Jewish Courts of Honor, Central Committee of Liberated Jews in Germany, 1945-1949
| Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

Jewish courts of honor, a postwar phenomenon, an institution established to serve justice in regard to Jewish collaborators with the Nazi-German regime in the occupied territories. In many instances, Jewish functionaries of Jewish Councils (Judenraete) took advantage of the position in control over Jewish population in ghettos. They facilitated arrests of Jewish resistance, promoted deportations, enriched by using corrupt schemes of money laundering and black market economy. They allied themselves with corrupt German officials for the sake of personal well-being and enrichment. In Nazi-German concentration camps corrupt Jewish functionaries devotedly served to German administration, treated fellow prisoners with cruelty and promoted bribery and denunciation.
Survived the war, these Jewish functionaries made their way to displaced person camps in Germany, positing themselves as victims of Nazi-German regime. Judicial Department of the Central Committee of the Liberated Jews in Germany collected evidential base against a number of alleged Jewish collaborators.

Legal (Judicial Department) of the Central Committee prepared and evidential corpus of documents in regard to accusations brought against Jewish functionaries in the German-occupied territories. These Jewish functionaries who held administrative-managing positions in Jewish administration in the ghettos or served as appointed functionaries in Nazi-German concentration and labor camps where suspected in malicious support of German administration, crimes against fellow Jews and criminal activity in economic sphere.
As far as activity of Jewish courts of honor is concerned, this collective corpus of documents represents the Dawid Gertler Papers and the Henryk Gliksman Papers. The both were regarded Jewish collaborators with the Nazi-German regime. However, the scale of collaboration and ensuing culpability between them differs significantly. Dawid Gertler evidently was a corrupt and Jewish official of the Lodz ghetto. His willing collaboration and malicious activity has been proven by multiple facts, as well as by testimonies of witnesses. Henryk Gliksman, although a suspect in collaboration and corruption, was not necessarily gulity of willing collaboration, corruption and malicious acts against the fellow prisoners of German concentration camps.
Dawid Gertler was the head of the Lodz Ghetto’s Sonderarbeiteilung¸ that is the Special Unit of the Jewish police. He was regarded a popular figure in the ghetto. It is believed that he and Chaim Rumkowski, the Chairman of the Jewish Council were rivals. Dawid Gertler was arrested and sent to Auschwitz in 1943. He survived the war. After the war, a group of Jews from Lodz living in Germany raised the awareness of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in Germany of his collaboration with the German administration and accused him of corruption. The Legal Department of the Central Committee of the Liberated Jews in Germany initiated a legal proceeding against Dawid Gertler.
These documents stem from the litigation and proceedings concerning the case of Dawid Gertler, one of the former high-ranking Judenraet officials of the Lodz ghetto. The Jewish Court of Honor in Munich tried this case. The documents represent a pre-trial proceeding related to his administrative functions at the Lodz Ghetto Jewish police and collaboration with the German administration. A number of the documents relate to the technicalities of the case, for example, including Gertler’s willingness to cover the costs of an air-flight for the witnesses in his favor, and correspondence setting the dates for the hearings.
Accusations against Henryk Gliksman derive from his probable collaboration with the German administration as the Lageraelteste (the Elder of the camp) of the Glashuette (glassworks) in Rakow, Poland. In particular, he was charged of collaboration with the Nazi commander of the camp. Witnesses gave contradicting testimonies in this matter. Some even stated that Gliksman was instrumental in rendering aid to the camp prisoners.
RG-01.11.01- Dawid Gertler, Litigations and Proceedings, in the Munich Court
RG- Dawid Gertler, Transcript of correspondence maintained by the Central Committee of Liberated Jews regarding the case of Dawid Gertler
Dated- various dates
Languages- English, Yiddish (narrated in Latin script)
Content, letters concerning the lawsuit against Dawid Gertler
RG- Dawid Gertler, Transcript of Dawid Gertler’s pre- trial proceedings
Dated- Munich, 28 July 1949
Language- Mainly Yiddish (narrated in Latin script), German and English
Content, statements of witnesses and documents concerning the case of Dawid Gertler. The transcript of the court ruling and related argumentation.
(Pages 36-37 of the transcripts are missing)
RG-01.11.02- Dawid Gertler, Lists of names and addresses of the individuals related to the proceedings.
Date- First page undated, pages 2-6 dated by August 13, 1949
Content, six pages of names of the prospective witnesses resided in the United States (especially California), Germany and Israel.
Language, Polish
RG-01.11.03- Dawid Gertler, Estera Epstein, the lawyer of Dawid Gertler, defendant, notes and letters.
Date- 21 September 1949
Content and biographical notes,
Letter to the “Rehabilitacje und Erngericht München”, entitled “Remarks, Supplements and Improvements to the protocol of the public trials”
Summary, In the letter the attorney instructs the Munich court to revise its preliminary declaration of Gertler. This letter deals also with Gertler’s life during the Nazi era and his involvement in the Lodz Ghetto’s Jewish police service.
