By Staff
Collection Overview
Title: Cherna Kapulkina Papers, 1939-1970

Predominant Dates:1939 -- 1970s
ID: RG-57/
Primary Creator: Cherna Kapulkina (1939 1970s)
Extent: 1.0 Boxes
Subjects: Belarus (1939-1944), Chaya Kapulkina, from Polotsk, perished in the Holocaust, 1941, Cherna Kapulkina, from Polotsk, Belarus, collaboration in the Holocaust, Collaboration in the Holocaust in Belarus, 1941 -- 1944, Correspondence from the Soviet Red Army, from the active combat units, 1941 -- 1945, Correspondence to and from Polotsk, Belarus, postwar, Documents in Russian language, Family History, Kapulkiny (s), Holocaust, history, Holocaust in USSR (1941-1944), Kapulkin Family, Polotsk, Belarus, Kiev (Ukraine), Local auxiliary police in Belarus, 1941 -- 1944, Mendel Kapulkin, 1915 -- 1941, perished in the Holocaust in Polotsk, Belarus, 1941, Narratives in Russian language, Personal correspondence, Personal correspondence, Cherna Kapulkina, Pesia Kapulkina-Minkovich, perished in the Holocaust in Polotsk, 1915 -- 1941, Polotsk (Belarus), Postwar research and narratives on the History of the Holocaust, The Holocaust in Belarus, 1941 -- 1944, The USSR (1941--1945)
Languages: Russian
This collection comprises individual and official correspondence and family photographs related to Cherna Kapulkina and her family
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Therea are personal correspondence of the wartime and postwar period withr regard to the fate of Jews in Polotsk, Belarus in 1941. Family photographs and the photographs of the Holocaust-related sites are also included in to this Collection
Collection Historical Note
This Collection comprises personal correspondence and family photographs of the wartime and postwar period in Polots, Belarus. The documents relate to the Holocaust in a small town of Polotsk and to the postwar search for relatives and other faimly members of this family.
RG-57.01, Cherna Kapulkina Papers, Photograph of Chaya Kapulkin, 1886-1941
RG-57.02, Cherna Kapulkina Papers, Letter folded into a triangle-01
RG-57.03, Cherna Kapulkina Papers, Letter folded into a triangle-02
RG-57.04, Cherna Kapulkina Papers, Letter folded into a triangle-03
RG-57.05, Cherna Kapulkina Papers, Letter with envelope-01
RG-57.06, Cherna Kapulkina Papers, Letter with envelope-02
RG-57.07, Cherna Kapulkina Papers, Letter with envelope-03
RG-57.08, Cherna Kapulkina Papers, Letter with envelope-04
RG-57.09, Cherna Kapulkina Papers, Letter with envelope-05
RG-57.10, Cherna Kapulkina Papers, Photograph of Mendel Kapulkin, 1924-1941
RG-57.11, Cherna Kapulkina Papers, Photograph of Minkovich Kapulkin-Peysa, 1915-1941
Biographical Note
It is a personal collection of prewar and wartime photographs. The immediate postwar correspondence shed light on the tragic fate of Ms. Kapulkina family in the ghetto of Polotsk in Belarus in 1941.
Subject/Index Terms
Belarus (1939-1944)
Chaya Kapulkina, from Polotsk, perished in the Holocaust, 1941
Cherna Kapulkina, from Polotsk, Belarus
collaboration in the Holocaust
Collaboration in the Holocaust in Belarus, 1941 -- 1944
Correspondence from the Soviet Red Army, from the active combat units, 1941 -- 1945
Correspondence to and from Polotsk, Belarus, postwar
Documents in Russian language
Family History, Kapulkiny (s)
Holocaust, history
Holocaust in USSR (1941-1944)
Kapulkin Family, Polotsk, Belarus
Kiev (Ukraine)
Local auxiliary police in Belarus, 1941 -- 1944
Mendel Kapulkin, 1915 -- 1941, perished in the Holocaust in Polotsk, Belarus, 1941
Narratives in Russian language
Personal correspondence
Personal correspondence, Cherna Kapulkina
Pesia Kapulkina-Minkovich, perished in the Holocaust in Polotsk, 1915 -- 1941
Polotsk (Belarus)
Postwar research and narratives on the History of the Holocaust
The Holocaust in Belarus, 1941 -- 1944
The USSR (1941--1945)
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Document/Artifact of Item-Level:
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 1: RG-57.01, Chaya Kapulkina, mother of Cherna Kapulkina, 1886-1941, 1939 -- 1941],
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 2: RG-57.02, Letter from the army, folded into a triangle, addressed to Ts. A. Kapulkina in Kiev, 1944],
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 3: RG-57.03, Letter from the army, unfolded from a triangle envelope, addressed to Ts. A. Kapulkina in Kiev, 1944],
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 4: RG-57.04, Letter from the army, unfolded text, addressed to Ts. A. Kapulkina in Kiev, 1944],
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 5: RG-57.05, Letter from Tsena (Cherna) Kapulkina to Shura Dusheva in Polotsk, Belarus, September 1944, 1944],
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 6: RG-57.06, Letter from Tsera (Chera) Kapulkina to Shura Dusheva in Polotsk, text, September 1944, 1944],
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 7: RG-57.07, Mendel Kapulkin, perished in the Holocaust in Polotsk, Belarus, 1915 -- 1941, 1939 --1941],
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 8: RG-57.08, Pesia Kapulkina-Minkovich, perished in the Holocaust in Polotsk, 1915 -- 1941, 1939 -- 1941],
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 1: RG-57.01, Chaya Kapulkina, mother of Cherna Kapulkina, 1886-1941, 1939 -- 1941

