German Crimes in Poland, 1939-1945
| Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
ID: RG-63/RG-63
Extent: 1.0 Boxes
Predominant Dates: 1945 -- 1950s

This Record Group comprises documents collected by the Polish Government in Exile, by the Central Polish Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of the German Crimes in Poland and by other postwar investigative organization, all in all about the Nazi-German crimes in Poland, in 1939 -- 1945

All collections contain docuements that reflect the enormous scale of the Nazi-German crimes in Poland in 1939 -- 1945. The documented evidences were collected by the Central Extraordinary Commission established by the postwar Polish government, as well as by the undeground organizations of the Polish Government in Exile. There were also the other investigative organization, largely Jewish, collecting the evidences of Nazi-German crimes in Poland in 1939 -- 1945. These organization acted in postwar time. Author: Staff

Administrative division of the General Government, 1941 -- 1945
Aftermath of Warsaw ghetto uprising
Belzec extermination camp (Lublin, Poland)
Belzec extermination camp, gas champers
Belzec extermination center, orientation plans
Central Commission for Investigation of German Crimes in Poland, 1945-1949
Central Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of German Crimes in Poland
Chaim Rumkowski, chairman of the Judenrat in the Lodz ghetto
Chelmno (Poland: Extermination Center)
Collaboration between the members of Jewish councils and German administration
collaboration in the Holocaust
Collaboration with the German administration in the General Government (Poland), 1939 -- 1945
Correspondence between German and Jewish authorities of the Lodz Ghetto, 1940 -- 1944
Correspondence between German authorities of Lodz, 1939 -- 1944
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Day-to-day life in the ghetto, reflected in the German documents
day-to-day life in the Lodz Ghetto
Deportation from the Lodz Ghetto to the Chelmno Extermination Center, 1942 -- 1944
Deportation of Jewish population from General Government to the extermination centers, 1941 -- 1944
Deportation of Jewish population from the General Government to Belzec extermination center, 1942
Deportation of Jewish population from the General Government to Sobibor extermination center, 1942
Deportations from Lodz ghetto
Destruction of buildings during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Documents from the Stroop Report, 1943
Documents in English language
Documents in German language
Documents in Polish language
Economy of the Lodz ghetto, the list of establishments
Expropriation of Jewish Property
Expulsion of Polish population from General Government, 1942 -- 1943
Final Aktion (action) in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, 16 May 1943
Financial documents regarding the Lodz ghetto
Fritz Gebauer, Nazi-German official, Janowska Road Camp, Lviv, 1941 -- 1944
General-Government (German-occupied Poland, 1939-1945)
General Governor, Hans Frank, correspondences, statements and memorandums, 1939 -- 1945
German-Nazi crimes in the Lodz ghetto
German administration of the Lodz Ghetto, 1940 -- 1944
German civil authorities of Lodz, 1939 -- 1944
German combat operations in the Warsaw ghetto, May 1943
German decrees, orders and ordinances with regards to establish a ghetto in Lodz, 1939 -- 1940
German military operation against Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
German police and security forces, Poland
German police and SS authorities of Lodz, 1939 -- 1944
Germany invasion of Poland, September 1, 1939
Gustaw Wilhaus, Nazi-German official, Janowska Road Camp, Lwow, Poland, 1941 -- 1944
Hans Biebow, biography
Hans Biebow, Nazi-German administrator in Lodz ghetto
Hans Frank, General Governor of the occupied Poland (General Gouvernment)
Hierarchy of the SS
History of Belzec extermination center
Holocaust in Poland