Gertler was the head of “Sonderabteilung” (Special Department) of the Jewish police in the Lodz Ghetto. This unit comprised about 60 men at the time of its setting up in 1940. Jewish police was entrusted with the requisition of gold and other valuables in the ghetto. It appears that in return for the expropriated property the owners received ghetto money that was good to buy food and other necessities.
In addition, a special permit allowed Gertler to commute to Warsaw. He used this privilege to smuggle money and correspondence to and from the ghetto. It is stated in the documents that Gertler smuggled a total of 5 million Reichsmark into the Lodz ghetto. Some believe that these money had been distributed among the inmates of the ghetto. When the resettlement of 25,000 people from the Lodz Ghetto was ordered, Gertler, then head of the special unit, claimed that he bribed the Gestapo to save the lives of many children.
Gertler was arrested twice, once on December 3, 1940 (then he was released and became chief of the special Jewish police unit, which at that time consisted of 300 men) His second arrest occurred in 1943 when he was sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau. He fortunately survived the camp and the death marches aftermath.
Language- Yiddish (narrated in Latin script)
RG- Dawid Gertler, Request of Estera Epstein to the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Council of liberated Jews in the American zone, Munich
Date- 10/19/1949
Language- Yiddish (narrated in Latin script)
Estera Epstein addressed this request to Pejsach Piekacz, the chairman of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in Germany. She asks him to set up a specific date for the trial of her defendant Dawid Gertler.
RG- Dawid Gertler, Sample of an affidavit
Date- 02/02/1949
Language- Yiddish (narrated in Latin script)
In the affidavit the signatory certifies he/she knows Dawid Gertler from the Lodz Ghetto since 1939 and leaves a blank space to add further information about him.
RG- Dawid Gertler, Request of Estera Epstein to the “Rehabilitacje und Erngericht München” of the Council of liberated Jews in the American zone in Munich
Date- 08/23/1949
Language- Yiddish (narrated in Latin script)
The lawyer, Estera Epstein, brings forth a list of witnesses in favor of her client and asks the court to calculate an estimated amount of money in order to pay for travel expenses. It is also stated that the defendant Dawid Gertler is willing to cover the full costs needed for the trip to Munich.
RG-01.11.05- Dawid Gertler, Notes
Dated- 2/6/1949, 8/19/1949, 8/27/1949, 8/29/1949, 9/18/1949, 9/24/1949, 9/27/1949
Language- Yiddish (narrated in Latin script) and in Polish
Handwritten notes in Yiddish and Polish
RG-01.11.06- Dawid Gertler, Protocol
Dated- 9/27/1949 – 9/28/1949
Language- Yiddish (narrated in Latin script)
Handwritten protocol in Yiddish
RG-01.11.07- Dawid Gertler, Statute of the Council of Liberated Jews in the American zone in Germany
Date- 11/07/1948
Language- Yiddish (narrated in Latin script)
The document contains basic principles for the organizational structure of the Council of the Liberated Jews in the American zone in Germany
RG-01.11.08- Dawid Gertler, Letter of Notification
Date- 09/27 - 09/28/1949
Language- Yiddish (narrated in Latin script)
Notice to Ms. Epstein at the “Rehabilitacje und Erngericht München” to notify her of advocacy for Dawid Gertler.
RG-01.11.09- Dawid Gertler, Letter to his lawyer Estera Epstein
Date- undated
Language- Polish
Handwritten letter from Gertler to his attorney possibly notifying her about a change in the time for their meeting
RG-01.11.10- Dawid Gertler, receipt of postal mailing of the document addressed to the Central Committee of the Liberated Jews in American Zone in Germany
Date- 09/14/1949
Language- German
Mailed to the “Rehabilitative Kommission” (rehabilitation commission) in Munich on September 14, 1949
RG-01.11.11- Dawid Gertler, notes to his Lawyer Estera Epstein
Date- Undated
Language- Polish
Three handwritten notes in Polish
RG-01.11.12- Dawid Gertler, handwritten letter
Date- 09/23/1949
Language- Yiddish (narrated in Latin script)
Handwritten letter in Yiddish
Selected translations-
RG- Affidavit of Szaja Pacanowski
Affidavit of Szaja Pacanowski was taken on August 26, 1949. Mr. Pacanowski resided in California at this time. He corroborated the documentation issued by the Jewish Central Committee of Liberated Jews in Plattingen, Germany. He makes a positive statement about his acquaintance with David Gertler and confirms that Gertler was taking care of all the inhabitants in the Lodz Ghetto, especially of the weak and the sick by providing them with food. It is he who states that seemingly the whole Ghetto was in tears when Gertler had been deported.
