Masha Loen Papers, 1915-1961
| Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

The Collection of Masha Loen Papers is conditionally divided into the following subcollections:
RG-62.01, correspondence between members of the Loewenberg Family (35)
Correspondence from Anya Loewenberg to Elizabeth Loen (9)
-and later correspondence between members of the Loen Family (8)
-miscellaneous documents in Serbian, Croatian and French (5)
-photos of the Loewenberg Family (48)
-miscellaneous photos, of people not in the Loewenberg family (9)
RG-62.01: Correspondence between the members of the Loewenberg Family in the course of December 1915- October 1954
RG-62.01.01: Postcard from Alfred Loewenberg in Czernowitz, Germany to a Loewenberg, however the first name is illegible.
Date: 10 October 1915
Language: probably Hungarian, indiscernible
RG-62.01.02: Field postcard to Ernest Loewenberg at an address in Hungary from an unidentifiable name
Date: 26 December 1915
Language: Hungarian
RG-62.01.03: Field postcard to Ernest “Ernӧke” Loewenberg at an address in Hungary from an illegible name but with a three digit coded field post number: 327. On the front there is a picture drawn in pencil of a man lying in a bunk with his things around him, all labeled, and he is whistling a tune.
Date: 16 April 1919
Language: Hungarian
RG-62.01.04: Three notes on one paper
Date: 12 May 1930
Language: Schtokavian/Hungarian and German
RG- Letter from Otto Loewenberg to “Anyuka” or Anya
Language: Schtokavian or Hungarian
<p style="margin-left:.5in;">
<p style="margin-left:.5in;"> RG- Note from Kounel (perhaps nickname for Cornelius) to his mother
<p style="margin-left:.5in;"> Language: German.
<p style="margin-left:.5in;"> Translation: “Dear Mom, Fredi is well-behaved and healthy. Today we had pigeon soup. I didn’t want to eat the meat, it was so black. The soup was fine. Kisses from Kounel.”
RG- Letter from “Apa”
Language: Schtokavian or Hungarian.
RG- 62.01.05: Postcard from Otto to Anya in care of Irene Schoenberger
Date: 1931
Language: Hungarian
RG-62.01.06: Postcard to Leon Loewenberg in Novi Sad from an indiscernible name in Breslau (formerly part of Germany’s control).
Date: 6 May 1934
Language: Hungarian
RG-62.01.07: Correspondence between Ernest/Puci and Otto Loewenberg from May 1937- July 1940
<p style="margin-left:.5in;"> RG- Postcard to Ernest with an address in Vienna from Otto and Cornelius in Novi Sad
Date: 1 May 1937
Language: Hungarian/Schtokavian
<p style="margin-left:.5in;"> RG- Postcard to Otto and Cornelius in Novi Sad from Puci in Nice, France.
Date: 19 May 1937
Language: Hungarian
<p style="margin-left:.5in;"> RG- Postcard to Ernest at an address in Novi Sad from Otto when he was in Badgastein
Date: 17 August 1937
Language: Hungarian
<p style="margin-left:.5in;"> RG- Postcard to Ernest at an address in New York City in care of Roth Georges from Otto (“Ottoka”). The postcard is a picture of a bridge in Belgrade.
Date: 10 November 1938
Language: Hungarian
<p style="margin-left:.5in;"> RG- Postcard to Otto and Cornelius in Novi Sad from Puci and perhaps Ernest in New Mexico. The postcard mentions Texas and Arizona as well as if they took a trip through the States
<p style="margin-left:.5in;"> Date: 27 March 1939
<p style="margin-left:.5in;"> Language: Hungarian
<p style="margin-left:.5in;"> RG- Letter to Puci and Ernest without envelope first from Otto and followed by an attached letter from Cornelius
Date: 2 February 1940
Language: Schtokavian/Hungarian
<p style="margin-left:.5in;">
<p style="margin-left:.5in;"> RG- Letter to Puci and Ernest “Ernӧ” Loewenberg from Otto when he was in Belgrade.
Date: 27 February 1940
Language: Hungarian/Schtokavian
RG- Letter 2 to Puci and Ernest from Otto when he was in Belgrade.
Date: 6 March 1940
Language: Hungarian/Schtokavian
<p style="margin-left:.5in;"> RG- Letter to “Senor Ernesto” Loewenberg and Puci at an address in Mexico from Otto in Novi Sad.
Date: 30 March 1940
Language: Hungarian
RG- Letter to Puci and Ernest from Otto in Novi Sad, no envelope
Date: 31 March 1940
Language: Hungarian
<p style="margin-left:.5in;"> RG- Postcard to Ernest in Mexico from Otto somewhere in the former Yugoslavia. (May also be signed from Apa with a note)
Date: 26 April 1940
Language: Hungarian
<p style="margin-left:.5in;"> RG- Postcard to Ernest Loewenberg in Mexico from Otto and Apa in Novi Sad
<p style="margin-left:.5in;"> Date: 4 June 1940
<p style="margin-left:.5in;"> Language: Hungarian
<p style="margin-left:.5in;">
RG- Envelope without a letter to Ernest in Mexico from an address in Novi Sad.