Holocaust in Ukraine
Janowska (Poland: Concentration Camp)
Janowska Road (Lwow, Poland: Concentration Camp)
Janowska Road Camp, subdivision of D.A.W, Lwow, Poland, 1941 -- 1943
Jewish Council (Judenrat) of the Lodz Ghetto
Judenrat (Jewish council), Lodz ghetto
Jurgen (Juergen) Stroop, report of the last day of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, 16 May 1943
Kleparow (Lwow, Poland)
Large-scale ghetto operations, Warsaw
Liquidation of the Warsaw ghetto, 1943
Liquidation of the Warsaw ghetto, photo-documents
Liquidation of Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, May 1943
Lodz (Poland)
Lodz (Poland: Ghetto)
Lviv (Ukraine)
Lwow (Poland)
Mass extermination of Jewish population in General Government, 1941 -- 1943
Medical Experiments
Medical experiments at the Ravensbrueck concentration camp
Michal Borwicz, author, Holocaust research
Narratives in English language
Narratives in German language
Narratives in Polish language
Nazi-German extermination of the patients in hospitals, General Governments, 1940 -- 1944
Nazi-German hierarchy of the Janowska Road Camp in Lviv, 1941 -- 1943
Nazi-German medical experiments, photo-documents
Nazi-German medical experiments of patients with mental disorders
Nazi-German politics in General Government, 1939 -- 1945
Nazi-German politics with regard to Polish population in General Government, 1939 -- 1945
Nazi-German politics with regard to Ukrainian population in General Government, 1941 -- 1945
Nazi-German propaganda against Poland
Nazi-German terror in the General Government as a method of administration, 1939 -- 1945
Office of Mordechaj Chaim Rumkowski, Chairman of the Jewish Council of the Lodz Ghetto
Orders issued by the German administration during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, 1943
Phenomenology of Chaim Rumkowski
Poland (1939 --1945)
Polish auxiliary police under German administration, 1939 -- 1945
Polish government in exile
Polish Government in Exile, 1939 -- 1945
Polish government in exile, 1939 -- 1945, reports of Nazi-German crimes in Poland
Ravensbrueck (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Sobibor (Poland: extermination camp)
Sobibor extermination center, situation plan
SS and administrative personnel, German
Street map of the Lodz ghetto
Stutthov (Poland: Concentration Camp)
Subjugation of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising by the German special forces, May 1943
The Holocaust in General Government (German-occupied Poland)
The last day of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, 16 May 1943
The Note of the Polish Government in Exile about the mass extermination of Jews, 1942
There are no more Jewish living quarters in Warsaw, May 16, 1943, Jurgen Stroop
The Role of Mordechaj Chaim Rumkowski in the Lodz ghetto, 1940 -- 1944
Umpschlagplatz, collection point before deportation from Wasaw ghetto, 1941 -- 1943
Waffen SS (Combat) SS, German
Warsaw (Poland)
Warsaw (Poland: ghetto)
Warsaw ghetto, post-uprising and liquidation
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (Poland)
Aftermath of Warsaw ghetto uprising
Belzec extermination camp (Lublin, Poland)
Belzec extermination camp, gas champers
Belzec extermination center, orientation plans
Central Commission for Investigation of German Crimes in Poland, 1945-1949
Central Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of German Crimes in Poland
Chaim Rumkowski, chairman of the Judenrat in the Lodz ghetto
Chelmno (Poland: Extermination Center)
Collaboration between the members of Jewish councils and German administration
collaboration in the Holocaust
Collaboration with the German administration in the General Government (Poland), 1939 -- 1945
Correspondence between German and Jewish authorities of the Lodz Ghetto, 1940 -- 1944
Correspondence between German authorities of Lodz, 1939 -- 1944
D.A.W., German Armament Works, wartime
Day-to-day life in the ghetto, reflected in the German documents