RG- Affidavit of Guta Kasz
Affidavit of Guta Kasz was taken on August 26, 1949. Guta Kasz resided in California and corroborated the documentation issued by the Jewish Central Committee of Liberated Jews in Plattingen, Germany. She testifies on behalf of David Gertler, stating that Gertler had done more for the population of the Lodz Ghetto than anyone else. She indicates that owing to his acts Gertler had saved the lives of many in the ghetto.
RG- Affidavit of Cesia Kenigstein
Affidavit of Cesia Kenigstein was taken on August 29, 1949. Cesia Kenigstein resided in California. She corroborated the documentation issued by the Jewish Central Committee of Liberated Jews in Germany. She testified in favor of David Gertler by confirming his endless support of the ghetto inhabitants by supplying them with food. She refers to the thousands saved.
RG- Affidavit of Gustawa Beckman
Affidavit of Gustawa Beckerman (maiden name Wertheim) was taken on August 29, 1949. She resided in California. Her testimony reveals the fact that Gertler was in charge of the food allocation and owing to his organizational talent and efforts he has greatly improved living conditions of the ghetto inhabitants . It is not Gertler who has to be blamed for the suffering in the ghetto.
RG-, Affidavit of Moische Goldsztajn
Affidavit of Moische Goldsztajn was taken on August 29, 1949. Mr. Moische Goldsztajn born in Czenstechowa, Poland, changed his name to Max Goldstein. He testified under oath that David Gertler was in charge of the food allocation and saved the lives of thousands of Jews by providing food for everyone.
RG-, Affidavit of Sarah Kazs
Affidavit on behalf of David Gertler issued by Sarah Kazs was taken on August 27, 1949. She testified under the oath that there was no one else in the Ghetto who had done more for the common good than David Gertler.
RG-, Affidavit of Adler Moszenberg
RG-01.14.01, Henryk Gliksman, Letter to the “Rehabilitacje und Erngericht München” (Rehabilitation Committee) about the Rakow concentration camp.
Date: undated
Language: Yiddish (narrated in Latin script)
The transcript is addressed to the “Rehabilitacje und Erngericht” in Munich and titled “Remarks and Supplements to the protocol”.
RG-01.14.02, Henryk Gliksman, Handwritten notes
Date: undated
Language: Yiddish (narrated in Latin alphabet)
RG-01.14.03, Henryk Gliksman, Protocol
Date: undated
Language: Yiddish (narrated in Latin script)
RG-01.14.04, Henryk Gliksman, Letter to the “Rehabilitacje Committee” (Rehabilitation Committee)
Date: 17 March 1949
Language: Yiddish (narrated in Latin script)
These handwritten documents comprise the indictment against Henryk Gluecksman, born on April 1, 1907, residing on Frankfurter str. No.39 in Bad Nauheim. The following pages contain the reasons for the indictment.
RG-01.14.05, Henryk Gliksman, points of indictment
Date: 6 August 1949
Language: Yiddish (narrated in Latin script)
These documents contain points of indictment.
RG-01.14.06, Henryk Gliksman, chronological narrative for his own defense
Date: 14 June 1949, 15 – June 1949, 16 June 1949
Language: Polish
Type of document: Handwritten Defense notes
Written by: probably Henryk Gliksman
Language: Polish
Date: 14 June 1949
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, chronologic narrative for his own defense, Translation from Polish
RG-01.14.07, Henryk Gliksman, notes of defense
Date: 5 August 1949
Language: Polish
RG-01.14.08, Henryk Gliksman, Letter to the Historical Commission of the Central-Committee of Liberated Jews in the US zone of occupation in Germany, with the seat in Munich
Date: 7 May 1948
Language: German and Yiddish (narrated in Latin script)
This document also contains a letter from the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in Frankfurt am Main. An excerpt from the report of Regina Goldstein is attached. In this report she mentions her acquaintance with Henryk Gluecksman. (Sic!)
RG-01.14.09, Henryk Gliksman, Letter to the Historical Commission of the Central-Committee of Liberated Jews in Munich, continuation
Date: 7 May 1948
Language: German and Yiddish (narrated in Latin script)
RG-01.14.10, Henryk Gliksman, Affidavits
Date: 27 July 1948
Language: German
In the affidavits Szmulewicz Zyskind and Szymon Mlodinow both state their acquaintance with Gluecksman (Sic!). They only recall positive experiences with regard to him. Gluecksmann had been helping the underground movement of the Rakow concentration camp by covering for them and providing them with information. He also managed to improve the working conditions, as well as the food rations by negotiating with the camp commanders and ensuring the correct share of the food ration was distributed to his unit.
RG-01.14.11, Henryk Gliksman, Transcript of Affidavits
Date: 25 April 1949
Language: German
The Jewish Committee in Celle forwards two affidavits of Chaim Goldberg who will testify about his relationship with Henryk Gluecksberg (Sic!).
