06.15- Philip Raucher, two Jewish women and their children
RG-16.06.16- Philip Raucher, Ration Card from Munich, Germany, 1947
RG-16.06.17- Philip Raucher, R.M. Blatchford ship, 1951
RG-16.06.18- Philip Raucher, Hotel St. Francis, 1951
RG-16.06.19- Philip Raucher, Postcard from Bob to Randy, 2009
RG-16.07.01- United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, Record for Sari Auslander
RG-16.07.02- Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society documents, Sari Auslander
RG-16.07.03- Citizenship Course of Study, Diploma
RG-16.07.04- Naturalization Papers
RG-16.07.05- Death Notice, Los Angeles Times
RG-16.07.06- Maria Altman, Postcard
RG-16.08.01- Rosh Ha Shanah (New Year Greeting Card)
RG-16.08.02- Hochzeit ULK, in German, November 1916
RG-16.08.03- Wedding Poentry to Hertha Segall and Arthur Neustadt aby Kurt Neustadt, November 1916
RG-16.08.04- Letter card from Paul Erlich
RG-16.08.05- Ketubah (Marriage Contract), 1893
RG-16.08.06- Letter in German, 17 February 1905
RG-16.08.07- Letter from the Berliner Hendels Gesellschaft, 1914
RG-16.08.08- Arthur Neustadt, Wedding Poetry, Table Song, November 1920
RG-16.08.09- Wedding Poetry, 4 pages, for Hertha Segall and Aarthur Neustadt, November 1916, Complete
RG-16.09.01, Birth certificate in Russian
RG-16.09.02, Birth certificate in Polish, dated 16 June 1916
RG-16.09.03, Proof of name in Polish, dated 14 March 1922
RG-16.09.04, Identification card for Szlama Nutkiewicz issued 3 June 1938
RG-16.09.05, Postcard to J. Nutkowitz in Brooklyn New York, USA from Warsaw, postmarked
RG-16.09.06, Identification card for Rebeka Gumener in Polish, dated 11 October 1937
RG-16.09.07, Hebrew school identification card in Poland for Gumener in Hebrew, dated 1937
RG- Document certifying the release from military service after the First World War; 25 November 1918
RG- Certificate of German citizenship for Isidor Isaak M. Kaufmann; 17 September 1918
RG- Birth certificate for Edith Faierstein; reissued on 30 August 1976; includes translation
RG- Document in Dutch for Edith Stein
RG- Marriage certificate for Edith Faierstein and Erich Simon Flegenheimer; 28 May 1947; includes translation from 23 July 1976
RG- Dutch document for Edith Feuerstein; July 1946
RG- Receipt of application for naturalization for Edith Flegenheimer; issued by the US department of justice
RG- Certificate of Naturalization for Edith Flagg Issued 11 November 1954
RG- Document in Yiddish
RG- Dutch document for Edith Stein
RG- Piece of paper with numbers and writing in Yiddish on it
RG- Confirmation of entrance to a private school for sewists in Vienna; issued for Edith Faierstein on 27 October 1934
RG- Work certificate for Edith Faierstein; worked as sewist at M.Harpner, Schwarz & Co. in Vienna, issued 19 September 1937
RG- School certificate for Edith Faierstein; school for girls in Vienna; school year 1933-34; 10 February 1934
RG- Translation of marriage certificate for Edith Faierstein and Erich Flegenheimer; 23 July 1976
RG- Certificate for Edith Feuerstein written in Romanian
RG- School certificate for Edith Faierstein; issued by the private school for sewists Vienna; 28 June 1935; includes grades
RG- School Certificate for Edith Faierstein issued by the private school for sewists Vienna; 30 June 1936; includes grades
RG- Yearly school certificate for Edith Faierstein; girl's school Vienna; school year 1933-34; 7 July 1934; includes grades
RG- School certificate for Edith Faierstein issued by the private school for sewists Vienna; 23 June 1936; includes grades
RG- School Certificate of the proficient school for sewists Vienna; issued for Edith Faierstein; 11 February 1938
RG- Diploma for Edith Faierstein from the school for sewists Vienna; completed with good success; 3 July 1936
