Personal Memoirs, Testimonies and Diaries, 1918 -- 1996
| Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

The arrangement scheme for the record group was imposed during processing in the absence of an original order. Materials are arranged by creator, then by identifier, as assigned by the processor.
Record group is comprised of thirteen collections and five items, the collections of which are: 1. Nika Fleissig papers; 2. Collection of Dachau diaries and letters; 3. Anna Przeworska-Pratt papers; 4. Siegfried Halbreich papers; 5. Barry Ziff papers; 8. Anna Lipszyc papers; 9. Betty Gerard papers; 10. Dawid Gertler papers; 11. Josef Brojde papers; 12. Henryk Gliksman papers; 13. Central Committee of Liberated Jews in U.S. Zone of Occupation in Germany papers.

This Record Group is composed of 18 sub-record groups, all devoted to personal and collective memoirs and testimonies, recorded soon after the Second World War. There a few narratives narrated during the wartime.
They reflect various aspects of prewar life, survival under Nazi occupation: ghetto and camp experience, hiding, false identity, resistance activity, liberation, and immigration to the countries of current residence. There are several diaries kept in the camp, ghetto, and in the partisan unit. The original records are in English, German, Polish, and Yiddish. Largely, the documents are partially or fully translated in English. Sub-groups or individual collections within this record group comprise original documents, photographs, artifacts, as well as non-original copies and secondary publications.

Broide, Josef
Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US zone of occupation in Germany (1945 -- 1952)
Epstein, Estera
Fleissig, Nika (1919-)
Gerard, Betti (1934-)
Gertler, Dawid
Gliksman, Henryk
Halbreich, Siegfried (1909-)
Herskovic, Otto
Hirszfeld, Ludwik (1884-1954)
Jonski, Jozef (1912-)
Legal Department of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US Zone of Occupation in Germany
Leon, Erica
Lipszyc, Anna (1918-)
Mitdank, Marta
Schragai, Alice
van Huzun, John
Ziff, Barry

Allied Military and Civil administration in Germany
Collaboration in ghettos
collaboration in the Holocaust
Collaboration of Jewish Administration in the Holocaust
Immigration to Israel
Immigration to United States
Jewish-Gentile relations
Jewish courts of honor
Jewish courts of honor--Munich (Germany)
Legal defense in the Jewish courts of Honor
Means of adaptation and survival in concentration camps
Means of adaptation and survival in the ghettos
personal diaries
postwar life in Europe
survival tactics

Copyrighted materials, credits to and references to the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust are required
Digital copies might be available upon request
The record group contains memoirs, testimonies, and other recollections written before, during, and after the war. They reflect various aspects of prewar life, survival under Nazi occupation--ghetto and camp experience, hiding, false identity, resistance activity--liberation, and immigration. There are several diaries kept in the camp, ghetto, and in the partisan unit. The collections also comprise of original documents, photographs, artifacts, digitized materials, as well as non-original copies and secondary source publications.
Largely, the documents are partially or fully translated in English, but there are also original documents in German, Polish, and Yiddish.