RG-01.14.12, Henryk Gliksman, List of witnesses’ names, former prisoners
Date: 6-Apr-1949
Language: Yiddish (narrated in Latin script)
Letter written by Gliksman’s attorney Estera Epstein, to the “Rehabilitacje Committee” (Rehabilitation Committee) about witnesses of the defense. They were former prisoners.
RG-01.14.13, Henryk Gliksman, Affidavit of Chaim Szule
Date: 6-Apr-1949
Language: Yiddish (narrated in Latin script)
Affidavit of Chaim Szule. He testifies about his acquaintance with the defendant.
RG-01.14.14, Henryk Gliksman, Transcript of the affidavit of Dr. Josef Opatowski
Date: 28-Apr-1949
Language: German
Issued by the Jewish community of Genoa, Dr. Josef Opatowski testifies about his experience with Henryk Gliksman. He states clearly that Gliksman did everything in his power to ensure the wellbeing of the workers; in particular it was true with regard to the patients of Dr. Opatowski. Gliksman would not sent ill workers outside the camp for labor. He kept them within the camp and managed to provide as much medical supplies as possible. Furthermore, he goes into detail about certain charges against Henryk Gliksman and argues against the accusations.
RG-01.14.15, Henryk Gliksman, List of witnesses of the defense, the former prisoners
Date: 6 April 1949
Language: Yiddish (narrated in Latin script)
RG-01.14.16, Henryk Gliksman, handwritten note, an address
Date: undated
Language: N/A
RG-01.14.17, Henryk Gliksman, postal documents
Date: 1 February 1949, 18 March 1949, 20 July 1949
Language: German
Receipts of a sent mail from Munich to Gliksman in Bad Nauheim, Germany.
RG-01.14.18, Henryk Gliksman, Letter of Notification to Estera Epstein
Date: 7 June 1949
Language: Yiddish (narrated in Latin script)
Notice to Estera Epstein at the “Rehabilitacje und Erngericht München” (Rehabilitation Committee) to notify her of taking up a legal defense of Henryk Gliksman.
RG-01.14.19, Henryk Gliksman, Testimony of Marzej Krauze
Date: 11 May 1948
Language: Yiddish (narrated in Latin script)
Marzej Krauze testifies of his acquaintance with Henryk Gliksman. He states that Henryk Gliksman was always helping the Jewish Combat Organization. He also states that Gliksman was once interrogated and heavily beaten by the Gestapo. The document is certified by the Jewish Community of Bad Nauheim.
RG-01.14.20, Henryk Gliksman, Statement of Marzej Krauze
Date: 11 May 1948
Language: Yiddish (narrated in Latin script)
The original of RG-01.14.19, Henryk Gliksman, copy of statement.
RG-01.14.21, Henryk Gliksman, Witnesses from Rakow concentration camp, in Polish
Date: 18 June 1949
Language: Polish
RG-01.14.22, Henryk Gliksman, Letter of Notification to Estera Epstein about taking up legal defense
Date: 17 July 1949
Language: Yiddish (narrated in Latin script)
Notice to Estera Epstein at the “Rehabilitacje und Erngericht München” (Rehabilitation Committee) to notify her of taking up a legal defense of Henryk Gliksman.
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, Letter of Notification to Estera Epstein about taking up legal defense, Translation
RG-01.14.23, Henryk Gliksman, Letter to his defense attorney Estera Epstein. Notification of a visit.
Date: 24 July 1949
Language: Polish
Letter by Henryk Gliksman
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Henryk Gliksman to Estera Epstein, notification of a visit, Translation
RG-01.14.24, Henryk Gliksman, Letter of Gliksman's wife to Estera Epstein, elaborating details, Date: 16 July 1949
Language: Polish
Letter by Henryk Gliksman
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, Letter of Gliksman's wife to Estera Epstein, elaborating details, Translation
RG-01.14.25, Henryk Gliksman, Letter to Henryk Gliksman and his wife
Date: 14 July 1949
Language: Polish
RG-01.14.26, Henryk Gliksman, Letter to attorney Estera Epstein
Date: 14 June 1949
Language: Polish
Letter to Estera Epstajn (Sic!)
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, Letter to attorney Estera Epstein, Translation
RG-01.14.27, Henryk Gliksman, postal documents
Date: 13 June 1949
Language: German
Postal Receipt of sending mail from Munich to H.Gliksman in Bad Nauheim, Germany.
RG-01.14.28, Henryk Gliksman, Letter to Henryk Gliksman from Estera Epstein about the progress of his case,
Date: 9 June 1949
Language: Polish
Letter to Gliksman
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, Letter to Henry Gliksman from Estera Epstein about the progress of his case, Translation
RG-01.14.29, RG-01.14.29, Henryk Gliksman, Letter to attorney Estera Epstein from Maria Gliksman
Date: undated
Language: Polish
Letter to Epstajn (Sic!)
