RG-111.01.05, Chwila. Wednesday 28, September 1921. No. 967, discoures of th e attempt by Fedak | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

RG-111.01.05, Chwila. Wednesday 28, September 1921. No. 967, discoures of th e attempt by Fedak.pdf (PDF Document, 6.33 MB)
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RG-111.01.05, Chwila. Wednesday 28, September 1921. No. 967, discoures of th e attempt by Fedak
Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
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Political trials (processes) in interwar East Galicia and Poland, 1918-1939
Collection of Folder-Level 1: RG -111.01, Stepan Fedak, Trial, 1921, 1922
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 5: RG-111.01.05, Chwila. Wednesday 28, September 1921. No. 967, discoures of th e attempt by Fedak

Chwila (the Moment), editorial board and contributors (1919 -- 1939)
Chwila Publishing Association, 1920 -- 1939
Chwila, newspaper, Jewish (Polish) (1919 -- 1939)
Chwila Publishing Association, 1920 -- 1939
Chwila, newspaper, Jewish (Polish) (1919 -- 1939)
Attempt on Pilsudski's life at the Ratusza (City Hall) on September 25, 1921, Lwow (Lviv) by Fedak
Attempt on Pilsudski's life by Stepan Fedak, September 25, 1921, reflections and discourse, Chwila
Documents in Polish language
Eastern Galicia (Poland: Region)
Eastern Galicia (Ukraine: Region)
First General Census of population in Poland, September 1921
First General Census of Population in Poland, September 1921, reflections in Chwila, September 1921
Lviv (Ukraine)
Lwow (Poland)
Narratives in Polish language
Periodicals, Jewish
Periodicals, Jewish, interwar Poland
Periodicals Jewish in Polish language published in Lwow (Lviv), Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
Polish press regarded Pilsudski a supporter of Ukrainian cause, reflections in Chwila September 1921
Reflections on Stepan Fedak assassination attempt on Jozef Pilsudski, September 1921, Chwila
Short reportages and news, reflected in Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
Targi Wschodnie (the Eastern Fairs), advertised establishments in Chwila, 1921
The course of assassination plot implemented by Fedak and co-conspirators, reflected in Chwila, 1921
Ukrainian anti-Polish conspiracy and conspirators, Fedak attempt on the life of Jozef Pilsudski 1921
Attempt on Pilsudski's life by Stepan Fedak, September 25, 1921, reflections and discourse, Chwila
Documents in Polish language
Eastern Galicia (Poland: Region)
Eastern Galicia (Ukraine: Region)
First General Census of population in Poland, September 1921
First General Census of Population in Poland, September 1921, reflections in Chwila, September 1921
Lviv (Ukraine)
Lwow (Poland)
Narratives in Polish language
Periodicals, Jewish
Periodicals, Jewish, interwar Poland
Periodicals Jewish in Polish language published in Lwow (Lviv), Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
Polish press regarded Pilsudski a supporter of Ukrainian cause, reflections in Chwila September 1921
Reflections on Stepan Fedak assassination attempt on Jozef Pilsudski, September 1921, Chwila
Short reportages and news, reflected in Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
Targi Wschodnie (the Eastern Fairs), advertised establishments in Chwila, 1921
The course of assassination plot implemented by Fedak and co-conspirators, reflected in Chwila, 1921
Ukrainian anti-Polish conspiracy and conspirators, Fedak attempt on the life of Jozef Pilsudski 1921