day-to-day life in the Lodz Ghetto
Deportation from the Lodz Ghetto to the Chelmno Extermination Center, 1942 -- 1944
Deportation of Jewish population from General Government to the extermination centers, 1941 -- 1944
Deportation of Jewish population from the General Government to Belzec extermination center, 1942
Deportation of Jewish population from the General Government to Sobibor extermination center, 1942
Deportations from Lodz ghetto
Destruction of buildings during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Documents from the Stroop Report, 1943
Documents in English language
Documents in German language
Documents in Polish language
Economy of the Lodz ghetto, the list of establishments
Expropriation of Jewish Property
Expulsion of Polish population from General Government, 1942 -- 1943
Final Aktion (action) in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, 16 May 1943
Financial documents regarding the Lodz ghetto
Fritz Gebauer, Nazi-German official, Janowska Road Camp, Lviv, 1941 -- 1944
General-Government (German-occupied Poland, 1939-1945)
General Governor, Hans Frank, correspondences, statements and memorandums, 1939 -- 1945
German-Nazi crimes in the Lodz ghetto
German administration of the Lodz Ghetto, 1940 -- 1944
German civil authorities of Lodz, 1939 -- 1944
German combat operations in the Warsaw ghetto, May 1943
German decrees, orders and ordinances with regards to establish a ghetto in Lodz, 1939 -- 1940
German military operation against Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
German police and security forces, Poland
German police and SS authorities of Lodz, 1939 -- 1944
Germany invasion of Poland, September 1, 1939
Gustaw Wilhaus, Nazi-German official, Janowska Road Camp, Lwow, Poland, 1941 -- 1944
Hans Biebow, biography
Hans Biebow, Nazi-German administrator in Lodz ghetto
Hans Frank, General Governor of the occupied Poland (General Gouvernment)
Hierarchy of the SS
History of Belzec extermination center
Holocaust in Poland
Holocaust in Ukraine
Janowska (Poland: Concentration Camp)
Janowska Road (Lwow, Poland: Concentration Camp)
Janowska Road Camp, subdivision of D.A.W, Lwow, Poland, 1941 -- 1943
Jewish Council (Judenrat) of the Lodz Ghetto
Judenrat (Jewish council), Lodz ghetto
Jurgen (Juergen) Stroop, report of the last day of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, 16 May 1943
Kleparow (Lwow, Poland)
Large-scale ghetto operations, Warsaw
Liquidation of the Warsaw ghetto, 1943
Liquidation of the Warsaw ghetto, photo-documents
Liquidation of Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, May 1943
Lodz (Poland)
Lodz (Poland: Ghetto)
Lviv (Ukraine)
Lwow (Poland)
Mass extermination of Jewish population in General Government, 1941 -- 1943
Medical Experiments
Medical experiments at the Ravensbrueck concentration camp
Michal Borwicz, author, Holocaust research
Narratives in English language
Narratives in German language
Narratives in Polish language
Nazi-German extermination of the patients in hospitals, General Governments, 1940 -- 1944
Nazi-German hierarchy of the Janowska Road Camp in Lviv, 1941 -- 1943
Nazi-German medical experiments, photo-documents
Nazi-German medical experiments of patients with mental disorders
Nazi-German politics in General Government, 1939 -- 1945
Nazi-German politics with regard to Polish population in General Government, 1939 -- 1945
Nazi-German politics with regard to Ukrainian population in General Government, 1941 -- 1945
Nazi-German propaganda against Poland
Nazi-German terror in the General Government as a method of administration, 1939 -- 1945
Office of Mordechaj Chaim Rumkowski, Chairman of the Jewish Council of the Lodz Ghetto
Orders issued by the German administration during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, 1943
Phenomenology of Chaim Rumkowski
Poland (1939 --1945)
Polish auxiliary police under German administration, 1939 -- 1945
Polish government in exile
