Łódź Ghetto, 1940-1949
| Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

The arrangement scheme for the record group was imposed during processing in the absence of an original order. Materials are arranged by subject/creator, then by identifier, as assigned by the processor.
Record group is comprised of six collections: 1. Ed Victor papers; 2. Collection on the German occupation of Poland; 3. Łódź Ghetto photographs and artifacts; 4. Dawid Gertler papers; 5. Arthur Garfunkel collection of photographs; 6. Jerzy Tomaszewski collection of photographs.

The history of Łódź Ghetto exemplifies the implementation of the "final solution to the Jewish question," particularly in terms of Nazi planning, modifications, ongoing exterminations, the role of the local commanders, and the role of the decisions take in Berlin. Łódź Ghetto also represents the other side of the Nazi-orchestrated Final Solution, notably the role, place, and activity of the Jewish ghetto administration, or the Judenrat. In Łódź, the history of Judenrat is symbolized by the highly controversial but charismatic figure of Łódź Ghetto Chairman, Mordecai Ḥayim Rumkowski. The role and actions of the Jewish police in the ghetto , as well as the Jewish education institutions that functioned there, are histories in their own right.
Łódź was one of the few working ghettos and the functioning educational institutions induced hope, despite of the continuous deportation. No other ghettos in Poland, perhaps, except Łódź and Warsaw, saw the extreme polarization of the Jewish population--from hunger-stricken paupers to the almighty Jewish executives spending leisure time at restaurants and the cabaret. In Łódź, like in Warsaw, the relations between German and Jewish administrations played a crucial role that directly influenced the fates of thousands of ordinary ghetto inhabitants. Not surprisingly, the question of Jewish-German collaboration on the part of the Judenrat had been raised and investigated by the Legal Department of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the U.S. Zone of Occupation in Germany after the war.
Author: staff
Activities of Jewish Councils (Judenraete) Poland, 1939 -- 1945
Arthur Garfunkel, photographs of the Lodz ghetto
Bathhouse, Lodz ghetto
Chaim Rumkowski, chairman of the Judenrat in the Lodz ghetto
Chairmen of Jewish Councils (Judenraete) in German-occupied and controlled territories
Chronicles of the ghetto life
Chronology of the Lodz Ghetto
Collaboration between the members of Jewish councils and German administration
Collaboration in ghettos
correspondence to and from ghettos
day-to-day life in ghettos
day-to-day life in the Lodz Ghetto
Departments of Jewish Councils (Judenraete) in German-occupied and controlled territories
Deportations from Lodz ghetto
Entertainment, Lodz ghetto
Exemptions from deportations
Forced labor in ghettos
German-Nazi crimes in the Lodz ghetto
Gertler, Dawid
Hans Biebow, Nazi-German administrator in Lodz ghetto
Inequality in the ghettos
Inquiries about relatives and friend sent to the Judenrat of Lodz ghetto
Jerzy Tomaszewski, photographs of the Lodz Ghetto
Jewish Council (Judenrat) of the Lodz Ghetto
Jewish courts of honor--Munich (Germany)
Jewish Order Police in ghettos
Jewish Order Service, policemen
Judenrat, Jewish council in ghettos
Kaliski, Romek, Member of the Jewish order police in Lodz ghetto
Lodz (Poland)
Lodz (Poland: Ghetto)
Lodz, Litzmannstadt (Poland)
Lodz ghetto, 1940 -- 1944
Lodz ghetto, pharmacy labels
Lodz ghetto administration
Paper money and coins, Lodz ghetto
Phenomenology of Chaim Rumkowski
Photographs, Lodz ghetto, 1940 -- 1944
Photographs and artifacts, Lodz ghetto (1940 -- 1944)
Poland (1939 --1945)
Ration tickets Lodz Ghetto
Sonderabteilung (Special Department), Lodz ghetto
Szpera or Allgemeine Gehsperre, a ban on leaving houses and appartments, Lodz ghetto, September 1942
The Holocaust in Poland
Trial of Jewish collaborators from the Lodz Ghetto, postwar

Copyrighted materials, credits to and references to the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust are required
Digital copies might be available upon request
The record group is comprised of the wartime documents of the Jewish ghetto administration, photographs depicting life in the Łódź Ghetto, and the postwar research and investigation undertaken by the Jewish organizations in Poland and Germany. It also features materials on Mordecai Ḥayim Rumkowski, the Chairman of the Łódź Ghetto Judenrat, and activities of the Judenrat in general. Also within this record group is the Jerzy Tomaszewski collection of photographs, which includes authentic photographs and some wartime and postwar reprints. This collection sheds new light on the lesser-known side of ghetto life, notably Jewish council meetings, entertainment events, and public speaking. Complementing the Jerzy Tomaszewski collection of photographs is the Arthur Garfunkel collection of photographs, which includes photographs, copies of orders and ordinances issued by the German and Jewish ghetto administrations. The postwar collection of David Gertler papers has been added to this record group for cross-referential purposes.
