RG-97.02.02, Written correspondence inquiring about missing brother, from Isaac Jacobwitz in Recife, to Michael Resin. 12 October, 1945 | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

RG-97.02.02, Written correspondence inquiring about missing brother, from Isaac Jacobowitz in Recife, to Michael Resin. 12 October, 1945.pdf (PDF Document, 549.11 KB)
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RG-97.02.02, Written correspondence inquiring about missing brother, from Isaac Jacobwitz in Recife, to Michael Resin. 12 October, 1945
12 October, 1945
Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Found in:
Michael Resin Papers, 1944-1945
Collection of Folder-Level 2: RG-97.02, Written Correspondence to Michael Resin, postwar, 1945 -- 1984
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 2: RG-97.02.02, Written correspondence inquiring about missing brother, from Isaac Jacobwitz in Recife, to Michael Resin. 12 October, 1945, 12 October, 1945

Michael Resin, Canadian Military photographer (1944 -- 1984)
British military authorities (1944 -- 1945)
British military authorities (1944 -- 1945)
Allied Military Photographers, 1939-1945
Armed Forces, Allied
Armed Forces, British
Bergen-Belsen (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Bergen Belsen (Germany: Displaced Person Camp)
Brazil (1939 -- 1945)
Brazil (Southamerica)
British armed forces, 1939 -- 1939
Canada's role among the allies
Canada, 1939--1945
Correspondence between family members and friends, postwar
Correspondence with friends and family members, postwar
David Moszberg, missing person, postwar
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Brazil
Entry of Brazil into the Second World War
International correspondence, 1939 -- 1950
Isaac Jacobwitz
Michael M. Resin, Canadian military photographer, World War II
Military photographers, 1939 -- 1945
missing persons--postwar
Montreal (Canada)
postwar correspondence
postwar letters
Recife (Brazil)
Armed Forces, Allied
Armed Forces, British
Bergen-Belsen (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Bergen Belsen (Germany: Displaced Person Camp)
Brazil (1939 -- 1945)
Brazil (Southamerica)
British armed forces, 1939 -- 1939
Canada's role among the allies
Canada, 1939--1945
Correspondence between family members and friends, postwar
Correspondence with friends and family members, postwar
David Moszberg, missing person, postwar
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Brazil
Entry of Brazil into the Second World War
International correspondence, 1939 -- 1950
Isaac Jacobwitz
Michael M. Resin, Canadian military photographer, World War II
Military photographers, 1939 -- 1945
missing persons--postwar
Montreal (Canada)
postwar correspondence
postwar letters
Recife (Brazil)