Documents and Files:
RG 01.17.01- Otto Herskovic Memoirs
RG-, Nika Fleissig, testimony
RG-, Nika Fleissig, narrative
RG-, Nika Fleissig, personal documents
RG-, Letter from Nika Fleissig in White Plains, NY, to the German place for reparations payments
RG-, Index of the “Alicia Magall Collection – Photographs”
RG-, Letter from the American Embassy in Warsaw to Nika Fleissig, on July 21, 1982
RG-, Duplicate of Polish birth certificate, issued to Bronislawa Felicja Kohn, 1982
RG-, Copy of letter from Nika Fleissig to Yad Vashem, Department for the Righteous, 1979
RG-, Letter from Yad Vashem to Nika Fleissig, June 26, 1979
RG-, Nika Fleissig, letter in Polish , September 22, 1978
RG-, Letter to Irgun Yotze Cracov B’Israel in Tel Aviv, October 1978
RG-, Letter to Sosin and Marysia, in Polish, October 16, 1978, and translation
RG-, Letter from German lawyers and notaries to Alfred Fleissig in White Plains, NY
RG-, Letter from German lawyers and notaries to Alfred Fleissig, regarding reparations
RG-, German and English letter from Alfred Fleissig to the lawyers in Germany, September 1965
RG-, Letter from Alfred Fleissig to the lawyers in Wiesbaden (in German), Germany, May 19, 1965
RG-, Letter for Nika Fleissig, from Nathaniel H. Schwartz, MD, on April 21, 1952
RG-, Confirmation of Max Steig Sternbach that he knew Nika Fleissig as Bronia Felicja Kohn in Krakow before the war
RG-, Confirmation of Piroska Sternbach that he knew Nika Fleissig as Bronia Felicja Kohn in 1941 and 1942
RG-, Letter sent from Paris, written in Polish, dated 24 February 1964
RG-, Letter from the US War Shipping Admin to US Consulate General in Antwerp, December 31, 1945
RG-, Two pages of Polish newspaper articles, Dziennik Zolnierza (Soldier's Journal)
RG-, Letter from the American Consulate General in Antwerp, Belgium, to Felicia Kohn, December 26, 1945
RG-, French certificate for Bronislawa Felicia Kohn, Polish Consulate in Brussels, September 26, 1945
RG-, Copy of an identification card for the HQ of the United States Army, European Theatre
RG-, Copy of a Polish passport, issued to Bronislawa Felicja Kohn in Brussels
RG-, Red Cross certificate, copy
RG-, Certificate confirming employment of Maria Zelinska, June 1, 1943
RG-, Newspaper article about Nika Kohn, Feb 14, 1946
RG-, Letter from Alfred Fleissig requesting doctors certificate from Dr Nathaniel Schwartz, March 27, 1964
RG-, Copy of letter from Nathaniel H. Schwartz MD, dated Mar 30, 1964 confirming care of Mrs. Alfred Fleissig
RG-, Letter to the Berlin Compensation Office on behalf of Alfred Fleissig providing further documentation, dated 23 June 1965, and translation;
RG-, Copy of letter to Mr & Mrs D. Loewenhar from Alfred Fleissig (in German) dated Oct 31, 1963
RG-, Letter from Headquarters - US Forces, European Theatre, confirming orders for Bronislawa Kohn, dated Dec 26, 1945
RG-, Copy of letter from Headquarters - US State Forces European Theatre, confirming employment of Bronislawa Felicia Kohn, dated Dec 21, 1945;
RG-, Copy of letter confirming emergency leave of absence for Bronislawa Kohn
RG-, Copy of Duty Pass from Military government, certifying that Maria Zylinska is authorised to be in Brussels, dated Aug 14, 1945
RG-, Copy of letter from Military government confirming Marya Zilynska's exemplary work, dated Aug 1945
RG-, Theater CIC Headquarters permit
RG-, Copy of Polish Women Soldiers identity card for Maria Zylinska, in Polish and English, dated May 14, 1945
RG-, Copy of letter from Polish Red Cross certifying they will to employ Maria Zylinska, dated May 28, 1945
RG-, Copy of passport for Maria Zylinska issued by Belgium government, dated Sept 4, 1945
RG-, Copy of Allied expeditionary force Permit, issued for Bronislawa Kohn/ Maria Zylinska, dated Oct 22, 1945
RG-, Handwritten letter to Family Magal, dated 1 April
RG-, Handwritten letter to Family Magal, dated 18 March 1990
RG-, Letter and envelope to Fam Magal, dated Apr 10, 1990
RG-, Program of Facts from the Federation of Wolynian Jews, inc, Dec 1967
RG-, Copy of 'The little house on prince Joseph Poniatowski street'
RG-, Correspondence between Colonel J. Hurley and Magdalen Biggs, re Maria Zylinska
RG-, Vacation postcards addressed to Family Magal, 1990
RG-, Nika Fleissig, photographs in Germany, 1944 -- 1945
RG-, Nika Fleissig, photographs, her husband
RG-, Nika Fleissig, photographs, Yad Vashem, Israel
RG-, Nika Fleissig, photographs, prewar Poland
RG-, Nika Fleissig, photographs, in US military uniform, postwar
RG-, Nika Fleissig, family photographs
RG-, Diary of E.K.