Polish Government in Exile, 1939 -- 1945
Polish government in exile, 1939 -- 1945, reports of Nazi-German crimes in Poland
Ravensbrueck (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Sobibor (Poland: extermination camp)
Sobibor extermination center, situation plan
SS and administrative personnel, German
Street map of the Lodz ghetto
Stutthov (Poland: Concentration Camp)
Subjugation of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising by the German special forces, May 1943
The Holocaust in General Government (German-occupied Poland)
The last day of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, 16 May 1943
The Note of the Polish Government in Exile about the mass extermination of Jews, 1942
There are no more Jewish living quarters in Warsaw, May 16, 1943, Jurgen Stroop
The Role of Mordechaj Chaim Rumkowski in the Lodz ghetto, 1940 -- 1944
Umpschlagplatz, collection point before deportation from Wasaw ghetto, 1941 -- 1943
Waffen SS (Combat) SS, German
Warsaw (Poland)
Warsaw (Poland: ghetto)
Warsaw ghetto, post-uprising and liquidation
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (Poland)
Scope and Contents: This Record Group contains five collections, namely, RG-63.01, The Report of Juergen Stroop; RG-63.02, German occupation of Poland, Lodz ghetto; RG-63.03, German crimes in Poland, General Government; RG-63.04, Janowskka Camp; RG-63.05, Polish Government in Exile

Documents and Files:
RG-63.01.01, The Report of Juergen Stroop, Part 1
RG-63.01.01, The Report of Juergen Stroop, Part 1
RG-63.01.02, The Report of Juergen Stroop, Part 2
RG-63.01.03, The Report of Juergen Stroop, Part 3
RG-63.01.04, The Report of Juergen Stroop, Part 4
RG-63.01.05, The Report of Juergen Stroop, Part 5
RG-63.01.06, The Report of Juergen Stroop, Part 6
RG-63.01.07, The Report of Juergen Stroop, Part 7
RG-63.01.08, The Report of Juergen Stroop, Part 8
RG-63.01.09, Stroop Report, A hide-out, by Franz Konrad
RG-63.01.10, Stroop Report, A member of the Uprising taking prisoner, by Franz Konrad
RG-63.01.11, Stroop Report, An assault squad, by Franz Konrad
RG-63.01.12, Stroop Report, Hehalutz women captured with weapons, by Franz Konrad
RG-63.01.13, Stroop Report, Jews fallen in the Battle, by Franz Konrad
RG-63.01.14, Stroop Report, Jews pulled from a bunker, by Franz Konrad
RG-63.01.15, Stroop Report, Jurgen Stroop and other commanders of the opertion, by Franz Konrad
RG-63.01.16, Stroop Report, Non-German auxiliary police assigned to the operation, by Franz Konrad
RG-63.01.17, Stroop Report, prisoners of the Uprising 1, by Franz Konrad
RG-63.01.18, Stroop Report, prisoners of the Uprising, by Franz Konrad
RG-63.01.19, Stroop Report, Search and interrogation by Franz Konrad
RG-63.01.20, Stroop Report, The Brauer firm by the German photographer Franz Konrad
RG-63.01.21, Stroop Report, To the transshipping place by Franz Konrad
RG-63.01.22, Stroop Report, Forcibly pulled out of dug-outs by Franz Konrad
RG-63.01.23, Stroop Report, The Jewish department heads of the armament firm Brauer by Franz Konrad
RG-63.01.24, Stroop Report, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
RG-63.02.16, Rumkowski performs wedding ceremony after abolition of the rabbinate, ca 1943
RG-63.02.17, Rumkowski, appeal to to submit to deportation voluntarely , August 1944, Translation
RG-63.02.18, Street map of the Lodz ghetto
RG-63.02.19, Lodz ghetto, Tailors at work
RG-63.02.20, Two Jewish Ghetto Police, with elderly male
RG-63.02.21, Rumkowski in the carriage, riding around the ghetto
RG-63.02.22, German film crew in Lodz
RG-63.02.23, Rumkowski General Curfew Announcement, September 5, 1942, deportations began
RG-63.02.24, Jews near the bridge in the ghetto. The bridge connects ghetto parts
RG-63.02.25, Jewish workers in a tayloring workshop
RG-63.02.26, Jewish policemen on the street, ghetto inhabitants are waiting in line
RG-63.02.27, a German policeman at the rear ghetto entrance, the sign reads, Jewish district, access denied