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, Letter to attorney Estera Epstein from Maria Gliksman, translation,
RG-01.14.30, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Maria Gliksman to attorney Estera Epstein
Date: undated
Language: Polish
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Maria Gliksman to attorney Estera Epstein, Translation,
RG-01.14.31, Henryk Gliksman, Authorization signed by Maria Gliksman,
Date: 28 January 1949
Language: Yiddish (narrated in Latin script)
In this document Henryk Gliksman authorizes Estera Epstein to render a legal defense for him against the Rehabilitacje Committee (Rehabilitation Committee) in Munich.
RG-01.14.32, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Estera Epstein, attorney, to Henryk Gliksman regarding the witnesses,
Date: 25 March 1949
Language: Polish
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Estera Epstein, attorney, to Henryk Gliksman regarding the witnesses, translation from Polish
RG-01.14.33, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Estera Epstein, attorney, to Henryk Gliksman about indictment and witnesses,
Date: 20 March 1949
Language: Polish
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Estera Epstein, attorney, to Henryk Gliksman about indictment and witnesses, Translation from Polish
RG-01.14.34, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Estera Epstein, attorney, Henryk Gliksman about his case,
Date: 17 March 1949
Language: Polish
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Estera Epstein, attorney, Henryk Gliksman about his case, Translation from Polish
RG-01.14.35, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Estera Epstein, attorney, to Henryk Gliksman about a meeting,
Date: 31-Jan-1949
Language: Polish
RG-01.14.35, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Estera Epstein, attorney, to Henryk Gliksman about legal representation,
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Estera Epstein, attorney, to Henryk Gliksman about legal representation, Translation from Polish
RG-01.14.36, Henryk Gliksman, Testimony of Henryk Gliksman, a letter to Estera Epstein, attorney
Date: undated
Language: Polish
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, Testimony of Henryk Gliksman, a letter to Estera Epstein, attorney, Translation from Polish
RG-01.14.37, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Maria Gliksman to Estera Epstein, attorney
Date: 11 March 1949
Language: Polish
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Maria Gliksman to Estera Epstein, attorney, Translation from Polish
RG-01.14.38, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Henryk Gliksman and Maria Gliksman to Estera Epstein, attorney, in Polish,
Date: undated
Language: Polish
Letter by Henryk Gliksman.
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Henryk Gliksman and Maria Gliksman to Estera Epstein, attorney, Translation from Polish
RG-01.14.39, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Henryk Gliksman to Estera Epstein, attorney
Date: 5 February 1949
Language: Polish
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Henryk Gliksman to Estera Epstein, attorney, Translation from Polish
In this affidavit Adler Moszenberg (who changed his name to M. Moss) stated that he only had positive experience with David Gertler and heard the others talking very positively about his humanitarian activities.
The Central Committee of Liberated Jews also concentrated its effort on establishing a dialogue with, the new Polish authorities in order to resolve the following issues:
1. Restoration of ownership of the Jewish estates remaining in Poland. Enabling the processes of succession.
2. Arguing about the fixed fees for the claim process that shall not be corollary of the property value.
3. Prolonging the deadline for submitting claims for the war damages.
4. Easing the issuance of the duplicates from the prewar wedding acts and birth
certificates. To ease this process, it was proposed that the testimonies of two witnesses would suffice as a proof. Having the testimonies of two witnesses, the Legal Department of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in Germany may officially reinstate the prewar Polish certificate attaching the stamp of their own. This provisional document would be regarded sufficient for the Office of Civil Status in Poland. This Office would eventually issue and deliver a proper document to the Central Committee in Germany.
5. The Central Committee discussed numerous complaints submitted by the Polish citizens in German about understaffed Polish Consulates in Germany resultant in inefficient business.
6. The Central discussed difficulties of re-issuance of Polish passports to the Polish citizens. It was requested to ease this process on the part of the Polish Consulate in Frankfurt. The Central Committee pointed out that the Polish Consulate requires submitting of 17 supporting documents in order to obtain a new Polish passport.
Language of the documents: Yiddish (using Latin script), Polish, English, German.
Location: U.S. Occupation Zone in Germany, Bavaria, Munich
Time period: 1946 – 1947
List of names which frequently appear in correspondences and other documents:
Attorney Estera Epstein
Dr. Aleksander Celniker
Henryk Goldring
Attorney W. Friedheim
Dr. M. Verstandig
Organization, handwritten and typewritten documents. This record group includes digitized materials.