RG-, Statement of E.H.
RG- Józef Jonski, first letter from Dachau to his aunt, Bronislawa Nowak, 18 June 1944
RG-, Józef Jonski, first letter from Dachau to his aunt, Bronislawa Nowak, 18 June 1944
RG-, Józef Jonski, second letter from Dachau to his aunt, Bronislawa Nowak, 16 July 1944
RG-, Józef Jonski, third letter from Dachau to his aunt, Bronislawa Nowak, 3 September 1944
RG-, Józef Jonski, fourth letter from Dachau to his aunt, Bronislawa Nowak, 1 October 1944
RG-, Józef Jonski, fifth letter written after liberation of Dachau to his aunt Bronislawa Nowak, 2 May 1945
RG-01.04.02, Esther Przeworski Pratt Autobiography. In English, two pages
RG-01.04.03, Esther Przeworksi Pratt Letter to Diana Spevack, biographical data, 1976
RG-01.04.04, Esther Przeworski Pratt Recollection of the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Celebration in Poland
RG-01.04.05, Esther Przeworski Pratt Recollection of Yom Kippur in 1947, at sanatorium in Bad Kissingen, Germany
RG-01.04.06, Esther Przeworski Pratt Recollection of the deportation, arrival, and life at Ravensbruck
RG-01.04.07, Esther Przeworski Pratt testimony of the annihilation of Jewish Intelligentsia in Czestochowa, English
RG-01.04.08, Esther Przeworski Pratt Recollection of the annihilation of Jewish Intelligentsia in Czestochowa, English
RG-01.04.09, Esther Przeworski Pratt testimony of the annihilation of Jewish Intelligentsia in Czestochowa, Polish
RG-01.04.10, Esther Przeworski Pratt “My Last Encounter with the Murderer of Jews, Degenhardt”
RG-01.04.11, Esther Przeworski Pratt Speech at the 28th Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising., Beverly Hills, 18 April 1971.
RG-01.04.12, Esther Przeworski-Pratt Speech at the Conference of the Council of Jewish Post-War Organizations, 1970
RG-01.04.13, Esther Przeworski-Pratt Presentation at the University of Judaism, Los Angeles
RG-01.04.14, Esther (Anna) Przeworski-Pratt, photographs
RG-01.05.01, Siegfried Halbreich, Report in the form of testimony
RG-01.05.02, State Museum of Auschwitz, letter to Siegfried Halbreich
RG-01.05.03, Siegfried Halbreich, proofs of incarceration in Auschwitz
RG-01.05.04, Siegfried Halbreich, Identification papers by US military administration
RG-01.05.05, Siegfried Halbreich, ID card issued by US Military authorities of Wiesbaden Detachment
RG-01.05.06, List of Lectures given by Siegfried Halbreich, 1960-2002
RG-01.06.01, Barry Ziff Letter to his parents in the US, dated by 9 April 1945
RG-01.06.02, Barry Ziff Testimony, The Nazis' Last Act
RG-01.06.03, Barry Ziff, 22 March 1944, London, photograph
RG-01.07, Erica Leon - Her Story in History
RG-, Temporary identification paper issued to Anna Wójcik by the Magistrate (City Hall) of Skierniewice
RG-, Photocopy of a Worker’s Card (Arbeitskarte) issued to Anna Lipszyc under her false name, Anna Wójcik
RG-, Photocopy of Anna Lipszyc’s provisional foreign refugee pass
RG-, Two photographs of Anna Lipszyc (Anna Wójcik)(left) with another woman, July 1945, Germany.
RG-, A group photograph of five women, Anna Lipszyc is first from the right. July 1945, Germany
RG-, Certificate issued to Anna Lipszyc by the Office of Military Government (US) in Stuttgart, March 1946
RG-, Employee ID card, issued to Anna Lipszyc by the Office of Military Government (US) in Wurttemberg-Baden
RG-, Anna Lipszyc’s employee badge issued by US Military Government for Württemberg-Baden, 1946
RG-, Letter from Jurek to Anna Lipszyc, in Polish, dated June 19, 1943, Miedzyrzec-Podlaski
RG- Letter from Jurek to Anna Lipszyc, in Polish, dated June, 29, 1943. Sent from Miedzyrzec
RG-, Postcard from Jurek to Anna Lipszyc, in Polish, dated July 17, 1943, sent from Miedzyrzec-Podlaski
RG-, Letter from Jurek to Anna Lipszyc, in German, dated November 15, 1943. Sent from Lublin Castle Prison.