RG-63.02.28, a woman near the table, men and children with Jewish star
RG-63.02.29, A man with a white rag, another man and two children
RG-63.02.30, Children, Women, Men with Jewish star
RG-63.02.31, People with Jewish star behind barbwire
RG-63.02.32, Jewish worker in a tailor's workshop
RG-63.02.33, Central Prison, Awaiting Deportation
RG-63.02.34, Chaim Rumkowski before his deportation to Auchwitz
RG-63.02.35, Chaim Rumkowski oil painting
RG-63.02.36, Jewish Ghetto Firefighters brigade
RG-63.02.37, Lodz Ghetto, a mail man
RG-63.02.38, Lodz Ghetto, Jewish seamstressess at work
RG-63.02.39, Jewish women work at a tailoring shop, Lodz ghetto, 1941
RG-63.02.41, Lodz Ghetto, Malka Szulc, Request to exempt from phisical labor
RG-63.02.42, Moving into the ghetto, Lodz, March 1940
RG-63.02.44, Perla Landowicz, request to exempt from work outside the ghetto
RG-63.02.45, Lodz ghetto, labor as a deception of deportation to Auschwitz
RG-63.02.47, Lodz ghtto, Children at a gate
RG-63.02.49, Rumkowski, front row, D. Warszawaki, D.Fuchs, A. Jakubowicz, D. Gertler, S.Erlich, K. Sienicki, L.Rozenblat, H.Kaufmann, BL, Israel
RG-63.02.50, Lodz ghetto, The only way is to work
RG-63.02.52, Order from the German civil administration of Lodz about forced labor
RG-63.02.53, Documents regarding the establishment of the Jewish Council in Lodz, 1939--1940
RG-63.02.54, Order for the establishment of a ghetto in the city of Lodz
RG-63.02.55, Police Ordinance, implementary regulations and time schedule for the habitation and residence rights of Jews in Lodz, 1940
RG-63.02.56, Preliminary discussions regarding the expropriation of Jewish factories and businesses at the erection of the Lodz ghetto, 1940
RG-63.02.57, Correspondence and decrees regarding the issues with unlawful confiscations as well as “proper” confiscation of Jewish property, Lodz, 1940
RG-63.02.58, Empowerment and restriction of Chaim Rumkowski in his function as head of the Judenrat (Jewish Council) in Lodz, 1940
RG-63.02.59, Report about the restructuring of the Jewish community and Jewish organizations by Chaim Rumkowski, Lodz, 1940
RG-63.02.60, Streep map and listing of the businesses in the Lodz ghetto
RG-63.02.61, Supervision, gateway regulations and restrictions in the ghetto of Lodz, 1940
RG-63.02.62, Operational issues regarding the Kriminalpolizei (criminal police) in the Lodz ghetto, 1940
RG-63.02.63, Administrative agreements between Nazi authorities of the Lodz ghetto, 1940 -- 1941
RG-63.02.64, Ordinance about the handling of the confiscated goods and the role of Chaim Rumkowski in the aforementioned
RG-63.02.65, Coordination of and responsibilities for the usage of confiscations
RG-63.02.66, Financial documents regarding statements of financial position of the ghetto administration
RG-63.02.67, Listing of confiscated goods and goods handed over to Chaim Rumkowski, Lodz, 1941 -- 1942
RG-63.02.68, Financial documents regarding the processing and transfer of valuable confiscated goods
RG-63.02.69, Declaration of the provisional nature of the Lodz ghetto and prohibition of deportations from Lodz, 1940
RG-63.02.70, Determination of the category of persons who will be transferred to the Lodz ghetto, 1940
RG-63.02.71, File memo of day to day matters in the ghetto of Lodz, 1941
RG-63.02.72, Letter from the mayor of Lodz to the Wartheland authorities about issues of the city after creation of the ghetto, Lodz, 1941
RG-63.02.73, Correspondence between the German authorities of Lodz and Wartheland regarding the transfer of Jews into the Lodz ghetto, 1941
RG-63.02.74, Documents regarding financial issues of transferring Jews to the Lodz ghetto, 1941--1942
RG-63.02.75, Document showcasing the police forces and safety installations of the Lodz ghetto, 1942
RG-63.02.76, Financial documents showcasing effort, costs and bureaucracy of the Nazi authorities handling of Jews in Lodz and surrounding area, 1942
