RG-88.08, Sprawozdanie Stenograoficzne, z 12 posiedzenia Sejmu RP, February 6, 1923 | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

RG-88.08, Sprawozdanie Stenograoficzne, z 12 posiedzenia Sejmu RP, February 6, 1923.pdf (PDF Document, 7.31 MB)
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RG-88.08, Sprawozdanie Stenograoficzne, z 12 posiedzenia Sejmu RP, February 6, 1923
Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
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Sejm of the Second Polish Republic, 1922 -- 1939, 1922-1939
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 8: RG-88.08, Sprawozdanie Stenograoficzne, z 12 posiedzenia Sejmu RP, February 6, 1923

Secretariat of the First Term Sejm (parliament) of the Second Polish Republic, 1922 – 1927 (1922 -- 1927)
The First Term Sejm (parliament) of the Second Polish Republic, 1922 -- 1927 (1922 -- 1927)
The First Term Sejm (parliament) of the Second Polish Republic, 1922 -- 1927 (1922 -- 1927)
Aleksander Skrzynski, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Polish Government, 1923
Expose, interpellations, speeches, inquiries, the Sejm (parliament) of the Second Polish Republic
Expose of Foreign Minister, Skrynski, First Term Sejm, the 12th session, February 6, 1923
Interpellations of parliamentarians, the First Term Sejm (parliament), Poland, interwar period
Introductions of new bills, statutes and acts, the First Term Sejm (parliament), Poland, 1922 - 1927
Jan Lopuszankis, Minister of Public Works, Polish Government, 1923
Parliamentarians of the First Term Sejm, 1922 -- 1927, Poland, interwar period
Parliamentary discourse of parliamentarians immunity, the case of Lancucki, Bryl, Falkowski, 1923
Report of Treasure and Budget Commission, the First Term Sejm, 1923, 12th session, interwar
Reports of the parliamentary commissions, the First Term Sejm, 1922 - 1927, interwar Poland
Stenographic report of the 12 session, the First Term Sejm, February 6, 1923, interwar
Stenographic reports of the sessions of the Sejm, the Second Polish Republic, 1918 -- 1939
The First Term Sejm of Poland, 1922 -- 1927, parliamentary discourse, stenographic reports, interwar
Wasclaw Makowski, Minister of Justice, Polish Government, 1923
Wladyslaw Grabski, Minister of Treasure, Polish Government, 1923
Wladyslaw Sikorski, Prime Minister, Polish Government, 1923
Expose, interpellations, speeches, inquiries, the Sejm (parliament) of the Second Polish Republic
Expose of Foreign Minister, Skrynski, First Term Sejm, the 12th session, February 6, 1923
Interpellations of parliamentarians, the First Term Sejm (parliament), Poland, interwar period
Introductions of new bills, statutes and acts, the First Term Sejm (parliament), Poland, 1922 - 1927
Jan Lopuszankis, Minister of Public Works, Polish Government, 1923
Parliamentarians of the First Term Sejm, 1922 -- 1927, Poland, interwar period
Parliamentary discourse of parliamentarians immunity, the case of Lancucki, Bryl, Falkowski, 1923
Report of Treasure and Budget Commission, the First Term Sejm, 1923, 12th session, interwar
Reports of the parliamentary commissions, the First Term Sejm, 1922 - 1927, interwar Poland
Stenographic report of the 12 session, the First Term Sejm, February 6, 1923, interwar
Stenographic reports of the sessions of the Sejm, the Second Polish Republic, 1918 -- 1939
The First Term Sejm of Poland, 1922 -- 1927, parliamentary discourse, stenographic reports, interwar
Wasclaw Makowski, Minister of Justice, Polish Government, 1923
Wladyslaw Grabski, Minister of Treasure, Polish Government, 1923
Wladyslaw Sikorski, Prime Minister, Polish Government, 1923