Language, Yiddish, German, Polish, English
RG-01.16.01, Memorandum, Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US zone in Germany
Type of document: Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US zone in Germany, Memorandum to Estera Epstein, lawyer
Language: Yiddish (in Latin script)
Date: January 30th 1949
RG-01.16.02, Conference notes taken on a Polish military mission, Berlin, September 1947
Type of document: Handwritten notes
Author: unknown (although handwriting shows similar characters to Estera Epstein’s previous documents)
Language: Polish
Date: September 4 – 6th, 1947
Document contains 14 pages of handwritten notes, taken during the conference, which took place between 4th and 6th of September 1947 at the Polish military mission in Berlin. The following delegates of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US zone in Germany attended the Conference, attorney Estera Epstein, Dr. Aleksander Celniker and Henryk Goldring.
The Polish government was represented by Lieutenant-Colonel Stanislaw Gebert. The main themes of the conference read as follows, restitution claims, a need to prepare the new, appropriate forms for the restoration of full powers of ownership, and applications for opening and closing the processes of succession. Another important issue discussed was a request to extend a deadline for applications for compensation of war damages and applications for restitutions.
RG-01.16.03, Letter to the Legal Department of Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Warsaw, sent via Polish military mission in Berlin
This letter was compiled by Dr. A. Celinikier, Director of Legal Department of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews, P. Piekacz, President of Central Committee of Liberated Jews, attorney W. Friedheim, Chairman of Federation of Jews form Poland, and Dr. M. Verstandig, Director of Legal Department of the Federation of Jews from Poland.
The letter contains a number of requests to the Polish Government, specifically to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since enormous material and mental damages have been inflicted on the Jews of Poland in the Second World War, the authors requested to adopt the certain changes to the Polish legislature. If adopted, these changes would be of significant help to the remaining Polish Jews. The authors pointed to the unresolved issues of property restitutions, regaining of the Polish passports, and also emphasized complaints about work efficiency and the willingness to help on the part of staff of the Polish Consular outposts.
Language: Polish
Date: October 1st 1947
RG-01.16.04, Handwritten notes about the Jewish Court of Honor
Handwritten notes
In the beginning of October 1945, the first “Jewish Court” was established in the US zone in Germany, in Landsberg, Bavaria. The office in Landsberg included the Jewish Court and Prosecution Office. The following professionals worked in the Jewish Court in Landsberg:
Dr. Samuel Gringauz, Judge (Chairman of DP camp in Landsberg
Natan Markowski, a member of management/ administration
Benjamin Abelski, Chief of Jewish Police in Landsberg DP camp
<p style="margin-left:.5in;"> Dr. Josef Frammer, a physician by profession and a member of Rehabilitation Committee of the DP camp
In the Prosecution Counsel Office was Dr. Shlomo Orenstein, an attorney who used to work as a prosecutor in Lodz, Poland. He was the first Jewish prosecutor in the American zone of occupation in Germany.
The notes were also taken on the following subjects:
First attempts to establish certain procedures and regulations dealing with the crimes in the camps, etc.
Type of document: Handwritten notes
Author: attorney Estera Epstein
Language: Yiddish
RG-01.16.05, Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US zone of occupation in Germany, Memorandum, in Polish
One typed page on the letterhead of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US zone of occupation in Germany; with headquarters in Munich. This memorandum specifies four major themes on which the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US zone of occupation in Germany concentrates its efforts. These subjects were:
1. Compensations of war damages. It was requested to extend a deadline for registration.
2. Text of the new legislation for succession.
3. The list of lawyers in Poland.
4. Improving the service rendering to all petitioners by the Polish consular posts.
Type of document: one typed page
Author: unknown
Language: English, Polish
Date: unknown
RG-01.16.06, A notice from the Legal Department of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the U.S. zone of occupation in Germany regarding a positive decision granted by the American administration in the matter of Jewish judicial activities. An official status of the Jewish Court of Honor has been recognized.
The Legal Department of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the American zone of occupation in Germany states that it has received a positive decision from the Americans. It supports the related pursuits undertaken by the Jewish judiciary and Jewish Court over the DP camps in the U.S. zone of occupation in Germany.
Type of document: Statement
Author: Department of Public Relations of Central Committee of Liberated Jews in US zone of occupation in Germany
Language: Yiddish, Polish, English
Date: November 20th, 1946
RG-01.16.07, Business trip arrangements and permissions issued by the American military authorities to Henryk Goldring, Legal Department of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US zone of occupation in Germany; Dr. Alexander Celnikier, Legal Department of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US zone of occupation in Germany; Dr. Esther Epstein, Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US zone of occupation in Germany. The aforementioned officials are allowed to travel on business from Munich to Berlin.
On the 2nd of September 1947, the Headquarters of 7822 Station Complement Unit (US Military Government in Germany) issued a Travel Document for aforementioned persons travelling on business from Munich to Berlin on the 2nd of September 1947 and 9th of September 1947. The purpose of this trip was to confer with the officials of the Polish Military Mission in Berlin. They were authorized to commute in both directions.