Date: 27 June 1940
<p style="margin-left:.5in;"> RG- Postcard to Puci and Ernest in Los Angeles at the Hotel Olimpia from Otto and Apa in Novi Sad
Date: 18 July 1940
Language: Hungarian
RG-62.01.08: Postcard to Otto Loewenberg in Jezerski from unknown in Badgastein, Austria
Date: 30 July 1937
Language: Hungarian (or French?)
RG-62.01.09: Postcard to Cölestine Loewenberg in Novi Sad from Apa and Otto in Bled, Slovenia.
Date: 20 August 1937
Language: Hungarian
RG-62.01.10: Postcard to Otto in Novi Sad from an indiscernible name in Kranjska Gora, Slovenia
Date: 21 August 1937
Language: Hungarian/ Schtokavian
RG-62.01.11: Postcard to Steven Gusek from Otto and Cornelius when he was in Jezerski, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Date: 28 August 1937
Language: Hungarian
RG-62.01.12: Postcard to Leon Loewenberg in Novi Sad from Puci in Hvar (Croatian island in the Adriatic near Dalmatia)
Date: 15 July 1938
Language: Hungarian
RG-62.01.13: Postcard to Alfred (and Marta) Loewenberg in Novi Sad from Puci while she was in France.
Date: 28 October 1938
Language: Hungarian
RG-62.01.14: Postcard to Leon Loewenberg in Novi Sad from Puci in Guadalajara, Mexico.
Date: 11 August 1939
Language: Hungarian
RG-62.01.15: Letters from Anya and Apa to Ernest and Puci between February 1940 and May 1947
<p style="margin-left:.5in;"> RG- Letter to Puci and Ernest from Anya and Apa, no envelope
Date: 4 February 1940?
Language: Hungarian
RG- Letter to Puci and Ernest perhaps from Apa, no envelope
Date, 21 April 1940
Language: Hungarian
<p style="margin-left:.5in;"> RG- Letter to Puci “Pucikam” and Ernest first from Anya and followed by a letter from Apa when they were in Budapest
Date: 5 May 1947
Language: Hungarian
RG-62.01.16: Postcard to Leon in Novi Sad from Otto in Belgrade
Date: 27 November 1940
Language: Hungarian
RG-62.01.17: Postcard to Otto and Cornelius in Novi Sad from Martha in Maribor, Slovenia
Date: 27 December 1940
Language: Hungarian/Schtokavian
RG-62.01.18: Postcard to a Loewenberg with an illegible first name, perhaps “Lajos” and from an unknown.
Language: Hungarian
RG-62.01.19: Postcard to Leon in Novi Sad from Puci and Ernest in Milan, Italy
Language: Hungarian
RG-62.01.20: Letter without an envelope. There does not seem to be an addressee anywhere nor an addresser.
Date: 10 April, no year
Language: Hungarian
RG-62.02: Correspondence from Anya Loewenberg to Elizabeth F. Loen. From April 1948 to May 1949
RG-62.02.01: Letter to Elizabeth F. Loen in Burbank, California. It is not clear who the letter is from, but the handwriting matches Anya’s. Four pages.
Date: 18 April 1948
Language: Hungarian
RG-62.02.02: Letter to Elizabeth F. Loen in Burbank California from Anya and Puci in Novi Sad. The letter is in pieces and it is not clear where it begins and ends. There are only two clear sections: one from Anya and the other from Puci.
Date: 12 December 1948
Language: Hungarian
RG-62.02.03: Letter to Elizabeth in Burbank from Anya in Novi Sad.
Date: 23 March 1949
Language: Hungarian/Schtokavian
RG-62.02.04: Letter to Elizabeth in Burbank California from Anya in Novi Sad.
Date: 26 April 1949
Language: Hungarian
RG-62.02.05: Brief letter to Elizabeth from Anya both at their same addresses. Two pages.
Date: 5 May 1949
Language: Hungarian
RG-62.02.06: Short Letter to Elizabeth in Burbank from Anya in Novi Sad. One and a half pages.
Date: 7 May 1949
Language: Schtokavian/Hungarian
RG-62.02.07: Letter to Elizabeth from Anya and “Omama.” Two and a half pages.
Date, 20 May 1949
Language: Hungarian
RG-62.02.08: Letter to Elizabeth from Anya and another indistinguishable name. Four pages.
Date: 16 March?
Language: Hungarian
RG-62.02.09: Letter to Elizabeth in Burbank from Anya in Novi Sad.
Date: 9 May?
Language: Hungarian
RG-62.03: Later correspondence more specifically between members of the Loen Family. From April 1950 to June 1961.
