Chwila (the Moment), Jewish-Polish daily, published in Lviv (Lwow), 1919 -- 1939, 1919-1939
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Brief Description:

Published under auspices or rather in-line with ideological milieu of Jewish national (Zionist) aspirations, this publication established itself as a highly responsive to all-things Jewish periodical. Chwila's narratives, reflective and reactive, often exaggerative have become intrinsic to Jewish national discourse unfolding in the course of 1918 -- 1939 (the interwar period) in Eastern Galicia.

Polish language Jewish periodical of centrist Zionist and overall a humanistic agenda never failed to deliver a message of a national paradigm, transpiring in the responses to everlasting challenges and occupying Jewish intelligentsia with the existential realities of perpetuating necessity of choices to be made here and now.

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Record Series Number: RG-94/RG-94
Created by: Chwila Publishing Association, 1920 -- 1939, Chwila (the Moment), editorial board and contributors (1919 -- 1939)
Volume: 0.0
Biographical Note for Chwila Publishing Association, 1920 -- 1939 : Chwila publishing association published Jewish daily Chwila of general zionist orientation in 1920 -- 1939 in Lwow (Lviv)
Subject Index
Advertised merchandise for women, Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
Advertisement for ladies, Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
Advertisements in Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
Advertisements of stockings in Chwila
Alliance between the Jewish political groups and Ukrainian national movement as presented in 1919
Borderline, existential situation of Jewish realities in Eastern Galicia, Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
Charitable activities, narratives and appeals, Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
Chwila (the Moment), a program article, 1918 --1939
Chwila (the Moment), editorial articles
Chwila, analytical narratives
Chwila, newspaper, Jewish (Polish)
Cinematographic reviews, Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
Composition of the Jewish parliamentary representation at the Polish First Sejm, 1919 --1921
Conditions of Jewish loyalty to the Polish state, 1918 --1939
Court chronicle, reported in Chwila, interwar Poland
Criminals trials in Lviv (Lwow) reflected by Chwila, 1928
Criticism of Jewish Neutrality in the Polish-Ukrainian conflict, 1918 --1923
Currency exchange rates, the Lwow (Lviv) stock exchange, Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
Dawid Schreiber, lawyer, public figure, member of Polish parliament, contributor to Chwila
Debates between Eastern Galician and Congress Poland Zionists with regard to Ugoda, 1925, Poland
Discourse over Eastern Galicia in the League of Nations, 1919 -- 1923
Documents in Polish language
Domestic and international news reflected by Chwila, 1918  -- 1939
Eastern Galicia (Poland: Region)
Eastern Galician Zionist Organization, 1918 --1939
East Galician Zionist Organization
Editorial and program articles, Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
Electoral campaign to Sejm and Senate, interwar Poland, reflected in Chwila
Emil Sommerstein, lawyer, member of Polish parliament, philosopher, contributor to Chwila
Engineer Anzelm Reiss, Jewish-Polish politician of Zionist labor party Poalei Zion
Estern Galicia, ethnonational discourse, Chwila
Fiszel (Fischel) Rotenstreich, Jewish-Polish politicians, contributor to Chwila, Zionist journalist
Formation of Jewish parliamentary circle in the Polish Sejm (parliament), 1919
Garment for female, advertisements in Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
General Zionist conception of Hebrew language, a mother tongue of national identification, Chwila
Governors of the Lwow (Lviv) province, reflected in Chwila
Henryk Hescheles, Polish-Jewish journalist, editor of Chwila, 1866 -- 1941
Herman Diamand, Polish-Jewish politician, socialist, deputy to Polish parliament in 1919
International Zionist movement, reflected by Chwila
Jewish -- Polish relations in interwar Poland
Jewish - Ukrainian discourse, Jewish perspective, Eastern Galicia, 1918 -- 1939
Jewish - Ukrainian discourse, Ukrainian perspective, Eastern Galicia, 1918 -- 1939
Jewish - Ukrainian public discourse with regard to Ugoda (the Agreement), 1925
Jewish - Ukrainian relations in the light of Sholom Schwarzbard trial, reflected in Chwila
Jewish challenge of choice and loyalty in the Polish - Ukrainian War, 1918 --1919, Chwila