The travel arrangements have been authorized by Colonel George R. Scithers, Liaison Officer of the EUCOM Liaison Office. The cost of transportation was charged to the respective funds of American administration.
Type of document: Authorization for transportation
Issued by U.S. Military Authorities
Language: English
Date: September 2, 1947
RG-01.16.08, Memorandum issued by the Legal Department of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in U.S. zone of occupation in Germany. This Memorandum, issued by the Legal Department, inquired about the legal status of the local Jewish courts and also about their judicial activities. There was also a structural determination on the status and role of the central and local courts designated by the Central Jewish Court in Munich.
Memorandum, the text,
Legal Department of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the American zone of occupation in Germany appeal to all local and Rayonscomitees (District Committees) of the Liberated Jews in the American zone of occupation in Germany.
Subject: Judicature
We request the following to be declared immediately,
a) If there is a court established in your committee. If yes, please provide the list of its members.
b) Please specify legal criteria that guide the court in rendering decisions.
c) Please inform if your court has the power to impose imprisonments.
d) Please inform on how many cases the court had completed by now.
We notify that our court made the following decisions at its plenary meeting:
1. On our part the Legal Department states that their Jewish Court of Honor in Munich rules as second and the last instance with regard to all other Jewish courts of honor. The local courts can thus only rule as the courts of the first instance.
2. Every judgment or ruling of the court of the first instance can be appealed to our court of the second and final instance.
3. The appellation term is limited to 14 days.
4. The appellate court is empowered to use reformatio in peius, a Latin term for revising a decision of the court of the first instance.
5. A presiding judge of the court of the first instance has to inform the convict of instructions 1-4 after the judgment had been pronounced.
It is also stated that the Jewish Court of Honor in Munich was the first and last instance for potential rehabilitation applications for the members of the local-and Rayonscomitees (District Committees) when there were no claimants.
The Jewish Court of Honor is located at ZK, Moehlstrasse 12a, room 16.
We expect your immediate reply
Signed by the Legal Department of the Central Committee of the Liberated Jews in the US zone of occupation in Germany.
Type of document: Memorandum issued by the Legal Department of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US zone of occupation in Germany to the local Jewish courts.
Language: German
Date: unknown
RG-01.16.09, Handwritten notes by attorney, Estera Epstein
RG-01.16.10, Handwritten List of 72 names.
These are the names of the individuals whose wartime and post-wartime activities were investigated by the Legal Department of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US zone of occupation in Germany. They were charged with various crimes ranging from illegal actions in DP camps to more serious accusations of collaboration with the German-Nazi administrations in the occupied territories
This List does not refer to a specific DP camps in the American zone of occupation in Germany where the people in question resided. Gleaned from the other documents, especially considering the testimony of Anna Przeworska – Pratt (Testimony of Anna Przeworska (Estera Epstein) in Polish in the form of a letter to a former Polish colleague, RG – 01.04, pages: 13 - 16) most likely the list was from a DP camp in Landsberg.
There is a short note in reference to the given names. The note speaks specifically to their crimes, charges, time served in prison and so on. The cases varied from wartime collaboration with the German administration in the ghettos and concentration camps, to petty crimes like stealing food or clothing in a particular DP camp.
<p align="center"> List of individuals against whom the charges were pressed by the Jewish Court of Honor
1. Halina Poznanska
2. Horowicz Heniek, Milsztajn Hersz
3. Seweryn Cwajg
4. Israel Friedman
5. Dawid Imerglik
6. Leon Pierocki, Elbani Cyjon
7. Szmul Majerowicz
8. Szmul Werner
9. Josef Aleks
10. Wolf Krzak
11. Daniel Sieradzki
12. Majlek Winnik, Boris Blum, Ajzyk Kolpenicki
13. Mieczyslaw Bauczuk
14. Wiktor Jakubson, Eugen Borknn
15. Abram Helmer
16. Salomon Sasson
17. Szloma Fajnberg
18. Szloma Fajgenberg
19. Szecawski
20. Moses Melamed
21. Marysia Warszpieprz
22. Maurycy Pinkas
23. Rozenbaum Kalma and Aron, Sochaczewski Aron
24. Anna Rulc
25. Hersz Fajnbaum
26. Herszl Martm
27. Cesia Ajchenwald
28. Dwora Kozlowska
29. Izaak Nelken
30. Pola Maroko
31. Szmul Rakowski
32. Chaim Berzuk
33. Lewi Chil
34. Szyja Bergman
35. Hersz Fajchman
36. Jesiejel Munk
37. Julja Roth
38. Balon, Farber, Salilan
39. Mendel Adler, Imra Hoch,
40. Awraham Dzingel
41. Wolf Zelkowicz
42. Jakow Miligram
43. Illegible
44. Misza Grabowski
45. Izaak Frajberg
46. Mufeld Duchan
47. Szlojmo Halpern
47. Moses Sandor
48. Wolf Maler
49. Samaj
50. Dawid Szyniecki
51. Mojsze Liber
52. Zawadzki, Zeligson, Praszker
53. Szalom Kazanowski
54. Izrael Fudalowicz
55. Abram Buksbanm, Abram Wulkan
56. Moris Barcyjan
57. Rumakowski
58. Mendel Kenigstein
59. Jakow Bomstein
60. Jakob Fajgenbaum
61. Joel Liber
62. Bernard Frajberg
63. Tamar Beker
64. Abraham Szalenstein
65. Lola Bialowierska
66. Adolf Szenbach
67. Abram Nachtigal
68. Berysz Herszlikowicz
69. Mojsze Fridenzon
70. Friedberg
71. Englender
72. Zlotykamien
Type of document: Handwritten notes
Author: unknown (although handwriting shows the pattern of writing characteristic to Estera Epstein)
Language: Yiddish (in Latin script), Polish
Date: unknown
This Collections contains document reflecting the process of legal (judicial) activities of the Jewish Courts of Honor, established by the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in Germany.