- Photograph of Chaya Kapulkina, mother of Cherna Kapulkina. Chaya Kapulkina perished in the Holocaust in Polotsk, Belarus in 1941
- Subject/Index Terms:
Chaya Kapulkina, from Polotsk, perished in the Holocaust, 1941
Chaya Kapulkin, 1886--1941
The Holocaust in Belarus, 1941 -- 1944
Polotsk (Belarus)
Annihilation of Jews in Polotsk, Belarus, 1941
Family History, Kapulkiny (s)
family photographs
Family photographs, Kapulkiny (s) family
Local auxiliary police in Belarus, 1941 -- 1944
Local collaborators in the Holocaust
Local collaborators in Polotsk, Belarus, 1941 -- 1945
Belarus (1939-1944)
- Creators:
Cherna Kapulkina (1939 1970s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 2: RG-57.02, Letter from the army, folded into a triangle, addressed to Ts. A. Kapulkina in Kiev, 1944

- A letter from the Soviet Red Army addressed to Tsera (Cherna) Kapulkina in Kiev, 1944
- Subject/Index Terms:
Cherna Kapulkina, from Polotsk, Belarus
Cherna (Tsera) Kapulkina from Polotsk, Belarus
Personal correspondence, Cherna Kapulkina
Correspondence from the Soviet Red Army, from the active combat units, 1941 -- 1945
Kiev (Ukraine)
The USSR (1941--1945)
Narratives in Russian language
Polotsk (Belarus)
Documents in Russian language
- Creators:
Cherna Kapulkina
Cherna Kapulkina (1939 1970s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 3: RG-57.03, Letter from the army, unfolded from a triangle envelope, addressed to Ts. A. Kapulkina in Kiev, 1944

- A lettter from the Soviet Red Army, addressed to Tsera (Cherna) Kapulkina in Kiev, 1944
- Subject/Index Terms:
Cherna (Tsera) Kapulkina from Polotsk, Belarus
Cherna Kapulkina, from Polotsk, Belarus
Personal correspondence, Cherna Kapulkina
Correspondence from the Soviet Red Army, from the active combat units, 1941 -- 1945
Kiev (Ukraine)
Polotsk (Belarus)
Narratives in Russian language
The USSR (1941--1945)
The Holocaust in Belarus, 1941 -- 1944
Belarus (1939-1944)
Collaboration in the Holocaust in Belarus, 1941 -- 1944
Documents in Russian language
- Creators:
Cherna Kapulkina
Cherna Kapulkina (1939 1970s)
Tsera (Cherna) Kapulkina from Polotsk, Belarus (1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 4: RG-57.04, Letter from the army, unfolded text, addressed to Ts. A. Kapulkina in Kiev, 1944

- A letter from the witness of the annihilation of the Jews in Polotsk
- Subject/Index Terms:
Cherna (Tsera) Kapulkina from Polotsk, Belarus
Cherna Kapulkina, from Polotsk, Belarus
Personal correspondence, Cherna Kapulkina
Correspondence from the Soviet Red Army, from the active combat units, 1941 -- 1945
Holocaust, history
The Holocaust in Belarus, 1941 -- 1944
Collaboration in the Holocaust in Belarus, 1941 -- 1944
Annihilation of Jews in Polotsk, Belarus, 1941
The USSR (1941--1945)
Holocaust in USSR (1941-1944)
Belarus (1939-1944)
Kiev (Ukraine)
Polotsk (Belarus)
Narratives in Russian language
Documents in Russian language
- Creators:
Cherna Kapulkina
Cherna Kapulkina (1939 1970s)
Tsera (Cherna) Kapulkina from Polotsk, Belarus (1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 5: RG-57.05, Letter from Tsena (Cherna) Kapulkina to Shura Dusheva in Polotsk, Belarus, September 1944, 1944