RG- Dutch Marriage Certificate for Erich Simon Flegenheimer and Edith Faierstein; issued 30 May 1947
RG- Copy of birth certificate for Edith Faierstein; born on 1 November 1919; issued on 29 July 1924
RG- Document in Dutch for Edith Faierstein issued on 18 April 1947
RG- Naturalization (Romania) for Osie Itic Feuerstein and his family; 4 June 1938
RG- Document in Romanian for Edith Flagg, 8 February 1927
RG- School Certificate for Edith Faierstein confirming that she attended a course in usage of typewriters and German short writing
RG- Document in Dutch for Edith Feuerstein; issued March 1946
RG- Birth certificate for Martha Faierstein; issued on 1 July 1976
RG- Notice of approval of relative immigrant visa petition for Edith Flagg; 23 February 1977
RG- Confirmation of Naturalization for the Feuerstein family; translation from Romanian; 22 July 1976
RG- Confirmation about a temporary school certificate; the original will be handed out as soon as printed; 2 July 1938
RG- School Certificate from the school of sewists Vienna for Edith Faierstein; 2 July 1938
RG- Marriage certificate for Erich Simon Flegenheimer and Edith Flegenheimer
RG- Official Dues Card of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union; 1949
RG- Document for Edith Feuerstein written in Romanian
RG- Certificate of identification for Erich Flegenheimer
RG- Identity certificate for Erich Flegenheimer; 1946
RG- Document for tuberculosis checks for Pieter Feenstra
RG- Document in Dutch for Erich Flegenheimer; 29 April 1945
RG- Letter to Erich Flagg about a purchase agreement that has to be approved by the German consulate; 8 March 1999
RG- Letter to Eric Flagg about the use of remaining property in Odenheim, Germany. 13 January 1999
RG- Contract concerning the cigar factory in Heidelberg-Kirchheim; issued 19 December 1933
RG- School certificate book for Isidor Flegenheimer (Father of Erich); starts 1882
RG- Information of Eric Flagg and his life. Dated July 1992
RG- Document of identification for Edith Feuerstein; 'J' remark; Document for Alida Gertruida Voskuilen
RG- Different documents of identity for Edith Feuerstein; Edith Van Stein and Alida Gertruida Voskuilen
RG- Documents of identity for Erich Simon Flegenheimer, Pieter Fink and Pieter Feenstra
RG- Identity Card from Kromhout Motoren Fabriek in Amsterdam for Pieter Feenstra
RG- Document in Dutch for Erich Simon Israel Flegenheimer
RG- Passport for Pieter Feenstra
RG- Picture of a woman in dress and hat, taken in Bad Homburg
RG- Raymond D. Massier posing in military uniform; obviously taken in Paris; not dated.
RG- Postcard of three men playing cards; text on the back; addressed to Flegenheimer in Heidelberg; beginning of the century.
RG- Black and white picture of a couple; taken in Augsburg; probably beginning of century; not dated
RG- Black and white picture of a bearded man; taken in Mannheim; maybe beginning of the century
RG- Black and white picture of a soccer team; not dated
RG- Black and white picture of a soccer team
RG- Edith's first husband Hans at a farm; pre-war; black and white photograph
RG- Edith and her first husband Hans; pre-war; black and white; taken in Amsterdam
RG- Edith and her son Michael; black and white; after the war
RG- Edith at a farm; pre-war; black and white
RG- Edith workin on farm; pre-war; black and white
RG- Black and white picture of Edith; pre-war
RG- Edith and her first husband Hans; pre-war; black and white
RG- Black and white photograph of Erich Flegenheimer at the beach
RG- Edith's son Michael; black and white; end of war
RG- Black and white picture of Edith's second husband Erich
RG- Black and white photography of Edith and her first husband Hans; pre war