Jewish communal organizations in Lwow (Lviv), charitable activity and appeals, 1919 -- 1939
Jewish literary prose in Polish language, published in Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
Jewish loyalty to the state, Jewish loyalty to the cause, Jewish commitment to justice, discourse
Jewish national discourse, reflected by Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
Jewish national home in Palestine, ideology, practical work, appeals and embodiment of ideal, Chwila
Jewish national self-identification
Jewish neutrality endorsed by Zionists as a manifestation of the support to Ukrainian Cause
Jewish neutrality in Eastern Galicia as a sign of support to the Ukrainian Cause, 1918-1923
Jewish neutrality in Polish-Ukrainian war in Eastern Galicia, 1918 --1919
Jewish parliamentary club of Eastern Galicia, discourse reflected in Chwila
Jewish parliamentary representation, reflections and discourse by Chwila
Jewish parliamentary representation aspires to the recognition of national rights, 1919 -1921
Jewish parliamentary representation in the Sejm (Polish Parliament), 1918 -- 1939
Jewish religious self-identification
Jewish society of Eastern Galicia, ethno-national discourse, reflected in Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
Jews, living in ethnic Ukrainian territory, Eastern Galicia, 1918 -- 1939
Juliusz Wurzel, lawyer, senator of Poland, publicist, contributor to Chwila
Local affairs in Lviv (Lwow) reflected by Chwila
Maurycy Szymel, poet, publicist in Yiddish, contributor to Chwila
Medical service advertisement in Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
Narratives in Polish language
Negotiations between the Jewish zionist parliamentary representation and Polish government, 1925
Polish economics and finances, reflected in Chwila
Polish governments  and politics in interwar period, Prime Minister Witos, reflected in Chwila
Polish perception of Jews in Eastern Galicia during the Polish - Ukrainian War, 1918 --1919
Polish politics in the ethnic Ukrainian territories of Poland in the interwar period
Provisions of compensation with regard to Polish-Ukrainian War over Eastern Galicia, 1919
Questionnaire on Polish-Jewish cause, 1919 in Chwila
Reflections on Palestinian affairs by Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
Reflections on the antisemitic discourse in Polish periodicals, by Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
Regional government of the Lwow (Lviv) province, reflected in Chwila
Responses to publications in Polish periodicals, Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
Restaurants and cafe, advertised in Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
Sholom Schwartzbard trial, 1927, Paris, reflected in Chwila
Shortage of food and other commodities in Lwow (Lviv) during the Polish – Ukrainian war
Short reportages and news, reflected in Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
Situation with the food supplies in the city during the Polish-Ukrainian war, 1918 -- 1919
Soviet Russia, political discourse, reflected in Chwila
Stanislaw Steiger, development of affair, Chwila, 1924 -- 1925
Stanislaw Steiger, discourse of existential paradigms, Chwila
Steiger Affair and Trial, 1924 -- 1925
Targi Wschodnie (The Oriental Fairs), Lwow (Lviv), interwar Poland
Theatrical reviews, published in Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
The frontline and combat zone in the Polish-Ukrainian war over Eastern Galicia
The Steiger Trial and interconnections of the indispensable players, Chwila
Ugoda (the Agreement), 1925, discourse between Jewish and Ukrainian public, Chwila
Ugoda (the Agreement) between Jewish parliamentary club of Eastern Galicia and Polish government
Ukrainian - Polish War over Eastern Galicia, 1918 --1919, negotiations
Ukrainian nationalist movement in Eastern Galicia, reflected in Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
Ukrainian political trial in the Sabinski murder curator of the Lviv shcool district , 1928
Ukrainian political trials in Lviv,in regard to the murder of Stanislaw Sobinski, 1928 1929, Chwila
Ukrainian public discourse in the light of Sholom Schwarzbard trial, 1927, reflected in Chwila
Zionist cause and affairs, reflected by Chwila
Zionist Congresses, reflected in Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
Zionist politicians, interwar period, reflected in Chwila
Zionist politics, development of Jewish settlements in Palestine, reflected in Chwila, 1919 - 1939
Languages of Materials
Polish [pol]