RG-62.03.01: Postcard to Claire Loen with no address except Burbank. It has notes from several people: Omama, Maria Gussek and another illegible name.
Date: 15 April 1950
Language: Hungarian
RG-62.03.02: Postcard to Claire Loen in Burbank from Omama in Novi Sad.
Date: 15 April 1950
Language: German
Translation: Dear little Claire! Lots and lots of happiness and health to you on your 7th birthday. Affectionately from your great grandmother.”
RG-62.03.03: Letter to Puci from Omama, but addressed to Elizabeth Loen in Burbank, California. Return address is in Novi Sad.
Date: 20 April 1951 is the date on the envelope. 16 June? On the heading of the letter.
Language: German
Translation: “Dear Puci, Today I received your parcel. It arrived perfectly neat! It had not been opened and I am so thankful for what was inside because of the inflation! It is terrible to not recognize the fantastic from what it should be.
Dearest Puci! You must certainly be better off in this wide world. It seems to be Wednesday, the 30th of March… [She starts to describe a person with her and that he has very bad days. They read a mass for him and someone else. They lay together and don’t know what is happening.]
The good thing is that they had a bouquet of red roses to lay on top of the grave, or else I won’t go. I go alone. That is terrible that no person from the family goes, like an abandoned person, who is not consistent, he comes and goes.
It seems like lately we have had a lot of heat! But there has also been a little rain. Or else it would be like a drought here and the inflation would become even worse. What are you guys up to? _____ must certainly have a vacation. [She talks about how they must write to each other often, always.]
All of you stay health! I am also healthy at the moment. [Something about something not being proper.]
Greetings and kisses to you all! – Omama”
RG-62.03.04: Postcard to E.L. Loen (Puci, Ernest and Claire) in Burbank, California from Omama.
Date: 31 October 1954
Language: Hungarian
RG-62.03.05: Postcard to Claire Loen from her aunt Irene and uncle “Isiga.” The note reads: “Dear Claire, Happy birthday! Many kisses in love, you Aunt Irene and uncle Isiga.”
Date: 25 April 1955
Language: English
RG-62.03.06: Letter to Puci from her grandmother.
Date: 6 May?
Language: German
Translation: “Dear Puci, I got your letter today on May 6th and I am answering right away. The package has not come or else I would have written you when you send it. “Nada” or “Vada” stayed with me for two days. She did not receive any vacation time or else she would have stayed longer, it is very hard because she so seldom comes. It is difficult for me to get away. It is hard to be alone, what should I do, “Loewe?” is already a big girl, who has her own big girls.
Dearest Puci, the “Vorli” is not serving. He gives us money but it is always too little, “Andov” looks so bad. He should be getting better and he keeps being prescribed [medicine], he is so weak like an old man. “Lani” trusts himself with another and he earns enough because he has a job and “Andov” is with his family in Serbia. They have four kids and poor _____ wants to return to Novi Sad, back to “Andov.” That is enough of that! If you have a picture of ______, give me one so that I have a friend and one of you also. It is such a long time…to see you’re gone. When you have no money and are so poor, you borrow once and then it can’t be any different.
I don’t inquire about Erno because he sends nothing, but you can still send me things! My life is very difficult and not material. Everything is good enough but what is not enough are the remaining things, the house ____should be sold. It will take everything away from me. Everything that we built there will be dead and others will come and take it and get nothing from it. I can’t ______ because it is very far and to whom would I sent it. It is hard for me to believe….and one can’t fundamentally separate the one from the other but that is the great worry of us all. I don’t want you to always write that I bear my losses. “One bears his losses” is not everything when one can live and eat but has so many worries. I am so skinny I look like the stalk of a weed, but that is like everyone.
Dearest Puci, don’t be angry with me that I must write you everything. You should also hear from ______. So until next time. I have no one, on whom I can rely…
Dearest Puci… [the end has no real closure]”
RG-62.03.07: Postcard to Leon Loen in Los Angeles from someone in Canada.
Date: 5 June 1961
Language: Hungarian
RG-62.03.08: Letter to Puci from Anya and Irene.
Language: Hungarian
RG-62.04: Miscellaneous documents
RG-62.04.01: Certificate for driver’s license for “Tayc Tawcabema.” It lists the four different types of licenses and was received in Novi Sad.
Date: 22 May 1935
Language: Dialect of Serbia or Hungary, written in Cyrillic
RG-62.04.02: Letter of solidarity from the front. Addressed to no one in particular.
Date: 3 November 1938
Language: French
Translation: I am sending my turn. Copy this letter three times and send to the person for whom you want happiness. This chain was started in the front by a young couple of soldiers. It must go around the world. If you do not stop the chain, you will be happy. The message will be realized. You can pass it from hand to hand, or send it by mail within 48 hours. Something will happen! You must not destroy or keep the letter. This chain started on 3. November 1939 from the front.”