RG- Black and white photograph of presumably Edith's second husband Erich
RG- Black and white photograph of presumably Edith's second husband Erich; pre-war
RG- Black and white photograph of a couple; taken in Augsburg; beginning of century
RG- Black and white photograph of a boy; maybe Edith's son Michael; post war
RG- Black and white photograph of Edith's first husband Hans in the mountains; pre war
RG- Edith working on farm; pre-war; black and white
RG- Colored photograph of the interior of a church
RG- Black and white photograph of maybe Hans Stein, pre-war
RG- Black and white photograph of maybe Hans Stein with a child on a bike; pre-war
RG- Black and white picture showing maybe Edith Flagg and Eric Flagg at the beach
RG-16.11.01, view from the royal palace
RG-16.11.02, view from fishers bastion, ministry of finances
RG-16.11.03, ruined german staff cars before royal palace
RG-16.11.04, view from the missions building
RG-16.11.05, interior of coronation room in royal palace, ruins of ancient palace on castle hill
RG-16.11.06, barricade before the entrance of tunnel under castle hill
RG-16.11.07, bombardment damage to house and national archives in budapest
RG-16.11.08, wrecked german glider and german tank in budapest
RG-16.11.09, apartment house wrecked by bombing, population doing forced labour
RG-16.11.10, tramcar hit by a bomb
RG-16.11.11, overturned locomotive in free harbour of csepel
RG-16.11.12, blown up cemetery used as ammunition depot by germans, street scene in pest during siege
RG-16.11.13, bombardment aftermath, trapped civilians and ruble
RG-16.11.14, shell oil plant burning after bombardment
RG-16.11.15, bombardment aftermath, homes and victims
RG-16.11.16, house burning after night bombing
RG-16.11.17, unexploded bomb, ss massacre of jewish woman
RG-16.11.18, german tiger tanks entering budapest
RG-16.11.19, heaps of arms taken by germans from hungarian troops
RG-16.11.20, german anti aircraft battery in action at night
RG-16.11.21, women searching belongings after bombardment
RG-16.11.22, famous white horse of horthy
RG-16.11.23, view from fishers bastion of margaret and chain bridges
RG-16.11.24, view from castle hill
RG-16.11.25, beautiful iron gate in royal palace, ruins of german motor vehicles
RG-16.11.26, monument of artillery
RG-16.11.27, bombardment aftermath, damaged home and ruined street
RG-16.11.28, coronation church, ruins of royal palace gardens
RG-16.11.29, wrecked german gliders and aircraft gun
RG-16.11.30, viennese gate in budapest
RG-16.11.31, mass grave of jews who died in ghetto and buried in synagogue yard
RG-16.11.32, russian war memorial in liberty square
RG-16.11.33, marshal malinovsky on mayday parade
RG-16.11.34, russian traffic directing girls
RG-16.11.35, album identification
RG-16.11.36, D.R. Webster Collection, Album of Budapest, 1944 - 1945, full almbum
RG-16.12.01, Military registration, 1942 - 1943
RG-16.12.02, Order to report for induction, 18 December 1942
RG-16.12.03, Joseph Rapaport in uniform, c. 1943
RG-16.12.04, Joseph Rapaport in training, circa 1943
RG-16.12.05, Joseph Rapaport in training, circa 1943
RG-16.12.06, Regulations for students of the army specialized training program, Carleton College, circa 1943
RG-16.12.07, Carleton College campus
RG-16.12.08, Carleton College campus
RG-16.12.09, Joseph Rapaport in training at Carleton College, circa 1943
RG-16.12.10, Joseph Rapaport in training at Carleton College, circa 1943
RG-16.12.100, Stalag XIII-D, Langwasser Nuremberg, prisoner screening, 1945
RG-16.12.101, A German general has chow
RG-16.12.102, Leisure in Nuremberg, August 1945
RG-16.12.103, Calumet, history of 1263rd engineer combat battalion, receipt
RG-16.12.104, Report of separation from armed forces, 4 January 1954