Materials within this record group include photographs, correspondence, notes of litigations, and postwar research publications. Materials are digitized.

Documents and Files:
RG-11.01.01, From Fela Grynbaum to Lodz ghetto re Rozenbaum and Grynbaum, Lodz_23 July 1941
RG-11.01.02, From Lodz ghetto Judenrat to Prague re Kamila Lavecky [she arrived from Prague transport healthy
RG-11.01.03, From M. Bernstein to Posen (Poznan), Lodz ghetto_17 November 1941
RG-11.01.04, From M. Rozenblam [Shanghai] to Chaim Rumkowski inquiring about B. Klainer, Lodz ghetto_28 October 1941
RG-11.01.05, From R Lipszyc to D. Lipszyc in New York, Lodz Ghetto_18 September 1940
RG-11.01.06, From Stockholm to Lina Nieswiski, Lodz ghetto_23 February 1942
RG-11.01.07, Jewish postal stamps, Lodz ghetto
RG-11.01.08, Pharmacy labels 1 [internally, externally], Lodz ghetto
RG-11.01.09, Pharmacy labels 2 [internally, externally], Lodz ghetto
RG-11.01.10, To Lodz ghetto Judenrat re application of Noech Waksberg
RG-11.01.11, To Rumkowski re deposit of August Frey, Lodz ghetto_11 July 1941
RG-11.02.01, Documents about German occupation of Poland, the ghetto Lodz
RG-11.03.02, Lodz Ghetto paper money
RG-11.03.03, Chaim Rumkowski speaks at the Judenrat meeting
RG-11.03.05 Mordechaj Chaim Rumkowski speaking in a Jewish Council meeting, Tomaszewski Archive, LAMOTH
RG-11.03.06, Old and sick Jews from Lodz ghetto being shipped to Chelmno death camp, September, 1942
RG-11.03.07, Plan ghetta Lodzziego, The street map of the Lodz ghetto
RG-11.03.08, Chaim Rumkowski and Hans Biebow, chief of Nazi administration in Lodz Ghetto
RG-11.03.09, Chaim Rumkowski speaks at a public event
RG-11.03.10, Szlama Rochwerger identification
RG-11.03.11- Chaim Rumkowski in Lodz Ghetto theater with Judenrat officials
RG-11.03.12, Chaim Rumkowski with his fellow Judenrat employees
RG-11.03.13, Chaim Rumkowski speaks to a Jewish gathering in the Lodz Ghetto
RG-11.03.14, Jewish children in Jewish ghetto militia uniforms
RG-11.03.15, A Judenraet member
RG-11.03.20, Lodz Ghetto, Young Jewish man who was not once resettled, arrives to the ghetto in Lodz
RG-11.04.01, Dawid Gertler Papers 1, pages 1-3, Yiddish in German script
RG-11.04.02, Dawid Gertler Papers 2, pages 1-6, Yiddish in German script
RG-11.04.03, Dawid Gertler Papers 3, page 1, World Jewish Congress, notes, English, 1949
RG-11.04.04, Dawid Gertler Papers 4, pages 1-19, World Jewish Congress and Central Committee of Liberated Jews, English, Yiddish, 1948
RG-11.04.05, Dawid Gertler Papers 5, pages 1 -15, testimonies of witnesses, 1942, Yiddish, 1949
RG-11.04.06, Dawid Gertler Papers 6, page 1, testimony of the witness, 1942, Yiddish, 1949
RG-11.04.07, Dawid Gertler Papers 7, pages 1 -15, testimonies in Yiddish, German, Polish
RG-11.04.08, Testimonies of witnesses of the Dawid Gertler trial, 1949, 1949
RG-11.04.09, Dawid Gertler Papers 9, pages, 1-45, testimonies in Yiddish, German, Polish
RG-11.04.10, Dawid Gertler Papers 10, pages 1-3, testimonies in German and Yiddish
RG-11.04.11, Dawid Gertler Papers 11, pages 1-36, testimonies in German and Yiddish
RG-11.04.12, Dawid Gertler Papers 12, pages 1-33, testimonies in Yiddish and German
RG-11.04.13, Dawid Gertler Papers 13, pages 1-28, testimonies in Yiddish and German
RG-11.04.14, Dawid Gertler Papers 14, one page in Yiddish
RG-11.04.15, Dawid Gertler Papers 15, pages 1-14, testimonies in Yidish
RG-11.04.16, Dawid Gertler Papers 16, one page, notes in Yiddish
RG-11.04.17 Dawid Gertler Papers 17, pages 1-18, notes in Yiddish
RG-11.04.18, Dawid Gertler Papers 18, pages 1-28, notes in Yiddish
RG-11.04.19, Dawid Gertler Papers 19, one page, memo to the attorney Estera Epstein, in Yiddish, 9.9.1949