RG-, Letter from Jurek to Anna Lipszyc, in German, dated June 12, 1944, Buchenwald Concentration Camp.
RG-, Translation, Letter from Jurek to Anna Lipszyc, dated 12 June, 1944 from Buchenwald Concentration Camp
RG- Translation, Letter from Jurek to Anna Lipszyc, dated June 19, 1943
RG- Translation, Letter from Jurek to Anna Lipszyc, dated 15 September, 1943. Censored from Lublin Castle Prison
RG- Translation, Letter from Jurek to Anna Lipszyc, dated 12 June, 1944 from Buchenwald Concentration Camp
RG-01.09.01, Betti Gerard, a children book of wishes written by her mates at Westerbork Camp
RG-01.09.02, Betti Gerard, a book of wishes compiled during the journey from Amsterdam to New York, postwar
RG-01.09.03, Photograph, Betti Gerard as a young child
RG-01.09.04, Photograph at Westerbork Camp, children and teachers near the school, 1942
RG-01.09.05, Photograph at Westerbork Camp, a group of men, including David Kubaschka in the shoe repair workshop, undated
RG-01.09.06, Photograph of Betti Gerard, at the Orphanage, Netherlands
RG-01.09.07, Photograph of Betti and her mother Friedel
RG-01.09.08, Photograph of Betti Gerard, Westerbork camp, the Netherlands, 1940
RG-01.09.09, Betti Gerard, Westerbork, before May 1940
RG-01.09.10, David Kubaszka (Betti’s father), camp identification document
RG-01.09.11, David Kubaska (Betti’s father), Polish passport, issued in 1947
RG-01.09.12, Kubaschka family photographs (Betti Gerard), Dortmund, 1936 – 1938
RG-01.09.13, Betti Gerard wartime family photographs
RG-01.09.14, Family album for the Kubaschka family
RG-01.09.15, First Transport to Westerbork of German Jews, Lloyd Hotel, Amsterdam, 1939
RG-01.09.16, Marriage certificate for David Kubaschka and Blimy Tennenbaum, issued 28 March 1933 in Dortmund, Germany
RG-01.10.01, Marta Mitdank Diary, October 1946
RG-01.11.01, Dawid Gertler Papers, Notes in Yiddish 17.
RG-01.11.02, Dawid Gertler Papers, page 21
RG-01.11.03, Dawid Gertler Papers, p. 21, translation
RG-01.11.04, David Gertler, Estera Epstein, statement for the Jewish Court of Honor, translation
RG-01.11.05, Dawid Gertler Papers p. 24, translation
RG-01.11.06, David Gertler, p. 22, translation
RG-01.11.07, Dawid Gertler Papers 34
RG-01.11.08, Dawid Gertler papers p. 34, translation
RG-01.11.09, Dawid Gertler Papers 24
RG-01.11.10, Dawid Gertler Papers, final defense
RG-01.11.11, Dawid Gertler Papers, Defense notes in Yiddish, 12
RG-01.11.12, Dawid Gertler, final defense, translation
RG-01.11.13, Dawid Gertler Papers, defense notes, Yiddish, 18
RG-01.11.15, Dawid Gertler papers, pp. 17,18, translation
RG-01.11.16, Dawid Gertler, Protocol of 27 and 28 September 1949
RG-01.11.17 Dawid Gertler, defense August 1949, translation
RG-01.11.18, Dawid Gertler Papers, 10,11,14,15,19,20, 23,25,-27, 29,32,33,37-41, the entire document, Yiddish
RG-01.11.19, Dawid Gertler Papers, p. 27, 30, translation
RG-01.11.20, Dawid Gertler, defense notes, Yiddish, August 1949
RG-01.11.21, Dawid Gertler Papers, Estera Epstein, defense notes, Yiddish, 44
RG-01.11.22, Dawid Gertler, p. 31, translation
RG-01.11.23, Dawid Gertler Papers p. 39, witnesses, , translation
RG-01.11.24 Dawid Gertler Papers, a note to Estera Epstein, Yiddish, 31
RG-01.11.25, Dawid Gertler Papers, Notes in Yiddish, recollections, 1-9
RG-01.11.26, Dawid Gertler Papers, Notes in Yiddish, p. 17
RG-01.11.27, Dawid Gertler Papers, witnesses, Yiddish, p. 42,
RG-01.11.28, Dawid Gertler Papers, witnesses, English and Yiddish, p. 43,
RG-01.11.29, Dawid Gertler Papers, Investigative materials , translations