RG-16.12.105, Report of separation from the armed forces of the United States, 1954
RG-16.12.106, Letter from president Harry Truman
RG-16.12.107, Joseph Rapaport, Album I
RG-16.12.108, Joseph Rapaport, Album II
RG-16.12.109, Joseph Rapaport, Album III
RG-16.12.11, Postcard from Joseph Rapaport to Private Benno Rapaport, August 1943
RG-16.12.12, Minneapolis skyline, circa 1943
RG-16.12.13, Graduation from army specialized training program at Carleton College, November 1943
RG-16.12.14, Demolition work, camp McCoy in Wisconsin, July 1944
RG-16.12.15, Pitching tents, camp McCoy in Wisconsin, summer 1944
RG-16.12.16, Marching, camp McCoy in Wisconsin, summer 1944
RG-16.12.17, Demolition work, camp McCoy in Wisconsin, summer 1944
RG-16.12.18, Break for lunch, camp McCoy in Wisconsin, summer 1944
RG-16.12.19, Rapaport lecture on poison gas, camp McCoy in Wisconsin, July 1944
RG-16.12.20, Lecture and demonstration on poison gas, camp McCoy in Wisconsin, July 1944
RG-16.12.21, Poison gas demonstration, camp McCoy in Wisconsin, summer 1944
RG-16.12.22, Engineer Combat Battalion memorandum, good conduct medal, camp McCoy in Wisconsin, 11 October 1944
RG-16.12.23, Group photograph, camp McCoy in Wisconsin, 1944
RG-16.12.24, Accomodations in London, England, 1944
RG-16.12.25, Historic sites in London, England
RG-16.12.26, Amusements in London, England, 1944 - 1945
RG-16.12.27, Westminster Abbey
RG-16.12.28, Dachau concentration camp, after liberation, 1945
RG-16.12.29, United States army occupation, Dessau and Preten, Germany, April 1945
RG-16.12.30. United States army occupation, circa 1945
RG-16.12.31, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria, Bahnhofhotel, December 1945
RG-16.12.32, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria, December 1945
RG-16.12.33, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria, December 1945
RG-16.12.34, Bavarian Zugspitze railway to Schneefernerhaus Hotel in Alps, December 1945
RG-16.12.35, Bavarian Zugspitze railway to mountain peak, December 1945
RG-16.12.36, Postcard, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria, December 1945
RG-16.12.37, Eagle exhibition, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria, circa 1945
RG-16.12.38, Summit of the Bavarian Zugspitze railway, December 1945
RG-16.12.39, Bavarian sites, December 1945
RG-16.12.40, Tegernsee, Bavaria, December 1945
RG-16.12.41, Danube at Inglostadt, Bavaria, October - December 1945
RG-16.12.42, Building in a German city, circa 1945
RG-16.12.43, Buildings in a German city, circa 1945
RG-16.12.44, Buildings in a German city, circa 1945
RG-16.12.45, Joseph Rapaport playing with a dog, circa 1945
RG-16.12.46, Final days abroad, circa 1945 – 1946
RG-16.12.47, Allied forces base camp, circa 1945 - 1946
RG-16.12.48, Dog in a tent at allied base camp, circa 1945 - 1946
RG-16.12.49, Preparing to head home from allied base camp, circa 1946
RG-16.12.50, Shipyard, circa 1946
RG-16.12.51, Bon voyage, shipyard in France, heading back to United States
RG-16.12.52, Atlantic agony, the Landlubber’s journal, SS Gustavus victory, 14 April 1946
RG-16.12.53, Ship dock, circa 1946
RG-16.12.54, Atlantic agony, the Landlubber's journal, SS Gustavus victory, 15 April 1946
RG-16.12.55, Ship departing, circa 1946
RG-16.12.56, Ship on voyage, circa 1946
RG-16.12.57, Camp Kilmer booklet, returning soldiers, circa 1946
RG-16.12.58, Transportation corps, United States Army, circa 1946
RG-16.12.59, Joseph Rapaport back home, United States, circa 1946
RG-16.12.60, Joseph Rapaport back home, United States, circa 1946
RG-16.12.61, Joseph Rapaport back home, United States, circa 1946
RG-16.12.62, Shipment schedule
RG-16.12.63, Building in Europe