RG-62.04.03: Two copies of a baptismal certificate for “Ernebet Franciska?” It lists the parents’ names, the priest presiding etc.
Date: 16 March 1939
Language: Hungarian
RG-62.04.04: Document concerning the same person as the driver’s license certificate, Tayc. I believe that it essentially declares him a good and moral citizen while living in Novi Sad since 1918.
Date: 16 May 1939
Language: Dialect of Serbia or Hungary, written in Cyrillic
RG-62.04.05: Hungarian Red Cross form from Adele Gausz to Ernest Loewenberg in Burbank. It includes the message: We got the telegram of the 28 June with great joy, and wish to you and to the little one good luck. Are healthy. Kisses. –Anya, Omama.”
Date: Form date: 17 September 1943, Stamp date of American Red Cross inquiry, December 1943 and 18 February 1944
Language: Form: French, German and Hungarian, Note: English
RG-62.04.06: Hungarian Red Cross form from Leo L. Loewenberg to Ernest Loewenberg in Burbank. It states his address in Hungary and includes the message: “Since December without any messages. In October Cornelius will be in Püspökladány [town in Hungary] which is near Debrecen. Otto got the package with the winter clothing. Both are healthy and confident. Kisses. – Mama, Apa, Cornelius” There is also another note paper-clipped to the form that says: “Today Otto’s 24th birthday already. We are all very well and anticipate no important changes for the near future. Many kisses.”
Date: Form date: 30 September 1943, Stamp date of American Red Cross inquiry unit: December 1943 and 18 February 1944
Language: Form: French, German and Hungarian. Note: German and English
RG-62.04.07: Note from Ernest. “All three of us are healthy. Claire is developing without one day of sickness which is possible through this perfect climate. Many kisses –Ernest”
Language: English
RG-62.05: Photographs of the Loewenberg Family between 1916 and 1960
RG-62.05.01: Photo of Anya and her oldest son, Lacika, and four other women including Irѐn
Date: 1916
RG-61.05.02: Jenӧ and Lacika (the oldest brother)
Date: around 1917
RG-62.05.03: Photos of Apa
RG- Photo of Apa torn off from a larger piece of paper
RG- Photo of Apa stamped with a seal (perhaps from a passport)
<p style="margin-left:.5in;"> RG- Photo of Apa asleep on a couch with a newspaper. He appears to be in his 50s.
<p style="margin-left:.5in;"> Undated
RG-62.05.04: Large group picture of Marta, Ernest, Maea, Cornelius, Anya and Otto in “Giado”, Italy
Date: around 1925
RG-62.05.05: Photo of 5-Year-Old Otto with neighborhood children. Their bikes are decorated with flowers. Caption: “bicikli bajnoka”: cycling champion
Date: 1925
RG-62.05.06: Photo of Otto in Jüdische Schule (Jewish School) with his classmates and teacher
Date: around 1928
RG-62.05.07: Otto Portraits in order of approximated age
RG- Otto age 8
Date: 1 August 1928
<p style="margin-left:.5in;"> RG- Otto at approximately age 13 stamped with a seal perhaps from a passport
RG- Otto at approximately age 16 also stamped with a seal
RG- Otto age 20
Date: June 1940
<p style="margin-left:.5in;"> RG- Otto standing on a cliff or lookout point by the ocean. He appears to be in his 20s.
RG- Otto age 23 in his military garb standing in a garden
Date: 12 July 1943
RG-62.05.08: Portrait of Frѐdi as baby
Date: 20 February 1931
RG-62.05.09: Ernest Loewenberg and group on a wagon
Date: 22 April 1934
RG-62.05.10: Photo of Alfred and Apa Loewenberg (on the far right) sitting outside at a picnic table with two other men not labeled
Date: September 1934
RG-62.05.11: Family group photo in a meadow or countryside. Cornelius, Vera, Margret, Grandmother and Otto are present in the picture. Otto appears to be around 17.
RG-62.05.12: Photo of Anya and Vera in their bathing suits in a placed called “Pahorzie”
Date: July 1935
RG-62.05.13: Photo of Otto and Cornelius in their bathing suits by the ocean in Dalmatia. Otto is 17.
Date: 1937
RG-62.05.14: Photo of Vera, Otto and Marta in the countryside wearing hiking or picnicking clothing. Otto is 17.
Date: July 1937
RG-62.05.15: Photo of Ernӧ and Alfred and another man unlabeled in a courtyard.
Date: 6 October 1937
RG-62.05.16: Photo of Apa and Otto in Bad Gastein, Austria in front of a waterfall. Otto is 17.
Date: August 1937
RG-62.05.17: Group family picture of Bѐla, Macanѐni, Anya, Vera, Marta, Iritz Maudi, Cornelius and Otto in Dalmatia. Otto is 18.
Date: 17 July 1938
RG-62.05.18: Group photo on a small boat in a harbor including Cornelius, Otto, Marta, Alfred and Oskar. Circa Summer 1938 and probably the same trip to Dalmatia.