RG-01.12.01- Ludwik Hirszfeld, Historia Jednego Zycia, the History of one's life
RG-01.13.01- Josef Broide narrative
RG-01.13.02- Josef Broide, envelope
RG-01.13.03- Letter introducing Mr. Broide manuscript, signed by Abraham Dobbins
RG-01.14.01, Henryk Gliksman, narrative about Rakow concentration camp in 1942, 1943
RG-01.14.02, Henryk Gliksman, Handwritten notes
RG-01.14.03, Henryk Gliksman, Protocol in from of testimony,
RG-01.14.04, Henryk Gliksman, Letter to the “Rehabilitacje Committe (Rehabilitation Committee), indictment
RG-01.14.05, Henryk Gliksman, Points of defense against the indictment
RG-01.14.06, Henryk Gliksman, chronologic narrative for his own defense, pdf
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, chronologic narrative for his own defense , Translation
RG-01.14.07, Henryk Gliksman, Narrative of an escape episode for his own defense in Polish
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, Narrative of an escape episode for his own defense, Translation
RG-01.14.08, Henryk Gliksman, Letter to Historical Commission of the Central-Committee in Munich
RG-01.14.09, Henryk Gliksman
RG-01.14.09, Henryk Gliksman, Letter to Historical Commission of the Central-Committee in Munich, continuation
RG-01.14.10, Henryk Gliksman, Affidavits of two witnesses, in German
RG-01.14.11, Henryk Gliksman, Transcript of Affidavits, in German,
RG-01.14.12, Henryk Gliksman, List of witnesses names, former prisonser, in Yiddish,
RG-01.14.13, Henryk Gliksman, Affidavit of Chaim Szule in Yiddish
RG-01.14.14, Henryk Gliksman, Transcript of the affidavit of Dr. Josef Opatowski, in German,
RG-01.14.15, Henryk Gliksman, List of witnesses, former prisoners,
RG-01.14.16, Henryk Gliksman, handwritten note, an address
RG-01.14.17, Henryk Gliksman, postal documents
RG-01.14.18, Henryk Gliksman, Letter of Notification to Estera Epstein of legal defense
RG-01.14.19, Henryk Gliksman, Testimony of Marzej Krauze
RG-01.14.20, Henryk Gliksman, Statement of Marzej Krauze
RG-01.14.21, Henryk Gliksman,Witnesses from Rakow concentration camp, in Polish
RG-01.14.22, Henryk Gliksman, Letter of Notification to Estera Epstein about taking up legal defense
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, Letter of Notification to Estera Epstein about taking up legal defense, Translation
RG-01.14.23, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Henryk Gliksman to Estera Epstein, notification of a visit
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Henryk Gliksman to Estera Epstein, notification of a visit, Translation
RG-01.14.24, Henryk Gliksman, Letter of Gliksman's wife to Estera Epstein, elaborating details
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, Letter of Gliksman's wife to Estera Epstein, elaborating details, Translation
RG-01.14.25, Henryk Gliksman, Letter to Henryk Gliksman and his wife, in Polish, July 1949
RG-01.14.26, Henryk Gliksman, Letter to defense attorney Estera Epstein
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, Letter to attorney Estera Epstein, Translation
RG-01.14.27 Henryk Gliksman, postal documents
RG-01.14.28, Henryk Gliksman, Letter to Henryk Gliksman from Estera Epstein about the progress of his case
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, Letter to Henry Gliksman from Estera Epstein about the progress of his case, , Translation
RG-01.14.29, Henryk Gliksman, Letter to attorney Estear Epstein from Maria Gliksman
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, Letter to attorney Estee Epstein from Maria Gliksman, translation