- A letter from Tsera (Cherna) Kapulkina to Shura Dusheva in Polotsk, Belarus, September 1944
- Subject/Index Terms:
Cherna (Tsera) Kapulkina from Polotsk, Belarus
Cherna Kapulkina, from Polotsk, Belarus
Personal correspondence, Cherna Kapulkina
Shura Dusheva, resident of Polots, witness
Personal correspondence
The Holocaust in Belarus, 1941 -- 1944
Collaboration in the Holocaust in Belarus, 1941 -- 1944
Local collaborators in the Holocaust
Local collaborators in Polotsk, Belarus, 1941 -- 1945
Polotsk (Belarus)
Inquiries about family members and friends
Inquiries about family members and friends in Polotsk, Belarus
Inquiries about family members and friends, Cherna (Tsera) Kapulkina
Belarus (1939-1944)
The USSR (1941--1945)
Narratives in Russian language
Documents in Russian language
- Creators:
Cherna Kapulkina
Cherna Kapulkina (1939 1970s)
Tsera (Cherna) Kapulkina from Polotsk, Belarus (1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 6: RG-57.06, Letter from Tsera (Chera) Kapulkina to Shura Dusheva in Polotsk, text, September 1944, 1944

- A letter from Tsera Kapulkina to Shura Dusheva in Polotsk, text, September 1944
- Subject/Index Terms:
Cherna (Tsera) Kapulkina from Polotsk, Belarus
Cherna Kapulkina, from Polotsk, Belarus
Inquiries about family members and friends, Cherna (Tsera) Kapulkina
Personal correspondence, Cherna Kapulkina
Shura Dusheva, resident of Polots, witness
Collaboration in the Holocaust in Belarus, 1941 -- 1944
The Holocaust in Belarus, 1941 -- 1944
Annihilation of Jews in Polotsk, Belarus, 1941
Witnesses' accounts on the annihilation of Jews in the Holocaust
Witnesses' accounts on the annihilation of Jews in Belarus, 1941 -- 1944
Witnesses' accounts on the annihilation of Jews in the Holocaust, Shura Dusheva
Polotsk (Belarus)
Narratives in Russian language
Documents in Russian language
- Creators:
Cherna Kapulkina
Cherna Kapulkina (1939 1970s)
Tsera (Cherna) Kapulkina from Polotsk, Belarus (1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 7: RG-57.07, Mendel Kapulkin, perished in the Holocaust in Polotsk, Belarus, 1915 -- 1941, 1939 --1941

- A photograph of Mendel Kapulkin who perished in the Holocaust in Polotsk, Belarus in 1941
- Subject/Index Terms:
Cherna (Tsera) Kapulkina from Polotsk, Belarus
Cherna Kapulkina, from Polotsk, Belarus
Inquiries about family members and friends, Cherna (Tsera) Kapulkina
Mendel Kapulkin, 1915 -- 1941, perished in the Holocaust in Polotsk, Belarus, 1941
Mendel Kapulkin, 1924--1941
Collaboration in the Holocaust in Belarus, 1941 -- 1944
The Holocaust in Belarus, 1941 -- 1944
Annihilation of Jews in Polotsk, Belarus, 1941
Family History, Kapulkiny (s)
Local collaborators in the Holocaust
Local collaborators in Polotsk, Belarus, 1941 -- 1945
Victims of the mass annihilation in the Holocaust
Victims of the mass annihilation of Jews in Belarus, 1941 -- 1944
Victims of the mass annihilation of Jews in Polotsk, Belarus, 1941
Victims of the mass annihilation of Jews in Polotsk, Belarus, 1941, Mendel Kapulkin
family photographs
Family photographs, Kapulkiny (s) family
Family Photographs, Mendel Kapulkin
Belarus (1939-1944)
The fate of relatives and loved ones in the Holocaust
The fate of relatives and loved ones in the Holocaust, Mendel Kapulkin
- Creators:
Cherna Kapulkina
Cherna Kapulkina (1939 1970s)
Tsera (Cherna) Kapulkina from Polotsk, Belarus (1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 8: RG-57.08, Pesia Kapulkina-Minkovich, perished in the Holocaust in Polotsk, 1915 -- 1941, 1939 -- 1941

- A photograph of Pesia Kapulkin-Minkovich who perished in the Holocaust in Polotsk in 1941
- Subject/Index Terms:
Cherna (Tsera) Kapulkina from Polotsk, Belarus
Cherna Kapulkina, from Polotsk, Belarus
Inquiries about family members and friends, Cherna (Tsera) Kapulkina
Collaboration in the Holocaust in Belarus, 1941 -- 1944
The Holocaust in Belarus, 1941 -- 1944
Annihilation of Jews in Polotsk, Belarus, 1941
Victims of the mass annihilation of Jews in Belarus, 1941 -- 1944
Victims of the mass annihilation of Jews in Polotsk, Belarus, 1941
Victims of mass annihilation of Jews in Polotsk, Belarus in 1941, Pesia Kapulkina-Minkovich
Local collaborators in the Holocaust
Local collaborators in Polotsk, Belarus, 1941 -- 1945
The fate of relatives and loved ones in the Holocaust
The fate of relatives and loved ones in the Holocaust, Pesia Kapulkina - Minkovich, 1941
Family photographs, Kapulkiny (s) family
Family photographs, Pesia Kapulkina - Minkovich
- Creators:
Cherna Kapulkina
Cherna Kapulkina (1939 1970s)
Tsera (Cherna) Kapulkina from Polotsk, Belarus (1940s)