RG-62.05.19: Group photo on a sailboat in a harbor including Oskar, Marta, Cornelius, Otto and Alfred. Circa Summer 1938 and again probably in Dalmatia.
RG-62.05.20: Group photo in Dalmatia including Otto, Marta, Cornelius and Oskar. They are sun bathing. Circa Summer 1938
RG-62.05.21: Group photo in Dalmatia including Otto, Cornelius, Oskar and Alfred. They are sunbathing by the beach. Circa Summer 1938
RG-62.05.22: Otto and Fisher Gyuszi in Belgrade, Serbia walking down the street in suits. Otto is 18.
Date: December 1938
RG-62.05.23: Group family photo on a hill in Toplice, Slovenia. It includes Maca Neni, Cornelius, Anya, Otto and Apa.
Date: 1939
RG-62.05.24: Group family photo in Dubrovnik, Croatia. It includes Oskar, Apa, Cornelius, Marta and Otto.
Date: 1939
RG-62.05.25: Same place, time and people as last entry but it is a second shot and more of them are smiling.
Date: 1939
RG-62.05.26: Photo of Oskar, Cornelius and Alfred in Dubrovnik, Croatia walking up stairs by the ocean.
Date: April 1939
RG-62.05.27: Otto and Cornelius walk down a path together, both dressed in suits.
Date: 1939
RG-62.05.28: Otto, Oskar and Cornelius are standing on a cliff together all dressed in suits. They are either travelling to or from Budapest.
RG-62.05.29: Otto and Iritz Maudi walk down a street in Belgrade, Serbia. Otto is 19.
Date: April 1939
RG-62.05.30: Photo of Otto sitting with his car on the road. Otto is 19.
Date: 11 April 1939
RG-62.05.31: Otto and a girl sit by a pool or lounge deck together, looking at one another and smiling.
RG-62.05.32: Anya, Apa Iren, Anya and Fredi’s mother, Anuska, are sitting around a table. The women are playing cards while Apa writes letters.
Date: September 1939
RG-62.05.33: Anya and Iren stand by a harbor together.
Date: August 1940
RG-62.05.34: Otto and Apa sit on a bench together in a park. The photo was developed in Zeljeznica, Serbia and Montenegro.
Date: 1941
RG-62.05.35: Otto is standing with his regiment. They are all smiling and wearing armbands to identify them as Jewish. The back reads: “Otto going into a slave labor camp.” He is 21.
Date: 1941
RG-62.05.36: Otto posing with his regiment in Kiskunhalas, Hungary before going to Bor, Serbia.
Date: 19 October 1941
RG-62.05.37: Otto with many soldiers and some family members including Anya. The caption reads that Otto is about to leave for Bor, Serbia.
RG-62.05.38: Photo of mostly men dressed in tattered military garb in a disorganized room. There are a few women scattered about as well.
RG-62.05.39: Otto, Apa and Anya with two other men, one of whom is dressed as a soldier like Otto. They are sitting in a cornfield on wooden boxes. This is before Otto leaves for Bor, Serbia once again.
Date: 12 July 1943
RG-62.05.40: Photo of Arauka and Cornelius playing in the snow. The name of the place is illegible but there is a stamp on the back that reads “military censorship.”
RG-62.05.41: Fredi is standing in front of a giant waterfall in Veu da Noiva, Madeira.
Date: 1959
RG-62.06 Miscellaneous Photos
RG-62.06.01: Photo of Aliska, Otto’s girlfriend. It was taken a year before she was killed in 1942 in Novi Sad, perhaps in the raids in 1941.
RG-62.06.02: Masha at the Altau See in Austria. She is standing by some cabins. The back has a “military censorship” stamp.
Date: May 1947
RG-62.06.03: Masha is on a boat or a ferry. The place name is illegible on the back of the photo.
Date: 22 March 1948
RG-62.06.04: Photo of four children in coats and hats standing by a wall in Budapest. Their names are probably Robi, Gyrou, Evi and Judit.
Date: 1 November 1948
RG-62.06.05: Picture of a couple just married in the back of a car with a bouquet of flowers. The man’s name is Josef.
Date: 1 June 1953
RG-62.06.06: Photo of a little girl. The caption says that she is Margit’s daughter.
RG-62.06.07: Portrait of a young man. The caption says that he is Margit’s son.
Date: December 1960
RG-62.06.08: Photo of a street/neighborhood in Novi Sad.
RG-62.06.09: Aerial view of a palace, it does not say where or when.