These judicial institutions operated under the auspices of American military administration in the US occupation zone in Germany.
Author: Staff
Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US zone of occupation in Germany, activities
Collaboration between the members of Jewish councils and German administration
Collaboration in the Lodz ghetto
Collaboration of Jewish Administration in the Holocaust
Collaboration of Jewish Councils (Judenraete) in German-occupied Poland, 1939 -- 1945
Collaboration of Jewish Order Police in the ghettos with German administration
Collaboration of Jewish order police with German police and security forces in the ghettos
Culpability of Jewish collaborators with Nazi-German regime, Jewish courts of Honor, postwar Germany
Dawid Gertler, chief of Special Department (Sonderabteilung), Jewish Council, Lodz ghetto
Dawid Gertler, chief of the Special Department (Sonderabteilung) of the Jewish ghetto police
Dawid Gertler, corruption and malicious activity, wartime
Dawid Gertler, discourse and narrative, collaboration with German administration
Dawid Gertler, discourse in regard to collaboration with German administration in Warsaw ghetto
Dawid Gertler, discourse in regard to his collaboration with German administration in Lodz ghetto
Dawid Gertler, Jewish collaborator with Nazi German regime in occupied Poland
Dawid Gertler, preferential treatment of his in Nazi-German concentration camps
Documents in German language
Documents in Polish language
Documents in Yiddish language
Estera Epstein, Polish-educated lawyer, working for the Legal Department, Court of Honor, postwar
Henryk Gliksman, deliberation of alleged collaboration, Jewish courts of honor
Henryk Gliksman, discourse and narrative, alleged collaboration, Jewish courts of honor
Henryk Gliksman, discourse of alleged collaboration with German administration in Rakow labor camp
Henryk Gliksman, litigation of alleged collaboration with German administration
Jewish courts of honor
Jewish courts of honor, Munich (Germany), Estera Epstein (Anna Przeworska Pratt)
Legal defense in the Jewish courts of Honor
Legal defense to Jewish collaborators, Estera Epstein (Anna Przeworska Pratt)
Legal Department of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in Germany
Narratives in German language
Narratives in Polish language
narratives in Yiddish
Representation and defense of alleged Jewish collaborators, Jewish courts of Honor, postwar Germany
This Collections contains documents related to litigation in the matter of Jewish collaborators with the Nazi-German regime, that is, the notes and preparatory papers of defense, deposition and organizational nature.
This Collection also comprises materials in regard to Central Committee of Liberated Jews in Germany routine activities, namely easing the process of obtaining personal documents from the Polish consulates in Germany.

Documents and Files:
RG-01.16.01, Memorandum, Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US zone in Germany, Part 1
RG-01.16.01, Memorandum, Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US zone in Germany, Part 2
RG-01.16.02, Conference notes taken on a Polish military mission, Berlin. September 1947, Part 1
RG-01.16.02, Conference notes taken on a Polish military mission, Berlin. September 1947, Part 2
RG-01.16.02, Conference notes taken on a Polish military mission, Berlin. September 1947, Part 3
RG-01.16.02, Conference notes taken on a Polish military mission. Berlin, September 1947, Part 4
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 1: RG-01.16.01, Memorandum, Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US zone in Germany, part 1
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 2: RG-01.16.01, Memorandum, Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US zone in Germany, Part 2
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 3: RG-01.16.02, Conference notes taken on a Polish military mission, Berlin, September 1947, Part 1
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 4: RG-01.16.02, Conference notes taken on a Polish military mission, Berlin, September 1947, Part 2
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 5: RG-01.16.02, Conference notes taken on a Polish military mission, Berlin, September 1947, Part 3
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 6: RG-01.16.02, Conference notes taken on a Polish military mission, Berlin, September 1947, Part 4
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 7: RG-01.16.03, Letter to the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs , October 1947