RG-01.14.30, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Maria Gliksman to attorney Estera Epstein
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Maria Gliksman to attorney Estera Epstein, Translation
RG-01.14.31, Henryk Gliksman, Authorization signed by Maria Gliksman
RG-01.14.32, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Estera Epstein, attorney, to Henryk Gliksman regarding the witnesses
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Estera Epstein, attorney, to Henryk Gliksman regarding the witnesses, Translation
RG-01.14.33, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Estera Epstein, attorney, to Henryk Gliksman about indictment and witnesses
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Estera Epstein, attorney, to Henryk Gliksman about indictment and witnesses, , Translation
RG-01.14.34, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Estera Epstein, attorney, Henryk Gliksman about his case
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Estera Epstein, attorney, Henryk Gliksman about his case, , Translation
RG-01.14.35, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Estera Epstein, attorney, to Henryk Gliksman about legal representation
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Estera Epstein, attorney, to Henryk Gliksman about legal representation, Translation
RG-01.14.36, Henryk Gliksman, Testimony of Henryk Gliksman, a letter to Estera Epstein, attorney
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, Testimony of Henryk Gliksman, a letter to Estera Epstein, attorney, Translation
RG-01.14.37, Henryk Gliksman, letter from Maria Gliksman to Estera Epstein
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Maria Gliksman to Estera Epstein, attorney , Translation
RG-01.14.38, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Henryk Gliksman and Maria Gliksman to Estera Epstein, attorney, in Polish
RG-, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Henryk Gliksman and Maria Gliksman to Estera Epstein, attorney, Translation
RG-01.14.39, Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Henryk Gliksman to Estera Epstein, attorney
RG-, , Henryk Gliksman, Letter from Henryk Gliksman to Estera Epstein, attorney, Translation
RG-01.15.01-Alice Schragai Memoirs, Slovakia, Hungary
RG-, Memorandum, Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US zone in Germany, Part 2
RG-, Conference notes taken on a Polish military mission, Berlin, September 1947, Part 1
RG-, Conference notes taken on a Polish military mission, Berlin, September 1947, Part 2
RG-, Conference notes taken on a Polish military mission, Berlin, September 1947, Part 3
RG-, Conference notes taken on a Polish military mission, Berlin, September 1947, Part 4
RG-01.16.03, Letter to the Legal Department of Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Warsaw, October 1947
RG-, Handwritten notes about the Jewish Court of Honor, Estera Epstein, 1949, Part 1
RG-, Handwritten notes about the Jewish Court of Honor, Estera Epstein, 1949, Part 2
RG-, Handwritten notes about the Jewish Court of Honor, Estera Epstein, 1949, Part 3
RG-, Handwritten notes about the Jewish Court of Honor, Estera Epstein, 1949, Part 4
RG-, Handwritten notes about the Jewish Court of Honor, Estera Epstein, 1949, Part 5
RG-, Handwritten notes about the Jewish Court of Honor, Estera Epstein, 1949, Part 6
RG-, Handwritten notes about the Jewish Court of Honor, Estera Epstein, 1949, Part 7
RG-01.16.05, Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US zone of occupation in Germany, Memorandum, in Polish