RG-62.06.10: Interview with Masha Loen
Conducted by: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Dated: May 11, 1990
2 CDs, USHMM # RG 50.030.0138
Author: Staff
Alfred Loewenberg, family member
Anya Loewenberg, family member
Apa Loewenberg, family member
Bad Gastein (Austria)
Belgrade (Serbia)
Belgrade (Yugoslavia)
Birthday Greetings, postcards
Bled (Slovenia)
Bled (Slovenia, Yugoslavia)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (Europe: Country)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (Yugoslavia: Province)
Budapest (Hungary)
Cernauti (Chernouitsi, Chernowitz)
Cernauti (Romania)
Clarie Loen, family member
Coelestine Loewenberg, family member
Cornelius Loewenberg, family member
Documents in German language
Documents in Hungarian language
Documents in Serbian language
Elisabeth Loen, family member
Ernest Loewenberg, family member
Family correspondence
Family correspondence, Loen family
Family correspondence, Loewenberg family
Family correspondence, postwar
Franciska Panajolovic, related to the Loen Family
Guadalajara (Mexico)
Hvar (Croatia, Yugoslavia: Island)
Hvar (Croatia: Island)
Jezersko (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Jezersko (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia)
Kranjska Gora (Slovenia)
Kranjska Gora (Slovenia, Yugoslavia)
Leon Loewenberg, family member
Loen Family, 1939 -- 1960s
Loewenberg Family, 1939-1945
Loewenberg Family, prewar correspondnece
Los Angeles (California, United States)
Lowenberg Family, postwar correspondence
Marta Loewenberg, family member
Mexico (1910 -- 1945)
Military correspondence
Narratives in German language
Narratives in Hungarian language
Narratives in Serbian language
Novi Sad (Serbia)
Novi Sad (Yugoslavia)
Otto Loewenberg, family member
Puci Loewenberg, family member
Slovenia (Europe: Country)
Slovenia (Yugoslavia: Province)
Topola (Yugoslavia)
Vojvodina (Serbia)
Vojvodina (Ujvidek)
Vojvodina (Yugoslavia: Region)
Yugoslavia (1918--1941)
Yugoslavia (1945 -- 1960)
This Collection contains personal and offcial correspondences, official documents and photo-documents relatedd to the family history of Loewenbergs and Loens.
Documents are in Schtokavian (dialect of Serbia) or Hungarian, Croatian and German with one or two in English and French.

Documents and Files:
RG-62.01.01, Letter to Elisabeth Loen, April 1948
RG-62.01.02, Letter to Elisabeth from Anya-Puci, December 1948
RG-62.01.03, Letter to Elisabeth from Anya in Novi Sad, March 1949
RG-62.01.04, Letter to Elisabeth from Anya, April 1949
RG-62.01.05, Brief letter to Elisabeth from Anya, May 1949
RG-62.01.06, Letter to Elisabeth from Anya, May 1949
RG-62.01.07, Letter to Elisabeth from Anya, May 1949
RG-62.01.08, Letter to Elisabeth from Anya, ca. 1949
RG-62.01.09, Letter to Elisabeth from Anya, ca. 1949
RG-62.02.01, Postcard from Alfred Loewenberg in Cernauti (Czernowitz) to a member of the Loewenberg family, Austro-Hungary, 1915
RG-62.02.02, Postcard sent to Ernest Loewenberg by Alfons Loewenberg via miliary field mail, 26 December, 1915
RG-62.02.03, Postcard sent via military field mail to Ernest Loewenberg in Ujvidek (Vojvodina), Yugoslavia, 1919
RG-62.02.04, Greetings to Anjuka (Anya) in Hungarian and German written in Novi Sad by Cornelius Loewenberg, 12 May, 1930
RG-62.02.05, Postcard to Anya Loewenberg from Otto Loewenberg, Yugoslavia, 1931
RG-62.02.06, Postcard to Leon Loewenberg in Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, from Breslau, Germany, prewar
RG-62.02.07, Postcard to Ernest Loewenberg in Vienna, from Otto and Cornelius Loewenberg in Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, 1937
RG-62.02.08, Postcard from Otto and Cornelius Loewenberg in Novi Sad, Yugoslavia to Ernest Loewenberg in Nice, France, 1937
RG-62.02.09, Postcard to Ernest Loewenberg in Novi Sad, Yugoslavia from Otto Loewenberg in Bad Gastein, Austria, 1937
RG-62.02.10, Postcard to Ernest Loewenberg in New York from Otto Loewenberg in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1938
RG-62.02.11, Postcard to Otto and Cornelius in Novi Sad, Yugoslavia from Ernest Loewenberg in New Mexico, United States, 1939