RG-16.12.64, Children at Allied base camp
RG-16.12.65, Ship departing, circa 1946
RG-16.12.66, Concentration camp, Gardelegen massacre, 1945
RG-16.12.67, Allied base camp
RG-16.12.68, Boating on a lake
RG-16.12.69, Postcard with family portrait, 1929
RG-16.12.70, Joseph Rapaport in uniform in Europe, circa 1944
RG-16.12.71, Dachau, September 1945
RG-16.12.72, Nazi party rally grounds, Nuremberg, circa 1930s - August 1945
RG-16.12.73, Nuremberg street scene, August - September 1945
RG-16.12.74, German and Belgian souvenirs, circa 1945
RG-16.12.75, Accommodations in Preten, Germany, May 1945
RG-16.12.76, Joseph Rapaport with comrades in Preten, Germany, May 1945
RG-16.12.77, Reich souvenirs, circa 1945
RG-16.12.78, Accommodations in Bergisch-Gladbach, Germany, June 1945
RG-16.12.79, Accommodations in Bergisch-Gladbach, Germany, June 1945
RG-16.12.80, Cologne Cathedral, June 1945
RG-16.12.81, Wartime destruction in Cologne, Germany, June 1945
RG-16.12.82, Wartime destruction, sites on the Rhine, June 1945
RG-16.12.83, Sites along the Rhine, June 1945
RG-16.12.84, Sites along the Rhine, summer 1945
RG-16.12.85, United States fifteenth army occupation, Bad Durkheim, June 1945
RG-16.12.86, Bad Durkheim, June - July 1945
RG-16.12.87, Bad Durkheim spa booklet, 1939 - 1940
RG-16.12.88, Sites in Paris, France, prewar
RG-16.12.89, Sites in Paris, France, prewar
RG-16.12.90, Sites of Paris, postcards, circa 1942
RG-16.12.91, Paris by metro, circa 1945
RG-16.12.92, Bad Schwalbach, August 1945
RG-16.12.93, Bad Schwalbach postcards, August 1945
RG-16.12.94, Bad Schwalbach in Taunus, booklet
RG-16.12.95, Swimming in Wiesbaden, August 1945
RG-16.12.96, Recreation in Wiesbaden, August 1945
RG-16.12.97, Interrogation teams, first United States infantry division, August 1945
RG-16.12.98, Sites in Nuremberg, Germany, September 1945
RG-16.12.99, Nazi behind Malmedy slayings of 100 yanks found by 1st division, 19 August 1945
RG-16.13.01, identity certificate for former political prisoners and prisoners in protective custody
RG-16.13.02, postcard with helga blumenfeld's photograph, 26 april 1942
RG-16.13.03, driver's license, 22 november 1948
RG-16.13.04, A permit for unrestrictive movement, 11 August 1945
RG-16.13.05, registration with police authority, and excerpt of regulation of 6 january 1938, 30 august 1945
RG-16.13.06, photograph sent to helga blumenfeld
RG-16.13.07, Family photograph, ca 1930s
RG-16.13.08, photograph of family
RG-16.13.09, photograph of two children playing with dolls
RG-16.13.10, photograph of Helga Blumenfeld, 16 February 1939
RG-16.13.11, Photograph of a man by the car, ca 1930
RG-16.13.12, photograph of man on sled in snow
RG-16.13.13, helga blumenfeld with her mother
Sub-Collection 1: RG-16.01, Posner Family Collection, 1946 -- 1980s
Sub-Collection 2: RG-16.02, Kubaszka Family Collection, 1933 -- 1945
Sub-Collection 3: RG-16.03- Family History- Vienna Collection, 1938 -- 1945
Sub-Collection 4: RG-16.04, Cohen Family Papers, 1927 -- 1951
Sub-Collection 5: RG-16.05, Jontof-Hutter Collection, 1938 -- 1946
Sub-Collection 6: RG-16.06, Philip Raucher Collection, 1939 -1945
Sub-Collection 7: RG-16.07, Sari Auslander Papers, 1946 -- 1953
Sub-Collection 8: RG-16.08, Family Correspondences, pre-Second World War, 1983 -- 1916
Sub-Collection 9: RG-16.09, Gumener Family Collection, 1916 -- 1938, 1916 -- 1938
Sub-Collection 10: RG-16.10, Edith Flagg Papers, 1918 -- 1999, 1918 -- 1999
Sub-Collection 11: RG-16.11, D.R. Webster Collection, Album of Budapest, 1944 -- 1945, 1944 -- 1945
Sub-Collection 12: RG-16.12, Joseph Rapaport Collection, 1942 -- 1954, 1942 -- 1954
Sub-Collection 13: RG-16.13, Helga Blumenfeld Papers, 1930 -- 1948, 1930 -- 1948
Sub-Collection 14: RG-16.14, Talerant Family Papers,