RG-01.16.06, Notice from the Legal Dept. of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the U.S. zone of occupation
RG-01.16.07, Business trip arrangements and permissions issued by the American military authorities
RG-01.16.08, Memorandum issued by the Legal Department of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in U.S. zone of occupation in Germany
RG-, Handwritten notes by attorney, Estera Epstein, Part 1
RG-, Handwritten notes by attorney, Estera Epstein, Part 2
RG-, Handwritten notes by attorney, Estera Epstein, Part 3
RG-, Handwritten notes by attorney, Estera Epstein, Part 4
RG-, Handwritten notes by attorney, Estera Epstein, Part 5
RG-, Handwritten notes by attorney, Estera Epstein, Part 6
RG-, Handwritten notes by attorney, Estera Epstein, Part 7
RG-, Handwritten notes by attorney, Estera Epstein, Part 8
RG-, Handwritten notes by attorney, Estera Epstein, Part 9
RG-, Handwritten notes by attorney, Estera Epstein, Part 10
RG-, Handwritten notes by attorney, Estera Epstein, Part 11
RG-01.17.02, Otto Herskovic Memoirs. Part 2
RG-01.17.03, Otto Herskovic Memoirs. Part 3
RG-01.17.04, Otto Herskovic Memoirs. Part 4
RG-01.17.05, Otto Herskovic Memoirs. Part 5
RG-01.17.06, Otto Herskovic Memoirs. Part 6
RG-01.17.07, Otto Herskovic Memoirs. Part 7
RG-01.17.08, Otto Herskovic Memoirs. Part 8
RG-01.17.09, Otto Herskovic Memoirs. Part 9
RG-01.17.10, Otto Herskovic Memoirs. Part 10
RG-01.17.11, Otto Herskovic Memoirs. Part 11
RG-01.17.12, Otto Herskovic Memoirs. Part 12
RG-01.17.13, Otto Herskovic Memoirs. Part 13
RG-01.17.14, Otto Herskovic Memoirs. Part 14
RG-01.17.15, Otto Herskovic Memoirs. Part 15
RG-01.17.16, Otto Herskovic Memoirs. Part 16
RG-01.17.17, Otto Herskovic Memoirs. Part 17
RG-01.17.18, Otto Herskovic Memoirs. Part 18
RG-01.17.19, Otto Herskovic Memoirs. Part 19
RG-01.17.20, Otto Herskovic Memoirs. Part 20
RG-01.17.21, Otto Herskovic Memoirs. Part 21
RG-01.17.22, Otto Herskovic Memoirs. Part 22
RG-01.17.23, Otto Herskovic Memoirs. Part 23
RG-01.18.01, John van Huzun, Diary, original text in Dutch
RG-01.18.02, John van Huzon, Diary, translation to English
RG-01.19.01, Rysia Edelman Wartime Memoir
RG-01.20.01, Ernest (Jacob) Lorant memoir, Hungary 1944-1946
Sub-Collection 1: RG-01.01, Irena Lusky Collection, 1976 -- 1977
Sub-Collection 2: RG-01.02, Nika Fleissig papers, ca. 1920-1989
Sub-Collection 3: RG-01.03, Collection of Dachau diaries and letters, 1933-1945
Sub-Collection 4: RG-01.04, Anna Przeworska-Pratt papers, 1939 -1973
Sub-Collection 5: RG-01.05, Siegfried Halbreich papers, 1939 -- 1970s
Sub-Collection 6: RG-01.06, Barry Ziff papers, 1944-1945
Sub-Collection 7: RG-01.07, Erica Leon Testimony
Sub-Collection 8: RG-01.08, Anna Lipszyc papers, 1939 -- 1946
Sub-Collection 9: RG-01.09, Betti Gerard papers, 1936-1949
Sub-Collection 10: RG-01.10, Marta Mitdank testimony, 15 October 1946
Sub-Collection 11: RG-01.11, Dawid Gertler papers, 1948-1949
Sub-Collection 12: RG-01.12, Ludwik Hirshfeld memoir, 1946
Sub-Collection 13: RG-01.13, Josef Broide papers, 1979
Sub-Collection 14: RG-01.14, Henryk Gliksman papers, 1948-1949
Sub-Collection 15: RG-01.15, Alice Schragai memoir, 21 January 1982
Sub-Collection 16: RG-01.16, Central Committee of Liberated Jews in U.S. Zone of Occupation in Germany papers, 1946-1949
Sub-Collection 17: RG-01.17, Otto Herskovic memoir, 1946
Sub-Collection 18: RG-01.18, John van Huzun wartime diary the Netherlands, 1944-1945
Sub-Collection 19: RG-01.19, Rysia Edelman, Wartime Memoir, Poland
Sub-Collection 20: RG-01.20, Ernest (Jacob) Lorant memoir, Hungary, 1944-1946