RG-62.02.12, Letter to Ernest Loewenberg from Otto and Cornelius in Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, 1940
RG-62.02.13, Letter to Ernest Loewenberg in Mexico City, Mexico, from Otto Loewenberg in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1940
RG-62.02.14, Letter to Ernest Loewenberg in Mexico City from Otto Loewenberg in Belgrade, March 1940
RG-62.02.15, Letter to Ernest Loewenberg in Mexico from Otto Loewenberg in Novi Sad, March 1940
RG-62.02.16, Letter to the members of Loewenberg family in Mexico from Otto Loewenberg in Novi Sad, 1940
RG-62.02.17, Postcard to Ernest Loewenberg in Mexico from Otto Loewenberg in Topola, Yugoslavia, April 1940
RG-62.02.18, Postcard to Ernest Loewenberg in Mexico City from Otto Loewenberg in Novi Sad, April 1940
RG-62.02.19, Envelope to Ernest Loewenberg in Mexico from Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, June 1940
RG-62.02.20, Postcard to Ernest Loewenberg in Los Angeles, from Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, July 1940
RG-62.02.21, Postcard to Otto Loewenberg in Jezerko, Bosnia and Herzegovina, from Bad Gastein, Austria, July 1937
RG-62.02.22, Postcard to Coelestine Loewenberg in Novi Sad, from Otto and Apa Loewenberg in Bled, Slovenia, 1937
RG-62.02.23, Postcard to Otto Loewenberg in Novi Sad, from Kranjska Gora, Slovenia, 1937
RG-62.02.24, Postcard to Steven Gusek in Novi Sad, from Otto and Cornelius Loewenberg in Jezersko, Slovenia, 1937
RG-62.02.25, Postcard to Leon Loewenberg in Novi Sad, from Puci in Hvar, Croatia, 1938
RG-62.02.26, Postcard to Alfred and Marta Loewenberg in Novi Sad, from Puci Loewenberg in France, 1938
RG-62.02.27, Postcard to Leon Loewenberg in Novi Sad from Puci Loewenberg in Guadalajara, Mexico, 1939
RG-62.02.28, Letter from Anya and Apa Loewenberg in Novi Sad to Ernest and Puci Loewenberg, 1940
RG-62.02.29, Letter from Anya and Apa Loewenberg to Ernest and Puci Loewenberg, April 1940
RG-62.02.30, Letter from Anya and Apa Loewenberg in Budapest to
RG-62.02.31, Postcard to Leon Loewenberg in Novi Sad from Otto Loewenberg in Belgrade, November 1940
RG-62.02.32, Postcard to Otto-Cornelius from Martha in Maribor, Slovenia, December 1940
RG-62.02.33, Postcard to Lajos Loewenberg, photographs of the Loewenberg Family, ca 1930
RG-62.02.35, A letter to a member of the Loewenberg Family, ca 1930s
RG-62.03.01, Postcard to Claire Loen in Los Angeles from relatives in Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, 1950
RG-62.03.02, Birthday postcard to Claire Loen in Los Angeles from Franciska Panjolovic in Novi Sad, 1950
RG-62.03.03, Letter to Elisabeth Loen in Los Angeles from Franciska Panajolovic in Novi Sad, 1951
RG-62.03.04, Postcard to Elisabeth Loen in Los Angeles from Novi Sad, 1954
RG-62.03.05, Birthday postcard to Claire Loen in Los Angeles from Aunt Irene and Uncle Isiga in Novi Sad, 1955
RG-62.03.06, Letter to Puci Loewenberg from her grandmother, postwar
RG-62.03.07, Postcard to Leon Loen in Los Angeles from Canada, 1960s
RG-62.03.08, Letter to Puci Loewenberg from Anya Loewenberg, prewar
RG-62.03.34, Postcard to Leon Loewenberg in Novi Sad from Ernest and Puci Loewenberg from Milan, 1924
RG-62.04.01, Certificate of license for driving issued for Haus, Elisaveta, 1935, Yugsolavia, in Serbian
RG-62.04.02, A chain of happiness, a letter in French
RG-62.04.03, Baptismal certificate in Hungarian, issued in Budapest to Franciska Ernebet, conversion to Roman-Catholicism, 16 March, 1939
RG-62.04.04, Certificate of good moral and political behavior issued to Elisaveta Loewenberg in Novi Sad, 16 May, 1939
RG-62.04.05, Red Cross message from Aledele Gausz in Ujvidek, Vojvodina, to Ernest Loewenberg in Burbank, CA, 16 September, 1943
RG-62.04.06, Red Cross message from Leon Loewenberg in Budapest, to Ernest Loewenberg in Los Angeles, 1943
RG-62.04.07, A note attached to the Red Cross message from Ernest Loewenberg in Los Angeles about Claire, 1943
RG-62.05.01, Anya Loewenberg, holding Lacika and four other women, 1916
RG-62.05.02, Jeno and Lacika Loewenberg, Austria-Hungary
RG-62.05.03, Apa Loewenberg, identification document photograph, prewar
RG-62.05.04, Apa Loewenberg, asleep on couch, photograph, postwar