RG-11.04.20, Dawid Gertler Papers 20, Estera Epstein, notes of defense, in Yiddish on thirteen pages, 9.21.1949
RG-11.04.21, Dawid Gertler Papers 21, one tilte page with the title Ammendments to the Protocol
RG-11.04.22, Dawid Gertler Papers 22, Ammendments to the protocol on fourteen pages in Yiddish
RG-11.04.23, Dawid Gertler Papers 23, Provisional Statute of the Liberated Jews in US zone, signed by Counsel Unterszrift, 30-31 August 1948, in Yiddish
RG-11.04.24, Dawid Gertler Papers 24, a note from Dawid Gertler to Estera Epstein in Polish
RG-11.04.25, Dawid Gertler Papers 25, testimonies in German and Yiddish, one page, 1952 and 1954
RG-11.04.26, Dawid Gertler Papers 26, testimonies in Yiddish and German, for pages, 1951, 1952, 1954
RG-11.04.27, Dawid Gertler Papers 27, testimony in Yiddish, two pages
RG-11.04.28, Dawid Gertler Papers 29, Estera Epstein, notes of defense in Yiddish, 21 September 1949, eight pages
RG-11.04.29, Dawid Gertler Papers 31, Notes to Estera Epstein, attorney in Yiddish, Polish and German, 14 pages
RG-11.04.30, Dawid Gertler Papers 32, Memo from Estear Epstein to the Central Committee with the list of witnesses, Yiddish
RG-11.04.31, Dawid Gertler Papers 33, Memo from Estear Epstein to the Central Committee with the list of witnesses, Yiddish
RG-11.04.32, Dawid Gertler Papers 34, Defense notes of Estera Epstein, Yiiddish and Polish, 27 August 1949, eight pages
RG-11.04.33, Dawid Gertler Papers 35, Defense notes of Estera Epstein, Yiiddish and Polish, 27 August 1949, seventeen pages
RG-11.04.34, Defense notes of Estera Epstein, Yiiddish and Polish, 27 August 1949, forty four pages
RG-11.04.35, Dawid Gertler Papers 37, Memos, Protocols, testimonies, English, Yiddish, German
RG-11.04.36, Dawid Gertler Papers 38, Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, depositions, Yiddish and Polish
RG-11.04.37, Dawid Gertler Papers 39, Correspondence in Dawid Gerlter case, Yiddish and German
RG-11.04.38, Dawid Gertler Papers 40, Jewish Central Committee, correspondence in Dawid Gertler case
RG-11.04.39, Dawid Gertler Papers 41, Jewish Central Committee, materials of Dawid Gertler case, Yiddish, English, German
RG-11.04.40, Dawid Gertler Papers 42, Dawid Gertler case, testimonies, Yiddish, German
RG-11.04.41, Dawid Gertler Papers 43, Dawid Gertler case, materials, testimonies, memos, English, Yiddish, German
RG-11.04.42, Dawid Gertler Papers 44, Jewish Central Committee, Materials of Dawid Gertler Case, Yiddish, German
RG-11.05.01, Lodz Ghetto, Arthur Garfunkel Collection of photographs, 1941-1944
RG-11.05.02, Meeting of a Judenrat committe
RG-11.05.03, A Lodz Judenrat member
RG-11.05.04, Chaim Rumkowski and other Judenrat members
RG-11.05.05, Chaim Rumkowski and Lodz Ghetto symbols
RG-11.05.06, Chaim Rumkowski meets young people, close up
RG-11.05.07, Chaim Rumkowski and other Judenrat officials
RG-11.05.08, Lodz Ghetto Judenrat officials
RG-11.05.09, An opening ceremony, depicting Chaim Rumkowski
RG-11.05.10, Chaim Rumkowski at a public gathering
RG-11.05.11, Chaim Rumkowski meets young people
RG-11.06.01, Lodz Ghetto, Jerzy Tomaszewski Collection of photographs
Sub-Collection 1: RG-11.01, Ed Victor Papers, correspondence to and from Lodz ghetto, 1940 -- 1944
Sub-Collection 2: RG-11.02, Documents about German occupation of Poland, the ghetto of Lodz, 1940 -- 1944
Sub-Collection 3: RG-11.03, Lodz Ghetto, Photographs and artifacts, 1940 -- 1944
Sub-Collection 4: RG-11.04, Dawid Gertler Papers, 1945 -- 1948
Sub-Collection 5: RG-11.05, Lodz Ghetto, Arthur Garfunkel Collection of photographs, 1941-1944, 1941 -- 1944
Sub-Collection 6: RG-11.06, Jerzy Tomaszewski Collection of Photographs, 1940 -- 1944