RG-63.02.77, Announcement of Hans Biebow to resume work after a deportation, Lodz, 1942
RG-63.02.78, Documents about requesting a special ration of alcohol for the ghetto administration of Lodz, 1943
RG-63.02.79, Documents reflecting the food situation in the Lodz ghetto from the viewpoint of the Nazi authorities, 1940--1943
RG-63.02.80, Documents constituting the application process and first months of Hans Biebow as head of the ghetto administration Lodz, 1940
RG-63.02.81, Documents showing Biebow`s central role for the ghetto and his usage of it for personal gain, Lodz, 1940--1942
RG-63.02.82, Speech by Hans Biebow justifying and explaining the resettlement of the ghetto (deportation), Lodz, August 1944
RG-63.02.83, Announcements and documents regarding deportations and resolving the Lodz ghetto, 1944
RG-63.02.84, Documents regarding acquisitions for the Chelmno extermination camp by authorities of Lodz, 1942--1943
RG-63.03.01, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
RG-63.03.02, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
RG-63.03.03, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
RG-63.03.04, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
RG-63.03.05, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
RG-63.03.06, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
RG-63.03.07, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
RG-63.03.08, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
RG-63.03.09, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
RG-63.03.10, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
RG-63.03.11, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
RG-63.03.12, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
RG-63.03.13, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
RG-63.03.14, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
RG-63.03.15, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
RG-63.03.16, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
RG-63.03.17, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
RG-63.03.18, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
RG-63.03.19, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
RG-63.03.20, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
RG-63.05.01, Mass Extermination of Jews in German Occupied Poland 1942, Note addressed to the Governments of the United Nations on December 10, 1942, Part 1
RG-63.05.02, Mass Extermination of Jews in German Occupied Poland 1942, Note addressed to the Governments of the United Nations on December 10, 1942, Part 2
RG-63.05.03, Mass Extermination of Jews in German Occupied Poland 1942, Note addressed to the Governments of the United Nations on December 10, 1942, Part 3
Detailed Description
Sub-Collection 1: RG-63.01, The Report of Juergen Stroop of the liquidation of the last strongholds of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, May 1943, May 1943
Sub-Collection 2: RG-63.02, German occupation of Poland, Lodz ghetto, 1940 -- 1944
Sub-Collection 3: RG-63.03, German crimes in Poland, General Government, 1939 -- 1945
Sub-Collection 4: RG-63.04, Janowskka Road Concentration Camp in Lwow, 1941 -- 1944
Sub-Collection 5: RG-63.05, Polish Government in Exile, Note addressed to the Government of the world about mass extermination of Jews in German-occupied Poland, 1942, 1942
Sub-Collection 1: RG-63.01, The Report of Juergen Stroop of the liquidation of the last strongholds of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, May 1943, May 1943
Sub-Collection 2: RG-63.02, German occupation of Poland, Lodz ghetto, 1940 -- 1944
Sub-Collection 3: RG-63.03, German crimes in Poland, General Government, 1939 -- 1945
Sub-Collection 4: RG-63.04, Janowskka Road Concentration Camp in Lwow, 1941 -- 1944
Sub-Collection 5: RG-63.05, Polish Government in Exile, Note addressed to the Government of the world about mass extermination of Jews in German-occupied Poland, 1942, 1942