RG-62.05.05, Loewenberg Family, a group picture on beach in Italy, prewar
RG-62.05.06, Otto Loewenberg, as cycling champion, Austria-Hungary
RG-62.05.07, Otto Loewenberg, a group picture near the synagogue, Novi Sad, 1931
RG-62.05.08, Portrait of Fredi Loewenberg as a baby
RG-62.05.09, Otto Loewenberg a portrait, prewar, Austria-Hungary
RG-62.05.10, Otto Loewenberg, a portrait, 1918, Novi Sad
RG-62.05.11, Ernest Loewenberg and a group on a wagon, prewar Yugoslavia
RG-62.05.12, Family group picture in countryside, prewar Yugoslavia
RG-62.05.13, Anya Loewenberg and Vera Loewenberg, Yugoslavia, 1935
RG-62.05.14, Otto Loewenberg, a portrait, Novi Sad
RG-62.05.15, Otto Loewenberg and Cornelius Loewenberg, prewar
RG-62.05.16, Apa Loewenberg, Alfred Loewenberg, and two men, prewar Yugoslavia
RG-62.05.17, The Loewenberg Family group photograph in Dalmatia, 1938, Yugoslavia
RG-62.05.18, Otto Loewenberg in the Hungarian uniform, in the garden, 1943
RG-62.05.19, Vera Loewenberg, Otto Loewenberg, and Marta Loewenberg in countryside, prewar
RG-62.05.20, Group photo sunbathing in Dalmatia 1
RG-62.05.21, The Loewenberg Family, a group photograph, sunbathing, Dalmatia, Yugoslavia
RG-62.05.22, Ernest Loewenberg and Alfred Loewenberg in a courtyard, 1937, Yugoslavia
RG-62.05.23, Otto Loewenberg and Fisher Gyuszi, Belgrade, 1938
RG-62.05.24, Otto Loewenberg, standing on a cliff
RG-62.05.25, The Loewenberg Family group photograph in Toplice, Slovenia, Yugoslavia, 1939
RG-62.05.26, Loewenberg Family group photograph in sailboat, Dalmatia, prewar Yugoslavia
RG-62.05.27, Alfred, Cornelius, and Oskar Loewenberg in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 1939
RG-62.05.28, The Loewenberg Family group photograph in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 1939
RG-62.05.29, Otto Loewenberg and Cornelius Loewenberg walking down path, prewar
RG-62.05.30, The Loewenberg Family group photograph in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 1939
RG-62.05.31, Otto, Cornelius, and Oskar on the cliff
RG-62.05.32, Otto Loewenberg and Ritz Maudi
RG-62.05.33, Otto Loewenberg with his car, prewar
RG-62.05.34, Otto Loewenberg at the pool with a girl, prewar
RG-62.05.35, Apa, Irene, and Anya Loewenberg playing cards, 1939
RG-62.05.36, Anya Loewenberg and Ireen Loewenberg by the harbor, 1940
RG-62.05.37, Otto Loewenberg and Apa Loewenberg in the park, 1941
RG-62.05.38, Otto Loewenberg in Hungarian uniform of a labor battalion, 1941
RG-62.05.39, Otto Loewenberg in Hungarian labor battalion, 1941
RG-62.05.40, Anya, Apa, and Otto Loewenberg in cornfield, Szeged, Hungary, 1943
RG-62.05.41, Hungarian soldiers in the room
RG-62.05.42, Otto Loewenberg in Hungarian military uniform with Anya Loewenberg and a group of soldiers
RG-62.05.43, Cornelius and Arauka Loewenberg playing in the snow, prewar
RG-62.05.44, Fredi Loewenberg in Veu da Noiva, 1959
RG-62.05.45, Otto Loewenberg, 1940
RG-62.05.46, The Loewenberg Family group picture in Dalmatia, prewar Yugoslavia
RG-62.05.47, Apa Loewenberg and Otto Loewenberg in Bad Gastein, Austria, 1937
RG-62.06.01, Masha Loen collection, photographs
RG-62.06.02, Otto Loewenberg's girlfriend, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, 1942
RG-62.06.03, Masha Loen in Altaussee, Austria, 1947
RG-62.06.04, Masha Loen on a ferry, 1948
RG-62.06.05, Photograph of four children, Budapest, 1948
RG-62.06.06, Couple just married, Hungary, 1953
RG-62.06.07, Margit's daughter, Hungary, postwar
RG-62.06.08, Margit's son, Hungary, postwar
RG-62.06.09, Postcard of Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, prewar
RG-62.06.10, Postcard, Palace in Split, Yugoslavia, a model of reconstruction, prewar
Sub-Collection 1: RG-62.01, Correspondence between Elizabeth Loen and Anya, Postwar
Sub-Collection 2: RG-62.02, Loewenberg family correspondence, prewar, 1930s -- 1940
Sub-Collection 3: RG-62.03, Loen family correspondence, postwar, 1950s -- 1960s
Sub-Collection 4: RG-62.04, Official Documents, prewar, wartime
Sub-Collection 5: RG-62.05, Photos of Loewenberg Family, 1900 -- 1959
Sub-Collection 6: RG-62.06, The Loen Family, miscellaneous photographs, 1930s -- 1950s